Active Shooter Presentation....Discuss Importance


  1. The Ohio University Police Department has come up with a three step method very similar to the one we were presented in class. The first step is to evacuate if possible. Your first obligation is to get you and those around you out of the combat zone. As soon as you hear gunshots you should begin running out of the building to a safe distance to call for police. The second step, if you cannot flee the situation, is to lock down your area and deny the enemy combatant access to your section of the building. This should be done by locking the door with a lock or another object such as a belt. Furthermore, you should barricade the doors and windows, silence your phones and possibly grab a weapon. The final step, if all else fails, is to fight back. You want to position yourself to surprise the attacker and be able to develop and maintain positive control of his or her weapon or firearm. While the first person gains control of the weapon the rest should rush the attacker and pin them by controlling pressure points and limbs until authorities arrive. A key thing to remember is the fact that the police responding to the shooting or attack do not know who the shooter is and as such everyone is a suspect, so stay out of their way and comply with any and all orders given by authorities. Ghost003

  2. The Active Shooter Presentation was a great tool to prepare college students for the situation if it ever occurs on their campus. Really all the departments at ICC should take advantage of this presentation not just the criminal justice classes. Most people probably feel like they are prepared to deal with an active shooter situation. But if faced with the situation most people would probably panic because they don't have a plan in place. Like we learned during the presentation it is best to have a plan layed out before the situation occurs and not be scrambling to figure out what to do if a shooter enters the building and opens fire. Trying to figure out what you are going to do while the shooter is walking around shooting people could potentially cost someone to end up shot. So everyone needs to be aware of their surroundings and know where the nearest exits are and get out of the building if that is a possibility. When escape is not an option people need to know that they need to barricade themselves in the room silence their cell phones and hide so the shooter can not detect that anyone is present in the room. As a last resort fight. Look around for anything that can be used as a weapon to subdue the shooter. If there are multiple people present fight the shooter together and remember it is a fight to the death. So continue fighting until the police arrive to apprehend the shooter. The information given on what to do once police enter the building was imperative as well. Law enforcement doesn't know upon their arrival who the shooter is, so everyone is a suspect until they are sure. So everyone needs to keep their hands visible and do what the officers instruct you to do. This training can save the lives of many students. Having a plan in place can be the difference between life or death. So this presentation is a very good tool to have so that people are prepared. The better prepared one is the less likely they are to panic. mommy004

    1. I most certainly agree, it is vital we know what to do and when to do it. Many people do not consider how the police will respond and they may assume the authorities will know they are not the attacker, but this is not true. Clearing a building in a quick and in a hurry fashion is stressful and careful. There is absolutely no room for error for the officers so it is best to stay out of their way and try to make every effort to make yourself look as harmless as possible.Ghost004

    2. I agree too. In the past few semesters I have taken, I have not even seen a video on how to handle this situation until this class. Rayder004

  3. I believe videos like this are crucial and should be required by all college students in the United States. It is imperative that you know how to react and when to react in situations like this. Training such as this video help you with a base knowledge to fall back on in moments of high stress like an active shooter situation. It is common for people to freeze up or panic when they do not understand the situation they find themselves in or they do not know what to do. That is why watching and understanding a video like this will help give you knowledge to fall back on. Knowing what to do and when to do it are often the difference between life and death for you and for others. Stay calm, stay collected, and help one another out. Remember there are more of you than him if it comes down to a fight. Furthermore, police response times can vary so have a prolonged plan to survive if you find yourself in a combat situation like this one. You should know at least two exits to any and all buildings you enter. Please, try to stay calm and work together with your other classmates and instructors to ensure the safety of everyone. Strive not to be a sheep but a sheepdog. Ghost004

    1. Although fighting is considered a last resort, fighting collectively will be essential in taking down an active shooter. The video made a good mention to have one person aim to control the weapon and all other attackers should aim for the limbs of the shooter. By responding to the situation as a group, there will be a better chance of survival. I also believe that staying calm is important. During the "Fight or Flight" response, not everyone will have the same reactions. Having a plan will help to maintain focus. Peanut003

  4. This video is very important and gives great advice to students who wouldn’t know what to do in a horrific situation like this. I believe every college student should watch a video like this just to prepare for the unknown. Although people may feel like it is very unlikely to happen to them, it is a chance it can and it would be great to be prepared for it. The Run, Hide, and Fight advice is very simple but I’m pretty sure not all students think about those three things that fast when put in a predicament like that. A person’s first reaction would be to panic, scream and probably do something that will not benefit the situation or help better the chances of surviving. That’s why I feel as if videos like this are super important. Having a plan in place would definitely save time and many lives of course. It is essential to be aware of your surroundings because unfortunately, events have happened all around the country and videos like these show the true importance of being aware. This video helped me understand the importance of having a plan and being prepared, even if you feel like this is highly unlikely to happen to you. It’s better to be safe than sorry. -Pizza005

  5. I appreciate Chief Lawson coming to our class to prepare us for an active shooter. By giving out the key chain light with the campus police department number on it, we all have quick access to it. I like the idea of turning off the lights and hiding from view so that a shooter would think the room is empty. Also, the fact that the classroom doors automatically lock is a comfort. Run, Hide, Fight - good information to know! Grandma005

