New Policing Era.....By Any Other Name is Still.....??

New Post-Policing Era.....???


  1. America is in a time where there is little to no respect for police officers and authority. I am not surprised at the lack of people aspiring to become police officers, as there is hate and violence directed towards them. Law enforcement does the dirty work, even protecting those who wish to harm and even kill them. Our country needs law and order to properly function and I think that we all need to come together and have respect for that law and order. Technology has come a long way over the last couple of decades, and I think that will continue to be the case as we progress. A friend told me that he thinks robot cops would legitimately work, but I don't think that we should increase our national debt, plus I do not think it is possible. However, I think we will see that cameras will be required on all police officers, to prevent any argument of what happened and who is at fault in dangerous situations.

    1. I think you are right gh_blackhawks002 the police officers are being treated bad they are getting killed by terrorists and the police officers were just doing there job and they had no reason to die and get attacked for just what they are trained to do and they are just try to get bad guys into jail

    2. I also agree with you gh_blackhawks002. The men and women that put their lives on the line everyday for everybody good and bad get treated with such disrespect that it is unbelievable. I also agree that "robot cops" wouldn't be a good idea at all. There would be too many problems with them and it would definitely put us further in debt. Rocker002

    3. golfer002 did the first reply under gh_blackhawks002 post

    4. I totally agree with this. Who would want to join a profession where you are practically public enemy number one just for doing your job. I don't agree with "robot cops" there would be so many problems not to mention the cost to maintain them. I think things would be alot better if people just realized that they have a job to do. They aren't trying to ruin your day by writing you that ticket for speeding or arresting you for stealing. They are trying to make a living like the rest of us. Ciaccio002

    5. Ciaccio002 I concur with you. If we all realize these men and women are just trying to do there job that would be a start. I myself follow the law so I don't have any negative interaction with law enforcement. Instead of blaming the police for doing their jobs people need to stop breaking the law and they wouldn't have to deal with law enforcement. Start taking responsibility for your own actions, you do the crime you do the time.

    6. Ciaccio002 I concur with you. If we all realize these men and women are just trying to do there job that would be a start. I myself follow the law so I don't have any negative interaction with law enforcement. Instead of blaming the police for doing their jobs people need to stop breaking the law and they wouldn't have to deal with law enforcement. Start taking responsibility for your own actions, you do the crime you do the time.

    7. Deffinetely a true statement here. Those who are often rebeling against our law enforcement today are likely to be the ones who would also cry when the law enforcement wasn't there the moment they needed them. In our society, law is a requirement. Far too many people are driven by dark intentions, with the ideas of only hurting, stealing, killing, and so much more. Without the police, everyone would be exposed to a much worse intensity of crimes. - AJC002

    8. I completely agree with this statement. The very people who put their lives on the line day in and day out trying to keep the community safe and yet people still do not want to respect that. People just don't understand how important it is in having policing until they are the ones needing them to help them. Without the police, who is going to catch that guy that just robbed a bank or killed an innocent person? CAE002

    9. I totally understand where you're coming from with this overall, but we have to consider the consider the consequences if the United States put our tax dollars for "robo cops." Me speaking, I think that if we really put an idea like that to work, robot cops can be just as likely if not anymore lethal than a basic police officer. With today's technology, it's possible for hackers to take control over the robot cops and have them turn against us. I'm sure somebody will comment saying that police can override the hacker's attempts, but everything has a wormhole so it can't be a too prosperous idea. In Malaysia, the police commander thinks that robots and drones can curb the police brutality and kick back the crime fighting. But to me, the only way to delay crime in pursuit is to really have the human to human contact. - JiminyxC002

    10. gh_blackhawks002, I completely agree with you. Children used to grow up dreaming of becoming police officers, and now people fear going into the profession. We live in a time where people fear and hate the police, when we should be praising them. Police officers and law enforcement go out at all hours of the day to protect us, and we should show them the respect they deserve. There is room for for reform in our police departments and law enforcement policies, but I believe we need to give our law enforcement they support and praise it deserves before we do anything else. OKC002

    11. I agree with you gh_blackhawks002 having robots that do policing would be helpful but I don't think we should do it, we are in so much debt and wouldn't help at all. Cameras on police officers will let the truth be told for itself instead of the officer trying to make up an excuse for what he or she has done. AW002

    12. I agree there is no respect at all and that needs to change people need to realize that we are not the bad guys and we are there to help when nonelse is. Since there is no respect you just want us to take all the cops and the whole system away? People will be crying for it to come back. America wouldnt be as safe as it is now without us and people think we are the ones starting the problems. JE002

    13. People need to respect officers that put their lives on the line everyday they are just normal people too that have a badge on and a family just like everyone else. This is just not a problem to police officers, but more young kids just do not have respect for their elders. People try to put the blame on the police officers when they are just as much to blame as well.

    14. I agree with you gh_blackhawlks002. Police do not get nearly the amount of respect they deserver. Many of the people out protesting against police will have to call on the police for help at some point in their lives. I think that if more body cameras were used it could help to solve a lot of disputes about conflicts between the police and citizens. 7point62001

    15. I agree with you there is no respect for officers today. I believe people need to put down their phones and open their eyes and realize the facts of the situation rather than believe what someone has posted on the internet. It is really sad when officers tell me in today’s day and age I would not want to be a police officer. Max003

  2. Well first off I think police officers are a good way to keep criminals off the street and if places aren't recruiting people to be on the police force more criminals out on the street selling drugs and killing people. The police force is a vital part of this country and if the cops keep getting shot that's not very good for society. They are why our society is were we are now and without cops we will not be safe. we need more cops in this world because they keep getting shot and killed and we need to stop police brutality right now. The police brutality needs to be fixed and not to happen soon as possible.More criminals need to be taken off the street that's why need more police forces need to recruit people to be in there force to tackle the criminals. We need to start loving on cops and protect them at any cost from the bad people out in this world. Justice needs to be taken and I think there is none right now because everybody rioting for really no reason at all cops are being killed. Why do we need this, its just mayhem and very little people are getting put away for it and then cops are being treated wrong and the police officers are just trying to there job and they are protecting and serving there country.


  3. I would like to start off by saying that this is a very well written article with a lot of good information. A few of the great points that I thought he wrote about were the decline of the amount of police officers out there, how they are looked upon in such a negative way as of late, and how it's not easy doing a job that is now looked at as a joke. One of my favorite parts of the whole article is the opening quote because of how truthful it really is. These men and women put their lives on the line everyday to protect the community around them and get treated like garbage. That quote and when he said that you get more respect being an "ex-con" then you do being a police officer are probably in my opinion the two truest parts of the whole article. Rocker 002

    1. I agree with you completely as you say the article has lots of good information and so it does. Being an officer isn't an easy job at all and the only way people will understand that is by being on the force themselves and seeing how hard it is for themselves. People take officers jobs as jokes, I feel because they just don't care for law enforcement. Ky002

  4. We are in a new era of policing and for the next few years we are going to face a tough transition from the police of the old school to a form of policing that involves community, technology, and police officers. The police have taken strides to change the police narrative created be the policies of former police leaders to answer the outcry from citizens and the media to curb the fear of racism in the department by adding body cams,dash cams, ride along's, citizen police academy. But any transition isn't always a smooth one, as we are witnessing right now, having body cams and dash cams wont stop human nature. The article brings out what technology will come along almost like a god send to take over policing. The answer is quite simple their is no technology that will exist that will ever stop people from committing crime so the need for police will always be there. Now their are many technologies right here in Peoria that are already in use such as shot spotter that helps to locate where shots have been fired etc. But in my eyes their will never be a post police time period. In my eyes what their needs to be is a pro community where the community takes advantage of ride along's and becoming familiar with the police by seeing the situation through the police's eyes and the same on goes for the police. The police need to do their due diligence and walk the block get out of the car in their district meet the people they are policing. Its a give and take on both sides and as a community everyone needs to be on board. I have gone through the test process for a few departments and gone on as many ride along's as I am allowed as well as seen how the police in our community have added civilian positions to try and merge the community and the police into one unit to stop crime. The police are making strides to add technology and civilian positions to stop violence. Those changes will take time, things will never change overnight but the day of their being no police in cities and drones catching bad guys wont happen, technology helping human police officers prevent crime maybe. The police are certainly trying everyday to figure out a better way to police the community needs to also try and do the same thing if they want to see a change. A post police era needs to be a Pro-Police era. Dadoftwo001

    1. Yes totally Dadoftwo001! In our country, technology is our life. I do think all the new fancy equipment given to police could help with safety precautions also! Also it could help with the accountability between the citizen and the law enforcement officer. I hope with all the new ways of surveillance over both sides of the badge, people respect police and become grateful, because after all they are there to do there job and get back home safe to their family.

