Society, The Collective Conscious, and Simply Me

Society, The Collective Conscious, and Simply Me


  1. I can agree that a lot of times our "heroes" can seem fake or portrayed as better people than they really are. People often focus only on the good or what they want to believe. There are many celebrities and people in the lime light that aren't very good role models, but still we look up to them just the same. And it's not just young people, adults look up to them just alike. It can be easier to just be numb to all of the corruption going on in the world. It's hard to see what difference we could really make on our own, as just one person. But that's why it's important to stick up for what we believe in and really voice our opinion. One person may not matter much, and may not be able to make a huge difference. Especially in comparison to how much influence a celebrity may have, but many small voices combined are what makes a difference and what will hopefully keep society in check.

  2. We all live in this world were all we do is look at celebrates and professional athletes, and think that they are so much above us and how we would like to be like them, but in actuality their human beings just like we are. Whenever social media or someone from the news reports something negative about them we seem to be so shocked to hear that people we look up to make mistakes and do bad things. With social media the word family time seems to take on a different meaning. We are more often than not disengaged from the lives of our family and friends. We tend to find ourselves looking at social media all day long seeing what people are eating, what they are doing, and how people are feeling. Most of those people do not play an important role in our immediate life. Somehow we find ourselves comparing our lives with the postings on social media of other peoples’ lives. If we would all just put our phones down maybe we could actually learn something about the people that matter to us.

    1. I agree. I have been so many places where whole families are eating or doing something else and every one of them has an electronic device. I can admit I am a little too addicted to my phone and have to tell myself to put it down and talk to my kids and husband. We are missing out on alot of important things by spending too much time on phones/tablets. ~peorialionsfootball004

  3. I very much agree with this. Facebook and other social media sites are filled with people who make things up/lie to try to make themselves look better. There are also the same amount of people who make bad things up to try to earn attention from others. We as a society must understand that it only takes a word to change someone's perspective of you. As a parent of a teenager I try to enforce to my son that he must be careful what he posts on social media as more than just his friends look at his page. He is a football player and is wanting to possibly go to college on a football scholarship. These days everyone from college recruiters to employers look at potential students/employees social media sites. Words can make a huge impact on peoples outlook on someone.

  4. He is stating the obvious, everything is an illusion and it's rhetorical and shouldn't be stated. We stay oblivious to the factor that consumerism is our drive and our back bone of need and lust, in our crony capitalist society with the mirage of free will. We do not get to choose what gets marketed and what gets popular, only the marketers choose what drives in their income. Your hero's identity isn't real its a masquerade of who they are, while the ventriloquists play puppeteer to the masses. Social media may drive diversity but it's only in negligence and hate, non accepting manners of P.C morals and censor ship. It can not stop ones bantering of others beliefs or identity, and the false persona we create driven by ads, consumerism, marketing, and living. It Does not create us but only sedate us to a false awareness of who we really are. We are not the brands we wear, we are not our job, we are not our car, we are nobody but cattle to those who herd us to our nine to five jobs. Sheep to the Shepard to bring wool, for pocket lining growth. Social media is not private but a way to track, ones thoughts and ones desires. To obscure them from their true nature, to throw them to more ads and marketing schemes. We are the ads and the ads are us, we are the workers and the working. We are the i in society, so i will be the society.-lilcakes004

  5. Is society disappointing? In many ways society can be disappointing. Millions of people posting pictures of their perfect lives, perfect homes, perfect children, etc. Receiving ‘likes’ and having hundreds of virtual ‘friends’ is something that people brag about to each other. Keeping up with the virtual ‘Joneses’ seems to be the big thing now. People will paint a pretty picture of what they want you to see, not how things are in reality. When people put their phones down and pay attention to others around them, people are amazing. For example, I read today that a gentleman in a San Antonio TX Walmart noticed the lady in front of him had hundreds of notebooks, pencils and markers in her cart. After a brief conversation, the gentleman discovered that she was a 7th grade teacher in a low socioeconomic area. The teacher was purchasing supplies for her students who couldn’t afford them, thus avoiding potential embarrassment for her students. The gentleman was so touched by her thoughtfulness and paid for her whole purchase. These are the amazing things that happen in our society on a regular basis. It’s stories like this that reinforce my belief that people are good. ~happilycurious004

