UCR and NCVS Explained and Why We need Both...

UCR and NCVS Explained and Why We need Both....


  1. Even though the UCR and NCVS basically do the same things just a bit differently they are both equally important. The information that these both produce are more comprehensive when working together then either system could produce alone. Both of these systems were created for different use. The UCR primary objective is to provide a reliable set of criminal statistics for law enforcement. And the NCVS is to provide previously unavailable information about crime including crime not reported to police. I think both of these systems are great to have to be able to track crime, where it may be happing and maybe even why it is happing. By studying these systems, the police could be able to track where and when crime may happen and possibly even start to prevent it as well.

    1. I agree with you on this because they kind of track crime reports but some aren't put into them because crimes aren't or haven't been reported

    2. I agree that when put together, the data from both of these programs shows a better picture of what the crime in a certain area looks like. When looking at the data from either of these programs individually, you just don't get a full picture. I like how well these programs work hand in hand, and I'm sure they'll find ways to improve upon it too. EKT001

    3. I agree with you when you stated how by seeing the amount of unreported crime and the times and location how police can adjust to those areas and attempt to lower the rate. These criminals that commit the crimes that are not reported think they will be able to get away with it again since they did not get caught, but with the reports, police can attempt to catch them in the act next time they attempt to commit the crimes. Broncos001

  2. The UCR and NCVS systems are both very similar and different at the same time. Although they shared the same basic function, which is to measure crime rates. The UCR can can provide a lot of information, such as Aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, and robbery are classified as violent while arson, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft are classified as property crimes. But what it can't do is measure ALL crime. The UCR is only reported crime and as most of us have probably learned. Only 50% of crime is actually reported. So, while the UCR is great and all, the NCVS can measure unreported crime that police do not know about. Some people are scared to report a crime to the police, so the NCVS uses surveys and other examples to measure crime rates. People respond to the NCVS anonymously, so it makes it easier for them to report a crime. While both systems are helpful, the NCVS is more expensive than the regular old UCR. But eventually in the future, we can support both systems which would help with tons of things. Bry001

    1. i agree with you because at the end of the day they both serve the same purpose but are definitely different in their own ways. RRM001

    2. I agree that they are both similar and different, but they do serve the same purpose. I think it is awesome that they have a system that can find the unreported crime. Both systems have their flaws, but overtime they can only get better. bamboo001

    3. The UCR and NCVS are so similar because they are meant to complement each other in the data that they collect. If they are used in tandom then they can mitigate the faults in the other. coolguy001

  3. They are both the same but a little different because the UCR can get a lot of info like it said in the article and 21 other different crimes. The NCVS provides pictures of crime incidents victims and trends, but the UCR is reported crime and the NCVS collects information. The UCR uses crime counts as a whole and for the whole US. But they collect data and are used by the FBI to track down a arrest the bad guys or they are both used from reported crime in America. At least they are accurate and show crimes throughout the nation and where crimes are reported from in the UNITED STATES.

    1. I agree they both do have similarities and differences and the UCR can provide a lot of information. These two programs work great together to help catch the bad guys. Jah001

    2. I agree with you These are both great programs that provide detailed information about crimes that we otherwise would not have access to. when used together is when these programs can really excel. the ncvs can even give you data about crimes not even reported. Bike001

  4. They both kinda work hand and hand because if one dont have the information the other one will i think this type of information can really help out people and find out were and what crime is being done and what time by who did it but the NVCS does track unreported crime which is something that is nice about the NVCS because you be surpised by how crime goes unreported UCR is used by law enforcement mainly for criminal statistics

  5. The UCR is very essential when it comes to report keeping with the FBI or even local police. This report system is important because it can tell us many things, which include, patterns in a certain department in the forms of crimes or it can even tell if the officers’ report writing is consistent. At the end of the calendar year when the FBI completes a pretty much complete version of that years reports, it’s almost like an encyclopedia for crime in the nation. It tells what crimes are committed by whom, age, race, etc… the list goes on and on about what this finalized report could tell us about crime in America.
    The NCVS is also a very important tool in law enforcement. Basically what it is, is all of the crimes that happen to individuals or households are sent to this survey system. It will collect all the necessary information about each case and will even give a reason on why the victim reported or did not report the incident. Both of these sections of the FBI are completely essential to crime reports and things would be a lot different without them. RRM001

    1. I agree the UCR is very important for law enforcement as this helps to provide a base for dealing with given crimes. I agree the NCVS gives a lot of hidden data not in crime which is benefitical. Eagle001

  6. The NCVS and the UCR have their differnces and their similarties both of which are very helpful to law enforment agencies. The UCR helps to give information on the people and areas in which major crime takes place. Knowing where, and who the crime may from and where helps for law enforment officals to be to set up defenses or make it where crime is less effect in those areas. With the NCVS this helps to give the realistic state in which a area of group of different indivuals may face this helps to give aa general bases for how to effeectivly deal with crime as families don't display all their crimes without their being a good cause helps to set up a more effect criminal justice system. Eagle001

  7. The UCR and the NCVS were designed to compliment each other. While the UCR was designed to give a relatively reliable set of criminal justice statistics, the NCVS was designed to uncover new details about reported crimes, as well as crimes that were never reported to law enforcement officials. Both of these programs are needed because individually, they each provide a different perspective on crime statistics, but when you look at the information together, it provides a more complete look at crime for a given area.

