OJJDP and Ten Myths About Juvenile Delinquency....

Ten Myths About Juvenile Delinquency...


  1. Overall it's just telling us what we need to know what questions there is about juvenile delquency. It's just saying like about what kind of offenses do juvenile's make and the time placement. Also is jujst wanting us to know how many junvile's there are and what offenses they did when they were younger. Also its just saying what we need to know about what they did and how they did the crime and where the crime took place and on what day. The juvenile's needto be taken off the street and need some help to stop what they are doing because it's not helping this society one bit. They are just not doing good for them selves and need to stop it because they are just going to harm themselves and other people and that might even be there parents or siblings. Those questions need to stay because what if somebody doesn't know that.

    1. I agree with you golfer001, that these juveniles need help. However, the help should start before they are detained in these juvenile facilities. Things in these high crime areas need a lot of revamping. Build safe places for these juveniles to go and do something with their time besides committing crimes. Locking our youth up is not a form of help. Mommy001

    2. I also agree that juveniles need help. I believe that some of those kids did not have the support from their parents like many of us do. Being able to rehabilitate them instead of locking them away is what they should be doing. bamboo001

    3. I really enjoy going through these statistics because having children you really are interested in how they behave. That being said I think that we really need to monitor economic situations more and more to see if that plays a role in how juveniles behave. Dadoftwo001

  2. This website could answer a lot of questions that people have about the Criminal Justice System. I like how you can select the year for most of the questions. This allows you to compare and contrast different charts from various years. It is interesting to see the change in rates of crime from the early 2000's and compare them to the rates in 2014. The page is separated into seven different kinds of questions. The questions dealing with "Time in Placement" really caught my attention. It contained charts, showing how the time and placement of a crime being committed is effected by all sorts of things. Race, Sex, and the type of crime were the things I was looking at within the charts. I will most likely use this site for future references and other information. Bry001

    1. I agree with you bry001 because you can go on this website and see what crime has been committed and where it took place at and I think it tells who did it but I am not sure if it does say or not. Golfer001

  3. The ojjdp is a very good website to compare and contrast a lot of factors that come into play when dealing with juveniles. It is a crazy difference in the amount of juveniles that were in residential placement facilities in the late 90's and early 2000s from the amount that are being held in similar facilities today. The next crazy fact I came across was when I hopped to the bottom of the page and noticed how many teenagers under the age of 18 were and currently are being held in adult state prisons and jails. Its just odd to think that a child could be put into an adult detention facility. This website also answers a lot of specific questions that may be unattainable else where. They had to have spent a lot of time getting all of these statistics and compiling them to compare to the previous years. The amount of sexual victimization in youths that happens in these facilities is outrageous as well. the numbers you see on this website you would think would be way more than an adult jail let alone all of this is happening in our youth facilities. Its just crazy. Bike001

    1. It surprised me that so many were being held in adult facilities as well. This could be because the youths were being tried as adults due to what they did or how they offended in the past. It is not unusual for a juvenile who committed a serious crime to be tried as an adult. They could also be holding juveniles in adult jails if that county does not have a designated facility for minors, but that would only explain them being in jail as a temporary holding measure, and I find it unlikely that an adult facility would want to hold minors with the rest of its population. coolguy001

  4. I find it interesting how the number of juveniles in residential placement programs have decreased significantly over the last decade. It also seemed that the number of juveniles held in adult facilities have also decreased significantly. Could this be because of the decreasing crime rates since the 1990s, or because many youths are being placed on probation instead of going to prison or juvenile detention? It also seems that very few juveniles are held for more than a year even if the crime they committed was against a person. It also seemed that sex was not a significant factor in how long juveniles are being held in these facilities. The difference in the number of juveniles by sex for each sentencing period did not stray far from ten percent. I would think that the younger girls being held would have much less time being held than the younger boys. However more boys are being held than girls. Another thing I found is that most of the juveniles being held are there for property crimes or crimes against persons, far fewer were there for status or technical violations. There were a surprising amount of juveniles being held in private facilities over public facilities, almost half of juvenile offenders are being held in private facilities. Surprisingly though, the private facilities offered more treatment for drug abuse and mental heath than public facilities. It also seemed that long term facilities and diversion centers offered more care for mental health and substance abuse than short term detention facilities. Overall I found this data very promising since it shows that fewer juveniles are being held away from their homes than there were a decade ago, and a large portion of those juveniles are being offered care for substance abuse and mental health problems. coolguy001

