Reported Crime in Peoria.......

The Real and Crime in Peoria According to UCR


  1. I find this kind of interesting. Certain crimes are growing while others fall? Is this from certain laws that are being enforced more harshly then before?
    Also I noticed the large difference in violent crimes between Peoria and Naperville. I noticed that Peoria had 370 reported violent crimes in 2014, which doesn't sound terrible to someone like myself who is not well educated on the crime rates and such. However, when I look at Naperville's reported violent crimes, which was 52, it kinda puts things into perspective. Either Naperville is a heavenly oasis in our world, or Peoria is really digging itself deeper into it's own hole.
    But against that idea, look at Rockford. Rockford has about 30,00 more people in it's population count, but it's repoted violent crime count is at an increase is almost %300. It kinda makes you wonder why certain cities have different rates of crimes, which does not neccissarily seem to be affected by the population count. - AJC002

    1. I agree, AJC002, it is quite interesting to look at, and it's also a little bit difficult to try to figure out. There doesn't seem to be a definite pattern to it. I think it would be more helpful to look at it from several years back up to now, to see how much it has changed recently.

    2. I agree it's interesting to look at and wonder how some cites can be so different. There really is no pattern for crimes in general well I don't think but there are many things that affect the rate of crime like the time of year, what major events happen in that city during that year and just some real minor things that you would think have no effect on anything. JE002

    3. After doing some research, I have found out that Naperville is actually a very wealthy city. In fact, it's one of the wealthiest in the Midwest. Since it's a wealthier place, I feel like that is a really big reason as to why crime rates are so low there. zmw002

    4. AJC002, I agree with this view of the stats. Peoria has so many violent crimes, and property crimes as well. The amount of property crime compared to other cities is also really high. I can’t believe the news doesn’t talk about that more. The fact that Rockford has so much more crime though, is crazy. That is such an increase for such a small jump in population.-OKC002

    5. I agree AJC002. It is interesting to see how cities are so different. I really think it comes down to opportunity or the lack of opportunity in the city. Cities with low crime rates usually are filled with opportunity such as higher paid jobs, general employment, wealth, etc. Larger cities have such a large gap between the rich and poor. Inner cities are plagued with unemployment, poverty, poor education, etc. This in turn leads to high crime rate. Steve002

    6. It is important to note that this data only shows the difference between two years, to get a real picture of how much crime rates are changing in the city you would want to look at the change over several years or even decades. coolguy001

  2. This being my first time reading the UCR Chart for my home town I wasn't surprised to see how high the crime rate is in Peoria. Between 2014 and 2015 it did not fluctuate too much. it would be interesting to see the crime rates and patterns over a longer period of time to see the fluctuation. I did some reading of some other cites in Illinois in this chart and I was noticing how Chicago's Crime rate is so much higher than its neighboring suburb Naperville. It goes to show how even a difference in crime rates from one city to a close neighbors can be so much higher or lower than the others. Going back to Looking at Peoria's section of the graph our crime rate as well is considerably higher than Naperville and our Population is lower than theirs. This brings up the question of what could be causing this crime? Could it be that ours and Chicago's level of poverty is higher and contributing to the crimes? Or is their just as much crime but it not being reported as often in the wealthier towns? Bike001

    1. I agree and was thinking the same thing when it came to how are some crime rates higher when the population is lower, like Naperville and Peoria. It makes me wonder, like you said, is poverty causing this issue or is it just the different city policing? I feel like maybe they could be doing things a different way from each city but at the same time it wouldn't make sense because we all have a common law system right? So i wonder the same. Kt002

    2. This was my first time reading the UCR chart as well.. and I was actually pretty surprised to see how high the Peoria crime rate is. I am only surprised because I have not heard about some of the crimes that have happened. I also think crime is evident in all places. As discussed in class the crime will occur in the center of the poor community and the further away you get from the mess, the less crime.

