Getting Weggi' With It...Your Thoughts?


  1. Right off the bat Paul says that in Florida there are 150,000 people who are under some sort of community supervision. He also says that there are 100,000 people incarcerated in Florida. It seems crazy to me that there are so many people behind bars in this country. The recidivism rate is crazy high and the incarceration rate is higher than it’s ever been. Yet we’re still locking people up for small things (drugs, small theft, etc). I suppose this is why we need probation officers and such: to help keep those numbers down as best as we can. Obviously someone who commits first degree murder doesn’t deserve probation and shouldn’t be on the streets, but someone who was just caught with a kilo of coke for the first time should be given a second chance (not saying what he did is right but it also wasn’t terrible). This probation officer said that there are about 8,000 open beds in jails and prisons; absolutely not enough for the 150,000 people who are on probation. Gators003

  2. This video is great because it really kind of goes into even more detail with the statistics of probation. When he stated that he had a "10 year sentence" from beating his children and most of it was on probation. Really kind of surprised me because I thought a offender who beats their children would have to serve all of their time in prison. But I guess that's up to the judges discretion. Its awesome to see people who went to prison and go through a program that will help the offenders better themselves. Actually utilize those resources and get back on their feet and make something out of their selves. Later in the video he mentioned that in the state of Florida there are 150,000 criminals on probation. Which I found that is really interesting. What I mean by that is because as much as the Police Departments in Florida all crack down on criminals and putting them in jail. You would think that it would be less criminals on probation but. I guess local law enforcement is trying to show that they care about people lives and want them to feel human and not just some criminal. After he talked about how many where on probation he then state that there are "100,000 in prison." Which means that they want more out of prison rather than in.-K9003

  3. The number one thing that caught my attention from this video was when Paul and the interviewer were discussing how there was a new head of corrections coming to Florida. The man was the former Indiana head of corrections. They talk about how he is so successful because of his approach to corrections. His approach is to make sure inmates to not re commit crimes once they are released. He has placed more money into his probation roles than his incarceration in Indiana. This has actually dropped the cost of corrections in Indiana and improved their crime rate. Placing more people into probation may be benefiting prison space, correction cost, and crime rate, but there is also a shortage of probation officers. This overload on probation officers will cause problems in the future. I also enjoyed how the video broke down a probation officers job. It was exactly how Mrs. Weghorst broke down how a probation officer day goes. I found it interesting how much pull and control a probation officer has on a probationers life. I also found it interesting with how much a probation officer has to hide or control their emotions and bias when it comes to specific cases. It is a probation officers role to help the individual obey the rules set in the probation by the judge and become a better person for the community. -Bulls003

  4. This video was pretty hard to watch but I managed to get through it, mainly because of the interesting points that were being made. For example, Paul says that if not for probation, they would not be able to house all those people who have been arrested; there would need to be more jails/prisons. It also appears that probation officers, with their given amount of discretion, have the ability to work fluidly with those on their case load (if only we could do this more effectively in our courts/prisons). This allows for a better, more effectively relationship between P.O.s and those on their caseload, even when the offenders don't like their respective officers. The more I learn about Probation Officers, the more I respect them and actually find myself wanting to become one. CK003

  5. 150 thousand people on some form of probation and over 100 thousand locked up in Florida, in my eyes that is a really big number on both sides of the corrections system. They were talking about the new governor wanting to cut the prison budget by 1.4 million, I think that if that were to happen at the time this video was made it would be hard to have many prisoners locked up and I think that would make the probation side of corrections even more over whelmed. I know that right now America is working on getting rid of many prisons. I think this may make a spike in probation officer jobs because I don’t think because the jails will be gone that crime will just go away.

