Simply Me And Jury Duty...Learning Legalease


  1. This video is a great example of how they narrow down a jury selection pool. I could see jury selection being tough in several scenarios. Small town areas, like mason county, would be a hard area to select a jury. In small town areas like this, everybody knows everybody. Being a well known figure in an area like Mason county means everybody knows you, which would make it almost impossible to find somebody who doesn't have some connection to this person, or somebody who hasn’t heard of the case. Dealing with famous people is also another major hurdle our court systems have to face, along with famous cases. In the case of James Holmes and the Aurora movie theatre shooting, it took a while to find a good jury for that case. Not only did the jury have to be selected with the normal parameters, but the publicity this case received was huge. They also had to look at their views on the death penalty, and their view on mental health related to crime and just in general. This process strung out the jury selection for three months.-OKC002

    1. This is a great example to narrow it down. Honestly I thought it was going to be a lot different than what the video showed and a lot tougher but it doesn't seem that tough really. Which could be a good thing because its easy to select people or could be bad because people might think that its not tough enough and anyone can do it. JE002

  2. This video does a great job to show the step by step way of how they pick a jury. Some of the questions they ask kind of shock you at first because you wonder why that would have any impact of them working on the jury but as they continue with the questions and you think about and see why they ask certain questions. To me this seems like a very simple way of picking a jury and I thought it would be a lot different then what the video showed. Now even though in the video that some of the jury members didn't understand that the attorney's would ask follow up question they seemed to be very honest. That is one thing I think you would think about is how do you know if they are being 100% honest with you and not just answering the questions so they can be on the jury? JE002

    1. When I watched the video, I was shocked. I did not think that was the way to select a jury. I thought picking a jury would be tough interviews and background checks, not just asking a few questions. oasis_002

  3. In the video it depicts the steps to picking a jury for a criminal case. The people that are going to be chosen for the jury are really just asked a few questions to see if it is what they want. I thought picking a jury was a long process, not a quick interview.When picking a jury it can not be based on sex, religion, race, etc. It has to be fair and honest. You also want to choose a very diverse jury so you are not deemed with any negative titles. When just doing a quick interview to select a jury some problems may arise. A person may just lie about the answers to be chosen. It would be fairly simply to do this as well. Overall, I just pictured this process being more demanding.

    1. I feel like in other cases it is. Some cases require much more deep lines of questioning for the juror candidates. In the James Holmes case, the men and women who were summoned were questioned about their views on the death penalty and mental health. So really, it just depends on the case on how tough the line of questioning is.-OKC002

  4. In this video it explains how the jury selection process works. The judge asks the jurors a series of questions such as do they know anyone who could potentially be involved in this court case or if they know anyone who works for the legal system, including police officers, judges, lawyers. The reason these questions are asked by the judge is to see if the jurors might have any biases or might have their potential verdict persuaded a certain way because of their biases. For example, the judge explains that this case involves a firearm, so the judge asks the juror if anyone owns or has ever owned a firearm. This could determine if someone might have a bias about firearms and not give a 'fair' verdict. CAE002

    1. I think it is a really interesting process myself. I ahve always wondered how they picked who they wanted. I have never been selected for jury duty in my entire life but I have known people that have served on a jury. Ciaccio002

  5. This video just explains how the jury selection process works. The potential jurors are asked a series of questions by the judge, the questions could be "Do you know anyone that works in law enforcement, Do you know anyone that could be invovled in this case". The courts ask these types of questions to rule of any potential bias that the person may have through the court trial. Picking a jury can not be based on sex, religion, or race. It has to be fair. Ciaccio002

  6. This video gives out basic information on how a jury selection is done if you didn't already know how it went about. A room full of people who could be potential jurors are asked general questions by the judge. The jury must have the ability to decide whether or not the city had proved every element of the crime change beyond reasonable doubt. Reasonable doubt is one for which a reason exists and may rise from the evidence or lack of evidence. The types of questions the judge asks are made sure to be general questions like have you ever heard of this case before. Do you know anyone fro the city attorneys office? Who has been called for jury duty before? Have you ever been accused of a crime? Do you own a firearm? Etc. After being questioned by the judge, the potential jurors will later be questioned by the attorneys, like follow up question to get more information on what was already asked by the judge. Kt002

  7. Based on some movies I have seen set in court rooms, I already had somewhat of an idea of how a jury is selected. This video showed me that what I had seen in movies was fairly accurate, but it was a little less dramatic in real life. Basically, the attorneys and the judge were trying to find the most unbiased and neutral jury that they could. I come from a really small town, and I could only imagine how hard it would be to find a fair jury. Everyone knows each other and their business so the case would take extra long just because they need to find a jury. However, that wouldn't be a big deal in bigger cities. Overall, I felt this video was a great example of a true court trial and how they selected the jury. zmw002

  8. This video talks about all the information on the process of how a jury selection is done. It all starts with a room full of potential jurors that are asked basic questions by a judge. The kind of questions the judge asks are general questions such as: have you ever heard of this case before? Do you know anyone from the city attorneys office? Have you been called for jury duty before? Have you ever been accused of a crime? Do you own a firearm? After getting questioned by the judge, the potential jurors are questioned by the attorneys. The process than continues if you are chosen as a juror. Steve002

  9. The court trials are intresting. Just how he talks and how they have to prove hes guilty of he say hes not Guilty. And the people have to prove hes guilty on the crime. And the jury has to decide if hes guilty and not guilty. Just from the evidence giving. And then get to decide what he gets. Adelle002


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