All The World's a Stage...The First Date and Prepping. Dramaturgical Analysis


  1. One thing that stood out was through the first part of the video I thought he was getting ready for a date with a female but then the person shooting the camera mentioned that he would be going on a date with another guy. I don't know why that surprised me but it did. It just goes to show that straight or gay or whatever, we all get ready for dates about the same way. We all use multiple props to stage how we want to come off to the other person and do our best to impress him or her. I thought it did a good job showing another way that a lot of people are very similar. We may do different things on our dates but for the most part we are all going to shower and to fix our hair and worry about what clothes we are going to wear. I thought the end was kind of silly but it made some really good points overall.

    1. I thought he was getting ready for a date with a female as well. I don't judge so to each his own. And yes we all get ready for dates in similar ways, women just take much longer. If I'm into my date, yes I will do what I have to do to impress him, in hopes for a second date. The ending was kind of off subject and could have been eliminated from the video.~Mznurse004


    2. I agree. I think it is safe to say even though it is more of a “normal” thing in our society for males to be with males and women with women, we still tend to be unconsciously bias and automatically think a male with a woman if we do not know that person or who they are going on a date with. Overall I think no matter what our preface is we tend to go about preparing for a first date in the same ways. - JustMe1989004

    3. I agree with you I thought he was getting ready to meet up with a girl. Not judging what so ever but this showed we all get ready in the same way, feel the same. The only thing that might be different is how we do things on the dates.

  2. This video makes a lot of sense because we all go through the same preparations when getting ready for that first date, exept I would prepare all day and not last minute. We make sure our body is clean and smelling nice, the matching bra and pantie set goes on, (or in his case, underwear), and the hair and make-up has to be perfect. The most important step is finding that outfit that says "here I am, but I'm not easy". We always look classy on the first date, the other dates are up to you, depending on the first. The color scheme was on point. The tip that was given about offering to pay for the meal,I think applies only to men I woudn't offer to pay, and I would be offended if asked. The ending of this video was quite confusing that he would go through all the motions and not have a real date, what did that mean? Was someting wrong with him? myboys004

    1. I totally agree with you. We all go through basically the same things to prepare for that first date. We want to leave the best impression that we possibly can in hopes of a second date or maybe even getting invited in for coffee after the date! We all shower, and do our hair perfectly, make sure we smell nice, brush our teeth, and make sure we have on that one perfect outfit that flatters what we want it to and hides everything we don't want noticed. This video just shows how when preparing for that first date, the majority of us are very similar when it comes down to what we do to get ready. I agree we you completely about the end though, that made absolutely no since to me at all. I think they should have done something differently with that because that was just confusing.

    2. I think that women have more trouble with appearance when dating than men. You don't want to give the wrong impression. To slinky or too conservative. Too much makeup or not enough. It makes it very challenging. As for the payingnfor the meAl, I think that I would almost expect to pay for myself. I would accept if the mad pays, but I think it makes me feel a little more established with myself to be willing to pay. The show is different for every situation.

  3. The ending was kind of weird and off the subject, me personally will not break my nice nap to get ready for an imaginary date. I am not going to spend all my time and effort getting dolled up for nothing. When men and women prepare for dates it is in some shape or form similar. Women just take longer than men. We not only shower to smell good but we have to make sure our hair is in tip top shape our make up is on fleek if we wear it we also have to wear the best outfit, not to trashy and not to business like, more causal is perfect. I would meet my date out because obviously if its a blind date I would not want the person to know where I live. I would never offer to pay for a meal because its traditional for the man to pick up the tab and if he does not it shows bad character.~Mznurse004

    1. It was really weird I’m not sure what part that played in this example. I also didn’t understand the narrator telling him what to wear and what works. Unless maybe playing as the conscious part. I can definitely see how this works and how dramaturgical analysis plays a part in our everyday life. I guess getting ready and putting them “props” together to show who you think or who you want to be is a great understanding.

  4. We all prepare for dates in pretty much the same manner. We primp and pamper. You have to have the perfect outfit and your hair has to be just right. Females have to have their makeup looking good and you have to be smelling good too. Mating rituals in animals are the same way. In birds, typically the male is the most colorful. They have to put on the best show for their prospective mate. Only the brightest ones with the best song and dance are the ones who get paired. You have to act just right to find it. In humans, It is not just the physical side. The prospective mate has to be able to provide stability and emotional support. They have to compliment their partner to function. Every day o life is some sort of show.

