Simply Me Still on Jury Duty and Learning Legalease

Simply Me Still on Jury Duty.....


  1. This is a great example to show how attorney's get to ask their questions and get the info they want. This particular attorney came up with a fake court case and put those people on the spot really to see how exactly they would react to being on a jury. Now the way he did it was kind of a stupid court case but probably has happened before. And you could see how he asked different people after the fake case was over on how they would react and why did they in that way. Which to me seems like a great thing to do to find out what kind of a juror they are and to see if you really want them on your jury or not. Do to how they responded after the fake case you could assume on how they would act on your case and see if it would be in your favor or not which is a very smart thing to do and that was a great way of doing it. JE002

    1. Yes, I agree that this is a wonderful example. I really enjoy how they came up wth a fake court case to see how the people would react. This gives them a preview as to what kind of reactions they will have in the actual case. oasis_002

  2. In this particular video it shows how the attorneys pick their juries. It shows the attorneys asking the potential jurors a multitude of questions. I enjoy this video more than part one because it actually goes into more depth than previously.
    The attorney gave the potential jurors a fake court case. The reason he did this was to see how they would react. This really put them on the spot and monitored their reaction times and ideas. He really wants to know why they reacted that was as well. I think this method is wonderful, it can show a potential jurors skills, biases, and weaknesses. It will really assist the lawyer in helping make a decision as to who is on the jury. It really predict what kind of jury you have. The better a jury, the more likely for success in the case. oasis_002

  3. When your decision against or for you is made by a jury of individuals, you would naturally want those people to be quite talented in what they are doing. Or at least be biased toward you. This video goes through a certain practice of the judge helping the lawyers determine who they want on the jury. The judge puts the jury through a fake trial to help lawyers determine what jurors they'd like to keep or dismiss. This method helps determine the better jurors.
    Putting jury members through a fake trial can help show their strengths and weakness, biases, and just about anything needed to know about their ability to deal with trials. Better jurors could lead to better trials, helping keep the innocent out of prison and keeping the guilty incarcerated.
    - AJC002

    1. This is a great process in my opinion. By using the hypothetical situations he did, the prosecutor did a great job of trying to, in a very nice way, show whether or not these people were biased in any way. In the end they all seemed like great people, willing to serve, but none of that could have been proven without the lines of questioning.-OKC002

  4. This video shows how jurors are selected by attorneys. The jurors in this video are placed in a few hypothetical court cases to see how they would handle the case. I think that is a good idea because you would want to see if the people you selected can actually handle the case and I suppose not have any biases or prejudices. The jurors are tested to see if they do have and biases or prejudices by being asked if any of them had bad experiences with either a cop or an attorney. One person explained that it is a lot harder to reach a verdict while on the jury simply because there is no way of knowing one-hundred percent whether or not the defendant is guilty of the crime or not. Overall, I think this is a good idea to place jurors in a fake court case to see how they would be able to handle it. CAE002

  5. This video showed me how they pick the jurors and I thought it was interesting. I thought it was also cool how he educated them and showed examples, and reminded them that are laws we all don't agree with. he also gave an example of a scenario of a lady getting pulled over with alcohol and stuff and asked the jury if they believed in it, asked if they would be able to follow the instruction of no matter what they are guilty. oregon002

  6. The way the attorney handles the prospective jurors is great. He is very thorough in his lines of questioning, yet he is very friendly to the people. He does a great job of trying to expose hidden, whether unknowingly or knowingly, that these jurors have hidden biases. The way he uses hypothetical situations is great, due to the fact that it doesn’t make the jurors feel like criminals. They are just people stating their view on a situation, which could unknowingly expose a hidden bias they have. I wish I could have seen where he went with the snake thing, when he wanted to see if somebody would kill it. I don’t know where he would have gone with that, so it really peaked my interest. Overall, this attorney did a great job of selecting the jurors and finding out their views on the case, and how they would handle it.-OKC002

  7. This video shows how differently judges and attorneys go about questioning potential jurors. While the judge will ask more general questions, the attorney will later question them with follow up questions. To me what the attorney seemed to do was to get the truth behind the general questions asked by the judge in the beginning. The attorney is asking questions that you actually have to respond to whether than just a yes or no or raise of hand. The attorneys job seemed to be to get people over all experiences and opinions IF they were to get put on a certain case, just to see how they would react which i would think would help them better decide who they want on that official jury. Kt002

  8. I like how they have to be swarn in every time they do jury duty. And how he ask what court they were in. And ask the if there bias agines something. Wich is good cause of the case and the people. I like how the judge takes it serious and every thing and want to get it right. Just the hole proses is good. And there are also jury people on the bench to.Adelle002.


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