Drug Courts and their Checkered Successes....


  1. I thought that this video was really inspiring because it shows that not all drug addicts are bad people, they’re just like us. Drug courts are considerably cheaper than incarceration. I think drug courts are a good idea because it helps keep those people out of trouble and prevents them from moving onto other crimes. If they’re in jail, like the one man said, they’ll learn how to do other crimes and do them well. So essentially, Joe is hooked on crack. He’s got three kids and a grandbaby. If he can do the drug courts and is allowed to take that rehab course/12 step program, he’ll still be able to be there for his children and grandchildren. He would be able to see his kids graduate and get married; he’d be able to see his grandchildren grow up. But if Joe didn’t have the option of drug court, he would be going to jail. He’d meet hardened criminals and learn about other crimes. Joe could potentially come out of jail, go do an armed robbery because Jack from jail has a friend named Pete (in prison) and Pete says Joe won’t get caught. Joe gets caught and is sentenced to twenty years in prison. Now Joe won’t be there for his family. Gators003

  2. Its really sad and also the truth. Because it forms a huge impact on the offenders life and the offenders family lives and. To deal with alone with no family support or rehabilitation source to use, it makes it worse. So having this Drug Court program really helps these offenders to get back on their feet and regain part of their and families life back. The reason I say part of their life is because the other half left when the day that they decided to use drugs came. In the video it talked about the program "costing 24,000 dollars a year." Which is a lot but as I read in an article there are some offenders who rather go to prison over the program. Which is why the cost is where it is now. The video also talked about the purpose of this program is to take in "high risk and high needed offender." But as time fly by there are low end offenders entering the program to have an easier and shorter sentence. As we can see it doesn't matter to law enforcement where they go, long as they are off the streets. But every person that is in the program is represented by 5,000 dollars to even be in the program. Based off the considering facts of the changing world today. Most drug addicts are between the age of 16 to 25. Who are subdued by the knowledge passed down from older people who was in their position before the younger Americans and. Believed that drugs will solve their problems but once reality hits them then they realize the its not all sunshine and roses. SO as you can see I fully agree with the Drug court program.-K9003

  3. I think this was a great video, I really enjoy hearing the story from the people this happened to. They tell this how they really are. There are so many different ways to start using drugs and there are so many people that you would never even think that are doing the drugs. The young nurse started using because the new group of nursing students were using so they would be able to study late and then be able to still go to school and be fine. It was interesting the way they felt when they were trying to stop using. They described very intense pain. I think the use of drug courts are great for these users to be able to get help and recover.

  4. Drug courts are a good idea because they get people to first own their mistake by pleading guilty and acknowledging the fact that they have a problem. They also help them get to a point where they won't be dependent on drugs anymore. Prisons and jails are not the place for people who are addicted to drugs and are not a danger to society. Drug courts are also good because they save a lot of money and resources, not only by keeping people out of expensive prisons but because it salvages an addict and turns them into a productive member of society. They also help cut down on prison overcrowding because it keeps nonviolent people on the outside so there is more room in prison for people who are more likely to hurt someone other than themselves. Turning addicts into productive people who are free of drugs is also good because it reduces demand for drugs and takes away some of the profit a drug dealer is going to make. Many of the people who do drugs are not even addicted because they wanted to do illegal drugs, a lot are just addicted because they or their doctors were irresponsible with prescription opioid painkillers like one of the people in the video. Drug courts help people fix their lives instead of making them harder with a prison sentence, which is good for reducing crime. CoolGuy003

  5. The beginning of the video starts out by showing us how anyone can become a drug offender. It slides through the lives of a few individuals that have been arrested and has them discuss how they felt about being arrested for a drug offense. Many of the individuals had high income jobs and were living life happily. They then explain how a drug court works and how it has been successful with aiding non violent offenders with their rehabilitation. The number one goal of a drug court is to see the individual cured of the disease that they are stuck in and see them rehabilitated to become an operating member of society. Drug courts also focus on the individuals that are addicted to the drug and have not had a violent crime. With all the money being spent on keeping individuals incarcerated due to mandatory minimums for drug cases, drug courts are definitely a relief. They are way less expensive that keeping people incarcerated and have been proven to be more succesful for specific individuals. In my opinion drug courts are a fantastic alternative to keeping inmates locked up. Not only does it give them an opportunity to rehabilitate but it also helps them get off of the addiction.

