BOP and Recidivism... Your Informed Postulations?

BOP and Recidivism... Your Informed Postulations?


  1. After reading the website and overviewing the statistics I believe that the United States needs to begin to mold their corrections facilities to be similar to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The programs that they have used must be working because they have a 34% recidivism rate. For every four inmates the Federal Bureau of Prisons provides one social worker to maintain prison safety and provide rehabilitation programs for the inmates. I think this four to one ratio is perfect for corrections because it allows the social worker to get on a more personal level with the inmates and not have to worry about being overwhelmed with a large number of inmates. Obviously it may not be possible to maintain a four to one ration, but with the incarceration rates dropping we may be able to obtain this number. Hopefully we will be able to monitor their progression through out the next few years and see an even greater decline in recidivism. -Bulls003

  2. The recidivism rate I think has gone done quite a bit because. With what's going on today in the world most people are afraid of the police because most people think the police are being taught to shoot first then ask questions later. Also people who are in prison and about to be released, try there best to stay away from police or try to even stay in prison. All because of the shootings that may or may not be justified. A interesting fact I read was that they have special need offender programs. I for one have never even heard about programs for special need offenders, I'm always hearing about the offenders as a whole. I fully support those types of programs because. It shows that the system is willing to put more money and time into them. Finding out that 34% of the inmates released from the Bureau of Prisons in 2005 were rearrested or had their supervision revoked over a 3 year period, was very interesting. Because back then racism was more of a problem then, then now. Which having a low percentage like that for a 3 year period is really good. It shows that at some point the criminal justice system was doing something right in their job.-K9003

  3. Listed on the main page is the recidivism rate of 34%. The first thing i did was click on the organization tab. The set up of the website is really helpful. You could easily find any information on the subject you are interested in. I clicked on the Correctional Program tab and read through the different classes that are offered and read more about the leader, and her past experience in the criminal justice field. The website provides inmate, staff, and population statistics. The inmate statistics go into race, age, weight, sex, and many other options. I can tell that this place is super interested in educating people about their facility. I got a really good first impression and i would assume that their inmates are treated with respect and seriousness. They seem more interested in helping then just jailing them. chi003

  4. It didn't shock me that the recidivism rate is low because as I was reading through the website, the officers in these types of prisons help the individuals with their mental illnesses, addictions, apply for jobs, and many more programs that are beneficial to their lives. [Re]habilitation is the key to preventing overcrowded prisons and decreases criminal offenses. All prisons should go to this method because there is statistics that this organization works to keep crime from be committed and [re]habilitating the inmates. Our prisons in America have focused more on The War on Drugs and keeping these non-violent offenders locked up for long sentences that they forgot to consider treatment for the inmates. The BOP is definitely the more effective and helpful prison because they work hands-on with the inmates rather than just giving them their requirements in the prison. -RW003

  5. The bureau's website is stating 34% recidivism rate; while the United States' averages are 76.6%, and 44.7% for Federal prisoners. This means that the B.O.P. is reporting about 42% below the national average, and it has to be asked how. Although recidivism tends to be a skewed number anyways, it appears that the B.O.P. is using multiple inmate programs and services to allow inmates to the opportunity to be released from prisons reformed. Although it is apparent that many correctional officers and prison programs have a habit of showing no respect and humanity to their inmates, those involved with the B.O.P. offer many programs such as education programs, work programs, substance abuse prevention programs, etc. These different types of programs are easily the staple of the low recidivism rates B.O.P. showcases. CK003

  6. This looks like a very good website lots of importation looks like a good place to work good pay lots of programs that's states look pretty dang good lots of people being released from jail and not coming back to jail but i did see a high percent of attacks kinda i agree with the post ahead seems like they are starting to have a lot of programs for inmates seems to be working more jails need to start looking at these stats and maybe start copycatting these jail. cowboys003


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