What is Sociology? Simply Put and Being Me....


  1. Before watching this video I didn't know how many people studied sociology. I like how it pointed out "understanding the relationship between the individual and society". I think its important that you understand someone because to me that can possibly explain why the way they think or act towards society. I some what agree with studying social fact I think that it can define social behavior but at the same time I don't agree because someone may act one way at home and act a different way when they get in public. A person might have self esteem issues caused by many reasons or they might just not like being out in the public so they shut down. When it come to suicide I think it can be a social fact just for the simple reason that things in society can push people to make that choice. I think they pointed it out well when they said it wasn't a individual act, yes a person can make the suicide happen but things have to push a person to that point of suicide. I do think that external factors do play a big part in suicide. I believe that humans can control there lives to a certain extent. I think that we see things on social media that we think is the right thing or that we can get away with and people act on it and turns out to be wrong. I am starting to think we don't have a "norm" any more everything is changing so quickly that people don't know what to do or how to handle things.

    1. I agree with you completely. I learned so much from that video that just made me open my mind more and think deeper into the spectrum of things. I think you are very right about the social media. I believe that it is really starting to over run people and that is why we have a lot of conflict in the world. People born 50/60 years ago didst have the same conflicts we did because they didn't have the same kind of technology. Its amazing because just like the professor said, just because we were born in a certain era, we are already affected.

    2. I agree with you regarding how people act in public versus how they act at home. This video mentioned that social life consists of the management of impressions and likened social life to watching a play where people are both actors and audience members. The person who is quiet and shy in public may be outgoing and vocal among people with which they are comfortable. The publicly shy person is the actor while we are the audience. ~happilycurious004

  2. I didn't realize that so many seemingly personal events had such a great impact on society. Individual behavior is important but it is even more important on a greater scale. I think it's interesting to say suicide is more of an outside behavior than an internal one. I can agree though that a lot of outside factors can definitely play into ones ultimate decision to take their own life. I also find the comparison to prisons and hospitals or schools quite interesting. I'd never really thought about how similar they are, but they are quite alike. It's important, though, to have different standards and remember which social situation you're in. There's nothing worse than a school or hospital that feels like a prison. However, prisons should have an acceptable standard of living in my opinion. It's also an interesting view to say people are both actors and audience in the show of life. It's a weird way to look at it, but it's very true.

  3. I think this is very interesting because before watching this video I was asking myself these questions almost every day. I think they have some very valid points such as, how suicide is a social face instead of a personal one. I have never thought og that before. Also I was not aware how far back sociology was studied and how people often thought the same things we do today. The more I think about it, I'm coming to realize how much we dont really have much control of our lives. Like why do we do the things we do every single day? Its a societal factor most of the time and we dont even realize it. I loved when it said that people are both actors and audience in the show of life. That really spoke to me. It made me realize that at any given moment we can affect someones life and we dont realize it but other people and media and just society in general affect our lives on a daily basis.

  4. I always thought that Sociology was just the study of people and how they react with other individuals, but after watching this video I now have a better understanding of what Sociology really is. I now realize that Sociology is much more than the people themselves, but also the society in which they live in, and how people and societies mesh and clash together. I wasn’t that shocked to hear that society and the external world have a lot to do with suicide. Just look around at every school in America, or turn on the news and you hear another person has taken their life. External conflicts, like a death of a loved one, fighting in a war, or family struggles can really take a toll on someone. I had always thought that suicide was more of an internal struggle, brought on by our external world. Stanley Collins had the right idea about media in my opinion. The media almost always seems to add their own dramatization to get us to see an event or situation how the news company wants us to see it.

    1. Yes that is what I thought sociology was about as well. As for the suicide discussion in the video I was a bit surprised by that. I know that things contribute to it but I have always felt that it was a personal act. As they said in the video “suicide was a social fact not individual act”. It really made think. I am curious to learn more on this and sociology in general. Wish you luck in the class

    2. You maybe thinking of psychology, the study of the mind and behaviors. They are very similar, but sociology seems more like the behavior of groups and societies.I agree with that the media over dramatizes an event that they deem will cause uproar and more ratings. Sociology seems more interesting now than it did in high school. -kitsune004

  5. To me sociology is the understanding of another culture. It is important,in my opinion, for all people to have a greater understanding of a different culture. In order to understand that culture we must approach with an open mind. there are many governing influences that make us who we are today. Our environment has much to do in shaping who we are and think as humans. With my background, growing up in a city, I might have a different outlook or a different perception of another culture outside of the U.S. let alone of trying to understand another culture inside of America. I hope to gain more knowledge and another viewpoint of what other cultures might find acceptable or unacceptable. I am truly excited to learn as much as I can and leave with an even greater understanding of our race. The human race. DAM004

    1. I'm also interested and excited to learn about other cultures and understand what is and is not acceptable, is and isn't offensive, and etc. I've grown up in Illinois my whole life so I know my perception of the world is limited. Culture and other parts of the world intrigue me and I'm excited to learn about everything as well!

