I think it's very interesting that those children preferred white baby dolls. Even when black children were presented with the question of which looks like them, they were able to identify the darker doll, but they still preferred the white doll to play with or thought the white doll was more trustworthy. I couldn't believe the little girl referred to her skin color as nasty. I believe that has to be a learned perception and little kids usually aren't biased towards skin color, but only go by what they have learned to be right and wrong. It's sad to see the white child pick the darker skinned cartoons to be "bad" kids, and her only reasoning was that htey were darker than her. Just as she defined the "smart" and "good" kids to be ones of lighter skin tones just simply because they look more like her. It's also very interesting to hear that children of different races think of the white race to be more trustworthy considering what our white ancestors have done in the past and how they have treated people of color. -chillato004
I agree with you, not all children believe that darker skin toned people are bad because of family. Our media has so made us believe that some people are bad and some are good. It all lands on the socialization in life that helps change the child's out look on life. -Kitsune004
It is sad how children know the biases that some adults have on other races. They learn these behaviors because of there families and the media that they watch. They see and hear everything we do and pick up on that behavior. All children have the capability of being intelligent and better shape our future. -Kitsune004
I agree with your statement “All children have the capability of being intelligent and better shape our future.” After seeing this experiment I sure hope so. Kids are like sponges that soak everything up even if it’s right or wrong. As adults for a better future we should teach our children not to be racist and how to see the beauty in every human being. ~BabyB004
It's definitely sad to realize the bias that some people have against others. Children are extremely impressionable and it's obvious that these negative behaviors and stereotypes are learned behavior. Hopefully society as a whole will see how wrong this is and like BabyB said, see the beauty in every human. -chillato004
I found this experiment very eye opening. These kids are so young and they already have such bias opinions towards skin color. The part of the video that shocked me the most was at 5:27-5:35. The kid was asked “which is the bad doll?” He chooses the darker skinned and when asked why he said “I don’t know.” Just proves that society has so much influence over our innocent children and growing up they don’t even know why. It’s crazy how racism is still so dominant in our world. Not just for blacks and whites but also for many other cultures that don’t fit the mold of a white person. It’s very interesting how darker skinned kids also choose the white baby dolls to play with. The kids preferred the good doll over their own race. I want to know why. What makes children not even see the beauty of their own ethnicity, their own skin tone? ~BabyB004
I like what you say about wondering why the children choose white and don't see the beauty of their own race. What it reminds me of is like white people are always getting in tanning beds to get darker but then you have the black people out there bleaching their skin to appear more light. Its like no matter who you are you will never be beautiful enough for society. If your black we want you lighter but if your white we want you darker. It very sad. Why can't people just be happy with their body and skin and realize it's not what's on the outside anyway. I just felt awful those poor children at such a young age are already dealing with that bullshit. -mybabygirl004
I have actually never seen this clip before. I had tears in my eyes in the beginning of that. Those poor children think that because they are black that they are bad, ugly, stupid, and people don't like them. That is horrible. I mean that just shows children pay attention to everything that goes on around them. They understand a lot more than most people think they do. We who are parents need to take it upon ourselves to make sure children do not feel that way. The color of your skin does not make you the type of person you are, your actions do. My heart goes out to these children. And it was like in every different culture they each preferred the white doll. -mybabygirl004
This goes back to just the simple thoughts of good vs. bad. light vs. dark heaven vs. hell. Our minds are conditioned to think that white is good and dark is bad. There was nothing else that looked different on the picture of the different skins. For me the most interesting part was the Latino children. I was curious to know what they thought. Unfortunately not surprised. KtKay004
I totally agree that it was really sad when those children were saying bad things about themselves. It is almost like setting them up to fail later on in life. Bullying is already a big enough problem without kids bashing on themselves too. I also agree that we need to be more watchful of what we say and do around children. We think they aren’t paying attention but they always do! -DTH004
This goes back to just the simple thoughts of good vs. bad. light vs. dark heaven vs. hell. Our minds are conditioned to think that white is good and dark is bad. There was nothing else that looked different on the picture of the different skins. For me the most interesting part was the Latino children. I was curious to know what they thought. Unfortunately not surprised. KtKay004
Interesting. So not that it was an actual race thing but more just a generalized opinion? Hmm....I could see how that would play into the good verses bad aspect of it. -mysonmyworld004
