Weggi's Survival Skills While Rehabilitating Using Probation

Weggi' Survival Skills While Rehabilitating Using Probation


  1. These three scenarios were interesting; it’s not exactly what a probation officer goes through as daily routine, but it gives a small insight into what goes on behind the scenes.

    In the first scenario, I was caught off guard when he pulled out the gun. I could clearly see the visible signs of the man being upset and angry, but didn’t expect him to have a gun. As the PO, I don’t know what I would do because there isn’t much time to think. This guy is pointing a gun at me and I don’t have time to reach into my holster and grab mine. That would be a very iffy situation.

    In the second scenario, I didn’t necessarily think the PO was being threatened. The man just had a dog (not a threat) and said he’d had enough “help” from his PO. There wasn’t anything violent going on in the home. When it says at the end “what would you do?” I don’t know what I’d do; there’s really nothing hostile about the atmosphere.

    In the third scenario, I don’t know how I would have acted. I do, however, know that the girlfriend needs to go; she’s a bad influence on Joe. If the drugs really aren’t his but they’re Lenny’s, she’s still creating a bad environment for Joe and she isn’t helping him come clean. She really had no right to tell the officers to stop bossing her around. As he said, as long as Joe lives there, it IS their job to make sure Joe isn’t around anything that would send him to prison, to make sure that there aren’t any drugs that he can get into, and to make sure that Joe is taken care of so he doesn’t fall into the path of recidivism. Gators003

  2. Hope he had a program to really be considered a recidivist....JustSaying003

  3. In the first scene i think i would have tried and talked him down if i could but if hes on a mission then only thing you can do is maybe try to draw your gun or fight for hes besides that i really do not know.

    The second scene the guy was getting pretty upset up only thing you can do there is talk him down till he relax and try and come up with idea on how to earn hes bosses trust or try to maybe agree to a term were you wouldnt show up at hes work try help him find a new job besides that noting to crazy was going on.

    the third scene i would have told hes girlfriend that we need a minute of hes time alone for we can talk and vist with him then when then if she got mad i tell her i didnt i do the crime he did he can vist with me and be free or you can see him threw a glass windeow and chill out we just want to talk be gone in 10 then if i seen the coke someones got to be charged with that its not just joinet little bag of weed then she got in my face start poking me i would have to tryed chil her out or put her in cuffs because she has no right to touch an officer especially after they seen coke then me and mr.joe i think was hes name would need to have a talk if he passed a drug test i give him another try but if he filed it we would really need to do some adjusting to hes program details.cowboys003

  4. As the officer in scenario 1 I would have tried to find out. Why the has come to the conclusion that killing someone solves the problem. Then I would try to fix the problem by working some type of an agreement out. If that doesn't work I would try to keep him calm while I call 911 on my sell phone up under the desk. Then go for my gun if I can.

    In scenario 2 I would absolutely talk him down. Then try to come up with ways that I can meet with him around the time he is suppose to be at work. Like meeting with him on lunch breaks or acting as a customer. But while I am trying to calm him down, if he gets hostile to where he may want to hurt himself or me. I would go hands on and put him in cuffs.

    Finally in scenario 3, I would take the cocaine and also search the rest of the house to try and find anymore drugs. Then place him under arrest because if I where to let it slide, like the officer in the video was. It may come back and mess up my career. So while I do that I would have the other officer keep an eye on them both while I search the house. Then once I leave the house I will fill out the (PSI) report and go to court.-K9003

  5. In scene one, there is a lot that could have been done differently. Specifically, why was he let in without an appointment? Also, who would just let him in like that? No, I get it. As an employee within the Criminal Justice System, you want to be the "cool cop" or the "nice guy," but when something this suspicious come around, you need to put a foot down. But I digress. As the officer here, the best bet would be to make sure the offender knows what he is getting himself in to. More than likely he is acting under heat of passion and is not understand that probation is a gift and, by following through with this, he is going to throw his life away; this is opposed to finishing probation and continuing on with his life. If that doesn't work then, like our professor says, "if you're going to get shot, you're going to get shot."

