Sexuality, Gender Scripts, and Yoga Pants......To Wear or Not to Wear?


  1. This video is purely amazing and thought provoking. I have learned about both how society views bending traditional gender scripts and how sexualized women are in today’s society. First of all, this video shows how society felt it was unacceptable for a male to wear leggings. This guy was bending gender scripts to prove a point. A gender script is a societal norm of the proper behaviors for most men and women. There were no positive receptions to him wearing leggings and even people wanted to fight him because of his choice. This just shows how society does not accept male and females swapping gender scripts. It is this reason why there have been so many debates about gender identity in America, i.e. the transgender bathroom situation. Additionally, this video made me realize the unwanted implications that females receive from wearing yoga pants or leggings. As a guy, I would be lying to you if I said that I have never stared at a girl’s butt while she wore yoga pants or leggings. Is it the woman’s fault for wearing suggestive clothing? No, it most certainly is not. As a society we tend to objectify women and pass down this notion through socialization. Socialization has occurred to objectify women, but I would also add that it is human nature to stare at an attractive male or female. Humans are very sexual beings who enjoy what is aesthetically pleasing. FireFan001

    1. I agree, humans are very sexual beings. I think for many people men and woman it is hard not to look when they see someone of the other sex. I don't think the guys should have gotten so upset over the prank in the video.

    2. I appreciate your honesty about having stared at women's butts before I mean how could you not, society says it is completely acceptable and I would be lying if I said I haven't either. But I am confused by your question, "is it the woman's fault for wearing suggestive clothing?" Are you implying that yoga pants are suggestive? I don't mean to call you out but this is a very real issue in our culture to even think that yoga pants is suggestive. Yoga pants are worn for working out in and for comfort. Sleepyhead001

  2. This is a short video, nut it says a lot about gender roles in our society. First, though this video is saying something that is pretty much negative about society, it is humorous because the man in the video goes against cultural norms. Second, this video shows how sexualized females are, at least until the guy turns around. Then it shows how society's gender roles affect both the pranked and the pranker. Most of the men walking by were offended when they learned that the butt they were staring at belonged to another man because they have been taught that men shouldn't wear female clothing. Also, a lot of the men got defensive when the pranker called them out for staring, because those men's masculinites were then being threatened. However, the third guy to walk by didn't seem to be offended or to become defensive, which is interesting. He might have been joking, but still it shows how even though a majority of people don't accept unconventional gender roles, the attitudes of some are more positive and probably reflect the shifting attitudes of society as a whole. Also, the fact that a man even wanted to go out and do this prank shows how gender roles are being taken more lightly. Hopefully one day a video like this won't really be that funny anymore, because people won't find anything wrong with a man wearing tights. HAL001

    1. I like how you point out how the men became defensive when they realized the pranker was a man. This is the idea of gender scripts showing that men must be macho and often don’t like to be called out. I would hate to imagine what these men would say to a woman that caught them starring at them. This video does a good job of portraying the negative aspects of the male construct. FireFan001

    2. I love how you said the men felt their masculinities were being threatened. I think that was a very good explanation of how the men reacted in this video. Many were very defensive and wanted to fight. I think a real man would be confident enough in who he is to not get offended that he was staring at another man’s butt. Saur001

  3. This video was really funny. I thought by this guy putting on yoga pants that are normally worn by females was really funny. But by him doing this it proves a point that men will look if they think it is a woman but in the video as soon as the man turns around and says what’s up the other people didn’t want anything to do with him. I think that the media plays a big role in the way we as a country view woman and look at them, when I see woman on T.V. waring yoga pants normally they are dancing or doing something in a sexual manor, maybe that is why so many men tend to look at woman walking by that have on yoga pants. I think If I was walking and looked at what I thought was a girl in yoga pants and she turned out to be a man, It would defiantly make me think twice before checking out the next girl in yoga pants.

    1. agree with you how media over 'sexualizes' women for wearing tighter clothes and some people think it is okay to cat call and dehumanize women. but on another note this video shows gender scripts are very real in our society. The men in the video should not have been so mad just because a man as wearing something outside of what society tells us to wear. chicagoblackhawks001

  4. This video pretty much sums up the reality of yoga pants! I loved it. I thought it was great when the guys noticed it was another guy, all of them (or most) instantly felt weird when it was a dude instead of hot chick like they were expecting. I also think it did a good job showing how true gender roles are and how powerful they are as well. Its acceptable when girls wear tights out in public, but when it's a guy, we instantly change our perspectives and think it's bizarre. I also think as a society this shows we should not be so quick to judge. Clearly when the guys walked by and saw yoga pants, they immediately thought "oo a girl". Well, obviously that was not the case and thus we see a perfect example of gender playing roles. MacD

