Sociology: Simply Explained....


  1. Who knew sociology was such a diverse subject. It has a wide variety of studies that make it a whole. This video made the subject a lot more interesting for me. Now knowing more, I reflect on my own experiences of how society has influenced my behaviors and changed me as a person. I also see how many of my decisions are made with society’s judgements in mind. Today society’s judgement seems to have a huge impact on an individual’s decisions and actions. Everyone wants to meet the “norms” of their society so they can fit in.
    Before watching this video I did not know how complex studying sociology was. The video taught me the different ways that people study sociology. It is interesting to see that it is not all studied the same. The different ways bring different findings of the subject. This video was very helpful to my knowledge of sociology.

    1. It’s fascinating that we ourselves influence our everyday life. Many decisions that we make on a day to day basis, is not necessarily a product of our own wants and needs, but based on what is happening around us. One example in my life is that I was thinking about how I take round about routes to work now, and knowing that I have been doing it to avoid traffic due to construction. This is my behavior, and it is influenced by outside forces. Even something so simple and basically unimportant, is still a factor of sociology. Not only does this affect us on an individual level, but it also impacts our lives as a whole. Society relates to one another. It influences our behavior towards those of different races, genders, ages, and social classes. One point that the video made, that I had never thought of before, is that we treat people of a higher social status differently than we treat people of a low social status, even when we don’t know the people on a personal level. Sandydog001

    2. I agree with you, this video made the subject much more interesting to learn about. I also have reflected on the many influences society has on me and those around me. It really makes me really sit and pick it all apart. Watching this video made me extremely excited to learn more about Sociology.

    3. I'm there with you. It sucks that we're pressured to meet norms of what's trending every five seconds on twitter. Not only does it bother us, it shows the children younger than us that this is okay and this is what's expected so you should get on the band wagon and start early. I also loved that example with obesity it pointed out a lot of things I feel should be shared with everyone who needs to be educated about their health. Pineapples001

  2. This introduction of sociology was extremely interesting. Sociology is the scientific study of human activity in society. The two main aspects of society are social interaction and that is how people relate to one another and how people influence one another. The second main aspect is social phenomena, the observable facts in human society. These are interesting this that just happen in our society, such as using words like “LOL” or “BRB”. I really like how they used the picture of the Simson’s to describe what a society is. A society is a large grouping of people that shares the same territory, political, and cultural expectations. I think the study of sociology is very important because it allows every individual to experience different aspects of life that they may not have by not studying sociology. I have personally traveled to many different parts of the world and met many different types of people. By learning their behaviors and different they things they do and why that might influence their social factors is why I am interesting in learning more about sociology.

    1. I agree, I never really thought of the Simpsons being a society example until he explains it and how societies need three things to be considered a society such as having the same geographical territory, political authority, and cultural expectations. I also agree that it is interesting how social factors influence us and shape us to be the person we are today like using those tech savvy acronyms. chicagoblackhawks001

    2. I totally agree with you! I never thought the Simpsons would ever be an example of sociology. I also myself, think that it is very interesting that how our society just started using words, such as "LOL" and "BRB". And, many other not to name. It's just cool, how it came out of the middle of no where. I know, its many more thing to learn about the subject. I'm also ready to learn more about sociology.


    3. Without the comparison of The Simpsons I would have never connected the three factors to my everyday life. I didn't find this subject very interesting to begin with, but now that I have a good introduction I think I am also becoming very interested in how different societies can affect the behaviors of people very differently. TennisChamp001

  3. It is truly amazing how manifold sociology can be and how many factors go into the study of human activity. During this video, he explains the basics of sociology and what can be studied, such as history, anthropology, psychology, economics, and political science. The instructor also explains how social imaginations are a perspective that shows us how to contemplate how outside forces shape our lives and make us who we are today. He proclaims how the show ‘The Simpsons’ is a good example of a society, which he defines as ‘a large grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.’ A society needs all three requirements (same geographical territory, political authority, and dominant cultural expectations) to be considered a society. I thought this video was very informational on the study of sociology and goes into detail on how broad it can be. chicagoblackhawks001

    1. I totally agree with you. I was also amazed at how many aspects go into the study of human activity & the subject of sociology. I never really thought about how many of our decisions are influenced by outside forces until watching this clip. I also believe that the Simpsons was a good example to explain what a society is because the characters portrayed within the show are very similar to the everyday people around us. Caffeinated001
      PS: Nice choice for your handle… that’s what I was going to pick til I saw you used it! :)

    2. thank you :) chicagoblackhawks001

  4. The word Sociology is a big word. It means so many things. The word is also interesting. During the video, I like how the professor put the T.V show the simpons as a very good example of society. I also like how the professor explaned how forces shape up our lives, and who we are today, and what we do as a person, or a group. I find it very interesting how our society is using words like, "LOL" or "BRB". The study of sociology is very important because, it allows us to get a better understanding of how things work. A society would need all three requirements to be known as a group or society. I also like how sociology come as one big word, it combines so many other factors to it. (Education, Politcal Science, Economic status). And, so much more. This is a very interesting topic/subject.