  6. This video really gave me a great, brief rundown of what sociology is about. I did not realize that this way of understanding why individuals become who they are or do what they do was first recognized in the 1850s. A part that really stuck out and grabbed my attention was the part about the media sensationalized the 1960s beach riots and created a new found fear. It is an eye opener to realize that the media has been doing this for years upon years. They are still doing it today with current situations. Another main area that really drew my attention was the mention of suicide and how it is considered a social fact and not an individual act. This opens so many questions for me and I plan to look further in to this theory. The strongest statement I felt that really packed a punch for me was “Natural events have social causes”. We think that the events in our lives are what creates who we are. But to realize that many people share them same similarities based on social causes and not necessarily the exact same event. It is definitely an eye opener.

    1. I agree with your points from the video. It does seem that the media plays a huge role in a person's life. I found that interesting as well. Also, the point made about suicide. I never would have looked at society for a reason a person would do such a thing. It would be interesting to look into that topic further. This video was an eye opener for me as well. bdole004

  7. I found this video very interesting. I strongly believe that to "know" someone you have to know where they came from and who raised them. There are many influences in a person's life that makes them act or feel a certain way. People have different beliefs primarily because of how they were raised. We as a society need to learn to agree to disagree. Just because I hold a certain belief doesn't necessarily make me wrong. I also agree that the media--now more than ever before sensationalizes things to make them into something they're not. ~peoriahighfootball004

    1. I completely agree with if you actually want to fully get to know someone you need to know where they came from what their story is. I believe strongly in personal experiences create us. Being raised in certain environments with certain beliefs can either make us or break us. It is so hard to know what is right or wrong these days. All you can do is jump and hope you don’t fall. BabyB004

  8. This video was very informative. I appreciated hearing that sensationalism in media can exaggerate moral conflicts. I also appreciated knowing that media sensationalism is nothing new and has been going on for decades. The part of the video that caused me to really stop and think is when it posed the question of whether or not individuals can control their lives or are individuals constrained by social forces. So what are some social forces that can perpetuate things like, gender and racial inequalities as well as poverty? Will women ever receive the same pay for the same job as men? Why is it okay that women don’t receive the same pay for the same job as men? Will people ever stop looking at the color of one’s skin, instead of the person inside the skin? Do people have the ability to see beyond skin color? Is equal opportunity really something that exists? Do people born in poverty have a chance to move out of poverty or are they destined to stay in poverty due to society? ~happilycurious004

    1. The part about whether or not individuals control their lives or not stopped and made me wonder too. I think that individuals constrain themselves because it is all up to us and how we view ourselves. All society does is view people and judge them. But why should society's judgement on us as individuals matter more than how we view ourselves? I do question things like liberty, equality, and discrimination that are present in society. I also wonder and question the same things you do. -Happy004

    2. happilycurious004 I too have asked similar questions. I wonder if people possess the ability to appreciate things/traits that are unlike their own. I have noticed that in cases the people have a liking it is followed with desire shortly after. And the result of denial of differences is separation, exile, and in extreme cases homicide. I also agree that wage/career equality is sacrificed I favor of "him." Are we capable of change? I believe so... :) -kylegoldheart004

    3. I agree with you. Media sensationalism has been around for a while but is worse now than ever. With so many media outlets they can reach many more people than ever before. The questions that you brought up about social injustices are very good questions. I believe that we can right the wrongs in our society but it would take a conscious effort from everyone. However, not everyone is interested in seeing these changes. There are some people who are completely fine with sexism and racism.

