Sociological Imagination: Am I an Island Unto Myself?


  1. This video had a lot of information to take in. the sociological imagination allows me to get out of my own ideas and personal notion and then look at it from a social stand point. And then I can then identify social problems. I really like how this lady talks about talking to her students and asking them questions and most of them having the same answers on where they live and how much money they and save and basically she found they most of them where barley getting by from month to month. And by digging into the problem looking at it from a sociological stand point maybe then we could identify the issues. And then by having a structured out look in society then maybe these issues would not happen. That is not always the answer though sometimes problems happen with structure but it is important to look through other peoples eyes and see things from their point of view. Overall this was a great video to watch.

    1. I agree it was a very eye- opening video on how important sociological imagination is for us to look at other people's perspective and not judge one's personal shortcomings because it could very well be a social problem. But on the flip side Dr. Marshall explains that you cannot use social problems as an excuse to not do individual's responsibilities.

    2. I agree on your post. It was an eye opener, I like how,sociological imagination let you get out your mind. And, do some crazy thinking. I do agree, the video was great! Also, I do think digging into an issues from a sociological stand point is a great way to slove the problem. Or help identify it.


    3. I agree as well. This video was very informative. I was surprised to hear that the majority of her students were having problems getting by from month to month. Social imagination is important for us as a society to us help identify some of the problems. TennisChamp001

  2. Dr. Marshall really focuses on the sociological imagination, which in my opinion really important in understanding others better. One really needs to look through others eyes to realize what others are going through instead of assuming the worst and judging people for their shortcomings. Marshall explains that C. Wright Mills proclaims that ‘the features of the social life have meanings for individuals, and they profoundly affect the values, character, and the behavior of men and women who make up that sociocultural system’ and if you have personal shortcomings, try looking at it as a social problem, but that does not give an excuse individuals responsibilities. She goes briefly into detail about how there are many ways to reform social problems. The main lesson I feel she is teaching is that we cannot judge others by their shortcomings because sometimes it is not their fault and can be a social problem. chicagoblackhawks001

    1. I agree that if you are going to study human behavior, the ability to see life from the point of view of others is something you need to have. This is not only in regards to other nations, but even just other social classes. I like how you brought up the fact that social influences can't always excuse a person's shortcomings, but failing to recognize even the possibility of social influence means that you will never be able to bring on social change. HAL001

  3. Sociological imagination is a factor that is vital to our modern society. Sociological imagination can be described as the application of individual experiences to a larger society. The only way to truly learn from ourselves is to tell others about our unique experiences. According to Mills, sociological imagination can be described as a quality of mind that helps members of society grasp the relation between biography and history. It is said that history repeats itself, but does biography repeat itself? Will the repetition of biographical events influence the likelihood of history repeating over time? It is important to apply sociological imagination to ensure the best course for our society. If we don’t apply our biography to larger society, that piece of the puzzle may be missing. Self-efficacy is probably the biggest factor for one to not contribute to the general society to influence its course. It is important to groom people to understand that their experiences help shape others experiences and make our society a better place. FireFan001

  4. I agree with Mills in that basic, quantitative research of society is not something that can further our understanding. You need more than numbers to come to conclusions about social issues. I like how Mills's idea of sociological imagination is kind of like philosophy, though it's way more down-to-earth than what Plato and Aristotle were doing. Sociological imagination, according to the video, is a state of mind and so in that sense it is like philosophy. But the sociological imagination is not imagining an ideal society, but seeing the real society and therefore becoming a person who can have a role in making it better. I also like how the sociological imagination describes how individuals affect society and society affects individuals. This shows how individuals do make a difference and can truly be individuals. But it also shows how everyone makes up a society and that one person's individual decisions don't make as big of a difference as they might sometimes feel.

    1. Woops. ^That was HAL001.

    2. I really like your outlook on this video and I completely agree with you as well. I also believed that Mills’ outlook was similar to that of a philosophy standpoint, but thought it was more realistic than what the great philosophers talked about – glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that. Caffeinated001

    3. I agree that C. Wright Mills' ideas are similar to philosophy. I really enjoy that his work is not black and white but so very complex and thought provoking. I also noticed how Mills recognized the individual and I think today a lot of people do not think they make a difference and this is a reminder that individuals affect society just as much as society affects individuals. This video makes one think deeper. Sleepyhead001

  5. Dr. Marshall really focuses on the sociological imagination. The video was very interesting. The sociological imagination allows me to go out my way and think the way I wouldn't think. It would also allow to identify some of theses problems that goes on. I like in the video how the professor said, how her students would raise there hand, and answer on a question. And, have the same answer or similar. On where they stay, or how much money have. I think the video gave me a very good understanding on how all that works out. I think her main reasoning was, we can not judge others of the ways they have and or act. By looking at a issues/problem from a sociological stand point, it could help solve the issues/problem. Overall, the video was a complete eye opener, and gave me a lot of valuable information.


