Gender, Sexuality, Culture and Simply Me.....


  1. It was definitely hard to stop laughing after watching this video. It was a funny, but the guys in this video are so sexist. They walked up to the girls and called them sexy and just walk up and slap their butts. Inappropriately touching a girl is never okay. They touch the butt and compliment it until they find out it's a guy and automatically call him gay; because of his butt and the leggings. They call him that because males who don't fall within the male gender stereotype are not the normal. Not all straight males like male clothing and that is considered deviant to the general public.

    1. I know as much as women are looked at as sex objects guys out of the male gender stereotype are looked at like filth. Yes our society is accepting gays but we do not except the abnormal people or anyone that doesn’t follow the social rules. This is sad to me that we can’t all except any one in any situation.

    2. The way that the female gender is exploited is disgusting. Not only that but this video shows the true colors of homophobia to me. They are all macho when feeling up the real woman, and then when the man turns around, thing get instantly aggressive.

    3. I completely agree with all of you about how disgusting and ridiculously inappropriate it is to exploit females and treat them like that. It also does examine homophobia and stereotype of males and females. It justifies how people treat each other and the respect they show for each other, which is very little. -Happy004

  2. Yeah I did not appreciate this video as much. Guys can be very filthy and I wonder how many of those guys are in relationships. I know it is a prank show but this just shows how society views women as objects instead of human beings. No man should ever even come close as those guys did to that woman and man. When the one guy came to the back of the car I was uneasy. Being a woman in that situation would be so uncomfortable. Guys are strong and can easily take advantage of girls and that is a situation that could have gone in a different direction. I feel being a woman in today’s society is dangerous. There are many things you have to watch your back with. I know if I feel uncomfortable in any situation I’ll call someone on the phone to talk too or I’ll make sure someone comes with me if I’m going to an area or place that I don’t feel very comfortable with.

    1. I understand where your coming from completely. Like I don't even go anywhere without caring a thing of mace or pepper spray. I think this was just suppose to be more funny though. You are right though, most of those guys probably were in relationships which is pathetic. We as females do need to be more cautious with ourselves and its sad it has to be that way.

  3. So this video was so funny to me. I couldn't stop laughing. Guys are seriously like this thought and its so disgusting to me. Guys treat women like they are a piece of meet. Just like that old guy who was sniffing that guys ass! What the hell was that! And the guys would just walk up and smack that girls ass. If you did that to me I'd turn around and jack you in the face. I know this was a joke and it was funny but it just shows how big of pigs guys really are and like that other girl said most of those guys were probably in relationships. I cant believe guys act this way but then it makes since because we are a country who is ran by men. So that right there gives men the freedom to act how they choose and us women aren't suppose to have a say if you can touch our body or not.

    1. I think it has to due with the fact that we hare attracted to the human body. Not just sex. We are trained to only like one "kind" or another but it shows we are actually attracted to looks. Also these guys are really brave. People could get very angry about this.

  4. I think it has to due with the fact that we hare attracted to the human body. Not just sex. We are trained to only like one "kind" or another but it shows we are actually attracted to looks. Also these guys are really brave. People could get very angry about this.

  5. So this video says so much. First off I want to say those two guys are very brave to do this. There are some people who could have gotten much more violent with them once realizing they are men. I want to jump to the fact that This video is a good example of showing that we are actually attractive to people physically. Gender has nothing to do with it. A man can look like a woman and a woman can look like a man, in America’s standards, and the same sex can be attracted to them without be a homosexual. It is my generation that is starting to realize this and be more open to it. But choosing the neighborhood they did brings an entirely different point up. The fact that race has some factors in homophobia, or openness to “different” sexuality. It is one thing to be disrespectful towards a woman and her body and it is another thing if you accidently mistake this person you are degraded as a woman when in fact it is a man. I can see why people would think this video is funny, and it is, but it actually affects me a little differently. It angers me. It angers me that men think they can do this to woman. It angers me that some woman are okay with be degraded like this. And most of all it makes me angry that people can’t comprehend that the body is a beautiful thing. No matter what “parts” people have.

    1. I never really thought of it that way but I totally agree with you when you said people are attracted to physical features. I think that the reason so many men are homophobic has to do with the stigma society has put on homosexuality. Cultures have been doing it forever, and yet our society shuns it. I definitely think that our society pressures people to be straight.

  6. Womanizing is a horrible thing. These men showed a sense of entitlement mentioned when looking at the "girls" butts. Being so bold as to ask "can I touch it". It just goes to show how the body can be nothing more than a lustful attraction. It also shows the animosity towards homosexual people. They instantly assumed that both pairs of leggings were females. When finding out that one was truly a male, the men became instantly aggressive. If those people were wearing something a little less revealing would they have gotten the same attention?

