I was very shocked when she called the lady a bitch. I was not expecting that at all from this movie it being made so long ago. As for the scene with the wreck. Even leading up to the wreck they were emphasizing on how old he was. Asking the waitress what kind of ice cream, him not being able to remember what flavor he got. That was playing on the idea of him being old in my opinion. Kind of playing up for the wreck scene. Another part was when he tried the ice cream at first he seemed agitated that it was so different. Well we are taught that once you get a certain age you just kind of like things one way and for younger individuals you don’t argue with them about it. Then after trying it then he realizes he kind of likes it. I feel like they played the “old man” concept up very well till the wreck. Then he backs straight up into the car without even looking behind him. I was also surprised the way the young man flipped out on him. He did also assume that it was because he was old and not necessarily because he was having a bad day. Often times we don’t realize that they have lots of other things going on at the time and are just not in the right mind state. I believe that it is not so much as him being old as it is everything he is going through. The young man however like most of us concludes that it is his old age that has caused this wreck and that there should be a law in place for old drivers. This did not surprise me like we talked in class many of us do this and think this way. Without even knowing that we immediately think this way. I was shocked that he gave him a 50 dollars and told him to buy a new one. I wish I could buy a car for 50 dollars lol. -mysonmyworld004
I agree with you completely about how they really played up the father's age. They made him seem old and almost senile but at the house he acted completely fine. Like he was worked up about the marriage but he wasn't all forgetful or anything like. It was just that one scene that they really played up his age. I also didn't care for how after he pulled off after he hit that guy's car everyone started clapping. Like, I just didn't see the point in that. But then when the father gets back home he's still upset but they aren't focusing on his age anymore and they don't make it seem like he's doing crazy stuff because of his age. It's like they go back and forth with it which is odd to me. -mybabygirl004
I didn’t really think about it but you are definitely right. The whole time he was very coherent and logical, yet when they went to go get ice cream he suddenly was super forgetful. Although his character overall didn’t act like that I do think that a lot of older people are forgetful when it comes to ordering in restaurants. They often say a general term instead of specific menu items, and then get mad when you clarify what they want. -DTH004
I really enjoyed this whole movie. I thought parts were kind of silly but there were so many issues throughout the whole thing. A few parts kind of shocked me just because of the movies age and I wasn't expecting it just like when Joanna called Hillary a bitch after the mother fired her, which I found completely awesome! Joanna's mother just totally stood up for herself and her daughter and let that lady have it! Another thing though is it reminded me of what you said in your lecture Dr. White, about how youll be driving behind someone who is going super slow and youll start getting pissed and saying its some old person who can't drive and such, well that came straight to mind when he was at that drive in diner ordering ice cream and you could tell that young waitress was getting so irritated but like you also said we have no clue what is going on in that persons life. That man was having a hell of a day and all he wanted was some ice cream he knew he liked but that girl had no patients for him. It makes me think how we just as people in general need to be more empathetic towards older people. They have lives and issues just like everyone else and we have no clue what they have going on, just like you said, that little lady driving in front of you could have been having car troubles. We just dont know. I know we all sometimes get irritated with older people, they drive or walk too slow in front of us, they can't remember what they were doing or even remember our names, they tell us the same story 100 times over. We just need to be patient with them and know they cant help it and it's not their fault and if were lucky at all we will one day be in that situation too so if anything we should be trying to learn something from them. -mybabygirl004
I agree we should be patient with the elderly but the driving thing should be stopped at a certain age because their reaction time is much slower. myboys004
Yes that was a shock to me as well when she called her that. I didn’t feel like the movie was made to make him seem as old as he was until this scene. The waitress did seem impatient with him which is very common with younger individuals mixing with elders. -mysonmyworld004
