Social Structure Theories Explain To Sir With Love


  1. This video talks about how to be treated like adults and how to be reasonable and kind. He also says that they have to raise there hand when he is done talking and also how to enter a class room like and adult. He wants them to kind to one another and wants there kids to call women miss and men by there sir name. One way to be nice is to be nice to one another and treat them like you wan to be treated. There is no way that the teacher will take rude behavior and take bad tolerance from his students and they have to treat him with respect. We need to learn respect and treat other people with kindness and if we treat them with kindness they will treat us with kindness. Golfer001

  2. The problem here is that those children have not been taught how to behave "properly" yet. The children in this video clip behave the way they do because they are with other children just like them most of the day. Kids are grouped together by age in the same classrooms. Which causes most of them to imitate each others behavior. Since they have not been introduced to proper "adult" behavior yet, they do not know how to live up to their instructors expectations... explaining why the little girl interrupted the class. If she learned how to behave like a respectful adult at an earlier age, that would not have happened. Another thing those children have not been introduced to is how to use the word "Sir" and "Miss". They will soon learn how to behave properly and thus, completing the Learning Theory of deviant behavior. Stating that behavior is learned, it does not come naturally. Bry001

  3. The children in this video are rude and have not been taught how to behave properly as an adult. They are always around children that behave the same as they do and they know no different. By telling the children to address him as sir, call the ladies miss, call the boys by their sir names, and how to enter the room properly like an adult, the teacher is teaching them to behave properly like adults. As time goes on they will all become used to acting this way and it will seem more normal to them because everyone is acting that way. Because the children have never been taught these norms they cannot be expected to know them. Once they are learned however, behavior such as how the young lady entered the room the first time will be viewed as deviant. This is how we all learn social norms, until we have learned them we do not know that our behavior is deviant. 7point62001

  4. The children in the class room are disrespectful. The teacher's approach to the behavior stopped them in their tracks when the girl came into the room disrespectful and load, the teacher in a quick manner corrected her behavior in a second. He called the girl out directly, got her to play the scene out again only in a more respectful manner. the teacher when the student question him on what to call other girls the teacher quickly destroyed the students response with a simple phrase is there any girl you feel shouldn't be called mame. The teacher used respect as the social norm. He didn't allow for other students to tempt others to have a deviant behavior. Very powerful video overall. Eagle001

    1. The instructor is teaching them the "correct" behavior. Since these kids only socialize with each other, they have not learned adult behavior yet. Therefore, the instructor must show them how to behave properly in order for them to meet his expectations. Bry001

  5. This was showing theory of differential of association because like he said its monkey see monkey do the kid see kids acting out so they all do and they feel like its okay because its the normal hes kinda showing they strain theroy by saying acting like an adult is socially aspect able they need to talk right and act right and they will be acceptable but maybe they have to many bad kids these kids might keep acing deviant because some many other deviants kids around them.cowboys001

    1. I agree with you, that the kids around them are being deviant which may be causeing the others to conform to that behavior. I agree that he may also being using the Stain Theory to a degree that the kids may end up using the stress of humaltion to conform to the correct respectable behavior. Eagle001

    2. This was a very good video that showed how kids should behave like adults if they want to be treated like adults. The kids in this video act the way they do because the other kids around them act like that. Kids want to fit it so they will act completely different just to have friends. The teacher makes it clear that the kids do not need to act like that because they meed to act like adults.


    3. i agree these kids are acting on a monkey see monkey do basis. These kids are acting upon deviant behavior causing the class to think this is a social norm. The teacher reshapes the social norms making the kids act in a more respectable manner using strain theory to steer the kids away from acting that way in fear of embarrasment bike001

  6. This video basically is just the teacher saying if you want to be treated like an adult then you should act like an adult. He puts these kids by giving them a strict set of rules. He makes the girl who was late come in again because the first time she came in she was talking and giving excuses for why she was late, which disrupts the class and distracts others. This causes causes the other to not be able to learn because there are other distractions present. He also tells them to clean up and look presentable like an adult. This video also discusses that grades are very important.


