Family, Stigma, Peers, and Milk Money.....


  1. Chris says that everyone views him as a bad kid because of his parents this shows the toll the labeling theory took on the kid. Also he says that when a milk went missing everyone blamed him for the missing milk even before they know he did just because of his own personal association that was brought forth by the type of people that his parents are. The label has indeed set worth Chris to apply the labeling theory to his own life taking the action of stealing the mink, also when he shows any signs of emotion he calls himself a "pussy" just because he was crying just because he views is to not portray any weakness. He also is falling into behavior of delinquency because he hasn't had the family support system he needed and the only thing he is seeing from his parents is criminal behavior. he was adaptable to the behavior he says he immited it, and then he was socialized out of society for what he viewed as normal behavior, which caused him to make more routes into accepted the behaviors of what his parents had shown him through his observation. He doesn't seem to have a lot of social support either he is suffering what seems to be worry about being sent away from everyone he knows and the only person it seems this person is comfortable with seems to be the kid that's around his age which will cause more deliquiet acts. This kid was just adapted to his envoirment and the people he viewed as important sent a bad example which is why I believe he took action, and stole the milk. Eagle001

    1. This is a great example of how the labeling theory can take a toll on a juveniles life. The way his friends associated him with his parents and called him a bad kid led him to believe he was and he got blamed for stealing the milk before they even knew he did when it went missing because of his label which also takes a toll on him. Bike001

    2. i agree it great example of labeling at work the kids dad is a criminal so they label him as deviant which is not fair to him rises the chance of him doing something bad but he dose have free will but school seems to lable him because of hes dad brother cowboys001

    3. i definitely agree with your view on this as labeling theory. it is surely not fair that the boy had been labeled a deviant based off his family. RRM001

    4. I also agree that this is a good example of labeling theory. Just because someone might come from a "bad family," they aren't inherently bad children. Because of the label society had placed on Chris, he became the label, which is, in my opinion, so unfortunate. EKT001

    5. I agree completely with what you had to say. by applying that label to a kid, they lose hope of what they see themselves as and then just live up to what society holds them to be. Broncos001

  2. In this clip from Stand by Me, Chris is talking to Gordy about the time he stole the milk money. Everybody blamed him for taking the money before they even knew that he had taken it. Chris felt bad about taking the milk money and took it back and gave it to a teacher, but the teacher kept the money for her self, because she knew no one would believe him. He is upset, because every one thinks he is a bad kid just like his father and brother. Chris has been labeled a deviant because of his family’s reputation. Because he has been labeled deviant he starts to commit deviant acts, and he becomes the label. Just in this scene we can see he is starting to commit deviant acts, because he is talking about when he stole the milk money, and he has a handgun that he stole from his dad. Another factor that contributes to Chris’s deviance is his family. His father has been labeled as a deviant by the town for his actions. Since Chris has been socialized in a home with a deviant father he is more likely to become delinquent. He learns from his father’s actions and he will most likely end up like his father, the apple never falls far from the tree. The delinquency of Chris’s brother, Eyeball Chambers, could also be a contributing factor to Chris’s deviant acts. Having a delinquent sibling increases the risk of becoming delinquent. This could have an even greater effect on Chris, because it is his older brother and he does not have a good father to look up to either. 7point62001

    1. Chris like what was stated has become the lable instead of being able to be benefical to socity as a whole. He believes he is a bad kid due to the the community as a whole he has no support system which helps to only further his believe of what others belief him to be a delinquent. Eagle001

  3. This kid reminds me of how lots of kids are treated when they are told they cant do something or treated poorly because they've made a mistake in the past. This sheds a lot of light on my childhood growing up I was in trouble in school and labeled that way and people who haven't seen me still believe it to this day. It really makes you wonder how that shaped you into the kid you were and I'm lucky I had some buffers to help me escape that and turn myself around but some people aren't that lucky and maybe stay with their label for their entire life. Or till its too late to change the person they are. That short clip shed light on why I wanted to get into law enforcement in the first place to try and help some of the "bad kids" that may just need a little guidance and mentoring instead of the short end of the stick;' Great movie By the way. Dadoftwo001

    1. Kids do/have gotten treated poorly because they made a bad choice and that choice become who that person was instead of correcting that behavior. I agree that kids need to have support rather then be comdemed for the evil behavior because their young the behavior shouldn't define them forever ever. Gudiance, and metoring is the best beat socity has at helping any person. Eagle001