  3. I was actually fairly surprised by the results of this information. In eight of the eleven categories, the crime rate fell from 2014 to 2015. I was expecting just the opposite. In my eyes, everything just keeps getting worse, so I suspected that most of the criminal activity would rise from 2014 to 2015. Although it did not change by much, if it keeps falling a little bit each year, then we would be in a good position. Even Chicago, one of the higher populated cities in the country, saw drops in rape, robbery, property crime and a couple others. Although it improved in some areas, the violent crime rate, murder rate, and aggravated assault rates increased from 2014 to 2015. It is very interesting that some crimes see improvement while others stay the same or get worse from one year to the next.

    1. I also noticed the drop in most of the crimes listed in the UCR. But at the same time I noticed that it was between a one year span. I was wondering if the difference between one year of crimes is really a good measure of how much the crime rate is really going down. in terms of a city with over 100,000 people Im curious to know if the decrease that were seeing is really drastic compared to if we saw the rise and fall of the crimes on a graph showing the past five to ten years would tell a different story. Maybe the drop of crimes that were seeing is a minuscule amount compared to the rise of crimes in the past ten years. Bike001

    2. I agree with what Bike001 was saying about the UCR only showing the years 2014 and 2015. I would really like to see how crime has progressed over the time span of 10 or more years. From the looks of the chart, it seems like Peoria had a decline in most of those categories on the chart but who knows what last years numbers look like. Peoria is on the smaller side when talking about it's population compared to places like Chicago or Rockford. Bry001

    3. It is good to see that the crime rate has dropped down in that one year, but also that is just one year. It would have been nice to see how much crime was committed in the past years to see if the crime rate is actually going down. Also, the UCR does have its flaws by not having every single crime committed by that one person, so the crimes committed will always be lower than what they are. bamboo001

  4. Hearing previous rumors of how the city of Peoria is one of the most dangerous cities in Illinois doesn't fully match the numbers I'm seeing on this chart. Yes, the numbers are high but from what I heard it doest seem accurate. Also I see as 2014 passes on to 2015, the crime rates have dropped some what. Looking at the number of rape incidents in peoria actually surprised me because you don't really hear too much about it. I think that issue needs to be publicly aware for peoples safely because I had no clue there were that many rape incidents. The only think I see in this chart that has increased from the years 2014 to 2015 is the robbery rates, and I would like to know how that is possible. Either people are getting away with it too easily and feel they should do it more before they actually get caught or there must be some other issue. Why is this issue rising while others are decreasing? Kt002

    1. I found it interesting as well to see how some crimes are dropping while others are rising. The only answer i could think to myself was a simple one. Its only showing the rates for two years so maybe the differences we're seeing aren't as drastic as were really perceiving them to be. Maybe one year there was a larger spree of robberies than the other year but who knows, maybe if we looked at the rates from years previous that is a tiny amount of an increase or decrease in any particular crime you might have seen a rise or fall in. Maybe in 2015 there was a robbery spree that may have brought those numbers up for that year. it would be interesting to see at the end of this year if that number went back down. Bike001

  5. I also always hear how bad Peoria is, and the charts kind of point in the opposite direction. Sure, it is deffinetely not a heaven, but it doesn't seem quite as bad and many people led me to believe. And for the robery increase, is it possible that increased poverty would cause people to take more risks to get what they need to survive? Although I can't see is the poverty went up at all in this chart, I think it is a high-ranking possiblity. - AJC002

    1. I agree with you, when I tell people where I am from (originally Pekin, but when you tell them that they have no clue where it is) so I ask if they have heard of Peoria, and they always say "Oh it's turning into a little Chicago" or "You're crime rate is real high isn't it?" If someone outside of the city were to look at the chart, they would change their mind. But I feel like since we live here and we hear about it all the time, Peoria is a dangerous and horrible place to be. rose001

    2. An important thing to look at when reading these charts is the ratio of the crime rates to the amount of people populating the city. Personally I think that Peoria's crime rates are pretty high for the amount of people living here. As compared to towns like Naperville with more people living there but a lower rate of these crimes being committed. Bike001

    3. I completely agree with this. I am not from the Peoria area. I grew up in the small town of St. Joseph, where pretty much everybody knows everybody and there is practically no crime. I kind of just always assumed that Peoria was a very high crime type of city. After reviewing this chart it is reassuring to see that my assumptions were not as true as I thought.

