I Gotta' Be Simply Me and Defy the Group


  1. Going in the opposite direction as society is tricky. We all have our own minds and choose to use it as we please. Sometimes we win choosing to think outside the box. I don't feel like it's being an outcast it's just doing whats right for you. So in the video all of the applicants were just trying to make the best of what they had in their circle. Will decided to broaden his circle and use his surroundings to assist him. Thus he was going in the opposite direction of the other men. Another point is that this is on a individual level. What if the guy next to him used the table with him, would that cause the other men to try conform to their way of completing the task? Would they both get that "look"? DAM004

    1. I like how you brought up what if the guy sitting next to Will Smith decided to use the table as well? Would he be looked at funny by the rest of the group or even would the rest of the group then start conforming to Will and the other guy who were using the table and join them? There are a lot of different ways this could have gone. It's interesting to look at this scene in terms of group conformity.

    2. I agree with going in the opposite direction as society can be tricky, in this video will was very much different then the other guys and he was not ashamed to show it. He thought outside of the box and did what was best for him. His demeanor and personality was different as well as his attire. All in all he was a better fit for the position in my eyes because he stood out.~Mznurse004

    3. Going in the opposite direction of society can definitely be tricky. It's hard to be able to go against the grain. In my opinion, everyone is always just trying to figure out what is best for them. In their own circle of friends, familly or coworkers, everyone is just trying to find their place.

  2. Will stood out from the other individuals, he was his own person and did things the way he wanted to. The other guys were like blue collared individuals all very similar from the suits to the serious look on their faces. Will on the other hand was a T-shirt, jeans and boots kind of guy as well as a jokester with a whatever attitude. I like the part when he pulled the table towards him to take the test or whatever it was they were filling out, the other guys attempted to make do with what they had. Will thought outside the box and did what was best for him. They knew will would be perfect person for the job because he stood out from the others and his personality was totally different. From a personal perspective, I would have done the same thing because everyone isn't cut from the same clothe but one can take an individual and mold them into what they want and are looking for.~Mznurse004

    1. You will have an outcast in every situation. How hat outcast is perceived can change the entire situation. Thinking outside the box can be great in leadership. Giving options that maybe others would never have thought of. It could also bring trouble. Going against the nom is not always taken lightly.

  3. So at first I was thinking, what does this have to do with sociology? Then I was noticing that Will Smith wasn't conforming to the group but he was going against the group. I think most people out there would like to think they do their own thing and think their own way but when you really look at it, the majority of the people conform in one way or another. Just like the rest of the group of guys in this scene, they were all dressed similar and acting similar. Then there was Will Smith who was dressed completely differently and cracking jokes and asking question and basically just going against the rest of the group and that's not something we see all to often when it comes to groups of people whether they like to think so or not.

    1. Yes I would hope that I wouldn’t just conform to a situation. Especially one as vague as this. I have questions and concerns. I believe that often we find humor in things that go against the social norm. If I was in this setting and someone pulled the table across and it was that loud I would probably laugh and then ask to share the table with them. Great job and good luck in the class.

    2. I agree I also think we would like to hope that we would do our own thing. When really we would most likely conform to the group around us. Conforming is like second nature to everyone. If someone is within a group, in which everyone is doing the same thing, their natural reaction is to conform and do it as well.

    3. I agree with you mysonmyworld004! I would hope that I would have figured out a solution to the problem of completing the application in the same manner. Looking around the room, the participants weren’t given many options for finding a hard surface on which to write. If I were in the room, I would like to think that I would have pulled the table closer to me as well. When the table started making that Godawful noise, I would have laughed and kept going. Once in my space, I would have offered the table to others as well. If I were in the room and someone did that, I would still laugh, then thank them and use the table. ~happilycurious004

  4. I don't necessarily see that as defiance. I see it as outward thinking. Being able to go "against the grain" is a tricky ability. It is good because it shows creativity and leadership. It is bad because nonconformity can be taken very badly. Especially when it gets to politics and religion. Though it is not nearly as taboo as it used to be, there is still negative backlash that comes along with it. Being able to think outside the box could lead to many paths that are seldomly taken. I think that it goes along with creativity and artistic ability. Every group of people has some sense of conformity in it. Education, housing, consumerism. All of it has some sort of commonality.


