Affluenza Defense Equals Povuenza Defense?


  1. After watching this video, it kind of scares me to know that people with money can get away with almost anything. By his actions as a kid, i can see why he is free to do what he wants and had no type of discipline at all. By the way his parents acted toward certain things, i can also see that that is a sign of them not really caring for their son as much as they should have. Through out this video i didn't even see either Ethan or his parents showing any type of sympathy for what he did. In their eyes he was probably innocent and thats how they acted, as if it were an accident. Ethan knew what he was doing, he knew he was drunk, his friends knew he was drunk but still got in the truck with him so i feel like they should have had some type of responsibly in this too but instead they were used as witnesses. The fact that probation was Ethans only punishment through out that whole trial would not make him fully aware of what he did and i agree that 10 years for every victim would have been the best punishment. Kt002

  2. I feel like his life is already filled with ignorance and theres no time to go back and change that. Ethan's whole life is like a big free for all and he had no type of discipline or the fact that his parents didn't even know what he was up to half of the time. Its a shame what money can get you out of but sadly, i feel like its too late to make Ethan realize good from bad in any situation. Kt002

  3. It really is a terrible thing, but I feel we all just have to accept the fact that our capitalist economy, and all the laws within, benefit those who are wealthy over those who are poor. This boy's problem of "affluenza" is complete garbage, and he simply got away because his parents were very wealthy and paid the best of the best to keep their son out of jail, and those people pulled every bit of affluenza out of their ass.
    Ethan knew what he was doing, his parents had a pretty good idea of what he was doing, everything there spelled neglect and ignorance. Ethan deserved a larger punishment, and the fact that he didn't just because of money is ridiculous.
    Also, his parents deserve the title of worst parents in the world. From the videos in class and on this blog, it is clear that there are not many feelings between them, almost like they don’t care for their child.
    - AJC002

    1. You are right AJC002, the parents knew what he was doing. It had been probing multiple times by different people that Ethan's mom knew that he was drinking and yet neither of the parents did anything to stop him. I feel like the parents should be held accountable for the deaths of the four people two, because they could have easily prevented it just by not letting him live alone. The parents just didn't care what happened, and now because of that their family name has been ruined. zmw002

    2. I honestly think all three of them should be in prison. Ethan for killing 4 people and his parents for knowingly allowing this kid to run wild which resulted in the death of those 4 people. Not only that the mother then turns around and helps him jump probabtion and still nothing happens to them. I really wish that the boys parents would have went forward with their case against the couch's. Ciaccio002

  4. If not the law, then his parents!
    You are very right, it is very sad to see that both the law and his parents are giving Ethan the idea that his actions were okay. It is sickening, the rich can now murder people and it's totally okay. Ethan clearly never felt sorrow or regret, and his parents hardly even try to defend themselves when considered terrible parents.
    However I disagree with Kt002, for learning new ways to act, being socialized into right is wrong, I feel is never too late. I believe Ethan is very much able to learn to be a better person, however I feel he should learn this withing jail rather than just being on probation.
    - AJC002

  5. Affluenza should never be a valid defense in any court case. It does not matter how bad your parent's were at parenting and it does not matter how bad your childhood was, you still committed the crime so you deserve to punished just like every other criminal out there. I feel like the only reason that saying he had affluenza worked was because he was rich. His family was able to hire the best lawyers, and that is exactly what they did. If anyone else that did not have money like they did and tried saying the same thing, they would have gotten locked up for a long time. I realize rich people are going to have some privilege over others, but it should not go as far as helping them get off the hook from killing people. It just isn't fair. zmw002

    1. I completely agree zmw002. The affluenza defense is a joke. It does not matter how bad of parents you had and how much you got away with, to know that killing four people is terribly wrong. It is absolutely despicable and frustrating that Ethan Couch is not spending any hard time in prison for what he did. Steve002

    2. You are 100% correct zmw002. Afluenza would never be allowed to be used as an excuse no matter how bad your parents are. If you have money you should not be allowed to get away with crime. It is a proven fact that if you are able to provide your own attorneys you are to get a lesser sentence and that's not fair nor is it right. AW002

    3. ZMW002, you are completely right. Since when is a made up word grounds for a solid legal defense? This boy deserved to go to prison for life, yet he still walks free. I think this case should be a wake up call for anybody who thinks our legal system doesn't favor the rich.-OKC002

  6. After watching this video, I have a wave of emotions. I am extremely frustrated that Ethan Couch is not facing any consequences for the horrible thing that he did. I am sad for the families of the victims that never saw any retribution for the deaths of their family member(s). I am fed up with the way the criminal justice system seems to cater to the wealthy. I am disgusted at the lawyers that represented Ethan Couch as some innocent, misguided teenager that did not know between right and wrong. The whole affluenza case is infuriating. There is no excuse for affluenza. I don't care how rich you are, everyone knows that killing people is wrong and you can't just get away with it. Ethan Couch should be in prison for what he did. Because of him four innocent people are dead. However, just because of his family's wealth, he is allowed to walk free without any kind of consequence. Meanwhile, four different families mourn the loss of their family member(s). Steve002

    1. I agree that money should not play a role in the actions that he committed. He needs to face time just like any average citizen would if they had committed the crime. I think the ruling is absurd. It is very frustrating to say the least.