  5. I'm with you on that nap thing I feel naps are valuable so they could have left that out since he wasn't going on a date anyway. I agree I would have to meet them out in a well lit public place. Paying for the meal as a female is a no, no. myboys004

  6. Even though the voice in this video made it quit hilarious to watch, I think the bigger message to this video is how much we are all the same when getting ready for a first date with someone. I personally would be too nervous to wait until the way later in the day to start getting ready. I think it is safe to say if we are straight or gay we all want to present ourselves the same way when it comes to a first date. We want to make sure we are clean, smell nice, dress nice, and look our best overall. When he said something about offer to pay but don’t actually pay it made me stop and think as a woman we tend to think more of the man to pay for dinner. This is what the “normal” has been all my life if you go on a date it is more proper for the male to pay, but in this day and age is that really just a “normal” thing anymore? - JustMe1989004

    1. I would definitely have to agree with you that gender roles are definitely changing in society. On a traditional date the guy would open the door, pull out the chair, and pay for the bill on a dinner date. I think that stems from when men were considered the breadwinners and were responsible for the financial situation. Now that women are considered much more equal to men than they ever were before, the role of genders is quite confusing. You never know if a date will want the traditional type of guy, or someone who allows a woman to take a more leading role in a date. It can be hard not to offend a date by just trying to be courteous.

    2. I have always paid for my dates and I do the same when I invite my friends out as well. Its not a sex thing, its just how I was raised. I actually got into quite a few fights with an ex girlfriend because I would pay for everything before she could even offer and she said it made her feel like I was trying to buy her. It took some getting used to, but eventually we took turns paying. I do think that too many people consider it to be a sex issue though.
      secor22 004

  7. This video threw a little curve ball at me. It just goes to show how we are all more alike than we think. We all get ready to go on a date with someone we really like the same way. We all get our feelings hurt the same way. WE all want to be the best we can be to impress a special someone. We carefully choose our appearance and how we are going to make an impression. This was a cute little video. I enjoyed it. RueTootie004

    1. Such a cute video! And we are all a like. Now woman (for the most part) have to add in their make up routine. And now with online dating we have to figure out how to deal with cyber bullying and not really knowing whose behind the computer screen. I have gone on a date from an online website and the guys picture was VERY inaccurate. I knew woman knew how to change their appearances well with picture filters and make up for this guy looked COMPLETELY different. It was the strangest hour of my life. And he wanted to order dessert. That was a no from me.

  8. It is funny that we all think we are the only people who do certain things as a routine in life. But no matter what sex you are or what sex you are dating we all get ready and anticipate the same things. I have told myself not to laugh to much on a date, because I have a nervous giggle that might through someone off. I to was surprise when the narrator said prince charming. I love, love so to each his/her own. It is strange that I didn't think that as a possibility in the beginning. Due to the fact I have a lot of gay friends. Also it's very normal in our culture to dress "not to trashy but not to classy" when going on date or just going out with friends. I am sure in some cultures a date means a black tie affair. But most Americans want to look attractive but not to attractive. Due to the fact that being dressed to nice would come off as offensive and the same for the opposite, dressing to trashy can be offensive. As a single, dating woman, let me tell you a tub of ice cream and a good hulu series can cure any bad date.

    1. You won't need that hulu series or tub of ice cream next week trust me. The date we have will be the level after next. We will dress our best and beat every other couple out there in the dating world.


    2. I really enjoyed your response KtKay004! You are right that we all anticipate the same things when it comes to preparing for a date, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, etc. I agree with your comment that a tub of ice cream and good hulu series can cure any bad date. ~happilycurious004

  9. To prepare for a first date especially with someone we really like is a great feeling, because there are so many feelings going on such as being anxious, nervousness, self-doubt, even major confidence. All these emotions are what makes humans human. And I think that as a blessing. I know when I prepared for a date I had to make sure I was on point. Feeling confident cause often you doubt yourself a lot. So I had to eat right, work out, and groom myself up to feel good about my body and health. Then when I feel good and positive the date seems to go really well and memorable.

    Empowerlife 004

  10. This video was satirical and all together pretty funny. We all spend so much time getting ready. I know any time I am going to just hang out with my friends I spend entirely too much time getting ready. I think it is a subconscious thing that we all just want to make the best impression. Personally I’m not necessarily thinking about how the other person will see me. That is definitely how I am gearing my presentation of myself though. I would also say that half the time I pay attention to things the other people aren’t going to. I think when we get ready we try to focus on the things that we are looking at on the other people. Sure there are pretty typical things like a shower or cologne. However at least for me, I know I always pay a lot of attention to my entire outfit. Even an undershirt under a hoodie has to be the perfect shirt, when the other person might not even see it. So for someone like me who pays attention to really minor details, I try to make sure the minor details in my presentation are the best they can be.

