Females and Their Unique Pathways to Crime Explored...


  1. I think that this video was very educational regarding female offenders and the different opportunities they are granted, as well as the daily struggles they face. The Wayne County Jail in Detroit, in particular, faces many challenges when treating females and helping them through recovery. Wayne County offers a two year program called Fresh Start, in which it allows female offenders to recover from prostitution and drug abuse. For those who complete the two year program, they are granted a "clean state." In other words, they would have a clear criminal record for the offenses they made. One of the counselors for this program described these particular offenders as "revolving doors." They come to jail, get treatment, leave, and within weeks or even days they return and start the process all over again. The video focused on one female named Michelle Baily; Michelle had been abusing drugs since the age of thirteen. She said, "drugs take you to a crazy world; it's live or die." She explained how the streets will kill you if your drug dealer or last hit doesn't. Michelle said, "i'm not ready to die." While in jail, these females face lack of feminine products, lack of trust, and limited amounts of anger control. The programs offered allow them to understand that they are not alone and somebody feels their pain. These are real problems and they are all around us. behappy001

    1. I agree with you because the programs will help them to be a better person and the world out there is a crazy world. Golfer001

    2. I agree that this video was very informative. The programs offered to these women were a great tool in assisting them at hopefully one day becoming productive members of society upon their release. Also giving them hope that they are not alone and that someone truely cares about their well being. They are for sure real problems that surround us daily, most of us just don't want to see them. mommy001

    3. I agree with you when you say this video was very informative, because it was. I learned a lot about what these women really go through on a daily basis. I just hope these women take in the knowledge and the help that they are offered and change their lives around. It's good for them to know that people actually care for them & let them know that change is possible. dicaprio001

    4. I thing the revolving doors analogy is very interesting. The women come in, get treatment, and them end up right back in jail. They are not getting they type of treatment they need. That is where the fresh start program comes in. That extra treatment provided by the program is what these women need to help them get clean and stay clean. Even though only 40 have made it thru the program, that is 40 women that probably wont be back.

    5. The program that they are given I think is an amazing thing. They are given the opportunity to change who they are and erase their past mistakes. Unfortunately, it does not work for everyone and others do come back, but for the those who make it through are worth the money. bamboo001

  2. The Wayne County Jail I thought was helpful in helping drug addicted offenders go into a 2 year rehab program and help them not be drug addicts anymore. Some of the girls are drug addicted prostitutes or are in for other crime related stuff, but I think the jail will help them be better people in life after jail if not they will be right back in there. And when the Guard said that "You always got to be on guard" because you don't know if there is going to be anything going on in the jail. And one of the inmates said "that the streets will kill you" because it will. Golfer001

    1. This replay is true in the sense that this gives women a chance to make major changes to turn their life's around. The streets are dangerous for these women with a different mind set they may be able to conquer these streets and give back to that community or help other women from making the same choices that they did. Eagle001

    2. I agree that the program is a good thing because it does help the women kick their addiction to drugs and even have the potential to expunge their criminal record. This gives them a huge advantage in getting off the street. The sad part is that not all of them will take the opportunity to leave the street life because they don't know any other kind, and that can apply to offenders of all genders. CoolGuy001

    3. I agree that these programs are giving women a second chance to change the way they are living their lives. These programs can do so much good for these women, and the fact that if they complete them successfully, they will have their criminal records expunged will help them so much once they get out of jail to find a good job and to help them move up in the world. Programs like these need to be implemented in more jails and prisons across our country, because I feel that if more people had the opportunity to enroll and take advantage of these programs, that recidivism rates in this country would drop. EKT001