    2. I also believe that kids can be changed into different people because of the labels their parents or teachers put upon them. It can put a great amount of emotions and pressure on to the kids and they can be more likely to commit these troublesome acts because of their labels and people try to make it seem like the kids can't change. Bike001

    3. Kids should be treated with respect and with kindness and with passion. Kids should always be honest and tell the truth about what they did and serve the punishment they get. Golfer001

    4. This is unfortunately very true. One mistake can ruin your entire life. Even a small mistake can. For example, if you get caught stealing a candy bar once when you were in middle school you could be labeled as a thief for the rest of your life. Eventually that kid accepts the fact he/she is a thief and becomes that label. This is an example of labeling theory like it is shown in the video. Labeling theory can be very detrimental to a child's life because it can cause them to become deviant and potentially ruin their life. Kids that are deviant usually come from broken homes and live in bad neighborhoods. Eventually these smaller deviant acts become more serious. They start with small things like shoplifting and vandalism and go on to commit more serious crimes like rape and murder.


    5. i like how you turned this into a real life situation it really brings the whole theory together

  4. The role that Chris plays in this movie is a perfect example of how labeling theory works in young juveniles. Chris says everyone labels him as the bad kid because of his parents. Although parents do make an influence on a child's behaviors Chris could have still grown up a non troublesome child if it wasn't for the labels that were applied to him by his peers. When your peers and teachers start to label you as a deviant because of things like your parents or what neighborhood you grew up in sometimes kids will take those labels into consideration and start believing what other people label them as. Then the juvenile might start embracing this behavior and just make it a part of themselves. I know this from firsthand experience because when I first moved to Morton, Illinois I wasn't like the rest of the athletic or sporty kids in town I liked to skateboard. Little did I know this small Illinois town had a prohibition on skateboarding in certain parts of the village I would be approached by police officers telling me that this activity was not tolerated on these streets. Of course I kept going back out and skateboarding because it's what i loved to do but most everyone in the town labeled me as a delinquent and I started believing it when it was just a label applied by the people of the town I really wasn't hurting anybody but the label still lived on and it would be reflected in the classroom teachers would treat me as one of the troubled students and send me in the hallway to do work if I wasn't even the one who was acting out in that class. The same went for Chris when he was labeled a deviant for outside actions that weren't even things he was doing they were labels applied because of his parents. He really wasn't hurting anyone and wasn't doing anything wrong until these people started labeling him as a deviant. Bike001

  5. This clip is a good one its show the labeling theory and how it can work on kids an how they act and how people look at them i have had to deal with this before my self its really sucks this kid feels this how and people treat him like this him growing probably watched hes parents do bad stuff acting up no care so he see this and has more likely chance of him acting like that to but that doesn't mean he will tho and people need to stop judging kid on maybe how there parents act or a brother everyone acts and make there on decision people need maybe not be so quick to judge a kid as a deviant and sounds like there trying to push him out of school which is not fear to him then there pushing him to failure then the teacher steals the money no pointed fingers there the kid sounds like hes need a buffer in hes life cowboys001

    1. I agree with you on how people can act and they feel bad because they did something bad and will get caught doing it some how one way or another. Golfer001

    2. I also agree that this is a good example of labeling theory. Just because someone might come from a "bad home," they aren't inherently a bad child. Because of the label society had placed on Chris and his family, he became the label, which is, in my opinion, very unfortunate. EKT001

    3. It isn't fun to be the labeled "bad kid" but it really sticks with me because being told that you are a "bad kid" can really make you believe you are. It can make you think well people already think I am a bad kid so who cares if I do this. Or you get to believing it doesn't matter what you do people are going to believe that you are simply not good. Dadoftwo001

    4. When we label a child we take away their hopes and desires for themselves and they then turn into what we label them as. In the clip, we see Chris talking about how everyone sees him as being the same as his parents and not who he truly is or who he truly can be. Broncos001