The young kid definitely over reacted, but I think that his views are pretty common in society. I know myself when I’m driving and someone is going slow I get pretty mad and speed past them, most of the time it is an elderly person. I understand that the reason many of them drive a lot slower is because they can’t see as well or have slower reaction times, but it’s annoying because it’s always when I am in a hurry. Though maybe I just notice it more because I am rushing to wherever I am going. I don’t really think that the young man was ageist necessarily though. He made offensive remarks saying that he shouldn’t be allowed to drive and that he was just a stupid old man, but he was just really angry. When we get mad we lose our filter and say things that we don’t really mean. Yeah, the things he said were uncalled for but I don’t think he really feels that way. If someone hit my car like the Mr. Drayton hit him, I would be pretty mad myself. I wouldn’t really say that most people are ageist, I think that people go along with the stereotypes but for the most part have a lot of respect for elderly people. Most would say they drive slow or that they take a really long time to do anything, but they still endure the inconvenience just out of respect. Working with a lot of elderly people I will say that they are some of rudest, and some of the nicest people you will ever meet. I think that goes back to the being lonely part of growing old. A lot of the people that come in will sit in lobby for hours in the morning drinking coffee every day. Although some times the elderly make the younger generation’s lives harder, they still have a high degree of respect for them. -DTH004
I agree that the young man did over react. He overreacted though because he was hit by Mr. Drayton. I thought that the things that he was saying was way out of line. He certainly didn't have to say that even when he was madly angry. I thought that it was ageism because he did say that there should be a law and that is ageism. -Happy004
I was intrigued at how all of the young adults cheered together when the black dude got on his soap box. It's weird how the younger generation view the older generation, not knowing that they might act the same when they get older. It was interesting how the movie played to so many characteristics of the older adults. A great example is how they were set in their ways. Another is their way of saying that enough is enough. By the time the movie was over I think they all had their say. The younger generation sort of have the attitude that the world is theirs for the taking. They don't seem to have a care in the world. I think that is why the portrayal of the younger generation is more accurate, because a great majority of us experienced being young so we can relate more with them. DAM004
This movie showed so many differences in ages. Some of the older adults still were against interracial marriages. Other older people were for the couple getting married. Some refuse to change with culture and begin to lag with the ever changing world. The Reverend was more for the marriage, than the father of Joey. Generations change the way we see the world, usually for the people. Younger people learn and adapt to the changes that the last generation made. There are so many different stereotypes about each age group. One stereotype is that the elderly are senile, but I have only met one person who was senile. Younger generations do not always respect aged people because they think they are senile. Another stereotype that are about the elderly is that they can not drive. I have met many people who are old and still are able to drive and are safe to ride with. I would rather ride with my grandmother driving than my mom's driving. One last stereotype is that most old people live in a nursing home. While there may be many nursing homes, a lot are assisted living and and only a small percent of the elderly live in a nursing home. The people who live in a nursing home are unable to care for themselves in some form of way. In the movie, the drive overreacted about the accident. I understand being upset about the accident,but you should never belittle anyone because of the age, old or young. -Kitsune004
I agree with a lot of what you are saying. This movie does a good job showing the many different age differneces. As the world changes, so does our generations and the way we view the world. The younger generations defiantly learn how to adapt more I think because as we are growing and changing so does our views, so it makes it easier to adapt to change. Compared to when we are older we are just settle in our ways and use to the way things are making it more difficult to welcome something new and different. I also agree with the driver going a little bit over board. It is normal for anyone to be upset about their car being hit by someone else, but he could have handled his anger a little bit different. He went straight to stereotyping the father calling him old and senile. -JustMe1989004
I think the youg man's reaction to his car being hit was justifiable. Any normal person would react angrily if someone hit their car, that's just normal. The fact that he was an elderly person, the young guy felt that there should be a law aginst old people driving. I agree that after a certain age they should not be able to drive because their reaction time is much slower. I've been stuck behind elderly drivers a lot on University street that I travel daily. I'm not the only one who feels that way about them being on the road. As soon as I get the chance not only myself but other drivers behind or in front of me pass them up. As I'm passing by them I look over to see who's driving that car at 20 mph in a 40 mph speed zone. I have to say lord forgive me for what I was thinking about them. I always think to myself, don't they have a daughter, son or even a grandchild that could drive them around? But I know most elderly people still want their independence and fend for themselves. myboys004