    1. I can relate to focusing on things that other people won't notice. Just the other day I was washing my truck before a date and for some reason thought I needed to scrub my license plate and wheel wells as much as the rest of the truck even though I wasn't planning on driving her anywhere (which I did, so I'm glad I at least got the bugs off the windshield)
      secor22 004

  11. This video was pretty straight forward. We all have a process to our routine of getting ready. Although we think ours may be different I think they are pretty much the same idea. Start with a clean canvas and take a shower. Then build from there. Everyone wants to look nice and smell good and put their best foot forward when meeting a new person. Dramaturgical analysis is a great way to break this down. We have an idea of who we are and how we want to come across to others and thus we primp ourselves or put “props” on to fulfill the role we see ourselves in. I am not sure on what part the narrator was playing in this or if it was just the correlation to dramaturgical analysis maybe. The ending was a bit funny poor kid. Hopefully he finds something to do since he is all dressed and ready to go.

  12. The way that this started made it seem like he was getting ready to go on a date with a girl but as it went on the guy talking said that he was going out with a guy. It took me back for a quick second but then I realized that no matter if you are getting ready to go on a date with a guy or girl you still are getting ready to go meet up with someone you really like and you care just like the next person. Another thing that stood out was his feelings at the end when he got stood up. He was hurt and just wanted to lay around which makes me think that people show their emotions no matter who they are or who they like. People are so quick to judge other people one who they like but it really does not matter.

    1. I also thought that too and the video kind of throw me off when I found out it was another boy. Also agree that guys and girls take a lot of time to get their selves ready for a date no matter what.

  13. I personally follow most of the steps that this video describes (aside from waking up late, using hair product, and using cologne) and I think its interesting that most people do the same. Obviously most people try to dress up and look nice om their first dates, but most people don't think "I'm only doing this until he/she is comfortable enough with me that I can wear sweat pants and my high school gym shirt when we hang out." While this video isn't intentionally relating to sociology, it definitely reflects dramaturgy in that the guy in the video was putting on an act and trying to display his good qualities over his bad qualities. Also I noticed a lot of people commenting on how surprised they were that he was going on a date with a guy. I'm honestly not sure if preparing for a date with a guy would be different than preparing for a date with a girl. I know typically guys and girls focus on different things during dates.
    Secor22 004

  14. This video is just plain funny and really weird at the same time. This video really shocked me when it talked about him getting ready for a date with another guy. It should not have shocked me seeing how it has become acceptable these days. The video all and all was a good representation of how most people get ready for not only their first dates, but for all dates. First impressions are not everything but is a bigger part of how people decide on if they want to go on another date. The part about him paying for the meal I thought was a no brainer, he should be that one to pay, but that was before I knew that he was going on a date with another guy. At that point I had no clue who should pay for it.

    1. I was shocked as well when the video said that he was meeting up with another man. I know and understand that it is socially acceptable, but I don't know the proper ways that is acceptable for two men that are dating. I can only respond in a man and woman way of dating and that itself dates back to the 1990's. bdole004

  15. This video portrays the acceptable fashion of preparing for a first date, however, I don't think that every teenager prepares for their first dates in this extreme fashion, but I do understand what the video is trying to say. This gentlemen is really a bum that wants to lay in bed all day and not even get ready to go out. He does however clean himself up, fix up his hair, "prepare" his mouth, and put on a decent outfit all to give a different "better" impression of himself to his date. I may be old fashioned or haven't been out on a date in years, but I sure hope that a person looks right through this to see who a person truly is before jumping in the sack with them. bdole004

  16. I think the beginning surprised everyone. And that goes without judging of course, who ever your going on a date with you want to look nice. Me and my mom usually on Fridays like to both get off relax and get ready to leave the house around 7pm to start our movie and dinner night out and we usually do it every Friday because we are both off on weekends unless I pick up. Even though its my mother I still want to make sure I'm looking fly, nails on point edges laid, outfit suited and booted. Its just a natural habit, no matter if I'm going out with a guy or my mother. We all should care how to prepare for a date its so much fun most important thing to me brush then teeth and your face should have a fresh look to it ( yes I love fresh faces). Everyone is different some just really don't feel like it and can get ready for a date in less than 20 minutes some of us have to take at least about a hour to prepare. My first date took me at least almost two hours because I wanted to be so perfect and make a good impression this video was funny though. Pure004

    1. I agree because always go the extra mile for the first date. I remember all the things you have to do like pick out the right outfit, get your hair done, your nails and makeup. I really could not relate to the boy in the video because he was a little odd. I thought he might have some mental problems.

  17. So yea I felt pretty uncomfortable watching this at first. I was honestly really confused like did he film it all himself then added in the voice, what is the purpose and I was honestly judging him at first. I was under the impetration because its seen as the norm that he was going out on a date. Its 2016 though and I had to replay it because the voice referred to the date as a “he”. Everything I had just come up about this person from just looking at him and knowing he was a part of this odd video was judgmental and he didn’t even say a word. It’s amazing because then when I figured out he wasn’t what I just based my thoughts off of I wanted to change my mind I didn’t know what to think about the video. Yea it was odd and I really don’t know if their intentions where to be this deep about a subject but it makes you think. You can come up with so many assumptions about a person without even knowing them at all.