  7. After watching this video it just saddens me to think that if you have money you can get away with a lot. The Couch family is wealthy and helped Ethan get away with murder of 4 people and injuring 9. He was under age drinking. Ethan got probation and that is all he received.Which in my eyes that is wrong even if you have money and are able to provide your own attorney I don't think you should get a lesser sentence. "affluenza" which is not knowing the difference from right and wrong is something that no one should be able to use as an excuse. Yes, his parents never punished him when he was growing up and he was able to do anything he wanted. Ethan was allowed to drive to school at the age of 13. he was found drunk in public was charged with 5 different things and still never got punished by his parents or by the criminal justice system. The families that are suffering from the loss of there loved ones, and then knowing that Ethan Couch isn't being punished like he should. That is hard for anyone to deal with. AW002

  8. The entire Affluenza case is very frustrating to me. I don't understand how any parent can spoil their child rotten and refuse to actually parent them. It's extremely maddening to think that Ethan is not facing any time after killing four innocent people behind the wheel of a car, with a blood-alcohol level around 3x the legal limit. Just because his parents didn't really punish him or teach him much does not mean that he did not know that it was wrong to drive drunk and endanger others. You can live under a rock your whole life and figure that out. If I were the judge, I would never sleep at night knowing I let someone like Ethan Couch get off the hook.

    1. I agree with you I think he knew what he was going to do. Because when he fled to Mexico he changed his hair color and grew a beard. To change look so no one will see him. plus they threw him a going away party before they left. He knew what he was doing. Adelle002

  9. After watching this video, it really came to my senses how much people with money can really get away with stuff. This case just proves that if you have enough money to buy your way out of situations then you will just get off scotch free. The criminal justice system really shouldn’t be that way at all. No matter how much money you do or do not have everyone should face the same punishment and get treated on an equal level. If it was a normal not wealthy teenager how committed these crimes, there is no way they would have gotten off on such horrible crimes. They would have been arrested and there would be no doubt that they would serve time. I believe that no matter what time should be served for crimes. Haggard002

    1. I think the criminal justice system allows people with money to buy their way out of situations simply because they don't want to deal with it. Its just one less case to have to deal with if you're able to bribe your way out, especially with money. I agree its not fair for someone to not have to face punishments for that reason and so now that i think about it, careless wealthy people will start to be more aware of this and take advantage of situations like theses a lot more. Kt002


  10. For him to fleeing to Mexico like that is really stupid. Just because of the charge they gave him for killing 4 people and injuring others. When he should not have been driving. He could have been sent to prison but they gave him a lesser charge because he was rich. It discussed me entirely because he get a slap on the wrist. He was braking so many rules that a normal adult would get sent to prison without second glances. I wish the child's family kept with charging him without giving up. Because he could have got charged more or less. I find think he knew what he was doing when he fled. Just because he change his hair color and his beard. Adelle002

    1. For him to go to Mexico was very stupid. This is very disgusting to just sit here and watch all of this happen and it just shows how screwed up the system is and the world in general. This was very wrong for him to basically get off with nothing. I don't care if your the richest person or the poorest person you should each serve the same amount of time or have a very similar charge. But not to just let him get off completely without any jail time and just probation. Seriously? JE002

  11. After watching this video I find this very sickening. He killed multiple people he was drunk and driving and fled to Mexico and nothing happened to him still. This is very wrong for this to happen this kid no matter how old he is should be locked up behind bars for a very long time. That would be justice for these families instead because hes rich we baby him through the criminal justice system and give him a slap on the wrist and he doesn't even spend one day in jail. Not one day! Any other person would have been in jail awaiting trial and then sentenced to prison for a long period of time but because he rich we treat him like royalty and don't do a single thing to him and that is wrong and very frustrating. It's not just frustrating for the families who are suffering but for us criminal justice major to basically just sit and watch our system fall apart and let people of the hook with nothing happening to them at all. JE002

  12. This case is to me, a giant miscarriage of justice. This boy killed four people, and because of his social status and wealth, he got off. We have seen this time and again in our country, but not on this scale in my opinion. Ethan Couch got off because of a made up word. I thought the OJ case was bad, and then this happened. I followed the case when it was actually happening and I could not believe it. Looking into it more now, I am even more disgusted. The amount of damage done to these families is irreversible, and the cause of all of this damage is still walking free. He should be behind bars for the rest of his life. These four individuals don’t get to go home to their families anymore, so why should he? This boy ignored multiple laws, and drove around intoxicated on two different documented occasions thus far, and yet he still avoided prison time.-OKC002

    1. I agree with all of your arguments in this paragraph. It is unbelievable and unsettling that Couch was not incarcerated. This story really shows the flaws in the justice system of the United States of America. It also goes to show how powerful that money is. oasis_002

  13. This is just sickening. Tell me how does one literally get away with killing 4 people AND running to Mexico? Is it the fact that this kids parents were loaded? And claimed that he was so rich that his parents never taught him right from wrong. This kid and his parents should all be held accountable for the deaths of those 4 people on the side of that road that night. His mother knew he was an alcholic and did nothing. This kid at the age of 14 had already violated laws when it came to drinking and driving not to mention his mother knew about it. And still this kid walks around a free man. This just goes to show and prove how broken the system really is. Money= no punishment in the eyes of the law pretty much. This kid learned nothing from this. Ciaccio002

  14. Ethan Couch is the typical product of rich parents. He is careless, ruthless, and selfish. He always was gifted the nicest of things, from trucks to his own residence. One night Couch decided to throw a party! Not untypical for Couch to do this. He stated that he was a regular consumer of drugs and alcohol. This night was about to go downhill for Couch. While he was engaging in underage drinking and festivities, he was not aware that he was going to take the lives of four innocent human beings.
    Couch and his friends decided to go and pick up some more friends to join their little party. Couch was driving recklessly in his monster truck. He was swerving all about the road and accelerating rapidly. This is when he slammed into another vehicle, which hit another vehicle and claimed the lives of four.
    Couch and his friend fled the scene. The officers found him later passed out in a ditch. He left all of those people dying in the road and he walked away. The part that irks me the most is that he barely had any consequences because his parents hired the best defense team money could allow.


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