Active Shooter Presentation...Basics for Preservation


  1. This training course for dealing with an active shooting satiation will help to save the lives of many as these is a more effective method of dealing with a sitition. I also believe that teaching people how to react in such a critical method beforehand will reduce panic which will help to protect more people from getting injured. It’s also a better idea if people don't have the ability to escape or die that people are being trained to know fight back in a life or death moment when faced with such a hard moment. This active shooter training course will also help to inform every one of their role in this horrible act, doing that will ensure that law enforcement will not have as many stressful struggles to deal with as everyone to some level will be trained what to do at such a critical time period. Also, by informing everyone in a location that an active shooting sitition is taking place this will help to keep people aware of what is happening causing less casualties as everyone wouldn’t be in a more drawn out state of panic. Also by having officers that are trained to deal with this happening this makes a quicker response time with a quicker responds time this will lead to a quicker resolve time. Another idea that the couple mins that would be wasted trying to get law enforcement agents to the scene could cause more loss of life so by saving time by having officers trained within a given area this can have a greater drawn effect of helping to prevent people from losing their life’s. I also, believe by all students working together to prevent death of their classmates or themselves this helps to ensure that people will try to commit apporite tasks to ensure the safety or themselves or their peers. Eagle001

    1. I totally agree that this training will help reduce panic in an active shooter situation. Most of us don't stop to think about what we would do if placed in this situation. Too many people are of the attitude that it won't happen on their campus. This course should the reality that no campus is immune and in order to be prepared and survive we all need an active plan in place. The better prepared people are the less lives will be lost in an active shooter situation. I plan on sharing this information with everyone I can. It would be a valuable training for all classes on campus not just the criminal justice classes. It was great to have the information but I think it should include all classes campus wide. I for one feel much more confident that I would be able to survive an active shooter situation now that I have had this training.mommy0001

    2. I agree with the training and how it will reduce panic. In the video it explains step by step in how to properly react if this situation comes about. It's important that these videos are made because they can help staff and students worldwide. Having a quick responding is critical as well. I agree with everything you said! behappy001

  2. This was a very informative presentation and it relayed valuable information into the hand of students that can spread these tips to others. The Active Shooter presentation taught me a plethora of new strategies and skills. I have been through another active shooting seminar this past summer at Police Explorer Nationals and it gave some of the same ideas. This presentation was more relatable and real for me because it is referring to a place that I come five days a week.
    I feel like all students should be given this presentation. I am currently the treasurer for the Student Government Association and I am going to bring forth the idea to spread this information even further throughout campus. While some actions are being made, I feel as if more should be done to ensure student and faculty safety.
    The most interesting idea brought about in this presentation in my opinion is that over 60 percent of these shootings are concluded before police can arrive on scene. I feel very protected and secure knowing that we have armed police officers at our campus in order to put an end to the suspect.
    Another interesting concept is to always have two safe routes out of any place that you enter. I can tell even with my background in police explorers, I still do not do this. I get in my daily routine and am not even aware of my surroundings. This is something that I personally need to improve upon.
    I am very grateful for Chief coming to present this valuable information with our class. I think it is now our turn to take further action to relay these life-saving messages. oasis_002

    1. I thought that it was very informational as well. I think it would be great if you brought that forth, oasis_002. This is very good information to be aware of, and it could save a lot of lives. I think it's great that Chief is sharing this video with students and faculty. It was quite surprising to me that so many of the shootings are already done and over with by the time that police arrive on the scene. This just goes to show that everyone needs to be prepared and be aware of what to do in a horrible situation such as an active shooting.

    2. I agree just because it is like a car accident. It can be over in mintes just right when help arrives. And they have to see the after math of it. How the scean might traumatize the police or more.adelle002

  3. This video was very helpful. I have never really had this broke down before for me personally so this was my first experience to this kind of video. Really how they lay out what you are supposed to do its very simple and a whole lot simpler than you would think for such a terrible and hard situation. This video broke down all the steps that you are supposed to do during this kind of situation. It also showed many examples of what to do so you would know what to do and how to do it if you are put in this situation. It also shows many techniques on how to lock doors and barricade it shut and how to fight back and take control of the shooter if you must do that. Its a great thing that many colleges and universities around the world are putting videos out like this. It's a bad thing that this is a "common" thing it today's world but its not really. Its sad that something like this had to happen in the first place and its sad that it keeps happening. But for every time this happens we have something to learn about it and take away from it and to make it harder for it to happen and how to do a better job of stopping it if it does happen. Its a great thing that we are teaching students how to defend themselves and protect themselves in situations like this and it shows for students and people alone who go through courses and or watch videos about this, it shows it saves lives which is a great thing! Lets hope sometime in the future that with all this teaching of the students and the training by law enforcement and all the effort that goes into this to make sure it doesn't happen that we actually stop all incidents from happening which would be great but is going to be very hard to do that. JE002