  6. In this clip from Stand By Me Chris shows how negative labeling a kid deviant can be. Chris has been labeled a deviant because of the negative behaviors of his parents. He wasn't given a chance to be his own person because people associated him with his deviant family. Assuming that because his father committed deviant acts as did his older brother he would automatically commit deviant acts himself. He initially took the milk money because he was labeled deviant, so he felt that he may as well do what he was accused of doing. I don't feel he wanted to commit deviant acts though because he showed remorse for taking the money and returned it to the teacher. She felt comfortable keeping the money because she knew that she would be believed over a deviant child. It was clear that Chris did not have a support system in place at home or school. So with the lack of support and being labeled deviant what other options were really left to him other than turning into what people already said he was. He was very hard on himself for expressing emotion and thought of himself as weak for crying. Even though he was only talking to his peer this young man was crying out for help. There are kids just like him in reality, that can be saved from becoming deviant if the proper buffers are put in place. But this clip brought to light the negative effects of labeling a child. After hearing negativity about ones self it can cause a child to become deviant just because of the label. Just because a childs family is deviant doesn't automatically mean they themselves will be deviant. We as a society need to stop putting labels on children. Give them a chance to prove that they are their own person, not their fathers or brothers. How many children have truly been deviant and not driven to deviance because of a negative label placed on them because people think the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Labeling certainly does not encourage a child to steer clear of deviance. Ifanything it pushes them towards acts of deviance. mommy001

    1. I agree with you. Children that are labeled deviant tend to accept that label, almost like a self fulfilling prophecy. These kids usually end up coming from a broken home. The father is usually absent or one of the parents is abusing drugs. labeling a child with definitely not help a child in life it will only hurt them and sometimes they will not have the chance to change because theyve been deviant for so long that its too late.


    2. I agree that children should never be labeled for the deviant behavior of their parents since it would be so detrimental to their prospects of success when it is given at such a young age. It is especially bad since the kid would have to shoulder the burden of avoiding the deviant path he would have learned from his family. CoolGuy001

  7. In this clip Chris is just expressing his feelings and how he stole the milk money. And he is saying he got a three day vacation and he is just angry. He feels bad on what he did and wants to change. He just feels like some people make him feel bad and he is making himself look bad by cussing about himself and what is wrong. And Chris is labeling himself because he is shaming himself because of what he has done by stealing the milk money and having a three day vacation. Chris looks like he is a good kid but he just made a bad decision to steal and is cry about it to Gordy and Gordy is just saying what needs to happen. Chris is a good person be just mad a wrong choice to take the milk money but at least he told someone about it like Gordy and I don't think Gordy is going to tell someone about it and just going to keep it a secret for a long time and never snitch on Chris. Golfer001

    1. Although he is expressing how bad he feels about stealing the milk money, there is an underlying message in the dialogue between the two boys. Chris had already been labeled as a deviant because of his father's reputation. So I think that stealing the milk money was something he did because of the negative label placed upon him. People already assumed he was a bad kid just because of who his father and sibling were. So he just did what people were already accusing him of doing. mommy001

  8. This scene tells you a lot about juvenile delinquency and about juveniles in general. When Chris says he cant take those college courses with Gordy its's because he has a reputation of being a bad kid. This is an example of labeling theory. Since his family is known to do bad things he accepted the label that his family is bad and became delinquent. He never really had a chance to be his own person because he just followed in the footsteps of his older sibling and parents. We all have a family in our city or neighborhood that is known for doing this type of stuff. Or there is always that kid who is always in trouble at school or with the police and 99.9% of the time they come from a fmaily who is also always in trouble. Families like this usually have a few things in common. The father is usually absent for most or all of the kids life. One or both of the kids parents have drug abuse problems. Also their parents are not very educated and work a minimum wage job or jobs. He talks about how he stole the milk money and then tried to return it. He feels bad about committing these delinquent acts because he tried to return the money. The fact that he even starts to cry shows how he never wanted to be like this but while he was growing up its all he knew. When he starts crying he thinks that he's a pussy but its been established in society that crying in men is a form of weakness. This is not true because everybody crys. Chris was looking for somebody to talk to and when he found somebody he could trust he let it all out. This is how a lot of kids are, especially kids their age. This is a fantastic movie and really shows how kids their age act and why they act the way they do.


    1. I agree with you 100%. Children who are born to deviant parents or who have deviant siblings are for sure at risk of being labeled deviant themselves. It is very unfortunate though that these children aren't allowed to be individuals and judged on the things they themselves do and not judged by the actions of their family members. Just the label alone can cause a child to become deviant. We as a society really need te reevaluate the way we are reacting to the adolescent children and avoid placing labels on them. Every child has the potential to be something great but only if they are nurtured properly and labeling them is no where near the proper thing to do. mommy001

