Intersections and You....Your Thoughts?


  1. Identity is a collection of characteristics, beliefs, and actions that define an individual. Identity has two variations, personal identity and social identity. I believe social identity is constructed though certain intersections. Intersections are various factors that form identity, such as race, gender, sexuality, and class. These intersections can create a favorable or unfavorable social identity. For example, the most favorable arrangement of intersections in our society would be male, wealthy, heterosexual, and Caucasian. Based on social constructs, a female, homosexual, poor, African-American woman may be on the unfavorable end of intersection arrangement. The more unfavorable intersections a person has, the less opportunities are presented. Based on my personal intersections, I have been presented many favorable opportunities. I did not choose these intersections, but rather they were biologically and environmentally distributed. Some intersections can be changed like class, but others stay the same such as ethnicity. Intersections create a personal and social identity. However, the social identity is often what society sees and deems acceptable. FireFan001

    1. I agree with you that, the intersections maybe just are given to us from the start. I was born a certain color, into a specific family, and location. I feel like these intersections were forced on us when we were young and for the most part we don't have much of a say. Intersections can cause us to be categorized in society and determine who we hang around with, what jobs we may end up in, all these things. MacD001

    2. I agree on how some identities can be biologically distributed such as race/ ethnicity and gender, but on another note I believe that some identities you can change for example, if you are born into a poor family, maybe deciding to get some student loans out go to college and get a good job and change their class identity. chicagoblackhawks001

  2. This was a really great video to watch and learn from. In this video the lady talking says that determining identity is hard to do because they are so complex. I liked the way she descried Racial identity, it is defined as a sense of group or collective identity based on one’s perception that he or she shares a common heritage with a particular racial group. Ethnic identity is different because ethnic identity is more concerned about one’s culture and their ethnic groups, and a belonging to that group. And gender is basically where one identifies as a male or female. There are so many different things that go into identity and I don’t think she even broke the surface on getting to deep into this subject. I think this was a great video and I learned a lot from the lady talking in the video.

    1. I think it is important for people to understand the difference between the intersection of race and that of ethnicity. People often say that we are all different ethnicities and there is only one race, the human race. People who say this are misinformed about their distinctions. Ethnicity can be the same but race can be different, i.e. South African and white or South African and black. FireFan001

    2. I also agree that the video was great! I also liked how the professor classified things into certain categories for us. I liked how she went into describing identity, and when she was talking about male or female. It was a complete eye opener, and its totally something we should start looking at more closely.


  3. This was a good video describing different terminology, race and ethnicity. She touched on the difference between the two. I think like what we talked about in class that this is something that we need to take into more consideration. I think people are so quick to assume that oh just because someone is of color they are from a specific country or just generalize them. But that's extremely unfair and I think that thinking race directly corresponds with ethnicity is not correct. Ethnicity is determining what ones cultural background and history is. Race on the other hand may consist of ones family history of where their from, their heritage and ancestors originated. I also thought it was cool how in the video she talked about how different perceptions differ depending on both gender and race. She talked about African American women vs men's stereotypes. MacD001

    1. I agree with you that we need to take the difference between race and ethnicity into more consideration. This is an important distinction in a person's identity, and should not be overlooked. And when it comes to a person's intersections, we shouldn't overlook those either. Looking at a poor person, for example, people are quick to assume that they are lazy, when in reality they might also be disabled, or a single mother trying to support her children, or even both. Society tends to look at one factor in a persons life instead of taking into account all the factors, which is something that needs to change. HAL001

    2. I agree that she did go into major and honestly needed detail in order to understand the whole subject. The amount of things that act and cross on a human when they are "gaining" their identity is insane. Yatchy001

  4. Everyone has a different identity with different ways of intersecting, but everyone has the same struggle balancing their different roles. I think the Marxist view of intersecting roles has a lot of validity. When a person has several different intersections, like being a female person of color, they are treated much less equally than someone who has a different intersection, such as a white male. This causes a lot of inequality is our society. But assimilation isn't exactly a good option for people of different cultures and races, because they can lose a lot of what makes them different. I think that, in some cases, these different roles can be distinguished, but they shouldn't be by the whole society. That is what causes stereotypes and prejudice. A person's social identity can be different, but for some reason, society defines different as less which is a huge issue. On a micro-level, intersections can be very troubling for the individual. Someone who has liberal political views but was raised in a strict Catholic home may have a lot of trouble finding the balance between these two things and may even those touch with one or the other. This too, creates conflict, not in the whole society, but in the family. HAL001

  5. The video was great to watch, and very much so an eye opener. The professor in this video talked about certain things that was hard to wrap around your mind. I think she did a good job by hitting on certain spots, about race, Social Economic status. The things she talked about, is things that we need to start taking in to consideration. There are so many ways we can identify these things, that were taked about in this video. Ethnic identity is different because ethnic identity is more concerned about one’s culture and their ethnic groups, and a belonging to that group. And gender is basically where one identifies as a male or female. Which, I think that's a good way to go about observing it, and it's good how she went to talk about it in the video. I think society have and always excepted that how the way identity is defined. And, will always expect it. Overall, this video was good to watch, also gave me so much knowledge that I didn't know. Great video!