You're right it was just a dark vs. light thing but its awful that they answered they way they did. the latino children i thought was interesting too, that one boy who said he was more like the white baby but he didnt know what to say or why and its just sad. these kids have to think they one color is better then the other and even better then the one they have. -dislikeblogs004
I actually got a little bit of watery eyes watching this video. I knew right when I saw the picture of the clip how this entire video was going to go. White “light” is good and Black “dark” is bad. It what we are raced to think. Even brown toned people. I have Hispanic friend who has said she doesn’t like going out in the sun in the summer to much because she doesn’t want to get to dark. She doesn’t want to look to Mexican. It is hard for me to understand being a white, blond hair, blue eyed woman. I have never had to deal with feeling this way. I went to a school with a good blend of races so I always knew the difference physically but never thought much else of it. When I was a child I do believe I would answer the questions about the baby doll the same. Especially since I do have blue eyes. The poster board with the multiple different skin tones is the one that surprised me more. There was a spectrum. And I can tell this video is a little old. I think now kids would go more towards the middle because fortunately or gap of differences are changing, hopefully. The big problem for me is, how do we change this? Heaven is light Hell is dark. So it is literally engrained in us from day 1 that light is good and dark is bad. I as a white woman think darker skin is beautiful. That’s probably why I have a bi racial son. But I will admit growing up people who were very dark I felt all looked the same. Can’t believe I just said that out loud. But I will own it. And I will try to change it for not only me but for my son and future children. KtKay004
It's so sad that it was so easy to tell what was going to happen. Our familial ties/ social groups have separated themselves to the point that children are growing up with this bad impression of no only the!selves, but of others. I do my. Best o raise my children with the freedom to make their own judgements. And the basis to know how to differentiate bad behavior with a learned distaste. -thatgirl618-004
All that runs through my head is what makes these children think that way? Are their parents racist? Was someone of a different race mean to hem at some point? It amazing how impressionable little children are. Could this way of thinking be changed? It was actually shocking to me that some of the African American children thought that the African American baby was the bad/ugly baby. Do they think that of themselves? What has happened to them in their lives to think that their own race is the bad one? T.v? Adults? It's very sad. -thatgirl618-004
I don't necessarily think the parents are racist, but I do think that their way of thinking will be changed. These children probably only see cartoons and movies, that are associated with whites cause that's all they know. Hopefully these children will embrace their race and some day be proud of it. myboys004
I think that children are a very good view of what society values. Kids watch everything and they don’t forget. Not that I think any of the white parents in the video were necessarily racist, I think that the things those kids are exposed to led them to be racist in the doll test. Television is a big socializer for kids, many television programs today have racism in them. Maybe that is where they have learned negative stereotypes. Also kids that are young are typically around their grandparents quite often. Many older people still hold onto racist beliefs as well. I think with those two socializing agents; kids are going to be inherently racist. Once they grow older and learn about different cultures, that is when they can drop those stereotypes learned early on. We like to say racism is dead in this country but the Valley of the Dolls test proves that statement false. We teach children that white is better through many, possibly accidental, ways. Kids are just honest enough to say whatever they think or have been told without fearing what the rest of society will say. -DTH004
This video is heartbreaking. Although for every child, especially the black children who don’t see their color as beautiful. I couldn’t imagine my son, who is mixed with Mexican, and has darker skin then myself, ever not like the color of his skin. I wonder if what his views are with this. I just may have to conduct my own experiment between him and my niece who are the same age but my son is half Mexican and she is White. These things are not taught directly for the most part. They are taught by the undertones of things we don’t seem to believe are so damaging. It really brings attention to the fact that even though we are not emphasizing on this specific idea, that little things shape our opinions and views. -mysonmyworld004
I can absolutely and completely agree with you. The video was heartbreaking and that I can understand what you are saying. I feel for those kids who can't identify themselves and those kids that don't like their skin. I just can't believe that people think that skin determines who they are and whether they are good or bad. -Happy004
The video on the perceptions and reality has given me a different view and has opened my eyes a little bit more. I find it quite sad that even children identify black as bad and white as good. Watching the video made me cringe at times; just hearing and seeing what the children were saying, knowing how young they all were. I guess they see that white with blue eyes is pure, clean, and good; and possibly black is evil, dirty, bad. Also, I deeply felt for those kids that were hispanic and didn’t truly know their identity. They had a difficult time identifying their skin color which I would think would make it hard for them to identify whether they were the good one or the bad one. Moreover, a few questions and comments did stand out to me. The comment that a black child made was that the white child is bad because the white child makes fun of people made me cringe and think about whether it is true or not and what reality really is. Another comment was the white child saying that the black child is bad because black children hit people. It made me see that the stereotype or the expected is that black people hit, steal and are basically criminals in general. The video truly captivated a part of how society views race. -Happy004
