Prisoners and Correctional O's....Brain or Brawn?....Or, Being Simply Me?


  1. This video was a great example of how rookies are treated by inmates. Even with some of the rookies being there for four months they were still being called a rookie by the inmates and teased by them. The two scenes that I found the most interesting were when the rookie officer was attacked by an inmate after having something thrown at him from an above cell and also the scene where the rookie was trying to find a cigarette in the inmates living space. In the first scene the rookie barely had any time to think and had to react to a very dangerous person attempting to attack him. He was able to pin him against the wall and bring him to the ground. This part of the video showed how quickly something can get out of control in a prison. The officers constantly have to be on high alert and be ready to react to anything without a moments notice. The second scene that I found to be interesting was the one with the rookie attempting to find a cigarette in the inmates bed. Even though the lieutenant told the rookie to look in the inmates left sock he still did not do it. I think this is because the rookie wanted to find it himself and gain some respect from the inmates and his co workers. It was evident in the video that the inmates had no respect for this rookie because they were constantly battering him with insults and disrespecting him. This really showed me how tough and unsettling it can be to work in an environment such as this. At any moment those insults could turn to anger and the inmate could act. This video was very helpful in my opinion on showing how rookies are treated in a prison environment. -Bulls003

  2. Being a rookie in Law Enforcement period is hard. Because everyone is always watching you and have high expectation of you. But everyone one knows that rookies in the correctional field has it a little more worse than others. Because they don't have the tools that police officers have. For example guns, Tasers, vest, and batons. Pretty much just their selves, mace, and their minds. This video was great because it shows how they are treated from day one of training to the time they get on the job. It doesn't matter how big, small, white, black, whatever the inmates will treat as a rookie right once you start until they decide when you have leveled up from a rookie. I think correctional officers training is a little bit more harder than police officers. Because CO's have to take care of the inmates every day, the same ones and police officers handle different ones every day and they have so many extra tools to help them. The number one thing I think is rough for Co's is being a female because they have deal with the inmates trying to come on to them and trying to hurt them because they are smaller and weaker than the males. But the male Co's are always being watched with everything they do because they have higher expectations then the female Co's because they can do more. I think that police officers should use some of the Co's training to better themselves at their job and have that extra mind set of how people work.-K9003

  3. This video really opened my eyes and helped me realize how difficult it would be to work in a prison. half the men (or women) automatically hate you just for the job that youre doing. The men would hide stuff from them, yell at them, and call them names. It would be pretty challenging not arguing with them. I would be scared of getting hurt all the time. it would especially be scary working in a prison because everyone is bigger than you and you have a higher chance of getting hurt by the prisoners. i thought it was cool how chaz is following so close in his dads footsteps. you can see how dedicated to the job he is. along with the other rookies, who may have made mistakes but still didnt give up. i didnt know that they had that much access to phones inside either. thats scary knowing that they can still contact their negative influences. i think only allowing family would be better for rehabilitation. chi003

  4. This video shows that physical strength alone would not be adequate for serving as a corrections officer or any other type of law enforcement officers. When the video showed the inmates harassing the rookie corrections officers it showed that the officers needed to be able to tune out what they were hearing to focus on the task at hand. It also showed that corrections officers would need to exercise great self control in order to not be baited into a verbal or physical altercation with an inmate. One of the rookies can be seen in the video being harassed to the point of responding to one of the inmates, which only brought on more words from others. This could have caused him to not be all the way thorough in his search for contraband since he did not make the suspect inmate remove the sock that the people in the surveillance room reported the contraband to be hidden in. One of the things that disturbed me about the video however, was how long it took to come to a decision on how to locate the hostage prison phone. The idea that a phone could go unaccounted for for such a long period of time when it is with people who could have ordered a hit on somebody's life was baffling, and the thought that it took so long just to disconnect the phone line was even more surprising. I was also surprised by the open bay design of some of the prison rooms, having inmates in such a close proximity to one another without a corrections officer present would probably increase the risk of those inmates being violent with each other or conspiring to commit unlawful acts together. CoolGuy003