    1. I agreed with you as well it brings out perspectives that wouldn't come to mind right away. Im also a huge fan of Mills perspective of sociology and how he feels things came together in the beginning of its creation. Pineapples001

  6. I found this video to have a lot of interesting information to take in. The sociological imagination helps a person get outside of their own self and look outside to the world – to see the reality of everyday life by the viewpoint of others. I really appreciated how Dr. Marshall talked about/used the example of asking the students to answer if they were struggling to make ends meet, which would be looked at as a personal issue – yet in reality could be considered a social problem. Her use of this example and her explanation of it really allowed me to understand what C. Wright Mills meant with the social imagination. It showed me that our problems can be structural and (sometimes) we aren’t the primary contributors to such problems. Dr. Marshall’s video really opened my eyes to looking at issues through the eyes of other people to try and understand what they may be going through. I definitely enjoyed the video and look forward to learning even more. Caffeinated001

    1. I find it important to view the mishaps of everyday life through the eyes of others. Not everyone's problems are individual problems, they are social problems. Dr. Marshell's example really helps us understand that. Sometimes it is hard to see the difference but sociological imagination helps us to see the difference.


  7. I strongly agree with Dr. Marshall not to judge people for their short comings. It is so important to look at things from someone else's perspective. When Dr. Marshall sees that so many of her students are doing everything the way they are supposed to be and all continuing to have the same problem and outcome, that it is not an individual shortcoming, it is a social problem. Another thing I really agree with is Mills' statement "The features of social life have meanings for individuals, and they profoundly affect the values, character, and the behavior of the men and women who make up that sociocultural system". The events, actions, and judgements that take place within a society so strongly affect the behavior of the people within that society. It then affects the way they see things and their judgements on others, shaping people's personalities into the norms of that specific society.


  8. This video forced me to think outside the box. Instead of looking at one thing just my angle I can see many different angles. The biggest thing that stood out to me was that the professor explained that it may not always be and individual problem, but that it could be a social problem. With this in mind I feel that I can now make a more educated judgment on society's problems. TennisChamp001

    1. I liked this video. She really helped me to understand what “social imagination” really was by focusing on it for so long and giving plenty of examples. I agree that she helped us to look outside of the box or outside of our normal everyday perspective and realize that not every situation might be as it seems on the surface. Saur001

  9. I like the ideal that she has given us a couple of questions to think about instead of pouring out notes to write down. I loved the term she used having to rob Peter to pay Paul when you’re having hard financial problems that many US citizens are having right now at this very moment. I am very agreeable with Mill's perspective of sociology and how it works for people now in this generation and what it really should be without the norms of what people expect out of everyone. I loved how the doctor pointed out that many of us now in the world don’t look at things in every perspective there is. I fear that its more that people don’t know how to and refuse to when they feel like what they say is the way of the world. This video was a huge help towards me having a better understanding for sociology. Pineapples001

  10. The majority of this video talks about sociological imagination. Sociological imagination is a quality of mind. This professor states that sociology needs intellectual thinkers that can put themselves in a reality and be able to accurately report back what that reality is. At first, this part of the video didn’t make much sense to me, however the Professor gave an example at the end that really put things into perspective for me. She talked about how many of her students are struggling to make a decent living, in fact about half can barely make it paycheck to paycheck. She then goes on to say that sociological imagination is not blaming the individual for their problem but society itself and what’s going on in the structure is to blame. It allows us to get out of a personal perspective and look at a situation from a social standpoint, or viewing things as social problems instead of individual shortcomings. Saur001

    1. I agree. Sometimes I think this can be a hard concept to grasp. It's all about imagining being in someone else's reality and interpreting it. I also like that you mentioned sociologial imagination is not blaming the individual for the problem but society. Maybe it's the real thing to blame for the problems in someones life. It does in fact allow for us to see things in a different perspective and perhaps not just blame the person who might be in a sticky situation, but the society that put them there. MacD001

  11. I think it was cool that it talked about putting yourself in others shoes. Sociology is also being able to see the world and culture through someone else eyes. For me the video was slightly hard to understand but I think the main idea that I was able to get from it was seeing the world through a different world. It's not just about "me me me" in life. Instead I think the only way to gaining full understanding of other cultures and societies as a whole is being able to understand what makes us who we individual and considering what other people realities are like, probably different than ours. MacD001

  12. Dr. Marshall did a great job explaining such a complex topic. She explained that to C. Wright Mills sociological imagination is a “quality of mind” allowing you to grasp relationships between your personal self and how you fit into the bigger picture. Basically the ability to step out of yourself and experience the world in the eyes of another. Another aspect of sociological imagination is the understanding that social outcomes are a result in what a person does and how he or she acts. Meaning individuals have an affect on society. C. Wright Mills concentrated on what he thought the very essence of being human means. Mills demonstrated sociological imagination during the great depression. People in the 1930’s didn’t say, “oh no, I am a horrible worker I can’t find a job” but were able to recognize the economy collapsed and the inability to find a job was a societal problem not personal. Sleephead001


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