    1. Yes, the items with the campus police number on them is very helpful. Furthermore, if you cannot run out of the building I would agree that fortifying up the room may be the best course of action. However, If you do turn the light off it may be hard to grab the gun if the assailant walks into the room anyway. Also, trying to quickly exit out the window may be troublesome if it is dark. It may be worth it to keep him out but that's just something to keep in mind. Ghost003

  6. The video gives you several scenarios on what to do if an unfortunate situation which has unfortunately become very familiar not just in our society it familiarity is worldwide now, happens to take place. The information given can be used not just for school shooting but can also be used in several other settings, such as Church, Movie theater, and clubs just to name a few I’m thankful that the police chief did display the video for the class to see because I know at times I wonder what would I do if I was in an unfortunate situation like other have found themselves; not saying that I would do exactly what was presented in the video cause being in a situation like that of course the only thing on your mind is to survive to make it back home to your loves one but the not knowing is the part that can also get you killed for example not knowing which direction to run in or where to hide and if push comes to shove all there is left to do is to fight if that’s your last result. But when pandemonium and adrenal meet what will you do to survive? Leathas005

  7. The Active shooter video that was presented to my class by the Police Chief was very eye opening. Because it shows more ways to how real an active shooter is and that it can actually happen in real. If everyone watches this video I believe the next time an active shooter event occurs, it may end on a good note and less people will get hurt. If everyone does there job correctly but everyone is human so you are going to have that one person to not be prepared and cause the situation to get worse. I think that every business, school, and any other organization should have a action plan to how they will be prepared for an Active shooter event. Based off today's society and how law enforcement is today, will mostly determine how the situation may plan out because. All law enforcement agencies are changing the way they train in the academy and how they handle different situations. -NIKE001, NIKE002

  8. I feel as though it is critical that all students and staff be informed on how to deal with these situations. It could happen anywhere and often people are terrified and get stuck, but with this knowledge they would know what to do and it would prevent that from happening and save more lives in the case that it does. I know that if I were stuck in this situation, prior to Chief Lawson coming into class, that I would have probably got shot. But now I feel as though I could do what it takes to save myself, and others if needed. I seriously hope that I am never in the situation to even need to think about this, but it could unfortunately.I am grateful for Chief Lawson coming in to talk to us all, and to you for having invited him in to do so. lucy005

  9. The Active Shooter awareness is very effective when colleges have such a dense population this is definitely needed as for such a malicious violent horrible crime to happen students should be aware of what to do to prevent loss of life. No life should be loss having training in place will help to effectively react as people most of the time during a fearful situation will most likely freeze up and panic if there is not a plane that they know as during an event like this most people will go into a psychological flight of fight mode. This, also gives officers more power to react then they could in the past which could be the difference of a human life. This also helps for law enforcement to have an easier time to make it onto the scene in this event this is so necessary and needs to continue to be taught as lives could be saved due to the training awareness. This also helps for us students to make a difference not causing a wide spread panic. Society needs an effective training method as these criminals are tearing up our communities’, family and our friends. Nothing is ever worth the loss of any one’s life. Eagle001, Eagle002

  10. Like my dad always use to say to be aware is to be alive. This training is very necessary because it will save lives. By knowing what to do in a situation like this you will reduce your reaction time. I do not know if that will be by seconds or minutes but I do know that it will be crucial to your survival in a situation like this. Every second counts. Another thing that comes to mind when I think about how important it is to know what to do is: proper preparation, prevents poor performance. Although we all hope it never happens, if it does at least we know we're prepared. Like it was stated in the first video that we watched in class even if we were to go into shock by the severity of the issue, we were in, our muscle memory would still kick in and allow us to react properly. EGM003

  11. I really appreciate officers all over the country who give presentations like this. It’s so easy to sit there and not pay attention because everyone thinks “oh that won't happen to the college I go to.” But what happens if it does. It’s so nice knowing members of law enforcement want to keeps as prepared as possible for any type of attack in a situation like this. I bet the odds of us being in a situation like this is slim to non, but it helps knowing you are as prepared as possible for any situation. I really believe even high schools should go through this type of training because an active shooter could happen in high schools as well. It is just so useful for everyone to have this type of training. Maybe everyone should have this type of training, because an active shooter could pop out and happen anywhere. Grocery store, movie theatre, mall, it could happen just about anywhere. We’ve seen it. The goal is just to keep everyone as safe as possible, and I know that can be done. This training video was very helpful to me and it should be very helpful for everyone else as well. PAWW005

  12. I think this should be required in all colleges as well as high schools. The presentation as well as the video that was shown. It is very informative, and can save a lot of lives. In a perfect world, no one would have to go through such a situation like an active shooting, especially in high school or college. But if it does happen, everyone needs to be aware of what’s happening, and have the right mindset and plan of action to maximize their chances of survival, along with all of those around them. The first instinct that one should have, is running from the area. Check your surroundings and have at least two exits from wherever you are, in case the shooter(s) are blocking off one of the exits. If running is not possible, the next best option is to hide. Shut off the lights, lock the door, silence all phones, stay away from windows, don’t crowd together, and get out of sight of the shooter or shooters. Chances are, if the door is locked and the lights are off, the shooter is not going to waste his time trying to get in, they will most likely move on to someone else. If running and hiding are not an option, the only thing left to do is fight. Find any object you can to use on the shooter. If you carry a pocket knife, use that. If not, search for items such as a fire extinguisher, stapler, chairs, anything that put the shooter down. Hopefully no one has to go through such a horrific situation, but if they do, the information found in this video along with the presentation may just save your life.