  6. Our society praises people who are famous; the celebrities such as; athletes, models, and the TV and media personalities. Those are the people that we adore most. Since when has people who entertain been more important than those who save and change the lives of people everyday or teach the uneducated? I don't want to single any certain group out, but I don't believe that the individual's or society's values and ideas are in the right set of mind. I believe that all of us are cowards. We all are cowards to something. We are all scared. We find something to hide behind and we praise it. For example, we praise God/Gods and follow a book or a set of beliefs that was written years ago. We use our beliefs and our moral attitudes to judge others and we put others to shame. But for what reason? Is it worth it? In addition, people change and evolve which would mean that this society changes and evolves. We all have beliefs and values. We all expect things from other individuals, but we can never follow through with them. We judge and try to live up to expectations, that is what corrupts society, that is what corrupts us as individuals.

  7. Social media does regulater our society, and is widely exaggerated whether it be the Nightly News, 60 minutes, or Facebook. Social media tells us what's bad and not good in the world, and how its going to affect us in our homelife. Whether true of false, we as humans take that first broadcast and run with it. We include our children, families, and friends into the eratic behaviors going on, changing their lives and beliefs. If a chld is abducted, we tend to watch our children more carefully, strapping them to our sides in grocery stores, etc. If there's a home invasion, we amp up our security inside our homes with alarms, guns, and video recordings, as well as lighting on the outside. Then the story that is being told is fine-tuned at a later date that actually has facts. We let our guards down a little bit, analyze it ourselves then move on to the next story. This becomes our social process.


  8. In a honest world social media would spread the true and better connect us to other humans. In reality, social media has spread lies and rumors to others. On top of protecting yourself in reality you also has to protect yourself online. Social media is an easy way of exploiting people. I will not completely bash social media because it has connected people to family they other wise would have no connection to. Another positive of social media is that it is a cheap advertisement space for businesses.
    Another statement in the video is that a lot of our heroes were built off the suffering of others. Not everyone's heroes are corrupt. If your hero is someone you personally know then I feel that they are less likely to be corrupt. If the hero is a famous our thoughts of them change if we see a negative article of them online.
    With social media our views on life are constantly dependent to the internet.

  9. I completely agree with everything this video stated. It spoke truth. It gave light on how we are blinded and how we all yearn for humanity. Something that caught my attention is the Hunger Games Book. “Because Hunger Games make us happy” is a statement from the video. Who has read the Hunger Games? A book that is a popular fictional story among teens and young adults which glorifies the slaughter of young kids on television. It’s funny, because the author Suzanne Collins actually wrote this book to help change the way society views the media. Collins was watching television while switching the channels between Keeping up with the Kardashians and the war in Iraq. She immediately realized how society is so desensitized to reality. She was a Veterans daughter who grew up with military stories. She used her knowledge to show the world where we could be heading towards. “It.’s just on t.v. It’s not real.” Time to open our eyes to the reality of all the terrors overseas and hiding in our own borders.

  10. I totally agree with the statement "Our media wants us to fear our globe." That is so true to me. If you look at the news or the things online so much of it is just negative stuff going on in our country and our world. I think if people would put down the cell phones and go back to face to face interactions and not focus on all this stuff on facebook and the videos on youtube, people would be so much happier and less stressed. We could be using social media for so many good things and I know many people are but the media corrupts it and wants us to be afraid of the world we live in.

  11. Such a short video yet it said so much. I to agree that we live in a world that social media wants us to believe. But at the same time I get angry when people say "You only like that cause it's popular." Well maybe it is popular cause it is so good. Not everything is a conspiracy. Hunger Games for example, yes it became this weird obsession for some people. But at the same time it was such a well written book. Why should we be ashamed we enjoyed reading it. Actually that book is a great example for a sociology class cause the book basis is that government can control what we do as a nation and can control what we see and don't see in the news. Yes, I am angry politics are corrupt. Yes I am anger that there are billionaires in the world yet we have CHILDREN STARVING in America. But I don't want these things to consume me. I wanted to be educated that these things are happening but continue to improve my personal life and my sons life. "Painful not to pretend" I do agree with this quote. It's hard to think about all the shitty things happening in the world and it is easier to just not think about it. But for a person to only worry about these things, doesn't that make them corrupt as well?

