Ageism or.....?


  1. Well first of all, That video was hilarious but right to the point!. I have to say though I disagree with the governments paying for all of their “Pills and pumps” I mean seriously. Just think of what else that money could go too. If they really want to get busy that bad I believe that they should pay for it themselves. I mean honestly! The whole thing is just ridiculous to me. There are neighborhoods and schools with little to nothing that the government won’t pay for but if a senior wants to get lucky they won’t hesitate. Meanwhile, there are several types of insurance that won’t pay for birth control, or abortions or sometimes they won’t even help the mother if she is about to give birth. A lot of women for into thousands of dollars of debt just for bringing a human life into this world. And the fact that he was saying that the federal yearly spending for children is so so much lower than that of senior citizens akes me cringe. I mean I guess I get it, old people require more medicine and medical help and things along that line, but If im going to be brutally honest, they have maybe20,30 years left. While a child has their whole life ahead of them. He/she won’t get the proper care it needs because maybe he comes from a low income family who doesn’t have the greatest insurance, I know what that’s like. Now, I’m not trying to disrespect the elderly in anyway. I just think it’s absolutely absurd that the government would pay for things that if for their sexual pleasure, while maybe a child is very sick and needs to see a specialist but can’t because their insurance won’t cover it and they don’t have the money to afford it. -lilcakes004

    1. I agree. It is crazy to think that the government is paying for a 70 yr old mans Viagra but he can't have the pnuemonia vaccine without paying for it. Yes, I agree that the elderly should be able to have all the "fun" they want before they die. However, I don't think it should be with my tax money. If they want to have "fun" like that they should be paying out of their own pocket. I also agree with you about insurances not paying for birth control but will pay for these sex aides. I don't know. I do know that some of the policies of insurance companies need an overhaul. ~peoriahighlionsfootball004

    2. Yes I feel the absolute same way. There are plenty of things that need to be fixed with education. There is plenty of places that money could help others for more serious needs. Not saying that we should not allow any for them but 170 billion is a bit much. Imagine the programs that could be put into place. The number of schools who could offer all their kids a free lunch, schools who could really use the funding for that because they are in such poverty stricken areas.

    3. I don’t even see where the rationalization comes from for the government to pay for sexual enhancement for seniors. It baffles me that with how much national debt we have we still decide to fund ridiculous things like that. Instead of budget cuts on education and transportation we should be cutting on Medicare and Medicade spending that is not necessary for health reasons.

  2. This video was very funny and spot on. I work in a drs office where we do more prior authorizations for blood pressure medications than erectile dysfunction drugs. Somehow the healthcare system got it's wires crossed and now thinks that ED drugs should be covered and the coverage for chronic life saving meds should be challenged. It is very sad that Child Care Connection and school lunch programs are being depleted or cut altogether while 70 and 80 yr old people in nursing homes are getting meds to help them get it on. I did agree with him that this is a country where we disrespect the elderly on an everyday basis and that we might as well let them "go out with a bang". However, I think a line must be drawn when it comes to what we hold as having more importance. The elderly or the children who are the future of our country. ~peoriahighlionsfootball004

  3. The video was meant to joke and be funny. But I felt like it had some very valid points. How is the majority of elders against Obamacare when that is basically what they are getting and have been getting. The fact that they are having sex more in nursing homes I don’t believe it is only related to the fact that they are receiving supplements from the government, I also believe that it has a lot to do with the era they grew up in. they were alive and experiencing all the “taboo” the 60s, 70s, and 80s raged. Things were starting to change from the cookie cutter life many lived in the 50s. The amount of 170 billion spent on penis pumps I hope was just an exaggeration of a total. I hope the government isn’t spending that on just penis pumps. I must say they set themselves up a very good nest egg for the future. About 5% of the budget was spend on people in the last year of their lives. I don’t see this as a bad thing. Whether it be the last year or the first year it is still as important. The fact that elders are receiving more than our children is concerning. The children are our future. If old men can buy penis pumps, there should not be one child who doesn’t receive free school lunch. I’m not saying to take these items away from the elders but there are much more important expenses that should be met first. And those of our children and educations should be first. I have seen so many schools close because of lack of funding and so many programs gone because there were no funds. The idea that giving a man a pump for his penis is more important than giving a child a better education is sickening. Clearly this is just my opinion but I think that we could do better with our taxpayer’s money.