    1. "Going against the grain" was alright to do, I thought when I was a kid, but I don't dare do it now. I have to simply "go with the flow" and keep my mouth shut. I do however think that nonconformity in religion and politics should not be discussed and kept private always. myboys004

    2. I think in our society more people need to go "against the grain." Will Smith's character was able to clearly problem solve the incapability of completing the survey/quiz and therefore successfully find a way to do such in a manner that showed the rest of the group an easier way. Isn't this what we want more of in society? I would hope that being different from the rest of the group would lead to more advantageous things. bdole004

  5. "Going against the grain" was what I was told growing up. If everyone else is doing the same thing, why are you doing different. Will was totally out of place, but he didn't mind it at all. He was just going to be himself. I'm sure the other guys wished they had come up with the idea to pull the table to them or even crotch down to the table in the center of the room to make themselves more comfortable. We as adults are afraid to do different when everyone else is doing the same, however children don't mind it at all. If you get twenty kindergarten kids in a room together doing the same thing, there is bound to be one or two that will stray and do their own thing. Is that because they are not afraid of haven't learned yet? myboys 004

    1. You mad a very good point when you said us as adults are afraid to be different but children don’t mind at all. I really have to agree with you on this. When we are adults I think we are too busy think of the what if’s and what others may think of us. But as children we are so careless and just want to play with our friends or with what we like without a thought or a care in the world. -JustMe1989004

    2. I think your point about children versus adults is spot on. Even in casual conversation kids have absolutely no shame where adults will avoid saying what is really on their minds. I would say this ties in with socialization. As kids we are not as exposed to society and don’t really care if we act different. Yet with more socialization as we grow up we lose that individuality and start to ac like those around us.

    3. I like how you made a point about children being more comfortable and that adults must always conform. I think that with children, they are more free spirited and have less to worry or think about. Children don't have many expectations to live up to and they don't have to watch what they do or say. They don’t know better. On the other hand, adults do have to watch what they do or say because more is at risk and there are more expectations to meet. They unlike children, are more educated and know better than to do something bizarre. -Happy004

  6. It is always easier to follow the crowd, than to be the one who stands alone, or be seen as different in society. In this video Will Smith clearly has no problems doing either. While most of the men in this video is all about being the best of the best and carrying themselves in a professional manner Will obviously does not so much. In this video he may seem as the careless one or the one who jokes around too much. Simply just because he didn’t care to carry himself as professional as the other’s or how he dares to use the table without permission while the other’s looked uncomfortable trying to fill out their paper work. But I look at this video and think he is the one that is going to go far, because he is the one who isn’t afraid to stand outside of the box. He doesn’t get intimated by his surrounding’s and isn’t afraid to fix a problem, such as his pencil breaking and not having a table without any guidance. With that being said I would say he is a better fit for the job more than the other’s. -JustMe1989004

    1. Love this movie. I like how you said he doesn't get intimidated by his surroundings. To walk into an all white room with men in uniform and a man directing with so much posture and control, it can be overwhelming. He could have walked in and quietly sat in a seat because he noticed he was late and maybe even under dressed. But he did the complete opposite. Noticing the fact that he was the "odd one" he then question what he was doing there. Which in fact no one answered said question.

  7. I love the Men in Black movies! Will Smiths character is always doing goofy things that no one else has done but it always works out for him. We becomes one of the best of the best even though in this clip he laughs and pokes fun at the guy for saying that. They purposely have these men take the test without anywhere to write to see how they react. As they watch the men through the glass they are looking for the men to come up with a clever way to take the test, they are looking for someone who is going to think outside the box. One man uses the side of the chair but then Will Smith just grabs the coffee table from the other side of the room. That was a bold move that no one else took. The minds that think outside the box, the minds that are not afraid to be themselves, The minds that are not afraid to make bold moves those are the minds that shape the world. We cannot judge a book by its cover. Sometimes the person we least expect can leave the greatest impression. RueTootie004

  8. First off, Love MIB and love the 90's. It is so funny watching these movies as a adult. Yes, I was a child when this came out. I notice so much more in the content and fall in love with the movie all over again. Now being in a Sociology class this scene means even more to me. I watch it knowing I am suppose to take all of this as a joke or funny scene. But in a sociology point of view this scene means so much more. The fact that he is dressed different, came a different time, and question what he was doing there all reflects main points in a socialist mind frame. Why did he not just conform to what was happening and why didn't he change his demeanor when seeing he was not "fitting in"
    Someone brought up a good point, that the higher ups purposely did not give room to write on their papers. Some people would think they need to just deal with it and fill out the paper work. But Will knew there was a table that could be used and did not care to ask. There is a table so he is going to use it.