    4. I grew up in a town of a little over a thousand people and we all knew each other and there wasn't much crime at all. Looking at the charts i was surprised at how much people have over exaggerated it. Peoria didn't even have as much crime as some other cities. AW002

    5. there is definitely higher burglary and property crime than anything else, so its so crazy to think of all of those crimes happening right where I live. but yes its most definitely not the worst, but there is always room for improvement :) Camvilla002

  6. Peoria's crime rates for 8/10 of those subjects declined within the years 2014 and 2015. But the numbers are still on the high side when talking about the total number of violent crimes compared to other places around it. Out of all eight of the cities in Illinois, Peoria comes in fourth place and third when dealing with violent crime rates. So it is considerably not the "worst" place around like I have heard before but it definitely is not the safest. When comparing Peoria's other crimes such as property, arson, and burglary, it holds up to the other cities numbers around it. But considering Peoria's population is roughly 116,000 people, its numbers for crime rates are somewhat higher than those with more people and less crime than Peoria. Bry001

  7. I was raised in small town, Manito, Illinois. When I think of Peoria, I tend to think of people getting shot, raped, robbed, etc. From looking at the UCR data, my assumptions were true. However, although crimes are pretty common in Peoria, I am very satisfied to see these numbers. Most of the data decreased from the year 2014 to 2015. It is extremely satisfying to see that Peoria Law Enforcement may have influenced the amount of crimes.
    Hopefully when the UCR report for 2016 is complete, even more crime rates will be lowered. I would like to see all data decrease, but property crime and theft are very tangible. People cannot always control the crimes committed against them, but steps can be taken to prevent crime.
    Some ideas to prevent theft are installing motion lights and deadbolts, trimming tall bushes around windows, or even getting a security system. We can all make Peoria a better enviroment for all.

  8. I am not surprised by the statistics stated in this. The fact that the CCW has come into affect its not unbelievable that we would see a drop in certain crimes such as the rape robbing and people having things broken into. Its not so lucrative of a business if your getting shot at back. But the the violent crimes will always continue until people stop giving them the money for the drugs. when the drug business is less affective then they will start to lose the reason to fight over. So these statistics will continue to drop for certain crimes and will continue to rise but its not just Peoria its going to be all over IL and the rest of the US. tree001

    1. I agree with tree002 because of how easy it is to get drugs. And people will do them because of the life they live or how easy for them to get away with it. Because if hey think they can get away with doing drugs they might think they can get away with anything. So If we get ride of drugs or start cracking down on them the crimes will go down. And the people in the city will stay safe. Adelle002

  9. This chart is interesting because when I go outside of town, they automatically assume that it is worse than Chicago. Even though they are high, I am kind of surprised they aren't as high as it seems like. I feel as though almost every summer there is a huge increase in crime, especially murder and rape. It's unfortunate because not all of Peoria is like this, the bad parts are the only ones to get really highlighted. I hope the stats decrease over time, especially with the project of making sure that events such as drive-byes don't harm innocent bystanders. Not only does it affect the people, but I am sure it affects the businesses and the people wanting to sell their goods there. I don't blame them if they want to move their profit elsewhere. Hopefully within the next couple years the stats will go down and Peoria won't become the next Chicago. rose001

    1. I agree with you rose001 because it is interesting to see how much crime there is and going out of town is kind of worse.

    2. Also another thing that is neat while researching more on the UCR topic, I found our city crime rates broken down by neighborhood on the website under crime view mapping which allows you to look at every crime including time, place, and what crime was committed! Dadoftwo001

  10. This chart is very interesting because I did not know how much crime there was until I read this chart, that is incredible. In Peoria I did realize how much crime there was compared to the other surrounding cites and also the other cities in the United States. Its crazy to think that one day that you leave to go to one of these cities and think your safe and then what if your not and you get shot and killed. I really don't like Peoria so much because of all the crime that is going on but it's still a place that I have to go to. The other cities I think I would be safe in but there is no telling but I kind of fear for everyone else's life because you only live once unless you survive being shot or stabbed. golfer001

