I can agree that social media can provide so much false or just unnecessary information that it can contribute to either being misinformed or distracted from what is really going on in the world, or both. But I don't agree with the statement that everything we hear now is contributing to us forgetting everything we know or becoming robots. It's ambitious to assume everyone is in a state of schizophrenia just living but not being able to escape. In some ways we are prisoners in our own lives but it's ultimately up to us to make a change somewhere. It is also easy to think that the rest of the world is having the same problems that you may be having wherever you live. However many other places are not the same and are not going through the same things your area may be going through. Many places are more prosperous than here, many are poorer than here. Many have less freedom, some have more. But ultimately, it is up to us to make our own decisions and live our own lives. -chillato004
I think he was some very valid points in this video. With the technology we have today it has both corrupted and helped our society. We do act like "robots" in some way with our phones and other personal technology that we may own. But in a wider spectrum. technology, as far as its come today, has helped our society a lot in the past 30 years. Some examples are, medicine and machinery. We would have never come as far as we have with medicine and cures for some diseases. Also, with modern medical technologies, we are able to find what is wrong sooner and more efficiently.I disagree with the fact that everyone is "schizophrenic" and "Trapped in their own prison". A lot of people chose to be closed off and walk with their head down. But the fact remains that that is their /choice/. Everyone chooses how to live their life on a daily bases and chooses what societal factors influence them.-lilcakes004
The man has an ideal argument. Maybe we are the robots that the man was talking about. The robots that feel nothing and think nothing. Maybe that is where our human race is headed. I also agree that some people are “trapped in their own prison.” I believe that freedom does exist and that we do have a free will. We are trapped but in our minds. We do make our decisions and we have the right to our choices, but in a mental state of mind, I believe that we are imprisoned. We give ourselves that mental distress; whether the distress is because we think too much on some topic or whether we can’t make up our minds on what to order at a fast food restaurant. We are also headed to a fully virtual society with how technology has evolved. For example, the schools and other systems are going from paper to computer. That is where society is headed. Soon none of us will be connected intimately in the real world, we will all be connected in the virtual world. That is what separates us from what reality really is. -Happy004
Humans are creatures of habit. We do create our own prisons because we focus on what our attention rests. Technology rules our lives; if someone does not use technology as often as the social norm they are scrutinized. The internet now tracks every move online(cookies) that we make and it makes suggestions based on what we have looked at before. Electronics have shaped our realm positively and negatively. The positive is that if we need basic knowledge of a subject, we have immense sources of subjects in a handheld device. A negative of electronics is that we have people who are like automatons and walk the streets almost blindly. Facebook can control our thoughts and opinions of certain subjects. It can control thoughts because of advertisements, if one continuously sees Steak N Shake advertisements it can influence what they eat later. Our own prisons are our minds that focus on social media and not the ever changing world around us. - kitsune004
At first I was not quite sure what this video was about, but then it hit me when he said something about humans being robots. I think what he meant by that is that we get caught up in are everyday lives, and all we do is the same routine day in and day out. Not paying much attention to the outside world and the people around us. We need to stop worrying about what we have to do and just live life. When he was talking about the people who live in New York “that want to leave but never do.” I think it’s because we have grown too comfortable with their everyday lives to step outside of them. I also think when he was talking about the 1960s he was taking about the space race and going to the moon as the last time the world did something unknown. -CFC004
I'm not sure how to exactly feel about this clip. I thought it was a little bizarre. I don't agree with everyone becoming robots exactly but I do see how people could want to avoid the news and television and magazines. I think that sources of media put so much negativity out into the world and I just don't see that doing very much good. I really don't know why for once the media can start focusing on the good things that happen in the world. I know it's not just today's time either. The media has always focused on the negative. I also thought it was very interesting how he compared New York to a concentration camp but the people themselves are the guards and the prisoners. I just found that just an odd idea but it actually made since in a way. -mybabygirl004
