Law Creation and the Conflict Model and its Real Application....

Law Creation and the Conflict Model and its Real Application....


  1. This is extremely frustrating to read in my opinion. They may not have "gotten away with it" because they got caught, but they basically got away with it.. To be allowed to keep your license after sexually abusing a patient is beyond my comprehension. I think this boils down to the Social Conflict theory. Those with wealth and power will not face justice the same as someone who is less fortunate. Only 25% of the doctors that were disciplined lost their licenses. 200 were disciplined, 50 lost their licenses, and 150 kept working. About 75 of those 150 are still out there working today. What is going to stop those doctors from doing it again? Ahmed, for example, committed an offense several times, and nothing came of it except some boundary classes and temporary restriction from treating women. Any criminal conviction of a doctor should result in the taking away of his or her license. I know that there are a lot of people that may make up false claims to get some kind of settlement, but if they are proven guilty of the offense, the license should be taken away.

    1. I think nothing is going to stop them from doing it again. Like you said people with wealth and power don't face justice the same way someone less fortunate, so by the facts of that they will probably get so comfortable with having minor to no type of punishment, that they will just keep doing it which is really dangerous. Maybe once they make this serious and crack down on it, it will stop. But by the looks of it, it won't be stopped anytime soon, or sooner than we hope. Kt002

    2. It's crazy, isn't it? Just because this many went through a lot of years in school and gets paid a gorgeous salary, he doesn't deserve to be punished from his crimes? Yes, for sure, the only way to stop this from happening is to start punishing the rich in the same degrees that the rich punish the poor. And to be honest, I am not sure that will ever happen. The struggles of the poor are not considered worth the time of any others. (By poor I mean anyone who is not filthy rich) When taken under a conflict view, they poor in our country have no power over who the laws punish and who they don't. It's a sad part of life, but I don't think it is likely to ever change. The world we know is a cruel one, and although laws do my it a much safer place, the laws still do not pretect everyone from everything.

    3. I agree this is very frustrating that this happens and why can't we do anything to stop it. If it continues and we don't do anything no one will want to go to a doctor and they will all be getting sued left and right this needs to be fixed right now. JE002

    4. it's beyond degrading for someone to think that they have trust in their physician only to be abused by them. But someone might think that because the doctor didn't get sued or have their medical licence revoked, that it can go under the rug. It's humiliating for sure, but it needs to be taken into affect of that one victim. Maybe the case would be stronger to hold against if it was more victims involved but if someone is clearly stating that their doctor raped them while under the effect of drugs, the police and prosecution should take it seriously as well. -JiminyxC002

    5. It is absolutely despicable that these doctors just basically get off for free for their crimes. Not only should these doctors have their licenses revoked, but they should also have to face criminal charges. The criminal justice system applies to everyone. It should not cater to the rich and powerful. But unfortunately, just like we had learned in class, the laws were made by the rich and powerful and to benefit the rich and powerful. Steve002

    6. I completely agree with you. I had a hard time even making through this article without stopping. It blows my mind that these people are not only still allowed to practice medicine, but most of them still are. If a doctor needs to be put on a restriction where he is unable to treat women for a certain amount of time due to the fact that he may sexually assault them, he should not be allowed to practice medicine. There is something very wrong with this system. JAG002

  2. This to me is honestly crazy and disgusting in so many ways. Its like just because you are higher than someone, you get less punishment , if you even receive any at all. I feel like that is so wrong and it doesn't make any sense to me. Reading that between 1999 and 2016, three out of four Texas doctors disciplined for sexual improprieties with patients were allowed to continue working is scary and actually dangerous. If they keep this up people are going to stop trusting doctors or even be afraid to go to them just because of these statements and what they are capable of doing just because it seems like they can get away with about anything. Another thing that came to my mind is why would someone just lie on a doctor, making a false sexual report on them? For what reason, money? Well if you even knew this was happening, making a false report wouldn't matter anyway since it seems like doctors get away with a lot, so of course you won't be believed. So i feel like when investigators and other people are shown something like this and this serious they should look more into it rather than blowing it off because its not fair to everyone else and its putting others in danger. Kt002

    1. I completely agree with this. In my opinion, a crime is a crime and if it gets committed, you should face the consequences regardless of how much money you have or how much power you have. I also agree that investigators should not just assume a report to be false and blow it off because what if it is indeed legitimate? Then the victim wont get any justice and it puts others at risk. CAE002