    4. I forgot to put my handle in to the above comment ~peoriahighfootball004

  9. I believe that individuals constrain themselves because it is us as individuals that control and decide how we see ourselves and how we act. It is us that controls society and set the social norms. Society starts with individuals. I've always been told by my grandparents that I shouldn't care about how other people view me, that I should always be comfortable with myself and never change because someone has a comment on how I look or act. I have recently started to follow my grandparent's philosophy, and society has not treated me different in a significant way. Before, I was always concerned with how people viewed me. I would change myself and do anything that people liked. I've also done things to understand a certain group of individuals because I've always wanted to understand other people and why and how they think and act the way they do. The video talked about how the sociologists study the certain groups of society, such as the marijuana users and dance musicians, and sure they have an understanding, but I don't believe that they fully understand the group or the individuals in the group until they have been in their positions. I believe that individuals make society and that they are just trying to find a place to fit in society. -Happy004

  10. The part about whether or not individuals control their lives or not stopped and made me wonder too. I think that individuals constrain themselves because it is all up to us and how we view ourselves. All society does is view people and judge them. But why should society's judgement on us as individuals matter more than how we view ourselves? I do question things like liberty, equality, and discrimination that are present in society. I also wonder and question the same things you do. -Happy004

  11. Sociology is the study of human relationships like the connection of prisons and hospitals. Both prison and a hospital are heavily recorded and separate people by categories. Sociology is similar to psychology, they both study human behavior. Unlike psychology, sociology studies groups of people instead of an individuals. It connects different religions to others as a whole. It also studies the differences of societies. It asks why one culture does one thing while across the world a different culture is far different and similar. Sociology is different for American society because in America we are taught to be an individuals. Sociology shows us as a group and that we are not all that different. The rich and the poor are connected. I am interested that sociology studies groups because humans are social creatures not loners. It shows the factors of one's life with statistics. People have a driven outcome even if they do not know it. If you are born in one social background you are likely to always live in that background. - Kitsune004

  12. I like the way this video gave me a brief introduction to sociology. Not only did it introduce me to what it is, but the video also provided enough information to keep me interested in the topic. It shows how sociology correlates to psychology, but also how they are vastly different. I like how the video introduces the history and founding of sociology, but also how sociology is directly linked to society as a whole. I especially liked how the video brings to attention the media and its power as well as comparing prisons and hospitals to how they both contain controlling factors in a person's life. Much of the information provided in this video really makes a person stop and think about the impact society has on their own life. There are numerous factors that play a part in sociology. Some that I feel are the most influential include history, family, education, social ties, media, finances, and current social influences. bdole004

  13. Sociology is an intriguing new science that I find fascinating. Patterns such as prisons and schools being alike are a concerning thought though. I understand the control of a mass of people, but I wish the schools would bring back the sports and the arts. Kids just sit at desks for 8 hours a day. Now the lines have become blurry between schools and prison cells. It’s interesting how people live in a society that takes normal patterns for granted. I also find it interesting how the media has so much influence over society. It is so important, especially now with the new elections coming up. Between Face Book memes, news edits, and Journalists interpretations of what the candidates say, what is actually true? Is it as bad as they make things sound or is it even worse than anyone actually knows? I feel this has been an ongoing issue with society as a whole like the video states the media is “reflecting the fear that the whole country is losing its way.”

    1. I totally agree with what you have stated about the media. I think it is really hard to know what is true and what isn't. Just like how you said with facebook memes and such, what are we suppose to believe and what are suppose to know is false. Sometimes it's really hard to tell.

    2. Sociology is very intriguing to me as well. I also agree with what you said about the children and school. We should bring sports and arts to keep them active and engaged other than sitting at a desk for 8 hours. I also agree it is interesting just how much we let the media have so much of influence on our society. -JustMe1989

  14. I really didn't know exactly what Sociology was or what I would be getting into when taking this class. This video really helped me to understand what exactly sociology is and what we would be learning more about. I like how the video states it is a scientific way of studying basically the social aspects of our world. One of the examples used was how the media takes individual things that are happening and portrays them to the people to make it seem the whole country is in distress. It used the beachfront riots for the example but I think that that is even true with the media today. Television and now the internet as well is always taking things that happen and making things seem much worse than I think they actually are therefore making the people of the country feel a certain way and most people don't even see that is what's happening.

    1. I cometely agree. It really opens your eyes to what is actually true compared to the way it is portrayed. Its almost as if the media wants the world to be in a complete and constant state of terror. Its crazy to think that this could be related to sociology. You don't really realize what could be a behavior altered by external measures.


  15. I never realized how much sociology and criminal justice have in common. I am majoring in criminal justice and it surprised me how much common language there was in this video compared to the first chapter of my criminal justice text book. The part about suicide also was pretty eye opening for me. I always considered that to be something an individual chooses to do, not something that society inherently pressures people towards. Sociology is kind of all-encompassing which is rather intimidating. I never really thought about how much it affects me until watching this video. Also the part about prisons was pretty interesting. I was surprised when the video said that hospitals and schools are influenced by prisons. Those three things seem pretty separate but the categorization and surveillance techniques used in prisons have infiltrated more everyday institutions. It was also interesting to hear that the west has created the ideals of the east. Whenever I think about Asian countries a certain type of society comes to mind, one that was “created” by westerners a long time ago. It surprised me that the west was able to dominate and colonize so much just because they said that the east was a certain way.

