Implicit Biases, Policing, and Being Simply Me.... Take a Test and Now - Your Thoughts?

Biases and Sociology....


  1. I chose to take the implicit biases survey about Arab-Muslims vs. other people. I chose this survey because it is immediately tied to our studies about ethnicity and is a large cultural issue in America. Based on the results, I have a slight automatic preference to other people over Arab-Muslims. I would consider myself to be an accepting person but I have my reservations, so I was not surprised by the results. My score has been influenced through my socialization. I have been socialized in a positive way through my family and education and in a negative way through mass media. My parents have always preached to me that I should be accepting of all of the unique aspects that comprise individuals. Tolerance has been fostered in my family for as long as I can remember. Education has socialized my view about Arab-Muslims in a positive manor. In my comparative religions class, I learned about the Islamic religion and their beliefs and practices. This experience has allowed me to be more receptive to their religion, culture, and practices. Mass media has negatively impacted how I view Arab-Muslims. In the media we only see the negative aspects of Arabs. For example, the Paris attacks, 9-11, and the beheading of the child in Moscow. These three agents of socialization have ultimately shaped my view about the Arab-Muslim people. FireFan001

    1. I kind of wish I did this test than the one I did ( sexuality), because I feel like this is a big subject that has been going on for years (since 9/11, maybe even before that too.) But unfortunately our country as a whole I believe has a hard time accepting Arab- Muslims since all of the bad attacks we have had. chicagoblackhawks001

  2. I took the test on age preferences because I have noticed in my life that I sometimes don't take old people seriously and forget that they were once my age. At the beginning of the test it asked what I thought my preference would be and I said a “moderate preference for young people” which is the score I ended up getting. I don't know if that's a true score or just a self-fulfilling prophecy affect, but wither way it's still interesting. I also wanted to take the age test because I think that age discrimination is something that is often overlooked. I think the media probably has the biggest affect on how I view older people. There isn't a lot of representation of old people in popular media and when there is those people are often a source of humor (like Betty White) or a stereotypical “grandma” or “grandpa” character. The media often fails to portray old people as real people with complex emotions and experiences. It's strange that, although I am aware of some of the reasons why I view elderly people in a more negative light than young people, I still hold prejudice against them, although I think it is mostly unintentional. HAL001

    1. I agree with you that age discrimination is often glassed over. Like you I often write of the older crowd sometimes and even young children too. I believe it is natural to most identify with people your own age, which creates discrimination. I think it would be beneficial to socialize with people of all ages to break down these barriers. FireFan001

    2. I agree that I think in order to get rid of these differences, we need to think in a different perspective. Maybe instead of just being quick to judge a person by physical features or appearances, we can test our judgments and actually think about whether or not their even fair conclusions. We need to put ourselves int their shoes and think about how they feel and maybe their are other influences that effect the position their in. MacD001

  3. I did the test regarding weight size. I did this test because it was the first one I noticed and thought it would be interesting, considering I felt completely unbiased before taking the test. During the test it had me separate images of larger body images and smaller images. I thought the results were a little surprising when it said the data resulted in "a moderate preference for thin people over large people". Those results did not settle well with me, and I became frustrated. But then I came to the conclusion that I think we all are similar in that we have this subconscious side that feels and acts a different way, depending on maybe what society has played in our life. Media, and other influences totally shape us whether we believe it or not, and I think that's evident in some of these test. MacD001

    1. I agree that the results of these tests can be surprising, but after further examination it makes you realize how agents of socialization, like the media, have had an unconscious affect on your attitudes. I got the same results, but towards young people over old people. I wasn't exactly surprised, but I'd hoped I would get a score that told me I was impartial. This test might not be the most accurate reflection of a person's attitudes, but it still gets you thinking about how your perceptions are affected by the world around you. HAL001

    2. I also agree all sizes are beautiful but everyone has a preference and its not really fair to take a test on which one you feel better towards than another. I also didn't get the same results as I thought I was going to get but it does open up the eye now to see how you really feel about the survey and what it means to you. Pineapples001

    3. I agree, the results on the test can be a major shock. The test did a good job, for asking us questions in different ways, to see what our answer would be. I think the test was great, and also open up my eyes to see things better, than what I use to.


    4. I agree with the results being surprising, I took a few different tests and some of the results where short of hard to swallow. Other then that I think taking the test was fun and interesting.