    2. This speaks so much volume though. This is basically showing us that something needs to be done and it needs to be done now! I don't think that your punishment should be determined by the size of your wallet/power. I am sure that false reports happen, but false or not the allegations should be investigated and during the investigation the Doctor should not be allowed to practice until they are proven not guilty. This is pretty much saying that true or false I will get away with it. The system is pretty messed up if yu ask me.- Ciaccio002

  3. If a regular fella off of the streets walks up to a woman and knocks her our with some sort of sleeping drug injection and the has his way with her, that man is going to jail for a very long time. It's sexual abuse and rape and it is just a terrible thing to do to someone. But wait, if a doctor does it then it is okay? Where does that make sense? Just because this many get's paid a lot of money, went through a lot of years of school, and performed criminal acts in a hospital, that makes it all okay? Any doctor who does stuff like this should deffinetely lose their license and be fired and thrown in court to determine a fitting punishment.
    Some schools of thought might say that the doctor has put a lot more work in his life, that his career serves the greater good of the people, and that he just deserves a break. But does he really deserve to be allowed to molest people freely?
    Conflict thoerists think this difference in punishment is another example of the battle between the rich and the poor. Rich people, represented by the doctor, are allowed to molest others because they are rich people and they influence the laws to a greater degree. But poor people, represented by some many on the streets raping a passer-by, gets time because he is poor and can't do what rich people can. Yeah, this seems like a very fair law (sarcasm). It's crazy, but if you sit down and think about everything from a conflict perspective, it all sometimes makes sense. I would like to think that it's fake. That the rich people are not keeping the poor people poor. But honestly, when it is taken into perspective, it really seems like the rich people in our country do not give a damn about the poor and seek only to raise their status and keep the poor in their status. - AJC002

  4. This is ridiculous I think if anyone on the streets or a regular citizen did this they would be taken and put in jail for a long time. Now if a doctor does it or someone with money does it its okay? Really that's not right at all. A doctor is a regular person and a citizen to they just may have a difference in money compared to the rest of us. They are not some type of god or the law they deserved to be put in jail just like a regular middle class person would've been. I don't see how someone in the right mind can just let someone walk away knowing that they did this crime and they don't do anything to them so they go on and continuing to do it to other people they just don't stop with a slap on the hand. They are going to think of if nothing happens to me the first time what will they do the second time they can't do anything because they just let them off not even with a warning. If they actually do put restrictions on them they need to be harsher and they need to stay in effect the whole time you can't just lift them whenever you want. JE002

    1. I agree with you, JE002. I don't understand why someone with money is able to do things that people without it, or even someone in the middle class, would not get away with. I don't see this ever really changing in my opinion, but I think its completely unfair.

  5. This is just outrageous. If someone on the streets were to commit these types of acts, guess what happens? That person gets locked up in prison for years, but if a doctor commits these acts suddenly its not a big deal and they keep there license and continue practicing? To me this makes absolutely no sense. Crime is crime and there are punishments for such acts. Why is it that people who tend to have a lot more money than average people, such as doctors, get to be "above the law"? This is just an example of the Social Conflict Theory. I found it quite alarming that some patients that experience these acts won't even report it to the Board or even the police. Doctors who cross the line with their patients are disciplined by taking psychiatric exams, boundaries courses and ethics classes. Yet, some physicians still continue to the cross the line. It's shocking to me that of 200 doctors disciplined, only 50 of them lost their license and the remaining 150 were allowed to continue practicing. All this does is cause people to lose trust with their doctors. As I stated, crime is crime and if you commit it, you should face the consequences, regardless of what your level of wealth and/or power is. CAE002

  6. This is absolute bull crap. Why should they be allowed to practice when it seems that they are using their practice and their title as "doctor" to sexually assault women, children, and in some cases even men. I don't think it is right that if it were an ordinary person that the punishment would be up to 6 years in prison and a spot on the sex offenders list for the rest of their lives. This all follows the Social Conflict theory to a T. Why is it that if you don't have the wealth or the power every crime is extreme? Just because someone has money doesn't mean the punishment should be that of the lesser than someone who commits the same crime and is now serving that time in a prison. If more victims would just speak out about the abuse then maybe it will be an eye opener for the courts and the law makers to say "Hey, this person should not ever be allowed to practice in the medical profession ever again. Also maybe harsher punishments for those doctors as well.- Ciaccio002

