Damn Crime in My Area According to the Uniform Crime Report

Damn Crime Statistics in My Area....


  1. I was looking at crime rates in Washington, IL which has a population of roughly 15,000 residents. I was not surprised at the numbers that I saw. Mostly around Washington there are a lot more property crimes than violent crimes. Washington only had 24 violent crimes, along with zero reported rapes, 5 robberies, and only 19 aggravated assaults. While on the other hand of things, Washington had 185 property crimes, 59 Burglaries, and 129 larceny thefts. As you can see, property crimes are a lot more popular in Washington than violent crimes. Also remember that the numbers on this UCR chart are reported crimes and only fifty percent of crimes are actually reported so the numbers could be a little higher. I can tell you right now that most property crimes take place during the night and are committing by juveniles, not adults. So how can we fix this problem? I recommend putting more street lights out and creating brighter streets. Also house owners in the neighborhoods can put a lamp in their front yards and porches to lighten up their property. Just simply patrolling around Washington would help this problem be fixed Bry001

    1. I agree with you, as like in my town most crimes happen at night time. I think it has a lot to do with kids not having anything to do with the free time they have so they find things to do and it turns into crimes.

    2. I agree with you Bry001 my town has rarely any crime in it because it is a safe town, but sometimes it will have a burglary every once in a while but other wise its a safe community

    3. I agree with your plans on ways to decrease the juvenile crimes at night time. They could also work on more ways to enforce the curfew laws by making the parents more aware of the penalties and risks of having their kids out past curfew. Bike001

    4. I like what you have to say in this post. It makes since that Washington would have more property crimes than violent crimes since its a suburb rather than a larger city. I like how you included so relatively easy solutions to this problem that would be relatively inexpensive to complete. EKT001

    5. I also looked up Washington and found the same results and had the same response, I knew we had a low amount of crime go on, but some statistics shocked me and others I already had a pretty good idea of what the statistic would come out to be. Broncos001

    6. I agree 100% with your ways to prevent night time crimes. Many of the streets in Washington have minimal street lights and that is an advantage to those who want to commit crimes without being caught. It wouldn't cost a lot and it's a simple way to prevent such acts. I also think that since Washington lacks places for juveniles to hang out without causing trouble, they seek out and find things to do; most of the time illegal things. If the city would build facilities and offer more I think it would reduce the amount of juvenile crimes as well. behappy001

    7. I think Washington is a great community, but it does have it problems. I agree with the street lights idea. People wont commit crimes in a place that is clearly lit. I think the area over by the park district (which is also the old middle school) needs to be redone. This is where a lot of crime happens. I used to hangout there a lot in my younger days and i dont even know how many drug deals went on while I was there with my friends. Most of the time I think it was weed but its still illegal.


  2. I’m looking at the crime rate in Washburn IL. The town has around 2000 people living here. The bulk of the crimes happing in this town would be thefts, burglaries, and assaults. Looking at all the numbers and seeing the crimes that are taking place in my town is not surprising to me at all. By living in the town I hear about crimes like this happing almost all the time. And I know a lot of the people that do these crimes. Fortunately for me from growing up in the town the bad apples that live in the town and keep getting caught by the police don’t mess with my property. Washburn is an easy town to get away with some crimes because most days there is no cops on duty and everyone knows when they will be working and not working.

  3. I looked up Peoria and from 1985-2012 the number of murders and non negligent manslaughters go up and down in that time span. That's just really crazy to see that. Even though I don't live in Peoria that's just really incredible to see the murders go up and down like that. The largest number of murders is 23 which was set back in 1989 and it hasn't gone over twenty since then but it has gone over 15 a few times. Peoria is just a crazy town to be in and you don't want to get murdered in this town. Peoria is a neat town but some parts are just incredible to be in and I fear for my life in some parts. I hate to see people get shot and be killed and every time I see that on the news it just breaks my heart.

    1. Its so sad to see the murders at such a high rate and sadly we are most likely never going to see them decrease anytime soon. I totally agree with feeling very unsafe in certain areas of the town, especially at night. Cubs001

  4. My town of Morton seems to have an incredibly low violent crime rate. In the past 27 years we only had two cases of murder or non-negligent manslaughter and one case of forcible rape. The 27 year high for aggravated assault in one yer was 20, and yearly rates rarely exceeded single digits. Property crimes were more frequent however. The amount of larcenies was around 200 a year until 2006 when they dwindled to roughly 150 a year. The yearly number of burglaries over the last 27 years are pretty stable, showing now significant increase or decrease and tend to fluctuate within 15 of 50. The number of motor vehicle thefts rarely broke into the double digits over the past 27 years. Overall it seems that Morton is a very safe, low crime town. It would be interesting to see data on who is committing the crimes, like if they are from or are from out of town. There could be multiple reasons for how low our crime rates are, our town is fairly affluent, our streets are well lit with few parts hidden from main well patrolled roads, we have plenty of parks and after school activities to keep children from having idle hands, and stable nuclear homes. It could also be that low crime rates in previous years keep bad examples from young people if an observer wanted to take a more broken windows approach. CoolGuy001