So this was hard for me to swallow. To think that we as people are just "walking around like robots" is a little ridiculous. We are all individuals. Do things bring us together? Link us all as one persons? Yes, but to be referenced as robots walking around is just pushing it a little to far for me personally. Social media and news consume our lives and make us believe what they want us to believe. But I completely disagree that if you live "Off the grid" you would have a more fulfilling lives. As Americans, free people, we need to learn to listen to all sides and know that what we see on the TV and computer is only one part of us as a whole. I will agree that as Americans we can be looked and as "asleep" on some subjects so therefore will not say no to horrible things happening around us. "Feeling nothing, Thinking nothing" To much. I feel everyday and I think everyday. Does media influence this, yes but I am not a robot. KtKay004
This clip had so much going on with many different ideas and bold statements. I really like his view on people living like the Jews in concentration camps though. Obviously, that was intense, but I question why can’t we ever get above the poverty line? Why do we have to have so many things paid for at such a high cost? Why does every day needs like food, gas, and water seem to go up in price gradually before we realize we can barely afford the necessities of life. We base our survival on the fact that there will be grocery stores, and water. We are becoming so independent on the things around us that we take for granted. Brainwashed? Well I believe we all still have our freedom to think and to speak our minds, but for how long? And how many of us actually use that right? They take away our ability to talk about opinions and beliefs from school and at any public event you have to be so careful not “offend” people. They are even taking that right away from us in churches now because people are too afraid. Has the brain washing process begun? I believe so. BabyB004
I agree with alot of what you're saying. The concentration camps analogy was a bit much but I see what he's saying. I feel like society sometimes holds us below the poverty line on purpose. The phrase "you have to spend money to make money " is absolutely true. Like college students, why are books and classes so expensive? They should know that we are already poor then we have to spend everything we have to take a class or afford a book. I do believe that if we allow ourselves we can become brainwashed. However, I believe if we hold to our beliefs we won't be brainwashed.
Wow! This video brings up some valid points about the society we live in. The video hits the nail on the head especially where I live and work. People do want to see a change, but many are simply stuck in their ways and are not willing to put forth an effort to change anything. Society has become increasingly less caring about one another, maybe not as a whole. For example, people do seem more giving, but what about when we are driving and are cut off, or if someone bumps into us and knocks something out of our hands, or even if we have to wait in line somewhere. I thing society and media do have a great impact on a person's life. We do need to do something about it. Television, radio, internet, and newspapers should not dictate how we live our life. We need to do what we want to make ourselves happy, and if it is a change that we are seeking...then make the change. bdole004
Boy oh boy am I glad this is anonymous! My beliefs about society are very close to Andre's friend with the backpack. I find myself negating my beliefs to avoid feeling like a conspiracy theorist because I am not. However, I do strongly believe that government and any of our national leaders prefer that we are without our own since of opinion. Media persuasion suggests this. No one wants to deal with a feather ruffler, a status quo challenger, or the serial why'er. I do feel the manipulation is best served over a plate of ignorance. And I understand that relating us to robots should be taken figuratively and is suggested because of how easily we fall in line. Trendy fads prove this. The media is to blame and if you dare speak out you risk your reputation and what's more your sanity. Are we asleep? Am I a sheep? -kylegoldheart004
I was quite confused with this video and how this man was telling me that I'm going to be a robot. We all as humans have to eat, we have to sleep, we have to pay bills to survive, etc. Does that make us a potential be become a robot cause we all need the same things? Confused. When he said that we are "trapped on our own prison", sometimes I would like to stay trapped to protect myself and my family. What's wrong with that? With social media being what it is today there's far too much madness going on that I would like to protect my family from if at all possible. I'm not schziphrenic I'm just trying to careful.myboys004
