Rehabilitation: The Forgotten and Forbidden Sanction....

Rehabilitation: The Forgotten and Forbidden Sanction....


  1. Long sentences are not helping those in prison and this video was able to shed some light on why prisons are not being beneficial. Although both of the former convicts in the video being interviewed were from different sides of the political spectrum, they both had very similar experiences in prison. The fact that I found to be most shocking was the rehabilitation programs in the federal prisons were being scammed. The story he told about the computers and having computer learning based class, but all they were allowed to do was turn the computer on. If all rehabilitation programs are being cheated like this then the rehabilitation aspect of prison is being forgotten. The statistic in the video given by Mr. Smith was 43% of prisoners with actually educational benefits and rehabilitation programs were less likely to reoffend. This statistic shows that the rehabilitation aspect of prisons is benefiting prisoners and creating better communities. The new family programs that are being introduced are also having a positive impact on the prison experience. Another fact that I found interesting was the Davis Killer Bred foundation. This was the company that hired former convicts and gave them a job. Opportunities like this are very helpful and beneficial to those with a black dot in their past and need job opportunities. I felt like this video gave a real description and metal image of what actually happens in our prisons today.

    1. Honestly, I could understand these long, harsh sentences (for some offenses) if we were actually helping those incarcerated to be rehabilitated and come out ready to contribute more to society. Based on this video, it is apparent that many correctional officers are helping prisoners learn to hate society, and even more so, hate the criminal justice system. It's not really justice if somebody gets sentenced to twenty years for a minor drug charge, then can't find a job the rest of their lives because of it. Isn't there a rule about cruel and unusual punishment? CK003

    2. I also agree with you about the computer scam that they talked about. There is no real gain from them doing this but saying they took the class and got their write off. When they implement these programs and actually do them right they see great improvement in the recidivism rate. However the other side of the spectrum is that some of these prisons are private prisons and do not care about lowering the recidivism rate because if they come back then they stay in business. Max003

  2. This was a real big eye opener when it comes to being on the other side of the doors. I was really shocked on how much I learned from this video. The main point that stood out to me is when they talked about the computer class they had at the federal prison. They were given thee brand new computers and the ability to use them and learn a new skill. However they were not used that way and the class was basically a write off for the prison saying that they have given the class. It is very sad that this is going on because a lot of these programs help these inmates and keeps the recidivism rate down. Many of these guys have no skills and require to get into these classes to learn so when they get out they aren’t completely lost. One would be surprised how many people go to jail and do not have a GED or high school diploma or can’t even read. From working in the corrections field it is actually shocking.max003

    1. I agree with you, it was a big eye opener to hear the story of the computer. Most of these inmates do not have many skills and most likely don't know how to use a computer, and learning the basics of a computer could be the difference between a job or no job when they get out.

  3. I cant believe how there is no repect for guards or prisoners training sounds very lower the care sounds super lower they have no class for them beside a couple that didnt sound like anybody was trying to get those classes going you would think how under bug it these places are they would use there two smart guys for free to tech some classes because sounds like these prisoniers are very uneducated and not ready for the real world that what happens when you lock lower level criminals away for 15 years they really need to go throw fire and hire new people because rapes shouldn't be happening that much they should be able actually try to do a class not just sign a paper saying they did that dose not help anyone then there 100 % right some of these guys are really smart and have skills but they need little giddiness to use there skills in the real world and half way house should be in good order sounds like once agian they need some re doing maybe new staffs but we need to get there in sooner then later offer classes and better trained staff try get prisoners to have more respect for guards and staff the system needs a make over.cowboys003