    1. Couldn't agree with you more coolguy001, but I believe residential placement programs have decreased because, well like you said, it could be because many of the youths are being placed on probation instead of prison or juvenile detention facilities. Since the decriminalization of marijuana, I believe the number of juveniles held in adult facilities will also have a significant decrease.

    2. Couldn't agree with you more coolguy001, but I believe residential placement programs have decreased because, well like you said, it could be because many of the youths are being placed on probation instead of prison or juvenile detention facilities. Since the decriminalization of marijuana, I believe the number of juveniles held in adult facilities will also have a significant decrease.


  5. I found this website to be very informative. It was unbelievable to see the statistics of assaults that occur in these juvenile facilities. Overall they may not have been that high, but the children locked up there should be safe. Although delinquent they are still children and should have the right to safety. I reside in an area of Peoria that is considered a bad part of town, and witness lots of juvenile delinquency. So although the statistics show that the crimes committed by juveniles is decreasing, it appears to be pretty bad in my area. Just two days ago as I was driving down the street I witnessed a large group of teenagers beating on another teen who was on the ground. I stopped at the police officers home, he has been placed here due to the high volume of crime, as a deterrent. But most people just drove by gawking. So I'm not convinced that crime is declining, it is just going unreported. A couple years ago, there were a group of young teens that were assaulting people, who were just walking down the street. They hit one guy in his face with a brick, broke a pregnant girls knee, beat up a senior citizen simply because he was walking down the street. So, what is the good of the statistics shown when people are made to be afraid to even report the amount of juvenile delinquency? We need to find a way to help these lost souls, that are our children. It is alarming to see how many facilities there are in each state to detain these juveniles. How about building places for children to go so they are not just sitting idle with nothing to do besides commit crime. Some of these statistics although informative, are very alarming. Mommy001

  6. This website had a lot of data and information that I did not even know about. Seeing that there has been a fifty percent drop of juveniles in the detention center from 1997 is amazing. This drop of numbers shows that the crime rate is going down and kids are making better decisions. Shows charts of what ethnic group committed crimes and what types they committed. Being Hispanic, I am just happy I have made the right decisions and having good parents that I am not one of the twenty-three percents in a detention center. It is good to see that teenager who is doing bad crime getting put into the programs that can help them to become better adults. Everyone makes mistakes some being worse than others, but they deserve a second chance. Unless it’s a more serious crime, like murder or rape then they can keep those people in there. Overall, this website is great and will be used for future reference, Showing all the dynamics of race, gender, and age. It is a site that has a lot to offer in our field of study. bamboo001

    1. I enjoyed the questions where it talks about juveniles and race, sex, ext. you know not being a "minority" race really puts things into perspective for me. It really shows me that different races are being targeted more than the next race. Also, i do agree everyone makes mistakes but the good thing is doing them young you can recover and try again, unless it is something like murder or rape they should be locked up. -dicaprio001

    2. I also found the questions that broke down certain crimes by race/ethnicity and sex of the juveniles most interesting. I also found it interesting that they included information about how large or small the juvenile facilities are. I was also surprised to see that more than half of these facilities hold 20 or fewer juveniles. ekt001

  7. There is a ton of useful and interesting information on this website. the statistics are interesting but appalling at times. There are 50,821 juveniles in residential placement in the US. This is a very high number. Its sad that this many kids are put into this because of their delinquent behavior. It makes you think about how many of them actually deserve to be there. Sometimes juveniles are arrested for just being kids. But sometimes they are arrested for doing horrible things like rape or murder. There are 4,200 juveniles in adult jails. This means they have done crimes so horrible that they had to be tried as an adult. Unfortunately these are the people that will be going in and out of jail for the rest of their lives and will probably end up in prison. But putting these children in adult prisons will not help them at all. They will just learn the ways of the adults and become even worse. Putting them in jails with juveniles will help them more. This website was very informative.