When you stop and think about it he has a very solid point. In 1960’s everyone gathered together and spent the time enjoying each other’s stories and sharing laughs together. Sunday’s were still known as a family day and most did not work to be at home with their family. Now a day’s we live in such a technology world, who really runs it, us, or technology? We get together with our friends and most of them will spend time on social media using Facebook, snap chat, and twitter, posting about their life and sharing their stories, but yet don’t engaged in conversations with the people sitting around them. Children now sit in the house most of the day and play video games, instead of riding bikes or climbing trees with the neighborhood kids. 20 years from now how can we share memories when all of our memories are spending time on some kind of technology. Maybe he was right, maybe we are the robots and years down the road we will not have any legacy to be able to pass on. We will just be another extinction in the world. JustMe1989
I agree with alot of his points. I do feel like the media manipulates and sensationalizes certain stories to try to sway us one direction or another. I also agree about humans creating and living in our own prisons whether it be geographical or financial. I often hear people say they "hate Illinois" and how there "is nothing here". However, I don't see those people doing anything to better their situations. What I don't agree with is his point that eventually we will forget everything and become robots. Part of living in our society is finding out what you believe in so you can know what you don't believe in. If you hold fast to your beliefs you will not become a robot. ~peorialionsfootball004
This video really reinforced for me what the first one said. I completely agree that society pushes us to be little more than robots. We are given a general idea of what our lives should be. We should go to school, then college, then enter the work force, then retire, and then die. There is not a whole lot of room for you to break out of the mold. Any time you try there are countless people, who mean the best, but try to discourage you from doing anything too risky that could hurt your future. Sure each of us have our own life experiences but when you really think about it, we aren’t that different. We all do many of the same things and follow many of the same paths. Our society has been fined tuned to single out individuals who are different and completely remove them. It is rather gloomy to think this way but that’s how our society works. -DTH004
This post was very confusing to me. I didnt like how it talked about being bored and that the government is brain washing and making it more dangerous than one thinks. I believe that if you are bored then you need to try something new then what you have been doing. I don't think that the government is 100% dangerous, I think that there are something that could be handled better but everything has room for improvement. Saying that everyone will eventually be a robot i really don't see happening. I feel as long as humans keep reproducing then there will always be a human to do work or just be in this earth. What I did like out of this video was that he was talking about if you don't want to live in one place then move. I don't want to live here for ever I want to move to a different state and see new things and meet new people. so I encourage other to move if you want it may not be easy but if it makes you happy then do it. -boop004-
This scene is interesting. There is a great point made that the majority of people in the world recieve a great influence from the media. For instance, when some famous endorses a product sales increase. If a video comes out and someone sees a particular brand worn by the star, the clothes seem to be "popular". This is apprant in all aspects of life. Diet and exercise fads for example shape people's minds to make them feel that their not good enough or look good enough for society. As much as people try not to we seem so shallow underneath. We have learned to rate others according to media "ideas". And social media has made it worse than what it has ever been. No where else in the world is there an example of media influence than that platform. There you can be who ever you want to be. Then go back to the reality of your life. So I feel like as long as individuals feed into the B.S of the media and what they consider as "norms", society will continue to morph even more into "robots". DAM004
I don’t agree with this video and the fact that they say that we are “brainwashed”. I don’t agree with that thought because people believe and hear what they want to. The difference between watching media, and believing all the media you watch and read, is on yourself. Everyone in the world has his or her own choice of listening and believing or believing what you want and know. I think that if someone doesn’t believe something that they read or hear, keep it to you. I think that the government spends too much money on unnecessary things, but who am I to tell them what they can and can’t spend money on. Uneducated people should take advantage of books and knowledge to understand as to what is going on in the world. It’s clear that a lot of the world doesn’t have money. But it’s also clear that America isn’t brain washed. It’s simple people giving up because they don’t have a better option in their life. And it seems that this is the norm. travqueen93004
