Socialization and Several Primary Agents.....


  1. The agents of socialization are factors that influence how we learn social expectations and interact with people. Agents of socialization include peer groups, mass media, religion, government, family, and ones schooling. I would argue that all of these agents are equally effective in influencing our lives; however, certain agents will be more impactful during certain points in our lives. I would assume that most college students are between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two. I would be inclined to say that the average college student is most influenced peer groups. According to Erikson our identity is still being somewhat formed at this point. I would argue that college is a time in which young people seek new friends and a niche to belong to. The most prime example is of peer influenced socialization would be rushing to join a fraternity or sorority. Many college students will conform to the ideals of the sorority and your new perspective peers. As a college student none of these agents of socialization will totally subside but some will be more prevalent than others. FireFan001

    1. I agree how all agents in socialization are influential, but some more than others especially during different times in our lives. For example adolescents are way more influenced compared to preschoolers, because in my opinion some adolescents are really trying to fit in and get approval from other members of their society.


    2. I agree with you! I think that during certain times of ones life depending on what problems their going through, different agents influence them greater than at other parts of their life. Yes, when we're younger I feel like no matter what our parents play a major role in influencing us. But when we get older and start choosing our own direction and values of life, and then perhaps our parents are not number one on the list of influences anymore. MacD001

  2. In this video she describes the three primary, tip of the iceberg, agents of socialization including family, peers, and media. Family used to be the primary, top of the list agent in socialization because when you are young, your parents are the ones influencing your choices no matter what your opinion might be. Second on the list is peers/ peer groups. It has increasingly taken the place of parents as an agent of socialization. Influence can start around the age of four years old when preschoolers come into contact with other children regularly. The age can be earlier if a parent (primary agent) takes their young toddlers to the public park on a regular basis. In early years, peer influence is closely monitored, and less likely to be monitored when they get older, which is not always a good thing because peer influence is strongest in adolescent years.


  3. In the video she mentioned how family plays a huge role in influencing us as kids. One thing I thought was really cool was if parents do not do a successful job at raising their kids, or perhaps leaving a negative effect on them, the outcomes could be disastrous. This shows how important and much of an influence comes from them. Not only could it be a negative impact on that one kid, but to the next generation as a whole, which is scary. And if parents are not influencing enough, peers and media agents are even greater.MacD001

    1. I agree everything starts at home and if you aren't showing that affection to your child then they will find it in something else like peers or materialistic things. However, as a country of children experiencing the same scenario it can lead to a disappearing act for the family influence. Pineapples001

    2. I think it is also important to realize that if one link is missing from the agents of socialization, successful socialization is still possible. Even if family socialization is poor, it is likely to be compensated by peer socialization or school relationships. However, family is the most important agent and if it is not present during early childhood, full socialization may not occur. The agent of family produces bonding and a sense of security. If these skills are not realized, socialization will not be fully realized. FireFan001

  4. I liked that video more because it opened up my mind to some of the simplest things I thought weren't such a big deal until she explained how everyone of the littlest things have to do with socialization. This video goes over the three primary ways of socialization known as family, peers, and media. To me the biggest influence would be the peers because the media is tied into the peer influence as well. Your friends talk about the latest trends and clothes. While talking about how cool those materialistic things are, they are buying it and showing them off to their other friends because it’s the only thing people their age look forward to. The socialization we share with family is no doubt the most important influence we should worry about. If your family argues all the time, it would be obvious that when you reach a certain point in time where it becomes something you constantly do as soon as you come into contact which obviously isn’t the recommended influence to be under. My understanding is to be careful who you let influence you because it can slowly take away the unmaterialistic values and beliefs and traditions you took pride in before media, peer, and family influences gave you that second opinion. Pineapples001

    1. I agree that the most important agent that influences your socialization is family. Being in a family that fights all of the time can have an extremely negative effect on your socialization and influence you in a bad way. I also agree that peers are a big influence too. You are in school for a very large part of your life and children pick up so many behaviors from their peers that will influence their socialization and those behaviors could stick with them forever.


