Prejudice, Diversity, Implicit Bias, and the Other 'Isms...Your Thoughts


  1. The video goes to show that there are is always another side to a situation. Not saying that Edward shooting little Tiffany was the right thing to do. Assuming that the monsters were the target, would be implicit bias. The way Edward saw it, the monsters were not doing anything wrong. The only suspicious thing to him was Tiffany would on the streets that late with a quantum physics book in her hand. I think the clip was more of a hidden message saying that police can be too quick to pull the trigger without actually having knowledge with what the real threat is. It is interesting to think that Tiffany was the only threat in the situation. Most people are drawn to stick with the fastest thought that comes to their head at the moment. being a police officer, you have to back up what you think and act on it. So sometimes it is hard to make the right choice. Bry001

    1. I agree, I think sometimes police may think too fast in a situation and actually end up making a bad decision. Or they could simply see that one thing out of the whole scene is completely different and focus on that as if it were a threat. I feel police should be trained, if they already aren't, to be more open minded of certain situations. Just because something is different doesn't mean it has or could be the target or seen to bring danger. Kt002

    2. I can agree for the most part with you Bry001. Kt002 however, you must remember that police officers have to make split second decisions. Sometimes these decisions can be life or death. Yes, unfortunately some of these decisions end up being a bad decision. I do agree though that police officers should be even more trained to be open minded, even if they already are. More training can be beneficial to both police officers and the public. Steve002

    3. I can agree partly with how you think police may be to quick to react. Remember though hesitation kills. If your a cop and you pull some guy over for speeding and he steps out of the car and you see him digging in his pants with an aggressive look on him are you going to wait and see if it's a gun? I wouldn't I would give him verbal commands and if he still doesn't stop after that then I am going to deal with the situation I want to go back home safe and see my family again. Life can change in a split second and it could be you shot instead of him because you hesitated and had to wait. In the end the number one thing for an officer is go home safe and see their family again. JE002

    4. I can see where you are coming from stating that police officers can react too quickly to situations. But remember that police officers are often faced with life and death situations and have to make split second decisions to save their life. Because of this, yes it can lead to some poor decisions made on the officers' part, but can you really blame them for it? CAE002

    5. I agree with you because the little girl was the innocent one in this situation and Edward was just be a dumb person and thought that none of the monsters were dangerous even though they were but it is what it is. Golfer001

    6. Since Edwards thought that the environment belong to the monsters, he sot the little girl. This can correlate with officers in real life because they also act upon their biases. They see someone in a part of town that they should be in and will stop them. bamboo 001

  2. This video has a lot to do with what was briefly discussed in class on Wednesday. Will Smith is being questioned on why he shot Tiffany and not the monsters. He explained that the monsters were pretty much in their natural habitat, but when he saw the unusual little white girl, Tiffany, he knew she had to be up to something. This kind of makes me think about how this is going on in the real world. Some officers do things differently that they see no problem with, which could very much deal with a bias they had no clue about, but in reality and in the people he or she may work with eyes, it could be completely wrong and looked on upon as an inappropriate action. We really can't control others bias's, but it is best if cops in these situations actually have a more opened mind. Kt002

    1. I agree with you. I think that this shows us that when coming up on a situation, you need to take a beat to assess the entire situation before taking action, because if you jump to conclusions and take hasty actions, it could come back to bite you in the end. EKT001

  3. This video was a great example of what we talked about. Will viewed the monsters as in there natural habitat and not posing a threat to him but the one thing that did was a little white girl with Quantum Physics books. It's just what we talked about like what do you think when you see a white woman at 3am walking down the street in a all black neighborhood which is also a high crime area? You also have to remember that police officers usually have less than a second to make up their mind on a life or death situation and a threat for you might be different for Will. For all we know he could be scared of a 8yr old white girl we don't know and we didn't see it through his eyes everybody sees everything differently. If he was to hesitate in real life on a real situation he could be dead he has to identify a threat and deal with that threat to save his life all in under a second and that's not something that everyone can do. JE002