  13. After spending most of my early years on a military installation or off-base you begin to realize that, not all people can comprehend the possibility of something like this ever happening. When you have lived with the possibility of someone or something disturbing the security, safety, or well-being of anyone in your community or your family, you begin to understand how important it is to be prepared for any eventuality. The video gives people the tools they may need, in the event that this ever happens. The straightforward and directness of the video gives you the opportunity to see how you should react to the situation. Remain as calm as possible, if you are not one who feels able to “take charge”, be able to follow the lead of someone who can. Use the tools given in this video and follow the directions given to help you survive, should this ever happen to you. Running is a great way to stay in shape, but it can also save your life. Remember where all the exits are in the facility you are in. Know a safe place where you should meet with others after you have left the facility. Contact the authorities immediately after you have escaped to safety. In the event that you are unable to flee, be calm and find a safe place to hide. Make sure that the room you are in has a door that can be locked or barricaded. Be as quiet as is possible to avoid drawing attention to you. The shooter is not looking for you, but anyone that can be a target. If you have to fight, you must remember that he is in control and wants to kill you. You must be ready to do whatever it takes to stop them from accomplishing what they had set out to do. Remember to stay calm, focused and prepared for everything. Just the way you do now for everyday life. Seoulman005

  14. This video can easily be applied if I ever find myself in an active shooter situation. The evacuate, lock down, and fight steps are similar to the run, hide, and fight steps from the video we watched in class. This video does not have to be limited to college campuses. I can apply this video everywhere I go like the movie theater and mall. I like that colleges are aware of the possibility of a shooter and that they are informing their students on what to do during that situation. Many people who are unfortunate enough to find themselves in situations like this tense up and forget how to act. Most people find it difficult to remember things in these situations, but the easy steps the video gives will help people remember what to do. As a black belt and former self defense instructor, the fighting step (if running and hiding fails) in both videos is the most important to me. It’s difficult to disarm or fight an armed man by yourself, and both videos show the importance of fighting in numbers. The video shown in class said that most active shooters are taken down within the first five minutes. I was surprised how fast all of the events of a shooting occurs. Scuba002, Scuba004

  15. This video was a great representation of what to do when faced with an armed person in a school setting. The Active Shooter Presentation is a must for students of all ages because the shooter could, if they wanted to, target elementary students as well. I know when I was in high school, they told us a couple of things that we needed to do in case an armed person came strolling down the halls. We were taught the basic stuff like to keep quiet, shut off the lights, turn our phones off, and back away from the door and stay out of sight. This video took it further and had the options of escaping if you could. What surprises me is that I have not seen one video until now on how to react to an active shooter in the past few semesters I have taken. Rayder004

  16. This Active Shooter Presentation is something that every student should watch at the very minimum. I think many students would have no idea how to react to an active shooter, so this video would be very helpful. It gives students three different tactics to turn to in case of an active shooter situation. This video is very similar to the once we watched in class; both programs had the same three steps to take in case of this dangerous situation. The first tactic is to escape the shooter if at all possible. Run as fast as you can, and run in zig-zags if you have to, but do not stop until you are far away. Once you are far away from the building, you want to proceed to call 911 to alert them of the situation, as well as campus police. If you are unable to run away from the shooter, you want to hide. If you are stuck in a room that you cannot escape, barricade the door, silence your phone, and hide until the police come. As an absolute last resort, you will need to fight the shooter. You can use whatever you have handy as a potential weapon against the shooter. If you have multiple people, it is best to have one person disarm the shooter, and the rest of you should grab any limbs of the shooter and secure him so he no longer poses a threat. Lastly, if you must fight, it is very important to secure the weapon in a hidden place so the police do not see an open fire arm in your possession and assume you are the shooter. Purple003

  17. The presentation from the Ohio State University taught me a lot on how to be prepared for a gunman who comes on to the campus. Cause honestly the only thing I thought when ever this happened either back in middle or even high school. We were taught just to stay in the class and go into the corner where the intruder couldn’t see us. Which that is something that this presentation did teach as well, but compared to middle and high school, you can’t run out of the building, you have to run into an open classroom. Or hide somewhere safe in the school. The last thing I think the presentation taught me was to use anything I can find to fight. There was nothing on that presentation that said if you are cornered try and reason with that person. Which will never work, so I do like how this presentation was realistic and to point where they didn’t go on forever to explain how these circumstances can play out. Hopefully these situations will never come to happen, but if it ever does I believe I am a bit more prepared then I was before viewing this presentation. TB005

  18. I think this is great information to have not everyone is made aware of how to react to these situations. I think all students and staff should be aware of how to react if they are ever put in this position. This is so scary I have kids in school and I worry about this happening in their school. I let my daughter watch the video and she was very interested in learning how to respond. Run is of course the best option I think. But fighting also has its advantages.I never knew what to do if this situation ever arose. I think kids as young as grade school should see this video. Its great to be prepared in all situation. Its also very considerate of the officers who take the time to inform people about this and prepare them to help themselves and others. Sly.003

  19. I really liked this video for a couple of reasons. First the video got straight to the point. it wasn’t very long which makes people more willing to watch. The next thing I liked about the video is they listed the things you should do if you’re in that position in order, and ether give you expels of what you should do. I also liked how in the video they showed you some possible weapons you can use, and things you can use to barracked the door with. Overall I thought the video was good. That they got their message across, and that the people including me took away something from this video. Cav001