    1. I agree that it is very interesting that our society is saying things like "LOL" or "BRB" instead of the actual words. It's almost like we are too lazy to use the actual words, or we are just using them because that is what everyone else is saying. Sometimes I even find myself saying them aloud.


    2. I sometimes find myself saying "LOL" outloud as well as other acronyms which shows how much society truly does have an affect on an individual's behavior. Realizing little behavioral changes like this helps you learn and understand the importance of sociology and social interaction and the impact of it’s influence. Sleepyhead001

  5. This video was very helpful when it comes to explaining the basics of sociology. Prior to it, I wasn’t exactly sure how complex the subject really was – yet now I see that there are multiple aspects that can be learned about involving the topic. It’s rather amazing how human behavior is so easily manipulated by what’s going on around us & what we believe to be a decision of our on really has been majorly influenced without us even realizing it. Everyone just wants to fit in with what everyone else is doing; or “Keeping up with the Joneses” as my father likes to say. I found the example of the Simpsons to be helpful in the understanding of the terminology that he was using – as well as eye opening to the fact that I had never looked at the show in that way before. I definitely look forward to learning more on the topic of sociology now that I have a better understanding of what it means. Caffeinated001

    1. I definitely agree with you on the fact that I had no idea really how complex sociology was. After watching this video, I now know that there are so many different areas within it and different ways you can apply the knowledge sociology has to offer. Regarding human behavior, I find it interesting how we feel so complex and individual, yet we are made into the same exact patterns as the person next to us. It’s almost offensive, yet very interesting. Aloha001

  6. This video gives a good overview about the basic functions and concepts of sociology. The Simpsons serves as a prime example of an ideally influenced sociological society. After watching this video, I have begun to realize that sociology impacts every aspect of our life. Sociology can be a quiet force, meaning we do not always hear of its affects right away. We often believe that things just happen because that’s the way things should be. Application of sociology can be used to evaluate the merits of one’s own life events. Our lived are influenced by all of our surroundings. These influences include politics, economics, race, gender, and education. It is these factors that shape individual experiences but these experiences benefit a larger society, this is known as sociological imagination. Understanding sociological imagination is vital to the application of sociology in everyday life. Sociology further influence other sciences, like anthropology, history, and psychology. In conclusion, sociology impacts every aspect of daily life. FireFan001

    1. I agree with you that understanding that sociology affects every aspect of our lives is important to understanding the subject. You said that sociology can be a quiet force which I think is really good phrasing and I think that, more often than not, that statement is true when it comes to society's affects. I also like how you mentioned that sociology can help us measure our own lives. Understanding sociology can help us better cope with life successes and failures. HAL001

    2. I agree with the statement that Sociology, along with other social sciences are crucial to our understanding and knowledge. I like that they all have to do with understanding different perspectives of people. These kinds of academics are important because they are able to bring people together despite differences and also allow for us to learn communication and understanding of what goes on in ones head! I also like that the video related it to the Simpsons to society, because I think it paints a good understanding in my head. MacD001

  7. From this video and the first chapter, I can tell that one of the most important thing you need to have when studying sociology is a sociological imagination. If you don't have that, it is impossible to ever get a true picture of human behavior. Comparing ourselves to other cultures based only on our own will never be enough to understand society. I like how the instructor in this video mentioned how The Simpsons represents aspects of society. Obviously, the social commentary made by The Simpsons, or other shows like Southpark, is a little over-the-top, but their use of humor to address society's flaws is really effective at getting people's attention. This video gave me an idea of how diverse the study of human nature is. Not only is there sociology but there's also psychology, anthropology, history, and other areas of study that aim to understand humanity. The fact that sociology is only one facet of the study of people and that study leads into more studies and so on only confirms how complicated humans really are. HAL001