  3. The video today of the women incarcerated in the Wayne County Jail in Detroit was very informative. The programs they have there are a wonderful tool to assist these women in learning to make better choices and hopefully become productive members of society once released. It also helped give a better understanding of why some women turn to lifes of crime. One women in particular stood out when she made the comment that they become addicted to the "street life." I can see how that may seem attractive to some of the women who may be lacking love and affection, thus causing them to turn to lifes of crime seeking the love and attention they so desire. Even though they may know that prostitution is wrong in so many ways, they can't see past the need for the drugs they have gotten addicted to, or the need to feel some form of affection no matter if it is negaive. Negaive attention is better than no attention at all. It was no surprise that a lot of the women had suffered some form of abuse at one point in their lives. We have already learned that women suffering from sexual abuse early on in life can become promescious. The women incarcerated in the Wayne County Jail are very lucky that so many of the criminal justice employees in that county care enough to do everything they can to help them get off the streets and get clean of their addictions. They actually may have a chance at success if they can complete the programs offered to them. It would be cool to see a follow up of some of the women to see if the programs actually worked. Even if not this video opened some of our eyes tohe actual realities that women face in prison and on the streets, and that it may not always be as simple as free will. You never know what heartache someone has experienced throughout their lives. Everyone deals with trauma in different ways, so some women may end up choosing lifes of crime due to whatever has happened that they just can't cope with. None of us are immune to troubles and could easily end up one of these women if the right situation presents itself. So thank God for programs like these, that let these women know that they are not alone. There are other women on the same pathway as them as well as the staff running the programs that truely care for their well being. Even though the jail may be a "revolving door," all hope is not lost. It's programs like these that give back a litle hope to these women who are lost and feel all alone. Like the inmate "Michelle" said the streets can and will kill you. So praises to the Wayne County Jail for stepping up and trying to save the lives of these women.mommy001

    1. I agree that this is a very informative video. I think this program is great and helps mothers rehabilitate from their hard life of prostitution and drugs on the streets. It gets these women off of the streets into a total institution that can cater to their needs to rehabilitate. Bike001

  4. Early life for the women that have entered this jail has played a major role in changing the choices that ended up with the women making the choices that put them in the Wayne County Jail. The program "Fresh Start" is necessary for these women in the since that these women have already been labeled by the streets so labeling this women by an institution would cause more problems then salutations. These program " Fresh Start" allows for women to make better choices to their lifestyles and the end goal of them giving back to the community. This program was also a great idea in the sense that these women can lean on one another and have moral support from people who have had a similar background to their own. Eagle001.

  5. I think this video really put in perspective for me as a woman what life is really like for women inside jails. The Wayne County jail in Detroit has over 1,000 inmates who are arrested on charges of robbery,drugs, and assault. It's really amazing to me that Wayne County Jail has a program called Fresh Start. Fresh start is a program that helps drug addicted women get clean. The women will serve 90 days in jail and after their jail sentence they will serve 3 months in a rehab facility. What is also so amazing if the women complete the program their criminal records get a clean slate. These women don't know how lucky they really are that, they are getting into a program like this. Lucky enough to have people in the Criminal Justice system that care enough to even take their time to make sure they complete this program, because everyone else is so quick to lock them up and throw away the key. A lot of people need to understand that women are victimized at an early age and the "cycle of victimization" is what keeps them living this life of crime. No woman wake up and decides she's going to start selling her body for money. Most likely that woman was victimized at a young age and sadly that's stuck with her, her whole life. That's the reason why she sells her body. Most of these women have never known love and have never had that affection from their families. Therefore they don't know how to love themselves. They use drugs to hide the pain that they are feeling. Women don't deal with things like men do. Women will forever carry the pain from being victimized. It was so sad to me that the one woman Michelle Bailey ran from the rehab program two times & ended up right back in Wayne County. Not only to find out that she had hepatitis c and her liver was failing. I think it really took her dying to realize that she needed to change & it's sad because people do that. And even sometimes people dying does not even change their ways. I think all and all what I took from this video was that i'll never know what it's truly like to struggle with an addiction.. but I think it's up to us as a new generation as police officers to really set in stone rehabilitation. -dicaprio001