  20. This video does a very good job representing the main ways too react to an active shooter. Too many videos get off topic, this one is straight to the point to run, hide, fight. They clearly explain when to use each method and what to do in the scenario. They also give tips on what to do in each one. Nobody expects that a tragedy like this would happen to them, but it is very important that you know that the threat does exist and can happen to you. By watching this video students are exposed to what might happen and walked through the steps of how to respond to the situation. One thing I think was very important to tell students is that you should call the campus police first and then they can dispatch their officers who are on scene or closer. Then other departments can respond once they are dispatched. Blackhawks001

  21. This video done by Ohio State University was very well put together and i believe should be shown at every college or and school in general. It gives us a better idea of the smart things we should be doing if an active shooter situation were to occur in our school or around the campus. I found it very scary when Chief showed us all the active shooting cases during his presentation, it actually made me want to look into it more. As students and for the staff, we should take time to know all of the steps shown in this video to keep ourselves save in these types of situations. Kt001

  22. This is a very important video for anyone to watch. I have watched a similar video but it was for the workplace. My job requires us to watch the video twice a year. I love the fact that someone made the video so we can be safe regardless if we are at work or school. The same rules applies regardless of where you are at. Even if you are shopping at a store. Everyone should be prepared. hotfox003

  23. These active shooter videos are very good help. Especially for people that panic and don't know what to do in a time of crisis. You never know when anything like this could happen and it's always good to be prepared. It's very similar to the run, hide, and fight like the Ohio state video. My first reaction would be to panic. I would be freaking out and I wouldn't know really what to do. Now that i have seen this video, I can be ready if the time ever came. One of the other videos we had watched or maybe it was the police chief had said that we need to think of ourselves first. That's what i think is wrong. Yes, I want to get out of there safe, but my morals as a human being is that i want to help anyone. I'm going into the criminal justice field to help people. I don't like seeing people in trouble and I would never run out before i could think of others. Some people may feel differently and want to get themselves to safety first. Some people may feel the same as me. So it is good to know how to deal with one of these situations if it ever arose, but I would rather help first then run. Mustang003/004/005

  24. When watching this video one of the first thoughts that came to my mind is that. I would have never thought that this could happen. I am just trying to get an education to better myself. So I guess that could have made me a target. I really never thought about the fact that some people have other things going on in their head. This video has made me aware and opened my eyes. So I am very appreciative that they took the time out to share this video with me. I have never been put in a situation like this but, now if it does happen I feel confident enough that I will be able to make the right decisions to save my own life. This video is very helpful it gives you many different ways to save your life. Cupcake005

  25. I think this video is very good for all people that use public buildings to watch. It is great to know how the best chances at survival. Many people panic when they hear gunshots. It is best to already have a plan of action in situations like this. When there is an active shooter the first thing everyone should do is locate the nearest exit to them if there is no way to get to that exit they need to hide. They should go inside a secure room and lock the door and turn the lights off. Making sure to be silent and hidden from any windows. It may only take a few minutes of hiding before the police arrive but even then they need to be cautious and very cooperative because at this point the police believe anybody could be the shooter. Finally if all other steps fail to protect you against and active shooter, fighting is the last resort option. It may not feel right but this is a fight to the death, the shooter already wants to end your life so just remember you must do what is necessary to survive. Gym003

  26. I felt this video was as good as the OSU one, except in one field. In the OSU video, they really stressed the importance of the run, hide, fight plan. While the OU video showed you all of those options, they really didn’t put as much emphasis on them. Now while these videos are all really great and hopefully can save lives, how can we look to preventing these types of incidents? Can we even prevent them? How can law enforcement truly know when one of these attacks are coming? Right now, they can’t. People always say after these attacks that they could have been prevented, and in some cases they really can. In others however, they really can’t. Some kids just snap, and decide to take their frustrations out on their fellow students or coworkers, and show no warning signs. Others post about it for months before acting on their plan. With small budgets already however, I believe it is nearly impossible for police officers and police departments to be able to monitor any of this. Without the proper funds, there is now way police departments can divert a single, let alone several, officers whose sole duty it is to search the internet for distraught teens in their jurisdiction. So the scary fact of the matter is, right now we have no real way of preventing these things. The best we can do, and have done on several occasions, is give the best response to the incident that is possible and try to stop the deranged person from carrying out their plan. -OKC001

  27. The active shooter presentation is one of those classes you’ll remember for life. In the presentation, the officer taught us life saving skills from a perspective we don’t think about as often: a police officer’s. Regular civilians don’t receive the type of training that members of the police force do, so we aren't as aware of procedures proven to work in times of emergency. Since we’re unaware of the intellectually correct ways to react, we often react off of our emotions instead of thinking about the smart way to handle the situation. I’ll be the first to admit that my first instinct in the event of a shooting would be to just freeze in disbelief. This presentation opened my eyes to how to handle an active shooter if I ever encountered one. First, try and run. Next, hide. If necessary, use something as a weapon and try and fight them off until the police arrive. I think all people should have the opportunity to either attend one of the campus’s lectures or have access to the information we obtained from the officer’s presentation. Everyone should at least have the chance to learn about how to deal with crises intellectually, not instinctively. lasagna005

