Who's Crime Reduction Plan?......Maybe an Integrated Plan?

Who's Plan? Or, an Integrated Plan?


  1. This election has probably been one of the most "entertaining" of all time. This is the first year that I have started to pay attention because I am of legal age to vote now, but watching debates for both parties has been quite the experience. I agree more with Trump than I do Clinton, as I think illegal immigration is a major problem for our country, economically as well as for our safety. This is one area that I think would help with crime reduction, if we could get rid of a lot of the illegal immigrants who have committed a crime. I also agree with his stance of reinforcing law and order throughout the country. I personally don't see trust as an issue between law enforcement and our communities, I think our communities just need to do a better job of cooperating with law enforcement. I don't know who is going to win the election in November, but whoever does, I hope they can straighten out the crime rate throughout the country.

    1. I always have paid some attention to the elections, just because my grandparents almost always had something on the TV about it. My family always fights about politics, which is just confusing because they all agree with eachother, so really they are just yelling about agreeing with stuff. And this election has been a whole new special sort of fire as the country rallies, riots, and really just starts to hate eachother. This election will likely have a huge impact on all of our futures, even more so for those diving into criminal justice careers. - AJC002

    2. This election is the biggest one that has a lot to do with law enforcement and the criminal justice system. I feel like it's the most important one. I agree with you because if people just cooperated with the police, many of these shootings wouldn't have happened. Without these shootings, many of the riots and protests wouldn't have happened either. If communities just stick together and cooperate with police, we would all be a little safer. rose001

    3. As much as I honestly cannot stand Trump for his means, he brings a powerful point to the table that local and state law enforcement need to coincide with the federal law enforcement. With that, they can go and work together on high cost drug busts, or human trafficking rings. But, we all have to be reasonable. We have to work at the prime source of problems which is the animosity between local law enforcement and communities. I think that if we could build the bind of trust first, the community would be more than likely to help stop crime as is, so that then the local police can help the state police and so forth. I hate to bring politics to the criminal justice system, but this election year really is crucial on what needs to be focused on the system itself. And if we start at the root, we can achieve more. - JiminyxC002

    4. This election has been very interesting and I agree 100% that illegal immigration is a huge problem for us and it needs to get fixed right away because if it doesn't then these people come in get jobs and ship that money to there country and that hurts us majorly. JE002

    5. I agree with you gh_blackhawks002, illegal immigration is a problem that needs to be dealt with. Knock out illegal immigrants, and you'll knock out a hefty sums of crimes, too. Also, people really do not have to trust police officers, they just have to obey them. Regardless of if you trust someone or not, they can still betray you. But with a smarter law enforcement system, they will never betray you. zmw002

    6. I agree gh_blackhawks002 on the illegal immigration problem. It is a rather large part of the crime that happens in the United States and I feel that if we were to knock that out that it would help a lot with our crime. I also think that if the United States government gets closer with the local law enforcement and the state police like Trump says he will it will help make a stronger bond when it comes to some of the police problems we deal with today.

  2. I find it crazy how different people are in this country. Hillary wants to stop the people who commit crime by taking away their tools to do so, whereas Trump wants to make the police force stronger to suppress the crime rates. Throughout this entire election, and many before it, you constantly are shown the massive differences between the candidates. Over the past few months, I have come to the conclusion that is the massive differences in the people of the United States that cause massive problems for us. I think that, in simple terms, the United Sates is just too big and too diverse, and that many of our problems will never subside until the country is split into smaller countries, not directly controlling each other. Although I don't really see that ever happening, and I am not saying I think we should errupt into civil war, but simply that we are always going to have problems and we just need to try our best to make it all work. - AJC002

    1. AJC002, I agree with you, but I also disagree. I do think there are a lot of issues in America that are going to take some time to fix. However, we already have states. We need to focus less on dividing the country, and more on fixing it. We need to improve relations between our law enforcement and our communities, and think of smarter ways to fight crime. I believe both plans display good ideas for this goal.- OKC002