    1. I agree. I like how you pointed out, we its not always necessarily the girls "fault" for simply choosing to wear yoga pants. I feel like girls all over are being provoked and accused of wearing yoga pants that are too "distracting". Which yes, I totally agree under some circumstances. But in the same breath, guys can be "distracting" in some areas as well. It all boils down to what's "acceptable" for guys vs. girls and the gender roles forced upon society. MacD001

  5. This video is hilarious on one note, but on another note it is proving a huge problem that has been going on for awhile now regarding the dehumanizing of women for wearing something too ‘sexy’ and judging others for wearing something society thinks is ‘different’. The point this You-tuber proves is that men stare at a woman’s body in a sexual way, which is normal to a certain extent, but once the men found out that they were staring at a man’s behind, they got mad and upset. Why though? Because a man is wearing yoga pants? Who really cares honestly? Society does due to the fact that gender roles and scripts were made up. This short clip shows how judgmental our society is due to the fact that someone is different. We as humans do not deserve to be put into categories by our gender and follow whatever society tells us to do. chicagoblackhawks001

    1. I like how you asked "why?" and "who really cares?" because there aren't really good answers to either of those questions. There is nothing wrong with a man wearing yoga pants until society decides to make it so. I also agree that humans don't deserve to be categorized according to gender and they also shouldn't be categorized by anything that is beyond their control. There are some personality traits that I do think deserve recognition, like loyalty and a good work ethic, but those traits are always drowned out by these superficial categorizations that are terrible at defining people. HAL001

    2. I really love how you brought up the aspect of society being so judgemental. Society is constantly telling us we can’t do something or wear something harmless because it is different from the gender norm and it’s not fitting that role. It’s hilarious and sad that society has gotten to a point where the guy isn’t even in a dress or heels or something traditionally in that female role, he is in pants meant originally for doing yoga and it caused that much of a scene. It’s very fascinating. Aloha001

  6. We are living through an interesting time period where there is a huge movement for the acceptance of the LGBT community and the removal of gender stereotypes. We grew up before it was a big topic and are currently seeing this transition. However, this movement is still very new to our society. I think that with time, a video like this will not be as funny or thought provoking as it is today. In 1957 segregation was outlawed and black kids were allowed to enroll in the white public schools. Today we don’t think anything of seeing an African American student in our classrooms but back then, that was like how the guys in this video reacted to a man wearing leggings. They were unaccepting, offended and some even wanted to try to fight. The question posed is “to wear or not to wear?” I say to that, if you like it, wear it. However, I think my unpopular opinion would be that if you are going to wear leggings, do not complain about any unwanted attention you get while wearing them. I think I can safely assume that most everyone knows that leggings and yogas show off your body and people are bound to stare. If you do not want that attention, then wear a shirt that covers your butt or don’t wear them out in public. Today gender scripts and stereotypes are rapidly changing and although they aren’t completely accepted by everyone yet, I think with time we will get there. Saur001

    1. I agree with some of the things you mentioned as well if you like you like it but there is a lot of women out there that do complain about but really want the attention. it's not fair for men either because some men generally apologize but some also don't care because hey they got to see a pretty nice a** today lol. Pineapples001

  7. This video was absolutely amazing. It’s awesome to see that some people in the world can open their eyes and see the bigger picture of things. I’m more than sure that there are still people out there who don’t understand the concept of this video and how it bothers most of the people in the world. This guy is making them come to terms of what they joke about daily is something serious and not to be shamed down on. Everyone’s response to the guy in the leggings were interested in the beginning but when he shows that he’s a guy they call him names and in a couple of cases try to attack him like he committed a crime. That just really goes to show how many women of the world are being treated and for some odd reasoning no one really does anything about it because that’s a woman’s purpose in life right? Pineapples001

    1. I definitely agree that their responses when they find out that they were actually checking out a male were ridiculous. They were the ones just checking some random butt out, if they are going to be mad at anyone it should just be their own selves! And why should women just be treated as these sexual object? We don't treat men like that.


  8. I think this is hilarious. As a female who wears yoga pants a lot I can really appreciate this video. I hate how men just look at women as sexual objects. It is absolutely true that women receive gender roles based on sex appeal and this just proves it. And it kills me that they are staring and then when they realize that what they are staring at is a man they get mad at HIM for it. How is it his fault that you just assume you were staring at a woman's butt? Because it does not fit the gender role for males to wear yoga pants they do not accept it. This just proves that there is no gender equality in our society. When men treat women like that and use negative behavior towards them it affects how a woman feels about herself. It may even affect her behavior.