  28. All throughout grade school and high school, we as students and teachers, are taught how to deal with an active shooter situation. There are drills run at schools at least twice a year and the schools are very adamant about it. This video that was created by the Ohio State University Police Department showed every step that should be taken when dealing with an active shooter. The three steps are run if you can, hide where you cannot be seen or heard, or fight. It is important that when running from a building, you need to not run in a straight line, run zig-zag so that you create a harder target for the shooter to hit. If hiding, it is important to find a place where you can barricade the door and prevent the shooter from entering. If you are going to stand and fight, you should try to use the element of surprise and find a weapon, or anything that can be used as a weapon. I think that if I were put into a situation like this, I would be one to fight. This may be because I am trained to do so in the military. We protect our own, and we try not to show fear. This video helped a lot with showing examples, not just talking about what should be done. It is very important to practice drills and know what do in a situation like this. agentp001 and agentp002

  29. I think this video was a very good asset in school, because I would of never thought to do those simple three steps. My first instinct would of been to panic. It did open my eyes to reality because their are alot more school shootings then I would have imagine. I grew up in the heart of St.lous so I automatically know to run away from the sound of a gun and trouble. I really never considered what to do or how to protect myself in a active shooter situation. I believe this information will take me along way in my future especially with the crime rate climbing. 12mc-005

  30. The Active Shooter awareness is very effective when colleges have such a dense population this is definitely needed as for such a malicious violent horrible crime to happen students should be aware of what to do to prevent loss of life. The era we live in is in a very unstable state with racism rising again and hate crimes reappearing. The importance of this video and the preparation that is needed at every school nationwide is a necessity and sadly our country has made everyone feel unsafe again. Being targeted for color or race is still a prevalent issue and that should be included in the video in my opinion. I believe the three step system provided is perfect for everyone to understand and follow without any doubts behind them. BMW004

  31. The three-step method is actually a great idea. Running is a great idea for those who cannot protect themselves. Hiding if you cannot run from the shooter. Fighting if you cannot run and/or hide. This is a good method to follow if you do happen to hear any shots fired. But it is a good asset to show to other schools so they can be informed the same way other schools are. This would be a great way to avoid casualties and innocent deaths. This is like the 3rd time I have personally watched this video. It is always a good refresher to watch again. Because after seeing it I so think I am prepared for an incident like this. Even though, no one is necessarily prepared for this, this video prepares you mentally. Great way to avoid more deaths than what there should be. I did show this to my girlfriend who is at a different college just so she can have somewhat knowledge on what to do when this moment is presented. I will continue showing this video to other peers as well. So they can also have this three-step method in the back of there head just in case.

  32. Active shooter situations are an unfortunate part of our society that we have to always be prepared for. They seem to happen when you least expect it or when you are least prepared for it. It is very important for not only students to know what to do in the event of an active shooting tragedy, but also everybody in general. Active shootings can occur anywhere at anytime including schools, churches, and neighborhoods. Run, Hide, and Fight are the three words that you need to know that could save not only your life, but the lives of those around you. CAE004.

  33. I enjoyed these Active Shooting videos. I panic easily so if it weren’t for these videos, I probably would have no clue what to do. I never think about the fact that even ICC could have a school shooting at any time. Having Chief Lawson coming into our class was very helpful because now I feel like I would know what to do. I learned Run, Hide, and Fight. It helped to learn how to protect myself in case anyone does this to a school, grocery store, airport, etc. First, you run as far away from the shooter and the building as you can, and go call for help. If you can’t run away from the shooter or school, you hide. Hide separately and not in bunches because it’s easier for the shooter to take more people out if they find you. In a classroom, shut the lights off, and hide away from the door so the shooter thinks the room is empty. And last, if you can’t run or hide, you need to be prepared to fight for your life, and the people around you. In high school, I never once had anyone tell any class what to do in this case. All they told us was to shut the lights off and hide in the corner together. Which according to these videos, you shouldn’t hide in a group. These videos should be showed in schools, no matter the age. The videos showed could save lives all over the country, and all schools should have to show them. stlblues001, stlblues002

  34. This video is so important because school shootings are a very real and dangerous thing that can happen. I really wish that other kids could be shown this video because a lot of kids now a days are unaware on how to act in these type of situations. They usually freeze up or don’t think rationally which could ultimately cost their life. I attend manual academy and recently this school year we had a code red. A code red is when an unidentifiable armed stranger is in the building or a kid is carrying a fire arm. In a situation like this we are to follow the mandatory steps, which are: to turn off the lights in the classroom, lock the door, cover the windows, and hide under a desk or in the back of the classroom. I feel like these steps are setting us up for failure. If the armed kid or stranger were to shoot down or kick open the door we would all be open targets. I feel kids should learn more about the steps shown in the video. Specifically, the fighting back in a swarm technique. I would feel much more safe learning these steps than the steps taught at school. Food005

  35. School shootings are horrible incidents that happen and more kids should be aware on how to behave in situations like this. This video shows you the importance of steps or techniques that you can use when facing a school shooting crisis. They teach you that the first step you should do is run. Specifically, in a zig zag pattern far away from the school. If you aren’t able to run, then you should lock yourself in a closed area and secure the door handle with either a belt or a strap from a purse with your body not facing the door. Then you should block the door way with any furniture that is in the room. It also mentions how if you are in a group of people you can swarm the school shooter and take the weapon away from them. More kids should be subjected to videos like this because the school I go to; kids really don’t take videos or situations like this serious enough. I also feel like they wouldn’t know how to properly behave if put in a certain situation like this. Dollar005