    1. Videos like this are definitely an important thing to show students in really all levels of education. Active shooting incidents are the worst nightmare of any parent, faculty member, child, and police officer. The steps shown in this video are simple at first, but I wonder just how simple they would seem if a situation like this were to really occur. I would imaging some people would just flat out panic and forget what they need to do. These videos will certainly help save many lives. CAE002

    2. This video is so important and should be shown to all schools and workplaces. The world we live in today is changing so much, and not always for the best. You are not even safe at school or at work. This informative video could save countless of lives if it is presented to everyone. Steve002

    3. videos that show how active shooters react is great. people need to be more aware instead of scare out of there mind. FIght or FLight kicks in and that will defect what is going to happen next. i think videos like this should be shown more to the public of the school systems and show how they will do their best to protect the students and faculty members safety aap_cougs002

  4. I found the active shooter presentation to be very valuable. I never really thought about how I would react if I was in an active shooter situation. I now know that I need a plan in place just in case this does occur on my campus. I think most people would probably say they know what course of action they would take if placed in an active shooter situation. But, unless they practice the steps shown in the video as well as what we were taught in class most people would freeze up. That can cost them their lives. Then there are those people who are of the belief that it could never happen on their campus leaving them vulnerable as well, because they don't see the need to have a plan in place. The reality is that it is happening and can happen any where. None of us are immune to violence. Each and every person needs to have a plan in place and go over that plan their minds all the time. Pay attention to their surroundings no matter where they are. Scope out the nearest exit, if you can't get out find a place to hide, if that doesn't work the last resort is to fight for your life. If one is unprepared they will be unable to take action and that can prove to be deadly. After the in class training as well as this video I now know exactly what I will do to survive an active shooter situation. Had I not had the training I probably would be one who would be frozen in fear and be at risk of losing my life. So even though it is sad that we have a need for training like this, it is a reality of our world now and this training has the potential to save many lives. mommy0001

  5. I really like the message sent from training both students and police. As the video says, 60 percent of active shooter incidents are concluded before any officers can arrive. It's extremely valuable to be sure that students also have an idea on what to do when this situation occurs. Hopefully this presentation, and the many others like it that are now in circulation, can help save many student lives during active shooter tragedies. We as students should be aware of what could happen, and we should have a general idea on what to do when it happens. It's just like the need for fire and tornado drills.
    We are shown to run, hide, and fight. Run for your life away from the gunman. If you can't get out, find somewhere to hide. If you can't do either, then fight for your life.
    I love the idea that people need to be more aware. Think of how many people bump into each other every day just because there were unaware of their surroundings. If a shooter walked into a school, it would take some time before people realized what was going on. Students need to be aware of everything around them as best they can. Know when people look shady, or when a bunch of people are running past you as if running from something. Try to think of two ways out of every location you are in throughout the day. Know where to go and the fastest ways to get there.
    It is hard to imagine that these things can occur to us, but there is always a chance. The best way to be able to live to tell the tale of that day is to prepare yourself, especially your mental self, for that day if it were to happen. Chaos would be wide spread and it would be difficult to think clearly, so help yourself by preparing ahead of time.

  6. This is a very important video, not only to show in our criminal justice class, but to all classes in levels of education. Active shooter situations are certainly the worst nightmare any parent, faculty member, child, or police officer can ever encounter in their lives. The video explains the proper steps to be taken if an active shooter event were to take place. The first is to evacuate the building and get as far away from the building as possible. The video explains you should run in a zig-zag formation. I learned this when I was in sixth grade, at first I thought why would I run in a zig-zag? My teacher then explained that if you do that, it makes it harder for the gunman to be able to shoot you as opposed to just running in a straight line. If you are not able to escape, the video explains that you should lock the doors and barricade them with as many chairs and desks as possible. You should silence your cell phone in this situation because you definitely would not want to be that guy whose phone goes off and gives away your position. Lastly, as a last resort, you should fight back. Spread out as so that you can more easily swarm the gunman. Usually about 60 percent of all active shooter incidents are over by the time police finally arrive. When they do arrive, it is important not to run toward them because obviously they do not know who the suspect is and for all they know you could the one they are after. These situations are things that you hope you will never ever have to endure in your lifetime, but the reality is there is a possibility that it could and being prepared for it can save lives. CAE002

    1. I agree that it is important to know about active shootings and how we should handle it. Following the three steps that we learned is what every needs to do. When there are active shootings the first ones you want to inform are campus police. If you report the shooting to the county police officers it will take them a longer time to respond to the shooting because they are farther away than the officers that are on campus.AW002

  7. i thought the video was very helpful. it gave many tips and tactics to use if you encounter the shooter. i thought it was helpful that it showed what to do as a group if you have to face the shooter. it showed what steps to take if a shooter comes into the school. i like how it showed how to baracade the door and how to keep it locked even if it doesn't have a lock it had a lot of the stuff we learned in class the other day also.