Listening to this was like having a conversation with myself. Obviously when its explained like that where people are the guards and the prisoners and they built the prison where they are in a schizophrenic state, it’s going to come off sounding crazy. I completely understand though and I think its true. The 1960s was the last stand for humans before they were basically killed off. There was a vast amount of people who didn’t like the government and the things that were going on at the time. Then there were the big names who had influence and they were speaking out against the worlds wrong doings whether it was through a song or an interview or maybe they just laid in bed. In a way I think people today are metaphorical robots. People already have forgot about real life. Life without cell phones And the way the worlds technology is moving these next generations are being born into it. Life is becoming more artificial as we speak. -dislikeblogs004
It's amazing to see just how accurate this video is. What he said about one day we will have all these people who are just robots, walking around and not really thinking or feeling anything but simply going along with everything around them. Is that not what today's generation does? I'm 21 years old and it seems like everyone my age is simply living life asleep. They aren't truly aware of anything happening around them and they don't care otherwise. They are all slight variations of the same type of person. They don't seem to have any real thoughts or opinions on anything. It's a collective indifference to everything that makes them this way. It seems as if no one has a mind of their own anymore and it's a scary thought. -Antionette004
WOW!!!! This will probably be added to the list of things I question in life. It really got me thinking. The descriptive scenario that New York is the new concentration camp and that the people/prisoners are actually the guards was so mind blowing or crazy to me. I can’t pick which one yet. The idea that this does happen and that this world is ran by greed makes it click for me. As for the 1960s comment about it being the last burst of actual human beings was a bit of an exaggeration but I could see where it is coming from. We are all aware that the world and society is not what it used to be weather you think it is for the better or worse is up to you. Some including myself would blame it on the changing of times instead of brainwashing. Although I don’t believe its brainwashing I do believe it has to do with the way the world works and how so much of our lives involve money. Greed is taking over who we are and how we choose to live our lives. -mysonmyworld004
I think that the video causes you to think. I am not sure if it is the change of time or brainwashing. Some of it may be the change of times but I think some of it is also brainwashing with the things or messages that we see over and over again on television. I believe that a lot of what happens in the world has to do with greed. We make decision everyday that affect the earth and we know that it is causing harm to the only place that we have to live on. The video makes you wonder about what is really happening in the world. wonder woman004
We are powerful. Yes, we humans, we created all these new fancy gadgets we have the power to do anything our minds tell us too. Its up to each individual to know what he or she has to do to be happy. Life I feel is not robotic its just easier. We have such easy going lives that might make us feel robotic because we don't have to think as hard. If I needed to change my flat tire and did not know how to do it I can just search how to do it on my phone.
He is most definitely right about people being bored now a days, that is why people are constantly on social media which is corrupting the lives of most. So many people believe whats said on the internet and in some cases people try to replicate the situation because they have nothing else better to do with their lives. The scenario about prisoners building their own prison and being the guards in it is confusing ,but i guess in the eyes of a schizophrenic person any and everything is possible. In regards to the part about people turning into robots, this is so very true. Our society is strictly technology, we got smart phones, computers, cars that parallel park themselves, remote starters, etc etc. One day this world will be ran by computers to the point where humans will no longer be needed and we will be wiped off the face of this earth. ~Mznurse004
This video really gets you thinking. I like that he said " we really should get out, but where do we go?" I think that every now and then we all come to the realization that things really seem to suck and we get bored and want something new, then we just sink right back in to where we were before and keep on keeping on. Consume or be consumed. Its a vicious cycle. Its a little scary to believe that the government wants us to be as the video puts it " bored because someone that is bored is asleep, and someone who is asleep won't say no." I don't if i want to believe the government is corrupt in ways beyond my knowledge, and believe the government wants us to be money spending zombies. To be honest this video gives the the chills and i find it a bit depressing because i can see the truth in it. We have kind of made our society into a little prison where we are the guards and the prisoners. Honestly it freaks me out a little.