  5. I feel as if they put their focus more on the community as whole, instead of looking at people alone. You can’t change a community, rather you should be changing the individuals themselves who are apart of the community. Everyone as a whole aren't bad, but there are certain people who just don't know how to act accordingly to the laws and rules. This is what cops are for, to make sure everything is in line and that we are getting the bad guys off the streets. There is a way that we can make this happen, but the person in charge has to be willing to do so as well. A community most certainly needs police officers because without them everything would be chaotic. Like the article said, being an officer is not an easy job, it takes tons of courage. I feel like we should just appreciate our officers, and respect them. Not all cops are good cops and do what they're supposed to do, some do as they feel in the moment. Not all cops are bad people there are still some good ones out there. Policing is very different from what it used to be back then. Todays policing has gotten so out of control, that they do not even want the children following into their footsteps and becoming an officer when they get old enough. That's a problem, and we can fix it if we give it our all. I also feel as if though we add technology it will help to stopping violence. Ky002

    1. I like how you pointed out changing individuals changes the community. I agree with that thought as well. If we treated policemen the correct way and showed a little respect, it would go a long way. Most of the time, when police use force in a situation, it was necessary. But the media only shows the people that one "Bad cop" that did something wrong on the job which is why so many people dislike the police. Its a tough job that requires you do perform tough tasks. We need to understand that police are regular people doing their job. Bry001

    2. I agree with what you said about how we should focus more on changing and helping certain individuals rather than trying to change the whole community as a whole at one time. It'll never work like that. To get everyone on one page and to be somewhat civil, we need to focus on one thing at a time to get the most positive outcome. Kt002

    3. The changing of the individual or the few is an idea that Peoria is using in its Don't Shoot Program which I love. I have been to many events as night out against crime and walk the block. But the call in's is where they target that 6 percent of people who are violent offenders and try to surgically remove the violent offenders by going after everyone the associate with so your thoughts of changing individuals has resonated with me. Dadoftwo001

  6. As sad as it can be to say, I have heard many interviews between citizens and news outlets where they simply think we should abolish the police and use "Neighborhood Watch Groups." Everyone gets a little more uptight when the police are nearby, but that's not a bad thing. People's outlook has changed drastically to the place where cops are rarely respected for many of the good deeds they do wearing the blue. Without law and order the world would be a mess, if anyone thinks it wouldn't, they should spend the night in a prison cell. Maybe then they would realize the importance of hired officials locking up people who threaten safety in our streets. Politics and policing have been conjoined by most as one in the same, and while they do have correlations, we shouldn't sway a moral view with a political preference. There's always a bad egg in every police department. Not only do we see outliers in the our law enforcement, we see them in our government officials daily, and also every other field known to man. This article titles: "New Era in Policing," but I believe we should always look at ourselves to see if we are so perfect to judge. As I said, I do believe we have some corrupt cops, but we have to look at the change of attitude and tone towards the police. If we can be honest, its very hard to respect people when you don't get the respect back. The difficult part about their job is the fact that they don't get to choose who they show respect to and who they don't, they must treat everyone the same and follow the same protocols no matter how they are being treated. All in all, I would have to say that I do believe we are in a new era in law enforcement, but I don't think we need to look down on them more, we need to respect them and follow their instructions. There is always a place and a time to fight something you think a cop has unjustly done to you, its called the courtroom. texaslonghorns002

  7. Society today has become used to the idea that all police are brutal and ignorant about their job. But in reality, people hop on the bandwagon when it comes to retaliating the police. Like the article said, "We live in a nation where there are savage inequities and shocking want". This pretty much sums up the reason why police must turn to use of force in some situations. But even the article explains that police today are much kinder and more gentle than they used to be. Then it goes on to say that it takes half a dozen policemen to make an arrest that a single cop could have made by himself decades ago. I believe that it is the people of society who are becoming more violent. SOMETIMES, when things begin to get out of control, police have to become violent themselves to get the job done. When a situation like that happens, it gets exposed on the news and other social media. It becomes the peoples main focus and just causes more problems for police when people start to react violently. Policing today is definitely different because police are expected to be nice but people show them no respect. We should not be looking down on them, we should be seeing through the badge and recognizing that an officer is just a regular human being that has a job to do. Bry001

  8. Unfortunatly, we live in a world where the very people who took the oath to serve and protect us are now being viewed as the enemy by many just for doing their jobs. It is a shame that now a days a repeat offender can get off just by pulling out a cell phone and recording an officer doing his/her job and cry "police brutality" because little Johnny failed to comply with a direct order. You will never see in the news all the good things our police force does because it is always overshadowed by the bad. I feel that if when you are given a direct order to stop whatever it is that you are doing and you disreguard that direct order that they as officers of the law should be able to show force when it is needed without all the backlash that comes with it. I think what irratates me the most is the same people that are downing these officers for doing their jobs are the ones that come a running when crap hits the fan. I believe that certain laws should be put into place that it should become illegal for a civilian to record an on duty officer. Until the necessary changes are made throughout the system let the police do what they were hired to do. Ciaccio002

    1. I like what you were saying about how these people can pull out their phones and claim police brutality. these same people are disobeying the officers and treating them with disrespect. These man and women who are protecting us are now the bad guys and its sickening. Godzilla001

    2. I understand where you are coming from, Ciaccia002. It disgusts me how negatively our society views police officers. I like to watch the news, but it is getting harder and harder to watch because they want to make everyone the victim, no matter what the scenario was. Something needs to be done to prevent this, and I am hoping that body cameras will be a good start. gh_blackhawks002

  9. It is shocking to even imagine our country without police officers. The very people who are screaming they hate the "police" will be the first to call 911 when their home is broken into. A world without law enforcement would be nothing but chaotic. What needs to change is the black on black crime going on in the black community. Everyone is in an uproar about police brutality yet no words are uttered by the people in these crime ridden areas when there are numerous murders in a week. So without the police working their hardest to prevent these acts of violence things can only get worse. The media needs to stop pitting citizens against law enforcement, that is only causing problems. If we want change in our communities we have to start working with law enforcement. Speak up and not be afraid to say what we have witnessed for fear of retaliation. When police officers are faced with violence what other choice do they have but to react with violence, they want to return home safely to their families. Officers are human just like all of us and are bound to make mistakes. In a world dominated by social media and with just about everyone having their smart phones out, this will only get worse. We as a society need to take a step back and see the violence we are partaking in, and put ourselves in the shoes of these officers. With all the police brutality as well as the violence of everyday citizens portrayed by the media it is not a surprise people are shying away from a career in law enforcement. We are a country in fear and a job as a police officer puts us in the line of the very danger we fear. Most officers are good people just trying to do a job, yet are faced with nothing but hate by the very communities they are trying to protect. A world without law enforcement is not a world in which I would want to live.