    1. I agree completely with what you said. No woman wants to live their lives on the streets. But something in their childhood that had a traumatic impact on them might mentally mess them up and cause them to have no other option for survival. if women are never treated right as a child, and throughout their lives, then they do not know how they should be treated. We then give them a label and they stick that label to themselves. Broncos001

  6. I think this video shows how treatment programs can work and cant work i think its pretty cool that they offer that in wayne county jail seems like alot of girls like it but at the same time i think not even half made it but shows that maybe if we put little more time and money into this programs that we can make it make make it were almost all of them make it never come back it looked pretty small and no money was invested into it i cant believe how hard it is for this girls to get off drugs and coming right back so its need some time and some work but i think it really could make a deference in prisons making prisoners leave clean and stay clean i think its really sad we can get extra toilet paper and girl pads just the little things should be give because you keep spanking a pissed off bull and going to keep getting a pissed off bull so they need find a way to help these girls out give them the necessity to live and treat them punish them little to but i really happy to see that there trying to help these girlscowboy001

  7. I thought that this video did a very good job of showing what goes on in Wayne County jail for women offenders, and what some of the problems they are dealing with are. The fresh start program was very interesting to me. Theses women drug addicted prostitutes were taken to drug court after an arrest instead of regular criminal court. Here they were offered the fresh start program, which is a conditional diversion program, which means that if an offender successfully completes the program their criminal record will be wiped clean. The program aims to get them off of drugs and keep them clean. The program is difficult and not may women make it through, of 109 women that have been thru the program only 40 have made it to graduation. Some of the women even run away from the program, in the video they said that there were 43 fliers that they were looking for. Overall fresh start seems to be a good program that is helping women in Detroit break their drug habits and stay clean. 7point62001

  8. This video shows the lives of woman in prison. It goes over what they go through in prison, and before they went to prison. Most of the females were victims of abuse, rape, and drugs. Some, go way back to when they were children. They get beaten, or even touch by adults that are supposed to be there for their protection. It is sad to see that the influences of their childhood are one of the main reasons they are in prison. Growing up being someone’s sex toy makes it easy for them to go into prostitution; since they feel as if their body is the only way to get money. One the other hand, when they get to prison, it is the same deal. When they run out of toilet paper or even tampons, some guards say the only way they can give them extra is for sexual favors. I like that they have the second chance program for these women. It is an opportunity for them to get back on their feet and not go back into drugs and prostitution. People that do minor crimes should be given that second chance and not just stay in jail where they won’t learn. bamboo001

  9. This is a very informational video on Wayne county jails fresh start program. It also talks about the unique needs that women need to rehabilitate. Women are different in a sense that they need a different type of rehabilitation than men. Things affect them on a deeper emotional level and this program helps cater to those needs and gets them off of the streets. Most of these women are addicted to drugs and result to prostitution to feed their drug needs. Chapter seven in the textbook talks about early puberty and precocious sexuality. This early opening to the world of sex in young teenagers can cause them to be more comfortable with turning to a life of prostitution to feed their drug habits. This program would help so many women if they were following it. There is some negative aspects to Wayne counties jail conditions they lack nessecary goods for women. Women need special hygiene supplies to keep them clean and healthy but these poor conditions and lack of supplies in this jail can lead women to aggression and be less motivated to complete these programs. But other than that Wayne county is doing a great job to give these women a great alternative to normal prison where they might get out and do the same thing again this helps as a way to change these women's way of thinking and actions to help them and their future. Bike001

  10. The fresh start program that the jail is using is very productive and will have a very positive impact in my opinion. One major thing today is finding new ways to rehabilitate instead of incarcerate. By helping these women heal and defeat the addictions they have we are able to teach them hoe to live a different more positive life outside of the jail. If w dont rehabilitate, all we are doing is throwing these women out on the streets from jail to just get involved with the same crimes that got them in prison in the first place. We also need to put a stop to the guards and the way they are treating the women. Clearly it is possible to figure out how much of feminine products you need to have to supply the women inmates with what they need. By not providing them with the products that puts them in a bad mood already with all the stress and anger they have and just provokes more fights between the inmates. Broncos001