  4. I tested on the sexuality didn’t agree with this test at all. It didn’t describe me as a person I feel I am. It didn’t really capture my attention either. I kind of expected something better, but it did show an idea how people think how the world looks through society. In the beginning I felt like I was filling out a job application which at the time that’s what I really wanted to do but things got a little intense with them basically describing gays as a joke. Like it was telling you to push bad for gays and straight for good which I think isn’t fair because neither are bad. Towards the end when it showed me my results I was really shocked at the results that I got because the things that I chose were like obviously the opposite of what I wanted and I kind of want to take it over. Pineapples001

  5. I chose to take the age test. Old vs young people. I was a great test to take. It was a complete eyen opener on how you can just look at someone and tell id they're old or young. And, you'd be shocked on how many you hget wrong and right. I think in today society, we just look at people and say, "OH there old, or OHH, they're young". Most often we are wrong with our judgement. So many factors could play into why they don't fit there age. But, the test was a great thing to take, and also gave me great ideas. And, also how to peep out on people age! Picking out or trying to sort a young person face, to an older person face is much different than you may think. It was a shocker to me, and a major eye opener. Great test, and i would tell anyone to take this test and see hown they do.


  6. I chose to do the sexuality test because I feel like people are still being judged by their sexuality on a daily basis here in the United States. My results came up just as I thought they would be (little to no difference, i believe that was what it said.) I thought the test was very cool on how it is based on first reaction/ instinct, and i feel as if this test could be very eye opening for people who do not know where they stand on certain subjects. Unfortunately, I already knew where I stood on the subject so it was no big shock to have my results, so maybe I should do a different test where i am more unsure on how I feel about the topic. I am sure this test is not 100% accurate by any means, but I think it is a really good idea how the makers of the test made it based on first reaction, because a lot of things we say are first reaction things.

  7. The second implicit bias test I took was the African-American vs. European-American test. The test suggests that I have an automatic bias for Caucasians over African-Americans. I would not disagree with this statement. My automatic preference in no way makes me a racist or hate black people. I look at it as if you were the new kid in a school and you sit down for lunch and you can either sit with your own race or a different race. I guarantee 99% of people would sit with people that are of their race. My life experiences have served in the socialization of my preference on Caucasians. My family has no racially different members that I have been exposed to. The neighborhood I live in is almost entirely comprised of upper-middle class white families. The church I go to has few black members in attendance. Even in the media, I would argue that there are more Caucasians than any other race in the public eye. However, the factor that has made me accepting of African-Americans has been my exposure in school. I have gone to school with very diverse populations and even have friends from multiple racial backgrounds. Ultimately, more factors have molded a preference for whites over blacks. FireFan001

  8. I took the weight test, because I have been battling my weight my whole life. I have as light as one hundred and twenty pounds, and as heavy as two hundred and thirty pounds, and have lost a lot as well recently, however, I have always had trouble keeping my weight consistent. I have also been treated unfairly for my weight from important people in my life, including my own mom, who has told me things like I am not attractive, that I should skip meals, and that thin people were better. Because of this, I expected my results to favor thin people, however I was surprised to find out that I slightly prefer heavier people to thin people. I assume that this is because I have identified as a heavy person most of my life, even though most every person I have been surrounded by in my life is an average weight. Sandydog001

  9. FireFan - I had a similar result as well. I know how I externally feel and my result of favoring my race over another does not I'm racist - it is simply a reflection of my experiences in life and the socialization processes I went through and others like me - I think a general pattern for my specific group of people. I know I feel differently from my grandparents but their view is based on their experiences and different specific group of people....Damn, sociology makes YA' think. Multiculturalist 001

  10. I tested on the Arab Muslims and my results were that I suggest little or no automatic preference between other people and Arab Muslims. Those results are about what I expected to get. I have many Muslim friends and even though I have been over seas in conflict with Muslim people I still don’t have any problems talking to them and hanging out on my nights off. I do not really like how the test site is set up, answering the questions as fast as I can, made me mess up my answers a bit. I have also taken a few other tests on that website that suggest different results but I’m not sure how accurate they are.

    1. I find this very interesting but at the same time obvious. This shows the type of person you are also. Humble obviously and never one to judge a book by its cover. Knowing you occupation, I believe you when you say you honestly do not have an preference. Yatchy001

  11. I took the age test and was shocked to find out that I have a slight (16%) automatic preference to young people compared to older people. I really do feel that I like older people but maybe there is a small part of me that is biased toward younger people compared to older. I do not think my preference makes me racist toward elderly people. I know media plays a big role in people’s automatic preference towards a certain culture and I am sure that takes place in what mine is. There are other influences such as culture, and maybe even my own age. If I was sixty years old maybe my results would have come back a lot different. And I’m sure my results would have been different if I had worked in a nursing home or with elderly people at some point in my life. I would like to take more tests to find out where I stand on other categories, such as the Arab Muslim or the sexuality test.