  36. Just a few days ago, we had the cheif of ICC police, come to show us this presentation. He explained to us the importance of the steps in order for us to all stay safe and get out alive in case there is an active shooter on campus. The steps were to run, hide and fight. Last year, for the first time, I heard about Columbine. There were two students who came and shot up a highschool, many died, many were injured. I see active shooters in many situations; The orlando club shooting, on tv shows and movies. You never know when something like that can happen itself, where you are. That why it is important to follow the instuctions. In case of an active shooter run. Run as far away as you can, don't look back, grab anything or anyone, just take off. If in the case, you can not run, you hide. Hide in the closet, under the table, behind the door, anywhere that you can. If there are abdolutely no places that you can hide, you FIGHT. In my classroom, during the presentation, I thought to myself there wasnt anywhere really to hide. But there were many objects that you could use in order to fight the shooter with. You have to all try and come together in order to overpower the shooter and do it quickly. It is important to follow those rules because like he explained, the polices' main priority is to stop the shooter, not help the people. You have to help yourself and think rationally. Your life may depend on it.PurpleHearts005

  37. This type of educational resource is invaluable in today's society. With the number of active shooter threats we face everyday it is good to have a little bit of the peace of mind that comes with having a plan to deal It may be interesting to note that this is the same type of training that they give to military personnel in case they need to react to an active shooter situation while working. As a National Guardsman I was shown this very video at drill one weekend. I am glad that police departments are constantly adjusting the way they respond to these types of scenarios in order to maximize the amount of people they can help and how quickly they can react. I hope we never have to deal with this type of situation ever in our lives, but if anything does happen I hope what we learned can save many lives. CoolGuy001

  38. The Active shooter video is a great tool to watch for every class, not just criminal justice classes. With people nowadays you can never be over prepared for accident to happen. The worse part is that no matter how much you try and get ready for a accident but until it happens we can't say for certain that we will know how to act. With all of the riots that have been going on we can’t be sure that someone will just snap and start something at the school. We just have to remember what we learned for both the video and the Chief, run, hide and fight. If you hear gunshots then try and run away from the gunshots. If you can’t run the try and hide where you are you and make sure that you make it look like there isn’t anyone in the room. If you can’t run or hide then you will need to fight. Just use whatever you can to fight off the shooter, just know that the fight won’t be fair but it’s your life or theirs. -Pie001,002,004

  39. I would have to say that this video was very helpful on learning how to tactically take on an active shooter situation. I think the thing the best advice I learned from this video is the swarm technique. Everybody goes at the shooter at once and the first person controls the gun, just because that way the shooter would have no chance at fighting back or possibly pulling out another weapon. I really like that this video is shown so much just because it is real in the world we live in today. We should all know what to do if this were to happen at our college. I would like to keep having this reinforced for every semester because I didn't have it last semester at all. Granted I have seen it before but I can guarantee that most of my fellow classmates would not have seen this video. Flannel002

  40. In an active shooter situation we are taught to run, hide, then fight. If given the option, you are to get as far away from the situation as possible, then notify the authorities of the situation. If you cannot run, then you are taught to hide. That you should silence your phone, turn off lights, and get low to the ground so no one can see you, and to stay put until authorities gain control of the situation or you can flee the area for a safer place. If you cannot run or hide then you are taught to fight. Anything can be used as a weapon, and most active shooter situations are resolved by authorities within 5 minutes of it starting, so you would not have to fight very long. After an active shooter situation is resolved, authorities will treat everyone as a suspect until there is evidence to contradict that, this is because there may be multiple shooters still in the area or hiding amongst the hostages. EKT004

  41. This video of the Ohio State University did a great job making this video. The first plan is to evacuate. If you can, run. Run until you can get to safe spot then call 911. Second is lockdown. Barricade yourself in somewhere. This is good because you don't want to be insight of the shooter. Find somewhere where you can lock yourself in or barricade it. Last but not least was fight. Fighting is your last option. If the shooter would be coming in to a room and there's no where for you to hide, find something you can fight the shooter with. When the ICC Chief of Police came into talk with us, he taught us three steps. Run, Hide, and Fight. Pretty much the exact same thing as Ohio State University. Snacks003

  42. As far as media goes on the subject of school shooting preparedness, I feel like Ohio State University did a good job putting this one together. While I feel all situations require different responses - especially one as dynamic as a terrorist attack, I think laying out the groundwork of, "run, hide, and fight," does a good job of prepping us, the student body, for the best potential response when faced with tragedy. It's a real shame that we should ever have to go through preparations for a situation such as this, because it implies that it's happening regularly enough that being unprepared just isn't an option any more.

