Stop and Frisk...Simply Explained

Stop and Frisk...Simply Explained


  1. Wow! I find this very surprising on how much outrage there is in the city. It is wrong on how commanders are preaching to go out and stop people that't wrong I would rather have an officer go out and have 2 good stops in a year rather than 100 bad stops. This has gone downhill due to the commanders the technique can work yes but they are pushing for officers to go out and stop the good and bad people. Just go out and have the officer decide who they wanna stop stop pushing this so much. Limit the number of stops and if you had GOOD officers they would go out and they would stop the right people and it wouldn't be unfair it would be very balanced almost 50/50 I am willing to bet. I don't see this change coming any time soon but if they would do that then the tension between the police and the community's would go down and it would be a lot better habitat for law enforcement then what it is now. JE002

    1. JE002 yeah wow really sums it up. There definitely was a problem with the NYPD and their stop and frisk policy. Not only were the citizens outraged, but so were the officers. The officers knew that what their commanders were telling them to do was wrong, but unfortunately the officers had no other choice. They either listened or possibly could have been fired. Steve002

    2. It's crazy that even the cops stopping the citizens knew what they were doing was wrong and it infuriated them. And that is a drawback to police work, you really have to do what you are told whether you think it is right or not. Unless you don't care for your job, of course. - AJC002

    3. It's so depressing that a big city like New York would be so racially prejudiced against its ethnic groups. I applaud Judge Shienlin for the fact that those stops and frisks were beyond unconstitutional and that the NYPD needs to slow its roll a little bit. The fact that in the early 90s only had 36,000 search and seizures, and only 8 years ago maximized that amount by 500%. It's almost scary to think what would happen if something of this altitude would happen in our own backyard! - JiminyxC002

  2. This is really an eye opening video. Stop and frisk is such a touchy subject. On one hand stop and frisk, according to former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, dropped the murder rate from a stunning 2,000 a year to roughly around 500 per year. Obviously it did have a significant effect on the murder rate, but at what cost? Violating peoples rights and using racial profiling? The NYPD's stop and frisk policy definitely had problems. It went from trying to get guns off the street to stopping and arresting any and everybody for the smallest of charges. Minorities in particular suffered the most from NYPD's stop and frisk. Just like Dr. White had told us in class on Wednesday, more minorities were stopped in New York than even lived there. This means that the same individuals were being stopped more than once. Stop and frisk seemed to do more harm than good. It created negative tension towards the police and the community. Just like an individual in the video said, "the police are here to protect and serve, not harass". And unfortunately, that was what the NYPD was doing more of, rather than serving their community proactively. Steve002

    1. This is an eye opening video because it shows you both sides of the subject and it is very touchy. I think that this has done great wonders for the NYPD and for them to drop the murder rate by 500 a year from 2,000 is awesome. Now yes in someways it looks like they stepped over the line but in others it doesn't if we could fine tune this some how and make this 100% fair it would be great for law enforcement and everyone. JE002

  3. You really know something is wrong when the people doing it are upset that they are doing it. The Stop and Frisk policies of the New York Police Department was outraging not only the citizens being stopped, but also the officers doing the stopping. Now, the officers were under orders and basically they do it or lose their job, so they did not have much of a choice.
    And the part about more minorities being stopped than lived in the city is just ludacris. I mean that is a perfect example of a broken system. And out of those ridiculous number of stops, so very few were actually "good stops." It goes to show that the law enforcement agencies are just like any other business. They try new things and sometimes they work, sometimes they fail. I think some people get the idea that the police force should be perfectly ran and never make a mistake, but really they're still human and error will occur.
    But errors can be fixed. Sure, the NYPD may have had a failing system resulting more harassment than law enforcement, it doesn't mean the department is not able to succeed and it doesn't mean the police are corrupt and abusive. It'll just take some time, but I believe the reliability of the police and the community's trust we be recovered. - AJC002

    1. I was in shock after seeing the first few seconds of the clip right when it popped up! The line of people waiting to see the judge! It is absolutely ridiculous. I have no problem with reducing crime rates, as long as it does not effect or violate the rights of the citizens. NYPD is doing a really good job at destroying relationships and ties with the community. OASIS_002

    2. I agree with your theory AJC002, I also believe that people expect the law enforcement to be perfectly run, that is why they riot and protest whenever mistakes happen. What they need to realize is that if it was perfectly run, then we would end up with basically no crime and we wouldn't be having these problems. zmw002

    3. Watching this started to make me angry. I see this happen to many times in the area I live in and I grew up around these people. We all know that in a perfect world police would have a perfect handle on everything but we don't live in that perfect world. I think in this case the people of NY have every right to protest. This is not only turning into severe racial profiling but it is also making it hard working people are now having to take time off of work to attend a court date just so the bogus ticket is thrown out just so these officers make the quota. Things need to change with in that department. This video shows that the people of NY are nothing but quotas to that department. Ciaccio002