This video was very interesting. It makes you think because sometimes I think we all have these feeling at one time or another in our lives. When I see people who live in New York on television it seems like a lot of people walking around with no feeling or thought. The video made me feel a little depressed but I see more and more movies or series on television about things like what the video was talking about so it makes you wonder about reality. There are a lot of people the government is controlling the people in some countries. The movies may have a lot to do with this concept. wonder woman 004
I can agree that social media can provide so much false or just unnecessary information that it can contribute to either being misinformed or distracted from what is really going on in the world, or both. But I don't agree with the statement that everything we hear now is contributing to us forgetting everything we know or becoming robots. It's ambitious to assume everyone is in a state of schizophrenia just living but not being able to escape. In some ways we are prisoners in our own lives but it's ultimately up to us to make a change somewhere. It is also easy to think that the rest of the world is having the same problems that you may be having wherever you live. However many other places are not the same and are not going through the same things your area may be going through. Many places are more prosperous than here, many are poorer than here. Many have less freedom, some have more. But ultimately, it is up to us to make our own decisions and live our own lives.
I think he was some very valid points in this video. With the technology we have today it has both corrupted and helped our society. We do act like "robots" in some way with our phones and other personal technology that we may own. But in a wider spectrum. technology, as far as its come today, has helped our society a lot in the past 30 years. Some examples are, medicine and machinery. We would have never come as far as we have with medicine and cures for some diseases. Also, with modern medical technologies, we are able to find what is wrong sooner and more efficiently.I disagree with the fact that everyone is "schizophrenic" and "Trapped in their own prison". A lot of people chose to be closed off and walk with their head down. But the fact remains that that is their /choice/. Everyone chooses how to live their life on a daily bases and chooses what societal factors influence them.-lilcakes004
ReplyDeleteThe man has an ideal argument. Maybe we are the robots that the man was talking about. The robots that feel nothing and think nothing. Maybe that is where our human race is headed. I also agree that some people are “trapped in their own prison.” I believe that freedom does exist and that we do have a free will. We are trapped but in our minds. We do make our decisions and we have the right to our choices, but in a mental state of mind, I believe that we are imprisoned. We give ourselves that mental distress; whether the distress is because we think too much on some topic or whether we can’t make up our minds on what to order at a fast food restaurant. We are also headed to a fully virtual society with how technology has evolved. For example, the schools and other systems are going from paper to computer. That is where society is headed. Soon none of us will be connected intimately in the real world, we will all be connected in the virtual world. That is what separates us from what reality really is. -Happy004
ReplyDeleteHumans are creatures of habit. We do create our own prisons because we focus on what our attention rests. Technology rules our lives; if someone does not use technology as often as the social norm they are scrutinized. The internet now tracks every move online(cookies) that we make and it makes suggestions based on what we have looked at before. Electronics have shaped our realm positively and negatively. The positive is that if we need basic knowledge of a subject, we have immense sources of subjects in a handheld device. A negative of electronics is that we have people who are like automatons and walk the streets almost blindly. Facebook can control our thoughts and opinions of certain subjects. It can control thoughts because of advertisements, if one continuously sees Steak N Shake advertisements it can influence what they eat later. Our own prisons are our minds that focus on social media and not the ever changing world around us. - kitsune004
ReplyDeleteAt first I was not quite sure what this video was about, but then it hit me when he said something about humans being robots. I think what he meant by that is that we get caught up in are everyday lives, and all we do is the same routine day in and day out. Not paying much attention to the outside world and the people around us. We need to stop worrying about what we have to do and just live life. When he was talking about the people who live in New York “that want to leave but never do.” I think it’s because we have grown too comfortable with their everyday lives to step outside of them. I also think when he was talking about the 1960s he was taking about the space race and going to the moon as the last time the world did something unknown.
I'm not sure how to exactly feel about this clip. I thought it was a little bizarre. I don't agree with everyone becoming robots exactly but I do see how people could want to avoid the news and television and magazines. I think that sources of media put so much negativity out into the world and I just don't see that doing very much good. I really don't know why for once the media can start focusing on the good things that happen in the world. I know it's not just today's time either. The media has always focused on the negative. I also thought it was very interesting how he compared New York to a concentration camp but the people themselves are the guards and the prisoners. I just found that just an odd idea but it actually made since in a way.