    1. Yes I agree he did stand out different than everyone else. Like you said he was wearing different clothing, he was acting, how he did walk in late. He also noticed that the guy next to him still didn’t answer the question of why they were there. Everyone else opened the packet easy but he was have trouble and end up breaking the pencil.

  9. Even though the director was clearly going for comedy I think he made a really good sociological point. People will struggle to do something the same way as everyone else, instead of doing it differently and more easily. Just like the waiting room, no one wants to be different. Instead of going against the group everyone started taking the test without anything to write on. When Will Smith’s character grabs the table he clearly breaks that mold. You can tell everyone else is shocked that he would defy the directions given to them. Although he may have caused a scene the message was still pretty clear. Just because everyone else is doing something a certain way, doesn’t mean you have to also. Everyone learns in different ways. This video reminds me of something one of my math teachers always used to say. She didn’t care if we solved the problem a different way than she did (there are almost always multiple ways to do something in math), as long as we got the right answer. Even though Smith took the test a different way his answers are going to count the same as everyone else’s.

  10. This scene was created obviously to cause humor. Sometimes when people go against the grain of social norm it can be funny. The fact that he did not just conform to the group of individuals speaks volumes. We know as we seen in the video from prior weeks that a lot of times in society we tend to conform without even knowing why. I would hope in a situation like this I wouldn’t conform but maybe not be as abrupt as him. I like to know what’s going on and why we are doing things. However, if I were one of the conformers I would definitely conform to Will and start using the table with him once he pulled it closer. I’m sure that in an opportunity in choosing one person this kind of situation gives them a more in-depth look at who the person is. It shows their demeanor and obviously a person’s willingness to conform as well. I think I have to rent this movie now I haven’t seen it in years.

  11. Yes I would hope that I wouldn’t just conform to a situation. Especially one as vague as this. I have questions and concerns. I believe that often we find humor in things that go against the social norm. If I was in this setting and someone pulled the table across and it was that loud I would probably laugh and then ask to share the table with them. Great job and good luck in the class.

    1. I agree with you mysonmyworld004! I would hope that I would have figured out a solution to the problem of completing the application in the same manner. Looking around the room, the participants weren’t given many options for finding a hard surface on which to write. If I were in the room, I would like to think that I would have pulled the table closer to me as well. When the table started making that Godawful noise, I would have laughed and kept going. Once in my space, I would have offered the table to others as well. If I were in the room and someone did that, I would still laugh, then thank them and use the table. ~happilycurious004

  12. When watching this clip it made me think how different he is from everyone else. Everyone else was this clean cut person that went to this big college that their parents paid for and he is just this regular person off the street that doesn’t know why he is there or what he is even doing. Looking at the people that were giving them the test it seem like they didn’t know what they were getting them self into. The clip also shows that no matter how hard you work off that the person sitting next you that may not have the same education as you or the more money then you that they can do the same thing as you. People think that you have to have all this money and you have to come from this family that will do anything for you but when really as long as you work hard for what you want you will be able to get it.

  13. Conforming to society is what we all do best. Will Smith in this scene is the outcast among the outcast. He isn’t dressed up in formal military attire which makes him look completely different from everyone else. On top of that he is just from the NYPD and not from an elite branch of the military. I would have felt completely out of place and probably would have walked right back out. I would have never stood up and went and pulled the table over to where I was taking the test. I would have tried to be like the rest of the group not really trying to stick out among the crowd. In my house there is a little frame that states “Why try and fit in when you were born to Stand Out.” I found this really difficult, because I am perfectly fine not being noticed by anyone or flying under the radar.

  14. The point of this scene and the following scenes in the movie was that they wanted someone who could think outside of the box rather than having someone who only followed orders. The theme of the genius disguised as an idiot is fairly common because we tend to like these "outside of the box" thinkers and we ourselves don't always like to conform to the rules. They also like the underdog aspect. They had the street smart cop competing for a job against decorated military personnel who got to where they are by only following orders. Even when he makes fun of the guy for being "excited" about being there even though he had no idea what he was applying for, Will Smith's character stood out and avoided the group think mentality of "there are a lot of important people here, so this must be good"
    Secor22 004

  15. This video demonstrates the expectations of what society deems as a norm of a group. Will Smith's character portrays the person in the group that is not following the norm. Our society leads people to feel that you should only follow the norms of a group and not "think outside the box" or be an outsider or have an original "new" opinion. In more recent years this seems to be changing to accepting of change or differences of opinions within a group. But if Will Smith's character is the best of the best of the best than why wasn't he dressed more professional? Why did he figure that using the table was an easier way to complete the survey/test? Because having a group of people together provides an opportunity for a group to show differences and think differently or to problem solve. That's what makes changes move forward in a more productive manner. bdole004

    1. I agree with your assessment and to add to the thought regarding why didn’t the other candidates use that table? I think that they were all scared of being different or standing out that didn’t try the table. Fear of being different or failing prevents people from trying because we don’t want to be an outcast or not included in the group.