  9. In this scene from Stand By Me, we are are being shown how some kids are labeled as deviant without people even knowing them. In this case, Chris is being labeled as deviant due to his families reputation in the town. We see how this affects Chris and how it makes him feel like he is thought as being deviant and that the label is not going to change so he should just live up to the label he has been given. He is close to giving up on himself since nobody has given him a chance to explain. We can not label kids as deviant without getting to know them or giving them a chance because it puts a false sense of who they are in their head and they are not aloud to decide who/what they are, we do it for them. Because his family is not like everyone else's, everyone who is associated in that family is put under the same category and labeled the same. Another act of socialization that is represented is when he starts to cry, because for men it has been established not to cry,so when he does he calls himself a "pussy". We put all these labels and categories into life and apply them to people without really knowing who those people are and why they do what they do. We do not give anyone the benefit of the doubt and assume that they will turn out just like their parents or whoever they associate themselves with. This reminds me of the phrase "Assume makes an Ass out of you and me". We do not know who we are making assumptions about, but we do it anyway. Broncos001

    1. I agree with the statement that if we label someone as a deviant than more than likely they will become deviant. Its hard to break a label but its easy to slap a label onto someone. If kids are born into a family of deviants than that kid will more than likely become deviant. Its not the label that makes a man its the man that makes the man. Godzilla001

  10. In this clip it shows us how Chris feels about how the parents and teachers at the school treat him. He went in there with the deviant label taped on his forehead. My older brother is four years older than me so when he was in high school I was still in junior high. He fell in with a bad crowd and ended up getting expelled for drugs during his sophomore year. I still remember the dirty looks I got from some of the teachers when they found out who I was. I hadn't even talked to any teachers hadn't even had a class yet and teachers and other officials already had me labeled as a deviant. How kids react to that labeling is what matters. Do you go with the flow and steal the milk money? or do you prove everyone wrong and show them that you aren't a deviant you don't believe in their labels you make your own labels. Godzilla001

    1. It is amazing how one persons actions can cause the rest of society to think that the rest of a family is the same. Schools and teachers should have an open mind when it comes to new students because each individual has their own opinions and values in life.

  11. This video outlines the effects of labeling theory on the family and on delinquency. It also shows how differential association and other learning theories relate to juvenile delinquency. In the video, the juvenile had stolen money from another juvenile. The family of the juvenile who stole the money was also known to contain deviants. Given that his family and close family members had also been engaged in delinquent or criminal activities and were likely low income, it would be reasonable to believe that the environment he was raised in was more conducive to delinquent or criminal behavior. Not only would his household have been more conducive to his delinquent behavior, but other people knew about how his close family members were engaged in deviant behavior and labelled his household as delinquent, making him have a bad reputation before he earned it. His labeling as a deviant was strengthened as he started committing more deviant acts as he grew up until he eventually stole the money from the other juvenile. Surprisingly though, after he stole the money he was remorseful and tried to undo the wrong he had done by giving the money back to who he stole it from by giving it to the teacher. Given that the teacher knew how the juvenile came from a deviant family and was already labelled after committing other acts of secondary deviance, the teacher saw that she was in a position of power and could get away with stealing the returned money herself since she did not carry any deviant labels. After she stole the money, the juvenile was the one who had to receive the negative sanction for the deviant act in the form of a suspension. This was to his great detriment, as it made him lose access to future opportunities like college, even though he was described by his friend as clever enough for it. CoolGuy001

  12. This clip really shows how theater can go hand in hand with criminal justice especially with juveniles. Chris was crying to Gordy due to people blaming him prematurely for stealing the milk money just because of who his family was. That is labeling theory to a T. Chris could have been a great kid who had a great future but that all went out the window when people labeled his family as bad people. Now that they were labeled as deviants that label gets transferred onto Chris. So anything that is bad that happens that has Chris involved will automatically be blamed on him because he is considered a deviant due to his parents to be handed that. This clearly is not fair because Chris couldn’t have been guilty (even though he indeed take the milk money) but he will never get the benefit of the doubt due to his parents and the labeling theory. RRM001

    1. I agree, there are many great kids with new ideas out there that can not be heard because of their situation. Labeling can cause kids to be severely set back in life and not be seriously considered when it comes to things like college and good jobs.