  12. Society has a warped view of what is acceptable. Everything has some sort of hierarchy. For example, whether you have the most money, look good, or dress good puts you in certain levels. A majority of people tend to hide behind the "mask". Figuring it's easier to do so instead of just being themselves. Individuals are afraid of what the world might think about them. They are afraid to have any humility about themselves. It's always easier to point the finger and laugh at someone else instead of laughing at yourself. It almost seems as if that's human nature. The only time that anyone wants the light shined on them is for an accomplishment. Few people accept themselves for who they are. Few people are happy with themselves. But is it society's fault for embedding that in their brain? Or is it that individuals fault for letting society control their life? DAM004

  13. I completely agree with what the video it trying to portray that society is controlled by media and other people's thoughts. Social media has a huge impact on the daily life of a person. Those that don't have it are the smart ones. We allow our children access to the internet as well as allow them to open up Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snap chat accounts. This is really not a benefit to a child, teenager, or adult. We then open up a whole new world: cyber bullying and realization of what jerks people can really be. Teachers see it all to often. The impression one can make on another person can be detrimental. I do think that society needs to be more careful in the decisions that they make not only as a whole, but for themselves. bdole004

  14. In psychology I remember studying the different life stages and that awareness increases with age. I believe that technology has been a double edged sword. Technology awards us with increased advancement in disease treatment and global awareness. In turn, technology has also resulted in declining personal connections (people to people) in healthcare and accumulating "donttextanddrive" fatalities. One day while reading an article highlighting our overuse of social media, I was surprised to find that a supposed study proved that the use of social media reduced the amount of suicides yearly. The article went on to explain reduction could be attributed to the false sense of esteem one gets from cyber admiration. If true, this highlights an ironic success of social media. I agree that we are all to consumed with our gadgets and could stand to lend more of our attention to more important things like our societal problems. :) -kylegoldheart004

  15. As a society I agree that we do tend to put people that we see on T.V. on a pedestal and call them heros. We watch them wishing that we had a perwsonal relatinship with them to find out later that they are not as heroic as you thought them to be. For instance, I watched a show every season that it was on, week after week with different celebrities doing challenges to earn money for charities. The founder of this show was "D". On the show this person was considerate, sympathetic and powerful in a good way. It was very refreshing to know that someone with so much money and power would give back to the community along with other celebrities. I truly liked the person and enjoyed watching. Now I feel differently about this person and what this person stands for. Now being in the media regularly, this person is not as humanitarian as I thought to be. Never judge a book by its cover, we are all human.myboys004


  16. I agree that we all as society now socialize via internet and not in person. I'm old school, I would rather talk to a person on the phone or in person. The teting stuff I'm not comfortable with not knowing who sees it or can pick up my phone number behind it. I guess I just have to get used to it.myboys004

  17. I can honestly say there is not one thing in this blog I disagree with. The media as such a huge impact on our thoughts and even our life, and the way we make our choices or view the world. I 100% agree the media wants us to view the world completely different then what it is and what we can turn it in to. A very good example of how the media can alter our lives and change our behavior, is school shootings. We all make the comment “this world isn’t what it used to be”, but many of us fail to realize there was actually school shootings in the 70’s we just did not have the social media to blow it up which meant there was fewer that occurred. When Columbine shooting happen the social media got ahold of the story and many school shootings followed afterwards. We have had the same problems in this world we did 50 years ago, it’s just more progressed now because of social media. As far as the internet I think we do get carried away it is nice to have a Facebook and share and view pictures of our family, but we always need to keep in mind our lives are our personal matter, and it needs to stay just that, personal. JustMe1989

  18. This video was brutally honest. As a society we make conforming a good thing. A kid that doesn’t fit in gets bullied at school or on social media. Later on in our lives as adults people are criticized for doing things they like to do instead of something that is profitable. As a society we shun those that don’t fit into our perfect mold of a person. It is kind of disappointing that so many people blindly follow because they know that it is easier. I think that this is the main message this video is trying to get across. It was really emphasizing the little things we do every day that make us less individual. Like reading a popular book or shopping at certain stores. I would say as a whole society is and will continue to be a disappointment until we can shake our grasp on “normal” and start to embrace individuality.