    1. Ciaccio002 I agree 100%! It's not fair how just because they have money they get by with ruining somebody life forever. It breaks the bond of trust a patient should have with their doctor. I also agree that they need to serve jail time and have their name put on the sex offender list. There needs to be a harsher crackdown on them. Rocker002

  7. I think this is pretty ignorant. It is a doctor's job to ensure his or her patients problem is taken care of. It definitely is not to molest their patient while they are unable to defend themselves. The only reason they are still able to keep their licenses is because they have money and prestige. If I had my way with someone who was unconscious in front of me and I got caught, I would be screwed for the rest of my life. It's especially annoying with the case of Dr. Faiz Ahmed whom had gotten in trouble for groping his female patients on multiple occasions and only got in trouble once after a couple different cases. He kept his medical license through the whole ordeal, and the worst punishment he received was not working with female patients for ten years (knocked down to five) and getting psychiatric help. Some things just don't make very much sense. zmw002

    1. zmw002, I completely agree with you. Dr. Ahmed was let off because of his money and social prestige. The medical boards were given proof of his wrongdoings, yet he only gets a slap on the wrist? In what world is that okay? We need to start actually caring about the well being of a patient, and not how a ruling will affect a doctor’s career and personal life.-OKC002

  8. It is pretty ridiculous how an individual who is worth more money hand has a better education than someone can get away with so much more. As much as I hate to admit it, we really are not equal. The rich and educated will always have a higher standing over someone just trying to make an honest living, and I don't really think that will ever change. It's all really sad. zmw002

    1. I really do agree with you and find this to be true. The rich are literally treated like royalty in this country. It's disgusting. We are all people aren't we? We all bleed red don't we? Why aren't we treated the same as others? This country's mind set is horrible and i'm sad to say we live in it. Ky002

  9. Honestly the conflict model is making this go beyond its worth. Like yes, these doctors ABUSED and hurt their patients, and yes, their medical licences didn't get revoked. But I think there's more to just their status in the community or how their "reputation is so precious." I think that maybe, since these doctors make a lot of money per year, that they could have bought or bribed someone off to make sure the patients couldn't press charges or have the doctors found guilty. I still believe that there could be some parts of the conflict model used in this, but not to the point where we have to blame someone's status quo for something this extravagant. - JiminyxC002

  10. Alright the system is obviously flawed somewhere down the line for this to be happening. It is ridiculous how this type of assault goes on with the men and women that are supposed to help you when you have a medical problem and yet these same people that commit the crime continue to get a simple slap on the wrist it seems like. It's wrong in every way. Now granted not all doctors are bad. It said that the percent of doctors committing these acts is around 1%. So it's small but still since it is that small they should have to pay for what they have done. These victims deserve some sort of comfort. How will they ever get that if in a few years that same doctor is back in the office and they come in contact? It's just not right. There needs to be more precautions and there needs to be a HUGE crackdown on the ones that choose to commit these sick crimes regardless of how much money they have. Rocker002

    1. I agree with rocker002 because people with a lot of money just get slaps on the wrist and act like its nothing. It makes the victims feel like they did nothing. Like really the victims need them to take it more seriously to feel safe. Adelle002

  11. This is beyond ridiculous. Just because you are rich and powerful you get off for free for abusing your patients?! This is definitely not right. Everyone is a part of the criminal justice system and there fore should have to face the punishments that come with breaking the law. However, just because of peoples wealth and social prestige, certain aspects of the system do not apply to them. The laws were and still are made by the powerful and to benefit the powerful. This sends a clear message to everyone else that does not make up the upper class. This shows that if you are not rich and do not hold a high position of prestige and success, you are utterly out of luck if you mess up. Even if you commit the same offense as the rich CEO of whatever business, you will receive the harsher penalty and consequences that are to follow you the rest of your life. Meanwhile, Mr big bucks gets off with a slap on the wrist and his/her insurance company is the one that takes the fine. This is a problem in the criminal justice system that is not discussed enough. There is no uproar from the media demanding change or anything. Maybe that's because the individuals that make up the rich and powerful that create the laws know that in turn those laws benefit themselves. They do not want to change that. And unfortunately, this process will continue and continue without any change. Steve002