    1. I agree with your opening statement, I think they have a lot in common as well. Police and detectives have a good understanding of the communities in which they serve in. This video also gave me good insight into Sociology. I also thought you hit it right on the dot with your comment about Western colonization.

  16. So gratifying is the moment you realize there is a respective study for societal differences. This epiphany may come as a "you don't say" to many, however, I was very unaware of what Sociology actually entailed. Furthermore, even if I were previously exposed, I was very unprepared to receive the information that the study would offer. Between reading in our chapters and watching this video I have grown more interested in Sociology. Understanding Sociology and our roles in our environments has the potential to improve age old inqualities surrounding sexual preference, financial status, race, culture and education. Personal problems such as depression and low self-esteem have the possibly of being alleviated with knowledge of what problems are actually personal versus what is a problem that a majority inevitably share. Needless to say, the level of ones grasp can be directly related to the amount of desire they have for understanding of this topic. Recent race related disparities have influenced my very strong interest in what I now know to be the study of relations between people and the societies in which they live. -kylegoldheart004

    1. I am in the same boat as you. I really had no idea what sociology entailed, and honestly I was dreading it. But after getting a quick glimpse I am pretty intrigued and interested in learning more. Sociology definitely influences more than I was originally anticipating. The whole part in this video about suicide really shocked me. I never thought it was a societal pressure versus a personal choice.

  17. There was a lot of information in this video that made me think. To start off I think most humans connection to society is stronger than they think. They are being controlled even if they don’t know it. I don’t know if there is a real way of escaping societies grasp because you can trace back any sort of behavior and link it up with society. The way you dress, the music that you listen to, even your opinions on politics/ any other generic thoughts can be connected to the society. So a question that they asked at the end, “do individuals have the power to control their lives or are they constrained by societal forces?” No I don’t think humans have the power I think they are subconsciously being controlled. Depending on the environment in which you were brought up there are different factors that play a role in society. I don’t think everyone is under this trap though Im sure there are people in the world who live without the internet and tv and just live by their own means. Another small thing that caught my attention was the 1960s beach riots and how the media over exaggerated them and it seemed like our nation was falling apart. Well the same thing still happens today. Every single time a cop shoots someone the media goes crazy and then the American people lose themselves in whats going on and they all want to fight against the power but it’s all crap. The media will then draw you away with another story. Another question was about conflict. conflict can be pathological and that can even seem normal because its not humanlike to never have conflict in your life. In a way I think its pathologically normal if that makes sense. My knowledge of society comes from living in it and being aware of it.

    1. I completely agree with you about the control the media has over us. It has been proven time and time again recently that the government uses the media to distract us from certain events happening. Human behavior is definitely controlled and defined according to societal constraints. Even nomadic tribes that live completely outside the realm of the modern world are still under the constraints of the rules and culture of their people. -Antoinette004

  18. I have always had such a passion for the human behavior, I, myself, have always been a “people watcher” and always wondered why people are the way they were. For instance, what makes a serial killer, a serial killer, or what makes us “product of our environment” and the toll it really does have on us. However, I never did realize everything our society can alter. After watching this video, it made me realize just how much our society really does have an effect on us, and alters our life. It really caught my attention about suicide and how it was mentioned as a social factor instead of a personal matter. I do agree that a lot of our external factors can and will easily play a part in our deepest of acts. I also found it interesting just how far back Sociology dates back. Knowing the study of sociology dates all the way back to 1850, but a lot of our society is the same in many ways was very intriguing to me. JustMe1989

    1. I agree with you. I have sat back and thought about those things that you have said. Such as why would someone want to rob someone else, or why would someone want to kill another human. I do think that external factors can be apart of someone decision on what they do. Such as when the video was talking about suicide I believe that a lot of that persons choice to commit suicide is because of outside factors, yes a lot of other reasons that the person committing it may have going on with ones self but I think a big part of it is outside factors and people judging that person.