  10. It is shocking to even imagine our country without police officers. The very people who are screaming they hate the "police" will be the first to call 911 when their home is broken into. A world without law enforcement would be nothing but chaotic. What needs to change is the black on black crime going on in the black community. Everyone is in an uproar about police brutality yet no words are uttered by the people in these crime ridden areas when there are numerous murders in a week. So without the police working their hardest to prevent these acts of violence things can only get worse. The media needs to stop pitting citizens against law enforcement, that is only causing problems. If we want change in our communities we have to start working with law enforcement. Speak up and not be afraid to say what we have witnessed for fear of retaliation. When police officers are faced with violence what other choice do they have but to react with violence, they want to return home safely to their families. Officers are human just like all of us and are bound to make mistakes. In a world dominated by social media and with just about everyone having their smart phones out, this will only get worse. We as a society need to take a step back and see the violence we are partaking in, and put ourselves in the shoes of these officers. With all the police brutality as well as the violence of everyday citizens portrayed by the media it is not a surprise people are shying away from a career in law enforcement. We are a country in fear and a job as a police officer puts us in the line of the very danger we fear. Most officers are good people just trying to do a job, yet are faced with nothing but hate by the very communities they are trying to protect. A world without law enforcement is not a world in which I would want to live.

  11. Cops are deffinetely being conned these days. Honestly, it sickens me. Since I was a young boy, I have always seen cops are the people who protect me, the people who punish criminals, and the people that would come to help anyone who screamed for help. To me, cops have always been the sort of guardian angels to our communities. Law enforcement is truly an important part of our society. It prevents the building of society from reverting back to past times, where lawlessness and barbarisms were in control. Laws keep people from being butchered for breathing the wrong way or stepping on the wrong blade of grass. Laws help keep people safe in many, many ways. Law protect people from recklessly driving, laws keep things orderly as to ensure the best form of pregression, and so much more. Without laws, without cops to enforce those laws, society would slowly revert back to a barbaric form of life. - AJC002

  12. It has nothing to do with technology its a respect issue, Parents don't teach there children to respect authority figures so this lack of respect and everyone feeling that they are so entitled to there independent thoughts cloud there judgement and no one takes responsibility for there own actions. This is just people being selfish children. ]I wouldn't expect this to end anytime soon until parent take the time to punish there children and hold them to a higher standard like it was 30 yrs ago. tree001

    1. I disagree that technology has nothing to do with the current issues facing law enforcement officers. I think that the ability people have to photograph or videotape any interaction they have and post it on the internet giving it whatever spin they would want has a huge impact on how public perception of police can be shaped. For example if you looked at the incident in Ferguson two years ago you can see how claims made by several people that the suspect had his hands up at the time of the shooting spread quickly on the internet. Had that exaggeration not spread then the chant of "hands up don't shoot" would never have been started at black lives matter and similar rallies due to that false narrative. Coolguy001

  13. The job of policing has never been, and likely never will be safe, easy, or even liked by the people who have to deal with the police officer. The perception of the police officer by society has changed a lot, as the article stated, and in a time where everyone can film the actions of police doing a job that will require the use of physical force in high intensity situations can lead to any who view the film to potentially form the wrong perception of what occurs and misconstrue what happens to be a grievous infringement of the rights of the receiver of physical force. The problem is also made worse by a twenty-four hour news cycle and clickbait oriented online media that can negatively influence public perception of both law enforcement and the community based on the reaction they generate. Police needing to use lethal or less lethal force will never look good in the public eye regardless of it being justified or not because the force is by nature violent and ugly. Police today are going to have to be highly motivated and determined to do a dangerous and oftentimes thankless job like, and they will constantly need to be on guard against complacency and cynicism that can come with the job of keeping people safe. I am optimistic about the future of the job; attention from the media is a fleeting thing, and public perception of police has always improved at least somewhat after having been negatively impacted in previous decades. Coolguy001

  14. The fact that police officers are viewed as the bad guys is really disgusting. They go out there everyday on the streets risking their lives to try and make their community safer. now due to the media those men and woman are seen as the villains. They go out there everyday not knowing if they will come back home that night or not. Out in the field you only have a split second to make the life altering decision. Criminals don't usually think before they act so it makes it difficult to be ahead of them. The increasing violence against police officers is causing so much hate and destruction. Its hard for them to do good when they fear for their life every time they make a traffic stop. My parents and aunts and uncles always ask me if I want to be a police officer after everything that has been happening. They say it isn't the best choice I would be better off doing something else. The thing is that I agree with them. no one wants to be hated or not knowing if they will make it home tonight to see their kids or family its causing a lot of stress on these officers. All the stress will only make their decision making that much more difficult. Godzilla001

    1. i completely agree Godzilla001. people don't understand the dangers an officer can face on a daily basis. people just think all cops do is pull people over for speeding and hand out unnecessary tickets. it all begins with the citizens needing to respect the officers and understand/support what they are being asked to do. RRM001

    2. Im with you and I think that a vast majority of people are with you that its absolutely horrible that cops are now viewed as the enemy of the peace and sadly I don't see it readily changing. The horrible truth is that the media show what gets seen and what doesn't and you will be sure that if a cops makes a mistake it will get reported but the thousands that do there jobs to the best of there abilities will not get a single second of air time. So you only see the cops as bad.

  15. In this day and age, police officers are more and more looking like the villain rather than the hero they portrayed 20 years ago. In this modern era we live in the eagerness to become officers are thinning as the day goes by. But can you blame them? A cop can’t even do a routine traffic stop without having 2 cameras pointed right at them and the public awaiting the outcome to shame them. I guess we will all just have to face the hard truth that being a police officer which was a prestigious career, has now been deemed a worthless job because of their actions being blown up and put on a million tv screens country wide. Another issue I have is that nowadays everyone has their own opinion on how bad and corrupt cops are. There is horrible people and corruption in every work field and just because 2% of cops are making poor mistakes and being crooked doesn’t mean you have to say every cop is bad because in reality that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Also as soon as people can learn to respect cops is when these issues will stop arising because most of the time when a homicide justifiable or not from an officer, it all started with the assailant acting out and not respecting the officer and listening to what he has to say. Respect is given when respect is due and as soon as people get that through their heads is when real change will begin to happen. RRM001

    1. I completely agree. It used to be one of the most respected careers you could go into, but it just isn't the case anymore. I've read several articles where police forces who previously forced applicants to have at least an associates degree were forced to change to accepting the equivalent of a high school degree due to not having enough applicants (I think this was in Arizona, but I'm not sure). In the future, being a police officer will hopefully be able to regain the respect that it used to have among society. JAG002

  16. There is a lot of reform going on in the policing industry in our lifetime. It seems as though every week there's a new situation where a police officer is being scrutinized for the way they handled their job. When I was growing up, it seemed like police officers were always people who were looked up to and respected, but this is no longer the case. Most of society is quick to scrutinize any officer, even when his actions are called for, and in most instances needed. Sure there may be some bad eggs in the policing industry who misuses their power, but that is overwhelmingly not the case in most of the police. With social media playing as big of role as it does in today's society, any little thing that happens in any corner of the world is amplified and almost instantly known by everyone. This has seemed to cause widespread hate for what used to be one of the most respected occupations. Even after an officer is proven innocent people still seem to try and blame the courts, putting other parts of the criminal justice system at risk. All of the scrutiny put on the police force by society is what is causing this widespread reform, and we'll just have to wait and see how far these reforms will have to go. JAG002

  17. I find it unusual and hard to understand why cops now a days don't need any type of four year degree for hiring. I feel like the more knowledge and information a person is given, the better they are in succeeding and have a more positive impact and understanding of certain things. The criticism our police are being put through today may also deal with the lack of knowledge they aren't getting exposed to. The policing hard truths is definitely a reason why according to this article, that they are having troubles finding policing job, and i feel its very important to not sugarcoat anything because some may just come on the job not having the slightest clue of what they are getting themselves into. Kt002

    1. I agree with you Kt002. A four year or even a two year degree is better than nothing. They need the knowledge and the information on more textbook like stuff. Whereas the communication and the person to person type stuff, I think the person should already know how to do. It's important to trust your instincts and such, that type of feeling you can't learn from a textbook. rose001

    2. I agree with Kt002. A four year degree will open more jobs for the cop, because they have more learning experience in that field. They know what they are getting in to and can think about what they are doing before they act. Because if they had a two year degree they wouldn't have enough knowledge to do that situation.adelle002