    1. I agree that the rehabilitation is an important part in this process. We need to help these women get better and have them not end up in the same situation that got them in jail. I also agree that the right feminine products and resources need to be provided to the women. hawkshockey001

  11. There were several things in this video that were shocking. It's abhorrent that inmates are not supplied with adequate amounts of personal hygiene products like toilet paper and feminine items. Another surprising thing about the video was that some of the people in the facility were lured to the vices of the streets for reasons other than the drugs. I couldn't believe that anyone would personally want to live a life like that even knowing that it was destroying their lives. One of the women mentioned that she was capable of a prostitute's life due to her experience being abused as a child. This was interesting because the book talked about how early sexuality can lead to deviance and criminality. Another surpirising thing in the video was the woman who was very belligerent when taken into custody, but seemed cool and collected later. From what she said it almost sounded like she thought that she was two different people, and that the rational side of her was always getting her to distance herself from her street self. That might factor into some of the mental health issues that are suffered by many women who are incarcerated, or it may just be her trying to either distance herself from or rationalize the life style she was living. Another Surprising part of the video were how violent some of the people were, It is not common in our society for women to be violent, especially not violent for a large portion of time, but two of the female inmates had obvious potentially violent personal issues with each other. The most surprising part of the video was probably the level of violence that some of the people were exposed to in their lives. For example, at least two had been severely stabbed or slashed. CoolGuy001

    1. I agree with you CoolGuy001. It is disgusting that women are not supplied some of the most basic needs they should be given (toilet paper and hygiene products). It is not that hard to make a count ahead of time and make sure that there is enough supply on demand. It is interesting seeing that one girl say that she could handle the prostitution and say that it didn't phase her due to her childhood. It talks about that in our book, as well as any of the psychology books. What happens to us as a child is the bigger factor in what shapes us as adults. agentp001

  12. There were many interesting things that I was able to learn by watching that video! You were able to get a more in depth look at what its like for women in that jail and what they have to go through and what they have done to get there. I think they have some nice programs that they have going to try and help the females get on the right path and to get clean. I feel without programs like this the jails and prisons could become more populated. It is worth the extra money in the long run to fund these programs and to help the women. It was interesting to see that many of the women who were prostitutes were abused as a child and because of that being a prostitute didn't bother them as much. They did what they had to do so that they could get the drugs they wanted.

    1. I agree with you completely, but it think there should be more jails with these programs so a lot more women get helped. Most of the women get upset because these counselers dont understand what the women have been through. Hiring other women who have been in the program before will offer true compasion because they know what it is like. This "fresh start" system seems to just be okay. Women are trying to escape and not trying to get the help or they are just trying to get it over with then end up back in the program because they didnt care and just wanted out. Only 40 women are actually getting help, I think that number should be a lot higher. What also needs to be higher is the amount of feminine hygiene products. Its honestly pathetic these jails cant supply enough hygiene products. Atleast this program is trying to help rehabilitate these women to a "fresh start". cubs001

  13. There were many interesting things that I was able to learn by watching that video! You were able to get a more in depth look at what its like for women in that jail and what they have to go through and what they have done to get there. I think they have some nice programs that they have going to try and help the females get on the right path and to get clean. I feel without programs like this the jails and prisons could become more populated. It is worth the extra money in the long run to fund these programs and to help the women. It was interesting to see that many of the women who were prostitutes were abused as a child and because of that being a prostitute didn't bother them as much. They did what they had to do so that they could get the drugs they wanted hawkshockey001