    In the second scenario, it is obvious that the suspect in question is just being unreasonable, but I do not see anything inherently dangerous about the situation. The best thing to do would be to sit and really talk to him about what is going on; making sure to explain to him why he is in the situation that he is, and how it can only get worse if he acts on any of these thoughts he has had regarding hurting the P.O.

    In scenario three, it's somewhat obvious to me what needs to happen. Granted, I don't know the backstory on these offenders, but first, all drugs need to be removed from the area; whether it be by myself, or making the suspects themselves dispose of them. Depending on if Joe is a relatively good/clean individual, we can let this slide so long as he lives drug-free and alone for the remainder of his probation. It is obvious that the girl he is with is a poor influence and will prevent Joe from growing or progressing as a person. CK003

  6. In scenario 1 during the clip there were many different signs that this man was extremely upset and that something was wrong, I think that first of all if the lady sitting at the front desk might have been worried she should have really stated that when she called the man in the office. But in that situation unless I could talk myself out of being shot, I would say that man already had his mind made he was going to shoot him. during scenario 2 I think the best action to take is to try my best to calm the man down and figure out how to solve his issues at work. I think in scenario 3 she was clearly upset she was caught with drugs and was really upset. In that situation the guy clearly new the drugs were in the house and she didn’t really want to take the blame I think talking about it and figuring out a solution would be best in that situation.

  7. The first scenario had plenty of chances to be stopped. Not that it would have mattered to much but the lady at the desk should have asked for a name from the male and his reasoning for visiting with Officer Mac, not to mention that before he is letting into a restricted area, he should have been searched for any weapons, or walked through a scanner that would have picked up the firearm.

    The second scenario could have been fixed by a simple talking to Joes’ boss about the situation, I would have told his boss that it was the job of the PO to watch his every move and not his. Sure his work still needs to be managed but in order for Joe to be able to be re-entered into society, he would have to feel like there wasn’t always keeping an eye on his every move.

    The third scenario is tricky, but Joe does not need that kind of influence in his life and if it is her house I would have had her arrested. Unfortunately, revocation may be in Joes’ future. -NOsaints003

  8. In the first scene it was apparent that some kind of shifty activity was afoot from the persons initial entry to the station. he attempted to go directly to the access point for the more secure parts of the station without trying to make contact with the front desk. When contact by the front desk he obviously seemed agitated and did not have an appointment. When this information was relayed to the PO he did not take precaution or follow procedure of no appointment no entry. He also let a known offender into a secure building whom he knew was agitated. People should not be able to access a secure facility without some degree of formal procedure. Had I been the PO the best course of action would have been to either come to the lobby to see the person or would have been to tell them to go away and make an appointment.

    In the second scenario interpersonal communication skills would have been an essential tool to diffuse the situation. From the first interaction it could be seen that the person was in a bad mood from the crossed arms and unpleasant greeting. When questioned about his job it was clear that the person was having a rough time and blaming the PO for the increased workplace scrutiny. When the person started to be belligerent it would have been good for the officer to re-establish control of the situation and ensure the person knows who has the power in the situation. After control is regained the PO should have worked with the person to develop a plan to improve the situation with the career and possibly explain why some of the previous steps taken by the PO investigating the job needed to be taken.