    1. The ncvs cant be that reliable in regards to uncovering new details because housholds that are randomly selected arent always going to be honest about what they see, hear, or know. They are all randomly selected so that means those households are concentrated in one area to have an average idea of what goes on in that area. Cubs001

  8. Both being the same in many ways there is one major difference in both. UCR is the crime that has been reported to police and been filed. While the NCVS, calls houses and ask questions to people who may have been too scared to go to the cops. On the other hand, people can still lie when asked questions about the crime. The reality is that there is more crime than what is being reported. Both being helpful to the law enforcement knowing what types are crime are happening, but also where it is happening. One thing I found interesting is that the UCR rates crime by the 100,000 persons while the NCVS rates crime by 1,000 households. Which makes sense because the NCVS calls houses and the UCR takes on the person. Overall these two crime measures do correspond together and show what types of crime are happening in the United States. Bamboo001

    1. I agree that they do have some flaws in them but also do agree that they can help. Even though they have flaws they are more of a help for law enforcement than a not. hawkshockey001

  9. Both the UCR and the NCVS were designed to gather and report on the United State's national crime rates. While both have their limitations and therefore inaccuracies, one difference between the UCR and NCVS is that NCVS is far more likely to be inaccurate due to its methods of collecting data. The UCR is a cooperative effort for nation-wide law enforcement agencies to report on national crime statistics. Since the UCR is made up of data reported monthly by law enforcement agencies, it is the most accurate crime statistics report there is. But one of its weaknesses is that reporting crime statistics data for the UCR is not mandatory for all state law enforcement agencies. The NCVS is merely a crime report conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics through surveys under the United States Census Bureau. The surveys only have 49,000 to 77,400 households two times a year. But individual people are more likely to be honest than an entire household would. The data is further unreliable in comparison with the URC because only a select few households are interviewed, whereas the URC attempts to be a report of all crime statistics. Cubs001

  10. One thing that I feel stands out and is a major factor is the fact that all crime is not reported, so we never really know how much crime is going on and what the true numbers are. I also wonder how truthful it is by surveying about crime that is going on and how honest people are. I feel as if that the statistic that we get from that is a rough estimate and we have almost no proof that the information we are getting by surveying is truthful. It would be ideal if we could have all crime be reported but in the world we live in, that just is not possible. We will never know the true value of crime in the United States. In the future I am interested to see what other ways we can develop to find a more accurate representation of the amount of crime that goes on. broncos001

    1. I agree with you not all crime is reported. The sad fact is we may really never have a good way to measure even unreported crime. If you hand out a survey asking people if they or someone they knew committed a crime they will most likely answer no even if the answer is yes. They may think they could still get into trouble or they could also just be lying. This is also the case for a lot of surveys, even ones not crime related. The UCR and NCVS are the two best ways that we have right now and maybe someday someone will invent a better way and right now these are the best we have and when put together they are even better.


  11. Both the UCR and the NCVS are both important things to have in the United States today. Even though they have their differences, they are both important in finding out where crimes are happening so that they could possibly focus more officers in that area. The two programs were made to compliment each other and to help with these efforts. They both have their pros and cons though which is why when you use them together they are able to work better. You could see where crime is common and also who might be committing these crimes.

    1. Both the UCR and the NCVS are both important things to have in the United States today. Even though they have their differences, they are both important in finding out where crimes are happening so that they could possibly focus more officers in that area. The two programs were made to compliment each other and to help with these efforts. They both have their pros and cons though which is why when you use them together they are able to work better. You could see where crime is common and also who might be committing these crimes. hawkshockey001

    2. I agree with you hawkshockey001. Both systems are very important in the criminal justice system today. I did not think of it before, but you are right. THe UCR and NCVS are complimentary to each other and are both important in finding the patterns and frequencies of crime in areas. If we are able to locate the problem areas, we can set up more police officers and get the protection and help needed in those areas. agentp001

  12. The UCR collects reported crime such as rape, robbery, burglary, etc. Having these national counts of crime is very important in the criminal justice system. The UCR may be able to recognize trends in the crimes to better predict future crimes. Having the details about each reported crime really helps to speed up the system. The NCVS collects information on the frequency and nature of crime. The NCVS allows researchers to analyze each crime and predict crimes in the future. Jah001

    1. I agree with you Jah001, both have its own purposes but in the end both are able to recognize future crimes and it really does help speed up the criminal justice system. Both UCR AND NCVS have its goals into helping the future of the United States of America. Computers001

  13. Both the UCR and the NCVS are gems in terms of the safety and security of the United States of America. Main keys on both is to gather information of crimes happening, although both may have a different way of conducting it's purpose. It is interesting to learn that these two programs are monitoring the Nations crime and finding solutions or ways to help solve these problems because it is good to stop a problem before it becomes into a bigger problem and put people in the way of a serious threat. Computers001

  14. I think the UCR is great and when the NCVS came around it filled in some of the holes that the UCR had. So when they work together they provide more information than each one could on its own. Both of these gather information from police departments all across the United States and compile them into one big document all it will tell how many crimes were committed and where they were committed. Each one has its own thing that the other does not. The NCVS is a little bit more specific than the UCR. Both of these will help us track crime trends in the future and be able to properly staff police and keep the communities around the country safe.


  15. These are both great data bases and research analysis tools. The ucr is a great data base telling you crimes of what kind that happen in certain areas. With the ucr you can pinpoint which cities or states have the higher rates of specific crimes which is a tool that can be very handy when looking at the criminal justice system. The most unique thing that i found about the ncvs is that it even gives you data about crimes that go unreported in america. When you use these two programs together you can look at the crimes and criminal justice system pretty much in evert aspect you want all around the country with data that took years and years to collect. It is all data that you wouldnt be able to find anywhere else. These are both great programs i believe we should continue adding data too. bike001

  16. Basically one of these is set up to show you how much crime is committed. But the other shows you how much crime is reported. There's a big difference there because only 50% of crimes are actually reported. So the NCVS is a better estimate at what the numbers would look like if all crime was reported and not just 50%. Where as the UCR is only which ones got reported.


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