    1. It is important for police officers to be able to make quick decisions like in the clip, and a lot of time those decisions are life or death. It is interesting how Will looks at the situation and decided to shot the white girl. He didn’t let the bias that all monsters as bad get in the way of his decision-making. 7point62001

  4. This video shows that there is always two sides to making a decision. Will Smith is questioned on why he shot the innocent looking little girl and not the fierce looking monsters. Will Smith's character, Edward, explains that the monsters were in their natural habitat. However, the little girl, Tiffany, was out of place and Edward thought that she had to have been up to no good. This sort of thinking can be found in policing. Just like we talked about in class Wednesday, if a police officer is patrolling an all black neighborhood late at night for example and sees a white female walking down the street, that officer's suspicions raise. That officer could be thinking that the female is a prostitute or looking to buy drugs. But maybe both of those suspicions are wrong. Perhaps the woman could be simply walking to her job or just walking to get exercise and fresh air. There is nothing wrong with an officer stopping someone they deem suspicious to talk to them, as long as it is not a racial reason why that person is being stopped. A lot of the time when an officer stops a person due to suspicion, it ends up turning out that the person was up to no good and it was a "good" stop by the police officer. It is important though for police to keep an open mind and not be quick to jump on a conclusion that may or may not be true. However, it is also important to remember that police have to make split second decisions that could result in life or death. Steve002

    1. You deffinetely opened my eyes a little bit to the situation. I have watched this movie a hundred times (it is one of my favorite movie series) and I never understood what the purpose of his explaination was. Now that it all was kinda spelled out to me, it makes a lot of sense. Edward is a genius. - AJC002

    2. I agree, this is a good example of being able to analyze your environment and understand the impact that each choice can have. Danger can come at any moment and just because a group is deemed to be bad based on bias bi-pass the bias and see events for what they are. -Eagle001

    3. I definitely do agree, that police have to make split decisions and they either make the wrong or the right decision. Sometimes they don't mean to, but it's hard to make a decision in a split second. Ky002

  5. Will Smith's character, Edward, is really kinda a genius and a smart-ass at the same time. In the session of training, no, he should not have shot the girl. However, his reasoning that he makes is actually really good and valid. Cops are there to disrupt everyone being themselves, but rather to stop outsiders from hurting the rest of the public. Now this little girl might just be a little girl, but I think the clues (where she is and what she is holding) might be a good sign that she is either a science nerd of is planning to bomb a city. Either way, Edward probably shouldn't have shot the girl but it makes for a good case when you back up to see the whole picture.
    This activity is shown in the policing today. Cops don't arrest people when they are sticking where they usually hang out, like near their homes. But if a cop sees a little girl walking by herself in the middle of the night in a neighborhood she doesn't live in, the girl is either lost of up to something fishy. - AJC002

    1. I agree, he probably should not have shot her in training, but I feel like he really knew what he was doing and he wanted to make a point about bias to everyone there. I feel like someone that wasn't trying to get their point across would have just gone through with the training like normal in order to prove themselves.

  6. Edward is giving quick observations into a room that has limited visibility, which he is still analyze the satiation at hand. Only shoots the eight year old girl based on the fact that it would only make sense that she could be seen as a threat. This shows when looking at certain events playing in a moment don't be so quick to make the wrong choice but analyze then make the smart quick right choice to prevent futher negative impact. Eagle001

    1. I agree that this means to analyze the situation more... The video clip can teach many lessons to today's officers and maybe even help them out a little. I would be interested in the reason as to why the training agency would put the little girl there in the first place. The video could also be a direct message to law enforcement regarding the shoot/don't shoot concept. OASIS_002

    2. I totally agree with this. The issue at hands need to be observed before the officer makes the decision that the suspect is an imediate threat to their well being and opens fire. Ciaccio002

    3. I agree when you mention that by hesitating and analyzing a situation before acting is important. Even though Edwards was surrounded by others who were taking action and firing their weapons, he remained calm and waiting for the right time. By thinking before acting, it prevents further issues down the line. behappy001