  4. Politics aside, this video was super interesting to watch and also very informative. To be honest, it made me want to become a correctional officer in hope to bring some slight change to that side of the system; because apparently we're locking people up who don't deserve the punishment they've been given and, on top of that, are treated with no respect at all. I can understand that some of those incarcerated are just nasty people who don't deserve to be a part of society in the first place, but those who do are still treated the same as the others. Our system needs reform on all fronts, both in the courts and in the prisons/jails. If guards began treating prisoners with respect, a trait that our professor has preached about many times, then they will give that mutual respect back. That is why being involved in law enforcement is such a struggle for most; you must find a balance between respect and authority. If you lean too far in one direction, bad things are likely to happen to you. CK003

    1. I totally agree with you because. I bet you that there are more people in jail that didn't deserve than people in jail that actually do deserve it. It's funny that outside of prison they treat people unequally but in jail they treat everyone equal with punishment. which is why people lash out when they get released from jail. So in other words we do need to change a lot of things in our criminal justice system.

    2. I totally agree with you because. I bet you that there are more people in jail that didn't deserve than people in jail that actually do deserve it. It's funny that outside of prison they treat people unequally but in jail they treat everyone equal with punishment. which is why people lash out when they get released from jail. So in other words we do need to change a lot of things in our criminal justice system.-K9003

  5. It was really different to hear from these men that are extremely well educated in law and have many different backgrounds talking about how their time in prison was and how it changed from prison to prison. Even though these guys both had similar views they were also different and that made it easier to understand them. I could not believe the story that was told about the guard coming into the computer room and making the inmates turn on the computer, sit in the room and look at the screen for 45 minutes and then tell them to turn it off and that was the training they received. To me that is disrespectful and for a prisoner sitting behind bars all day, that could have been the high light of his month. By watching this video it is evident that inside the prison system needs to change, and I think it should change starting with the staff in most prisons.

    1. I agree man why would you send bunch of guys into room just to look at a screen you would think that just be big waste of his time and if he actually try to help he might get treated little better.cowboys003

  6. Hearing from two guys about there imprisonment and how they got back on their feet really was intriguing. Because hearing how they got educational help within the prison, didn't seem to great. For example being taught how to use a computer in 45 minutes. How do they expect to teach anyone in any subject, with their methods. Referring to rehabilitation for criminals they say that they want to help them but truly that want them to come back so the prisons can get paid. But there are some prisons out there who wish they can have empty sells. Which really needs to change and that all depends on who gets elected.-K9003

    1. The prisons do need reconsider how they approach the rehabilitation for the inmates by actually putting in the time and effort for them to get the skills and knowledge for the real world. There is no reason for the CO's to treat them like they are uneducated. The inmates are taking advantage of the programs and attending them regularly, so they can get the knowledge and skills that they need after their release. -RW003

    2. I like how you put it. Because at the end of the day they made the choice to do right. they knew and learned from there mistakes. They took advantage and did the right thing. Everyone knows right from wrong and its a free will to do wrong. LT003

  7. When I first saw this video, I thought it was a good source to have for a criminal justice major because it gives us the knowledge of what it's like for an inmate to be in prison. Also, what lack of programs are provided to them during their sentences behind bars. The prisons in the United Stated need to provide these inmates with the opportunity to habilitate, or rehabilitate themselves in order to fit in better with society and know the skills to get through their second chance at life in the real world. What shocked me the most about these former inmates' experiences is the CO's treating inmates like their not educated or have lack of skills when most of them have degrees in a certain field. The CO's job is to make sure the inmates complete the courses in order to fit back into society and succeed in life. They shouldn't lower their confidence by not giving them the opportunities to better themselves, or a chance to a positive life when they are released from prison, rather than them being behind bars again. -RW003

    1. I understand the reasoning behind the way CO’s act towards the prisoners. If they give some prisoners even an inch of confidence they will walk all over the guard, but we need to make sure that our officers understand that yes we need to keep control, but the ultimate goal is to have these guys understand what they did wrong, endure their punishment, and then re-enter into society having the skills to survive having obtained those skills through these programs that we are supposed to have available for them. -NOsaints003