    The third scenario seemed like an open and shut violation of the person's probation or parole. In this scenario there was a second offense to the one that got the person in trouble before, and since it was witnessed by the PO then they would have needed to either use their role as law enforcement officers to arrest both the man and the woman for the possession of cocaine. The parolee could have been given a urinalysis to determine if he had been using cocaine, which would have been important for the judge to know at a revocation hearing. When the PO in the video did not do anything to address the woman in the video and backed up from her, they were doing the wrong thing. They should have taken control of the situation and arrested the belligerent woman. CoolGuy003

  9. This was definitely interesting to watch. The first scenario really through me off for one you could tell the guy had something going on and was very upset. The receptionist should have told him to beat feet because without an appointment you aren’t getting in. I don’t know what I would have done if the guy came in and pulled the gun one me. It really would have been a scary situation. One could try and talk hi way out of that situation since you can’t do anything in the position you are in. in the second scenario it seemed the guy was upset about him showing up at his work. There is not much you can do for the guy except try to explain to him that he was just doing his job and checking in on him. I would at least try to talk to the boss of his work and see if there’s a problem and how they can fix it to help his probie out. In the third scenario that is when you have to take yourself out of the situation to el it. The tensions were high between the girlfriend and the probation officer the best thing to do is to step back away and let the situation cl down. Once it is called down I would call for help from a patrol officer and let the guy know if you can’t comply with your orders then you will be going back to prison. Max003

  10. For the first scenario I was a little shocked that they simply let a parole into the back room without an appointment or without checking him for a weapon. I do not know the security measures that are taken at facilities like this, but It was clear to see that he was distressed and in a rush. I would definitely try to ask what has caused him to come in with a weapon and talk my way out of the situation.

    With scenario two the parole is getting worked up because of the situation at his job. I would definitely try to make a compromise with him as long as the rules that have been set are still met. I might have him check in before he goes to work or after just to complete the daily check in. As far as making sure he is at the job when he needs to be, I might drop by and see if his vehicle is parked there or ask a fellow coworker of his.

    In scenario three I would have started by confiscating the drugs. Then I would have let her know as kindly as possible that as long as Joe is living here he can't have distractions that can cause him to go to prison. I also would have informered her that if an incident like that happened again I would take more severe actions. Joe's girlfriend was not a good influence on him and was causing him to stumble during his time under probation.

  11. In scene number 1. The man seems very angry, and showing a sense of violence, this should have been prevented from the beginning by asking the reason of visitation without a appointment. I would have not let the man in, because he is without a appointment, but I could play the nice guy and talk to this man face to face behind the bullet proof glass (at least I think it is). Seeing the man face to face first behind the bulletproof glass is the best way to figure out whether the man is a danger or not. Last thing I will do is fire the guard who is operating the metal detector, because he probably fell asleep or something. The PO could have died. Scene 2, I would make a deal with him on keeping a down low when visiting the man during work, if he were to be fired I would find another job for the man and the agreement would apply still. I could also talk sense into him, by telling him that PO is the only thing stopping him from going to prison, so I would find a job that would be more suitable for his current condition. Scene 3, I would tell the new officer to sit down, because that is kind of upsetting the man, and when I find the coke like substance, I would take it away from him, and probably do the best of my effort to give him another chance. After all he's not a bad guy, and was pretty polite. JZ003

  12. In the first scenario, I would talk to him about what's the issue between us and how could I change the way I can get him through his probation. If he calms down after our understanding and agreement then I would slowly approach him and take the gun out of his hands. After that, I would lock him in handcuffs and call for back-up. Also, I could have drawn my gun if he attempted to shoot me, rather than threaten me. It's a tough situation, so you have to use your discretion as an officer.
    In the second scenario, I would calm him down by telling him how we could go about talking to the manager and see if we can get the conflict resolved. If not, find him another job so he can succeed and get through his probation without violating it.
    In the third scenario, this is where it gets tricky because they are both claiming that they have nothing to do the bag of coke and blaming each other. I could violate him for possession of drugs since he's on probation, but I believe people deserve a second chance in life since people do make mistakes. I'm going to put my trust in him that it won't happen again and make sure he knows that if he does, he will violate his probation. -RW003

    1. I like how you would handle these scenarios. In the first Scenario i would just stall him so i could pull my gun from under my desk and yes i agree then when the time is right put him in hand cuffs, or send of a shot to get the attention of my co-workers. Now the third scenario is defentaly a tricky one but you gotta remember if you work with me ill work with you. so if he has been doing everything i ask and giving me clean urine i would give him a warning and tell him to leave her and if i see them together again then its jail time.