    4. I agree with you on how making a decision to make the wrong choice but analyze then make the smart quick right choice then having to explain why he did to avoid bad judgement. Also on how he had little vision and didn't know what was hardly going on and took the shoot with out thinking.adelle002

    5. i agree with this 100%. its always important when you have to make a bang bang decision to not always be so swift to make the wrong one even though it seems like the most logical answer. theres always another side to everything. RRM001

  7. WOW, this video clip can really go as deep as you will allow it. This can fit into so many different current events that are prevalent in the criminal justice world. The one that can to my mind instantly was the conspiracy of shoot/don’t shoot. Much like Edward, police officers are faced with many hardships while on the streets. I have never seen the Men in Black movies, but I am assuming that they are undergoing training. During this training, all of the other men make the obvious choice and shoot the monsters into next week.
    Edward looked at the situation closely and determined the only threat was the little white girl carrying the books. She clearly did not belong in this neighborhood. The video clip also correlates to the discussion in class about the white female at 3 AM in an all black neighborhood. However, in that situation the officer would stop and talk to her and not but lead through her brain (hopefully). I think this is supposed to send a message out to all. This message is to clearly understand a situation before reacting. OASIS_002

  8. This video show is a great example of the controversy between police officers and the public today. In the video, Will Smith's character and many others are conducting a training exercise where they must kill the aliens. Smith failed to kill the aliens because he stated that they were not up to no good and were basically in there right mind. When he was asked as to why he shot the girl instead, he stated that she seemed out of place and might be up to something with her advanced-level reading material. This ties into the class discussion we had about the white girl walking down the street of an all black community in the middle of the night. That girl could be looking to commit a hate crime or might be prostituting, who knows. This can tie in to the criminal justice world based on the fact that police officers have to identify potential threats. Because the aliens did not seem out of place, no threat was assumed by Smith's character. But the little white girl who seemed to not belong there seemed suspicious so he shot her instead. If the police see someone wondering around in a neighborhood where they know they likely don't live in they will stop and talk with them. In all likely hood that person could just be going for a walk/jog or could just be lost. CAE002

  9. i have never seen this movie so watching this short clip i remembered the example you gave in class. when you talked a young white woman being in a high crime area, your thought as a cop would be "why is she walking around the streets at this time of night alone?" she could me different examples of being a prostitute, drug dealer, etc. When Will didn't see a threat that those monsters because they were in their "natural habitat" so thats why he didn't shoot them because he didn't feel threaten. but he was threatened by the little girl because she was not in her natural habitat. An 8 year old girl studying materials that was far out of her complicity. the monsters didnt seem out of place but the girl was. aaap_cougs002

  10. I thought this video was good at teaching how to shoot and the aliens but one of them didn't do the right thing at shooting a little white 8 year old girl. People should be more aware of people they are shooting because they thought they were shooting the bad gut but end up shooting a police officer killing him or wounding him and the shooter of the officer might go to jail. Look a your surroundings and be aware of who you are shooting at and don't make the wrong decision make the right one and make it quick. Golfer001

    1. I agree with you completely and people need to make better quick reactions than shooting the wrong innocent person. This is what is causing gun more backlash on officers today. TRAINING. Cubs001

  11. This all comes back to the in class dicussion about the white woman being in an all black neighborhood at night. The cop was wondering what she was doing there at that time of night walking. I assume the cop probably thought the woman was in the mist of doing something illegal preferably prosititution. With this clip it was the same thing, Will didn't see the Aliens as a threat because in his mind they were in their "natural habitat" meaning they were where they belonged and didn't oppose any threat on him so he didn't bother about shooting at them. Little Tiffany on the other hand was out of place by his standards because she has advance level books for her age and was obviously "up to something" with having those books at this time of night that resulted in her being a potential threat to him so he shoots her. Kinda remindes me of what is going on today between police officers and the public they are hired to protect and serve. The public is lashing out because cops are shooting potenitally inocent people because they look like they are up to no good to be honest. Until cops fully understand that not all the people they pull over have a weapon or intend to harm them pulling a gun on a person who is in full compliance of your direct orders but because you think you may or may not have seen a weapon shouldn't automactically be a death sentence to the person when they arent showing any aggression towards the officer. Ciaccio002