    1. I'm not very surprised with your findings on Morton. my mother is from there and you can definitely tell that it's a very small tight knit low crime community. RRM001

    2. Living in morton for five years I quickly learned that at first sight the town does seem pretty stable and not much crime happens there. But as for this town i experienced firsthand that it might have a lot more crime than meets the eye. A lot of it might go unreported. The crime rate could be higher than what the chart says from people turning a blind eye or tucking it away and not reporting it. Bike001

    3. I work in Morton and live right near it and never really heard of any bad crime happening. It is not surprising seeing that it is a low crime rate town. But in every town there is more crime than what is being reported, so everyone has to remember that. bamboo001

    4. I always imagined that Morton would have a much higher drug crime rate. Not because it's a town full of addicts, but because it sits on or right next to the convergence of I155 I74 and I474, which would undoubtedly be major transport routes for any drug trade between Springfield, East St. Lewis, Peoria, and Bloomington-Normal. This could be because Morton is a smaller town and that corridor can be accessed through Normal though. It could also be because the data was collected by the Morton Police Department and not by the Illinois State Police who do more on the interstate highways. coolguy001

    5. i honestly have never really thought about Morton. I guess that is because I have never really heard anything bad about the town. That is a good thing! Most people will remember the name of a town or city because it was big in the news headlines, and that is usually only due to people committing violent crimes. So I guess I am not surprised that Morton is kind of a "clean" town and that not much goes on there. agentp001

  5. I looked at the crime tables for East Peoria and I was actually surprised with what I found. In the year 2012 there were only 84 violent crimes in a population of 23,000 that might sound like a lot but if you look at Chicago who is a little over 100x larger than us they had about 26,000 violent crimes in 2012 and that is a staggering number. For East Peoria most of the crimes committed in the calendar year are larceny and theft charges, with burglary coming in second. So if you look at it the town definitely commits more white collar crimes rather than violent heinous crimes that you would see in cities like Chicago, Carbondale, and East St. Louis. One last fact I thought was astounding was that in this report between 1985 and 2012 there has only been 6 reported murders and non-negligent manslaughters. I thought that was pretty good for my hometown. RRM001

    1. Im glade to see only 6 murders in 30 years and no manslaughter makes me feel better about liven here alot more larceny and theft then expected there to be but differently white collar crime town tho.cowboys001

    2. This is also good to see that the number of violent crimes was 84 considering the number of places that East Peoria is part of also inculdeing the number of people that live within the area of East Peoria. Eagle001

  6. I looked at East Peoria and East ST louis mainly and the poplation is very differnt but East looks pretty safe compared to there alot of murders in East St Louis EP had more violent crimes then i thought there would be i didn't think any cars would have been stolen i never about it but by using this chart i can see i was wrong i really like this chart good to see zero murder with drug going up probably see burglary go up to there was a lot more rape charges then i thought but over all in a 12 months reporting its pretty small if you look at the big picture more people should really use these charts.


  7. Since Metamora and Woodford County were not on the list for the UCR, I looked at the crime report for Peoria, and I think its really interesting to pick apart. Its really interesting to see how much crime rates fluctuate throughout the years. The tables were easy to decipher too, which I also appreciated. I thought it was really interesting to see how much the murder/nonnegligent manslaughter rates and the aggravated assault rates fluctuate throughout the years. I wish that the Illinois collection methods for forcible rape were in line with the FBI standards because I think that those statistics would be really interesting to see too. EKT001

  8. I looked up my town Pekin and I was kind of surprised by seeing what types of violent crimes happening. I mostly ever hear about the people who get caught with or making drugs. Seeing that there were 60 reports of forcible rape in the past three years made me sick. Even though the numbers could be higher, I just see how someone can enjoy forcing someone into sexual intercourse. Other reports like property crime, theft, and motor vehicle theft did not surprise me as much because it is one of those things I see in the Pekin Police Facebook page a lot. Over the 15 years that were given there have only been 10 murders/ manslaughters in Pekin, so even though it might not be the best or nicest town, it is safer than some of the cities around us. bamboo001

    1. I agree with you bamboo001, every city has their flaws here and there whether its a big or small city although the numbers might differ in crime. No matter where you go one city has to be chill more then its other surrounding cities. Computers001

  9. While looking up the rates for Washington, I found it very interesting to see how different it was in certain years. From what I saw, there was no trend, it was mostly random. I did notice that in 2006 the number of Agg. Assault was very high, then in other years it was pretty low. It was hard to see a direct correlation but I thought it was very interesting on how different years were up to 2012. I did notice that the Robbery rate was pretty close throughout the years and never had a spike up that stood out. I also noticed that the motor vehicle theft was a lot higher than I expected. Very cool to see the stats on Washington and get a better idea of what is really going on and how much of what type of crime we have and how it compares to previous years. broncos001

  10. As for someone who lives on the other side of the river in East Peoria. I have always thought my town was a huge difference compared to Peoria. And boy was I right. East Peoria is almost all white collar crimes with a few violent crimes. But compared to Peoria where there are 15 plus murders every year, I would much rather stay over here. Its really unpleasant to see such a pretty city gather such a bad rep from ear to ear and by statistics. Cubs001

    1. That's where i am right now with this, seeing the different rates between pekin and peoria. You always here the horror stories about Pekin but looking at the numbers many more serious crimes happen in Peoria and not pekin. -dicaprio001

    2. I looked at the difference in these two towns as well and was not very surprised to see the difference between them. They are that close to each other but very different. hawkshockey001

  11. My town of Metamora, was unavaible for data so I used the Tazewell County Shireff's Department. which its good to see that over the years of 1985-2012 there was appromxily about 12 vioient crimes happening each year violent crimes didn't rise in any since even as the population increased. Also as other sources of crime did across the nation we had increase in other various violient crime. Eagle001.