  16. It is natural to conform to social norms because that’s demonstrated in most families around the world at least in my generation. Today we see that deviance is encouraged by society and approved when there is an overwhelming desire for change. Will Smith evaluated his surrounding and saw that there was a need for something to write on and then find something to solve the problem. We also have an example another example with the election for President of the U.S.
    Donald Trump is not the traditional candidate. He has ran his campaign with cursing, causing division between groups and name calling his opponents just note only few things. Because there is a large number of people that want change from the traditional way he has gained popularity. He don’t conform to the norms society but applied rebellion and innovation to move the people to vote for his for president.


    1. I like how you point out that Donald Trump is an example of not following societal norms and using that to his advantage. People often wonder just how he has made it this far when he is seen to be just a huge joke but it's because he tried to break that mold of what is expected of him that he is doing so well. The thing that makes people hate him is also the reason they love him -Antoinette004

  17. I sincerely appreciate this video. I find humor in the reaction of the other participants when Will Smith pulls the table closer to his chair. Using a table to complete paperwork seems like an appropriate thing to do, in general. Within this group, however, almost all of them conformed to using anything but the table to complete their application. Why? Did they all feel a sense of isolation from one another because Zed said that only one of them will be chosen? I have to wonder if the participants would have worked better together and discussed how ineffective the chairs were to completing the application, had they not all been told only one of them will succeed. ~happilycurious004

  18. Sometimes going in the opposite direction then others can be a hard thing to do. You wonder to your self what will they think about me, how will they look at me? Sometimes you have to think outside the box and forget who is around you. Why does it natter what others think if something is benefiting you in the long run. Those guys looked all professional and here walks in Will Smith in timberland boots and a big hood jacket on. Wondering why hes where he was told to be. Think about it how were they suppose to write and fill out these test in a small oval looking chair that has to be hard it made me mad just watching it. I thought to myself now why wouldn't they have a little table in front of them. I liked how will was well y'all can sit here and struggle I'm going to grab me this table and do this! This beings me back to how I had my physical at the correction office and everyone was failing the sit and reach and I was struggling as well and you only get three trys to touch the ruler past your feet and I stopped doing what I was doing to turn around to the other deputy's in the room to ask them if they could at least hold my legs while I bounce up so I can touch the ruler because I has to keep my legs straight and not bend them and I did it. I was nervous to ask but I didnt care what others thought, I didn't want to be one of the ones who failed. You can only ask in situations like those, remember -no question is a stupid question. Pure004

    1. I know that sometimes we have to go in the opposite direction then others. I realize just because everyone is doing does not make it right. I really like the video because it does make you think. We have to be able to think outside the box sometimes to get things done.

  19. Men In Black is a really good movie. It is always easier to go along with the group. No one want to be different or make to feel like they don't belong to the group. Will Smith does a great job in showing that it is not always good to just do things because everyone else is doing. Everyone sitting in this kittle egg chair that looks so tight and uncomfortable. Will Smith was right to pull the table because he needed to fill out his paper work. those other men will be sitting there a long time. I know it is not easy to go against the crowd even when you know it's the right thing to do. This movie does make you think about some of the choices we make because of the group and not wanting to be seen as different.

  20. Sometimes going in the opposite direction then others can be a hard thing to do. You wonder to your self what will they think about me, how will they look at me? Sometimes you have to think outside the box and forget who is around you. Why does it natter what others think if something is benefiting you in the long run. Those guys looked all professional and here walks in Will Smith in timberland boots and a big hood jacket on. Wondering why hes where he was told to be. Think about it how were they suppose to write and fill out these test in a small oval looking chair that has to be hard it made me mad just watching it. I thought to myself now why wouldn't they have a little table in front of them. I liked how will was well y'all can sit here and struggle I'm going to grab me this table and do this! This beings me back to how I had my physical at the correction office and everyone was failing the sit and reach and I was struggling as well and you only get three trys to touch the ruler past your feet and I stopped doing what I was doing to turn around to the other deputy's in the room to ask them if they could at least hold my legs while I bounce up so I can touch the ruler because I has to keep my legs straight and not bend them and I did it. I was nervous to ask but I didnt care what others thought, I didn't want to be one of the ones who failed. You can only ask in situations like those, remember -no question is a stupid question. Pure004