    1. This was a very good way to think about this. I agree it is crazy to think they would have so little respect to think this was ok. The men lashed out violently to prove their manliness in my opinion which is how i would assume they would respond.

    2. I agree with the instant aggression of the men when finding out it was a male they were touching. They had the nerve to act like they were being violated. That man didn't touch their bodies why was it okay for them to touch his? myboys004

    3. I wonder if the location (such as upscale park) was different and the people wearing the yoga pants were another race. How would it change the expressions and reactions?

  7. This was super funny. I hate to say this but a majority of men show no type of respect. In this case it made them look stupid. It's sad because some men objectify women. And that's another reason why a great majority of men are single. So for them to be upset is no one's fault but their own. But society has taught us that it's ok to be disrespectful to women. Society has taught us to view the bodies of women as an object of pleasure. And as long as we continue to go down that path, change will not come. It's easy to treat a woman anytime of way, but we get upset when a member of our family is treated the same way. DAM004

  8. Although this video was entertaining I think it brought up some pretty important things. First and foremost, the biggest issue this video tackled was how men treat women. It is sad that men think it is socially acceptable to come up behind a woman and take pictures of her. It is rude and uncalled for. It’s also a huge invasion of privacy. I thought it was interesting how all those men reacted when they figured out it was a guy in the yoga pants. They went from taking pictures to threatening really quickly. I couldn’t believe that they continued to egg some of the guys on when they were getting chased. Another important thing this video tackled was first impressions. Even though it didn’t go into a whole lot of detail this video got me thinking back to the “plays” we put on. Obviously the men in yoga pants were doing it as a joke but it made me think back to that because of how automatically interested some of the passerby were. I wonder if women realize how men are looking at them when they wear yoga pants like that, and if maybe some women wear them to make an impression.

  9. This video did a great job showing how there are a lot of men who are homophobic. It is considered more taboo to be a gay male than a gay female. Two males making out are more likely to receive snide comments faster than two females making out. It would be very interesting to switch this up. I would guess that ladies would not be as angry to find out they just checked out another woman’s butt or they touched it. The men in this video got extremely angry because they felt it questioned their sexuality. They tend to react with physical violence to show “hey I’m not gay I will kick your butt.” To save what their manliness. Also the idea they feel they can just go up and feel it is respectful to comment or ask to touch. I could just imagine if the roles were turned and a female walked up to a man asking to touch his “junk”. Making comments on the size of his penis would not be accepted as well as the comment made about the size of ladies butts.

    1. Ha! It makes you wonder if their response would have been the same if the guy was a gay female instead, who identifies with male gender. Would men respond with the same disgust. -004kylegoldheart

  10. I did find the video a tad bit funny. I didn’t understand why the guys were chasing the guys wearing yoga pants after they were caught. I also didn’t appreciate how the “men” were treating them. The fact that that is how they would treat females is absurd, besides the fact that it was a prank. If it was reality and not a prank, I guess people would say that they were putting it out there and not covering themselves up because they were asking for it. I would totally disagree because women shouldn’t have to cover themselves up due to the fact that men can’t keep themselves in line. Women shouldn’t have to conform to society. Women shouldn’t have to hide their bodies no matter what size and shape just because “men” can’t handle it. Aside from the prank, this reminds me of when I was a freshman a couple years ago and was sexually harassed/assaulted by 4 guys in my school and I tried telling the administration, my teachers, and my peers, but they said they couldn’t do anything because it was my fault for dressing the way I dressed and putting myself out there by being outgoing. I believe that it is ridiculous if people believe that it is the female’s fault if a man harasses them. -Happy004

    1. You're definitely right in saying that if this wasn't a prank, others would be quick to judge and say the women were "asking for it". I'm so sorry for what you had to deal with in high school, that's awful! No one should have to feel pressure to hide their bodies or personality, male or female. It's horrible that the administration wouldn't even stick up for you, saying you provoked it. That just shows how prejudice and wrong many people still are, especially older generations in schools it seems. Thanks for sharing your story, just sorry that it had to happen to you!

  11. I think it's so ridiculous that guys get so defensive about liking what they saw after they realized it was a guy. She was calling him a she tho so he was a bit mislead, however men can identify as she if they choose, it's 2016. It's just amazing that the one guy kept trying to swing on him, but after he found out it was for a youtube video and he was going to be on the internet, everything was suddenly all cool and he even hugged him. The older guy reacted a bit different, running away initially but then turning around to smack him on the booty again. However he was smelling it to begin with, kinda strange. Either way, it's funny to see how people will react and it's all fun and games when it's a prank, but when it's real life and there's no cameras or anyone around to protect you, it gets a lot less humorous.

    1. I agree, men overreact to when they find out they find out that they were mesmerized by the same gender. One thought I have is maybe they think it will make them question sexuality and it is no the cultural norm to be attracted to the same sex. It was weird when the guy sniffed the butt.