    1. Having a preference for younger people doesn't necessarily mean that you don't like elder people. In all honesty, it makes complete sense why you got the results that you did. The majority of people that you surround yourself with are people your age, and the people you get involved with are probably around your age as well. That doesn't mean that you are prejudice against old people, but that you can relate more to people your age. Sandydog001

  12. For my second test, I decided to take the Arab- Muslim test, and my test came back that I prefered non- Arab/ Muslim people. I am not very happy with my results due to the fact that I do not feel it is fair to prefer one race over another. But on another note, I believe my results came up as this because of the recent (and not so recent) terrorist attacks that this world has had. I feel sometimes confused on why the members of ISIS want to be so cruel, so i fear the worst when I think of Arabs/ Muslims. I obviously know that all Muslims are not terrorists, and I would never judge someone due to their culture and ethnicity, but I also think the media might have some play into shaping us to be afraid of Arab- Muslims. Yes, we have had terrible attacks in this world, but not every Muslim is to blame. Even our predicted republican candidate, Donald Trump, has no filter when it comes to Muslims, wanting to ban them from our country. chicagoblackhawks001

  13. This time I took the test about my association between female and male in the career and family. I took this because, although I consider myself a feminist who treats men and women as equals, my socialization would suggest that I think that men are more inclined to career than family. My mother was a stay-at-home-mom until I was in middle school, and my father worked late hours at the Mitsubishi factory. This was similar to what a lot of my friends experienced too. Also, the media almost always portrays men in positions of power over women so I thought that that would make a difference in my score. However, the results said that I had no preference for either males or females when it came to career and family, which was unexpected. But when I think about it, although my mother didn't work until later in life, she did eventually start. And when it came to family discussions, there really weren't any because my mother's word was usually final. Not that my dad didn't contribute also, but my mom was always more than capable of handling problems on her own. I also realized that, although popular media rarely portrays interesting female characters, a lot of what I read in junior high and high school had a lot of feminist themes and strong female characters. The fact that I don't think that males aren't more capable at careers than women shows that socialization works in indirect ways. My mom didn't have to “bring home the bacon” for me to see women and men equally. She showed me that in other ways. HAL001

  14. I decided to take a few of the tests, but I would like to talk about my Arab-Muslims vs. other people. I honestly chose this one not thinking much at all just wanting to see a response. I was surprised to see that I have a preference to other people over Arab-Muslims. I have never acted different towards anyone of a different race and usually respect them more. I was raised with people of all different races and did not really understand why I received this. I think it is because of the people I am aron the school I go to and most importantly the mass media behind all of it.. We see dumb sayings about 9 11 and jokes involving that. Also constant accusations on TV and other ugly things for America. Yatchy001

  15. I took the race test and my data suggests a slight automatic preference for European Americans compared to African Americans. I’m a little upset that my results are not neural because I strongly believe in equality but looking at the bigger picture I understand why I got the results I did. A reason why I am only slightly off from having neutral feelings might have something to do with the fact I lived in Chicago the majority of my life. Chicago is a very diverse city and growing up in an environment and culture of all races contributes to my views on equality. A possible reason I do slightly prefer European Americans may be because my entire my family is European Americans and I attended an high school that has about 4 people of African American descent. Also my parents are the type of people that aren’t racist but when they found out I was dating an African American they weren’t overjoyed. I didn’t think their views affected mine but they are the people that raised me so that might explain why I have a slight preference to European Americans. Sleepyhead001

  16. I chose to take the implicit bias tests on race and sexuality because they seemed the most interesting to me. First, I took the test on gay versus straight people. My results were little to no bias against either of the two. My results did not surprise me at all because I knew I did not feel a certain way towards a certain category of people that have done nothing wrong except exist. I honestly did think though that somehow growing up with no one immediately close to me being gay would somehow affect my results and think me to be more bias towards straight people. I know that I’m not and I exude that everyday, but my thoughts towards a computer survey somehow knowing that made me a little shaky. Next I took the test on race. I was really interested to see what results I would get because I know firmly where I stand on this, yet I have some people in my life that conflict with that. I got little to no bias on this test as well. I was not surprised at all on this because growing up my mother has always been the most unbiased person in this way and she is the person that affects me the most directly. Along with many other factors that come to mind, I think that is what contributed to me getting that result. Aloha001

  17. I chose to take the implicit bias test for Arab Muslims vs. Other People – to which my results came back that I have a ‘moderate’ preference for Other People over Arab Muslims. Although I am not extremely happy with my results, I completely understand why I got that result. I grew up going to a small-town school where white was the only race I was around all the way until I graduated. Therefor when I moved for college I had quite the culture shock. Most likely, if I had taken this same test while still in high school I would have gotten the result that I ‘strongly’ preferred Other People to Arab Muslims – just because that’s what I grew up around. I additionally believe that I got these results because of the recent (& non-recent) terrorists attacks that we keep hearing about in the media. Not only do I have a personal belief that terrorist actions are wrong, but I would also argue that the media gives Arab Muslims a bad stereotype due to the actions of others of similar races. Hopefully as I grow up and become more accustomed to being around other races my biases of them will diminish. It’s definitely something I need to work on. Caffeinated001


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