Police Legitmacy and Procedural Justice....My Diatribe


  1. This video does a great job to break down Police Legitimacy and Procedural Justice. This video shows that it is not just one simple thing and that there is many parts to both of these things. I found out that there are 4 parts to Procedural Justice and the parts are Participation, Neutrality, Dignity, Trustworthy Motives and the video goes in to each one and breaks them down and shows how one relates to all the others. The key to this though is fairness and if there is fairness this will most likely work. Whenever police and the public interact this can be used and it can be used in our everyday lives also. If this is used to an effective manor and used the right way the public will view the police and legitimate people and the bad encounters we have will decrease. Also there are many benefits to using this style of policing. For example the public will be more compliant with you and cooperate better when they see you as a legitimate force. Also some risk maybe is officer safety and does it take more time we haven't figured that out yet but they could be some kinds of risk if more research is done. JE002

    1. I completely agree. With the introduction of more fairness with procedural justice, we should see improved relations between the police and the communities they police. It might make certain situations last longer, but the improvement this can bring to community-police relations far outweighs the added time. Whether or not it creates more danger is something we need to find out, because this could be a serious consequence. Overall, this is a policy we should really try to see through until the end, in my opinion.-OKC002

    2. I agree. Procedural justice can definitely improve police relations with the community. In the video it talks about how when police departments implement procedural justice, they see that the community trusts them a lot more and are much more willing to come to the police with information. Procedural justice creates a safer environment for the police and makes it easier for the police to police their communities. Steve002

    3. I agree. I think that if the police improved on these things that the public will be alot more trusting rather than not. Ciaccio002

  2. The subject of procedural justice is something that desperately needs to be discussed in America. We have the finest police officers in the world, right here all across America. We have to admit though, no matter how great they are, we have a problem. Some officers are bad apples, and this has cost our law enforcement dearly. Community and police relations are the lowest I have ever seen, and this concerns me. People all across the country, from athletes and actors, to just the regular joe shmoe on the street are protesting. When this many people are upset, a change needs to be made. Now the media’s fuel of this unrest is something that needs to be toned down, and is not right, but police departments that aren’t being reported on still have awful relations with their communities. Procedural is a newer concept that has been brought to the table to solve this problem, but something that we need to try. It has very positive effects, and is fueled by the police having good attitudes and being fair. By simply displaying the fact that an officer ares what a person has to hear, they can make a situation go from very bad and full of tension, to being diffused and worked out very quickly. Using this technique can make a world of difference, and hopefully improve relations between the law enforcement and the people they are serving. With these improved relations comes more cooperation. This cooperation can lead to more crimes being solved, with a large part of that success coming from the community. I honestly think of the term happy wife, happy life, when looking at this situation. If your wife is happy, which in this case is the community you are serving and protecting, then things will go so much smoother for the department in that community.-OKC002

  3. This video talks about the job of policing and how to make it more effective and more rewarding. This process is called procedural justice which focuses on how police interact with the public which means how the police should treat the public in a caring and respectful fashion. It was stated that when the public is treated fairly to any situation, they are more cooperative in the outcome even if the outcome isn't favorable to them. It is said that citizens are less influenced on what police officers tell them to do by how they tell them to do it. The four elements of procedural justice are participation, Neutrality, Dignity, and Trustworthy Motives. With participation its basically giving the citizen the opportunity to explain his or her side of the story. With neutrality, the idea is to let the officer convey and communicate the ways they are being neutral. Dignity is just the simple respect anybody should have for another person and trustworthy motives is just trying to make the person see that you are caring which in the long run will give off a positive impact on society. Kt002