  11. While reading through the UCR, I did not know whether to be surprised or not. Every time I have been to Peoria, I have never seen any crime happen, but that so because I tend to stay away from the bad parts. Living in a neighboring city, I feel safer than living in the City of Peoria. Having that high of a number of people living in the city it is not surprising seeing all that types of crime happening. Looking at the numbers, it does show in most of the groups that the crime did drop down from 2014 to 2015. Also, there are a lot of crimes that do not show up because they don’t have crimes that people do not report. Plus, they only take the highest crime that one person committed even though they could have committed three other crimes. As the numbers do seem low or high to some people; they could be much high if all the crime was submitted. bamboo001

  12. Looking at this chart is kind of sad. Peoria has way too much crime, more crime than Aurora which has almost one hundred thousand more people living there. Growing up, I had always heard about how bad Peoria was, but I just thought that people were exaggerating and it was not any worse than all the other cities. However, they were not exaggerating at all. This much crime so close to home is a big problem, and it something needs to be done about it. The city of Peoria should strive to be like Naperville, which has about thirty thousand more people than Peoria does and almost no crime compared to ours. In fact, Peoria should not be the only city striving to be like them, but every other city should.
    It is also odd as to why so many different crimes in different cities are falling or rising. Police officers must be focusing their attention on certain crimes and using their discretion to rule out others. zmw002

  13. I find this very interesting the actual crimes that happen in Peoria. We tend to think that Peoria is a very bad place and has a ton of crime especially violent crimes because of the media. Media makes it seem like everything is terrible and we should be afraid of everything which that's there job really. They over exaggerate everything especially like a shooting in Peoria because of the media and what we are surrounded with we think that it happens all the time there and we should be afraid of the city as a whole when really it's not as bad as what anyone says. I'm not saying its the safest town on earth because no where is 100% safe and crime free and no place will ever be that way sadly but we can work hard together as a criminal justice family to lower that rate as much as we can. JE002

    1. I agree JE002 that the media has caused lots of people to fear the city of Peoria. Of course they are going to show the violence that occurs here, as violence brings ratings. No city is immune to violent crimes, they can occur anywhere and everywhere. But it is the responsibility of every citizen to start reporting the crimes that are occurring, as well as becoming involved with the juveniles in our cities, help them instead of turning a blind eye. I know people are afraid, but these are children and they need some guidance. Mommy001

    2. I agree the media will say and do anything that they want to do, because they can. Its their job to twist stories into something they really aren't. anywhere you go there is going to be crime, some cities are just more prone to crime than others. That is where we all come in to police the best we can and make it a better place for people to live their lives. dicaprio001

    3. I definitely agree with comment more than any other one because the media likes to make it look like our city is worse than it actually is. That's the reason why everyone seems to think Peoria is one of the most violent cities. Ky002

  14. I find it very interesting that the major crimes are lower than the much lesser crimes. nut I knew that the lesser crimes like property crime and burglary crimes were high. I think that people will do the lesser crime because of less prison or jail time. I knew that rape was going to below because people are afraid of reporting the crime.I thought everything would be high because of the things I hear on the news about peoria. Adelle002

  15. I found Peoria's crime rate fairly surprising. I always thought that Peoria was a very safe city. The homicide rate in particular was very interesting. It was much higher than I thought it would be, I would think that local news would want to report on homicides more often. It would be interesting to have a map of where in the city that violent crimes were occurring, I imagine that the majority would be happening in the same areas. It would also be neat to get data on who the victims of these crimes are, I would bet that the profile of the victims would be similar to the profile of the offenders. I also noticed that the level of non violent crimes, like larceny were greater than than the number of violent crimes like rape and murder. I wonder what the document would consider to be rape, does it only include criminal sexual assault, or does it include all sex related crimes? If it includes criminal sexual abuse and more minor sex crimes that are more prevalent than criminal sexual assault then it would seem that the level is surprisingly low especially since Peoria is home to a fairly large four year university. The number of aggravated assaults also seemed fairly low, unless they included battery in with the offense. It would have been interesting to see how crime rates have changed in Peoria over several years instead of just seeing the change in one year. Overall the crime rates in Peoria were higher than I expected them to be, but still seemed fairly low compared to other cities with similar population and economic diversity. Coolguy001