    1. This video was a good example of the cultural transmission theory/theory of differential association at work. Children are grouped together by age, so they mimic each other's immaturity since they do not have anyone to show them how to properly behave. The teacher in this classroom is trying to change that and teach these children how to behave in the real world. EKT001

  7. The main sociological theories on deviance displayed in this video seem to be Control Theory and Cultural Transmission/Differential Association Theory. Control Theory is the idea that connection with different members of society leads to the inculcation of a society's norms, and bonds with the social groups encourage people to obey norms in order not to disappoint other members of the social group. In the clip, the class is the social group and the teacher is the one outlining the norms in order to socialize the children. The young lady who is late is negatively sanctioned at first and then is made to repeat her entry in the new, more respectable way. This action outlines the part of Durkheim's functionalist theory on deviance by showing how deviant behavior can be used to show boundaries and unify society. The video shows Cultural transmission theory by having the professor teach his norms instead of more deviant ones in order to socialize his class to be polite and not criminal. Sue to the brevity of the clip it is difficult to find any example of strain, social disorganization, or labeling theory since the students seemed to have the means to meet with society's goals legally, nor did they have the societal breakdown of social disorganization, and none of them were labelled as secondary deviants. CoolGuy001

  8. This movie is filled with connections to so many theories, I watched this last semester in whites sociology class and actually had to write a paper on it. This movie is something that i deff suggest you watch on your own time, especially if you have trouble understanding some of the theories. This movie can help you understand them a little more. I think a lot of the time people commit crimes because of the concept "nature v nurture" conditions biological and psychological. A lot of these kids act and dress the way that they do because they don't live in the best neighborhoods and their parents probably don't have the best jobs. To sir with love is a great example though that people can change & i truly believe even when it comes to crime and people... you can change. -dicaprio001

    1. Yes, I agree with you dicaprio001, this deals with many theories such as the control theory. Many people could change but it all depends on who is guiding them and what their surroundings are. Once a person sets their mind on something their is no telling what they could do whether is good or bad. Computers001

  9. The actions and attitudes of the kids in this video portray some of the qualities mentioned in control theory. The kids see one kid do something so they do the same to fit in. The teacher reshaped the social norms for the students and the students changed how they act. If we had more of this with our teachers and shaping how our students act in todays society i think we would have a more well rounded group of students and they would be more successful in their schooling. we need to have less of the kids just doing what the other kids do with their disrespectful acts because that just creates an endless cycle of non motivated students which creates more dropouts and cases of delinquency. This is very common with kids who look up to a friend that does delinquent acts and thats their only friend because they don't want to let those friends down. If these kids had better influences or "buffers" to keep them away from this mindset of oh he did this so i should do it too and all the other negative activities it would help juveniles tremendously.

    1. posted by bike001

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree. I don't know how effective teachers could be at replicating this though. In many classrooms teachers do not have the respect of their students to adequately go about administering this kind of discipline since many delinquent students are either not attending school or are living in a society where they are socialized to not respect authority figures, like in the kind of society described by the social disorganization theory. I do agree that having more positive role models as buffers would be a tremendous asset to most at risk youth though. CoolGuy001

    4. I agree completely with how you said that the teacher is reshaping the students and reconstructing the norms. Teachers are able to connect with students without many distractions. But they are only able to in the classroom. Thats why after school programs are important, so kids have a positive role model other than just being bored with their friends. Broncos001

  10. I'd have to agree with you on that; I wish we were all in a way brought up the same way but in a way I don't. i think there would be less conflict among peers if we all shared the same values. But also I think it's good that we aren't. Who we surround ourselves with is important because we can pick up and adapt values that we didn't have. -dicaprio001

  11. In this short clip, it talked about how these teenagers will be treated like an adult. How to show respect to one either and how to walk into the class room. I liked that because there are a lot of kids who do not treat adults with respect. I like how he was telling the girls to act like ladies, and telling the guys to call them miss. Most guys now do not do that, they call them other words to be cool. Honestly, I would have liked to have a teacher like this in high school to show others how to respect one another. bamboo001