  12. in general in Illinois violent crime was high in 1979 till about 1991 but after 1992 you see violent crime go down and its been "low" ever since. In 1980-1981 property crime was high, the burglary rate has also been "low". Car theft was at it's highest in the 80's and 90's. That was just my general intake of Illinois as a whole. Living in Pekin I had to take a peek at their statistics. I found that property crime in pekin was it's highest between 1985-1987, it's gone down since then. Larceny/theft rate is still kind of high in Pekin. No violent crime documented for Pekin until the year 2010, but aggravated assault has gone up a little. Then I went ahead and took a look at Peoria's statistics and its 100% a different story than in Pekin. Makes you really see how different towns literally separated by just a bridge experience very different situations. -dicaprio001

  13. The amount of crime and the different crimes really help to show us the people what is really going on in your city. I never knew the amount of murders committed in Peoria was so high because I have lived here a year and have never heard anything. It's important to have articles like this one to show the crimes committed in your area to better protect and warn people about the dangers.

  14. I took a look at Peoria from 1985-2012. I looked at all of the different murder rates and all other sorts of crimes and found it interesting that pretty much all of the numbers fluctuated throughout the years. Its sad to see the murder numbers and the murder rate and everything else that this table showed me. This table could be helpful to law enforcement though to see if there is any progress in certain crimes or areas that they need to work on. hawkshockey001

  15. I decided to look at the crime rates in Morton and my findings were not surprising. My dad lives in Morton so I visit quite often. For the past 12 years, the city seems to remain the same; calm and tight-knit. I was surprised to find that in the past 27 years, there has been only 2 cases of murder. I think that because the city is very well lit and their police force stays constant throughout the day and night, patrolling and keeping watch, it prevents kids to act out. There are also a multiple parks to hang out at, veering kids away from trouble. I do believe though that much more crime happens that isn't reported. behappy001

  16. I searched up Peoria and looked at the murder and took a quick look at the manslaughter section from 1985 - 2012. Was nearly surprised to see how these numbers change so efficiently within the years but no matter which city you live in whether it is Peoria or not, crime is going to be everywhere and that's where this all ties in with the UCR to inform us of what the rates and numbers are in the city which a person lives in. Computers001

  17. I looked up the crime stats for my hometown Washington. When i saw the stats I was actually surprised by the amount of crimes. It wasn't really a lot, i was just more than i expected. For the most part most of the crimes taking place in Washington were property crimes. There are a few violent crimes but there hasn't been a murder or manslaughter since 1985. It also seemed like a lot of the crime rates were going down. The only one that seemed like they were increasing were robbery and aggravated assault. Washington has always been a very nice community and you can walk around at night without the fear of being robbed for the most part.


  18. Looking at my home town of Peoria its kind of interesting to see the fluctuation in the crime rates over time. It seems like in some cases especially murder its an up and down trend it never really stays steady which brings up the question why? was there an increase in gang shootouts in peoria in certain years? I also looked at morton which i used to live in in my juvenile years. Its basically the polar opposite of peoria the crime rate is way lower. Who knows if thats because more crime goes un reported? of course being a town of 17000 there isn't going to be nearly as much crime as peoria. but there could be more going unseen than we think. I also think morton has a very good school program as well as the after school programs and sports to keep there youth busy and out of trouble. Peorias poverty rate is also alot higher than mortons which might leave a lot of kids out on the streets with nothing to do which leads to them causing trouble. Bike001

  19. I was looking at Pekin which apparently has more sexual crimes than anything else. I expected to see nothing but stabbings over drugs and things along those lines. But those things more likely than not probably just don't get reported. The amount of sexual crime is slightly larger than I expected. but none the less, Pekin could still use some more cleaning up. Not the worst but not the best either.

  20. This website was a little confusing to follow and navigate at first. But once i figured out how to work with it, I played around with it. I checked the crime rates in Peoria, Washington, and Pekin. In Peoria alone, the number of violent crimes reported in 2012 was 919. To me, that is horrifying. The number of murders was 10, forcible rape was 25, and the numbers just keep climbing for the other crimes that were committed. This is very alarming for my hometown city. I never realized that the crime rates were so bad. These are only the reported crimes, and it is hard to imagine that the number could potentially be twice as high as it is recorded, seeing as that only 50% of crimes are reported. I hope that with the following years, we will be able to help this number go down, and that Peoria will become a better and more safe community again. agentp001


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