  5. I like this video because it is very informative and it explains these concepts in very simple yet diverse ways that expanded my knowledge of them. I like how they used family, peers, and media as the examples of primary agents of socialization because in my opinion these three are the easiest to relate to for most people. Marshall states some of the others such religion, the government, and the work place. But some people may not be engaged in that stuff as much so it is not as easy to relate to. The family is the primary agent of socialization, it is the strongest one. I feel like part of the reasoning for family being the primary agent is because it is your very first agent of socialization. It is were you first express your emotions and where you are first punished or taught right from wrong. If learning right from wrong is not successful then the outcome for both the micro and macro influences can be terrible.


    1. I agree that the reason the family is so important is because, as a child, they are pretty much the only agent of socialization you are exposed to. You said that the outcome for being unsuccessful at teaching your children the difference between right and wrong can be terrible, and I agree. And if you fail at that, that can have an effect on what peer group the child will chose and that can be dangerous. HAL001

    2. I also really liked this video because of the aspects picked to describe within it – mainly because I too thought those were very easy to relate to. I like how you took family to be the primary agent of socialization because of the fact that it’s the first one we really encounter... smart thinking! Caffeinated001

  6. This video is about socialization, but it also helped me understand what the macro level is more clearly. Macro-level doesn't mean that sociological research or definitions apply to everyone, they just apply to the idea. I find it interesting that the family is starting to have less of an affect on a person's socialization. It seems that the family would be something that stays pretty solid, but then looking at the way societies transition from hunting-gathering or agrarian to industrial societies, this isn't all that surprising. During the industrial evolution there was a strong move away from the family, so maybe that dame thing is happening in our post-industrial society. It is also interesting how the person in the video pointed out how agents of socialization are connected. She recognized the media as a primary agent of socialization and then linked that to our consumer-driven society, then that to the economy, and then linked the economy to the government. So although the media is a main agent of socialization, the government and economy are what made it so. HAL001

  7. There are so many agents of socialization that help shape our views, interact with others, and even how we see the world. The ones that are mentioned within this video are government, religion, economy, family, mass media, and peers – with a focus on the last three. I personally believe that all of these agents are very influential, but some have a larger impact at different aspects in a person’s life. The first agent the video focuses on is family; which they say that family is our primary agent of socialization when we are younger, then slightly loses its influence as we age and become our own person. Secondly the video hits on the aspect of peers being a socialization agent. They talk about how this is actually somewhat controlled by the family, because parents generally have a control over who they allow their children to befriend. The third focus of the video is mass media: which they believe can be a very dangerous thing, because of how much of a consumer-driven country we are today. Although the video states that family is the most influential of the three – it is mentioned that if the family aspect were to not be as strong, the other two will gain importance. Caffeinated001

    1. The video shows the three main agents of socialization along with others who have just a little less of an effect. The three main ones I find most true as well as most interesting are the family, mass media, and peers. First of all, the largest agent of socialization family. We make our first steps, words, and mistakes with family and therefore you know them and they know you and the way you go about life better than anyone else. Then usually a child gets through the family aspect and replaces them with friends in order to connect and still grow but in a different way now. Then while both of these are going on mass media is strongly effecting the both of them. Yatchy001

    2. I like how you also placed government, religion, and econ in there. Not many other people talked about those. You may have not gone into detail but you did place them in there. Yes family is having less of an effect but is that because of the other areas effecting it? I think maybe... Kids are depending on media and friends too early in life and going off the path of success I would say, as long as the family aspect is pushing you to be your best. So If your family is on your side 100% hen stay with them as long as possible because they will have a better effect on your life most of the time than the other two. Yatchy001

  8. There are many different factors that made my personality and how I act today. I agree that my family had a big part of it. The media and my friends showed me things I probably shouldn't have seen at the age of 14. Yet, it has made me a bigger and stronger person today. Good influences and bad influences can make us a good person in the future. Take sex for example, you have sex at a young age because you saw that it was okay to do it on television (media). You tell your friends (peers) how great it was and all of a sudden your either the coolest guy in the whole school or your the coolest girl in the whole school. Then all of a sudden (girls) you find out your pregnant. You see that your parents are very disappointed in you and you promise yourself that you won't have any more sex till after your done with school and after your child is born. Yes, your family, peers and media influence our lives but there are other factors that do to. Rie001


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