  19. The beginning of sociology I believe was formed to understand the behaviors of people from different lands. I think that the reasons were based solely on gaining advantages for trade and obtaining land. This outline was then used for tactical advantages during wars and control over people. This believe may seem a bit narrow minded because sociology has its good points as well. I guess we can say that anything that is made by man could have both good and bad viewpoints depending on the author.
    If we view sociology in a good light according to the definition to help society solve its problems. It can solve problems ranging from health to environmental conditions that we face today.
    Buck Rogers004

  20. This video was very interesting. Sociology is one of those studies that really stops and makes you think about things for a second. Everything in our lives is so interconnected, yet we try to make it all seem so personal, like it is completely unique to just one person. Like the video said, even the most personal of acts stems from outward forces. Suicide is probably one of the most personal acts anyone can ever commit yet when you think about it, that person didn't get to that point by themselves. Usually most of the factors that drive someone to do something like that are external. It is once the external factors have happened that they then manifest them into personal attacks. I think it will be very interesting to learn just how much human behavior is determined by outward factors and how much an effect it has on us. -Antoinette004

    1. "Everything in our lives is so interconnected" I really liked reading that and I agree. We are all in this world together whether we like one another or not we all must have respect for each other. I also am interested to learn how much external human behavior is effecting my personal behavior.


  21. Sociology to me is just the study of thinking, but not only thinking, but thinking outside the box. Most people don't stop and think about why the grass is green, or why our community is the way it is. But this video has detailed it so much more for me to understand. Sociology isn't only thinking, but also asking your self such detailed questions. It also helps analyze every detail in your life. Sociologist are critical thinkers, they communicate clearly, creatively and effectively. Understanding the basic life of others just doesn't cut it because every life is unique, and has a greater purpose than most give credit for.

    1. In my opinion, sociology is more than thinking. Don't get me wrong, one has to think to get a clear understanding. the study of sociology will turn on a light upstairs for one to think outside the box and better understand why the grass is green or why our community is the way it is. Being a basic individual doesn't cut it we need sociology to better understand life for what it really is.

    2. In my opinion, sociology is more than thinking. Don't get me wrong, one has to think to get a clear understanding. the study of sociology will turn on a light upstairs for one to think outside the box and better understand why the grass is green or why our community is the way it is. Being a basic individual doesn't cut it we need sociology to better understand life for what it really is.

  22. This video is very interesting. I didn't realize how many individuals studied sociology and they all had different opinions and factors about it. I now have some understanding about socielogy. At first I was only taking this class due to it being a requirement for my specific career choice, this video has made me want to get a better understanding of why our society is the way it is. There are many key points that will make an individual think about today's society and why we as human beings do the things we do no matter if its good or bad. Everyone in today's society is different in there own way and factors in ones life plays a part in their thinking, they one acts, and the way one carries him or herself. Our society is crucial and I am willing and ready to learn how and why.

  23. Sociology a relatively new art form of study that mainly focuses on society. Sociology I believe was developed because of our endless advancement of technology. I say that because we now have ways of getting to places faster then ever before via air travel, cars, etc. By having this technology we now get to experience different cultures and see different ways of living. We see laws that are different, foods that are different, and customs that are unique. Sociology helps one understand these things and that is why its so important and is often required as a pre-requisite. We live in such a diverse country that it is essential to know the backgrounds of our peers and to study on how to make society a better place.


  24. Being a criminal justice major it is important to understand how different societal elements can influence someone’s behavior. People who grow up in a more impovished or crime ridden area may be more influenced to turn towards the streets rather than someone who lives in a nicer more upscale area. A large part of who we are as individuals is because of how we are raised and where we are raised. Not saying that everyone in an impovished area is going to turn towards the streets because there are some that do want to make an impact on their lives as well as try to make in impact on their community. Then again people who were raised with a silver spoon tend to take more for granted and look down on people more than someone whose started from nothing and made their way through the world to become something of themselves.


  25. Coming into sociology, i had no idea what to expect. Obviusly, it is about social interactions but i never realized what actually goes into it. With so many views and so much study, I am interested to learn more.

    I enjoyed this video. With so many different studies, it really opens your mind up to what you thought was a simple world. The way that mannerisms and behaviors flow together and are represented in different societies is crazy. I especially like how they said that "society can be likened to a play." You never truly know what a person or group of people consist of. How they act or speak in one setting could be completely different in another. Maintaining appearances in social settings vs. Home settings. Knowing when the mask and cape are worn and when they are hung. Makes you really think about your friends and social connections. If they really are who you think they are. I am intrigued to see what things I learn in this class. My level of intrigue is already high.


  26. I thought the video was great and t was very educational. I cannot imagine the about of man hours it takes to put out a researched based sociological study and how many people have to be studied. Its very impressive. There are somethings that I don't totally agree with but I am ignorant to sociology and after this video i am very interested in learning more. I personally had a better understanding for others and myself when I learned about psychology. I Really enjoy psychology and I am interested in seeing how i feel about sociology. I think i am able to be open minded and step outside myself to see into someone else... but am i really? I am interested in finding out.
    - RueTootie004


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