  12. This video has a deeper meaning than it actually seems. Will Smith's character chose not to shoot the aliens because they weren't doing anyone any harm. He chose to shoot the little girl because she was in the aliens home and it may or may not have looked like she might have been planning to attack them or something. That just goes to show that there always two sides to everything, even biases. To a lot of people, the aliens definitely looked like they need to be shot and the little girl needs saved. But to some, it might be flipped. This scenario can be related to events today, such as an innocent looking white girl walking in an all black neighborhood late at night. A cop might feel obligated to help her get out, when in reality she might be planning to harm someone. On the other hand, there could be a Muslim man in his attire walking around a prominent community looking suspicious and police may feel the need to stop and frisk him or something of that nature when in reality he's just going to work. You can never really know what people's intentions are anymore. zmw002

  13. In this video, a lot of assumptions were made. Edward, Will Smith's character, portrayed "Little Tiffanie" to be the criminal out of the others. There was the monster hanging from the street light and the snarly beast who was sneezing instead of doing any wrong. From an outsiders viewpoint, the criminal would most likely be one of the two monsters instead of the little girl. It's important that Edward hesitated and analyzed the situation before taking action based on how the others around him were. He didn't choose the "white little Tiffanie" simply because she was white but because he thought deeper into the situation. He figured she was up to no good and that he had to do something about it. It's important to try to figure out one's intentions regardless of their looks. Whether you are black, white, muslim, etc.. everyone is capable of wrongdoing. And even if someone looks like they could be capable of causing harm, it doesn't mean that's always the case. Everyone has a story and everyone can do good and bad. behappy001

  14. I loved watching this movie, its on of Will Smith greatest classic movies. If I was in his position I probably wouldn't have shot the little girl but everyone is different. Then again you would have to consider all the facts like he did but more reasonable then his answer obviously. This is a great clip that shows how cops are today in society. Because recently you are getting more and more news about cops shooting African Americans males mostly, without justifiable means. Which increases a terrible bad rep of police officers and brings to question. What exactly are cops being taught in the Police Academy? The most important question I hear a lot today is, should they teach cops how to handle a situation with African Americans in the police academy? I for one think that they should teach officers how to handle all races not just African Americans. Because in the video that was a little Caucasian girl who was shot by a African American Agent. If it was the other way around, for example a Caucasian male agent shooting a African American little girl it would have been a bigger problem. So all in all I wouldn't have shot her.-K9003

    1. I'm sure that these officers are trained in the academy on how to handle situations with all races. It is not the lack of training, it is these officers doing these shootings of African Americans are not controlling their biases. Maybe they could benefit from yearly training on how to reign in these biases that we all have. There is no room in law enforcement for peoples biases. All law enforcement officers are well aware that they should be treating everyone the same reardless of race. The ones who are not doing so are making people have a strained relationship with cops. Every situation needs to be assessed the same way before resorting to violence. Every African American is not a criminal nor do they all have criminal intent and officers shouldn't assume it is that way. Which seems to be the norm anymore in this country. mommy001

  15. The video shows that there can be two different personalities one that looks the part of a bad guy and is not and the one that doesn't look the part but hide that they are really bad. I can understand his point why he shot the girl and no the monsters. That because of how she was so young walking the streets at night with too much of advance books just surrounded by monsters and she's not scared of them. How he didn’t want to shoot the monsters because they were doing innocent things and causing no harm. Also what I think went on was that the lights monsters and sound were distracting him and he didn’t know the situation and he shot her and didn’t realize it till the lights came on so he had to make up that excuse why he did it. Even though he wasn’t suppose to do that but gave them a reasonable explanation on why he did that to pass the test. Gose to show cops will say anything to get them out of less trouble for the action they took out of the extreme. Adelle002

    1. I agree that it is important to look at both personalities and reactions. It is a great example of how they might not look the part but they could be committing the crimes and the ones who might meet the implicit bias and look the part could be innocent. Bike001

    2. I agree that it shows how different personalities look at the same situation differently. I believe that this means it is important to have a diverse police force so that all personalities are represented. This would help drastically to improve police community relations.