    1. I agree with you people should be treated the way the cops wanted to be treated in the situation there in.Adelle002

  4. This video thoroughly discusses police legitimacy and procedural justice. Procedural justice is "the idea of fairness in the processes that resolve disputes and allocate resources". This is an idea that is being implemented in many police departments across the country. Procedural justice creates a much safer environment for the police by creating more respect and understanding between the police and the community they serve. Departments that have implemented procedural justice in their own police departments see that their is much more respect for their police officers. Citizens are also much more likely to come to the police with valuable information. In the video it talks about how procedural justice also creates a safer environment for the police. Procedural justice is made up of four elements. These four elements of procedural justice are participation, neutrality, dignity, and trustworthy motives. In the participation phase, the citizens participate in the decision process. They have a voice in the matter. Neutrality is an important element of procedural justice. Citizens view a situation fairer when police officers are transparent about why they are resolving a dispute in a particular manner. Dignity refers to how individuals want to be treated with dignity and respect. This is important for the police to remember. Lastly, in trustworthy motives citizens are more likely to view an interaction as being fair when they trust the motives of the police. Citizens will view the action taken by the officer as fairer if the officer shows a true concern for the interests of the people involved. Overall, procedural justice is important to the success of a police department. It not only creates a safer environment for the police, but also builds a positive relationship with the community. Every police department should focus on procedural justice as the main form of policing the community. Steve002

    1. I learned a lot from this video and I hope that you did too. Procedural justice is very important to establish within the community an officer serves because it can make their lives a lot easier. oasis_002

    2. As you said, it is very important to our communities. In the times of turmoil that we are faced with today between the people and the police, every step must be taken to ensure stability in law and trustworthiness of our officers.
      - AJC002

  5. Police legitimacy and procedural justice youtube video is saying how to work with the community and how to treat them. It is basically like the example he gave in class. With the southside and northside speeding ticket. How one cop will treat the north side better because there richer. And the southside poorer than them being treated like jerks. But both of them got the same amount of the ticket but the other one feeling bad about it. Probably changing their view towards cops. What the guy is trying to get them to realize if you give people the respect they deserve and listen to what they have to say. The community will be more willing to help you with the things you have to figure out. They will be more willing to speak up that to say anything to you because of how you act towards them. When cops are able to speak to the community without being feared of the it will be a better place for them to live and grow. To where they do not have to worry about crime because the police are getting them off the streets in an efficient and right way that everyone is happy with. adelle002

  6. This video is about Police legitimacy and procedural juctice and how to effectively interact with the public. How to better explain this is by using the example he gave us in class. Take two different people, one from the northside (rich people) and one from the southside (poor people) both are speeding, both were pulled over, except the way he treated the northside person compared to how he treated the southside person even though they both got a ticket, he had a bias against the northside because he feels they are snobby because of what area they come from. What this video is trying to get at is all people regardless of race, gender, rich, or poor they all deserve to be treated with the same respect and fairness. If you respect the community the more willing they are going to be to speak up about a crime. If the community doesn't feel respected then they won't talk at all and the crime that was committed will just be a dead end. I think that once officers treated the public how they want to be treated as well alot of things will become alot easier for both the police and the public. Ciaccio002

  7. Legitimacy and policing is one of the hottest topic discussed within the police community. It is basically stating that police are legitimate in their sayings and choices. This is a hot topic with all the commotion on the topic of blue and black lives matter. Legitimacy goes hand in hand wit procedural justice. Procedural justice is how the police show the public that they use fair priorities in exercising authority in how arrests are made. Procedural justice is easily observable, it is one of the reasons why police have to be cautious about what they say. However, it is also difficult to just equity in certain situations. The four components of procedural justice is participation, neutrality, dignity, and trustworthy motives. Participation is exactly what it sounds like, participation within the community. Neutrality is the ability to stay neutral in all situation. This is without biases or outside opinions. Dignity is respect for yourself and others around you. Trustworthy motives is basically trusting in the police to do the responsible thing. Procedural justice is present everywhere in the law enforcement community. It is present in the greeting between command, phone calls, traffic stops, routine stops, and even calls. When procedural justice is in effect it can reduce the amount of re offenders and it can make citizens more compliant. When an officer is in contact with the community he must appear to be honestly engaged with their problems. Also, they have to appear to be fair and honest. Procedural justice is an aspect of community policing. All of these benefits do not come without risks. Procedural justice can interfere with officer safety, it takes an immense amount of time, and it can potentially be abused. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages however. The advantages are that the community overall feels more confident in the police. Procedural justice is important for officers to establish within the communities they serve.