I thought that the scene did show ageism. It showed ageism because it had the young man yelling that “There ‘oughta be a law!” The young man in his superiority was referring that there should be a law against elderly people driving. That is absolutely ageism. It shows that there is a stereotype to the elderly. The young man was discriminating against not only Mr. Drayton, but also basically the whole elderly population. I tried to put myself in both the young and the elder's’ position. First, I put myself in the position of if I was hit with a car by an elderly. Well, I don’t think that I would have reacted that way. I think that I would be more sincere because I just think that the elderly is someone’s grandpa or grandma. Just to think that if I yelled at an elderly individual, it would be like yelling at my grandpa or grandma, and that just doesn’t fit well with me even just thinking about it. It makes me kind of sick when people yell at the elderly because there is nobody more wise and experienced than our elders. They have gone through basically everything that we have but more. They have the highest amount of knowledge of education and life. They have been through enough and do not deserve someone of ignorance to them to be yelling in their superiority. Moreover, I also put myself in their the elders position and I think that if I was the elder that hit a young adult, I would feel a sense of remorse. I would feel bad but I would think that I would be bitter and think that I did not deserve it at all. I would expect the young adult to give me a break and not overreact. I would absolutely use my age to take advantage of the situation and get myself out of the predicament. All in all, I would not know how I would react and that I would never fully understand the situation until I am in the situation myself. -Happy004
I think this movie had a great diversity on ageism. The views and ways the parents, maid and pastor carries themselves is much different how the couple who wants to marry carry themselves. The parents and even the maid still had the views of whites with whites and blacks with blacks in a relationship otherwise it may cause a problem with society and the views of society towards you. In that day and time this how they were raised it was not normal to step out of your boundaries. Compared to the couple times were changing, and this showed more with the girl. She never once seen a difference or an issue with the idea of marriage as the parents did. Stating her age at 23 explains a lot in the way she carries herself. You can tell where she is still young and naïve. Even when her and the maid were having a conversation about who else was coming to dinner you could notice a difference in their attitude about who else was coming to dinner. The maid made a smart remark about Martin Luther King coming to dinner, you could tell this all was way outside of the normal compared to the ways she was used to, as the girl was thrilled for everyone to be there. Also when her parents went out for ice cream you could see the ageism as well. He was so instating on going to that place for ice cream and what he had, but couldn’t remember the name of the ice cream and the waitress seem annoyed taking their order really showed ageism and the difference between their ages. The older tend to be more forgetful and the young doesn’t always have patience. Or when he wrecked into the younger guy’s car you could tell where the young guy was trying to be the cool hip guy, he kept making remarks of how the father was old and senile, instead of thinking maybe he was just having a rough day he started judging him for his age. Even in today’s society we still tend to judge older people for their driving and say they can’t drive well. -JustMe1989004
I think the young man and Mr. Drayton both overreacted, but for completely different reasons. I think many of us if not everyone would probably think but not say somewhat of the same thing the young man said to Mr. Drayton if they were to get hit by someone who is older than us. This in some way makes us an Ageist. The Ageism is kind of like stereotyping, which is more often than not seen on the road when, someone on the road is driving slow, and on top of that is in the left hand lane driving slow we automatically think that it’s an old lady. Well at least I do, and most of the time it’s an old person, but sometimes it’s a teen or even a young adult driving slow in the left hand lane. For some reason our brains automatically think that they must be old, and not think that they must someone who is cautious. The same type of ageist can also go against the younger crowd. I’ve heard older men and women say that the younger generation is so reckless and don’t care about the things they have. So there is stereotyping on both sides of the argument in hand there. -CFC004