    1. I think both of the videos we watched about this were extememly helpful if a situation like this were to happen at ICC. I also like that it does show you the steps to take and how it is telling you to already have a plan in place for just incase. Ciaccio002

    2. Im glad we got to watch this so now i can be more aware of whats going on and what to do how and what to do i have amuch better plan now.It could happen at ICC just as easy as anywhere so be ready and have a plan.cowboys001

    3. Both presentations were extremely informative and helpful in case for a situation like this. I feel like in high school is was preached to us about school shooters and lockdowns but now that we are in college, we don't get many talks or presentations like we just had. i think its important to still have that caution in the back of your head. Not to be worried but to be alert and know what to do in case of these situations. Kt002

  8. This video and the active shooter class was very helpful. It is very useful information even for people who are not criminal justice majors because this can happen to anyone at any school. The video explained three simple rules: Run, hide, fight. The first thing the video explained is to run. Obviously if you are in a situation like this you want to get the hell out of there because you don,t want to die. when you run away it is best to run in a zig zag formation because it will be harder for the shooter to shoot you when you run like that as opposed to running in a straight line. The next step is to hide. Hiding is also very important because the shooter will not be able to see you and therefore he/she will not be able to kill you. In the video the class turned off the lights, barricaded the door, and turned off their cellphones. One student even took off his belt and tied it around the top of the door so the shooter wouldnt be able to get in if he opened the door. THe last step was to fight. This is always the last resort option and usually is one that doesn't happen but you always need to be prepared for it. If you are in a situation where you have to fight, you should find the best object to use as a weapon. Almost anything can be used as a weapon. This video is very informative and I think I would be better off in a school shooter scenario now that ive seen it. I believe that everybody at ICC and every other school should see this video and attend the active shooter seminar because it teaches valuable information about a situation that may literally be a life or death situation.


    1. This can benefit everyone this will help give everyone an idea of what to do in a event like this takeing place being able to get a better chance to make it out alive. This video does teach info that save someones life in this sititation which may cause less loss of life.Good mentation of running in a zigzag formation making it harder for the shooter to be able to hit another human being. Eagle001

  9. I think this is and important video only because it showes how a situation can eculade quickly. And the students and teachers should know whats to do when this situation happenes.Just so People can stay safe And alive. I like how they gave us what to do in different sittuations when it come to having a shooter in the building. Also when they said to Know the exits in ur collage in case it happens. Also I think its a smart idea that the campose police changed the tactic of how it was they wait for the swat team or other cops to get there to help. To have a small team of four of security gurads go in there. Just to end the situation quick so no more people will get hurt. For the three things to do about when the shooter is in the building is run, hide, and fight. When I was in highshool they never told us to run or fight in this stiuation. Because then were like sitting ducks not knowing where the shooter is. So I like how we can run and get help and not be in the situation at all. And to be able to fight for our lives if the the shooter comes in is good. Even thought it is most likely not to happen unless your in the library. Just because the room doors lock instanly when its closed and cant be open after words unless on the inside. When the person in the video says not to huddle in groups when you have to hide in the class room just because it makes a bigger target. He is right be cause I watched a senario when that happened with bollons and there was a lot of them gone. I also like how they said to silent phone and put them on dime. Wich is understandable just because if your phone gose off it will make a big gibe away to the shooter that you are in the room and could be others. I like how they will send a mass text to the people in the college warning them that theres a shooter in there. I think of that as really important just because the school is so big and some people can not hear the guns going off. Also when the chief told us that when security police come by you to not make it look like your a threat to them. Wich is smart to do because they can shoot you cause they do not know how the shooter is. Wich is reasonable in a way in that situation. They are trained to act fast so there will not be as many people hurt. They should keep this video just because it is important to learn. Adelle002

  10. This video to me, and the presentation we received, are vital to being prepared for a terrible situation like this. Most Americans don’t think about any of the things presented to us in this video or presentation. Most Americans, when they walk into a room, are looking for the exits and suspicious characters. They are ready to eat their dinner, or watch their movie, or see their son or daughter play in a sporting event. Most college students, or any student really, doesn’t think to report the kid who is acting erratically. They just steer clear, and know to stay away from the weirdo. Knowing where your exits are, and knowing who those suspicious characters are and where they’re at, could save your life. Reporting that kid not to get him or her in trouble, but to just let the teacher know, can save lives. Knowing what to do when you become apart of an active shooter situation, could determine whether you live or die. Knowing that you should run, hide, and if no other option is available, fight for your life, could determine whether you and the people around you live or die. 60% of active shooters are dealt with before the police even arrive. Whether it be suicide, or some brave soul who fights back, the police are not always there right away to help you. When the police do arrive, people must be compliant with their commands, and not make themselves look suspicious. Police officers are going into this situation with little to no information, and are honestly just as afraid as you are. So, as long as you follow their commands, you’ll be fine. Active shooting situations are deadly, but that doesn’t mean you can’t escape one unharmed. Just be educated on what to do, and stay calm.-OKC002