  18. It is really sad and unfortunate that police officers, the people who are sworn to protect and serve the community, are facing the amount of criticism that they are in todays society. The amount of negativity that they are being labeled with, I believe, are possibly the reason why most people are backing away from this profession. Especially since nowadays most officers are equipped with bodycams so if an unfortunate circumstance were to arise where they have to use lethal force, how do they know that the media/community isn't going to shred the officer apart and label them a 'murderer' rather than a 'hero'. I believe that you can't necessarily change a department or agency for that matter, but you can change the individual. Not needing a four-year degree means the officer is less educated, which could lead to questionable arrests or actions taken by the officer. Because of this, police officers are losing more and more trust and respect for them. The public nowadays isn't sure if when they call police that they are actually going help them rather than hurt them. Therefore, the more educated the officer is, it will be less likely for them to be criticized. CAE002

    1. I agree with you CAE002. Police officers are sometimes forced to make a choice to save their life which will require them to end another life, and in their self defense people call them a killer. No right minded individual wants to be labeled a murderer, so that means some people would not want to take a job where they will be known as such things. It's just sad. zmw002

    2. I agree, its very sad that all of the police are being blamed.. its not all of them that are crooked, and yes i do believe that they should regulate the requirements of their officers, such as needed a 4 year degree, but yet again i understand if that happened, there would be a drastic drop in the people who want or are police officers. when police are put in a situation where their only option is to pull the trigger, then they must have had a good reason to! nobody else was involved in that situation, so they had to evaluate and make judgment on how to handle that scenario. Camvilla002

  19. Wow, that is a tough article to read - most likely because it's all true. Americans are now starting to look at every police officer like they just got done "negotiating" with Rodney King. The job of a law enforcement officer is no noble and bold. Instead, it's considered dangerous and scary. Why? Because every day we see a new video or article on social media about an officer getting shot while walking down the street. But I get it; we've all seen the out of context videos of officers beating on "the innocent." Have you ever read the comments on those videos? There are always two ways to view this type of propaganda: 1) we don't know the full story because a thirty second video of an officer fighting a citizen does not tend to encapsulate the hours, days, weeks, or months of background information leading up to this moment. Or the second school of thought, (2) we take these videos at face value and just say "wow, police officers are ***holes." Believe me, even though we were all taught not to judge a book by its cover, the people who opt to use number 2 as their thought process believe that all, not just that one, police officers are evil. Interesting, considering we all know that people, even though they could be doing the exact same job, can either be good at it or terrible at it. Working in criminal justice is just another job. Nobody should blame an entire profession for the mistakes made by a few employees. CK003

    1. You are absolutely correct. There's always going to be those few who give the rest a bad name. That goes with anything. It just seems to be garnering more attention right now because of the media frenzy surrounding it. These media outlets don't realize the damage they are doing in always portraying police in a negative light. Whatever it takes to get ratings though i guess. RustyPete003

  20. Its hard to see the drastic down change that has taking place in our society,in terms of what we see as right, and how as citizens we have viewed situations that have happened. We have taking a respectable job such as working in a law enforcement, and have downsized it, but as a society if a person would see a star in a sport that person would rise to the opportunity to wait hours to just see their favorite athlete play a game. As citizens we give countless amounts of our earnings into our hobbies, cloths, and buildings, but we struggle to provide to give proper equipment to those who protect our lives daily, and help to set a better foundation for daily lives. As a society we respect movie stars more then law enforcements agents. As a society how much entrainment we get daily is more important then our lives being safe from threats. Eagle001.

  21. While reading this article I was totally agreeing with them. I don't blame a lot of people for not wanting to become police officers. They are practically public enemy's. they go out there and try to do there jobs and they get hated for it. They try to make our country a better and safer place for us to live in. People don't like them because why? They don't like them because there are some police officers that give everyone a "bad name". We as a country need to want them to make our lives safer, give everyone a change don't hate police officers because one person did something that was wrong not everyone is going to do they same thing. AW002

  22. The fact that our law enforcement officers in this day and age are shunned and hated, baffles me. Police officers do a job that nobody else can do, especially not robots. It is the humanity that a police officer brings to the table, that a robot can’t replicate. We need to focus less on replacing our police force with robots and community policing, and more on fixing the problems that surround them. Poverty and mental health care are two areas that need this help and improvement. Police officers today deal with a much more violent offender, in part due to the lack of mental health care, and the desperate and hopeless position our poor are put into. With more help to our impoverished, their need to commit crime could go down. If mental health care was improved, we could see fewer violent offenders on our streets. Americans need to start improving the deteriorating conditions around them, and not tear down the policing system that protects them from it. - OKC002

    1. I completely agree OKC002. Too many times whenever something controversial happens in law enforcement, everyone blames the police and all you hear in the news is how law enforcement is at fault and how it needs improvement and change. Do not get me wrong, I think there is always room for improvement in law enforcement. But instead of always blaming the police, how about looking at the root of the problem. This can range from the poor living conditions and neighborhoods in ghettos, lack of education at poor schools, and the lack of father figures in families. These are all very real situations that need to be addressed. Steve002

  23. Law Enforcement has changed drastically in the past few years, so have the dangers of the profession as well. As technology increases and weapons become more powerful and accurate, the the threat to police officers will become greater and greater. The number of law enforcement officers being killed in the line of duty seems to be getting larger and larger as the years progress. So has the unprovoked and malicious assassinations of officers. Officers are being killed just because of the uniform they wear. Every time they put that uniform on they are also putting a giant target on their back. This year in particularly has been bad. There was the five Dallas heroes who were viciously murdered by a sniper at a Black Lives Matter rally in downtown Dallas, which also wounded 7 more police officers. If that was not bad enough, a few weeks later three Baton Rouge police officers were executed by a disturbed individual who was upset by the killings of black males by police. Threats and hate crimes directed toward the police and anyone who supports them has also become far to familiar. Never before has the life of a police officer been so worthless to the public. There is a rush to judgement that the police are at fault when there is an officer involved shooting that took the life of someone. Instantly people condemn the officers involved and demand that justice be served, which in their eyes means throwing the officers in jail and reforming the police department. People go out on the streets and protest the very people, the police, who protect their right to do so. Yet, there are no protests or demands of change when a police officer is killed protecting and serving his or her community. Blue lives do not matter to some people. To these people the police are the bad guys and need to be dismantled. But think of the world we would live in if there were no police. The ciaos that would ensue would be drastic. Our society is sadly becoming more and more anti police. Our country's leaders, the media, and more and more of the public are turning their backs on the people who risk their lives for us everyday. That is why I find it so important to constantly thank the police and let them know that their lives matter and we do see them. Steve002

  24. I am not shocked by the number of departments struggling to hire. When I was younger, it was a job that at least one kid in every class from kindergarten to high school wanted to be. I see them now in school and they have changed their major to something else. I ask them why and one said he did not want to be hated. It is sad really. The job offers pride and something you can for sure feel good about doing. It is sad also to see them number of families that have stopped bringing in the next generation of officer because we live in such an anti-police society. When you cannot even get one of the presidential candidates to endorse you or even mention your hard work and battles you could be facing, it's just adding to the fire. The challenges the officers are facing are not the same ones from thirty or even twenty years ago. It is a much more dangerous profession, that is why it is some important to back the blue.

  25. Law Enforcement officers have been physically, verbally, and socially mistreated this past decade. Officers use to be looked up to and respected for the job they do, to keep us safe at home. But this past decade or so, people have been getting upset, and frustrated with our law enforcement. Why?, because when people look at officers today they think all they wanna do is go out and ruin someone's day and mistreat them for no reason. But really why they think that is because things have been getting more violent these past 10 years. Not the police but the people themselves, Which is why the law enforcement has been more physical, because these crimes and everything else that Is happening is happening way to often and way to much! The people are doing this to themselves. And the police are there still trying to do what they did years ago, to serve and protect their community. And I mean human police, no robots! Robots wont be able to feel and show the affection that humans would be able to do with each other. Robots wouldn't no their strength and wouldn't know if and when they are hurting someone. People just need to start working together and respect their freedom and obey the laws given to them. If they all can do that which isn't that hard, this world wouldn't be such a bad place anymore. -buckeyes002

    1. I enjoy your views on this article! I believe that the media has a HUGE impact on a person's view of policing. With all these movies and videos of police performing mal acts, it is hard to have a good image. Most people now days get their news from social media. . . and we all know how "reliable" that is. While some police do make mistakes, they reflect the whole department and system as a whole. Police are human and society has an alter expectation for today's police.