  3. In all honesty, after reading this article about two people I could care less about, I feel like they BOTH made really good points, Clintons just came off stronger and had a more wise decision to me the Trump. Yes, we should look more into illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and human trafficking but will that really solve any problem other than what he's trying to explain. Will it help change any overall problem the United States is dealing with? Or is there any type of correlation? I think Clintons points are more valid and the fact that she wants and feels it is important to rebuild the bond of trust between our law enforcement officers and communities will make a better impact for our country than just focusing on illegal immigration. Clinton wants to focus more on gun violence and illegal guns and in my opinion I think that more important than what Trump is trying to make happen. Kt002

    1. I enjoyed your view on the article. I believe we should have a nice combination of both. A stronger police force and maybe more gun control... but we can't take away the rights to weapons.. so where does the happy medium occur? I do not side with either candidate.

    2. I like the points you make. trump does have some good ideas but it ill not fully resolve what we need to do to stop all of the crime. Clinton makes some valid points but in all reality taking away the illegal guns still wont resolve all of the crime that takes place. AW002

  4. The International Association of Chiefs of Police posed some very good questions to the two candidates: Trump and Clinton. The views however, are completely different. Trump states that he is all for having state, federal, and local law enforcement agencies on the same page when dealing with those who violate the law. Trump wants to make the police force stronger and more of a “family”.
    On the other side, Clinton wants to build trust between law enforcement and communities. Clinton also wants to make gun policies more strict than they are now. She wants to decrease weapon trafficking and make sure that officers do not face any militarized weapon.
    I am in the middle of these two candidates. They both have very strong points, but neither of them are very powerful to me. I think that there should be more laws to protect or officers. We will see where the future of law enforcement goes.

    1. I am sort of in the same boat, however I feel that Clinton's points seem a little bit better than Trump's because, in my opinion, I feel that having a stronger relationship between law enforcement and communities is more important than developing a stronger police force.

    2. I can see your point Oasis_002. However, I feel like Trump is much more powerful and trustworthy than Clinton. I believe Trump would do a lot more for law enforcement than Clinton would. Hillary Clinton has constantly turned her back on the police. Trump on the other hand has shown constant support and appreciation for our police. Steve002

  5. After reading this article, although I must admit I have not been paying much attention to the presidential election as bad as that sounds, both Trump and Hilary make some valid points. If I had to pick one of their points that I agree most with it would be Hilary's. I agree with hers just a little bit more because, yes, gun violence is a major issue in our society today and the last thing we need is to have an increase in police shoot-outs or police related slayings. Also, I feel that having a better connection between law enforcement and the communities is a little bit more important than having a stronger partnership between the federal government and state and local law enforcement, not that I don't feel it's not important. I also feel that by creating a pathways to employment opportunities, housing, health care, etc. for formerly incarcerated people makes them less likely to become a repeat offender and therefore no longer become a threat to society.

    1. Reading into this article, I too barely had and type of knowledge of this election. I can't say its not important, but seeing that one of the candidates is a complete joke and the other, not know that much information about her, they both actually came with valid points and ideas, surprisingly. I completely agree with your comment. Kt002

    2. I agree, the relationship between the public and the police force is an important issue that Hillary Clinton talks about and plans to work towards fixing if elected. I also agree with you that her plan for getting people jobs after leaving prison is a very important issue. It will help to let these people support themselves instead of turning to a life of crime. JAG002

  6. I agree with your statement of giving help to those who have been incarcerated. I think if we provide them with some opportunities outside in the real world, maybe they would be less likely to be incarcerated again. But some people just never change, so it's hard to guess what would happen.

  7. I honestly agree with parts of both plans. I would like to see a huge improvement in regards to the relations between law enforcement and members of our communities. I also support the idea of a tighter and more fluid relationship between federal and local law enforcement agencies. With support and access to federal resources through cooperation with federal agencies, and having improved relations with the communities they police, local law enforcement will be better equipped to fight crime. With local law enforcement more empowered, I believe that America could see a real turnaround in crime rates throughout the nation. I do not agree with Hilary on the focus on rehabilitation however. So many inmates return to prison after release, even if they do receive help. No matter what we provide to them, they’re still going to return to a culture of crime. Unless we change the conditions that help breed these criminals, then helping criminals but sending them back into it will do us no good.- OKC002