  11. This video was a very great informational video. An active shooter is the biggest threat facing students today. The thing that makes an active shooter really scary is because they can happen anywhere. Their main targets are educational establishments so schools are the places with the greatest chance of an active shooter. They can happen anywhere and at any time they can happen on a college campus a high school and even a middle school. hopefully we never have to experience an active shooter. However if we did my first thought would to be get anyone I'm with to safety or help them hide. like in the video when they were in the classroom the kid used his belt to tie a door closed so the shooter couldn't open it. After I help people get out and I'm alone I'm going hunting for the shooter. just have to make sure I don't run into the police, don't need them thinking you are the shooter then they target you. Like the video said do anything you can to show them you aren't a threat. Even if I would to die going after the shooter I just want to help give people enough time to get out. There are three options for when there is a shooter, you can either run, hide, or fight. Godzilla001

    1. it wouldn't let me choose anonymous and already typed it like 3 times.

  12. always be aware of your surroundings and use them to your advantage. like in the video the guy used the fire extinguisher to protect himself and I think one of the ladies he was with had a belt in her hand. You really cant prepare for an active shooter the only thing you really could do is notify people if there is a shooter. Godzilla001

  13. This is an informational video about what to do in case of an active shooter. It covers the three areas that will help you possible survive and active shooter attack. The first thing they tell you to do is to RUN. But to do this it is a good idea to take different routes in and out of the building so that you have more than one escape plan in place. When you are alerted of the active shooter you should use your already planned escape plans. Run in a zig zag pattern away from the building (or scatter if there is a large group of you so that it is harder for the shooter to get you.). The next thing to do if running is not an option is to HIDE. By hiding this prevents the shooter from finding you. It tells you to turn off all the lights and block the entry way. Stay low and stay silent. This gives you a better chance at getting out. And if you can do neither run or hide you need to FIGHT. Fighting will allow you to temporarily subdue the shooter until the cops arrive. By positioning yourself so you can “counter the attacker” will help. Also, spacing out so that you aren’t one large target will help also. I think that this video will help reduce panic in an event that an active shooter is on campus. And it helps you to create and have a plan set in place for if this were to happen. I think that it is also good to prepare yourself as well because you never know when this could potentially happen here at ICC. I am glad that our college has an alert system in place for emergencies. Ciaccio002

  14. School shooting are very serious and is not something anyone should joke about. They can happen at any place at any time so unexpectedly. Our colleges do what they can to help make it the safest possible place for us to be. When a school shooting happens you need to follow the three steps that will help ensure you to be safe. Even taking these precautions might not guarantee you to be safe. The first step is too run from the shooter. At all times you want to have 2 escape routes. It is smart to know your way around your college so you can easily escape. if you are not able to run away from the shooter the next step you need to take is to hide. When hiding you do not want to all hide in one area, scatter around in the room. Barricade the doors and do not hide in plain sight. The third and final step to take is to fight. This is last step you want to take, you want to grab a sharp or heavy object and attack them when they come near you. If you are with others all of you get an object. When you are put into this situation do not panic stay calm and follow your steps.AW002

  15. This video, along with the presentation we received in class, were very important and informative and I feel it should be shown in every school around America. Many people shake off the idea of a school shooting because they feel like there would be no way that could happen to them and their school. Because of this, when a situation involving a school shooter is presented to them, they have no idea and just end up panicking. However, if they had watched this video then they would have known that they have to either run, hide, or fight. The first choice is to run. If it is possible, in an active shooter situation the best thing to do is to get off the premises. A student should always be aware of their surroundings so that they know the best ways in and out of the building. If running is not an option, then you have to hide. Try to find a place where the shooter can't find you, turn out the lights and do not make a sound. Lastly, if the shooter knows where you are hiding, you are going to have to fight. Do all you can to ensure your safety an the safety of others. I also feel that it is important for everyone to know that the first police officers on the scene are not going to help you. They are attempting to search for the active shooter in order to put a stop to the madness. Also, when you do see the police don't start screaming and run towards them because they may confuse you for the shooter. Just do what they say. I feel that because of this video, I will now be able to face an active shooter situation with confidence if it is ever presented to me. zmw002

    1. I agree, many students believe that a school shooting will never happen to them and freeze when encountering a real active shooter. For a better probability of surviving an active shooter, these steps should be shown to all students around the country Jah001