  16. Wow some of these figures were a bit alarming. Obviously being from Peoria I know we have our fair share of crimes. But 27 rapes committed by juveniles in 2014 is crazy. The property crime was outrageous for that year. I looked at the UCR in my first semester for an assignment, but not the juvenile statistics. Obviously some areas are going to be more crime ridden, we discussed the reasons for that in class. It is very disturbing to see children committing violent acts, such as murder and rapes. I imagine that these statistics are probably not 100% true, as there are so many crimes not reported. Even so the numbers that were reported that year make it obvious that these children need some intervention. Give them some constructive things to do with their idle hands, more adults need to become positive mentors for these young people. Otherwise we are going to keep seeing our youth committing violent crimes, violence is sensationalized so much in our country it's no wonder kids are drawn to be involved in crimes. I would be interested to see the UCR reports for about a ten year period to actually see if there is a decline or an increase in these violent crimes committed by juveniles. But again it's not very clear if there is really a decrease or if there are just lot's of things going unreported. In today's world it seems a lot of people don't want to get involved. People are living in fear in their own communities, so they just turn a blind eye to a lot of things going on around them. So it is my guess that these numbers are probably not accurate. Mommy001

  17. Given that I am not from Peoria, I have always thought of the city as a 'high crime' type of city with a large amount of homicides, robberies, rape. While the reported 346 violent crime reports in 2015 is still 346 too many, it certainly is a pleasant sight to that number decreased from 370 in 2014. I did find it a little interesting how there were decreased reports in just about every crime except for one in particular, robberies. It is nice to see that the crime rate has decreased, for certain crimes it's a wonder why specific ones tend to increase.

  18. I honestly am a little torn on these stats. Growing up in Green Acres, I’ve always heard how terrible the crime in Peoria. Now yes, obviously there is a considerable amount of crime, but not what I thought. Compared to other cities, the murder rate is honestly pretty low. The property crime is, to me, pretty high. The violent crimes are pretty high, but not as high as the media makes it. All I ever see on the news is how violent and scary Peoria, and how bad it is there. Comparing what I see on the news to these stats, something doesn’t really add up here. Comparing the rates to Naperville though, I am disappointed. They have a higher population, and yet their crimes rates are considerably lower. The amount of rapes in Naperville is literally half the amount Peoria had in 2015. The violent crimes were were even lower. Peoria had 7.6 times more violent crimes than Naperville, with a smaller population.-OKC002

    1. OKC002 I was also a little shocked with how low the murder rate was. I also was disappointed in the Naperville comparison. It is odd that even though they have a higher population Peoria has higher statistics in just about everything. I also here a lot about how scary Peoria is but when compared to cities like Joliet and Chicago it's considerably lower in certain categories. Rocker002

  19. I think that it is interesting to see the fluctuation the different crimes from 2014 to 2015. Crimes such as murder and robbery have gone up but crimes like rape, violent crime, and aggravated assault have gone down. It's also interesting to see how the crimes vary between the different cities. Peoria and Springfield have similar populations but there are some crimes that are higher in Peoria then there are in Springfield and vise versa. It's also interesting to see that places like Naperville have a higher population then Peoria but Peoria seems to have higher crime rate in just about every category. To me it shows that it depends on the people in that city committing the crimes and how likely they are to get caught committing the crimes. So it could be an issue of whether or not the police are watching for a certain amount of activity vs a less serious crime. Rocker002

    1. This list kinda gives you the insight into the crime rates throughout the states. It's interesting to see the different crime rates in other cities compared to Peoria. Ciaccio002

  20. I find this chart interesting. While the number of crimes in Peoria is still high, it is not as terrible as I would have thought. Usually all you hear is how bad Peoria is and how unsafe certain areas are. I mean, yes, there are some areas of Peoria I would not go to after dark, but it is like that in a lot of cities. The number of crimes in Chicago is absolutely staggering. I know Chicago has a large population, but wow. There is a serious problem in Chicago that needs to be fixed now. Even though Chicago saw drops in rape, robbery, property crime and others, the violent crime rate, murder rate, and aggravated assault rates increased. There could be many reasons for this, but I want to find out what they are. It is interesting to see how law enforcement takes an approach on rising rates like the ones I had talked about. This is an issue not just for law enforcement, but also our politicians and leaders to address. Steve002