  8. How many times does it take for someone to realize that going after guns is not going to fix the problem. It's the people behind the weapon that cause the most damage. It makes no sense for Clinton to say she will work with law enforcement and go after the gun problem. This election could possibly be the worst election I have ever seen, and it sucks even more considering this is my first election to vote. It is important to make the bond stronger between the two, but I feel that they must attack the source from the beginning. rose001

    1. I agree with rose001 because people can easily get a gun when they are not suppose to have one. But they do need to enforce it so that they can not get them. I agree because with this election I do not even want to vote anymore because of how bad it is. Adelle002

    2. I definitely agree with this comment. You can get a gun anywhere now a days. That's not hard, but the people behind the gun does make a huge difference only because you chose what you do with that gun and what happens with it. I agree this election is a terrible one. Makes me not want to vote. Ky002

  9. Both Clinton and Trump have good ideas but in the long run I think Clinton's is better she is taking a huge step forward on investing money into programs that work with criminals and help them get and sustain a good job. Honestly that's all I think it will take for a huge reform in our criminal justice system and and our prisons. This is exactly what our criminal justice system needs is to help these criminals stop what they are doing and show them how to live a legal life. If you just throw a person in prison for 3 years and don't do anything to help them they are just going to go back out and do what they know best and that is to do illegal activity. But if we do this get a program that we kn ow works the return rate for criminals will drop drastically I think because we just need to get those people out of that mind set and into a legal mind set. JE002

  10. I have always kind of been on the "Trump Train" ever since he announced that he would be running for office. I like how he is not afraid to speak his mind and I really like how he actually wants to take a stand against illegal immigrants and terrorism. Illegal immigrants bring problems to Americans all the time and cause crime rates to increase in the areas they migrate to. As of terrorists, cracking down on Muslims is probably the best course of action. I do not have a problem with Muslims, but they are the biggest source of terrorism we face. If we don't do something about them, they'll just continue to commit acts of terrorism freely. I would prefer to not live in constant fear of another terror attack. I also do not like Clinton's idea of attacking guns. Getting rid of guns will only harm the law abiding citizens that wouldn't own any firearms. zmw002

  11. I am for none of the candidates of Clinton or trump. I see how they have different views of how to better the criminal laws or justice. I believe that Hillerys plan is more effective because it is a small task. With trumps idea I think it will take several years to pull off. People will be more willing to go with hillery beause it is small task. The gun ontrole should be put into place to keep people safer. Hillery is trying to kepp the police safe and if the police are safe than the people are safe.Adelle002

  12. I have always been for trump he has some good ideas I like how he wants to try an fight termism and drug trafficking. I feel as if no matter how hard Hillary tries to go after gun shops it still wont affect the illegal guns on the streets. I like the fact of keeping our police safe out there an trying to protect them as much as we can. I feel like going against the drug trafficking will be a big part on keeping people safe. oregon002

    1. I will agree to disagree when it comes to Trump. I agree with some of the things that he is trying to accomplish if he makes it to the white house but there are other things that I think are way to extreme. Hillary's gun control plan sounds alright as long as it doesn't affect my ability to buy and own a gun. I think there should be stricker laws when it comes to criminals having access to weapons. But we all know that is next to impossible with all the black market ways to get ahold of guns. Ciaccio002

  13. The election this year is like no other one before. This election will make history. Both candidates are probably the most unfavorable between their parties that there has been. What this election really comes down to is whether or not the candidate supports the police. Trump has a proven record that shows his constant appreciation and respect towards the police. Throughout his candidacy he has stood tall with law enforcement and their decision making. Hillary Clinton on the other hand has constantly turned her back on the police. Clinton is one of the many liberal politicians that is responsible for this anti police atmosphere our country is experiencing. And her plan on gun control is completely unrealistic. Do not get me wrong, I am all for stricter background checks, but her idea of getting illegal weapons out of criminals hands will not work. A very large majority of criminals get their weapons illegally. Most guns owned by felons are stolen or bought off the black market or the street. Usually a criminal is not going to walk in a gun shop and buy a brand new gun. Hillary's gun control plan will only take guns out of responsible law abiding gun owners hands. Criminals will find a way to get a weapon. Donald Trump is more trust worthy and I follow his plan a lot more seriously than Clinton's. Steve002