  16. This video supplies todays students with skills they will never regret having. In todays society school and campus shootings are more prominent than ever. From situations like columbine to sandy hook we have seen all types of tragedies like this. Unlike a drill in a real shooting incident you don't remember every thing that you have learned before so it is really important that you drill these tactics into your head. The last thing that you want to happen in shooting situation is to stand at a blank and not know what to do. The run, hide, fight tactics encompass everything that you would need to do in a situation like this. your first resort would be to run to safety and to call emergency services. It is crucial to make sure you can get to safety before you start running. If you think the armed assailant is near you you should hide out of sight. If neither of these are options the last resort would be to fight for your life. Before any of these things happen on your first days of school you should always look for possible escape routes, places to hide, and things you could possibly use as weapons. School shootings are no joke and everyone should be prepared for these things. Unlike tornadoes or hurricanes that we do practice drills for these things can happen anywhere at anytime without any prediction. It's hard to understand the mindsets of the individuals that commit these acts but what we need to know is they're not afraid to kill and they are armed and we need to do all that we can to prevent these from happening and save more lives in the event that something like this would happen to our school or any school. Bike001

  17. I think this Ohio State University campus video that demonstrates what having an active shooter may be like. The scary thing is that you never really know when a shooter may come to the school and start shooting. And the hard part is not knowing what you would do in the situation of that happing. You may run, fight or even freeze up. This video is great for giving students an idea of what you could do in case this happens. I think ICC should have blinds on the side windows so while in a class room with know way out we could turn off the lights and shut the blinds, that would give the illusion that no one is in the room. Another thing I think should happen at ICC is have an egress window in every room, because I don’t think that they are big enough to fit everyone. I truly think that some updates should be implemented at ICC.

    1. I agree that ICC could use some updates to keep students safe at both the North and the Main campuses. I like your idea of adding better blinds and windows in the classrooms. Blinds would allow for concealment inside of the classrooms and windows could allow for a more direct escape method rather than running out the door and down the hall to get outside. EKT001

    2. I agree with you. ICC should make some updates and take more steps to protect everyone that goes to the school in the case of an active shooter situation. There should definitely be an egress window in every room that faces to the outside, it is so important. There are not many people who have the capabilities to break through a window so it would make it easier for people to get out and survive. agentp001

    3. I agree that ICC has some room for improvement. One thing I have noticed is how easy it is for someone to walk into a classroom. There are no closed doors in most classes. Staff should be instructed to close the doors for class and keep them shut. Also, I always think about how ICC needs blinds as well. Broncos001

  18. I agree that this is an extremely valuable video too. The first time I saw this video I caught myself always looking around for possible exits or places to hide and even thinking about how I would defend myself if I was to be in a situation like this. It is crucial that everyone has two or three ways to escape the building in the case of a school shooting. Bike001

  19. This video is realy really important and informative they cover 3 very good step on what to do if there is a school shooter they cover them really good showed us just how real these shooting can be and how deadly they are how how many people get killed during these.We need to stay alarmed really get students involved in knowing these 3 steps of ative shooter steps this could happen any day so its a real thing when it happens you need to be ready to go and its there life or yours they dont care about you so when and if the time comes be ready to fight back.Students need to realize how real this is and be ready for it so be ready to run far away from the building,hide as best as you can or fight back use anything as a weapon and be ready and let thr cops do there job when they show up so just listen to them be aware of whats going and where its going on cowboys001

    1. i agree with the knowledge you left the presentation with. this video definitely shows us the reality of active shooter situations. the 3 steps they inform you of are what could keep you alive rather than dead. RRM001

  20. This video is similar to the presentation showed to us in class earlier this week. Im glad we are being taught this and is aware of what could actually happen and the importance of everyones safety. Some people may not think of active shooters and school shootings as something important, especially in college. I know in high school we had special drills and lockdowns just in case that were to happen and for everyone to know what to do. But in college thats not really brought to our attention anymore. We don't have lock down drills or teachers dont sit down with us and have serious conversations about situations like these and what to do if it were to happen. Since thats not going on now, people still need to have that mindset that anything could happen. The fact that there are thousands of people in our school and especially bigger universities, videos like these are a good reminder to know what to do if there were to be a tragedy like the examples in these videos. I learned from the presentation with Tom Larson about the mindsets of active shooter which is kind of scary. They have the mindset of being in control and not caring about others. They have unpredictable behavior which is also scary because you never know what they could be up to or what their overall plan is. From what i learned, they are also not worried about an escape plan or if they get in trouble because most of the time they are suicidal. When all of the commotion is happening, it is important to not draw any type of attention to yourself when it comes to police officers. If you are innocent you obviously don't have to been seen as a suspect. Another important thing is to have multiple escape routes. Its always important to have back up. One thing i found interesting and smart that came out of this video was the swarm technique. If you are with multiple people and the intruder comes in the room, you should all try to work together to stop him for your own and everyone elses safety. It says that it'd be smart to have one person try to grab the weapon as everyone else attacks and distracts him or her. In the worst case scenario, this technique would be pretty affective. Im glad videos like these are being made to inform and protect ourselves in case of something like this were to ever happen. Kt002