  8. Police legitimacy and procedural justice is a very important topic of discussion in the criminal justice world. In essence, procedural justice is how the police interact with the community. It is important for the police to show they use fair procedures because if they don't, the community in which they serve will not respect them and there could be trust issues that might arise. I learned that there are four basic parts to the procedural justice system: participation, neutrality, dignity, and trustworthy motives. Because the police are selected to reflect the communities in which they serve, it is important to create a trust or a bond with community. As a result of procedural justice, there is less resistance to the police as well as more compliance. By having the police show that they are involved and connected with their communities, the public feels better and more at peace with them. Overall, procedural justice is a very important system to have in place as a way to strengthen the bond between officers and the citizens of the community that they serve. CAE002

  9. Police legitimacy is easily the topic I have appreciated most so far in class. I've liked all of it, but this is my favorite part. Basically, police need to be straight forward, kind, and patient. They do this through efforts known as procedural justice. "Everyone wants to be heard" is a good saying when helping officers understand the need for police legitimacy. All citizens just want to share their story to an authority figure to help them feel like they have an effect on the situation. Not only that, but it makes the resulting situation seem much more fair. If an officer walks up to me after I beat someone to death, I want to explain myself before cuffs and jail time is given to me. That officer should not assume the worst and instantly jail me up. Also, officers cannot let their own biases intrude on any decisions they make. Fairness is the key, and all officers must use it. Citizens and criminals alike feel much better about a situation that appears fair to them. Also, officers have got to be respectful. Everybody deserves respect, and any law enforcement agents must remember this. Treat every citizen with respect, officers giving their time and patience. The final big key to procedural justice is being trustworthy. Police officers must show the community that they can be trusted to make the fair, just, and right decision. Basically, we need honest and intelligent cops. Most of this justice system is about appearing rather than truly being. If the community sees officers as honest, caring, and trustworthy, those individuals will be more likely to obey laws and police. Not only will individuals be more law-abiding, but community relations with law enforcement would overall improve. Procedural justice has it's flaws, like more time-consuming and a potential of officers abusing it, but overall the advantages are far worth the disadvantages. All law enforcement agencies need the backing of their community, and procedural justice, if followed strongly by every officer, is the way to get our society to that level. The tier where all people trust the police, as the police are honest and fair, willing to put time in to help people and give the best answers in their problem-solving.
    - AJC002

    1. You are right AJC002, it is always good to be treated fairly. Regardless of what you did, even beating a person to death, you would always want to be treated just as fairly as anyone else and be able to give your side of the story. zmw002

  10. Police legitimacy and procedural justice are two very important factors in policing. Police legitimacy is important for relations between the officers and the citizens. It is always good for a police officer to go in to a situation and be respected by all people involved, rather than not being respected. Procedural justice is also important for police and citizen relations. People like to know that they are being treated fairly. By using procedural justice, a police officer is going to be treating all people involved in a situation fairly. Using procedural justice allows each individual in the situation to give their side of the story and to say whatever they want and be taken seriously. If someone feels they are not allowed to state their feelings then they may become hostile and lose trust they may have had with the police. So basically one of the most, if not the most, important things about policing is to be trusted. If you wanna be trusted, it is probably a good idea to follow procedural justice. Being trusted will lead to better relations with the community and maybe even less crime rates. zmw002

    1. I agree that those are two very appointment things while policing. If you show others respect then they will give you the respect back. It is all in fairness and it starts out with you. Treat others how you want to be treated is what I've always been told. AW002

  11. Police Legitimacy is important when it comes to policing. If you are on the streets or even in the field and you treat people different based on there race, ethnicity, or wealth that isn't right. All people deserve to be treated with equality. People that know that they are being treated fairly will treat you with respect and as a police officer that is what you want. That is why police legitimacy and procedural justice are important factors. You want your community to have trust in you and you want them to treat you fairly and with respect. If you expect that from them then you should give all of that to them also. When policing in the streets you can make friends and they will help you in the long run, like they can give leads on certain things but, it all starts with you treating them fair. AW002


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