Sociologically Maya While Being Simply Me......


  1. This video couldn't be more true. It really makes you think when watching it. For me, I think of all the war we have in the world and all the violence. It is like we are all people, we all basically deal with the same things like money, family, things like that. Just because we are from a different place in the world or we have a different color of skin why is that cause for violence when besides that we have so much alike with one another. I wish everyone could really see what we are doing and how it is so unnecessary. So many lives lost and families broken over things that mean nothing in the end.

    1. I love your blog. You are completely right we have so much alike with one another, it is sad how many lives are lost and families that have been broken over meaningless thing's in the end. We have so hatred in the world and so many wars that this world has seen, that we forget that in fact in a lot of ways we are all the same. -JustMe1989004

    2. I couldn't agree with you more. Our world and the differences in it needs to be dealt with by viewing things differently. Change is inevitable, but people continue to believe that their own way of doing something or their own beliefs should be the only way. We don't have to be the same, but we do have to accept the differences in society and in cultures as well as the differences in religion and skin color. bdole004

    3. Something about her voice just makes you feel at ease. She really makes you sit back and take in the beauty of one another and appreciate life and other peoples lives. RueTootie004

  2. Maya is so amazing. Just to hear her speak on the differences, a majority on the outside, and then sum it all up that we are really the same. For someone to live a long and beautiful life means so much when her words are given. Her poems are not at all bias. They show just how open minded she is. They show just how much she has learned over her years. With her travels and moments in her life. As far as my thoughts on the content. I always feel like we are all the same. The differences come in with the thoughts that we have in our minds. Our opinions and our beliefs drive us as human beings. But as I always say, that's the beauty of the world. The balance of our world. DAM004

    1. Maya is truly a strong and thoughtful woman. She is such an inspiration. The way she speaks shows how truly enlightened she is. Being able to see the good and speak the truth with such grace is amazing. I think that every single person on this earth should take something from this amazing woman. Whether it be the ability to see the good in someone or something, or the ability to be so completely and utterly satiated with knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of others.


  3. Absolutely beautiful. Although we have similarities, we are all different. In our differences, we are all the same. It really puts things into perspective. Although you and I have different skin tones, beliefs, values, morals, etc., we still have similar goals, ambitions, dreams, etc. Color and other cultural differences should not be a dividing factor. We should learn to embrace the differences and enjoy being humble. I may have the same name as you, but you and I have two different stories. There is more that goes into a person than just what is seen.

    Maya Angelou was able to see past all the niceties and falsehoods and tell the true meaning behind a feeling. While she may or may not be biased, she portrays herself quite neutrally. Showing only the true beauty of her words. She speaks as if she looks through a looking glass and sees only the beauty in the world. Maybe we all need that same perspective.


    1. This was absolutely beautiful and I can really appreciate her message. It seriously sums up the whole idea of sociology to me. So many differences but so many much more important similarities. Color, background, race, age, sex, or sexuality matters because when you strip it all away we are humans. Each and every one of us belong to the Human Family!

    2. This was absolutely beautiful and I can really appreciate her message. It seriously sums up the whole idea of sociology to me. So many differences but so many much more important similarities. Color, background, race, age, sex, or sexuality doesn’t matter because when you strip it all away we are humans. Each and every one of us belong to the Human Family!

    3. I love how you say we all need the perspective to see all the beauty in the world. If people would just stop being so negative and really look at the world and the people in it. We truly are all alike. If everyone could think along these lines, so many issues would be resolved. People need to just be more positive and embrace the little differences between us all because we are literally more alike than unalike.

    4. I really like how you looked at her embracing the differences in people. When I was watching the video the main thing I focused on was her talking about us all being so similar. But she definitely did point out that even people who seem similar (have the same name or twins), are completely different. That is definitely one message I didn’t really notice when I watched the video. I agree that she was trying to tell people to embrace their differences, and humbled them by telling them that they weren’t all that different in the big picture.

  4. I very much enjoyed this video from Maya Angelou. She touches on main idea of sociological perspective. Sociological perspective is seeing the general in the particular. Maya begins by addressing her ‘human family’ which implies that we are all from the same family. Throughout the video Maya refers to our commonality, while pointing out our differences. She speaks of our skin tones and how they confuse, bemuse and delight. I feel that she is trying to convey that while we are all from the same human family, we confuse each other as we don’t take time to understand the background of each other’s cultural, economic and religious upbringing. For those of us who do take time to understand and appreciate our differences as a global society, we can find amusement and delight in our global brothers and sisters. When Maya spoke of emotions and goals such as love, loss, weeping, thriving, success, birth and death; she connected those emotions and goals with places in the world. This was significant because humans love all over the world, not just in China; we weep all over the world, not only in England; we laugh all over the world not just in Guinea. She closes by repeating that we are more alike my friend than we are unalike which, in my opinion, reinforces that while scientists can study a particular group of people based on ethnicity, economic status, gender, etc. all of these groups will have the same general emotions and goals in life. ~happilycurious004