  21. this has actually been my third time watching this presentation for the active shooter and it hits home the same way every time. people need to realize that nobody is safe from this sort of thing. if a school full of 1st and 2nd graders in a small town in Connecticut can suffer a school shooter nobody is safe. this presentation has excellent points on how to make sure this stays away from being a reality. Ohio St University made an exceptionally informative video on what needs to be done if a horrific act such as a school shooting happens. The one lasting effect i always get after watching this video is every time i am somewhere that has a possibility of an active shooter i make sure i know what i would do if something were to happen. You can never be too safe because as soon as you let your guard down and think all is well is when something will happen. A great part about this video is that it breaks it down for you almost to an elementary level. No matter who you are and how intelligent you are, this video can guide you and show you how to escape an active shooter situation alive. The one upper hand the shooter always has in these situations is that he or she always instills panic among the student body. But after this video i can honestly say if a situation were to arise i could execute a plan of escape or just a plan of safety without going into fight or flight mode and completely shutting myself down. RRM001

  22. In high school we always practiced these lockdown drills. always to hide and turn the lights off and be quiet. i have never had it broken down for me before like that. i was never taught to fight back. but hide. this video really is informative and i believe every school should watch it. and practice those procedures. instead of the casual "hide for 15mins and then session is over" the tragedies of sandy hook and columbine are devastating to me that people would do such a thing. but these people are out here. students should be able to practice these incidences just like highschool. College campuses i feel like are more liable than secondary schools. i also believe that campus police should not wait until other forces come such as SWAT to stop the situation. more people will be killed or injured if they wait. i now have the confidence if there were a case of an active shooter were to come. aaap_cougs002

    1. I never thought about this type of situation before i saw this video. I remember in high school always practicing the code red drills but they never taught us anything but to hide and not be see nor be heard. I think they should show this video to people in all grade levels, because active shooter situations are now being targeted not just to high school and college but to kids even younger than that, like the sandy hook shooting -dicaprio001

    2. I remember also in high school doing the lock down drills, and how they only taught us how to hide and turn off the lights. If that is the only thing someone has to do in a situation like this than that is good, but I would like schools to teach them to fight back if they have too. bamboo001

  23. ALICE training is what schools now use for active shooter situations rather than the Code Red lock down protocol that has been used in the past. Code Red teaches students and faculty that if an active shooter situation should happen, that they must stay locked in their classroom, regardless of where the shooter is in the building. ALICE training teaches students and faculty to do one of three things: run, hide, or fight. ALICE training states that if the intruder is not in or near the area of the building that you are in then you should evacuate the area and get as far away as possible, then call 911. If you decide that evacuation is not an option, then you are to hide. You should secure and barricade the doors to make it harder for the intruder to enter. You should also stay away from the door, in case the gunman tries to shoot through it, turn off the lights in the room, and silence you cell phone so the intruder won't be able to tell that there are occupants in the room. If you can neither run nor fight, then ALICE training teaches you to fight the intruder. They teach that anything can be used as a weapon, and that you are to attack as a group, not as individuals, because that is what is most effective. The first person is to control the weapon, while the others in the room are to grab the intruders head and limbs to prevent him from attacking. ALICE teaches important information that everyone needs to know because shootings can happen anywhere and at any time, and the better prepared you are, the more likely you are to survive. EKT001

  24. This was my third time seeing the active shooter presentation done by Ohio State. And every single time I watch it, it always gives me chills. Thinking about actually being in that situation really makes me think of what I would do as an officer or even as a regular civilian. There are three important things you should always know in an active shooter situation. You can run,hide, or fight. In high school we always had "code red" drills. And in those drills we were always taught to stay together and shut off all the lights to make it seem as if we were not there. But now we know that being all together at once makes it easier for the shooter to target us. I think the most important thing that we should do is run, if we can. Getting out and getting as many people as you can out of the school or wherever you are located is your best chance of survival. You should run as far away as you can and contact the police. Now we all know that getting out isn't always going to be an option. So what's next? Hiding. I don't think it's smart to be all together at once, but if you happen to be make it seem as if you are not there. Barracage the door and turn off all lights silence your cell phones so the shooter can't hear you. I think it would be smart to barracde yourself behind something sturdy, that could stop a bullet. Instead of the shooter intering the room and being able to target you all one by one. The last thing you could do is fight. I do think that if your going to fight being with a group of people in that moment can benefit you and the people that you are with. Each person could come from different directions attacking the shooter and catching him/ or HER possible off guard. Anything can be used as a weapon, anything you can get your hands on would be great. Aim for disarming the shooter, because most shooters aren't dangerous without their weapons, therefore you have the upper hand. There are many things you can do to protect yourself in an active shooter situation, but the thing is you never know whats going to happen. These types of stations are very hectic and unpredictable. We need to start taking active shooters more seriously, more people need to be educated on the matter. There are way too many active shooter situations that happen in our country, so we need to be prepared. A lot of people think oh this won't happen or this can't happen here. But just look at the many active shooter situations that have happened. They were all so random & not in specific places. That's thing. It can happen and its better if we are all prepared. I think high school code red drills told us it could happen, but never really prepared us for the real thing. But just remember don't always try to be the hero. Be aware of your options and your surroundings. I know for me I always look around a room for my ways to get out, it's just something in my nature. Not everyone prepares for the worst or is ready for the worst. As criminal justice majors i think its important that we are. And we should always be ready to fight. -dicaprio001