    3. Judging a book by the cover is every persons first instinct. Police have to do this on a daily basis. When approaching a situation, the officer must analyze what is happening, along with what might happen. They must trust their thoughts and opinions and back them up with action. Bry001

    4. I agree that some officers see things differently. However, I do not totally agree with the thought that all officers will make up lies to get out of bad shootings. Yes, sometimes officers make bad decisions under pressure, but they all make up lies to get out of them. They simply state the facts they saw at the time and for the most part try to tell the truth.-OKC002

  16. I think this clip was a great way to show people that every situation needs to be analyzed. Just because the alien hanging from the street light and the "snarly beast" looked like they were evil to the human eye doesn't mean their intentions were evil. Edward took time to assess the situation in it's entirety and concluded they meant no harm. More of this needs to be conducted in police work today when looking at suspects. Just because someone is African American and may be dressed in so-called urban clothing does not mean they are automatically up to no good. With all these police killing African Americans they don't appear to be acting rationally. A person of any race, can be a criminal. Everything that is going on has made law enforcement as a whole look bad in the eyes of African Americans in this country. We cannot deem someone a criminal based on their apperance alone. I'm sure that officers are trained not to use their biases when conducting stops and/or arrests, but obviously this is not working for some of these officers. So, more in depth training needs to be conducted. The training should be given on a yearly basis, maybe some of the implicit bias test we took a couple years ago should be administered, lectures on how to behave reardless of the implicit bias one may have, as well as yearly pyschiatric exams. Law enforcement should never take action towards violence just because of a person race, which is bluntly occuring in our country today. Edward showed how they act an even though they may make the wrong choices are able to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why they made the decision. Such as Edward shooting the little white girl. Most everyone would have shot the two aliens but, he felt they meant no harm and the little girl was up to no good because of the advanced books she was holding in her arms. Just goes to show we cannot and should not judge others just because they look a certain way, that has no place in police work. Doing so is only causing problems and if allowed to continue we are in for worse problems in our communities. If people are not able to control their biases and other isms then they should not seek out careers in law enforcement. mommy001

    1. i agree you got to control your biases when in a spot just got to do whats right at the time not what you think is right because whats right to you might not be whats right in general or to the law some if you cant control biases then being a cop will be very hard for you in today's world cowboys001

  17. This video shows how Edward went against the implicit bias and shot tiffany because she was out of place in this setting. The rest of the people saw the monsters and did what most would do and kill the monster looking creatures. Edward explains how these monsters were in the right environment and how one of them just appeared to be doing his own thing and working out. Then Edward explains why he shot the girl because she was the one that was out of place and she was holding a quantum physics book which was suspicious for an 8 year old girl to have. This is relatable today because a lot of people are outraged at the recent police shootings saying that the officers only shot someone because of their race or the way they looked which can be seen as reacting on an implicit bias. Edward in this example shows that just because someone looks scary doesn't necessarily mean that they are a criminal or doing something illegal. an implicit bias is exactly what the rest of the people reacted upon because they thought oh theres a scary monster they must be up to no good which might not be the case. Bike001

  18. This is a great movie to watch. This part of the blog in the movie was one of the best parts. I know that it is suppose to be funny but I think that things like this happen everyday. Even though someone may look like a threat doesn’t really mean they are. It could be the young school girl walking down the road. I like that fact that will smith had reasons on why he did not want to shoot the monsters and then shooting the girl because of the books she had.

    1. you are right! like I said, you cant judge a book by its cover. The monsters could have been harmless for all we know, but that little girl stuck out like a sore thumb and that set off a trigger for (will) and like I said he read that situation differently then someone else would. camvilla002

    2. i love what you said Grunt001! It is so true, you cannot judge a book by it's cover. Will Smith in the end had good logic for why he shot the little girl, and he knew in his head that it was a decision he could stand behind. People may not actually be a threat, and those that seem the least likely to be a threat just might be the most dangerous! You never know with people, what is going on in their lives or what has happened to them to make them how they are. agentp001

  19. I think this is a very interesting movie clip to go back and rewatch. It shows that not all people will look at a situation and see the same thing. Different people have different life experiences and will then handle situations very differently. I think that this clip shows the need to have diverse police forces that represent the people living in the community. If a community is mostly women, then there should be a decent amount of women on the police force because they will be the best to understand and handle a situation with women because they will have similar like experiences. If a police force is representative of the community that it polices then there will be less friction between the police and the community.