  5. WOW! I absolutely love this. Maya Angelou is an amazingly beautiful soul and it shows here. We don’t look the same, we don’t act the same but we all go through the same things, we all go through the same emotions. Even though we may show we are going through them differently they are still one in the same. She had an amazingly powerful line that really hit deep. “We are more alike my friends than we are unalike.” This could simply be the best line to sum up sociology in my opinion. Although we are different and like to believe we are in control of our own lives, there are greater factors that make us much alike. I love the term “Human Family” because it forms a meaning of us all being in this together. Imagine a life if everyone in the world saw every human as a part of their big huge family. Imagine the difference we may see in the world.
    Just a thought…..
    If we used human family to look at the world it can change how we see these individuals…. now the homeless man down the road is no longer just a homeless man he then becomes “uncle” Joe who just so happens to be homeless. I know that I would never want my uncle to be homeless and thus we look at the situation different and start to change things. So then maybe we find someone who can help or we get a group together who could build a shelter if one is needed. It would change the way we view everyone.

  6. This was an amazing video for sure, with a lot of good views. It defiantly grabs your attention and makes you stop and think of what she was saying. When you travel the world and see so many different thing's, I'm sure realize we may have different culture beliefs and many different views. When she said mirror twins can look the same yet are still two different people. I have to agree no matter much we may have in common with the next person there's no such thing as two people having the same vision on life and how they view thing's. But where the human race is the same, we all crave love, we all have families or loved ones we hold close to us, we all have struggles and tribulations, even though how we face them might be different. Only if we could view this world with our hearts instead of the hatred or judgments that tend to cloud our opinions on society we could have more of a "human family" instead of a world always at war in some way. -JustMe1989004

  7. For the most part everyone of us will all end up in the same way as another. Once a person dies no matter the amount of money, the color of one's skin, or even whether or not they have made a contribution to society. We will all end up in the same size container and will be buried in the ground with our names engraved on a stone above us. One does not know when walking through a cemetery the differences, the struggles, or very much at all about the person who lies buried underneath. So why do we judge a person when they are alive? Not one of us should be judgemental of another. We have all hear the saying "walk a day in my shoes" or the more comedic version "we all use toilet paper to wipe our butts!" Let's think more about the humanity of our culture and the differences in our society and learn better to adapt to change. Maya Angelou does a fantastic job illustrating in a simple manner the differences in people, society, and culture. People are slow to change... bdole004

    1. Hello, you got that right, now one will ever know what stuggles you have encountered six feet under. No matter how rich, poor, how black, or how white you are it's irrelivant at that point. I would rather go knowing I was a good person than not. myboys004

  8. Maya Angelou’s poem Human Family is definitely thought provoking. As much as we all think that everyone is different we couldn’t be further from the truth. Sometimes minor beliefs change from place to place, but as a whole people think in very similar ways. It is surreal to think that someone who is on the other side of the world could have so much in common with me. We have such different exterior forces in our lives and yet somehow we are still very similar. I think this poem definitely gives us a universal truth. As much as we are different in small ways, as a whole human beings are pretty similar. I would consider the things that make most of us similar would be considered human nature. Nature versus nurture is a very big topic in sociology. Sociologist try to figure out what shapes us more. I would say that Maya’s poem argues that nature is more important. She says that for as different as we are on the outside (exterior forces or nurture), we are still very similar on the inside (nature).

    1. I feel that this doesn't quite touch on nature vs nurture. I can understand the argument for it, but I feel that this is mainly touching on the foundation of human emotion as a whole, not an individual. It focuses on the base emotions that all humans have and ignores the differences that we have from family to family.

  9. I love this video. This is a very special woman with her elouqent voice, and beautiful heart. To think that all she has been through, the struggles she has encountered and still is able to speak without prejudice. We all should take a look at ourselves and see what we can do differently to share our differences with others and embrace their differences. We need to start at home, teach our children how to give everyone a chance to be known no matter what ethnicity or religion. I know all walks of life want the same life, love, and success. We were all born and one day we will all die, that tells the story right there. We are no better than the next. We are more alike than unlike. myboys004

    1. I really like this. you used the perfect words for this blog. I agree everyone needs to start looking at themselves first before they judge. Our society has been having a lot of violence lately from "black live matter" to just someone sitting outside of their home. I feel like if everyone looked around and stopped to think about what was going on or what they were about to do a lot could change. No one is better than the next person and that next person may be your best friend or help you later on down the road in life.