  13. In the first scenario even the though the receptionist handled the situation in the way she felt was right she should have dine it the way she is suppose to handle it when a client doesn't have an appointment with their probation officer. When any client has to see their probation officer they should have an appointment because even if they do they would need a valid reason to see them. What I don't understand is that why wasn't the client searched at the front door of the building rather they are combined in one building or down at the court house they should be able to be searched for not their safety but for everyone else in the building. Since the client will not get charged with the same crime he committed before he would now be charged with first degree murder since he had the intent to kill the PO. If I were the PO I would have tried to get the gun taken away from him because I wouldn't want my life to be in danger when my client is going to be sent back to prison or jail. The PO should have called for back up if he couldn't handle the situation alone. When the PO said no need to shut the door he was right to do that unless the client just wanted a one on one, but then again his situation is already all over the court so I mean there is no privacy when it comes to visiting the probation officer. In the second scenario it mainly shows that probation officers are not trying to ruin their clients life, but it is to help them get back on their feet again and do the right thing. When the client starts to have an attitude about the his PO showing up without notice again he starts to have issues that he is snooping around the house, finding out what he is doing at work, and that the PO is asking family and friends what he doing when is around them. If I were the PO in that situation and my client was getting mad that I'm doing all of the snooping not only am I doing my job, but I would want the client to make sure that he or she doesn't end going to prison or end up going back because they are violating their probation. When the client got really upset about how is boss found out that he did time I could probably think that he wanted to punch him in the face. Well your boss still needs to know to keep a eye on them so that they don't end going to work high or drunk because it will just ruin his chance on keeping the job and having it reported back to the PO. In the last scenario it was the same people only with another PO and the clients girlfriend. I noticed when the other PO was looking down at the coffee table I felt like she should've called him out on it because he already violated one of the rules of probation, but she didn't when she really should have. When the girlfriend pulled the pillow there was cocaine on the couch and didn't think that the PO wouldn't noticed. It still surprises me that the girlfriend went off on the PO because she was getting mad that he was trying to calm her down and try to talk to her like an adult plus trying to say that the client will go to prison if he get's caught with drugs. The one thing the PO shouldn't have done was back away when the women got up near him and started yelling at them. That would be obstructing a peace officer and she would of ended up in the same situation that the client was in. GoodVibes003

  14. In the first scenerio, as the receptionist did a good job, I would have asked for his name, before I had contacted the PO. I also would have asked what I could help him with since he clearly looked agitated. I would have also relayed that info to the PO. In the second scenario, He was very upset and I wouldn't have done anything different. When he got upset, I would have asked him to talk about it and what I could do to help him. In the third scenario, I would have searched the house after I saw the coke. In my opinion, having a hard drug such as that, you don't get a freebie. I would tell one of them to own it, or you both are going down for it. There is no excuse to be doing that at all, let alone on parole or probation. JE003

  15. In this video I watched three different Probation officer visit. In scenario 1 for the way the man came in and i know office policies, no visit without an appointment, I would have never assisted him further then that. But as a women we tend to have soft spots and want to help people who is having a bad day. He got through and from that point you cant do much when someone has there fingers on the trigger. But see me, I am a carry concealed licensed carrier. If I could i would try to stall him so i could reach my handgun from under my desktop. Keep it in arms reach at all times. In scenario 2 once entering the house and look around I would not ask hows the job i would ask how is everything first. Because looking at the mess you can tell he has not been to work. I would have to report him, but then again it is your fault he is suspend but understand your only doing your job. In scenario 3 GOOD QUESTION!!! what would i do. Of course i would have to report him and i would have had to call the police but i wouldn't. I would just give him a chance to get rid of the girl because of her, there was coke found and the way she reacted she is a bad influence on him.


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