Wow! I feel that our children are being taught that everything white is good. In school there is not enough mention of what black people have done for this country it's all about white people. These children are probably watching Sponge Bob, Fairly Odd Parents, and even Dora. When have you ever seen a black cartoon? The movies they watch Cinderella, Snow White, Jack and the Beanstalk,etc., are all of the the white race. The commercials that they see are ninety-nine percent white people. This is all they know and see. I don't think that it is being taught that blacks are bad, ugly, or mean, I think it's just out of the norm for them. myboys004
I agree you do not see any TV shows or cartoon movies that stars a black boy or girl. I think that you have made a good point about how those shows are mainly white boys and girl. It’s also very hard to see dark as good when anything that is evil is dark and everything light is good. -CFC004
After watching the first three of videos that showed the children picking dolls. I began to think that maybe the children are not picking the dolls based on what race or ethnicity they are but by color. Today children shows almost always portray good as lighter colors and bad as darker colors. The shows that I can remember watching like Power Rangers shows portrayed the bad guys a dark monsters and the Power rangers were bright and colorful. It was not until the Spanish video that a kid actually sound something about the dolls skin color. Every kid is raised differently by different parents, and I’m not sure where this kids are raised but that has a lot to do with their decision. I’ve seen on TV that in California there is a lot of Hispanic and African American crime on each other with a lot of shootings. Show that might be why the Spanish children picked the white doll. It’s hard to determine why kids think the way they think and do the things they do. -CFC004
As a mother I can describe child birth to someone who has never given birth, however, that person can only imagine so much without having experienced it on their own you know? We subliminally reinforce racial superiority with out having to say a word. Tv has more images of white people doing good things than any other race, I have walked into stores with advertisements of their products covering the walls and not one of the models casted for the photos were black. Children pick up on this. And without having to say a thing we shape the way they think. -004kylegoldheart
So the topic of racial disparities is a very touchy one in my book. I am a black woman which before 2001 was the worst person you can be in American. And I was a dark skinned black girl with course hair. But it was not until I moved to Illinois that I felt that anyone had an issue with who I was. There is an unspoken teaching that the majority if not all people are taught about blacks and whites. Because now it is inconspicuous and indirect people deny it. But living in this skin has been the most telling experience. This video displays the evolution of our predispositions. The children can not explain why they think the way they do. But I understand why. As a child I paid attention to no verbal communication a lot. I paid attention to the lady grab her bag when I walked by or the finger pointing, or people wiping the seat behind me. Don't get me wrong verbal communication still existed still does. People still think that black peoples skin is dark because we don't shower long enough to get the dirt off. Children are like sponges who absorb every drop of this thinking. I'm not at all surprised by this video because I have lived this with my eyes open. Sociology plays a role in helping us understand why people are different and why some think the way they do. And the more people understand how deep the issue of race is the sooner we can grow as a nation. -004kylegoldheart
I was completely shocked by this video. I have never viewed this type of test before, but it clearly shows how children are being taught or are learning differences. I think society and the interactions a child is subjected to all affects how they see other people. I would think that if this type of test were to be done on older children that it might be a different outcome. bdole004
I am actually so shocked watching this. The black kids didn’t even like the brown baby and it was just a baby doll. They asked questions like which is the pretty, good, nice doll and everyone pointed at the white baby. When asked what is the bad doll one girl looked puzzled and said neither but I think everyone else pointed towards the black baby. One of the Spanish kids actually gave an answer to his reason why he pointed towards the white baby when asked which one is good. He said it’s because he trusts white people more and isn’t scared of them. These kids are saying its bad to be darker. Its actually an awful video I don’t enjoy watching these kids. Its terrible we grow up in a world where this is what our kids are taught to think. That was very sad to watch. I am left with wondering what I would’ve said as a little kid. This race test was very sad and shocking but at the same time not really. Its our own fault racism still exist. -dislikeblogs004