    4. This needs to be stopped. It is getting out of control officers are just going around and searching young kids who look suspicious to them. No, that's not right they haven't committed a crime or done anything to be stopped and frisked. The police department is doing it to keep there numbers up, but they are doing in by invading the citizens privacy. AW002

    5. these officers need to take their jobs not so seriously. i understand the population in NY is crazy amount of people. but just worrying about the relationships of people in the neighborhoods would matter most to people. this does need to be stopped though. stopping random people with not having any probable cause is outrageous. these people haven't committed a crime or have done anything suspicious do have be stopped and frisked. aaap_cougs002

    6. These police officers are definitely under a lot of stress when it comes to this matter. It's almost like you have to pick and choose between what your boss orders you to do and what you feel is right, not violating people's rights. It is reasonable to understand how many of these officers don't agree with the stop and frisk policy. CAE002

  4. In the city of New York, New York, the action of stop and frisk is being overdone. While stopping and frisking can reduce crime rates there are other ways to do so. With all of the stopping and frisking, the relationships between the police department and citizens is declining at a steady rate. How can people trust officers that stop them every other day? While stopping and frisking can do some good, the majority of the time the subject has nothing to be concerned with.
    An alternative option to stopping and frisking, which is tearing the relationships apart, is to gain relationships with the people. If the police are able to build trust and confidence, then the city and police department can work together and communicate to deter crime.
    Stopping and frisking can be useful in some situations, but it has been taken to extreme levels at the New York Police Department. Even some officers expressed their discomfort with the concept.

    1. I agree, OASIS_002. In my opinion it could have been effective as well as constitutional, had the officers not racially profiled those that they wanted to stop and frisk. It's pretty sad how they went about doing this in New York.

  5. It's like literally everyone is unhappy with stopping and frisking, even police officers themselves. It really sucks for the cops because they're caught in between a rock and a hard place. Either they keep doing stop and frisks and irritating the public but keep their jobs, or they stop doing them to make the people happy but then lose their jobs. There is just no winning for cops. However, people claim that cops are doing it an excessive amount and completely violating the rights of the citizens. Not only that, but cops are doing it based on race. Minorities are getting searched way more than whites, and that is definitely illegal. I believe that with some changes to the law enforcement system and some better training for these officers these kinks will be worked out and we can have a more efficient stop and frisk system. zmw002

    1. I agree zmwoo2, we really need to find a better system to combat crime and gun violence. If the officers carrying out the orders are against it, and the community is definitely against it, I think it is time to find a new system. Something that hopefully lowers gun violence, but also doesn't abuse the community.-OKC002

  6. Wow this video is really an eye opener to the problems that are happening in New York with the over use of the stop and frisk method. I have a feeling in boils down to that if these cops don't make their quotas whether they want to or not or lose their jobs. This is why you are seeing more and more NY officers stepping forward about the problem. You aren't protecting the public you are harassing inocent people because you simply can. I am glad to see the public take a stand as well as the courts when it comes to these tickets being issued for no reasons but to reach a quota set by the police commissioner. I really think that if cops were to join the protest it would definantly speak volumn here. No one deserved to be harassed for the color of their skin. Hopefully this will get NY to see that some changes need to be made with this policy to not only protect the public in general but also those who are being profiled. Ciaccio002

  7. The video i just watched blew my mind. I can not believe that the New York Police Department is going around and stopping kids with unreasonable suspicion. They say that they have suspicion to believe that they are about to commit a crime. But, they still don't have the right to search them and arrest them because they haven't done anything to them or to other people. they are walking home from school or to another place all innocent. This is getting out of control. The officers are doing this just so they can keep there arrest numbers up to a amount they want it at. The don't care about the fourth amendment and the peoples privacy. Everyday they have officers go and walk around town just to stop kids and search them. The officers go through the same process each time, they first ask them questions and then they unrightfully search them. AW002

  8. The whole idea of stop and frisk is crazy. I understand the concept behind it, but the police officers were going about it in a way that is discriminatory and without probable cause or probable suspicion. The crime rate did go down, but it also went down even after the stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional, proving that the stop and frisk may not have been the true and only reason that the rate went down. It is clear to me why the stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional. It's too bad, though, because it could have been effective had the police officers not racially profiled those that they were stopping and frisking.

    1. I agree with you they took it way to far adding on to that with racial profiling.Just to meet there quota. Even though it did bring down the crime rate it still was mot the right thing to do. adelle002

    2. I kinda see this as racial profiling coming into play a little bit as well. I mean, they stop everyone but its kind of how if a muslim is in an airport, and you stop him instead of the other 50 million people walking by just because they're profiled to be "terrorist" Ky002

  9. I understand police officers wanting to protect their communities. but some officers just are doing it without probable cause. while the crime rate was decreasing, i feel as if criminals are being more aware of who they are around because of all these officers seeing "suspicion" in these random people on the streets. these officers walk around everyday around their towns just to search these kids. this is also ruining the communities relationship with the police force. how are these kids suppose to trust these officers if the officers are just searching them every time they seem them walking the streets? i am lucky enough to trust my local police force because our communities relationship with them are very close and personal. even though it's nothing like New York, but it just shows that the local police force cares more. maybe NY PD should learn to love their communities more and learn the relationships of people. i understand the bigger population, but what i am talking about is the neighborhoods. aaap_cougs002