  12. This is so sad how men think that a womans body is there to be shard with any and everybody. This was a good leson for the men in the video, they all looked like fools. Women now a days take pride in their bodies but that doesn't give men a pass to touch or make rude comments about them. Women don't walk around asking if they can grab a mans private area, thats sick. Like Dr. White said if a woman was walking around butt naked, it doesn's give anyone the right to touch her body. myboys004

    1. I agree. I think that the media places so much importance on how a woman looks and the belief that you have to look a certain way before you're beautiful. I think this just further emphasizes a man's belief that they can touch and talk to women as they see fit. As women we need to raise our standards of how we let men talk to us. I think Dr. White was absolutely right when he talked about women walking around naked. ~peoriahighlionsfootball004

  13. This video just shows that all guys are the same no matter the age, race or background. I have seen prank videos like this before and they make me laugh all the same. As a guy I definitely know how we think and how we’re main all about the visuals look first and everything else second. There isn’t much to write about this video other than showing how your eyes can be fouled. Also that we make prejudgments, and jump on those judgments before we really think about it.

    1. I disagree, not all men do this. There are men in this world that have been raised not to do this to women and to know their limits. bdole004

    2. It defiantly showed how men are more about visuals, but I don't think all men are like this, most but not all.

  14. I think that men from a very young age are taught to behave this way (to a certain extent). I found it very interesting that as long as the men believed both people were women it was ok for them to talk down to them and fondle them. But, the moment some of them found out "she" was a "he" they started calling him gay. Well, they touched another man's butt so what does that make them? Some men are very disgusting in their talk and their behavior. As a mom of a teenage son I am trying to teach him how to treat women. However, it's very hard when the media is making things like this for boys to watch. Last week I was at Walmart after class and these boys were trying to pick up this girl in the store. They were talking about how her butt was so big and she had big tatas. We're in Walmart not the bar. When did guys become so brash and just rude? ~peoriahighlionsfootball004

  15. Men do this all the time. The woman in the clip definitely invited the attention along but that is not required to receive the same response. It is understood across the board that each man's actions from this clip is not right. But its obvious that somewhere along the line we have failed. For a man to think can just walk up to 2 "ladies" and touch them in very private areas of their bodies evasive to all that we know about sexual harassment and minding peoples personal spaces. But I think this behavior results from the devaluing of women's rights that has gone on for so long. Take for instance the Standford male who raped an unconscious female and receives 6 months in jail. This is failure that is not limited to the streets where the pranks took place but has reached an institutional level. -004kylegoldheart

  16. I was not at all shocked by the attention that the ass was given. I worked in a bar for many years and all too often this is a common act or gesture to imply their interest in seeing how far they can go, however not all men act or think this way. There are women out there that do the same type of sexual advances towards men as well. bdole004

  17. We see that social-conflict at work here by defining the people who were bent over, even without seeing their faces, only as an object for sex and not a person.
    The way we view sexuality differs from race to race. Even how we view the opposite sex in a social setting here in the U.S.A. changes from urban to rural areas. All of the men in the video sexual harassed both people wearing yoga pants. The second encounter the guys were very offended when they found out that the other person bending over wasn’t a female. Immediately they thought that guy wearing the yoga pants was gay and called him a freak and started hitting him which exhibits homophobic behavior.

    1. I agree with you in regards to people defining the ones bent over as a sex object and not as a person. This type of behavior can lead to violence. Sexuality does differ based on race, but I can say that most men like women of all color shapes and sizes. Some men are pigs and in this video its clear, some men look at women as sex objects but in this video they had a rude awaken when they found out what sexuality was behind the big butts.~Mznurse004

  18. As good of a laugh this video is, just one thing really stood out. Every guy thought it was completely ok to grab on another woman in an inappropriate way, but turned violent most of the time wanting to kick or hit the person when they found out it was a male. It automatically changed their thinking into the guy in the yoga pants must have been gay and that just is not ok with them. There was only one guy in the entire video that even laughed it off and still smacked the guys butt. This video was a good example of deviant behavior, what was ok for the woman was not even close to being ok for the guys who also wore yoga pants. -JustMe1989004

  19. This video was slightly funny but in a way cruel. Most men today love big butts. For these guys to potray themselves as big booty women is cruel. All the men reacted the same when when they realized the person behind the round butt was a man. some reacted violently and some were like oh well shit happens. In my opinion people should not make jokes like that because one never knows what can happen in the end, the outcome could lead to violence.~Mznurse004

  20. This video was silly and a little funny. All the men that came by wanting to get with the men because they thought they were big booty women got the shock of there lives when the guys turned around to reveal that they were guys. Some of the men got really mad and tried to hit or kick the men and this could have turned into a very bad situation. wonderwoman004


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