I see the father not so much as “old” but very upset in this scene. He is being protective of his little girl. He wants to see her happy and have an easy life. “Oh, a little ice cream can’t hurt” states the father; this is where he stress eats. Here he can play off by not using societal rules. He doesn’t have young children that if they had ice cream at five they would lose their minds on a sugar rush. He can play the I lived my life did my time I can get ice cream when I want card. When they were in the car before the ice cream came out the mother was reminiscing on their life on how they started out and conquered hardships. In her eyes you could see a woman who truly loved her husband and was so happy to help him in any way she could in their hardships. She spoke of how wonderful it is that their little girl found someone already so accomplished. During this, I can’t help but notice the fathers look. In his eyes you can see that no one could be good enough for his little girl. When he takes a bite of his sherbet and complains about how bad it was in the beginning it shows a man who is just extremely frustrated at the world. Even though it was comical this is a very realistic situation. Sometimes in life things taste bad or do not look or feel as nice because anger overrides the brain. ~BabyB004
The first scene is when she calls Hillary an “absolute bitch” this is just interesting because that language wasn’t as tolerated as it is today. The scene kind of reminded me of something from an old western film. Then you see the priest and the father talking. The fact that they weren’t religious never got talked about it was just mentioned but I guess it was mentioned for a reason. I really enjoyed when he was talking to the girl from the ice cream place, it’s just such an old person thing to do to. You can tell just how fast things changed since then. You pulled up and they came and got your order from the car and they even brought out waters like a restaurant would do today. The way he talks to his wife sometimes too when he snaps on her she kind of just backs off and doesn’t say anything. I really understand why the maid flipped out on him saying “whatchu tryn pull here” she’s looking out for her white family. She’s thinking what’s this black man thinking he can come in here and do this. She is in an outrage. I actually love what she says to him. When he hits the young guy’s car the kid who is also black is yelling there “should be a law” and “stupid old man” stuff like that. His wife is just laughing in the car. At the end of the clip john and joey are with joeys friend and husband I think and they are total okay with him being black it didn’t even seem like a problem. That is very open minded for that time period. Joey does not acknowledge the fact that john is black and that is a problem and I think she does that because it’s only a problem for other people. the funny thing is there are still families today that are shocked when one of their kids dates a different race -dislikeblogs004
I was very shocked when she called the lady a bitch. I was not expecting that at all from this movie it being made so long ago. As for the scene with the wreck. Even leading up to the wreck they were emphasizing on how old he was. Asking the waitress what kind of ice cream, him not being able to remember what flavor he got. That was playing on the idea of him being old in my opinion. Kind of playing up for the wreck scene. Another part was when he tried the ice cream at first he seemed agitated that it was so different. Well we are taught that once you get a certain age you just kind of like things one way and for younger individuals you don’t argue with them about it. Then after trying it then he realizes he kind of likes it. I feel like they played the “old man” concept up very well till the wreck. Then he backs straight up into the car without even looking behind him. I was also surprised the way the young man flipped out on him. He did also assume that it was because he was old and not necessarily because he was having a bad day. Often times we don’t realize that they have lots of other things going on at the time and are just not in the right mind state. I believe that it is not so much as him being old as it is everything he is going through. The young man however like most of us concludes that it is his old age that has caused this wreck and that there should be a law in place for old drivers. This did not surprise me like we talked in class many of us do this and think this way. Without even knowing that we immediately think this way. I was shocked that he gave him a 50 dollars and told him to buy a new one. I wish I could buy a car for 50 dollars lol.
I agree with you completely about how they really played up the father's age. They made him seem old and almost senile but at the house he acted completely fine. Like he was worked up about the marriage but he wasn't all forgetful or anything like. It was just that one scene that they really played up his age. I also didn't care for how after he pulled off after he hit that guy's car everyone started clapping. Like, I just didn't see the point in that. But then when the father gets back home he's still upset but they aren't focusing on his age anymore and they don't make it seem like he's doing crazy stuff because of his age. It's like they go back and forth with it which is odd to me.
Yes, They really played it up for this scene in the movie. I mean I get why they did.
DeleteI didn’t really think about it but you are definitely right. The whole time he was very coherent and logical, yet when they went to go get ice cream he suddenly was super forgetful. Although his character overall didn’t act like that I do think that a lot of older people are forgetful when it comes to ordering in restaurants. They often say a general term instead of specific menu items, and then get mad when you clarify what they want.