  8. This two guys, looks well educated politician, it was rather surprising to hear they have been in the prison for a quite significant time, a year plus. It is quite interesting to see how easy it is for a politician to be throw into the prison. Through their interview, who can tell us about how bad the correctional system is than two men whose been through the entire process. Having heard that inmates were to only spending 45 min sitting in-front of a unusable computer, that was meant to be a corrections lesson, its rather ridiculous for any standards. This types of behavior will not correct any inmates, it would only make them even worst, because they would not know what is right or wrong. The government really needed to step it up, and fix this issue, because the whole point of corrections is to make bad people good, and realize what is right or wrong, but taking this system so lightly, it is hard to have this good plan to work effectively. JZ003

  9. This video highlighted many of the issues in today's federal correction system. It shows that prisoners show an aptitude for real life skills that could help them work in a legitimate capacity, but are being failed by undedicated corrections employees on many levels. The video mentioned that prisoners would find a niche or "hustle" in prison society; whether it be artistry, hair cutting, or giving tattoos to other inmates. All of these are skills they could use in a practical sense in the outside world if that skill was encouraged and expanded upon by the prison staff. The video also mentioned how prisoners were given the opportunity to learn new skills and even complete some level of education by the federal government, but these opportunities were overshadowed by corrections employees who for whatever reason were not motivated to help the prisoners learn. It was even said in the video that prisoners were going to other prisoners for help in learning over other prison employees. The way classes were run was another concern in the video, those in charge of the federal prisons were not giving a way to ensure that classes were being taught to standard. This leading to one example where a 45 minute class was given on computer use that consisted only of turning a computer on and off without any other instruction given. The video also showed how many prisoners were not having their needs met due to their own lack of money, it was said that prisoners are responsible for purchasing their own personal hygiene items. Making prisoners responsible for items like this is not only a bad idea because it could make that prisoner uncomfortable if she or he cannot do certain things like shower or brush his teeth, it could also propose a health risk to other prisoners due to his new vulnerability to different communicable diseases given his unclean state. Physical health was not the only problem counter intuitive to rehabilitation, prisoner access to mental health care was not adequate according to the video. Prisoners had very limited access to the prison mental health specialist, and when they tried to form their own self care group for prisoners with children they were unable to get the go-ahead from prison staff. The non-cohesive and antisocial environment that is natural in a prison also did not help to rehabilitate prisoners. They lacked a sense of community and empathy was discouraged as a sign of weakness, which would be detrimental to producing a productive member of society in the federal correctional system. CoolGuy003

  10. Kevin and Jeffs stories were very interesting. It was a nice touch to the video that they were willing to be open about their reason for going to prison as well as the experiences that they had while being in that environment. They both also had a different outlook on the people that were in their prison. This was probably because of the fact that they were incarcerated in different locations, but also seemed to have something to do with how they personally identified these fellow offenders. I found some of their stories disturbing, the fact that these prisons are doing the least possible to get their funding money and also the fact that we do not take advantage of some of these prisoners’ skills when they are trying to put them to good use. Both Jeff and Kevin are well educated men and were willing to give their time to help their fellow prison mates and yet they were often denied or just simply pushed under the rug to either save money or to just not give the prisoner the satisfaction of helping another person, that in itself is an act opposite of rehabilitation. -NOsaints003

    1. I agree with you that there needs to be a change in how rehabilitation programs are being run in prisons. If the programs are not using resources such as prisoners with high educational backgrounds to their benefit then there is something wrong. Also the fact that they are claiming to have specific classes that are never offered is corrupt. I also believe like you stated that some of the current rehabilitation programs are not rehabilitating at all and are only hurting inmates. -Bulls003

  11. I really liked this article. I have to say that i agree and disagree. As the man was talking about how these programs were being cheated out of what was really suppose to be going on. As a man or women you know what is wrong and after you have been arrested why would you want to go back. Even though they were getting cheated out they can still get whats need LT003


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