So this was hard for me to swallow. To think that we as people are just "walking around like robots" is a little ridiculous. We are all individuals. Do things bring us together? Link us all as one persons? Yes, but to be referenced as robots walking around is just pushing it a little to far for me personally. Social media and news consume our lives and make us believe what they want us to believe. But I completely disagree that if you live "Off the grid" you would have a more fulfilling lives. As Americans, free people, we need to learn to listen to all sides and know that what we see on the TV and computer is only one part of us as a whole. I will agree that as Americans we can be looked and as "asleep" on some subjects so therefore will not say no to horrible things happening around us. "Feeling nothing, Thinking nothing" To much. I feel everyday and I think everyday. Does media influence this, yes but I am not a robot.
This clip had so much going on with many different ideas and bold statements. I really like his view on people living like the Jews in concentration camps though. Obviously, that was intense, but I question why can’t we ever get above the poverty line? Why do we have to have so many things paid for at such a high cost? Why does every day needs like food, gas, and water seem to go up in price gradually before we realize we can barely afford the necessities of life. We base our survival on the fact that there will be grocery stores, and water. We are becoming so independent on the things around us that we take for granted. Brainwashed? Well I believe we all still have our freedom to think and to speak our minds, but for how long? And how many of us actually use that right? They take away our ability to talk about opinions and beliefs from school and at any public event you have to be so careful not “offend” people. They are even taking that right away from us in churches now because people are too afraid. Has the brain washing process begun? I believe so.
I agree with alot of what you're saying. The concentration camps analogy was a bit much but I see what he's saying. I feel like society sometimes holds us below the poverty line on purpose. The phrase "you have to spend money to make money " is absolutely true. Like college students, why are books and classes so expensive? They should know that we are already poor then we have to spend everything we have to take a class or afford a book. I do believe that if we allow ourselves we can become brainwashed. However, I believe if we hold to our beliefs we won't be brainwashed.
DeleteWow! This video brings up some valid points about the society we live in. The video hits the nail on the head especially where I live and work. People do want to see a change, but many are simply stuck in their ways and are not willing to put forth an effort to change anything. Society has become increasingly less caring about one another, maybe not as a whole. For example, people do seem more giving, but what about when we are driving and are cut off, or if someone bumps into us and knocks something out of our hands, or even if we have to wait in line somewhere. I thing society and media do have a great impact on a person's life. We do need to do something about it. Television, radio, internet, and newspapers should not dictate how we live our life. We need to do what we want to make ourselves happy, and if it is a change that we are seeking...then make the change. bdole004
ReplyDeleteBoy oh boy am I glad this is anonymous! My beliefs about society are very close to Andre's friend with the backpack. I find myself negating my beliefs to avoid feeling like a conspiracy theorist because I am not. However, I do strongly believe that government and any of our national leaders prefer that we are without our own since of opinion. Media persuasion suggests this. No one wants to deal with a feather ruffler, a status quo challenger, or the serial why'er. I do feel the manipulation is best served over a plate of ignorance. And I understand that relating us to robots should be taken figuratively and is suggested because of how easily we fall in line. Trendy fads prove this. The media is to blame and if you dare speak out you risk your reputation and what's more your sanity. Are we asleep? Am I a sheep? -kylegoldheart004
ReplyDeleteI was quite confused with this video and how this man was telling me that I'm going to be a robot. We all as humans have to eat, we have to sleep, we have to pay bills to survive, etc. Does that make us a potential be become a robot cause we all need the same things? Confused. When he said that we are "trapped on our own prison", sometimes I would like to stay trapped to protect myself and my family. What's wrong with that? With social media being what it is today there's far too much madness going on that I would like to protect my family from if at all possible. I'm not schziphrenic I'm just trying to careful.myboys004
When you stop and think about it he has a very solid point. In 1960’s everyone gathered together and spent the time enjoying each other’s stories and sharing laughs together. Sunday’s were still known as a family day and most did not work to be at home with their family. Now a day’s we live in such a technology world, who really runs it, us, or technology? We get together with our friends and most of them will spend time on social media using Facebook, snap chat, and twitter, posting about their life and sharing their stories, but yet don’t engaged in conversations with the people sitting around them. Children now sit in the house most of the day and play video games, instead of riding bikes or climbing trees with the neighborhood kids. 20 years from now how can we share memories when all of our memories are spending time on some kind of technology. Maybe he was right, maybe we are the robots and years down the road we will not have any legacy to be able to pass on. We will just be another extinction in the world. JustMe1989