  14. This video was so shocking and I could not stop watching it. It broke down the Wayne County Jail system and talked about the different programs that it had for it's offenders. It talked about the "Fresh Start" Program that helps female offenders be able to get a fresh start without being completely held back by the system. They have to serve two years while attending a group therapy, and after that they must go through rehabilitation. Once they have done so they can be released back into society. I do not remember whether it said that their charges would be dropped if they went through the program successfully. I think this is a fantastic idea to have, because so many women are hindered by their wrongdoings and it is hard for them to get back up after being released. Same goes for men. We need to ACTUALLY rehabilitate and not just ignore those that are in prison. I get it, they did wrong but that does not mean they do not deserve to be treated like any other human being. One thing that I find appalling about the Wayne County Jail is that they did not have enough female products on order. You would think that a women's prison would know that you should never be cheap with female hygiene products because it is not something that women choose to have, but women NEED to have. There are ways of counting ahead to make sure there are no run ins. It's not like women need these products every day, just a few days a month. I would hate to be in that situation. agentp001

  15. The video that we watched about women that are in incarceration was very interesting. I first want to say that i really like how they have set up the programs for these women so that they can get the help they need. These programs are also helpful because they give these women a "Fresh Start". This gives them time to get clean and work on bettering themselves. Without these programs jails and prisons would be over populated. Also the jails and prisons need to start helping these women with the products they need. I do also have to say that i like how if the fail the first time that the can have another opportunity to have a second chance in life LT001

  16. A majority of these women have some experience with drug use, leading to their decisions of committing crime. Programs in the jail such as "Fresh Start" allow these women a chance to rehabilitate themselves. In order to encourage women to attend programs like these, the courts offer inmates time off their sentences. Some women who are arrested and don't serve prison time, attend just the program to wipe their record. When these women are released from these prisons, they lack a stable environment because some of them have no connections on the outside. As we know, there tends to be less violence in female prisons in comparison to the male. More programs like Fresh Start would help decrease any violence going on now. If they offer things like a time off their sentences, then inmates are more willing to cooperate. For example, a person who was sentenced to 2 years in prison can attend a program to help rehabilitate themselves. In return for their efforts and success throughout the program, they receive something like four or maybe even five months off their sentence according to the two years. Improvements can be made in these facilities and lead to positive outcomes. Bry001

  17. I think this was a very interesting video showing what is really happening out in the world today. Gender roles have changed which effects women in prison. The aggression show in the video is surprising to me. Girls have taken on a new role in society, being equal with men. These women commit crimes similar to men and deal with their aggression physically just like men.

  18. I think that this video is very eye opening. I really enjoyed seeing what life is like in jail for women in the system, since I feel like most of information is focused more on men in the system. I liked learning about the programs that Wayne County has in their jail for women. The Women's Wellness program and the Fresh Start program should help these women turn their lives around. The Women's Wellness program was designed to help end the "revolving door of crime" that these women are stuck in. It is a 30 day program that involves group counseling to help women combat their anger and help them, hopefully, adjust to life outside of jail. The Fresh Start program is a rehab program for drug addicted prostitutes in Wayne County. This program lasts up to two years and begins in drug court after these prostitutes are arrested. If while in drug court, these women decide to enter the program, they are held in the jail for a couple of weeks and then are released into live-in treatment facilities. Throughout this program, the women enrolled in it must prove to a drug court judge that they are dedicated to the program. If the program is completed successfully, these women's criminal records are expunged. Both Fresh Start and Women's Wellness are intermediate programs, meaning that they are less than a jail or prison sentence, but more intensive than a probation program. I think that more jails should start implementing programs like these into their jails, for both men and women, to help to try to lower recidivism rates. EKT001

  19. This video did a great job showing how rehabilitation works in jail and how it is very hard for addicts to do. But it also shows that it can be a great way to turn somebody's life around for the better. These rehab programs will lower the recidivism rate jails and we desperately need them in every jail. But the problem is, there is not enough money for them. These rehab programs can be expensive. This may be why the jail shown in this video does not have enough tampons and pads for the inmates. Most of the money may be going to this program. Jails not having enough of the products that women need is a huge problem. Most jails fail to even buy enough for the women. Not having enough will lead to violence because he inmates will fight each other just to get a tampon. This can be a problem especially in jails like the one in this video. But the rehab program is a good idea especially for a city like Detroit where crime is rampant.



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