    1. I agree that everyone sees situations differently. It can't be expected that people react in the same exact way as everyone else in each situation. This does not mean that Edward did the right thing by shooting Tiffany, but it is still an example that people react and see things in a different fashion than others.

  20. I found this video entertaining and enjoyable. Clearly Will Smith's character looks at things in a different way than the others, which is true in real situations as well. Not everyone sees a situation in the same way that everyone else sees that same scenario. Everyone has different backgrounds and therefore has different worldviews and perspectives on society and the people in that society.

  21. it goes to show there is always more to the situation than you think! will picked apart the situation and viewed it differently than everyone else, but when he described it hat way, you cant help but wonder which situation is the real one. one of the most famous sayings is that you cant judge a book by its cover and that's pretty much what we just saw. Everyone has different perspectives and its always good to hear and evaluate them no differently then you would anyone else. camvilla002

  22. This video is a perfect example of how a person’s view on situations can change the outcome. Will Smith’s observation of the situation completely changed the outcome. He saw every action being done by those aliens as nonthreatening, contrary to every other guy on that range. One alien who was hanging from a light post, was viewed as working out by Will Smith. Another was blowing his nose instead crumpling paper and charging the agents. And out of all of this, Smith shoots the little girl. He sees the type of books she has and makes the decision in his mind that she is up to no good. This, while a work of fiction, shows how people see different situations differently. This makes having a diverse police department essential. What one officer sees as a threat, another can see as a harmless gesture. This can prevent unnecessary shootings and a host of other situations.-OKC002

  23. I really enjoyed this movie and video clip as will smith is my favorite actor. But this video really proves, the outcome of a situation is always going to be different by a persons views. Will smith played this character perfect showing that he is more diverse and looks at things a different way. The clip also shows what diversity needs to be out in the real world and how everyone can do the same jobs not just a male or female. Each different agent had there own distinct characteristic and each could deal with their own kind. Shooting Tiffany wasn't right in my opinion though. With there being so many aliens no one judges a book by a cover anymore and they all treat situations different than what we would in our police force. cubs001

  24. This video shows the way different people think n and how they can react to a situation. There were monsters that other people shot; then there was Will Smith who shot little Tiffany. His reasoning is that the monster were the ones that were non-threatening, and Tiffany was up to something because of the books she had in her hand and the fact she was in the ghetto late at night. This could be used today as the fact that police will pull over a person with color in a primarily white town. Meaning since the town is mostly white, if an African American is in the town the cops might think they are up to something since it is out of the norm. Having a bias like this can trigger a cop into pulling the trigger on the African American even though they are doing nothing wrong. This movie clip shows what having an implicit can do. bamboo001

  25. This video shows how threats can be hard to see or completely misjudged. In the video the character shot the girl because she seemed the most out of place, carrying the advanced textbooks. Police officers today have to watch out for threats today because anything can happen and it can be anybody of any age or race that is committing the threatening act.

  26. this clip of the movie shows that there's always more than what meets the eye. Edward assessed the situation and came to the decision that little Tiffany was the odd man out in the scenario even though she seemed to be just an innocent little girl. this applies to real life by if youre an officer patrolling a part of town where "monsters" are around, and you see a little girl walking around youre going to know something is off about her being there late at night and will need to assess the situation yourself. RRM001