  9. These types of pranking videos are something that I am watching all the time. This one is absolutely hilarious because of the reaction of the guys staring at the one in yoga pants. The men walking by would get so beyond defensive and I think it showed directly an amazing example of how straight guys are so terrified of being seen as gay. On another note, being a female who is wearing yoga pants constantly, this video was perfect in showing how males act towards women while they are wearing them. They are gawking without a care in the world. Some of the men were even walking right up to who they thought was a girl. I found that really interesting. The gender role of women wearing tight clothing and kind of showing off what they have, and then the male gender role of them just being able to stare and check the girl out were really challenged. These guys thought they had that right, which in a way they do, but when it was a guy they felt so betrayed as if it was the one in the yoga pant’s fault. All he did was wear a pair of pants and the reactions of the macho type men were expected and yet still priceless. Aloha001

  10. This is probably one of the funniest videos I have watched in a long time. While providing the humor, it also shows how society views going against gender scripts (a guy wearing leggings) and how sexualized a woman’s body is (a few of the guy’s openly said they thought he was a girl). Once all of the people realized that he was in fact not a girl, most reacted poorly and only one reacted in a positive way – some even attempted to start a fight. When the main guy called the others out for looking they primarily became very defensive due to the fact that he was putting their masculinity at risk; which was even the case with the girls. This video may have been a joke but it truly shows how strong gender scripts are within our society and we need to try to change that. People like different things – and others need to accept that. Caffeinated 001

    1. I agree with what you said about men sexualizing women's bodies. I also think that men think it's ok to objectify us, but that they have a right to do so. this is expressed by the way that women are considered rude, or weird for standing up for themselves, and defending their integrity. Sandydog001

  11. Soon after starting this video, I realized that I have seen it before, however after watching it with sociological lenses, I realized that it was more than just a funny video. This is just another example of how women are objectified, and how men think that there is nothing wrong with it. As if women are here just for the pleasure of men. As soon as you put a man in a woman’s position, it is no longer ok to objectify them, and men that do objectify should feel embarrassed or upset for being tricked. A few passerby’s were able to admit that he had a nice butt, or that they thought he was a girl, but had they known it was a man, they would have not stared. When women are objectified this way, men will stare, with no remorse as to how it makes her feel, and most times, if she were to stand up for herself and say something, the guys would either laugh, or treat her like she is the one being rude. This is definitely not the case for all men, however, for the guys in the video, it is probably an accurate description as to what would have happened if the man in the leggings were a girl. Sandydog001

  12. In all honestly this video uses a comedy TV show and a very decent actor too show just a piece of society today. The men first of all set up their prank somewhere that seems a little bit less fortunate and somewhat ghetto(from what I noticed) community. This may have a play in how a person may react to almost anything. The reactions were all taken of men and only one of women which is obviously for the show in order to have popularity. I think that any men or women would look at someone weird wearing that. I did not say that the men in the video didn't use a big amount of gender scripting.. I would talk about that but I said a lot. But that was a reponse different from most... Yatchy001

  13. I agree with your comments on how men think about women overall. But you have to remember not all men are like that. Also this is filmed where it seems to be the sort of place where women are treated some what like objects and in come cases in these areas women are in agreement with it. Yatchy001

  14. I actually have seen this video before and I love the message it sends. There are so many current societal issues brought up in this video. One of the obvious ones is that women are expected to be wearing yoga pants. This shows how in our society you are expected you dress a certain way depending on your sex. Another issue is that men think it is completely okay to flat out stare at a woman. I especially hate this because being a woman myself I know how disrespected and self conscious it makes you feel. These men are not at a strip club but walking into a store about to buy milk or some other extremely non sexual item (unless you think of milk that way) and they are subconsciously looking at a “woman” in a sexual way because society says it is okay. It is quite sickening. A third societal issue addressed in this prank is that it still is not okay to be homosexual. After discovering that the person in the yoga pants was a man not a woman each man either walked away from embarrassment or tried to defend themselves for looking at a man sexually. Sleepyhead001

  15. I love how the guy tried to be a girl for one day in a pair of leggings. This truly does happen i have seen it happen with some of my girl friends. It is honestly sad that society downgrades women in such a way it makes us feel not confident in our own body. Now you might say why would a guy staring at your butt make you not confident about yourself? Well when a guy stares at a lady's butt it not only sends the signal that all he wants is sex and nothing more and it is very downgrading because most women want to fit in and be apart of society not stand out because her butt is bigger than everybody else. My point here is that our society is very sexist, our society favors men over women because our society thinks we don't work hard for what we want in life and that is just simply not true. Rie001


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