    1. I totally agree with you that more teachers like this are needed at the highschool level. There are so many children that don't have a clue how to be respectful. They could all benefit from a bit of instruction on how to be proper ladies and gentlemen. mommy001

  12. In this video, the teacher is trying to teach these kids how to act properly in the real world. Children in school are grouped together by age, making them mimic each other’s actions, which in this case are immature since they are not around older adults who can teach them how to act properly. This would go along with the cultural transmission theory/the theory of differential association which were discussed in the videos we had to watch for the other blog posts this week. EKT001

  13. In this video the teacher is instructing both the girls and boys what is considered acceptable behavior in society. It played on the cultural transmission theory as well as the differential association theory. I find it very important to teach children at all ages what acceptable behavior is in society. If they are not taught how do we expect them to know how to act. All young people need proper guidance through the different stages of life if they are to behave properly. The kids in the video were teenagers so it was time they learned what proper behavior for adults is. I think the teacher did an excellent job in instructing them. Everyone needsv to be respectful of self and others. Children in today's society could benefit from a teacher like this. So many of them have no respect for themselves or anyone else. Eventually they will have to go out into the real world and what a shock some of them are in for. With their disrespectful attitudes, and distasteful way of dressing, and unkempt apperancces, they will not have an easy time making it in today's hard society. Way to go for anyone taking on the role of trying to instill values that are important to make it in the world into young children. Our children don't stand a chance without the proper guidance into adulthood. mommy001

  14. I find this video to be quite humorous, I want to find it and watch the whole thing. The teacher in this video is trying to instruct the children on how to properly act in society. He is being their good influence, and is in an environment that is meant for preventing deviance (the class room). You can easily tell how much a person can influence another. When the girl walked into class late, and he addressed her about it and told her that she needed to try again, she listened. She came in to the room like an adult and apologized for being late. The teacher said he would treat the students as adults because that is what they are and that is what they will become. He wants to make sure that he did his part in swaying them to keep away from deviance and wrong doing. agentp001

  15. I agree with you on this. discipline can go a long way in a child's future. Kids who get away with acting out will try to test the limits more and more doing worse things. But if a person is corrected on the spot, they will feel shameful and will know better next time. It is true that in order to succeed in life, you must try your hardest. You don't necessarily need to get the best of grades, but you need to put forth an effort and then you will succeed. agentp001

  16. This video imitates how when kids do not have a positive role model in life that they do not know how to behave properly and how to show respect. The teacher is acting like the role model who is going to teach the students how to act like adults. Almost like a Buffer like we learned in class. This represents teachers all over and focuses how sometimes teachers are the only positive role models that kids have. It also shows an example how some of the most basic manners and forms of respect like miss and sir, some kids do not even know. This teacher, by being their buffer will hopefully positively change some of these students lives by teaching them lessons and giving them manners and instructions on how to be successful and polite. Broncos001

    1. I agree that the teacher is being a role model for the students. He is showing them the proper way to act in that class room and in the community. By teaching them manners, they can then use those in their everyday lives. hawkshockey001

  17. This video clip was very interesting to watch. I think it would also be interesting to watch the whole movie and find out more of what the whole movie is about. I believe that the film is showing the social disorganization theory. I believe that the teacher is trying to take social control of how the kids act and teach them manners. By instructing them to call him sir, the boys to be called by their sir name, and the girls to be called by miss. He is teaching them manners to try and control their attitudes. He is also setting the guidelines for the class and how to act. These instructions could help the students learn how to act outside of school and help keep them out of trouble in their life. hawkshockey001

  18. Even until this day a lot of young children don't have any respect for those who are older then them. The message in this video is trying to tell us that kids need to be more respectful and responsible for themselves. The teacher straightforward with the class and got to the point about manners and what to say or do in situations like with the young girl and boy. It's real simple if you treat a person with respect they will return the favor back. I totally agree with the way the teacher was communicating and giving all attention to the class to guide them into doing the right thing and not end up falling to their own actions. Computers001


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