  27. In this clip is shows Will Smiths character and a bunch of other government officials going through a training shooting of fake aliens and civilians. The main men expect Will’s characters to be the one who shoots the aliens the most due to his background. All of the other government officials start shooting right away while Will’s character waits to shoot. Towards the end Will’s character shoots one person, a little girl with textbooks. When the men ask him why he shot the little girl he explains that she was the only character that was out of place. This relates a lot to what we talked about in class compared to how cops need to have a probable cause to be able to stop someone and have probable cause. He explained that the girl looked out of place and that’s one way of a cop having probable cause to stop someone. HHaggard002

  28. In the video we can see how implicit bias makes all the other test subjects see something unfamiliar as a threat while our hero is able to see past what looks like scary monsters to combat the real threat. While the example is meant to be felicitous it does illustrate the problem of implicit bias. Any person dropped into an environment that they are unfamiliar with whether cultural or racial is likely to experience some implicit bias. whether its crossing to the other side of the street when they see someone of a different race or assuming that somebody will be condescending just because they own nicer things. This implicit bias can also effect law enforcement officers if they are unaware of them, and it can lead to bad interactions with the public that can erode trust in police. CoolGuy001

  29. This was a good video to show people about being bias towards somebody just for what there doing or what they look like that you should abscess the sence before acting out really just look at whats going were its going on at then acted domt just acted on what you think is bad or what is bad in your part of town you cant just look at the book cover sometimes you got to read it because you be surpise on how many good book covers or bad and how many bad book covers are good so just really open your mind when handing something and really think into it not just the way you think but multiple ways of thinking cowboys001

  30. The video show that there are is always more than one way to view a situation. I’m not saying that Edward was right in shooting little Tiffany, but to automatically assume that the monsters were the target would be an example of implicit bias. In Edward’s mind the monsters were not doing anything wrong, and the only suspicious thing was that little Tiffany was “in the middle of the ghetto” with quantum physics books in her hands. I think the clip may be insinuating that police can be too quick to assume who the “bad guys” are without all the information about who or what the threat actually is. You need to take a beat and assess the entire situation before jumping to a conclusion and doing something that may come back to bite you. EKT001

  31. Will Smith's character chose not to shoot the aliens because they weren't doing anyone any harm, and in their own home. He chose to shoot the little girl because she was in the aliens home and she could've been up to something and she might not have been, but her just being in the presence of the aliens habitat. That just goes to show that there always two sides to everything. To a lot of people, the aliens looked like they need to be shot and the little girl needs saved. But to some, it could the other way around. This scenario can be seen in many different ways and outcomes can happen. You can't just shoot anything that looks like it's out of place, just like you cant shoot a person just because you think they're doing something wrong and in reality they are innocent, this doesn't happen all the time just some in my opinion. Ky002

  32. In the video Will Smith is in a gun range for a test with some other candidates and there are targets all around them. Everyone is shooting at the monsters except for Will who instead shoots Tiffany. When asked why he shot tiffany he explains that he thought one monster was just working out and the other is just sneezing, while everyone else just assumed that they were the targets he looked at it differently. So, instead of shooting the monster he shot little Tiffany. Will said that she was the only one that seemed dangerous; because she was a about 8 year old white girl in the middle of the ghetto late ate night carrying quantum physics books. She was out of place. Instead of just thinking well some monsters are bad so these must be the threat Will looked at the whole situation, and chose the target that seemed most dangerous. This clip shows that there is more that one way to view a situation and that things are not always as they might seem at first glance. You cant just assume things about people. 7point62001

  33. first of all, i love this movie. I love all of their movies. Now this scene from the movie shows just how crazy it is to look at someone and judge them by their appearance. Will Smith in the movie emphasizes "Don't judge a book by it's cover" and if it were real people and not aliens, I feel as though the other men shooting would have felt shameful. Bias is such a big part in the criminal justice system, and it is even worse for children. You might see a kid and label them as delinquent because they're wearing pants too big for themselves and seem a little rough around the edges. Maybe that child is going home to an environment where the father is a no-good child beater, and the family is so poor the children only wear hand-me-downs. An officer may be in a darker part of town and see that kid, and hurt that kid because they "seem" like a threat. This happens in every day life, and it is a horrible thing. I understand that there are people out there that are major threats to society and themselves, but just because another person looks like them does not mean that they will be like that as well. It is never good to assume. agentp001