    1. I as well liked this video considering that it taught me something I didn't know and it had great explanations on what everything meant word for word. It also did prove a point on somethings that weren't fair for the world to deal with because of ignorance. Pineapples001

  6. Identity is one thing I feel we humans are best at understanding on our own behalf. We know all of the things we like, our norms, our favorites, the things we don’t like, and many more other things that we experience every day. Sometimes we have secondary identities like ethnic, racial, and gender. Ethnic is figuring out which crowd you belong in whether if its sports, nature friendly, religious, and peers. Racial is based off of the color of your skin whether if your Black, White, Mexican, Indian, Native American, and more. Gender identity is recognizing yourself as straight, gay, bisexual, transgender, transgender queer, homosexual, heterosexual, pansexual, and others. We sometimes don’t notice but by the way people look and speak can show all of these identities and we get an idea of what people are identified as. This video was pretty informational on the identities and how the world makes them up by visual judgement. Pineapples001

  7. This video as very informational because gender/ race/ class/ and sexuality intersections are very real in most cultures today. She explains how identity is difficult to define because it is so complex and she also explains the difference between ethnicity(culture) and race (blood). She also explains what gender identity is, and how it has nothing to do with sexuality, it is more based on what society says for example, boys will play with trucks and girls will play with dolls. The next category she goes into is sexuality identity, which in a simple way of explaining it, there is heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual. Then she goes on to explain class identity and how it can be determined on so many different things like income, neighborhood, etc. These identities fit together and intersect because each of us can be placed in a category. Some intersections are favored and some are not favored unfortunately. I believe that whatever intersection/ category you are placed in should never be looked down upon. chicagoblackhawks001

  8. I found this video to be a rather interesting one and it was an eye opener as well. The professor, Dr. Kelly, talked about a few topics that many find it hard to wrap their mind around. I think she did a great job by focusing on certain aspects about race, gender, sexual identity as well as social economic status (or class identity). There are so many ways people can identify different things, which we need to really start taking into consideration as a society. Ethnic identity is more concerned about one’s culture and their ethnic groups, and how an individual belongs to that specific group. Then gender is basically where one identifies as a male or female. Which, Dr. Kelly explains is different than that of sexual identity. I believe that's a good way to go about observing it, and I like how she went to talk about it in the video. Society tends to expect things, identities, to be defined in a certain way and doesn’t like to accept variations to that definition. Ceffeinated001

    1. I agree that our society needs to start taking into consideration that are many ways we can identify different identities. The different categories seem to have been changing or evolving from other generations. Now it may be easy to intersect gender and sexuality were as the generations before us may not have had that problem.


    2. I agree that this video was a little eye opening in the sense that there are so many different things that make up our identity. We are put into these boxes when we are born of what our identity should be and it’s up to us break out and figure it out ourselves. I also agree with your opinion on sexual identity and gender and how society isn’t as accepting of that difference, but needs to be and hopefully continues to become more open minded. Aloha001

  9. As this woman points out, there are many factors that play into making up one’s identity. I like to think that a person’s identity can also be shaped by one’s class system, and caste system. For example, someone who was born and raised in Cuba, with the cultures of this country instilled in them would identify as Cuban, which would be considered their race. If this same person moved to America, and adapted American cultures as their own, leaving behind their Cuban cultures, this would be their new ethnicity, and would fall under their class system. A similar example would be a person that is transsexual. Their caste system is the sex they were born in, but their preferred gender would be their class system. I don’t think that any one thing can define one’s identity, because when I think about how I would identify myself, there are so many aspects of my life that would identify me, like my job, my student status, my role in my family, where I live and where I was born, and my social class. Sandydog001

  10. This is a very informative video about intersecting identities. In this video Kelly talks about race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and class. She states that identity is a multidimensional, multifaceted construct. She goes on to say how it is difficult to define an identity because of the complexity, which is very true in our society. We may think by a person’s racial category, that they should be a certain ethnicity and vice versa. But that is just not always true anymore. There are more differences between the two that people do not seem to consider much. Kelly states that racial identity is formed through racial socialization. But ethnic identity has more to with a person’s culture and how they fit in with that group than with race. It is formed through cultural socialization. A lot of people socialize these two groups with one another. This is just one example of the intersections of identities stated throughout the video.


    1. I really love how this video talks about the difference between race and ethnicity, because they are two different things. A person's race is determined by where they're born, whereas their ethnicity is the culture they adopt, which can technically change, and a person's race will stay with them their entire life. Sandydog001

  11. I first thought this girl was kind of bogus, but she actually explains all explanations of identities. The video was also extremely long. She explains how complex someone is and how you body and identity is shaped by everything around you. I agree that you are raised with an insane amount of intersection between race, gender. Athnicity, sexyality, an class. It may cause you too loo at other things and change your still growing identity different than before. You really do not mkae your own identity, and you have absolutely no clue how you or someone else is going to react to maybe a extreme change for them but not a big deal for you… Yatchy001

  12. The doctor speaking in this video had a lot to say on this topic I think and although it was a half hour long video, I don’t think she came close to explaining all aspects of identity. The part of the video that was very real to me was about identity foreclosure, diffusion, and other statuses. She talks about how you must commit and explore an identity to really achieve it. If you just commit to an identity without exploring it, or other identities, then you are foreclosing. This really made me think about how often maybe I have done this in aspects of my life. Identity encompasses so many different things and just being male or female, or straight or gay, or black or white, does not at all give you your entire identity. The amount of people that have just foreclosed on an identity, like maybe being a certain religion, must be unquantifiable. Aloha001


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