    1. I completely agree with you because Drug Courts should be a priority for drug addicts rather than incarcerating them. It's successful in [re]habilitating them and saves the state from paying for these individuals to be incarcerated more than once. The main concern for drug addicts is for them to receive treatment and stay out of trouble with the law since most of them have not been charge with violent offenses. -RW003

  6. This was a good video to watch. It really shows how getting caught with a small amount of drugs or drugs in general can affect the person. Also, it shows that not every person who does drugs is not a criminal. Many of these people are around you as your boss, a registered nurse or a construction worker. Just because they are on drugs does not make them criminals they may have just fallen into hard times or were at the wrong place at the wrong time like the lady with the pills in college. As far as drug court in general I believe it is a good idea. It gives the people who are a first time offender a way to get help and not stuck into prison for ten years. It is also beneficial for the extensive drugs users as well. It gives them the chance to come clean and get help to stay off the drugs. In the video it talks about how the drug court is hard on you and has a very strict structure. I believe this is good for many of these users because many may lack discipline or even structure in their life. Max003

  7. This video opened my eyes and made me be more understanding towards drug addicts and drug offenses. It surprised me that a drug addiction can be passed down from one generation to another. Drug Courts benefit addicts more than a prison would because they get to be in the community while they're getting the proper treatment that they need to overcome their addiction. Prisons just lock up the inmates who are addicts and they don't get the proper treatment that they need to get clean and have a second chance at life. These drug addicts are able to receive the support from their families and probation officers through treatment rather than being incarcerated and not being able to see their families, or get [re]habilitation while they serve their sentence. It's unnecessary for a drug addict with non-violent offenses to serve ten, or more years because they are not a threat to society and have no criminal records. -RW003

  8. Drug Courts seem to be a very successful option for those who have no prior convictions and will unlikely offend again. Of course not everyone makes it through Drug Courts successfully but it gives these people a chance to get clean then to serve their time behind bars and possibly recommit the same crime. This programs seems like a great form of habilitation. I still find it very interesting that these drug offenders can literally be just about anybody and everybody. Rich or poor, male or female, white or black, young or old, tall or short, all these types of people can be one of the people caught, and because of Drug Courts, they have the chance to keep their lifestyle and not spend months if not years in a corrections facility. We do a lot of things wrong in our criminal justice system but I think these different kind of Courts are a real chance for us to save money and keep people as productive members of society. -NOsaints003

  9. I really like the beginning of the video and how they show that anyone can have a drug addiction. No matter how rich, poor, or educated you are we can all become addicted. I think the drug courts are a good idea. Addiction cant just be punished. The people need help figuring out why they used in the first place and how to cope, or even live with out the drug. One of the men in the video said that if you test dirty you start over, and i think that much better than sending someone straight to jail. Going to jail doesn't help you by being around people who sell drugs. However after so many times, jail might be the only option. Drug courts help keep the jail populations down. chi003

  10. This is a interesting video. The lady said how her father was a drug addict, and certain drug can latch on her so easy through genes. I personally believe to a certain extend this is true in a way. This video shows how drug addict don't really want to be rehabilitated, and soon as they get out they would go right back. Drugs can latch on anyone who are willing to be exposed to them, and how drugs can ruin a perfect good person into a drug craving mess. In the beginning it shows the stages of mind people who are a addict are going through, how in the beginning drugs are used as a anti depressant, but it slowly became a craving for every situation, such as happy or sad. This video stated a great deal how the drug system is trying hard to rehabilitate drug addicts, but I believe it's the mentality is the hard part to change. Physical addictions can be treated, but if the individual is willing to go back to drugs, it is useless in the long run. The lady talks about the amount of pain it is to quit drugs, worst than giving birth, so this huge aspect keeps many addict in their drugs. JZ003

  11. I thought that the video was no only inspirational, but very real. I liked that it contained real life stories of people who have successfully completed this program. It kind of restores a little bit of my faith. I think that the program is great because like they said, it not only saves a TREMENDOUS amount of money, it's saving lives. Just think, if we were to lock up the 4,600 people in just Virginia alone, for these crimes that they were committing to feed their habit, times $20000 dollars, that's crazy. I think it's great that these people are getting not only the treatment and the rehabilitation, but the resources that they need to be an active member of the community. By graduation, they all had jobs, they were doing community service, etc., Which wouldn't happen if they were locked up. Not only that, but they aren't in jail or prison, waisting away, for some petty offense that they committed because they wanted to get high. Fixing the problem, their addictions, helps fix the crime because they aren't feeding an addicting. Also, we aren't filling our jails and prisons with these people that clearly aren't violent and could contribute to the community. I think we should definitely take this as an example of something that works, and put it into action more often.

  12. Im not gonna sit up here and say boo whoo this is sad. But this is what people choose to do. Its sad when it effect other people and you loose people you love. When you do drugs you do thing you dont mean to do if your sober. When it comes to cocaine or heroin you have these withdrawls if you dont have your "FIX". they commit crimes to support their habits. Whether its stealing killing or protitution, they have to do what it is they have to get the money to get that high. After a few days of no drugs their bodies ache or even worse. A drug addiction do not have a face or a personality. As you can see all class groups can go through with such an addiction.


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