I really enjoyed this whole movie. I thought parts were kind of silly but there were so many issues throughout the whole thing. A few parts kind of shocked me just because of the movies age and I wasn't expecting it just like when Joanna called Hillary a bitch after the mother fired her, which I found completely awesome! Joanna's mother just totally stood up for herself and her daughter and let that lady have it! Another thing though is it reminded me of what you said in your lecture Dr. White, about how youll be driving behind someone who is going super slow and youll start getting pissed and saying its some old person who can't drive and such, well that came straight to mind when he was at that drive in diner ordering ice cream and you could tell that young waitress was getting so irritated but like you also said we have no clue what is going on in that persons life. That man was having a hell of a day and all he wanted was some ice cream he knew he liked but that girl had no patients for him. It makes me think how we just as people in general need to be more empathetic towards older people. They have lives and issues just like everyone else and we have no clue what they have going on, just like you said, that little lady driving in front of you could have been having car troubles. We just dont know. I know we all sometimes get irritated with older people, they drive or walk too slow in front of us, they can't remember what they were doing or even remember our names, they tell us the same story 100 times over. We just need to be patient with them and know they cant help it and it's not their fault and if were lucky at all we will one day be in that situation too so if anything we should be trying to learn something from them.
I agree we should be patient with the elderly but the driving thing should be stopped at a certain age because their reaction time is much slower. myboys004
DeleteYes that was a shock to me as well when she called her that. I didn’t feel like the movie was made to make him seem as old as he was until this scene. The waitress did seem impatient with him which is very common with younger individuals mixing with elders.
The young kid definitely over reacted, but I think that his views are pretty common in society. I know myself when I’m driving and someone is going slow I get pretty mad and speed past them, most of the time it is an elderly person. I understand that the reason many of them drive a lot slower is because they can’t see as well or have slower reaction times, but it’s annoying because it’s always when I am in a hurry. Though maybe I just notice it more because I am rushing to wherever I am going. I don’t really think that the young man was ageist necessarily though. He made offensive remarks saying that he shouldn’t be allowed to drive and that he was just a stupid old man, but he was just really angry. When we get mad we lose our filter and say things that we don’t really mean. Yeah, the things he said were uncalled for but I don’t think he really feels that way. If someone hit my car like the Mr. Drayton hit him, I would be pretty mad myself. I wouldn’t really say that most people are ageist, I think that people go along with the stereotypes but for the most part have a lot of respect for elderly people. Most would say they drive slow or that they take a really long time to do anything, but they still endure the inconvenience just out of respect. Working with a lot of elderly people I will say that they are some of rudest, and some of the nicest people you will ever meet. I think that goes back to the being lonely part of growing old. A lot of the people that come in will sit in lobby for hours in the morning drinking coffee every day. Although some times the elderly make the younger generation’s lives harder, they still have a high degree of respect for them.
I agree that the young man did over react. He overreacted though because he was hit by Mr. Drayton. I thought that the things that he was saying was way out of line. He certainly didn't have to say that even when he was madly angry. I thought that it was ageism because he did say that there should be a law and that is ageism. -Happy004
DeleteI was intrigued at how all of the young adults cheered together when the black dude got on his soap box. It's weird how the younger generation view the older generation, not knowing that they might act the same when they get older. It was interesting how the movie played to so many characteristics of the older adults. A great example is how they were set in their ways. Another is their way of saying that enough is enough. By the time the movie was over I think they all had their say. The younger generation sort of have the attitude that the world is theirs for the taking. They don't seem to have a care in the world. I think that is why the portrayal of the younger generation is more accurate, because a great majority of us experienced being young so we can relate more with them. DAM004
ReplyDeleteThis movie showed so many differences in ages. Some of the older adults still were against interracial marriages. Other older people were for the couple getting married. Some refuse to change with culture and begin to lag with the ever changing world. The Reverend was more for the marriage, than the father of Joey. Generations change the way we see the world, usually for the people. Younger people learn and adapt to the changes that the last generation made.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many different stereotypes about each age group. One stereotype is that the elderly are senile, but I have only met one person who was senile. Younger generations do not always respect aged people because they think they are senile. Another stereotype that are about the elderly is that they can not drive. I have met many people who are old and still are able to drive and are safe to ride with. I would rather ride with my grandmother driving than my mom's driving. One last stereotype is that most old people live in a nursing home. While there may be many nursing homes, a lot are assisted living and and only a small percent of the elderly live in a nursing home. The people who live in a nursing home are unable to care for themselves in some form of way.