  21. This was actually really funny but can be seen through your social imagination. Right away Will Smith is late to this very important gathering setting himself apart from the norm. He then also asks a question as to why they are even here, something everyone else just didn’t bother asking they just sat down. He also laughs at one of the soldiers for being all excited about something he knows nothing about. After that everyone gets a test and they can’t write on it and they make it look really uncomfortable. Will gets up and starts to slide this loud table that nobody is using to his seat while everyone is just looking at him like he’s an idiot. Will I feel like is a perfect example of someone who isn’t trapped in societies guidelines and in a way makes him “the best of the best of the best”

  22. Will Smith's role was played as a male who certainly was meant to stand out. He violated the social norms and the way he dressed and represented himself said it all. He was wearing a red jacket and the other men were wearing the uniforms. Unlike the rest of the men, Smith's character was more comfortable and relaxed. He was seen as the ignorant when showing up later than the other men. He was seen as the black sheep of the group. He didn't have much respect at the start. He, like the others had trouble taking the test and tried adjusting to their environment, but overall Will's character went beyond and felt comfortable enough to grab the coffee table and drag it over to his chair. He thought outside the box and acted upon that thought and it worked to his advantage. I thought that it showed that every man is for themselves and Darwin's "survival of the fittest." Will Smith's character was the best fit. -Happy004

  23. I love this! All the other contenders in the room are so prim and proper and overall "goody two shoes" and Will Smith comes in as the odd one out. They seem to want to make him feel uncomfortable at first because he isn't following the "rules" but because they are so scared to think outside the box and do something that the others aren't doing they make the situation harder than necessary for themselves. I think that comes into play for a lot us in our lives. It's scary to try to break that mold and do something that everyone else isn't doing. It isn't until they see that your way in possibly easier or smarter that they stop judging you for not following "procedure". Because of Will Smith not following what everyone else was doing he set himself at an advantage above everyone else in the room. -Antoinette004

    1. You worded this a lot better but my thoughts exactly. It is scary to break the mold and be the odd man out but as you said it put Will at an advantage even though everyone else in the room where seen and expected in a way to be better then Will. i would love to see a world where everyone is trying to think outside the box and people aren't conforming to the society laid out before us

    2. They are the example of most people in society. Would you agree? We are so judgemental when it isn't what everyone is doing. It can be something as simple as fashion. Why are we so afraid to stand out. Or be ourselves? -kylegoldheart004

  24. This video gives light to one of many situations that disproves what majority doesn't rule. Why do we not ask more questions? Why are we so sure that what we perceived of a circumstance is correct? And furthermore this video is a great example of how people response to leftward thinkers. People who see the space outside the box. If the "majority" includes the imaginative, inward thinking, and compartmentalized minds why do we consider majority to rule? Group conformity inhibits creativity. Group conformity is very conservative and every advancement that this country has boasted was and is on the backs of creative people who defied the group. -kylegoldheart004

    1. Disproves that majority rules*
      Includes less imaginative, inward thinking...*

  25. In this scene, Will Smith is late for something, and he asks why we're here. Someone replies with, "we are here because we are the best of the best, sir." He thinks that's amusing and that they actually have no clue why they are there. The meeting continues and everyone starts to take their test. Will Smith decides he is going to use the table to his advantage, since no one else utilized the surface provided to them. Everyone in the room looks at him with envy and jealousy because they wish they would have been able to think of something as simple as that. They all continue to take the test given to them. Obviously, in my opinion, that is why they chose him for the Men In Black. He is smart in common street knowledge, but also is smart in areas that the average human may not have learned.

    1. Yes everyone looked uncomfortable taking there test. And Will was probably thinking he cant take much more fidgeting around and trying to get comfortable. I like that he was an individual and looked for ways to make himself comfortable to take the exam. No one said you could not get up and move around and take the exam, so why not?


  26. To be "simply me" and defy the group I think is a difficult thing to do. As individuals we have parents, peers, and other factors that influence our interest in things. Especially in school where we all have the same curriculum. Its not until we travel around or start reading about different things on our own that we discover things we truly like. All the military officers in the room seem to have the same type of personality they were definitely fit for the job. Just like a person with an engineering degree can work for CAT. But nowadays head bosses look to see you if you fit the criteria and if you can bring something new and interesting to the work flow. Because these things is what boost the future and development of whoever you are working for.



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