  14. Throughout this election, it is hard to actually see the news report on actual issues that either candidate has. It has been almost impossible to know all the stances that either candidate has. The issue of policing and our criminal justice department is one topic that both candidates have talked about. I, personally, agree more with Hillary Clinton. She wants to fix the relationship between society and the police force. The rising tensions have made it dangerous for both the police and ordinary citizens. She also wants to crack down on illegal weapons on the street, which would also make it easier for police to do their jobs without having to worry about who on the streets has a gun or if someone will try to use a gun against them. On of her points that i agree the most with is her stance in regards to the recidivism rate. She acknowledges that their is a problem with people getting out of prison and immediately turning back to crime because after having that conviction on their record they have a hard time finding a job that can actually support themselves, making them turn to crime to survive. She wants to give people ways to get jobs out of prison so they will be able to support themselves without falling back into the same criminal behavior that landed them in prison. JAG002

  15. I think that Clinton and Trump both have some really great valid points. In overall i would have to agree with Clintons perspective on things because I like how Clinton is willing to invest money into criminal like programs to help them get jobs and keep them. I do think that, however it is easy to get guns in today's world it's not 100% about the gun access. The person behind the gun has a lot more to do with gun violence than the persons access, you chose how you use the gun. Trunp has a good idea of making the police force a family, if they all come together as one and all put forth the effort they may be able to make a change. However, this election i will not be voting. Clinton or Trump isn't an option for me even though they both have valid points. Ky002

  16. I believe that if we both Clinton and Trump have some good points. I agree with Clinton when she talks about trying to get illegal arms off of the streets so cops don't have an unfair advantage. But as much as I would like that to happen it is very unrealistic. Criminals are criminals because they don't want to follow the law. So if you make a law talking about stricter gun control do you really think that the criminals are going to follow it? No. They will get the guns whether or not there is a law against it or not. I agree with Trump when he says that he wants to have the United States government and the local and state cops to be closer. I feel like that will create a better bond and trust with the public and police in general. Plus the police force will feel a little better having someone on their side when they are in a situation. All in all they both have decent points but I think that either way the police need to be trusted and need to have someone have their back at all costs. Rocker002

    1. Couldn't have said it better Rocker002, i agree to get illegal arms off the streets and not so easy to access to people that may cause harm to other people. Clinton and Trump both made good points about increasing the law enforcement protection and to enforce the laws better, which will make america safer aaap_cougs002

  17. I think as far as a reform goes, both maybe on the right track if they just would join forces and work something out. This election has been the most negitive I think compared to previous ones. I think she is going in the right direction as far as gun control laws are concerned but I don't think it will keep the guns out of the hands of criminals. I do agree on making things better for the law enforcement. It will help make the community more open to allowing cops to do thier jobs even when they have to use excessive force to apprehend certain levels of criminals. Ciaccio002

  18. Even though I personally can not stand either one of them, but one day one of them will be the president of the united states. Clinton has a good point about making a better community police force and work force to make a safer and better place for people of the united states. By takign steps on reforming our law enforcement is a good start. but Trump says that we if we make sure the laws are enforced then america will be safer, yes this is true but there will always be law breakers no matter what. aaap_cougs002

  19. I believe Trump has a stronger plan, when he says his plan is to make local and federal law enforcement coincide together. I think cracking down on crime is a better alternative than just focusing the approach on guns.... you cant stop crime by taking away guns... criminals will always find a way to get them or just use different weapons. so by law enforcement working together to crack down on the streets and get these criminals scurrying back to the hole they came from. Camvilla002

  20. I think both presidents are on the right path. They both make good points in each of there statements. trump wants to get rid of all illegal trafficking which will be good besides i think that if they where born here they shouldn't have to go back. Hillary wants to control guns which would maybe help with shootings but there are also so many other crimes that go on. AW002


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