  10. This video really touched my heart and made me tear up a little. It just makes me so sad to think how racist and hateful people are just because of small tiny little differences that don’t even matter! She is so right when she says “we are more alike my friends, than we are unalike.” I wish everyone in the world could watch this video and just understand her message. She is such a strong and powerful artist. The world is such an unjust place and full of war and hate and discrimination, all for what? What is the ultimate goal? And I just loved all of the examples she used. It was a beautiful poem and I when Im feeling hate towards the world I will think back on this video and remember, how much all of us are alike unity. Definitely one of my favorite videos so far-lilcakes004

    1. I can agree with you when you mentioned the hateful people in the world. A pigment of color should not determine who an individual truly is. Although, I believe most people are racist. Some might claim that they aren't but in a true sense, we all judge and discriminate. We all think and say things that are prejudice. Sometimes we don't realize it or won't condone to it, but it proves a line in the poem that talks about people declaring their lives are lived as true profundity. -Happy004

    2. I can agree with this video being tearful. And yes racism is so sickening but it happens on a daily basis for no reason. We all may be different colors but we all bleed red blood. This message is powerful and is coming from a strong woman who is trying to get everyone to understand that we are alike in so many ways, and racism should not be a factor in anyone's life.~Mznurse004

    3. Its hard for most people to understand or maybe even believe completely both sides of racism or prejudice actions against a group people unless you have been in those shoe. Its unimaginable for most people to think over 150 years after the passing of the 13th Amendment which abolished slavery nor involuntary servitude people are still being shot and killed by those trusted to protect and serve, denied employment and supplied less than average education in major cities.


  11. listening to this brings out how people think that they are different but when really everyone is more the same than different. No matter what your skin color is and matter what your race is everyone is the same in one way or another. She pointed out that people claim they live the real reality but when you sit back and think what really is the "real" reality. Everyone has grew up in different realities so your reality might be different than the person sitting across from you. You run into a lot of people all across the world, in your city, or even at your job, and you may think that they are not normal or you think you would never get along with but in all honesty you are probably more alike with that person than someone you think are similar with.

  12. The poem is simple, yet powerful. It represents equality and acceptance; that despite our differences, we all have the same purpose and that our differences bring us together. With the title of this poem, Human Family, it could mean that we are all united, we all have similar differences and also that no one is identical, like a family. The poem gives a hopeful and gentle tone. It shows a hope that the world will be accepting. Also that society will abandon the prejudice that exists, to embrace all the things that differentiate us all, to live in peace and harmony with each other. In addition, Maya Angelou makes the poem very powerful when she uses hyperbole to exaggerate and the imagery, tone, and diction she uses adds on to the powerful way she expresses her strong vision in all her beliefs. She has successfully influenced and inspired many with her philosophy. -Happy004

  13. In this poem, Maya Angelou chose to ignore what is different between our cultures and instead focus on what we all have in common. She points out that we all have the same basic emotions, love, sadness, happiness, and even identical twins who seem like they mirror each other are different. This poem brings meaning to the term "You are only human" because the poem says we, the human family, love, lose, weep, laugh, thrive, seek success, and die, so no human is really better than another. I like that the poem is called "Human Family" because my family is very different. My sibling and half siblings' job choices range from store manager, to barista, to firefighter, aspiring physicist, and cosmetologist. Despite the "obvious differences" as Angelou out it, we all have the same laugh. We all felt the same sadness when our grandpa passed away. We all share the little things that make us the same. Just like in the human family.
    -Secor22 004

    1. Maya Angelou really does point out what we all have in common well. My brothers and I we are in to the same thing which is odd but fun I don't mind it because we make each other better they give me good pointers.

      -empowerlife 004

  14. The first thing that came to my mind after hearing Maya Angelou's speech was America. We live in a great time right now, compared to the past when it comes to accepting someone else's differences or culture. Not so long ago most races just stuck inside there heritage. But now we have cultures talking to one another and marrying each other and discovering things they like and dislike about another. It is truly a great time to be an American. And Maya Angelou basically says were all the same same but different.


    1. This poem did a great job in showing how most people focus on the things that make them different instead of the things that make us alike. We are more alike than most of us think.

  15. "we are more alike my friends, than we are unalike" I absolutely love that quote. With all the bad happening in our country right now I feel like everyone needs to hear this quote and learn it, live it, and love it. There is a lot of hate happening in our country right now between blacks and whites, people verse police, Trump and Hilary... I personally feel that I am equal to my neighbor and my heart aches to see all this hate everyday all over the media. We need to come together. We need to realize we are more alike than we are unalike. RueTootie004

  16. I really like this poem by Maya Angelou. I see how sometimes we focus more on the things that make us different than the things that makes us the same. She talks about how we are different even within families. She talks even twins that may look the same, there are not exactly the same. There are no two people that are the same. Everyone is different is some way or another. It could be size, shape, skin color, height,etc. She said " we are more alike than different." Everyone looks at skin color because it is one of the first things that you notice about a person that may be different. I believe that we are more alike than different. wonder woman 004

  17. This reading by Maya Angelou was very true whether we see the differences or not we are the same internally and socially. I have had the pleasure of talking with people in other countries about same of the same things that happen here in the USA. And most of the time people feel the same way about love, love, dreams and political status of a country. If you were to just hear their voice without seeing their faces you wouldn’t know what country there were from. Maya Angelou fought for equal rights and fair treatment in many places where she lived during her lifetime. I believe that this is the reason why we should address some of the problems and or issues that are happening in other countries Syria, Egypt and Israel because they have effect on us in time if we don’t act. This is true for food and water shortages due to climate change and social oppression.



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