  5. I really like what this video showed on several different levels. It gave good insight on the thought processes of the rookie correctional officers and how their personalities differed so you could see a couple different perspectives. It also showed that when you become a correctional officer your fellow officers are not the only ones testing you day in and day out. The inmates see the same officers every day so they know when a person is new and they make sure that the new guys new job is not easy for them. The video also showed how the inmates act different ways around different officers. For the female they are obviously very flirtatious, to the point where it is very rude. With the strict officer, the inmates were willing to test his mental ability to try and break him. That doesn’t surprise me too much, but what I found very interesting was that the staff of the STIU also tested his mental skills by putting him the situation of helping evaluate an inmate that had killed another officer. Which is smart, if he is going to survive in that environment he needs to learn to use the skill of language more. -NOsaints003

  6. Anyone rookie that starts to work for a prison or jail have to be prepared physically and mentally because not every inmate is going to like the rookie because they are the easiest people to pick on when it is the first day. Rookies all over the nation will get bashed at by all of the inmates because they are the easiest target to go at when working for a prison. New guards will be beating by the inmates, get teased, and also trying to make sure they don’t fail themselves when on duty. When new guards join the prison the inmates like to play mind tricks with them to see if the guard will crack under pressure if let’s say there was contraband in the cell or pod when they feel like they are being tested at the same time. Anything that goes in the prison it will somehow push a guard over their limit, but that’s why they need guards who can handle all of the craziness by being mentally and physically ready because no one is going to hold their hand all through the process. It is also important to remain calm in certain situations because as a rookie they shouldn’t be able to make an approach until they are ready to use their smarts and proceed the situation as it should be handled. GoodVibes003

  7. This show is a great example of how difficult it can be to be in corrections (or any position in law enforcement for that matter). I love watching this show (this is the second season!); it gives a perfect example of what our futures will look like. In this show, the CO’s get into it periodically with the inmates. In the first season, a rookie (Cordova) had a verbal argument with an inmate because the inmate was going over his time for the phone. In this scene, there was no respect coming from either end, the inmate or the guard. I’m no CO, but I imagine this happens quite a bit in real life. In an episode from this season, one of the new rookies looses count of what items an inmate in a work program took. If anyone wants to get inside the mind of a corrections officer and see what it’s like through their eyes, this show is a fantastic way to see how it’s like for them. It shows the mistakes the rookies are making and how they can improve themselves for the future. I would recommend this show to anyone considering law enforcement as a career. Gators003

  8. This video showed hands-on experience and gave us, Criminal Justice Majors a sense of how it is for the rookies in prisons. It's imitating for the rookie correctional officers when the inmates constantly make comments about them, but they have to ignore it in order for them to keep track of their and others' safety in the prison. The female correctional officers have it more difficult than the male correctional officers because females tend to be more sensitive and emotional so the inmates try to use their weaknesses against them. The only way for a rookie to fully understand their duty is through experience and using their desecration in obstacles that they face in the prison. The STIU Team takes their approaches with each inmates successfully and with security, which it makes the prison run more smoothly and safely for the other correctional officers and inmates. Inmates are taking advantage of these rookies because they can sense their nervousness, which they use it against them by hiding drugs and cellphones because they want the test the guards' limits since they are locked up behind bars and have nothing better else to do. Rookies have to understand that the only way they are going to be a good correctional officer is through experiences and learning how to talk and approach different people inside the prisons. -RW003

  9. Really great video, showed a lot of good pin points and knowledge towards how rookies start off their jobs.
    Real good eye opener to those who are interested in joining that part of the field.
    For a criminal Justice major its important to see how the job takes place and shows how real it is out there therefore there's no surprise when it comes to it.
    The video is a good visualization of the prison and inmates, also goes day by day how the correctional officer's deal with the work environment and people.
    I would of never would imagined that working inside a prison could be so life threatening and dangerous; correctional officers have to stay on high alert 24/7
    and the video is a great example of it, shows real expressions and emotions on how the officers feel and live throughout their experience working.
    Learning how to get the job done is one thing, but being under pressure and proving your loyalty to your team is another. You have to be on top of everything and show your strength to show that you can be there for the team when they need you or you need them. The video showed a lot of hands on and visual aid, brief information on how correctional policing is done.CV003


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