    1. @MysonMyworld004 Do you believe that the speaker is being "ageist?" The speaker makes a lot of generalized statements about the elderly, however, he uses statistical facts sooo... Is it ageism or?? lol -004kylegoldheart

  4. This is sad to hear that we as a country are cutting funds from head start, nutrition assistance and child welfare to fund the elderly and their penis pumps. What went wrong? I always believed that by the time you are seventy, sex was obsolete as well as sexually transmitted diseases. I had no idea that at seventy you would be as active as a twenty year old in the bed. It's hard to imagine. It's also hard to acknowledge that the lderly would care more about intercourse than having their great-grand or grand childeren have proper healthcare. Are you more selfish in your late years, is it the "you only live once" theory that they care about? Millions of dollares is a lot of money to spend on sexual needs and wants. I would think they would be spending that money on depend undergarments, canes, walkers, etc. Maybe we as younger people actually missed something on the ballots when voting, we didn't pay attention to the issues. It's true though that youg people are more likely not to vote than the elderly for whatever reason, I don't know. What we have to realize is that our future is in the elderly man and women's hands and they are looking out for themselves not us. It was said that no country disrespects the elderly more than ours. I'm finding that to be believable. I remember when I was in my early twenties, I lived next door to an elderly woman and she was very mean. She was the type that you couldn't even speak to her without her saying something smart. A simple "how are you doing" to her was a smart response like "I'm alive ain't I" along with the rolling of the neck and eyes. I used to mock her and say I don't want to be old, but now I'm mature enough to realize that what I did was wrong and disrespectful. I do want to grow old. myboys004

  5. Ageism is defined by stereotyping or discriminating against elderly people. You ask whether the comments made in this clip are considered to be the example of ageism. I must say first that stereotyping may sometimes stem from true facts (the issue is that those facts may not be true for everyone or even the majority). With that said I do believe there is a strong since of ageism, however, many of the clips' "jabs" were drawn from statistical facts. Where the video made a turn down the wrong path is the direction the speaker chose to take by seemingly speaking to "all" old people and suggesting that "all" old men use p-pumps and "all" elderly choose hospice care that results in the administration of heavy medication. It's the speaker choice to over-emphasize that resembles ageism so much. The speaker devalues the many arguments posed by elderly people about Obama care and thus discriminating against them based off of limited evidence. -004kylegoldheart

  6. I definitely agree that there is a big disparity between caring for the old and supporting the younger generations. 172 million dollars in taxpayer money just on male enhancement is insane. Spending six times more a year for seniors versus children is insane. It is sad that so many federal assistance programs geared towards helping young children are getting cut just so the older generation can have paid prescriptions for things that are not necessary for health like Viagra. It makes sense that the reason these programs are in place is because older people do vote. We always hear statistics about how young people are mostly disinterested and don’t vote on election day. Of course seniors are going to vote for politicians who will further improve the standards for the older generation. It is kind of ironic that the elderly are so dissatisfied with how the government is running. I get that not everything is great for everybody but they are way more advantaged than most people will be soon. For example, the social security trust is projected to run out by 2034 at which point only 79% of the benefits will be able to be paid from tax revenue. I won’t be able to collect social security by the time it runs out so I won’t even get what I technically should when I am elderly. It is also ironic that the elderly oppose Obama care. They get government funded health care for things that are not necessary! Although Obama care could definitely be improved it at least does offer health care to way more people than had health care before it. I would say that although the elderly are not trying to be selfish and want the best for their children and grandchildren, they really do abuse a system that is not very strong in the first place.

    1. The problems we have with on both sides youth and elderly have been view only in part. Programs for the youths have been cut and there is little attention on bring them back. Largely because many of those programs were being abused. They had little to no over sight and when the light was turned on in the media it showed pictures of people getting rich while children weren’t being taken care of.
      The programs that pay for medical services for the elderly have been paid into by most of the recipients. The Federal Government misused the monies intended to pay for medical services because there was no law in place that protected those funds. Today we have a deficit to pay for those programs because of increasing life expectancy, poor management of those funds and reduced number of people paying into the system and (2) recession in recent years.
      Also from the sociology stand point how commercial within an hour are viewed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction? And who are the people at home watching these commercials everyday for many hours per day? So naturally what are they thinking about?

  7. The reason why the elderly are more in power is because younger people do not vote. Elderly receive more benefits because they make the decisions. Children go hungry but old people are able to get penis pumps. More money goes to the last few weeks of life than the entire life time of the same person. It is weird to think that old people are having more sex than the younger generation. They are more likely to have an STD than a young person. It is ironic that the old are more opposed to Obamacare but already receive government funded health care. Before this video I never knew what a penis pump was and now I kind of wish I didn't learn this today. I am not trying to be disrespectful but everyone should be treated medically equal.