  34. In the video clip the guys are asked to shoot at what they thought was wrong and all of the other guys shot the aliens except for Will Smith. He shot the little girl with the books.He explained that she didn't belong where she was and was to young to be doing what she was doing and that she was probably up to no good because of this. This can happen with people in real life too. They can see someone who doesn't look like they belong in the place that they are in and assume that they are up to no good because of that. This situation isn't just limited to the movie. hawkshockey001

  35. This is such a great movie. But in this scene they were asked to shoot who they thought was the threat. Everyone else went for the monsters and shot them except for Will Smith he shot the little girl. He believed the little girl was out of place and didn't belong.. therefore she was the threat. Many people in this world are judged just based off of what they look like. We do that a lot with kids my age & younger even as adults we are judged because of what's on the outside. People with tattoos and piercings most of the time are labeled as deviant. Why? because we associate people with tattoos as "rough around the edges". Labeling someone is something that we can't do with juveniles. Giving them that label so soon in life can ruin their chances of going further. Every time they try and go do something, possibly something that can better their life, they will always think of the day their parents called them stupid for example. I have a friend who wants to go to nursing school but her mom always told her she wasn't smart enough.. so therefore she's never gone after nursing school. Labeling also takes a huge roll in the criminal justice world. So many people are labeled because of what someone the same race as them did before them. We have to really look past a lot of these labels it can cause some serious trouble. -dicaprio001

  36. Will Smiths character shoots the little girl instead of the monsters during the training the exercise. He says it was because the monsters were doing their own thing and the little girl was too young to be out late and she was up to something because she had the quantum physics books which were way too advanced for her. This type of reasoning is used all the time by the police for good and bad reasons. This is especially used when it comes to juveniles because they can look out of place which usually means they might be up to no good. But even this type of thinking can be prejudice and can lead to the community not trusting the police which can be very bad.


  37. This video is relevant to the way the law enforcement is perceived through the media and society today. In some cases, police officers use their biases when they are arresting someone or, questioning their judgement in certain situations. Guns should be the last resort for the police officers to shoot the suspect because their judgement could lead them into being prejudice towards a specific individual. Shooting someone doesn't solve the situation because it can create a larger issue for the police officer if they take advantage of their discretion. The war and conflict between the citizens and the police officers are based on the judgement of the police officers who took advantage of their power and authority and took away lives of citizens when the situation could of been handled in a different way. The officers who take power to their heads are the ones who are ruining it for the decent, good police officers who do their jobs to protect and serve the community. -RW003

    1. I agree with your statements. Police Officer should only use firearms as a last resort and not a problem solving device. Simply going into a room and shoot up everything that is defined as indifferent is not a good mentality to have, especially one who hopes to be an officer one day. The bad apples in the Law Enforcement fields are definitely giving police a bad image in the public eyes. Only takes one to ruin a entire batch. JZ003

  38. This is my favorite part of the entire MIB series. It shows how observation is extremely important in the field which deals with criminals. Prejudice is extremely common in the field of Law Enforcement, because only seeing the outer shell of a situation, sometimes is not enough to complete a task. As stated in the movie, observation in a chaotic situation is important, because only the real criminals hides in the shadow. Others may look like criminals, but they may very well not be the guy you are looking for. This video also shows prejudice on others who does not look like one's self, and put them in a category of "Bad Guy" is a very serious problem, especially in the field of Law Enforcement work, it can mean life or death of a innocent man. JZ003

  39. Every time I watch this scene from men and black it makes me laugh. This scene really shows how difficult it is to depict the small things in an officers field of duty. In the movie clip the lights were flashing and they were dropping monsters from all directions and the only instructions they were given were to shoot. This just shows the stress and pressure that is placed on an officer in many scenarios and how they must stay calm and pick out the little things to help them make the correct decision at that time. Will Smith was able to analyze the situation and make a logical decision not based on what the monsters looked like, but what was out of place in the area they were in and who was up to no good. This is exactly what our officers today need to be able to do and not let prejudice get in the way of their decisions. -Bulls003


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