  25. This video is a great way to show people what to do during an active shooter situation. Ohio State University makes a very detailed tutorial about the options that can be taken during a school shooting. First off, the most optimal solution is to run. Get as far away from the school and any areas that may be vulnerable to violent attacks. The more distance you put between you and the shooter, the greater the probability is of you escaping safely. Next, the second best thing is to hide if running is unavailable. Lastly, fighting your way out by grouping up and using a group force to take down the shooter. I think these steps can be the difference between life and death for students. The video stressed the idea of always being ready for anything. Shootings can happen anywhere, even in small rural areas. Everyone should be ready for an active shooter and prepared to take the steps needed to survive. This isn't the first time I've seen this video, I have seen it twice now. After watching the video a couple times, I have noticed myself to look for multiple exits or ways to escape if there was a violent event occurring. Active shooting situations happen a lot more often than generally thought because not all shootings are broadcasted over national news. All schools need to be prepared to deal with active shooters and should have a certain facility procedure if violence occurs. Jah001

  26. This is not the first time I have seen the active shooter done by Ohio State, but it will not be the last time I see this too. For many students, this video will teach them a lot about what to do in a situation like this. First, I know that there will always be those kids and adults who will not be calm. For those people, this video teaching us what to do will not only potentially save their lives but others as well. Having people who are well trained for this situation will help others be calm as well. The first reaction of people if this happens is mostly to run, but that can also get people killed. Everyone trying to get out the same way could cause a buildup and allow the shooter to kill many people that are in a group. By teaching the people the right way to react to the situation it would not cause that. I also like the idea of the buckeye alert because that school is so big that not everyone would be able to hear the gun shots that are happening within. Having officers on campus that are well trained, will lead to catching the person a lot quicker. Even though this situation is not likely to happen, it is good to be informed what to do in a situation like this. It is also nice to know that ICC does have a system like the Ohio State school does. Teaching and learning are not everything school are about, but also keeping everyone in there safe. Since being in criminal justice, we should all be aware on how to act if a situation like this. bamboo001

  27. I found this video to be pretty helpful. This is the first time seeing the video by Ohio University; I have seen other videos from other schools or agencies that have also done a good job in getting the message across. There are so many variables in an active shooter scenario, it is so helpful to be at least a little prepared. I hate to admit it, but I kind of laughed at the bad acting that was done in the video but then I realized that this video is something that needs to be taken seriously and cannot be joked about. I agree with all of the steps that should be taken in an active shooter situation, from evacuating all the way to fighting back. I think that if I were in that situation, I would focus on fighting back. Now that may be because I am in the military and we are taught to fight back, but I also know that in any other place the smart thing is to get away if possible. I know I missed the talk in class but I feel as though what was talked about would have been pretty similar to what was said in the video. In my civilian job, I have been talked to about what I, as a supervisor, need to do if it were to happen at the ice rink. The first thing they tell us is that it is more important to get ourselves to safety instead of worrying about getting as many people out. I think that because of my military training, my instinct would be to get as many people to a safe spot, then to go back and ensure that the gunman would not be a problem anymore. I would try to isolate the shooter and get the weapon taken from him. It may be the "stupid" or "careless" thing to do but it is what I feel needs to be done. agentp001

  28. I have seen this video many times before in previous classes. I think that it is very important to teach students and staff the importance of being prepared for the chance that something like this video happens here at ICC. By teaching and showing students and staff how to react and some of the important rules of survival, you are lowering the death toll in the event that this happens because more people will be prepared. One major problem is that people do not know what to do in an event like this so they panic. By remaining calm and thinking clearly about what to do next, you can increase your chance of survival. When ever I go to a class, I think about the exits and what I would do in a scenario like the one in the video. I also have places picked out around the school to go to if I am unable to get out. It is a very good idea to inform students and staff of what to do before something like this happens, instead of after. Broncos001