When the children would pick the white baby doll over the others it clearly showed just how powerful the message of the whites have the upper hand is clear. Children know nothing of race or ethnicity, only what we as a society teach them. We fail to realize it is not always what we tell our children but how we interact with thing's around them that gives the louder message for them to follow. We clearly do not view each other as equals and it's sad. Time and time again people will say their not racist which can be true, but can we really truly be who we are without being called racist? This video showed that we still teach that divide between race and our children without a chance will still have the same narrow view on society if we don't stop. -JustMe1989004
Yes the video does portray whites to be more powerful and have the upper hand. You are right, children are not born with the knowledge of race and ethnicity, it is learned from the environment at hand. It's a shame that to this day prejudice still exist. Without proper knowledge, racism will continue for years to come.~Mznurse004
This video is disturbing but in some cases is the truth. The white children are raised to have that mentality and the black children are mostly raised in poverty and see things in life that some haven't seen before. For example most whites are rich and well off whereas most blacks are poor and live in poverty. When I was a little girl , I played what we called "house," during this game, one person would be the mom, one person would be the dad and then they would have children. It never failed, every time I played, I would want to be white. I would put a towel over my head so that I appeared to have long hair such as a white person. I'm not quite sure why I did what I did but I can say, as I grew up, white people were richer, prettier, smarter, whereas a black person was a criminal, a murderer, ugly and extremely poor. All in all the behaviors in this video are taught or learned., children in today's society are not born with this behavior, it appears over time, based on the lifestyle they live in.~Mznurse004
I saw this video on CNN a couple of years ago but it is still very disturbing to watch. I believe that the way the media presents black on t.v. along with how are raised both part part in how these children view people of color. The darker the skin color the worse the opinion of that person all because of their skin color. It is heart breaking that these children view themselves in such a negative way. I think that most people have problems with people who have darker skin color and it is so sad. wonderwomen004
The video shows that prejudice and stereotypes about blacks does exist globally. And sadly even within the black race as well. The little black boys and girls felt the black doll wasn’t as pretty or as smart as the white doll. In either case racism is expressed from both white and black children. This study was first done in the 1940 and repeated again in 2012 72 years later with the same outcome. buckrogers004
I think it's very interesting that those children preferred white baby dolls. Even when black children were presented with the question of which looks like them, they were able to identify the darker doll, but they still preferred the white doll to play with or thought the white doll was more trustworthy. I couldn't believe the little girl referred to her skin color as nasty. I believe that has to be a learned perception and little kids usually aren't biased towards skin color, but only go by what they have learned to be right and wrong. It's sad to see the white child pick the darker skinned cartoons to be "bad" kids, and her only reasoning was that htey were darker than her. Just as she defined the "smart" and "good" kids to be ones of lighter skin tones just simply because they look more like her. It's also very interesting to hear that children of different races think of the white race to be more trustworthy considering what our white ancestors have done in the past and how they have treated people of color.
I agree with you, not all children believe that darker skin toned people are bad because of family. Our media has so made us believe that some people are bad and some are good. It all lands on the socialization in life that helps change the child's out look on life.
I agree with you. Kids aren't usually bias towards skin color it is more what they have heard and are taught through out life.
It is sad how children know the biases that some adults have on other races. They learn these behaviors because of there families and the media that they watch. They see and hear everything we do and pick up on that behavior. All children have the capability of being intelligent and better shape our future.
I agree with your statement “All children have the capability of being intelligent and better shape our future.” After seeing this experiment I sure hope so. Kids are like sponges that soak everything up even if it’s right or wrong. As adults for a better future we should teach our children not to be racist and how to see the beauty in every human being.
It's definitely sad to realize the bias that some people have against others. Children are extremely impressionable and it's obvious that these negative behaviors and stereotypes are learned behavior. Hopefully society as a whole will see how wrong this is and like BabyB said, see the beauty in every human.
I found this experiment very eye opening. These kids are so young and they already have such bias opinions towards skin color. The part of the video that shocked me the most was at 5:27-5:35. The kid was asked “which is the bad doll?” He chooses the darker skinned and when asked why he said “I don’t know.” Just proves that society has so much influence over our innocent children and growing up they don’t even know why. It’s crazy how racism is still so dominant in our world. Not just for blacks and whites but also for many other cultures that don’t fit the mold of a white person. It’s very interesting how darker skinned kids also choose the white baby dolls to play with. The kids preferred the good doll over their own race. I want to know why. What makes children not even see the beauty of their own ethnicity, their own skin tone?