    1. I absolutely agree with you about the video being very odd. I was confused about the voice too and was wondering whether he did it or whether it was somebody else and that he was just the actor for it. Overall, the video was weird. I didn't understand the purpose of making this video either, except maybe the male was trying to present a role of "perfect". -Happy004

  18. Like everyone, I was surprised about the male getting ready for a date with another male. At first I did not notice, but I watched the video with my mother and she pointed it out and asked if the male was a female. She was confused and I explained to her that it was a male and that whether he is male, female, heterosexual, or homosexual; most people get ready the same way as any other person, although some may differ, the concept is still the same. We all have expectations for our overall date, our date, and ourselves. We get ready for most events that are important or of value to us because we don’t want to let our guard down and risk possible embarrassment. In addition, I get ready in a similar way, but the way he was getting ready was similar to the way I get ready for school. I always have to dress nice and meet what I think is everybody’s expectations, including mine. -Happy004

    1. I was so surprised to read that almost everyone was surprised that the man in the video was going on a date with another man. I didn't quite realize that is still considered so taboo in our 21st century society. I know the older generation still has a problem with it but overall people seem to be pretty indifferent about it anymore so it was just surprising to see all the comments about it for this video. -Antoinette004

  19. I found this video to be pretty comical. The narration of what it takes going into getting ready for a date is pretty accurate which makes it relatable and funny. It goes to point out that something like this is relatable to everyone because we all respond in a similar matter to something like getting ready for a date. Human response is so strikingly similar. We like to think we are so unique but our thought process and actions have been shaped by what society perceives as normal. So, when it comes to something like getting ready for a date we all think about it and go about in a very similar way. It's "normal" to prepare yourself in a way such as, dressing nicely, using cologne, doing your hair, to come off as the best possible version of you. -Antoinette004

    1. It was relatable! Familiarity opens doors for communication and understanding. I think that's a goal for the dramaturgical analysis is to allow people to find relativity in fiction and be understanding of it. This is a less formal way to analyze real situations which can also make folks more open to understanding. -kylegoldheart004

  20. This video was a little odd. The boy in the video seems like he was slow or something. The video talked about that the boy's date was not real. It makes me wonder about his metal state. Everyone should care how they look when going out on a date. the video talked about all the things to do to prepare for a date. there are a lots of things to do for a date because you want to look your best. we all take time to go ready for that first date because we want to make a impression when we first meet someone.

    1. You have unique observation on the teenager in the video. I would agree there were some strange things that the commentator said about the teenager. Looking at it from that perspective why was he sleeping at 4:00 p.m.? And this his first date was with a fifty year age old man? Wow
      One thing I can say it about this video is it stimulated conversation.


  21. The video give us the pointers in getting ready for a date and also what roles we play in life. In this case the person was a teenager, who was gay and not sure whether he was in school or worked a job or lived at home with his parents. The only facts were he was a teenager, gay and going on a date with no one. We all have roles that we play in life and some are socially accepted and other aren’t.
    The teenager was apart of two primary social groups’ teenager which are the largest spending group of people and gay which have grown rapidly after past 30 years. We could drill down further to see what categories he might fix into such as high school graduate or college student.

  22. I don't know about you all but I grew up in a house with mirrors on each wall. My mother loved mirrors! My mother was and is very self-conscious! But because of this I have always felt like I was on a "stage." (90% of the time I didn't want to be) I often did and still do exactly what this young man did in this video when preparing for first dates, interviews, the first day of school or the first day of work. The dramaturgical analysis looks at people's life experiences in a way that is theatrical. Where the work place would be the stage and the appropriate attire is a prop. This form of analysis can be helpful because ironically sometimes people associate with things that aren't reality better than reality. This was a very interesting video! -kylegoldheart004

  23. I liked this video a lot. Everyone, in general, gets ready for a date in the same fashion. Using dramaturgical analysis, the study of social interaction in terms of theatrical performance, we can see that Calvin’s presentation of self, had to be top notch for his first date. He had trouble choosing what color shirt he should wear, to ensure he created the appropriate impression. He was careful not to choose a purple shirt because he didn’t want to give the false impression that he was royalty. He had to re-do his hair a few times to get it just right. He flossed his teeth, should there be a good night kiss during his date. This sounds like first date preparations for just about everyone. I very much enjoyed the end, not that his date was imaginary, but that he ended the night eating ice cream and binge watching TV shows. Who among us hasn’t turned to ice cream and TV when we are upset? ~happilycurious004


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