    1. I would have to agree with you that this website was full of information but however some of it was quite disturbing. for the juveniles in adult prisons is bad. How can these kids do something so bad that they end up in adult prisons? Im sure that these kids deserve it but just how can these kids do something so bad its crazy. Godzilla001

  8. This website was very helpful and informative. It gives you the answers to many questions that i had and questions that I didn't even think of. It's really sad to see that 80% of juveniles experience neglect, and more minority juveniles are victimized. African American juveniles more than any other race (14.6%) I never really knew the specific numbers in which juveniles are murdered. Between 1980-2014 (30 years) 64,000 juveniles were murdered, to me thats a lot of people. Considering the fact that 1,290 of them were just in 2014. The website said juveniles homicide victims are more likely to be male than female, I'm not going to lie my guess was the opposite. But the growing rate of females has gone up since the 1990's. The suicide rate for juveniles is about the same as the murder rate, which makes sense, generally males will complete suicide before females will. I never really thought about the question (In what way are juveniles murdered) it said between 1980-2014 most juveniles are murdered with a fire arm, and children age six and below are murdered using hands, fits, or feet. Which makes a lot of sense toddlers are usually murdered by someone beating them, usually seems more violent. These facts are appalling and some of them in fact are disturbing. There is definitely a lot to think about and study when it comes to juveniles. -Dicaprio001

  9. I feel that this website is a good source of information. i think that if we want to see a decrease in juveniles or adults then they should start finding better ways to keep kids busy then they wont have the time to commit crimes. If you cant rehab then its all for nothing. Less violent Delinquents can be rehabbed by giving them a sense of purpose but the violent ones on the other hand will be less likely to rehab unless you punish as well with the rehab. tree001

    1. I agree with you, tree001. It is very crucial for adults and juveniles to have rehabilitation in order to keep them from going back to their "old tricks" and not go down a bad path again. if there is no rehab, it does not provide a good environment for those that were nonviolent. People can easily slip back down the path if they see that there is nothing for them, that they have no skills.

    2. sorry, the above was done by agentp001.

  10. I have never really seen a website that is set up like this, but I really like how answers every real question you need to know about juvenile delinquency. Being able to select each year to see the rates f crime is very cool. Finding out that around 80% of juveniles experienced neglect really tells me a lot of why they commit such crimes. The amount of juveniles in adult prisons really bugs me to read it. The charts for some answers were very informative with race and gender I wish there was a better way of helping these juveniles but when you fix one another one sprouts up, its going to be a never ending problem as money being the main incentive for almost all crimes. If we were to eliminate money from our world, I think crime everywhere from anyone will decrease close to none.

  11. This website is one of a kind and it gives a ton of information about the juveniles in our country. There was a couple of statistics that caught my eye. Most of it was predictable like males are in residential holding longer than their female counterparts. one statistic that i was happy to see was that the minorities had the same amount of time as their white counter parts. Race and ethnicity didn't matter in this field. This website was a really interesting website. for every question they had on there they had an easy to read answer that was right there. The number of juveniles in adult prisons was another statistic that caught my eye. I believe that the number was way too high juveniles shouldn't be held with the general population. Godzilla001