  43. In the video Ohio State University showed us the step by step process we should take to carefully get out of a shooter situation. In my opinion i feel it is very important to have a plan or back up plan in case an emergency happens. From what Ive seen on the news its very important to have some kind of strategy. React fast and don't panic. Every establishment should have a plan on what to do incase a shooter does attempt to strike their location. The video was a real eye opener and showed me just because you feel like a terrible incident like that wouldn't happen in your area it is always a possibility. Shootings can occur every where just because you live in a small town doesn't mean there isn't a potential threat. Officers have a lot of courage and strength to do what they do. My stepdad is a police officer for Peoria Heights and every night he goes out on the job i can't imagine what he might go through in a situation such as shootings. Every night may not be as exciting or risky as others but he protects all of us while we are sleeping. rose005

  44. I feel as if the active shooter presentation is vital and should be shown everywhere, including high schools and possibly even middle schools. Schools with adolescents are instructed to keep their children and teenage students in hiding, but what if the shooter finds them? They are sitting ducks and the fact that there is no other way out is terrifying. It’s almost as if they’re waiting to be found. Anyways, I’m happy that I got to sit through this presentation because, in all reality, this is now our reality. This is a disaster that we have no choice but to worry about, campus shootings are almost as common as tornados. Who knows—maybe if more schools and public facilities were more educated about active shooters, we wouldn’t have so many casualties.

  45. This video is a very important video all students and faculty need to know. It truly helps us in a very dire and rare occurrence. Sadly, such things must be practiced so we can be ready for if they ever occur.RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. are the 3 important steps you need to know. Run to safety if you can safely. Call 911 or campus police immediately. If you can't run then you must try and hide. If you can lock yourself in a class room, a shooter probably won't take the time to try and break down the door. If you can't hide then you must fight. This is only on a need to do basis, as you don't want to fight someone in any case. Grab anything that can be a weapon and defend yourself. Work with others if you can. This video is a great review of what to do in shooter incident and does so in a very effective way. Acer005

  46. This video was a very informative video for people who haven't really thought about a similar situation occurring. A lot of people you ask "what would you do if something like this were to happen?" most people don't really think about it. the officers gave some really good tips/ideas on how to disarm the shooter. This is a very intense and scary situation and a lot of times police officers cant always get there to help right away. it is important to take the time and think about diffrent scenarios as to what you could possibly do. The hardest part about this (if ever put in this situation) would probalbly be people havening to overcome that thought in your head "what should i do? what if i get hurt?". I think the best thing to do is to get to know the area you are at good enough to where ypu could find a safe place to escape or to hide. HSP001

    1. I agree it is a very informative video and has taught a lot of people how to react in a situation they otherwise might have not been trained how to prior. It makes a huge difference to know the area that you are in when reacting. Bike001, Bike004

  47. The Ohio State University did a great job making this video compiling everything you need to know in the event of a school shooting. It comes down to three very basic principles. Run, Hide, Fight. For each of these you need to prepare in advance by taking new routes in and out of your classroom if you need to run. Also look for hiding places in the event that you need to hide, spread out so you don't create one big target. Lastly look around for objects you could use as weapons as a last resort. It is great that we have our local campus police coming in to train us on how to rect to these things and it is great that our police forces have now adjusted their training in these events to go in and eliminate the the threat. Previously they were just supposed to contain the situation but after columbine they changed that. I have seen this presentation four times now and every time I learn something new it is very informative. Bike001, Bike004

  48. When the video told us to fight if it comes down to it I was taken by surprise. All my life I’ve been told to not to fight at all. I went to district 150 schools and whenever we had drills we would have to huddle together in a corner and keep quiet, but this video says we’re supposed to spread out so are district 150 schools doing it wrong? I understand that this is a very serious topic and that this video is very serious and very important and I’m not making fun of it. But when they had scenes like when the students were locking the door with a belt it was a little bit funny to me because they were ‘super stealthy like a spy’. In all seriousness I am very thankful for this presentation, it really assures the students that the school doesn’t stop caring about your safety and your preparedness of situations like this even though we’re all adults and in college. Are we also going to have anything on what to do in case of a fire evacuation too, because a review would be nice- I know that sounds silly, but I’m just being honest. Spoopy150

  49. This is a great video that should be shown in all schools. A lot of kids wouldn't know what to do, but scream and cry for help or for their parents, they need to learn how to protect themselves in this type of situation in and out of school. I remember in my school, we did a drill called "Code Red" and what we did for this type of situation was to cover all the windows and hide with the lights off and to be as silent as possible and the principal would walk to random doors and pretend like she's the bad guy. Although they taught us step 1 and 2 they never explained to us what to do if the bad guy came into the classroom. It really didn't make sense because if someone came into the school I'm pretty sure they would know the school hours and know that there are really students in the class, so this is a good video to show students the final step to survive in this situation.

  50. I thought the video and police presentation were great. I think all campuses should make a presentations like this mandatory. It improves the safety of the campus, the students, the faculty, any random person that watches videos like this, etc. We need more people to see videos like this for workplaces, grade schools, high schools, etc. This will save lives, already has. In high school I was taught to run to the nearest classroom, if you’re not in one, and shut off the lights and hide. That’s all. Just hide and wait. If you are found, cooperate. But that is not how school shootings work. If you are found, you will get shot. There will be nothing to cooperate for. I knew that was the wrong way the second they told us. But, I’m glad colleges are teaching the right thing. Paddle001, Paddle002, Paddle005

  51. The video was pretty interesting. Run, hide, and fight is a pretty new strategy for me, because we were just taught is to hide, lock the doors and close the blinds. We were never taught in school to run or fight. We were just taught to huddle in a corner, but in the video they told us to spread out, or else we’ll make one large target. I’ve always had scenarios in my head about what if, that none of my teachers were able to answer, or just didn’t take seriously. I also don’t think we’ve gone over the situation of an active shooter in the building. Teachers just teach it because they are required to teach it, its required but the state. they just do a practice and never talk about it. honeytea005