I like what you say about wondering why the children choose white and don't see the beauty of their own race. What it reminds me of is like white people are always getting in tanning beds to get darker but then you have the black people out there bleaching their skin to appear more light. Its like no matter who you are you will never be beautiful enough for society. If your black we want you lighter but if your white we want you darker. It very sad. Why can't people just be happy with their body and skin and realize it's not what's on the outside anyway. I just felt awful those poor children at such a young age are already dealing with that bullshit.
I have actually never seen this clip before. I had tears in my eyes in the beginning of that. Those poor children think that because they are black that they are bad, ugly, stupid, and people don't like them. That is horrible. I mean that just shows children pay attention to everything that goes on around them. They understand a lot more than most people think they do. We who are parents need to take it upon ourselves to make sure children do not feel that way. The color of your skin does not make you the type of person you are, your actions do. My heart goes out to these children. And it was like in every different culture they each preferred the white doll.
This goes back to just the simple thoughts of good vs. bad. light vs. dark heaven vs. hell. Our minds are conditioned to think that white is good and dark is bad. There was nothing else that looked different on the picture of the different skins. For me the most interesting part was the Latino children. I was curious to know what they thought. Unfortunately not surprised.
I totally agree that it was really sad when those children were saying bad things about themselves. It is almost like setting them up to fail later on in life. Bullying is already a big enough problem without kids bashing on themselves too. I also agree that we need to be more watchful of what we say and do around children. We think they aren’t paying attention but they always do!
This goes back to just the simple thoughts of good vs. bad. light vs. dark heaven vs. hell. Our minds are conditioned to think that white is good and dark is bad. There was nothing else that looked different on the picture of the different skins. For me the most interesting part was the Latino children. I was curious to know what they thought. Unfortunately not surprised.
Interesting. So not that it was an actual race thing but more just a generalized opinion? Hmm....I could see how that would play into the good verses bad aspect of it.
You're right it was just a dark vs. light thing but its awful that they answered they way they did. the latino children i thought was interesting too, that one boy who said he was more like the white baby but he didnt know what to say or why and its just sad. these kids have to think they one color is better then the other and even better then the one they have.
I actually got a little bit of watery eyes watching this video. I knew right when I saw the picture of the clip how this entire video was going to go. White “light” is good and Black “dark” is bad. It what we are raced to think. Even brown toned people. I have Hispanic friend who has said she doesn’t like going out in the sun in the summer to much because she doesn’t want to get to dark. She doesn’t want to look to Mexican. It is hard for me to understand being a white, blond hair, blue eyed woman. I have never had to deal with feeling this way. I went to a school with a good blend of races so I always knew the difference physically but never thought much else of it. When I was a child I do believe I would answer the questions about the baby doll the same. Especially since I do have blue eyes. The poster board with the multiple different skin tones is the one that surprised me more. There was a spectrum. And I can tell this video is a little old. I think now kids would go more towards the middle because fortunately or gap of differences are changing, hopefully. The big problem for me is, how do we change this? Heaven is light Hell is dark. So it is literally engrained in us from day 1 that light is good and dark is bad. I as a white woman think darker skin is beautiful. That’s probably why I have a bi racial son. But I will admit growing up people who were very dark I felt all looked the same. Can’t believe I just said that out loud. But I will own it. And I will try to change it for not only me but for my son and future children.
It's so sad that it was so easy to tell what was going to happen. Our familial ties/ social groups have separated themselves to the point that children are growing up with this bad impression of no only the!selves, but of others. I do my. Best o raise my children with the freedom to make their own judgements. And the basis to know how to differentiate bad behavior with a learned distaste.
All that runs through my head is what makes these children think that way? Are their parents racist? Was someone of a different race mean to hem at some point? It amazing how impressionable little children are. Could this way of thinking be changed? It was actually shocking to me that some of the African American children thought that the African American baby was the bad/ugly baby. Do they think that of themselves? What has happened to them in their lives to think that their own race is the bad one? T.v? Adults? It's very sad.