  6. It was interesting to hear the perspective of a former offender and parolee. The former PO seemed to have a similar attitude to Mz. Weghorst in that he wanted to treat all parolees fairly and equally. The former parolee seemed to reinforce one of the concepts brought up by Mz. Weghorst, like how it is important to treat parolees with respect. It seemed as though the former parolee had been disrespected by parole officers in his past. One of the things that stood out was the level of fees that probationers are subjected to, especially considering the inevitable financial and employment struggles that the people will have to face. However, it seemed like the state was taking proper action to help parolees or probationers find gainful employment. Employment could even be verified by pay stubs in order to protect the persons career. CoolGuy003

  7. This was a good video to watch. It really showed me the different parts of being a probation officer as well as being on probation. I agree with what Paul said about the jails and prisons being overcrowded. Without probation there would be no where to place the rest of these offenders. He even explained that there is 150,000 people on probation and only 8,000 beds. What I thought was crazy is when the senator for Florida that wanted to cut the budget for corrections. He wanted to take it from 2.4 billion down to 1.4 billion. I honestly think there is no way to do this without lower the recidivism rate first. If you do not put programs in to keep these offenders from coming back there is really no way a state can lower its budget for corrections. It would almost have to increase it because through the years the crime rate is growing and more e and more are being locked up. Max003

  8. I agree we need parolee probation because if not we would have another hundred thousands people would be in jail prison we dont have the room or money for that but on the other side we cant put thousands thpusands of people of probation or parole because if we did we need to hire more officer crazy to see what they have to deal with but but its part of the job cowboys001

  9. This video really shows all sides of the world of probation. Whether it be the side of the probation officer, the side of the Offender, and even the side of the public/employers. It really showed how the probation officers use their discretion in ways that are best for both the offenders and the public by either recommending someone’s probation be shortened or recommending that they continue on with their current probation time period. All this is really based off of how well the offender is doing and also taking into account of the offenders’ original crime. I definitely feel the respect that Paul Wells and Al Mccary have for each other, not just by the fact that Paul is willing to do this interview, but also in the way that they are joking with each other throughout the interview, and also how this whole show that Al has exists shows that he has a respect for the criminal justice system and wants the listeners to knows the ins and outs of it. -NOsaints003

  10. The number of offenders on probation is rather large in number. Paul Wells even stated, with out the use of probation, the jail and prisons would be even more crowded as it is. Paul stated how there are 8,000 additional beds in jail and prison, so not having those people on probation would be rather chaotic. 150,000 people would fill up the little 8,000 beds, 19 times over! So through out this video, it proves how probational system is extremely helpful when it comes to the current overcrowding jail and prison population. JZ003

  11. This was a good video to watch and to get more of an understand about being a probation officer. Most of the offenders that have been arrested for whatever their crime was they are most likely are on probation. It still shocked me that in Florida alone there are 150,000 people on probation, but I think that is not only just the type of criminals that are high end offenders, but I think it is people or just kids that have never been in trouble before and got caught with a joint on their person, but the law would consider them either harmful people or "addicts". Why is there only 100,000 people incarcerated those other 50 people are most likely high end offenders that are dangerous to society and that those offenders will just keep doing the same thing over and over again. I feel like that the people that are on probation think that it is a gate way to get out of prison. So let's say I was a murderer I get 15-20 years in prison I only serve 5 years and the rest I am on parole or probation. Do you really think that the family of the victim would not be happy because they are just going to think that I am going to do it again and that would be my label. I'm sure Florida isn't the only place with high amount of people on probation, but it is still a shocker that so many people can be on probation at once because I bet half of those that are on probation have probably been incarcerated since. GoodVibes003

  12. I found this information interesting and useful for what we were talking about in class about probation because this probation officer covers his experiences in the field. He mentioned that the prisons are over crowded, which it makes probation available for criminals to receive probation who don't deserve the opportunity. I don't agree that sex offenders should be eligible for probation because they are a threat to society even though their monitored by the probation officers. They are a threat to society because the can commit the same crime again and ruin another victim's life. Probation is a great opportunity for criminals who have less serious offenses rather than others who commit crimes against nature. -RW003


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