    1. i had the same reaction to the numbers as you did. The numbers in Peoria i thought they would have been higher than what they were. I have e a feeling that the Chicago numbers dropped because no one trusts the police department up there. these crimes on the UCR are only reported crimes. Godzilla001

    2. I totally felt the same way about the crimes being high. i would have thought that crime rates would be higher than it is. but when looking at it since we live in peoria or around peoria all we hear about it is about how awful and unsafe it is because we are local. aaap_cougs002

    3. I totally felt the same way about the crimes being high. i would have thought that crime rates would be higher than it is. but when looking at it since we live in peoria or around peoria all we hear about it is about how awful and unsafe it is because we are local. aaap_cougs002

  21. The murder rate in Peoria did not fluctuate very much at all from 2014-2015. The murder rate went from 4 to 5 which increased very little but the violent crime rate actually decreased from 370 to 346. This is good consider some of other major cities in illinois such as chicago and rockford where the violent crime rate actually increased. Every crime rate seemed to decrease in peoria except for robbery which increased from 112 to 124. The fact that the crime rate in peoria seems to be decreasing is good because it means peoria is becoming safer.

  22. The fact the CCW has came into effect to drop certain crimes like the rapings, robbing and and destruction of property is really sad to see in my town. The violent crimes will always stay around as long as victims continue handing over everything they have for them to sell for their drugs. In the crimes from 2014 to 2015 it was interesting to see how much Peoria differentiates from other cities in central Illinois, Peoria mostly having higher rates than others regardless of population. But I'm very pleased to see the number of crimes slowly decreasing. I hope eventually one day when I ask someone if they feel safe in Peoria they will almost all say yes. Cubs001

  23. It's sad to see that In eight of the eleven categories, the crime rate fell from 2014 to 2015. I'm sure everyone, including myself were surprised to see that. I would've though it would have raised not lowered. It is good to see that they are decreasing instead of increasing. Chicagos rates are high but that is not a surprise, although they've lowered in some spots they still managed to higher in others. When you compare Chicago and Peoria, it seems as if Peoria isn't even that bad. The media make Peoria seem like a horrible and dangerous place to live in, which isn't the case. Ky002.

  24. This was my first time ever reading the UCR. You know its actually very interesting to see the different crimes and their numbers based from city to city. I noticed that the numbers in Peoria from 2014-2015 really didn't change dramatically, they seem to stay the same for the most part. Everyone is always talking about how "bad" or "dangerous" Peoria is but really 4 murders for the whole year of 2014 doesn't seem like a lot of me. Compared to Chicago they had 175 murders in one year, but for them thats probably a good year. It's just really interesting to see how crime is so not straight across the board like some people like to think. I'm just glad to see the crime rate in peoria seems to be going down, hopefully it stays that way. -dicaprio001

    1. I agree with what you have said. I thought it was interesting to see how it has changed but I wish there was more of a gap between to compare. It was interesting to see in different cities how they change from locations across the state. I think population size and the size of the department has a lot to do with the rates of crime and what is reported. broncos001

  25. I never knew that this actually exsited. It's very interesting to see the numbers of different crimes within the city. Peoria hasn't had that much of a change between 2014 and 2015 as far as crimes go. Peoria isn't extremely dangerous compared to other places though.

    1. I forgot my handle Ciaccio002

    2. i agree with you, ciaccio002. I do not view Peoria as a very dangerous or violent place. Maybe I believe that because I have lived in Peoria ll of my life. Peoria is a big city, it has it's dynamics as far as more "dangerous" parts of town, but doesn't every city have that? The numbers have gone down, and with time hopefully they will continue to drop. agentp001

  26. From what i have gathered from the UCR i was a little surprised to see that most of the crimes that are listed actually gone down since last year. Of course the UCR can only map crimes that are reported. For all we know the numbers could have actually doubled from last year. The distrust in the police department could be a correlation to the UCR report. However it could also be that the police are really cracking down on these crimes. The one that didn't surprise me was Chicago. i figured however the numbers would have been a little bit higher but i am happy to see that they weren't that high. you got to remember that these are only crimes that were reported and there is no telling how many crimes that go unreported. although the UCR does give a good idea on what is going on in the community. Godzilla001