  26. Today's world has no respect for police officers or authority in general and its disgusting to see that but this article really outlines how important the job is and how stressful it can be on the people who do it. The changes from then to now is huge most departments are hurting for officers for example Peoria and its because no one really wants to do it do to the stress and the hate that they will take it is a very demanding job and very hard physically and mentally. Not just the system has changed so have the people there are not so many officers that look super intimidating and act that way now they are nicer and more gentle which is good and bad. Its good because the police brutallity rate is almost all the way down unlike how it was like in Compton when all the gangs came up. It's also bad because it makes us look weaker which makes people think they can talk over you and which in turn leads to violence. JE002

  27. Growing up, I would always wave to the police officers around my neighborhood wanting to be them when I got older. Looking at it now, it is a little frightening seeing what is happening in the country and I would admit if at one point I told myself maybe this isn’t what I want to do. The only way we will change what is happening now is us, the younger generation. We look at thing differently than some of the officers today by having different views. In the media, you see a lot of hate towards police officers. It is no secret that some people do not respect them from the acts that they see on television about them killing someone. The poor are angry that they are getting targeted more in situations like in Ferguson, Missouri. People are taking action; starting riots in cities trying to their voices heard, but not in the best way possible. It is no secret that there are crooked cops, but the majority of cops aren’t. Most cops are for the citizens and want to help protect, but the bad ones or the ones that get into bad situations are the ones making the headlines on news channels. As time goes there will be new ways of policing and getting mostly all of the citizens back on the polices sides. I’m hoping this is just one huge bump on the road that time and effort will fix.

    1. bamcoo123, I completely agree with you. I feel like the view of cops has drastically changed but its still a very rewarding career to get into too. I feel like in time views would hopefully go back to the views they had towards police officers and there will stop being such a negative stereotype against them. Haggard002

  28. I think that people today are forgetting a big thing: police officers are just people like the rest of us. They are not super humans or machines that can miraculously choose the right decision on a whim every day for their entire life. They are just people who have emotions and make mistakes. In a life or death situation, a person usually chooses life. In a police officer's life or death situation, it usually involves the death of another individual. People do not realize that in that quick moment the a person's natural reaction is to grab the gun and defend themselves with it, rather than thinking to get the taser out and stunning the assailant. Also, you can never know what someone will do in a split second. An officer could be handling a situation with a suspect and in the blink of an eye they could have pulled a gun and shot the officer. I'm not saying it's okay for a cop to just walk up to a suspect and gun him down, but I understand why some police officer's chose to use their gun in some situations. Maybe if some people got to experience something like this then they wouldn't be so quick to negatively judge the police. zmw002

    1. I agree with this, society makes it seem like police officers are bigger than just people. Being an officer is no different than any other job in this aspect. They too go home to families and have to go through the hardships any other individual goes through. People give themselves the excuse to act out of hand simply because they are dealing with a police officer.

  29. After reading this article and hearing everything that you hear on the news today, it is sad to know that more and more people are not supporting the police across the United States. You hear of people saying that their weapons should be taken away from them and even some people think that we don't need police at all. It is sad knowing that is what this country is coming to. Like the author of this article said, many police officers are different today than they were years ago. Some officers are afraid to use force in fear of getting in trouble or even being the next police officer that you see on the news. I personally don't think there needs to be a huge change to policing, I think that their needs to be a change with the public. People thinking that they need to be afraid of all the police officers is a thought that needs to be changed. Police are out there to help the public. hawkshockey001

  30. While policing is changing so is the perception of the police. With all the negative things happening it is hard to throw in good and have a good perception of the police. The communities need to unite as one with the police, not without and against the police. At the Pekin Police Department there are many things the department does with the children. Us, Pekin Police Explorers have the privilege of working alongside them. Just a few days ago there was the Cops for Kids picnic. This event was held at the park. There were sno-cones, jump houses, and vehicles for the children and families to look at. This is what community policing looks like in my eyes.
    We had command there working alongside us. Chief Dossey was even serving up some sno-cones! The children absolutely adored the day and all of the other events (archery, bowling, paddleboats, etc). Having the police involved with children is a wonderful way to increase the safety and reliance in a community!

  31. As I was reading this and I got toward the end of the article it caught my attention, when I read that people believe we should get rid of cops. I feel as if that happened everyone that was for the ending of police would soon regret that. who would they call if someone broke into their home? what would they do if they needed help with a domestic dispute? police are hated for the wrong reason, and the media helps people hate them for the wrong reason. The media show what the officers did, not what the suspect did to deserve that. I'm not saying that all cops are in the right but I know there are good cops. Just like there is bad people in the world, there are still good people. Oregon002

    1. I defiantly agree with your statement. Cops are hated for the wrong reasons because the try to do their best to protect us. Hate and violence is started by the public/people, and when they don't wanna listen and obey laws the law enforcement steps in and sometimes they get violent to but sometimes that's the only way to stop things from growing and becoming a bigger problem, because if its not stopped more people can become hurt. But doing that looks wrong to the public, by protecting other from getting hurt. Like you also mentioned there ate bad cops and there are good cops, and all cops aren't perfect, but people need to come together and start respecting the duty and courage of law enforcement officers.-buckeyes002

    2. I totally agree with you 100%! so many people say they hate cops, but at the end of the day who do you call when you are in need of help? We have police officers and laws for a reason, if we didn't have police officers the world would be nuts!! I think the media plays a lot a part of why people hate police they see what CNN or FOX news shows them and they think they know the whole story.. when we all know the media shows what they want to show you! -dicaprio001

  32. It seems that from what I have been able to gather from this article is that the world of policing is changing and far more rapidly than it normally would. It said in the article that the nation was had cameras ready to catch the more brutal side of dealing with crime that hasn't been seen before really until now. Yes, in the past police have come under scrutiny for more aggressive acts the have done but for the most part it was taken care of in a court room, now with social media any officer that commits any sort of wrongdoing there actions are known about almost instantly. And most of the time it is an action that those outside of the law wouldn't quite understand 100%. This whole issue leads to more and more good cops being thrown under the bus from the small number of bad cops that are out there, and yes there are bad cops. this makes a large number of young individuals not want to deal with the possible repercussions of an action. It is turning a the future of the career very bleak.

    1. I agree, policing is changing so fast and it is very hard to keep up with it all. Not only do officers have to worry about changing people and the way the world is changing everyday, but also the laws and all that comes with that change as well.

  33. I believe that even though there is a shortage going into law enforcement. There still is a abundance of people going into the criminal justice field. People may not be interested in going into policing but they still wanna be involved in the criminal justice scene. People still wanna be involved and help people. I think if people really wanna help they will take the steps needed to go into policing and make a change. Haggard002

  34. Being a police officer is no easy job. The media and the uninformed protesters are not making it any easier. The main goal of a police officer is to provide a service to the public and all of these protesters and the media are out to make them look like bad people who are just trigger happy. While there are some bad officers out there you cant just assume that all of them are bad. Most of the time any video that gets released on Facebook or any other type of media just gets a halfway visible clip of the situation and gives no information whatsoever as to what had happened previously . In the job sometimes force is required with all the advances in technology now any cop that uses force and is caught on tape the whole country can know within an hour. Police officers have been using force for a long time but now people want to say that they target only certain groups of people to attack which is false. If you don't obey an officers orders more than likely they are going to need to use force. I also read in the article that most police forces are having trouble even getting enough people on their force. No one is applying to be a police officer because of what the media is portraying the job to be like. It is making all the young guys who join the force to nervous on how to act to certain situations. The new less experienced officers lately have been known to act improperly and use unnecessary force because of what they have seen on the media and all of these protesters who are just out to kill police officers and hate all of them because of the video they saw on the internet when they have no clue as to what the back round story was. So now the newer police officers that have seen all of this ridiculous protesting and cop shootings are timid and don't know what to expect from people, this creates a lot less people wanting to be police officers.