    1. I can say that I never knew what a penis pump was either before I watched this video, but you learn something new everyday. I also never knew that elderly people have sex more than the young. I would think it would be the other was around. I would think that the elderly would be so frail that they wouldn't be able to even have sex or that they don't have the drive and thought of such a thing. I guess that would be ageism. -Happy004

  8. This video with Bill Maher speaking about the dispute with the elderly and the young had a sense of satire. He kind of ridiculed elderly people getting penis pumps and using drugs to help with sexual intercourse. I was fairly surprised when I learned that elderly people have more sex than the young. I got to thinking and I realized that the young have the body and the physical ability to have sex but the fear of having a disease and the possibilities and outcomes of having sexual intercourse would give a hesitation to actually following through with sex especially so young. On the other hand, older people don’t have much fear anymore because they know they've lived most of their lives and that they don’t have to fear diseases or being pregnant with a baby because they are past those ages. Fear is the reason why people do or don’t do things. Fear keeps people in line and in a way, guides people. In addition, a reason why older individuals get penis pumps and those drugs to help with sexual intercourse is because they don’t they don’t have much else to look forward to in their lives. They have lived their lives and they don’t know what to do to further it. Elderly people deserve to have a good time and enjoy the rest of their good days. I would think that they would result to sex and the different ways to help them have sex. Although those are unreasonable motive to spend money when people could be spending it on pharmaceutical research, the hungry and poor, and other disasters. I truly believe that America in general and people in general value the worth of money over the true crisis. -Happy004

  9. Interesting. This video was very humorous, but I wasn’t quite sure what I was supposed to get out of this video other than older people still like to have as much sex as the freshmen and college do or something like that. I feel like were brought up to look at the elderly in a certain way. The way that their a bunch of short old people who don’t do much other then go to church on Sunday. This is a whole new side a much darker side that involves a lot of sex and free sex enhancing things from the government that they place there some 50 or 60 years ago. That was a side of the elderly community that I wish I could un-see. This in a way is ageist, because we don’t normally classify the elder as having sex, but we think of that is more of a younger middle aged person label.

    1. I think this video was more to show the way the tax money is being spent on the elderly compared to the young. The elderly can have the state pay for a penis pump, ect. but our nation is continuously make cuts effecting the young. It is crazy to hear, you are right growing up we were raised to view them just as a little old lady, or man, not as someone who is still getting it on with their partner at the age of 72. But it is a cold heart truth most of us would rather not imagine I think.

  10. You could obviously tell his was saying this in a joking manner, but he was so dead on, on many points. The is a big gap, not so much on race but a lot in our generations and the age differences. As mentioned when someone stated what world are we leaving our young? The respect, and values that was once there in older generations are not in the new, just to name a few. Our generation has grown to be more judgement towards the older generation and no as respectful. It was pretty funny when he started talking about the older generation and having sex in a nursing home. Working in a nursing home, and having a CNA license, yes this is something they will teach about. You will see and just close the door and walk away is exactly what the teacher will tell you is the “proper way” to handle it. But hey can you really be mad at the older generation for still wanting to live their life? They may be spending a lot of money on thing’s we view as unnecessary such as penis pumps ect. but I am sure they feel the same about the younger generation and our clothes and make up and ect. But the part that is sad is how and where the government is making cuts. As a nation if we have that much of tax payer’s money to spend on things like a penis pump that really is not health beneficial but making cuts on things that will effect children, there is a huge issue that needs to be fixed, but sadly more than likely will never be. -JustMe1989004

  11. Bill Maher was very funny in his description of our aging population. And he is correct in stating that people are living longer because of the advancements in medicine, social awareness of physical fitness and technical inventions. Social awareness has changed the way we view trends that were acceptable 60 years ago such as the use of tobacco product which caused cancer. Today and over the past 35 years people have membership to athletic clubs to improve their physical fitness and increase metal decline. At the same the U.S. family size has changed starting in the 1900’s. Large families were the norm because of religion, farming and lack of birth control. At the Industrial Revolution people started to move from rural areas into cities where jobs paid better wages and a chance to achieve the American dream. Family sizes shrined from 6 plus children to 2 to 4. Bill Maher talked about the social programs that have been cut to assist people with child while paying for elder care. Early in the 1980’s there was a social push to eliminate programs that were viewed as not productive and lead to unbalanced budget. The political group that headed the elimination of child care programs which aided low incoming neighborhoods said this would save millions of taxpayer dollars. Those programs were never replaced and are stilled viewed as nonproductive. While programs like Medicare formed in 1956 for military families and adopted to the Title XVII of the Social Security Act in 1965 and Medicaid started in 1965. Both programs were acted to aid people with medical expensive after the age of 65 and generally are apart of their Social Security benefits.
    So while very humorous the facts show don’t give the complete picture of why we are in our current situation. It does however show what other countries have been dong and that is taking care of both the children and elderly of their society. Those counties South Korea, Japan, Singapore just to mentation a few are leading the way in education of their investment in children programs and post high school education sponsored by their governments. Our cultural plays a large role in how we see social programs here in the U.S.


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