  8. When I started this class I really had no idea what sociology was all about. This video gave a great overview about sociology. I have studied psych, broad anthropology, and a lot of history, but it never occurred to me how important sociology really is. It didn't seem like a class I would be at all interested in, but I was surprised to find out how truly interesting the subject actually is. Comparing society to The Simpsons was a good visual connection for me. The professor talked about the three requirements a group of people needs in order to be considered a society. Because he tied it to The Simpsons it was much easier for me to understand. I never would have made that connection without this video. TennisChamp001

    1. I agree that the Simpsons reference made it easier to understand the material. The video was kind of dry. It just had words on the screen and not much else going on. However, the Simpsons’ references helped to break it up and make it interesting. It also helped that it was kind of unexpected and not something you would typically associate with sociology; this makes it easier for us to remember it in the future. Saur001

  9. I feel like once you said the actual word your mind and creativity explodes with thoughts and opinions of what it means to you. I loved the ideal of adding the Simpson's example into the introduction because not many of us what have come up with it as our first example. I also love how it ties into the peripheral of what we see and what others in the world view as everyday life. This video has also added more information to my notes that we didn't cover on the introduction of sociology. I'm pretty excited that we get to do these blogs because it makes me feel more involved with what we're studying and it helps freshen up what we went over in the class including the fact were there for a long period of time which can make us feel restless. I'm looking forward to my ending thoughts of sociology and how it effects my life.


  10. Sociology is complex. It is not just the scientific study of human activity in society, it has multiple aspects to it such as: interaction and phenomena. Which are how people relate to one another and influence each other’s behavior and the observable facts or events in human society, respectively. I liked that this professor used the Simpson’s as an example in his lecture. This kept it interesting and made it easier to understand and remember because he connected the information to something almost everyone can relate to. I also liked the way this professor gave vocab words. He broke them down and explained them very thoroughly. He also really emphasized the most important parts of the definitions by circling and underlining key words. This was very helpful in understanding these terms better. I think it is really interesting how all of our choices we make on our own aren’t really our choices. By that I mean pretty much every decision we make is influenced by our society whether we realize it or not, yet we all think of ourselves as completely unique and different people with our very own opinions. Saur001

  11. it's just the first time i seen the introduction of sociology but i already love it. It's such a surprise that sociology is kind of complex. This video used the Simpson's family to explain the idea of society is very brilliant. It give the very clear concept about society, large social grouping that shares same territory and subject to the same political authority and dominant culture expectation. The sociological imagination explain how society effect our choice. some times our choice is not really our choice, it's the choice we choose base on the conditions society give to us. The example professor gives us about sociological perspective is nice and clear. Like he said, even in the same country we are still so different if we live in different area. This kind of video's make the sociology easier to understand. believe it or not i already looking forward to see another video. Magnus001

  12. I totally agree with you about this video freshen up what we went over in the class. The idea of adding the Simpson's really make this concept much easier to understand. And i'm looking forward how sociology will effects my life too. Magnus001

  13. Sociology was always a subject that I assumed interested me, but something I never really understood what it was composed of. In the video, sociology is laid out in a simpler format and it was especially helpful to have the two main aspects of sociology listed out and defined, social interaction and social phenomena. I was already aware that the Simpson’s was a prime example for a lot of social interactions and examples, but being shown how it directly depicts sociology was really interesting. I am very excited to now go into depth on sociology now that I was able to sit down and really understand at my own pace what the commonly used terms meant. Sociology is such an intriguing subject and like it was said in the video, you always need to ask the “why?” question. Hearing this made it easier to understand what sociology truly was about and what we as students and just basic people can do to partake in that. Aloha001

  14. In my opinion sociology is not only important to learn, but very interesting! It forces us to look not only at our culture, or what we judge to be true, but to open our eyes and see the world in a different perspective as said in the video. We can look at different cultures and notice that they are different but also see the similarities as well. That's one thing that I love about a topic like this. In the video it talked about why we should study it. And of course I was thinking, because it's important. But why is it important? I think it's crucial to learn this stuff because then we can better understand other people, and then better understand ourselves and why we act the way we do. MacD001

  15. If a group of people share a geographical territory, political authority, and common cultural expectations they are considered a society. Social expectations is defined in the video as “how people relate to one another and influence one another’s behavior.” Relate meaning how people speak and communicate with one another. An example is one would speak differently talking to the president than his or her sibling. One would obviously use a different tone a voice and different word choice in those situations to show respect to the president and casualness with a sibling. Society and other people influence an individual’s behavior. The professor used the example that if you listen to a certain genre of music but your peer group does not enjoy the same type of music you might stop listening to it and started listening to what they thought was “better” and “more acceptable”. Society is constantly trying to change and evolve your behavior, a person’s behavior is always changing in result. Sleepyhead001


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