Prison Industrial Complex....


  1. The video discusses how the population of prisons and the number of private prisons has increased while the actual crime rate has decreased. Since 1991 there has been a 50% increase in the population in private prisons. The reason there is an increase in population while the crime rate is decreasing is because the private prisons are making money off of inmates being locked up. Private prisons are targeting minority groups to make sure they are not able to leave their prisons so that they can continue making a profit off of them. Our book states that this is no longer the goal of the American Correctional Association. The American Correctional Association is attempting to decrease the population of prisons and give the inmates an opportunity to re enter society and become a functioning member of the community. The American Correctional Association is doing this by adding counseling, educational, health care, nutrition, and many other services to their prisons. Our book states that the fundamental purpose of corrections is to enhance social order and public safety. This is exactly what the ACA is attempting to do with improving and adding programs that will aid inmates in their return to society.

  2. The correction system as a whole should be about rehabilitating incarcerated individuals, not to make profit from their actions. I understand why states use privatized prisons, because they(private prisons) can run much more effectively and at a lower cost. But at the same time, making money off of the prisoners is just wrong. Private prisons don't want to rehabilitate people, because they make their money by having their prisons full. That needs to change. JE003

  3. I can see why we use private prison they can be ran cheaper but cheaper isnt always better i think we need to start running these by the state again some how get officers that are trained right and get a system that is more humane at the same time we do need to keep order because these are gang member murders maybe if we schooled them give them skills they could go get a job and not have to settle selling drugs and doing crime but haven the mind set of making money off of people coming back is not what we need because then noting will ever get better probably just worse but the guards to tho need to be trained and payed right to because that job is no walk in the park.

    1. Agreed, I am just not sure where we would find the money to run these places through the state though, like we said in class, it is much cheaper to run them as private prisons and that is why we have not made that transition yet in my opinion. I do agree that we need to find some way to get these prisons under state control, maybe not 100%, but at least have an influence in the decisions made in these prisons. – Nosaints003

  4. It is difficult with all these corporations that own all the private prisons, they are not interested in helping these people out at all, they just want to make their money. Limiting them on how many prisons they can own is an idea but that would mean jumping through a bunch of legal hoops thus resulting in a lot of time lost and unfortunately probably a lot more lives ruined. It really stunned me when Professor Douglas Thompkins was talking about the when these people finally get out of prison and they are attending these meetings to get better and to follow the rules of their parole that these companies are unwilling to move their schedules around so that they can keep a job. How do you expect these people not to turn back to drugs when that is the only option you are giving them? Of course the company does not care and only wants a profit. - NOsaints03

    1. It's so irritating to think that businesses are privatizing prisons but, lets be honest here. When's the last time a business didn't put money over the well being of the common-man. In my opinion, bringing this corporate greed to prisons is crossing the line a bit, but it's not surprising to me that it is happening. I guess everybody's going to have to start following the law or something. CK003

    2. I agree with you, they really just don't care about helping the prisoners out when they get out or when they are in. helping them is what will make them succeed in life.

  5. Why is this a thing? Why is privatizing a prison, whether it is regulated or not, a real thing? I mean, I guess that it makes sense sense from a business stand point to benefit/profit off of the downfall of others; that's what companies like Walmart have been doing for years. Just using unethical business practices to make record a higher profit margin. Money is great and all, but at what point does being a decent person overcome greed? At this point, we're making money off the backs of people who, for the most part, just made a dumb mistake at one point in their lives and now have to pay for it their entire lives. Rehabilitation is essential, money is not. Stop making prisons a business! CK003

    1. I totally agree with all your ideas, and I wish one day the U.S would realize this. But as how human progresses and how our government functions, money is critical and we are in desperate of money. The people in my opinion, no matter what nation, are just tools for the government to better grow it's might! Your norm is shared by many, such as me, but in the eye of many government officials it would be no more than just opinions. I respect your perspective, this is also my idea of a better future, and truly wishes eventually humans as whole would realize this idea, and cherish every one, on this planet. JupiorZ003

  6. This was an interesting video to watch. Since 1991 the prisons populations have jumped 50 percent. I think that is a ridiculous number since most of them are sitting in jail for most likely a non-violet crime. I don’t think it is right for these prisons to be popping up just because it increases some work for people. Some prisoners need proper help and a good rehab program so they could get going in the right direction. These prisons are not helping like they need to be even though they can operate cheaply. I agree with the guy talking in the video saying that something needs to happen so that private prisons can not just be built. So basically what I got from a part of this video is that private prisons are more of a cash cow, and a way to make a lot of money. This needs to change.

    1. I agree that a lot of private prisons need better rehab programs. The problem is with those that own the private prisons. If they are making enough money off of owning a private prison based on how many inmates they have, then they will never have the best interest of the prisoner or rehabilitation in mind. Although private prisons do create job opportunities I do agree that all they are is cash cows as you say looking for easy money. -Bulls003

  7. In the beginning the news anchor stated how the prisons uses the inmates to achieve a form of cheap labor, I can't but to agree with her. In the eye of the public, most would believe that the inmates should do something to benefit the society, so putting them to work would be reasonable, in this case it takes the whole cheap labor out of the picture, in my opinion the private prison are aiming for this some what true idea, to better make money, after all money is what they seek to make more of from the beginning. The video talks about how the state of Ohio sold a prison to a corporation, making it private own, to some extend I feel that the government are seeking the help of corporations to help them with this ever growing inmate populations, because states cannot benefit economically as near as much as private prisons, so selling them prisons would release stress financially of a state. But the action of Ohio selling off prisons will only encourages the private run prisons from growing more rapidly, and many problems such as inmates not being able to return to society would happen more frequently. This is kind of a double edged sword, sending prisoners to private prisons to release economic stress, but doing so causes inmates to not able to get the proper counseling. Due to this country being as it is, money talks, so private prisons always tries to gain more supports from government officials to be there back bone on growing this private prison market, so to get rid of this trend is going to be incredibly difficult. JupiorZ003


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