  52. This video is very entertaining. I watched it more than once. It is well put together. The visual aids are a key component that makes you entertained while learning. It’s very different than what I learned in high school. They give you multiple options in the video. The idea to just run away to a safe place freaks me out. Like what if they began following the group of people that’s running away. I like when he said that the injuries sustained from jumping off a ledge is better that sustaining injuries that come from the active shooter. Just as learned in high school if you’re in a room you would close the door and lock it, turn off the lights, and move away from any window. This will try to convince the shooter that the room is empty. However, if the shooter enters the room you would then use the “swarm technique.” I find the swarm technique quite interesting considering I’ve never heard of it before. The swarm technique is when one person goes for the weapon and the other go for the arms, legs, etc. to try to take him down. I guess a group could take down one person. I’m still lost on the “isolate the weapon so the police won’t see it thing?’Aboogie005

  53. this video taught the basic skills for surviving during an on-campus shooting. I felt this was very important for people to know because a lot of times people think that things like this do not take place, but in reality its very common. the first thing to do is get out as fast as possible when you hear gunshots, second if you cant get out, lock yourself in a room and spread out. Lastly if the you have no other choice fight till the threat is neutralized. These situations can be hectic and scary but we must remain alert in attempts to best survive.MelaninQueen005

  54. I am glad we had the chance to be spoken to about shootings and what to do if they happen. It's really sad to see all of these shootings across the world and I couldn't imagine how scared I would be if I was placed in that situation. Watching this video refreshed the information that we learned. Running and hiding are very important. Making sure that you can calm down and get your self to safety. Since I was little we practiced lock down drills but we were never spoken to in depth because shootings in school weren't nearly as common. I think social media has a huge impact on how people get popular from the shootings. the people who do the shootings are sick in the head and only care about themselves. It's so important we know how to take care of our selfs in a scary situation chi005

  55. Videos such as these are obviously very important, and frankly I think more of them should be shown about other emergency situations. This specific video was little underwhelming though. Surely there is more information to impart aside from run, hide, or fight (in that order). Even so, its good to get people thinking about it, and also I think a lot of people don't feel like its a real possibility until they are confronted with the idea in a more formal setting such as a classroom. I think another benefit of getting students to take the idea more seriously in general is that they may take threats of such action by peers more seriously than they would otherwise. This could lead to prevention of such an occurrence in the first place. Students may also joke less about such things; I'm all for a bit of humor, but jokes about people losing their lives can be genuinely painful for individuals who have suffered loss due to identical or similar circumstances and should be kept to a minimum. It is also important to instill in students early on the notion that trying to be a hero isn't necessarily the best option, and that leaving it to the police is likely the best solution. Some people have a natural "fight" instinct when their "fight or flight" kicks in, and there is a chance that they may be able to suppress that instinct in time to save their life thanks to remembering this video and the priorities that it condones. Poet005

  56. This was a good video and I'm glad I had the opportunity to view it. These kind of videos are very informative and should be watched by not only college students, but also by anybody for example working in some place like retail, movies, anywhere the public might be. It shows skills good for survival that you can use and carry with you in case something like that does happen. You could save a lot of lives but knowing what to do.

  57. The video was very interesting, everything in the video was a great way of showing how to handle a situation like this. We did all these techniques when I was in high school. This was a very good way to show things. When theirs a shooter on campus or even inside of a high school I was taught to lock the doors, close the windows, and hide underneath tables. However, this video taught me some things that I didn’t know. For instance, when the shooter came inside of the room and they all swarmed toward the shooter was very interesting. I would think someone could get hurt that way. You should try your best and evacuate the building as soon as possible. Another thing that caught my eye, as they were swarming towards the shooter they were told to hide the gun before the police came. Why should you do that? It’s great that we are learning about this. Until this day we have numerous numbers of shootings and it just doesn’t make any sense to me at all. Why be the bad guy and you can just be the person you want the world to see? I appreciate this video thanks so much.Chick005

  58. The video gives you several scenarios on what to do if an unfortunate situation which has unfortunately become very familiar not just in our society it familiarity is worldwide now, happens to take place. The information given can be used not just for school shooting but can also be used in several other settings, such as Church, Movie theater, and clubs just to name a few I’m thankful that the police chief did display the video for the class to see because I know at times I wonder what would I do if I was in an unfortunate situation like other have found themselves; not saying that I would do exactly what was presented in the video cause being in a situation like that of course the only thing on your mind is to survive to make it back home to your loves one but the not knowing is the part that can also get you killed for example not knowing which direction to run in or where to hide and if push comes to shove all there is left to do is to fight if that’s your last result. But when pandemonium and adrenal meet what will you do to survive? Ciaccio001/Ciaccio002

  59. This is very useful information to have. I learned a lot from this video. I always thought just run or tip your desk over and hide. I found the barricade the door technique and the swarm technique very useful. I would have never thought about the swarm technique. I always thought you never wanted to confront the shooter but if you got numbers then catch them off guard it’ll save your life. This information is all helpful in more than just a school setting. You can apply these techniques in your everyday life if you ever encounter a shooter. It’s helpful to know to shut off lights, silent your cell phones, keep quit, and get out of sight of the shooter. Cardinals005


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