ReplyDeleteI agree with alot of his points. I do feel like the media manipulates and sensationalizes certain stories to try to sway us one direction or another. I also agree about humans creating and living in our own prisons whether it be geographical or financial. I often hear people say they "hate Illinois" and how there "is nothing here". However, I don't see those people doing anything to better their situations. What I don't agree with is his point that eventually we will forget everything and become robots. Part of living in our society is finding out what you believe in so you can know what you don't believe in. If you hold fast to your beliefs you will not become a robot. ~peorialionsfootball004
ReplyDeleteThis video really reinforced for me what the first one said. I completely agree that society pushes us to be little more than robots. We are given a general idea of what our lives should be. We should go to school, then college, then enter the work force, then retire, and then die. There is not a whole lot of room for you to break out of the mold. Any time you try there are countless people, who mean the best, but try to discourage you from doing anything too risky that could hurt your future. Sure each of us have our own life experiences but when you really think about it, we aren’t that different. We all do many of the same things and follow many of the same paths. Our society has been fined tuned to single out individuals who are different and completely remove them. It is rather gloomy to think this way but that’s how our society works.
This post was very confusing to me. I didnt like how it talked about being bored and that the government is brain washing and making it more dangerous than one thinks. I believe that if you are bored then you need to try something new then what you have been doing. I don't think that the government is 100% dangerous, I think that there are something that could be handled better but everything has room for improvement. Saying that everyone will eventually be a robot i really don't see happening. I feel as long as humans keep reproducing then there will always be a human to do work or just be in this earth. What I did like out of this video was that he was talking about if you don't want to live in one place then move. I don't want to live here for ever I want to move to a different state and see new things and meet new people. so I encourage other to move if you want it may not be easy but if it makes you happy then do it.
This scene is interesting. There is a great point made that the majority of people in the world recieve a great influence from the media. For instance, when some famous endorses a product sales increase. If a video comes out and someone sees a particular brand worn by the star, the clothes seem to be "popular". This is apprant in all aspects of life. Diet and exercise fads for example shape people's minds to make them feel that their not good enough or look good enough for society. As much as people try not to we seem so shallow underneath. We have learned to rate others according to media "ideas". And social media has made it worse than what it has ever been. No where else in the world is there an example of media influence than that platform. There you can be who ever you want to be. Then go back to the reality of your life. So I feel like as long as individuals feed into the B.S of the media and what they consider as "norms", society will continue to morph even more into "robots". DAM004
ReplyDeleteI don’t agree with this video and the fact that they say that we are “brainwashed”. I don’t agree with that thought because people believe and hear what they want to. The difference between watching media, and believing all the media you watch and read, is on yourself. Everyone in the world has his or her own choice of listening and believing or believing what you want and know. I think that if someone doesn’t believe something that they read or hear, keep it to you. I think that the government spends too much money on unnecessary things, but who am I to tell them what they can and can’t spend money on. Uneducated people should take advantage of books and knowledge to understand as to what is going on in the world. It’s clear that a lot of the world doesn’t have money. But it’s also clear that America isn’t brain washed. It’s simple people giving up because they don’t have a better option in their life. And it seems that this is the norm.
Listening to this was like having a conversation with myself. Obviously when its explained like that where people are the guards and the prisoners and they built the prison where they are in a schizophrenic state, it’s going to come off sounding crazy. I completely understand though and I think its true. The 1960s was the last stand for humans before they were basically killed off. There was a vast amount of people who didn’t like the government and the things that were going on at the time. Then there were the big names who had influence and they were speaking out against the worlds wrong doings whether it was through a song or an interview or maybe they just laid in bed. In a way I think people today are metaphorical robots. People already have forgot about real life. Life without cell phones And the way the worlds technology is moving these next generations are being born into it. Life is becoming more artificial as we speak.