    1. I couldnt agree more about the protests and the clips. The media makes their story extremely biased and that is the spark that ignites the protests. These protesters are rioting over something that they do not even know the entire story about. I was raised to listen to my superiors and do as I am told. Compliance is key when dealing with an officer of the law. Do as you are told and the interaction will go a whole different route. Broncos001

  35. This world is just a different world that we live in today, no wonder many people aren't wanting to become police officers. Like the article said some odd years ago being a police officer was a noble job you were looked up to like a "knight". But now in our time being a police officer you are automatically labeled as a "pig" and many other names that police officers are called. But I don't blame some people for not liking police officers. There are some police officers that give police officers as a whole a bad name. But at the end of the day police officers are the ones running in when everyone else is running away. It's not an easy job by any means, you have to make life changing decisions in seconds. Police officers have to deal with people who want to kill them, people who rape children, people they probably want to not treat with any dignity but at the end of the day a good police officer does his/her job because that's what they are here for. Different people are raised in different communities some are taught to respect the police and some aren't, even if they don't respect the police the police are still there for them. But also I think a lot of people who become police officers are sheltered and haven't had a lot of life experience therefore I think that's where they come into a lot of trouble with not knowing how to community police. With everything going on I do believe that police officers should wear cameras i think that a lot of the stories could be shut down by the media faster then you seeing some video from three years ago that's already been handled. Theres a lot to say about this article, and a lot to say about policing in general in this era. -dicaprio001

  36. From what this article is telling me is that the change in the police force is changing because of the riots, officer shootings, and other dangerous and more serious incidences; and its changing quickly.The world is aware of the changes of technology. Police officers over the years have to change their ways and adapt to a “new” way of using something. Having now computers, cameras, radars, etc. when officers put their lives in danger every day and not getting paid what they should makes their jobs not an easy one. When officers use too much force, it could cause them their job, but if they don’t use enough it could possibly cause them their life. Media only wants the scandalous information, if they get ahold of the police video of an officer beating a man, of course the world will hear about it in a few hours. Since technology is high advanced then there should be a way to keep things confidential. aaap_cougs002

  37. I was not around many years ago to be able to witness the old school way of policing, but from reading a leaning about the past there are so many things in todays society that are much different then they were many years ago. I find it hard to swallow that in the eyes of most people today the term convict is more respectable then the term cop. I think that police departments should still have harder requirements to become an officer. Even though there is a great shortage for police officers across the nation, I don’t think that is a good reason to lower the standards for becoming a cop. I agree with a 4-year degree in order to be a police officer. I think that would make police well educated in many different ways of life.

    1. Yeah, the convict being more respected than cop term kinda seemed a little unrealistic when I read it, but after thinking about how many people I went to highschool with I see post about how much they hate cops or how cops are all evil and corrupt. It sadly has a little bit of merit to it.

  38. Being young in todays world, it isnt very popular to be a fan of your local law enforcement. It's disgusting that the people who are keeping you safe are looked at with anything less then absolute respect. Police are just like everyone else. Theres good ones and bad ones. Im in the criminal justice program to be in an agency like the DHS or FBI, one of the main reasons for that is because i wouldnt want to be a cop in todays world. Its one of the most hated and dangerous in America i would say. And it only seems to be getting worse. It makes me sick to know that the generation I am a part of refuses to take responsibility for their own actions and blame things like police and others for whats wrong with the country. The whole sense of entitlement is a joke. But the police are just like anyone else. People doing their jobs.

  39. By the way things have been escalating in such a short period of time mainly has to do with our media. Our media is problem, picking and choosing what scene or part of a story they think is best to catch a listener's ear. Which almost always comes to making an officer or officer's name look bad. Showing the aftermath of an incident other than what led up to it and showing the officers side. The media fuels the fire and ruined most of the respect of race, if not all. It makes me sick to see families show their children what cops are portrayed to be, thus fearing them growing up. There has been a few incidents where the officer was wrong but that should never speak for the rest of the law enforcement officers. I do think that the education requirements and mental state of officers should be much more qualified, almost anyone can be an officer today with such a high demand of employment. A hothead with a loose trigger is all it takes to ruin the reputation of being safe around an officer and just that very thing has happened and is continuing to happen. The only way to fix this is to start show what good our police can do and have done for others. But that would only be a start to regain any respect from the racial war occurring now. cubs001

  40. There are many different ways to cope with the 'Post- Policing Era' in America. One way is that since the media mostly controls ever aspect of what goes on when a Police V.s. Citizen clash goes on and every person has their phone out and later posts this event on social media then every other citizen is concerned about how this came about. In the end the majority of the people bash on the Police and becomes a very big problem especially for the police. In these certain events the media has to give us a more thoroughly explanation on how this came to be about and give a chance for the police to speak and understand this situation that is going on. Coming from a family of immigrants I agree with J.D. Vance's statement that many children of immigrants become cops and that is because they either know or lived through poverty and come to the United States seeking to help fight crime in the country that gave them a second chance. To cope with this 'Post- Policing Era' is from the people finding an answer themselves and seeing how they want to cope with the police problem we have in this country.

  41. The quote in the beginning of the article perfectly describes in my opinion what all those people think and how the picture the police. It is saddening that today when you tell someone that you want to be a police officer they respond with, "why?" or "really?". As a kid I always admired police officers, and I was brought up to respect others. Some members of society just are not raised that way. When people ask me why I want to be a police officer with all the events involving police officers are being displayed on the media I respond with, "Now is the best time for someone like me to make a difference and a positive impact." I believe in making positive connections with the community as a officer, but at the same time doing my job and keeping the neighborhoods safe. I am currently apart of the Peoria Police Explorers Program, and we receive training on how to handle certain situations and also do a lot of community volunteer events. By doing these events, I am able to make connections within the community and learn how to interact and communicate with them, I plan of using that throughout my career whether it be in Peoria or somewhere else. I also learn about how much more there is to certain situations that are shown on social media and the news, and I am able to look at some of these situations and see a entirely different side to what took place. Broncos001

  42. This is a very interesting and intriguing article. Ever since I have decided to pursue law many family members and friends have warned me about taking this route. Its scary to think that the people protecting this country can get shot at for simply doing their job. The desire people have to catch police officers make the slightest slip up on the job is disturbing. People in society should focus on advising difficult people to listen to the police, instead of video taping and encouraging the situation. I am not surprised that police departments are having issues finding new officers. The generation that think they can do whatever they want because they have "rights" that protect them from everything. They need to learn respect and responsibility for their actions. Police officers may not all be perfect, but they are needed in society to keep everyone safe. New technologies may come out to stop criminals which could help with the amount of accidents or crimes, but in my opinion officers will always be needed in society to keep the peace.

  43. Reading this article provides a good point of view on the police system today. Police most certainly do not get the same respect that they used to. I live in a small town where most people do still respect police, the job they do, and what they risk every day. However, there are still some people I meet that do not like the police at all. I can only imagine how much worse it is cities, where were are seeing anti police riots occur on a regular basis. I can’t help but wonder what these people that hate the police so much will do when they are mugged, burglarized, or their car is stolen. I would bet they call the police. It is not surprising to me that there is a shortage of police officers today. Not many people are willing to go out and to the work that is required of an officer. And even fewer are willing to do it knowing that the public has painted a target on their backs. Technology has the potential to be a big help to law enforcement. If body cameras could be used more easily there would be no question about what happened in a conflict, but body cameras com with issues and limitations. Maybe some day there will be a perfect police system, but for now the only thing we can do is keep trying to improve every day. 7point62001

  44. Camvilla002 I completely understand what the article Is saying, a lot of people today talk bad about our law enforcement, they put so much blame towards them for fatalities and the destruction of a community, but the truth of the matter is its not their fault! its the people living in that certain community!. From drugs, guns, prostitution, all of the things darkening the place we call home is our fault! we did this, and people who blame the police for the deaths of their family members or so forth don't know the whole story of why they were killed, the police are doing their jobs... and don't get me wrong! there are some crooked cops out there but not all of them are bad. They want to get home to there family just as bad as we do. you cant change a community you can only change the individuals in the community.