    1. Yes, everything that the NYPD is doing is ruining their relationship with the community and its not surprising. I would act out of rage and be angry too if i got stopped at least 10 times a day because of a petty officer who wants to pick and seems to have nothing better to do than to stop innocent people on the streets daily. How do they expect things to get "better" when really they're the biggest issue. The NYPD doing these unnecessary stops is doing nothing but causing anger to their community and distrust. Kt002

  10. I knew that cops had pasific quotas to meet but I never knew that they would stop innocent people and charge them with a tick it when it was a stop and frisk and they did nothing wrong at all.It seams to me that the stopped and frisk is one of the reasons why people are not or do not trust cops no more because of this. I am extremely happy that when most of the people went to court or the summons and got thrown out. I think that they should lower the quota if the crime rate is low enough so they do not have to stop people that are doing nothing wrong and charging them to meet it. So the cops will not have to worry about what their boss says or will do. Then to only find out that it was manly black people and Latinos made me mad because of how they targeted them for no reason for what they were doing. Adelle002

  11. The fact that departments are asking for quotas is, in my eyes wrong. As the video stated, it pushes officers to make arrests that and stops that aren’t necessary. Yet, as it shows later on in the video, gun violence is so terrible and needs to be stopped. The fact that a mother can’t walk her child down the street without having to dodge bullets is disgusting. Some plan of action needs to be developed to combat this, but what can truly work? By the numbers stop and frisk is working, but in all reality it isn’t. It is succeeding in driving a larger wedge between the community and the officers sworn to protect it. At some point the community and the officers protecting it all need to take a stand against the monsters tearing their community apart, and not just the officers.-OKC002

  12. I have always heard rumors about how police officers had quotas to meet and had to arrest or issue so many tickets per month, but I just assumed it to be false. This video showed that not to be the case. According to the video, NYPD officers had quotas to fill, which resulted in increased stress and anxiety on the officers. This resulted in the arrests of many innocent people. NYPD officers were constantly stopping people for the most minor offenses, sometimes the 'offenses' weren't even offenses at all. For instance, in the video a lady named Andrea Hibbert said "I thought they were here to serve and protect, not harass". That's exactly what these officers were doing. An NYPD officer came forward in the video stating that "They wanted you to violate people's rights and make false statements in order to get the arrest". The stop and frisk policy has shown to be racially biased, most of the stops made were against people of non-white ethnicity. There has been overwhelming evidence that has led to thousands of unlawful stops. What I found most shocking in this video is that there was a report where police reports were found in a dumpster for the whole world to see. The NYPD just threw away some of the crime reports in an effort to make it appear as if crime is being decreased. Presumably to get people on board with the fact that stop and frisk is lowering crime. In actuality, it is not as effective as we may think. There was another report made in the video where a man named Jon Jewett was assaulted and suffered a rib fracture, cuts and bruises, and broken teeth. The police told him not to report the crime! Constant playground shootings and the deaths of innocent children began to change people's minds about the stop and frisk program. While I see why this would change many people's minds about it, you have to consider that this program violates your fourth amendment rights. Daniel Webster said, "Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy." and I couldn't agree more. CAE002

  13. Stop and frisk I believe can come off and be used either in a good way or bad way and in this video is the prime example of the bad. I believe stop and frisk is a pretty good method to use when it is necessary; when a cop is in danger, when they suspect other citizens are in danger, getting raw information, or an obvious suspicion that something could occur that might put others in danger is when stop and frisk is appropriate. Something that surprised me about this video is it basically saying that the NYPD only cared about the numbers of arrest they could get. They had no respect for peoples rights and seemed like the only thing they cared about was to make their police department look good when they really should have been serving to protect, not to arrest. To me its just a shame and i wouldn't want to live there knowing thats the only thing cops had an interest to. The petty things like stopping over 6 thousand people every year who were mostly innocent or the woman who got ticketed for walking her baby across the street is where i see this whole thing and the NYPD as a joke. And they seem extremely unprofessional with what was mentioned about throwing the crime reports in the trash and how they secretly planted guns on the street. Im not sure how NYPD is holding together now but i hope they made a lot of changes, regarding everything that happened around that time. Kt002

  14. This just all needs to be stopped and dealt with properly. It is getting out of control officers are just going around and searching anyone and everyone who look suspicious to them. No, that's not right they haven't committed a crime or done anything to be stopped and frisked. The police department is doing it to keep there numbers up, but they are doing in by invading the citizens privacy. These officers need to not take things so literal or serious. yes, the population in NY is loaded with tons of people and the population is huge, but just worrying about the relationships of people in the neighborhoods would matter most to people. Just like I said before stopping random people with not having any probable cause is outrageous. These people haven't committed a crime or have done anything suspicious do have be stopped and frisked, they're just doing it because they can. Ky002


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