It's amazing to see just how accurate this video is. What he said about one day we will have all these people who are just robots, walking around and not really thinking or feeling anything but simply going along with everything around them. Is that not what today's generation does? I'm 21 years old and it seems like everyone my age is simply living life asleep. They aren't truly aware of anything happening around them and they don't care otherwise. They are all slight variations of the same type of person. They don't seem to have any real thoughts or opinions on anything. It's a collective indifference to everything that makes them this way. It seems as if no one has a mind of their own anymore and it's a scary thought. -Antionette004
ReplyDeleteWOW!!!! This will probably be added to the list of things I question in life. It really got me thinking. The descriptive scenario that New York is the new concentration camp and that the people/prisoners are actually the guards was so mind blowing or crazy to me. I can’t pick which one yet. The idea that this does happen and that this world is ran by greed makes it click for me. As for the 1960s comment about it being the last burst of actual human beings was a bit of an exaggeration but I could see where it is coming from. We are all aware that the world and society is not what it used to be weather you think it is for the better or worse is up to you. Some including myself would blame it on the changing of times instead of brainwashing. Although I don’t believe its brainwashing I do believe it has to do with the way the world works and how so much of our lives involve money. Greed is taking over who we are and how we choose to live our lives.
I think that the video causes you to think. I am not sure if it is the change of time or brainwashing. Some of it may be the change of times but I think some of it is also brainwashing with the things or messages that we see over and over again on television. I believe that a lot of what happens in the world has to do with greed. We make decision everyday that affect the earth and we know that it is causing harm to the only place that we have to live on. The video makes you wonder about what is really happening in the world. wonder woman004
DeleteWe are powerful. Yes, we humans, we created all these new fancy gadgets we have the power to do anything our minds tell us too. Its up to each individual to know what he or she has to do to be happy. Life I feel is not robotic its just easier. We have such easy going lives that might make us feel robotic because we don't have to think as hard. If I needed to change my flat tire and did not know how to do it I can just search how to do it on my phone.
He is most definitely right about people being bored now a days, that is why people are constantly on social media which is corrupting the lives of most. So many people believe whats said on the internet and in some cases people try to replicate the situation because they have nothing else better to do with their lives. The scenario about prisoners building their own prison and being the guards in it is confusing ,but i guess in the eyes of a schizophrenic person any and everything is possible. In regards to the part about people turning into robots, this is so very true. Our society is strictly technology, we got smart phones, computers, cars that parallel park themselves, remote starters, etc etc. One day this world will be ran by computers to the point where humans will no longer be needed and we will be wiped off the face of this earth. ~Mznurse004
ReplyDeleteThis video really gets you thinking. I like that he said " we really should get out, but where do we go?" I think that every now and then we all come to the realization that things really seem to suck and we get bored and want something new, then we just sink right back in to where we were before and keep on keeping on. Consume or be consumed. Its a vicious cycle. Its a little scary to believe that the government wants us to be as the video puts it " bored because someone that is bored is asleep, and someone who is asleep won't say no." I don't if i want to believe the government is corrupt in ways beyond my knowledge, and believe the government wants us to be money spending zombies. To be honest this video gives the the chills and i find it a bit depressing because i can see the truth in it. We have kind of made our society into a little prison where we are the guards and the prisoners. Honestly it freaks me out a little.
ReplyDelete- RueTootie004
DeleteThis video was very interesting. It makes you think because sometimes I think we all have these feeling at one time or another in our lives. When I see people who live in New York on television it seems like a lot of people walking around with no feeling or thought. The video made me feel a little depressed but I see more and more movies or series on television about things like what the video was talking about so it makes you wonder about reality. There are a lot of people the government is controlling the people in some countries. The movies may have a lot to do with this concept. wonder woman 004