  45. This article was hard to read. In this day and age, police officers are no longer viewed by many people of our nation as someone to look up to. Many people no longer respect or admire those that put on the uniform. This is quite a shame, and will continue to grow as a problem more and more each day. This article talks about how people are in a way becoming too entitled, and believing that they are not wrong in situations, even when what they are doing is illegal. The police force has decline in physical force, officers are becoming "soft" and there are few people willing to fill the spot of what once was an honorable job. Everything within the last few years has escalated, starting with the Ferguson case, and has only gotten worse with police shootings, riots, and people who think it is their right to video-tape and post about cops whom they think are in the wrong. This article enrages me. I do and always will respect those that put on the uniform, and I hope to one day be wearing one. Police officers are here for a reason. They are here to protect and serve, and in some cases, that means someone has to be forceful. Are there other ways some officers could approach a situation? sure. But in a case of safety, there is rarely another way to approach someone who is threatening their life and the lives of those around them. It is not police officers that need to adapt to the "millennial's" way of life and entitlement, is the people of America that need to adapt and become comfortable again with having men in uniform around. We all need to understand that there are rules, or laws, emplaced to protect us as a whole and the men who put on a uniform every day are there to ENFORCE the rules for a reason. They are just like everyone else; a person with a job who wants to know he/she will be coming home at the end of their shift. agentp001

  46. This article is right about what people think of cops today. What really is the problem, is that police are hired after there 2 year agree. For all the problems now that there are with cops I think they should have more training for experiences so they can handle stress situations. Because that is the problem now. I have seen so many Facebook videos of police being brutal to the people that they pull over. And it is mainly because the other person are not cooperating with them so the police loses there temper. I think if they have more training they can be better. Even thought they are here to help us there boss should make sure they know what to do and when to do it. adelle002

    1. adelle002, I think that sometimes the officers might be trained to their full potential, but might still mess up. A boss cannot be there every situation standing there holding his or her hand. As difficult as it is, when your on the streets your on your own and you may use your knowledge of recent training and schooling, but the situation might be a tad different. The mistakes you make fall on the individuals themselves not the institute or the professors. Right now there is a major decrease in people wanting to pursue a job as a police officer. I think making the schooling more longer would only make them turn here head the other way more than ever. texaslonghorns003

    2. Adelle002, I agree with you in that I believe that police officers could use some more training. However, people have to take into account that police officers are human as well and as we all know, people do make mistakes. Another point we have to bring into account is that sometimes the people are the ones to escalate the situation, not the police officer. While I'm not condoning the situations in where the officers get violent, We don't always have the whole picture. JE003

  47. It's sad that this is where we are in society today. This article is correct in saying that convicts are looked upon more favorably than police. Can someone please tell me how that is possible? The vast majority of police officers are putting their lives on the line everyday to protect our communities. Sure, there are a few bad seeds out of the bunch, but I'd like to see a profession that didn't have a few bad seeds. Are all preachers bad because of the few that we've found to be pedophiles? People need to realize that cops are people just like them. They have families to support and are out there just trying to do the job theyre being paid to do. They are regular imperfect people who have an extremely stressful job thanks to the pressure that the public puts on them. There isn't a community policing model out there that can control of some of the neighborhoods in places like Chicago and Baltimore. Officers are making strides to improve their demeanor and perception to appease the public, but cops aren't going anywhere. We need them in our society in order to function properly. Getting rid of police will only bring more chaos to our neighborhoods because who is going to stop someone from breaking the law? Who are you going to call when you get robbed of all your belongings? Besides, if we get rid of the police, these people won't have anything else to complain about. Maybe they'll move on to fire fighters next. We probably don't need them either. We can have a community fire dept. This is rediculus. RustyPete003

    1. This is spot on how people should understand the law enforcement. Their intentions are to protect and serve their community in order to keep everyone safe. Of course there is going to be some bad cops because no one can control other's minds, or actions. What people need to realize is that there is bad individuals out in the community too, that's why people are getting arrested and put into the jail, or prison for committing crimes. Not everyone is perfect, nor will they ever be in this lifetime. Police officers are going to make mistakes at least once in their career because they're only human too. -RW003

  48. There has been a miscommunication between the officers in our communities and the criminals. We see police everywhere and we only see criminals behind bars or in the courtroom. Most people rarely witness a violator in the act, so therefore they don't get the full picture. They only see men in uniform possibly pinning some one in everyday clothing, onto the ground for what looks like no reason. Of course everybody hates getting traffic violations, but they are there for every bodies safety no matter what. What police see if so much more than everyone else. We would definitely be able to tell if we rid the police. Chaos is the only outcome and people wont have morals or anyone else. A burglar might think twice about robbing the store if he weighs his consequences with the law. He also might think even harder about leaving his gun at home on his escapade because the punishment might be longer and more severe. Law and order is an important part to running a successful country, and police are the main holders of it. texaslonghorns003

    1. I agree that today the stereotype for police officers is growing more and more negative. Today people only acknowledge the bad parts of the officers job and not the fact that he just arrested a murderer or other extreme criminal. As you stated in your post, people are not seeing the total picture. Society has become tunnel visioned with how they view police officers which is making the occupation more and more dangerous.

  49. The struggle to find willing men and women to fill police officer positions does not surprise me in the least. Why would anyone want to place their life and potentially their family on the line to protect those that are not grateful or respectful for what they are doing? There are very few positions in the officer’s job spaces that offer a decent amount of money. Many people today view police as a bad thing and do not want anything to do with them. The article discusses how police were just a few decades ago. The police back in the day were simply big bruisers that were able to settling matters by themselves. Todays officers have a much more civil way of communicating with the public and must learn how to do so effectively. If police officers today are going to attempt to have good relations with the community, then the community must also put an effort towards having good relations with the officers. -Bulls003

    1. For the officers who do place their life on the line and potentially their families. Is because those officers that do wants to try and make a difference in all this mess. I totally agree with you that police need to learn how to effectively communicate to the public, that doesn't escalate the situation. Which will force the public to change their views about the police. Referring to your comment earlier about not having to many police jobs that has good pay. I think there are quite a few jobs with good pay but not a lot of officers qualified for those positions. -K9003

    2. I agree as well. These officer's are not all that educated because now a days it only takes an associates degree to be a police officer in this country anymore. These officers need to be trained more and how to look at the community in a more open minded statement. Police officers can show their true colors at any moment in today's society. GoodVibes003

  50. This article really interest me because. I do ride a longs with the Peoria Police Department a lot and. When I ride with them they always tell me to major in something other than criminal justice. Because it 's not what it use to be in the old days, with the way cops police and the way civilians act towards cops. In the article it states that "the police job is presently undo-able in our far too violent and armed nation", which hits spot on with the problem we're having today. I totally agree with the part in the article that talks about only having a political knave or novice to actually fix our problem between the cops and civilians. Because the people of our nation depends on the government to protect us from the real enemy rather than us fearing the government. Which I and most of everyone else believe that our new president will make the changes to suit our needs. If all law enforcement agencies required officers to have a degree, I think it would make a huge difference in how our criminal justice system and law enforcement police in society. Towards the end of the article it states that "police currently do not solve most crimes reported", that's because some officers are retaliating back at the public because of the way the public treat the police. That is exactly why police reputation is the way it is today because nothing is getting solved. -K9003

  51. This article goes in depth of why there is a conflict between citizens and police officers. Even though most police departments don't require a degree for the job, the officers should be educated due to the circumstances that society faces today with the citizens blaming and accusing the police officers of doing the wrong thing when it comes to arresting an "innocent" person, or getting questioned to why they approached a person a certain way, or why they shot the individual. Education is a positive aspect for this career path because it opens many opportunities for you to pursue in the Criminal Justice Field and it helps you to understand this career and have a different outlook to every situation you're faced with on duty. The world has come to where the police officers have to wear a camera on them when their are on duty because citizens are angry at the way other police officers handle situations. I'm not saying every police officer always does the right thing or handles a situation the best, but most of them are serving the community and actually want to keep the people safe and secure from crime. -RW003