  19. He was very blunt in his response. I feel like the social media comment was very accurate. Today people don’t have the same relationships as they did before social media. People can literally say who they want to be and fake their whole lives on social media and some people actually do that. His comment was something along the lines of social media and its fake emotion. I feel sometimes we follow or add people we wouldn’t necessarily be friends with or socialize with in real life. Yet we choose to follow their lives and allow them to follow ours but would not in real life. It creates a fake sense of caring. People are much more likely to add you to their friends but have no intentions to speak to you if you ever saw them in public. Another area in which he hit on was Steve Jobs and the piggy backing off children. Of course Steve Jobs is not the only person/company doing this. We as a society should not support this means of production but yet we all still buy from companies that we know do not treat their employees fair. As a society we do not in my opinion stand up for things that use to once matter. I know that times have changed and what not but something’s should always be important. Like protecting and caring for all Americans.

  20. Society is media, and media is evil. You could wake up every morning and post some bull crap pretend story, and it would get shared, and shared again. And pretty soon everyone believes this story that you posted on the Internet. You wake up the next morning and do the same. Media is a vicious cycle that never ends. People watch E news to get gossip on celebrities, and why? It’s not because their life is boring, but it’s because the media, makes the celebrity’s life seem so great. But it’s all fabricated to seem like they have the best life. In all reality they have a crappy life. And the people watching it are better, and happier. It just blows my mind how fast media travels. You could be simply watching and boom your phone blows up because there’s a tornado warning. Someone was the first to hear it, and you get it from a mass text. It’s sad to think that media is simply taking over the world. They want machines to be in fast food to save money, so they don’t have to pay minimum wage to working college students. Facebook seems to take over relationship’s, and why? Simply because some people can’t give it up. I personally think that not even 25% of the population could go without their phones, Internet, and even simple media for over 48 hours. That is how much people rely on it.

  21. It's things like these that really make you think. Society dictates so much of everything that we do, say, and feel that at the end of the day you really wonder if it was you making those decisions or if it was predetermined by society's influences on you. So much of what we do, say, and feel is dictated by what we are taught to believe is right and just according to society. How do we as people break free of that and learn to think outside of the constraints of society? Is it even possible? It's easy to understand why people are so easily brainwashed into thinking a certain way because isn't that was society is doing to us everyday. Think about how women have been so preconditioned since birth to believe that they should be small frail little beings that we are so afraid to be anything other than that. It truly is amazing to think about just how much of an impact society has had on our lives and how it has shaped each and everyone of us to be who we are today. -Antoinette004

  22. Im right on board with this guy but hes just another payed actor himself hes saying his lines. Its still very true though. Its easy for people to be obsessed with celebrities and want the next iphone that comes out. As a teenager who sees himself totally different then everyone around him its hard growing up in this time. Everyone is glued to a screen, people attack others on social media and they live through the devices. I see people getting so excited over virtual reality as if they life they live isn’t fake enough for them. Everyone is to blame and it will take everyone to break this but I know that will never happen. We need to stop being these selfish consumers who only want. We are such a wasteful race. It almost pointless for me to get upset about it and have these thought because people enjoy living blind they don’t want to change.

  23. Im right on board with this guy but hes just another payed actor himself hes saying his lines. Its still very true though. Its easy for people to be obsessed with celebrities and want the next iphone that comes out. As a teenager who sees himself totally different then everyone around him its hard growing up in this time. Everyone is glued to a screen, people attack others on social media and they live through the devices. I see people getting so excited over virtual reality as if they life they live isn’t fake enough for them. Everyone is to blame and it will take everyone to break this but I know that will never happen. We need to stop being these selfish consumers who only want. We are such a wasteful race. It almost pointless for me to get upset about it and have these thought because people enjoy living blind they don’t want to change.