I don't necessarily think the parents are racist, but I do think that their way of thinking will be changed. These children probably only see cartoons and movies, that are associated with whites cause that's all they know. Hopefully these children will embrace their race and some day be proud of it. myboys004
DeleteI think that children are a very good view of what society values. Kids watch everything and they don’t forget. Not that I think any of the white parents in the video were necessarily racist, I think that the things those kids are exposed to led them to be racist in the doll test. Television is a big socializer for kids, many television programs today have racism in them. Maybe that is where they have learned negative stereotypes. Also kids that are young are typically around their grandparents quite often. Many older people still hold onto racist beliefs as well. I think with those two socializing agents; kids are going to be inherently racist. Once they grow older and learn about different cultures, that is when they can drop those stereotypes learned early on. We like to say racism is dead in this country but the Valley of the Dolls test proves that statement false. We teach children that white is better through many, possibly accidental, ways. Kids are just honest enough to say whatever they think or have been told without fearing what the rest of society will say.
This video is heartbreaking. Although for every child, especially the black children who don’t see their color as beautiful. I couldn’t imagine my son, who is mixed with Mexican, and has darker skin then myself, ever not like the color of his skin. I wonder if what his views are with this. I just may have to conduct my own experiment between him and my niece who are the same age but my son is half Mexican and she is White. These things are not taught directly for the most part. They are taught by the undertones of things we don’t seem to believe are so damaging. It really brings attention to the fact that even though we are not emphasizing on this specific idea, that little things shape our opinions and views.
I can absolutely and completely agree with you. The video was heartbreaking and that I can understand what you are saying. I feel for those kids who can't identify themselves and those kids that don't like their skin. I just can't believe that people think that skin determines who they are and whether they are good or bad. -Happy004
DeleteThe video on the perceptions and reality has given me a different view and has opened my eyes a little bit more. I find it quite sad that even children identify black as bad and white as good. Watching the video made me cringe at times; just hearing and seeing what the children were saying, knowing how young they all were. I guess they see that white with blue eyes is pure, clean, and good; and possibly black is evil, dirty, bad. Also, I deeply felt for those kids that were hispanic and didn’t truly know their identity. They had a difficult time identifying their skin color which I would think would make it hard for them to identify whether they were the good one or the bad one. Moreover, a few questions and comments did stand out to me. The comment that a black child made was that the white child is bad because the white child makes fun of people made me cringe and think about whether it is true or not and what reality really is. Another comment was the white child saying that the black child is bad because black children hit people. It made me see that the stereotype or the expected is that black people hit, steal and are basically criminals in general. The video truly captivated a part of how society views race. -Happy004
ReplyDeleteWow! I feel that our children are being taught that everything white is good. In school there is not enough mention of what black people have done for this country it's all about white people. These children are probably watching Sponge Bob, Fairly Odd Parents, and even Dora. When have you ever seen a black cartoon? The movies they watch Cinderella, Snow White, Jack and the Beanstalk,etc., are all of the the white race. The commercials that they see are ninety-nine percent white people. This is all they know and see. I don't think that it is being taught that blacks are bad, ugly, or mean, I think it's just out of the norm for them. myboys004
ReplyDeleteI agree you do not see any TV shows or cartoon movies that stars a black boy or girl. I think that you have made a good point about how those shows are mainly white boys and girl. It’s also very hard to see dark as good when anything that is evil is dark and everything light is good.
After watching the first three of videos that showed the children picking dolls. I began to think that maybe the children are not picking the dolls based on what race or ethnicity they are but by color. Today children shows almost always portray good as lighter colors and bad as darker colors. The shows that I can remember watching like Power Rangers shows portrayed the bad guys a dark monsters and the Power rangers were bright and colorful. It was not until the Spanish video that a kid actually sound something about the dolls skin color. Every kid is raised differently by different parents, and I’m not sure where this kids are raised but that has a lot to do with their decision. I’ve seen on TV that in California there is a lot of Hispanic and African American crime on each other with a lot of shootings. Show that might be why the Spanish children picked the white doll. It’s hard to determine why kids think the way they think and do the things they do.
