Incarceration Odds: Race Trumps Income

Incarceration Odds: Race Trumps Income


  1. This article has some good points in it. However there are many factors of this study that can become bias. We don’t know much about the people who are being studied besides some of black Hispanic and white. We do not know where these people grew up or how they were raised. No matter what color you are and how successful you are all comes back to how you were raised and how focused one was on bettering their life. I’m not saying there is a not a racial bias in this country at all. Because when you look at the statistics of how many black people are incarcerated as compared to a white person this numbers are outstanding. This is something that does need to be changed and stop giving some of these rapist probation and giving someone with a little bit of weed prison time. There are a lot of factor to look at when looking at this study and whether there are other factors that have caused this data. Overall it was a good story on the topic. Max003

  2. No matter what race, gender, or religious belief we have, everything that we do starts with how our minds process information, and then how we decide to act on the information given. How we end up acting is based off many different things, such as how ones’ parents raised an individual, what that individuals’ surroundings are like, what kind of opportunities are available to them, and most of all the personality of that particular individual and what kind of self-discipline they have. I feel like many first time offenders’ original bad decisions are made out of impulse or peer pressure, thus whether you are poor, rich, Caucasian, African-American, Hispanic, or whatever, your decisions are strictly in your own hands. Sure peoples’ situations can differ and make it more difficult for one person to not become an offender, but not everyone that is born in the bad part of town stays there. They have become wealthy upstanding citizens just like kids brought up in wealthy and healthy homes have become the worst of the worst offenders. -NOsaints003

  3. I believe that one thing that plays a major role in the sentencing process is the judge. Most judges now days are typically white males. This may play a role in why there are so many more African Americans being placed in prison rather than whites. As we talked about this topic in class it can very on location. In some places most of the judges are African American and you see more Caucasians going to prison, but on the other hand in other locations most judges may be Caucasian and you see more African Americans going to prison. In my opinion the number one thing that has the most impact is location. Although the numbers in the article show that rich African Americans are being incarcerated more than poor Caucasians they may not be all from the same location and could be picked specifically to support the claim. This does not mean there is no discrimination in the criminal justice system today. There are many statistics that prove there is discrimination and I believe that it is definitely a problem in our system, but there are many cases going both ways than just one way. There has definitely been improvement with the racial inequalities in the system but I agree that there is a long ways to go. -Bulls003

  4. Is it weird that this article was slightly refreshing to read? With our knowledge that biases are a very real thing, and that much of the public is exposed to the idea that being a black male is basically a sentencing in itself, it is somewhat relieving to know that race isn't the underlying cause of imprisonment. Instead, it is the much more understandable economic gap that we can point to. Of course I do not condone that the upper class should be let off for any reason; you do the crime, you do the time. That being said however, in low income neighborhoods, jobs tend to be scarce, and even when jobs are plentiful, they still do not pay very high. This is why crime becomes so prevalent in these areas. When you need money to support both you and your family, there isn't much you wouldn't do. CK003

  5. The study doesn't show enough info on it to really show anything or why certain people go to jail more then others i think in more poor community any race there will be more people going to jail i think its because they think there being chested or they think the police think there better then them so theres this hate for cops for no reason there is more drugs i seen it with my own eyes i really believe its a free will think cowboys003

  6. This was a very interesting read. I personally think that no matter what color you are you always have choices in life. There are many people that are born into a family that sells drugs that doesn’t mean they have to sell drugs; they can choose to pull them selves away from that life style. Or if your poor and grow up poor in a trailer park that also doesn’t mean that you have to stay that way. everyone is different and makes different choices in life. As for this article with all the studies thon here I think that a lot of them people where ok being poor or ok only making a certain amount of money I don’t necessary think it has much to do with color. There are ways to better your life, it is harder for some then others.

  7. I believe that wealthy teens, no matter the race, are likely to be incarcerated. If we measure both level, the rich and the poor in a equal scale with the same amount of test subject, the rich would have slightly higher chance of going to jail. I believe that rich kids have more assets (Money) to spend on crazy thing such as a Lambo, buying drugs by the pounds (large quantities) to give them a sense of fun. Rich kids in general would be easier to feel how boring their life may be, because there aren't many things they cannot obtain, so they would more likely to go out and do crazy things. Poor kids are more likely to work harder to achieve items or goals they can not obtain easily, because asset (money) problem. When it comes to how rich black kids are more likely to be incarcerated then poor white kids, I personally feel that it is more on the parents. To be honest, I don't have a way to explain my view on why rich black kids are more likely to be in prison than poor white kids. Perhaps one of the reason for this study to be how it is, would be society's view and expectation on each race of people, therefore each race tend to fall into the societies expectation. Teenage years are the most important time for a person to shape themselves or find who they really are, so many probably unconsciously fell into a racial stereo type which shaped a individual. JZ003

  8. I don't believe that rich African Americans get arrested less than poor Caucasians. Because There are quite a few of people in the criminal justice system that don't want to see any African Americans succeed. Unless they have had a really bad history, that people take pity of. Referring to poor Caucasians, I think that they get arrested equally as African Americans do because half of the poor Caucasians probably live in the south where they get subjected to African American behavior. Which in result makes them get involved with violence. But in todays society teenagers in high school epically all tend to act the same, no matter where you live. Unless its an private or catholic school. That's because people will do anything to fit in, so they wont feel left out. But all of this only matters from what the parents teach their children at home.-K9003

  9. I don't agree with this article because any race can commit a crime and be incarcerated depending on their choices and paths they take in life. It's all about what people the criminals hang around with, such as drug dealers, or gang members that influence them to commit a crime. There are poor individuals, who commit the same, or more serious offenses as the rich individuals would commit. The crimes are based on what kind of lifestyle the individual lived and who they chose to be around that influenced them to commit a crime. I think society focuses on the economics of the criminals to blame for the crimes committed in the community, when the explanation for why they committed the crimes is depending on their childhood and the lack of support system within their households. -RW003


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