    1. I agree with everything you said. We are all these " selfish consumers" I know i am guilty. I think most Americans are living blind because our society teaches us to consume or be consumed! Its a sad and sick little world we live in, but at the same time I feel very blessed to be an American. -RueTootie004

  24. The world we live in today is just very complex. We are able to gather data at pretty much the speed of light. New information coming daily, as a society we crave our devices and whats being posted. We hover over our devices so many hours of the day and believe everything that is posted. This I believe has negatively impacted our society as whole. Sociology I believe will help one look to two sides of the story and help people think critically.


  25. Our society is "F" up. We as people believe everything we hear on TV and social media, its to a point where people follow suit even if its negative and unreal. The world today is so corrupted that we have crooked and fake politicians, celebrities, priest etc,etc. Today's world is full of sex, lies, and drugs. I mean look at our past president, he slept around on his wife which in turn makes people believe infidelity is OK, priest molesting little boys when they are supposed to abstain from sexual activities, celebrities doing the unthinkable and politicians being money hungry. People take their own lives today because they do not want to live in this corrupted world anymore as well as people turning to drugs and alcohol to cover up the pain society has arisen. Social media is so fake that people can turn something that is really bad into something that is really good and vice versus. Now a days we can not determine the real from the fake. Things that seem so real can be so fake. People that seem so real can be so fake. With that being said, we as people need not to depend on social media for the truth or depend on social media to degrade someones life. I also believe that one day this world will be a better place once we get the right individual to run this country, someone who is loyal, who thinks outside the box to make this world a better place and one who is not money hungry. So for now I'm with the gentleman in the video, "F" society until further notice. ~ Mznurse004

    1. I would agree with you completely if everyplace was like what we are seeing here in the U.S. but its not. I believe our viewpoints are controlled by the media and it has caused our society norms to change for the worst. As you stated the radio and TV are filled with sex, food and drug to treat everything that bothers you.


  26. Society today can be very depressing. Most of us are very blessed to live the life we live and are blissfully unaware of how society runs in other countries around the globe. Most of us would be in complete culture shock if we were dropped in Haiti or the middle eastern countries. I sometimes feel ignorant and feel that most other people are ignorant to the real world. We are quick to believe everything we hear or see on social media without any truth or research behind it. Could this ignorance be blamed on us being uneducated? could this ignorance be blamed on prescription drug abuse... that we are so doped up to care whats going on in society? I don't totally disagree with the comments made in the clip, but the clip makes me think to myself " wow, so true" but also makes me realize 95% of us most likely will take our drugs and go to bed instead of trying to make a change. - RueTootie004

  27. As I listened to Elliot comment on the effects of Steve Jobs using people to make IPhones in China, His the most of the people there in China are under age and working for very low wages. Well let’s see that from another side, Steve Jobs used a resource that already existed before the IPhone “Communist”. It’s not fair for people “especially under age workers to work and receive so little pay but we all feed that pig. Because we buy IPhone, Samsung products and most everything we buy from Walmart are made in countries that underpay and over work their employee.
    I believe what we are seeing is our social norms changing because of the media shows us everything within moments after it happened. We see most of the bad things about people and it causes us to form an opinion solely based on one or two events in a person’s life time. So if there was any good deed performed it was out shadowed by the bad event because bad news sells. Again we are the buyers


    1. I agree that the market already existed before Steve Jobs but someone has to take a stand and not do it, just because it is already being used by others. The life of a child should out weight profit. The children are the furture of the world and they need to be in school not in a factory working for pennies. wonder woman004

  28. The guy in the video was says lots of the things that we all are thinking. Steve Jobs did a good thing in his creation of the IPhone, computer, and other apple products but using child labor in order to this was too great of a cost to pay for a material good. The long term affect on those children will out weight the good of the product. I know that he is not the only person that has used child labor but some one has to say no it is to great a cost to the world. We as consumers must also stop buying goods that are made of the backs of children and slave labor. It is too great a cost on humanity. I know that we are so busy looking at the person that made on the millions of dollars off the products but they could not have made it without the consumers. wonder woman004


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