In the movie, the drive overreacted about the accident. I understand being upset about the accident,but you should never belittle anyone because of the age, old or young.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying. This movie does a good job showing the many different age differneces. As the world changes, so does our generations and the way we view the world. The younger generations defiantly learn how to adapt more I think because as we are growing and changing so does our views, so it makes it easier to adapt to change. Compared to when we are older we are just settle in our ways and use to the way things are making it more difficult to welcome something new and different. I also agree with the driver going a little bit over board. It is normal for anyone to be upset about their car being hit by someone else, but he could have handled his anger a little bit different. He went straight to stereotyping the father calling him old and senile. -JustMe1989004
DeleteI think the youg man's reaction to his car being hit was justifiable. Any normal person would react angrily if someone hit their car, that's just normal. The fact that he was an elderly person, the young guy felt that there should be a law aginst old people driving. I agree that after a certain age they should not be able to drive because their reaction time is much slower. I've been stuck behind elderly drivers a lot on University street that I travel daily. I'm not the only one who feels that way about them being on the road. As soon as I get the chance not only myself but other drivers behind or in front of me pass them up. As I'm passing by them I look over to see who's driving that car at 20 mph in a 40 mph speed zone. I have to say lord forgive me for what I was thinking about them. I always think to myself, don't they have a daughter, son or even a grandchild that could drive them around? But I know most elderly people still want their independence and fend for themselves. myboys004
ReplyDeleteI thought that the scene did show ageism. It showed ageism because it had the young man yelling that “There ‘oughta be a law!” The young man in his superiority was referring that there should be a law against elderly people driving. That is absolutely ageism. It shows that there is a stereotype to the elderly. The young man was discriminating against not only Mr. Drayton, but also basically the whole elderly population. I tried to put myself in both the young and the elder's’ position. First, I put myself in the position of if I was hit with a car by an elderly. Well, I don’t think that I would have reacted that way. I think that I would be more sincere because I just think that the elderly is someone’s grandpa or grandma. Just to think that if I yelled at an elderly individual, it would be like yelling at my grandpa or grandma, and that just doesn’t fit well with me even just thinking about it. It makes me kind of sick when people yell at the elderly because there is nobody more wise and experienced than our elders. They have gone through basically everything that we have but more. They have the highest amount of knowledge of education and life. They have been through enough and do not deserve someone of ignorance to them to be yelling in their superiority. Moreover, I also put myself in their the elders position and I think that if I was the elder that hit a young adult, I would feel a sense of remorse. I would feel bad but I would think that I would be bitter and think that I did not deserve it at all. I would expect the young adult to give me a break and not overreact. I would absolutely use my age to take advantage of the situation and get myself out of the predicament. All in all, I would not know how I would react and that I would never fully understand the situation until I am in the situation myself. -Happy004
ReplyDeleteI think this movie had a great diversity on ageism. The views and ways the parents, maid and pastor carries themselves is much different how the couple who wants to marry carry themselves. The parents and even the maid still had the views of whites with whites and blacks with blacks in a relationship otherwise it may cause a problem with society and the views of society towards you. In that day and time this how they were raised it was not normal to step out of your boundaries. Compared to the couple times were changing, and this showed more with the girl. She never once seen a difference or an issue with the idea of marriage as the parents did. Stating her age at 23 explains a lot in the way she carries herself. You can tell where she is still young and naïve. Even when her and the maid were having a conversation about who else was coming to dinner you could notice a difference in their attitude about who else was coming to dinner. The maid made a smart remark about Martin Luther King coming to dinner, you could tell this all was way outside of the normal compared to the ways she