  27. It is amazing to see what has dropped and what has went in one year. There is some major differences in some of these categories. In these years we have been trying to bring crime down in general, some crime we have brought down but other the ones we didn't have a main focus on they went up. Murder for instance went up but not by a lot it is something that wasn't happening a lot now look at murder rates they have sky rocketed. AW002

    1. I agree with you AW002, we need to have that main focus in order to keep crimes from increasing and mainly focus on higher crimes that are going up drastically in just a period of a year especially murder. Computers001

  28. Seeing this UCR chart, I was surprised by the changes of crime over the year period. By looking at this chart, Peoria has only 200 less of a population than Springfield. Yet, Springfield faces 390+ more violent crimes than Peoria in that year and five-month span? To me, that sounded crazy. i figured peoria was more involved with crime than springfield, but by looking at the chart it says it differently. In the overall crime rates, Peoria has more different related issues to more serious crime like murder. Even though only having 9 in that year and a half shows that Springfield only had 6. aaap_cougs002

    1. I thought the same thing! I found the break down of crime in Peoria very interesting. I thought that Peoria would have more crime across the board, but I was surprised by the amount of arsons Peoria had during this time period. It was really cool to be able to see not only our breakdown, but the breakdown of crime in other areas of our state and our county. ekt001

  29. I found it interesting that compared to other cities in Illinois and in other states, Peoria has a relatively low violent crime rate. It seems like whenever you watch local news there is always a story about someone getting shot on the south side, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I was also surprised to see how many arsons Peoria has had. I liked being able to scroll through other cities and states and compare our crime rates to the crime rates of surrounding cities. Looking through the UCR has been very interesting. ekt001

  30. Peoria Crime
    Violent crimes:346
    aggravated assault:190
    property crime:2,016
    I think it is quite interesting to see the crime rate where I live, but like everyone else is saying, I don't see a pattern and it would be so much more interesting to see the fluctuation in this analysis. But that would require a lot more investigation. but I wonder if It will rise or fall in the coming years. Camvilla002

  31. this was a very interesting article. It seems strange that only some crimes increased from the previous year while a lot of other crimes committed have actually decreased. Some have decreased drastically. I can only home that this is due to better enforcement of rules and the punishments are becoming real. Maybe kids are realizing today that society is cracking down on the whip and that committing crime is not worth the trouble. To see what the numbers are for Peoria, I find it very intriguing. I have heard some of my friends from up north talk about Peoria, and they seem to think it is horrible and full of crime. I find this a little humorous becuase those that say crime is bad in Peoria are the people who are from Chicago, who's numbers climb more and more each year. agentp001

  32. Comparing other numbers from other neighboring cities of Peoria such as Springfield and Chicago then realized Peoria isn't nothing compared to them in murder, rape, burglary, and all other types of crimes. In fact Peoria has decreased significantly in crime since 2014. Also what you have to put in consideration is that the population has major effect in crime rates. Peoria isn't that bad of a place in fact a lot of people tell me that they want to move out of Peoria and go to a much bigger city such as Chicago, where their is more attraction and newer people. These numbers will decline every year unless Peoria somehow magically gets an increase in the population. Computers001

  33. First of all I don't like how it only goes back two years on the UCR website. Also I don't think that gives us a very accurate idea of how crime is doing in each city. That being said I do like to see how Peoria ranks as a city comparatively to all other cities state and nation wide. The UCR also seems like a very helpful tool in combating crime in the future. It allows are policing agencies to truly know the who, what, where crimes are being committed. Which in turn will allow us a better idea of how people are committing and maybe get some incite to why people are committing them. Dadoftwo001

  34. In class when we went over how you can not just look back over 2 years is very true in this case. You need to be able to look at a larger gap between these statistics to get a more accurate representation of the statistics. I was expecting Peoria to be lower than the other big cities in Illinois but the numbers are still shocking to me. When you compare the size of the city and the number of officers that department has, it gives you a different perspective. The bigger the size of the department the less crime I think you will have, that is if the officers are doing their job correctly. I really enjoyed looking at these statistics, but I wish you could look farther back to compare results. Broncos001


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