  12. I found the information on this site very interesting. I liked how they broke down the offences resulting in placement in a juvenile facility by both sex of the juvenile and race/ethnicity of the juvenile. I thought that those statistics were the most interesting to review. I also like how all the information was set up in an FAQ style format. I think that this made the information a lot easier to read and understand as opposed to if they would have written it all out in an essay format. I also like how they point out which information has been updated recently. ekt001

  13. Overall this blog allows its reader to better understand the demographics, offenses, state comparisons, and characteristics of prisons and jails. It has common questions asked about these facilities followed by their answers. I think an interesting fact on this website was that about 4,200 persons younger than 18 were inmates in adult prisons and jails in the US. Also, that 9.5% of adjudicated youth reported being sexually victimized in juvenile facilities. This is definitely a website I can look back on for help.

    1. Yeah that is crazy that 4,200 people younger than 18 are in adult prisons. To think that these kids have almost no opportunity to succeed because they are locked up. The kids will have no way to get an education they need in an adult prison.

  14. This information brought to me was very straightforward and useful. What really brought my attention was the number of jail inmates held in state prisons and jails that are under the age of 18. This had me thinking about the judicial waivers which means transferring a case from juvenile to adult. As I was looking through both graphs of how many youths 17 and under were held in state prisons and how many youths were held in adult jails. The similarities between these two was since the late 90's to 2014 the number of inmates under the age of 18 have decreased significantly over these years. Could it be law enforcement is used lightly against a minor? or is it because less people under the age of 18 are committing less crimes? In my opinion I believe this all goes through the process of the waivers and whether or not it could help the situation of the juvenile being trialed as an adult, I guess it all depends on the crime. Furthermore, the way this article was set up was very efficient and really straightforward. Computers001

    1. I dindt think about that until I read your post. That is very interesting. I never thought about how they transfer over to adults how the sentencing changes. I also liked how easy it was to find the answers and see what the information given was saying. Broncos001

  15. the website to be very helpful, especially for someone who is wanting to study criminal justice and make it their major. This website is question forum that answers a lot of questions relating to criminal justice. It can tell you how many females, how many hispanics, or other minorities find themselves charged with crime. It can tell you how many people are in residential living, etc. What really caught my eye was the section that talks about victimization in juvenile facilities. It breaks my heart that this is even a section that is discussed about. This sight talks about youth-on-youth, talks about the staff sexually assaulting or harassing the juveniles, and forced reports. It is really quite sickening to see that the percent is as high as it is. Some may say that 2 percent, 3 and even 4 percent is not a high percentage, but when it comes to the safety of our youth (regardless of them being juvenile delinquents) it does not matter. I would like to see that percentage go down drastically, and maybe one day not be something that is a "thing" anymore. agentp001

  16. This article can be very useful for the rehabilitation process and juvenile delinquency in general. The charts and numbers actually show what is going on in real life and is not based off the media. What caught my eye was the age of the juveniles that commit the most crimes. Seventeen year olds are in the stage of their life were they haven't matured, yet they feel they are invincible and want to do adult things. I believe people need to make opportunities for this age range so they stay out of trouble and start to decline in the amount of crime they commit.

  17. This wasn't really an article just more of a lot of statistics! But I loved going through the information and trying to formulate ideas of why things are happening the way they are. Why kids do certain things and how things work socially. I believe that kids do everything for a reason and it can make or break certain kids lives. Also I believe kids in certain economic condition behave in different ways and do different crimes. Dadoftwo001

  18. I really enjoyed going through this article. As I went through the different answers, before I opened them I would guess what I thought it was going to be. I found myself to be very close on some, but others really suprised me when I checked. One that I was fairly close to was the age of Juveniles who commit crimes, I guessed 17 and was correct. I think it is because that age they think that they are still considered a Juvenile so they think they can still get away and if they do get caught than they dont have to worry about that severe of a punishment than if they were eightteen years old and considered a adult. I was also suprised on how close the statistics were based on sex of juveniles. I thought males would be a lot higher than females, but they were closer than I thought. Broncos001


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