was used to, as the girl was thrilled for everyone to be there. Also when her parents went out for ice cream you could see the ageism as well. He was so instating on going to that place for ice cream and what he had, but couldn’t remember the name of the ice cream and the waitress seem annoyed taking their order really showed ageism and the difference between their ages. The older tend to be more forgetful and the young doesn’t always have patience. Or when he wrecked into the younger guy’s car you could tell where the young guy was trying to be the cool hip guy, he kept making remarks of how the father was old and senile, instead of thinking maybe he was just having a rough day he started judging him for his age. Even in today’s society we still tend to judge older people for their driving and say they can’t drive well. -JustMe1989004
ReplyDeleteI think the young man and Mr. Drayton both overreacted, but for completely different reasons. I think many of us if not everyone would probably think but not say somewhat of the same thing the young man said to Mr. Drayton if they were to get hit by someone who is older than us. This in some way makes us an Ageist. The Ageism is kind of like stereotyping, which is more often than not seen on the road when, someone on the road is driving slow, and on top of that is in the left hand lane driving slow we automatically think that it’s an old lady. Well at least I do, and most of the time it’s an old person, but sometimes it’s a teen or even a young adult driving slow in the left hand lane. For some reason our brains automatically think that they must be old, and not think that they must someone who is cautious. The same type of ageist can also go against the younger crowd. I’ve heard older men and women say that the younger generation is so reckless and don’t care about the things they have. So there is stereotyping on both sides of the argument in hand there.
I see the father not so much as “old” but very upset in this scene. He is being protective of his little girl. He wants to see her happy and have an easy life.
ReplyDelete“Oh, a little ice cream can’t hurt” states the father; this is where he stress eats. Here he can play off by not using societal rules. He doesn’t have young children that if they had ice cream at five they would lose their minds on a sugar rush. He can play the I lived my life did my time I can get ice cream when I want card.
When they were in the car before the ice cream came out the mother was reminiscing on their life on how they started out and conquered hardships. In her eyes you could see a woman who truly loved her husband and was so happy to help him in any way she could in their hardships. She spoke of how wonderful it is that their little girl found someone already so accomplished. During this, I can’t help but notice the fathers look. In his eyes you can see that no one could be good enough for his little girl. When he takes a bite of his sherbet and complains about how bad it was in the beginning it shows a man who is just extremely frustrated at the world. Even though it was comical this is a very realistic situation. Sometimes in life things taste bad or do not look or feel as nice because anger overrides the brain. ~BabyB004
The first scene is when she calls Hillary an “absolute bitch” this is just interesting because that language wasn’t as tolerated as it is today. The scene kind of reminded me of something from an old western film. Then you see the priest and the father talking. The fact that they weren’t religious never got talked about it was just mentioned but I guess it was mentioned for a reason. I really enjoyed when he was talking to the girl from the ice cream place, it’s just such an old person thing to do to. You can tell just how fast things changed since then. You pulled up and they came and got your order from the car and they even brought out waters like a restaurant would do today. The way he talks to his wife sometimes too when he snaps on her she kind of just backs off and doesn’t say anything. I really understand why the maid flipped out on him saying “whatchu tryn pull here” she’s looking out for her white family. She’s thinking what’s this black man thinking he can come in here and do this. She is in an outrage. I actually love what she says to him. When he hits the young guy’s car the kid who is also black is yelling there “should be a law” and “stupid old man” stuff like that. His wife is just laughing in the car. At the end of the clip john and joey are with joeys friend and husband I think and they are total okay with him being black it didn’t even seem like a problem. That is very open minded for that time period. Joey does not acknowledge the fact that john is black and that is a problem and I think she does that because it’s only a problem for other people. the funny thing is there are still families today that are shocked when one of their kids dates a different race