    1. I agree to an extent. I do believe officers should be well educated but most of the time, people do not have to have a master's degree just to prove that they are able to work well with others while maintaining both respect and authority, i.e. 99% of the job of an officer. If anything, we should find some way to both educate and test potential officers on that front. Speech classes, mass communication classes, attend a Tony Robbins seminar, whatever works! CK003

    2. Being a cop takes a lot of courage. It is a very dangerous job. These days, society is taught to hate cops, but aren't they the ones who we call when we need help? The article talks about replacing the law system, and finding a way to avoid paying millions of officers around the world, but not very many people are pressuring the career at all anymore. Race is a huge scandal these days. Between all the drama, terrorism, and riots that occur, I'm sure every person in the law enforcement career has dealt with it at one point. Religion can even have a big impact on the way someone is treated. Society is told these days to fight for what they believe in, but many take it too far. We shouldn't be taught to discriminate against any race, or any religion. People under estimate cops, by saying their job is too easy. The criticize them no matter what they do. I noticed a comment on the article saying that they should focus more on drug wars. I agree that drugs are very commonly sold, but it's unrealistic to think that cops can completely take them from the world. However the main goal is to get their job done safely and return home, just as any other person. Chi003

  52. With the rate of police officers being at a all time low and crime continuing to rise you must really think why this is. I believe it's as simple as the child in your house or down the street. Think about who's most likely become a cop if you had to choose between two kids. The fist being an all american football quarter back someone who could make the police physical fitness test look easy or a kid who's main hobbies are playing video games and who is smarter than the average kid. Let me give you a peak of their weekends. The first child (the all american) is most likely going to a party which will get busted and he will get in trouble with the law in some sort. Making him now hate the law and driving himself deeper and deeper into a life of crime. While the second child is to busy studying to be going to a party so he can get into a good college and make great money. Now I wrestled and played football in high school and look where I am now I'm writing a blog in a police class. So I'm not trying to stereo type a certain type of children. But I do believe that police recruiting isn't just factored by the one component such as personal experience with the "Fuzz". The media such as movies, news, and music all discredit the police. If you can change the point of views of those who make those songs and movies by just giving them a chance to experience the daily troubles of a police officer. Showing society how difficult and violent the world truly is might just make the generations that are much softer than their predecessors. Now being kinder and more sense able is never a bad thing I just feel like their should be two types of cops in each officer. They should be the guy/girl who stops and talks to people on their foot patrol and they should also be the type of person who's going to throw down at a moments notice. Sorry this response is kind of long but i appreciate you all reading it this article is something i could easily talk about for hours on end.

  53. I love how this article goes into depth about how policing in general has changed over decades. In the article where it states "Only a political knave or a novice offers an affirmative blueprint for keeping the public safe from crime and terrorism." This statement couldn't be anymore accurate. For example, if I where to be a normal African-american walking down the street with no type of weapons and all I'm doing is minding my own business it would be most likely I would either be shot by a cop or be followed. Also in the article it states "To say this in today's environment is to utter words that are construed as almost hate speech, and subject the speaker to the loudest approbation." This statement is also accurate because it comes to show that hate crime is just coming out and it is showing the systems real true colors from the inside. The main question is will the justice system ever follow by it's expectations and obey on the oath the police is suppose to follow. GoodVibes003

  54. In today's world, Police Officers are viewed as this evil authority figure by some. The truth is, there will always be many uses for Police Officers, despite how people talk trash about the Police, but when things go terribly wrong, people will always pick up their phone and call the cops. Being a Police Officer a person may obtain certain perks such as decent pay, medical and etc, but it is not with out a risk, a risk that may be an end of this officer's live. To go back on how people stopped wanting to become a Police Officer, it is definitely understandable, because there are lot's of people who hate them and disrespect their duty or job. Being a Police Officer in certain parts of the U.S are not been viewed as Chivalry by any means, instead they are hated by many, due to the negative recent events, which may prevent a person to want to become a Police Officer. In today's society, we need officers, without them there will be a drastic rise in crimes or worst yet terrorism attacks, Police Officer is a our biggest repellent to stop law breaking activities. With a lack of Police Force the society will face a increase in crime and will always tries to seek help from the Police. Police Officer is essential for a healthy society. JupiorZ003

  55. This article made me think about wanting to pursue a career in law enforcement. While it is something that I believe needs to be prevalent in everyone’s lives, not everyone feels the same way. It’s sad to think that the one thing everyone wants to be when they’re young is the same thing that they end up despising as they get older. Law enforcement doesn’t get the recognition they deserve. They show up no matter the circumstances, ready to do whatever they can to help whoever they can. Like the beginning of the article, “shunned by the respectable, hated by criminals, deceived by everyone, kicked around like a football by brainless or crooked politicians.” This statement is completely true; it’s sad. There’s a little known fact that we all are aware of: you protest the police and hate them, ridiculing them at every possible chance you get. But when you’re in trouble, they’ll still show up, ready to help. Gators003

  56. It can go many ways with this article. First meaning the respect level for authority is increasing. Everyone looks at their uniform and automatically think their the bad guys and ready to ruin someone's day. But then again I can see where everyone is come from cause being African American I have been in situations where I felt like I was treated different because of my skin color. So it's like everyone hates the cops at one point of time until their in trouble and need them . -tracker003

  57. It is crazy how so many people see police today. The fact that everyone sees them as a person who uses excessive force and not as a peace keeper is ridiculous. America needs to open their eyes and close their phones and realize the police is what keeps you safe at night. When I talk to people who have been police officers they tell me if they were my age they would have never became a cop due to how the world is today and how cops are seen. This is truly a sad fact that America needs to fix. When I was younger I saw a police officer as a respected career and everyone wanted to be a police officer when they grew up. A lot of people are quick to judge how an officer handles a situation but have never been in a situation close to it and would never understand. Max003

  58. It is so hard for me to watch people rip at the police. I understand some of the things that officers have done lately may not have been right. Police are one of the most hated groups of people right now by so many. Times have definitely changed I can remember looking up to police officers with the utmost respect. I still do. The fact that officers are being shunned and no one wants to become a police officers these days is disheartening. Yes not all police make the right decisions but not all police make bad decisions. We should handle the situations when they occur and with the individual and not as a whole group. If only people thought about what life would be like if we didn’t have police officers. The bad is always news casted to great lengths but the good is never broadcasted. Where are the videos of these same police officers risking their lives to save individuals? Or the point in the video where they are asking them to comply and be orderly. I feel there are so many missing areas. If the media wants to run stories then run all the stories not just ones that could lead to race wars and controversies. Officers are being shunned and considered risqué to use in political campaigns because of the recent incidents. These are people who risk their own lives to protect ours and this is what they get in return. It is no wonder why recruits are lessening each year. It is hard to convince yourself that you should put your life on the line to protect people who hate you because you are a part of that job. I am not certain what will elevate the problem and I do think that policing within communities is important and the police should play an important role and not just the crime busting kind but the there and active roles also. Being against our officers is only going to hurt as a community. Supporting the officers who do what is necessary and right is what is most important. I couldn’t imagine a world without police officers. My son still looks up to police officers and shakes their hands every time he sees one. I hope this never changes. I have always taught him to not be scared of police officers that they are the good guys. I know not all feel the same way. I do however know that not ALL police officers view individuals the same way either.

  59. In today's America, the police officer is guilty until proven innocent. Everything is backwards when it comes to law enforcement. Take what happened in Dallas as an example. People were there to protest police and when the shooting started they all hid behind the police and desperately needed saving. When the bullets started flying the officers there put themselves in the line of fire and protected the people. The police didn't even hesitate to run toward the shots. Their first reaction was to protect the public. Another issue is that police departments around the country are slowly starting to use body cameras. Which I don't deny is a good thing, but when people are pissed off and angry, they don't care what is on the tape. If an officer is found not guilty with the evidence on the tape, the public still does not care. What the heck is the point on spending millions of dollars on body cameras if the public still does not see it as fair and just? JE003


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