    1. I value your opinions! I think the reason they also get off the hook on these cases is because they are close with other powerful figures in society. It is also not broadcasted or announced because they do have the funds to be able to pay someone to "forget about it". It is absolutely ridiculous how society is ran this way. Oasis_002

  12. This article makes me so angry. How is any of this justice? These men took advantage of their position, and sexually abused and assaulted patients. Yet, after evidence is brought to the medical board, and a case is backed up and presented, these men still get to practice medicine? This is a clear injustice. If these men were teachers, bus drivers, or even nurses, they would be thrown in jail, and be labeled a sex offender for the rest of their lives. But because these men are wealthy and are in a higher position in society, they get a slap on the wrist. This is a clear example of how relevant the conflict theory of justice is in our society today. We as Americans, and as decent human beings, are obligated to change this. Sexual abuse is wrong no matter how you spin it or what position you hold, and we need to start enforcing that view on everybody. I personally think that regardless of a court conviction, if a medical board is given any amount of sufficient evidence that a doctor has committed a sexual crime, he or she should lose their medical license.-OKC002

  13. If you told me to come up with some scenario to display the conflict model I couldn't have came up with a better one, and it is completely disgusting that this actually happened. Let's forget for a second that any normal citizen that was found to have committed sexual assault would most likely be facing at least some jail time, because this situation doesn't stop with these doctors avoiding jail time. If you told me that these doctors, who used their positions as a way to commit sexual assault, would somehow avoid jail time I would be completely dumbfounded, but I would expect at the least for them to never be able to practice medicine again. There is no reason that can be given as to why these people were allowed to keep there medical licenses. The system is basically allowing them to continue the same sexual assault they have been committing by allowing them to continue practicing medicine. They are also somewhat even saying that it is okay, because there are documented cases talked about this article where these doctors commit the same offense again. If someone off the street did anything similar to what these doctors are doing it would be an outrage. Just the fact that I have never heard of this situation lets you know that there is something wrong with the system. A crime is a crime no matter your social status and the punishment should be the same punishment regardless of who committed it. JAG002

  14. I was very disappointed while reading this article. How can someone that sexually assaults another human being, let alone being a doctor get away with something like this? Now, let this be some random guy off the street molesting little girls. He was get jail time. So my question is, why aren't these doctors atleast getting their license taken away? Instead they get to keep their license. This is insane. It's like they're kind of telling the doctors it's okay for them to do this. I mean if it happened to me that's how i would feel. I would feel as if you guys didn't care about me or my body that i got sexually assaulted. It shouldn't matter if you're black, white, a doctor, or even a regular person off the street. A crime is a crime and those patients deserve their justice. They probably look at this like a joke, i would. Ky002

    1. exactly! it makes me sick.... I don't understand how someone with a medical license is aloud to keep there job after doing that to a person, and just like you said.. if it was a random person off the street, they would get jail time, but if its a doctor, I guess is ok...camvilla002

  15. I find it very appalling that the medical board did not take their license for this because they are ruing the trust of the patient. Like how can doctor even get new patients when they are accused by that. I know it is hard to convict a person with no evidence but how can they get away with it with 14 allegations brought up against one person. Then they are still able to work in the doctor field. I would think if they would make there work place loose money.The people that made the accusations would feel like the done nothing to let people be aware of what they did if there still working there.Adelle002

  16. So far this class has opened my mind to various topics. One of them being how one group of people can be breaking the law, while it is okay for another group to do the same act. While reading this article I was absolutely and completely frustrated.
    In society doctors, lawyers, dentists, business owners etc are what most of the population look up to.. Yet, when they commit crimes they can be given a harsh talking to and continue on with their business, most of the time. How is this fair to the other people in society? The answer is… it’s not.
    If a teacher were to have inappropriate relations with a student the whole world is informed and they lose their license. Why do these doctors in the article have a special exception to sexual harassment and assault?
    All people should have to follow the law and be punished the same. If Beccaria was around today he would be completely dumbfounded by the amount of leisure for the control group.

  17. The law must be broken.... for doctors to be able to keep there license is a doctor can molest or inappropriately touch a patient and get a slap on the wrist and keep there jobs, that's not how the justice system should work... yes I know that stuff like that is hard to prove, but why would someone lie about that, its not logical. a person off the street can sexually assault someone and get years in prison, but a doctor can do it and keep his job like noting ever happened... something seriously needs to change. camvilla002


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