    1. I agree with you on this because you have to be aware and how to handle a situation like this. Always look for a way out if possible and try not to let the shooter see you if all possible. You always got to be safe in this world and even at school. Golfer001

  29. This video is very helpful to me and many other people because it might save your life and other lives as well. You always got to be prepared if something ever like this happens at your school or even ICC. By showing this video you might have a chance to live another fay if you do these steps right. You always got to defend your self even in this type of crisis at the school. These steps will teach how to survive and not get killed or injured in this situation. Many things can go wrong with these steps but you just go to know what to do in this situation. You have to know what your dealing with and where to go if you have to run out of the building if there is a shooter. Golfer001

  30. I believe that it is very important that all schools should have in depth training on active school shooters. It’s a very serious issue that has come into recent light within these past few years. I always had a slim knowledge on what to do if there ever was a school shooter but with watching the chiefs now know more than i would have ever thought to know. I would have never thought of having multiple exits routes, which seems like a logical thing to have but it honestly never came up as a thought in my head. I also now know what to do when the police finally get there like don’t get in there way and there first task is to eliminate the threat before they can help people who are injured. They do this so the make sure that everyone would be safe in the long run. I believe that every school should have an in depth training on active shooters and not just colleges but high schools too. Haggard002

  31. this time around it was my 4th time sitting through the active shooter presentations and it still seems to teach me something new each time. even though there's just 3 basic steps to help save yourself the thoroughness officer lawson goes through really helps. the ohio state video does a really excellent job presenting a real school shooting and what you can do to protect yourself and others. i love this presentation and suggest it to every criminal justice major. RM001/002

  32. I would have to say that this video was very helpful on learning how to tactically take on an active shooter situation. I think the thing the best advice I learned from this video is the swarm technique. Everybody goes at the shooter at once and the first person controls the gun, just because that way the shooter would have no chance at fighting back or possibly pulling out another weapon. I really like that this video is shown so much just because it is real in the world we live in today. We should all know what to do if this were to happen at our college. I would like to keep having this reinforced for every semester because I didn't have it last semester at all. Granted I have seen it before but I can guarantee that most of my fellow classmates would not have seen this video. Flannel002

    1. I agree with you I think this is an important video for all of us to see and learn. We should all know what our options our when we come in contact with an active shooter. -dicaprio001

  33. This video really opened my eyes about active shooter and the need to be prepared at all times. How many times have you yourself said, "It couldn't happen to be"! I can only imagine how many students at the schools that have had shooters thought it couldn't. The importance of each step evacuate, lock down, and swarm technique and how to conduct each step should be practiced in all schools. This video is a great tool for the criminal justice program but should be shown at all schools because it can happen anywhere, schools, malls, stores, etc. Better prepare our society to protect ourselves and others.Bell003

  34. It's vital that students on community college campuses and university campuses know what to do if something like a shooting were to take place in their school. It's important that they have seen the presentation and know what to do in this situation so that they spend less time frozen and can revert back to the "run hide fight" logic. Campus shootings are not as rare as they used to be, it seems like we hear about these more and more each year.

  35. I'm very thankful for the presentation that was given and also the video, I feel that safety is a very important key in when it comes to being on campus, especially a BIG campus. When there is an active shooter your survival may depend on weather you have a plan or not, and your plan does not have to be hard to understand or complicated but you need to have a plan to escape or run away and get as far away from the shooter as possible, if you are not able to run then you must lay low and hide, and if all goes bad and you are not able to pick either one of those choices then you must fight, at this point you are fighting to save yourself and others, I feel that Illinois Central College should have a number that all students should receive to keep in their phones and to have a text/ alert sent to their phone to know when there is an active shooter on campus, I feel this will help keep everyone safe, and also aware of things going on on the campus. But I'm thankful for this information because it will help me stay prepared and stay alive in the future if such a thing happens -Annie2016

  36. I've seen the active shooter presentation I would say about six times since i've been at icc. I think the presentation is very helpful. I know i've seen it many times but every single time I feel like i learn something new, and it always refreshes memory. We all will probably not encounter an active shooter in our lifetimes but It's great to know what you should do in the situation. If you find yourself in an active shooter situation you should do these things, run, hide, or fight. Getting out if you can is what you should do. Always know your exists and routes at your place of work or school. Hiding is another option. Make sure it's hard for the shooter to find you. If you cannot run or hide you should fight, that's the last option. Get the shooter before he gets you, eliminate the threat. Always mentally prepare yourself for this last option. It's a scary thing to think about, but sometimes it has to be done. It's sad that campus shootings have happened so often in this country. But it's good for ICC to present this to us so we can be prepared. -dicaprio001


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