    2. Labeling can cause juveniles a great deal of hurt. It can cause them to turn into the total opposite of what they want to be. I agree when you say it can cause a set back (jah001). Labels can cause people to really go in depth about who they are-and what they are gonna do. If someone is always called stupid.. they are going to believe they aren't smart enough to complete school. Or go on to college. We cannot do that to juveniles. they need love and affection to move onto these next courses of their lives. -dicaprio001

  13. This is a great movie to watch. I think this is a great movie to show the stressors of peers and being labeled in society just because of how your family is. I think it is truly sad that as a young man or girl you sometimes do not even have a chance in life because of how your parents or older brother or sisters are so you get put into that category already. And I think that forces a lot of kids to run with bad crowds and do bad things at a young age. This clip is a good example of that because even though he took the money no one watched him or knew for sure he took it. But by having that negative stigma because of his family they blamed him anyways. And even though he took it back and the teacher spent the money, she knew that no one would believe that he gave the money back to her, so she got to do anything she wanted at that point.

  14. The first thing I thought of when I watched this clip was labeling theory. Chris was labeled a bad child by everyone because of his family, and because of this, he became it. Everyone automatically assumed when they heard that the milk money was stolen that Chris took it, just because he comes from a “bad family.” Something else that struck me was that in the beginning of the clip when Gordy was talking about going to college and saying that Chris could go with him, Chris said no. He thinks he can’t go to college because he’s a “bad kid” from a “bad family.” He is reinforcing these thoughts and the label that society has put on him by acting out and stealing the milk money, but then he tries to fix it by giving it to a teacher who ends up keeping the money and punishing Chris anyway. Chris’s brother, Eyeball Chambers, also plays a huge role in his behavior. As we discussed in class, the family, in particular the siblings, are one of the largest influences on how a child acts. Eyeball committed delinquent acts and Chris witnessed them, and learned that “that is the way that Chambers act,” so he followed in his brother’s footsteps and stared committing his own delinquent acts. Chris was just trying to adapt to his environment as best he could. EKT001

  15. In this film clip, a child is disturbed at the realization that he has a negative label and will never be treated right. Based on his family's position, he will never get into college or be taken seriously. This kid has been formally labeled by his town, teachers, and peers for being a deviant. As explained in the video, the kid would never get anybody to believe his testimony of the teacher stealing back the money simply because the society knows the position he holds. The fact the child and his family are known to be deviants can be given by their socioeconomic status. The family can more than likely be considered poor. The labeling theory causes the entire town to believe the individual is deviant based on his family position and economic class. When the boy starts crying he feels uncomfortable and weak because society socializes boys to be more aggressive and not cry. The boy feels weak and less of a person because he is not living up to what society thinks is best.

  16. One of the first things that caught my eye in this movie clip was chris talking about the way everyone else see's him. So the first thing that came to mind was labeling theory. He has been labeled by everyone as deviant. Being labeled deviant has brought chris to really believe that he is deviant. He heard it so much by everyone around him, he became the label. I believe that to be true. I think we all could think of someone in our lives that have been told they are something and actualy become that. I know i could think of someone right now who didn't want to be like their parents. Their parent's were drug addicts, that's all the child knew. He knew his parent's were low life, thieving drug addicts. The child then get older does drugs just exactly like his/her parents did when they were younger. BOOM! We are a product of what we see, what we are taught ext. The family is the primary socialization factor that juviniles need in their lives. It's so important for a juvinle to feel the love & see the love from their family members, to exhibit the same behavior. If a child feels family conflict or god forbid even see's family violence most of the time they will commit such behavior when they are adults. Sibling influences are a huge part of it too. Chris said something about his older brother-and how they wouldn't take him seriously. We all at some point want to be like our older brother or sister-or maybe your younger sister or brother looks up to you. We all have these influences around us. Maybe we just don't take the time to think about it. -dicaprio001

  17. I strongly believe that juvenile delinquent behavior is presented throughout this entire film. This clip and the film as a whole shows a group of boys who all have the same goal. The boys are separated into two different gangs and they run into frequent confrontations as the movie progresses and I think that happens in everyday life in a gang as well. They each have one goal and they will do anything to reach it. Also, the language throughout the movie is very harsh and frequent. It's almost like every other sentence that comes out of the boys mouth has one or more curse words. There is also a lot of smoking in some of the scenes, showing the viewer that the boys are doing delinquent behavior. In one of the scenes, Gordie says that he found the cigarettes on his dad's bedside, proof that kids learn behaviors from their parents. Also, both Gordie and Chris talk about starting middle school and how they will be separated based on their "smartness." We see that today in how school's separate children based on tests scores, grades, and how well they do in school. Lastly, Gordie said to Chris, "kids lose everything unless they have someone there to look after them." We not only learned this in class, but it's seen all throughout today's society as well. If a child doesn't have well parent supervision and a buffer to steer them in the right direction, chances are they will go in the wrong. behappy001


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