As a mother I can describe child birth to someone who has never given birth, however, that person can only imagine so much without having experienced it on their own you know? We subliminally reinforce racial superiority with out having to say a word. Tv has more images of white people doing good things than any other race, I have walked into stores with advertisements of their products covering the walls and not one of the models casted for the photos were black. Children pick up on this. And without having to say a thing we shape the way they think. -004kylegoldheart
DeleteSo the topic of racial disparities is a very touchy one in my book. I am a black woman which before 2001 was the worst person you can be in American. And I was a dark skinned black girl with course hair. But it was not until I moved to Illinois that I felt that anyone had an issue with who I was. There is an unspoken teaching that the majority if not all people are taught about blacks and whites. Because now it is inconspicuous and indirect people deny it. But living in this skin has been the most telling experience. This video displays the evolution of our predispositions. The children can not explain why they think the way they do. But I understand why. As a child I paid attention to no verbal communication a lot. I paid attention to the lady grab her bag when I walked by or the finger pointing, or people wiping the seat behind me. Don't get me wrong verbal communication still existed still does. People still think that black peoples skin is dark because we don't shower long enough to get the dirt off. Children are like sponges who absorb every drop of this thinking. I'm not at all surprised by this video because I have lived this with my eyes open. Sociology plays a role in helping us understand why people are different and why some think the way they do. And the more people understand how deep the issue of race is the sooner we can grow as a nation. -004kylegoldheart
ReplyDeleteI was completely shocked by this video. I have never viewed this type of test before, but it clearly shows how children are being taught or are learning differences. I think society and the interactions a child is subjected to all affects how they see other people. I would think that if this type of test were to be done on older children that it might be a different outcome. bdole004
ReplyDeleteI am actually so shocked watching this. The black kids didn’t even like the brown baby and it was just a baby doll. They asked questions like which is the pretty, good, nice doll and everyone pointed at the white baby. When asked what is the bad doll one girl looked puzzled and said neither but I think everyone else pointed towards the black baby. One of the Spanish kids actually gave an answer to his reason why he pointed towards the white baby when asked which one is good. He said it’s because he trusts white people more and isn’t scared of them. These kids are saying its bad to be darker. Its actually an awful video I don’t enjoy watching these kids. Its terrible we grow up in a world where this is what our kids are taught to think. That was very sad to watch. I am left with wondering what I would’ve said as a little kid. This race test was very sad and shocking but at the same time not really. Its our own fault racism still exist.
When the children would pick the white baby doll over the others it clearly showed just how powerful the message of the whites have the upper hand is clear. Children know nothing of race or ethnicity, only what we as a society teach them. We fail to realize it is not always what we tell our children but how we interact with thing's around them that gives the louder message for them to follow. We clearly do not view each other as equals and it's sad. Time and time again people will say their not racist which can be true, but can we really truly be who we are without being called racist? This video showed that we still teach that divide between race and our children without a chance will still have the same narrow view on society if we don't stop. -JustMe1989004
ReplyDeleteYes the video does portray whites to be more powerful and have the upper hand. You are right, children are not born with the knowledge of race and ethnicity, it is learned from the environment at hand. It's a shame that to this day prejudice still exist. Without proper knowledge, racism will continue for years to come.~Mznurse004
DeleteThis video is disturbing but in some cases is the truth. The white children are raised to have that mentality and the black children are mostly raised in poverty and see things in life that some haven't seen before. For example most whites are rich and well off whereas most blacks are poor and live in poverty. When I was a little girl , I played what we called "house," during this game, one person would be the mom, one person would be the dad and then they would have children. It never failed, every time I played, I would want to be white. I would put a towel over my head so that I appeared to have long hair such as a white person. I'm not quite sure why I did what I did but I can say, as I grew up, white people were richer, prettier, smarter, whereas a black person was a criminal, a murderer, ugly and extremely poor. All in all the behaviors in this video are taught or learned., children in today's society are not born with this behavior, it appears over time, based on the lifestyle they live in.~Mznurse004
ReplyDeleteI saw this video on CNN a couple of years ago but it is still very disturbing to watch. I believe that the way the media presents black on t.v. along with how are raised both part part in how these children view people of color. The darker the skin color the worse the opinion of that person all because of their skin color. It is heart breaking that these children view themselves in such a negative way. I think that most people have problems with people who have darker skin color and it is so sad. wonderwomen004
ReplyDeleteThe video shows that prejudice and stereotypes about blacks does exist globally. And sadly even within the black race as well. The little black boys and girls felt the black doll wasn’t as pretty or as smart as the white doll. In either case racism is expressed from both white and black children. This study was first done in the 1940 and repeated again in 2012 72 years later with the same outcome.