CRJS - The Basics

CRJS - The Basics


  1. Criminology is the basics for how crime is studied for law enforcement understanding the history that takes place can overall effect how the whole system will perform as a whole. Understanding the components of the criminal justice system is important to how the inner works of the system as a whole effect our society. People first have to make contact with law enforcement if committing an offense so if a restorative intervention is made this could prevent an individual from making it to the second step in the criminal justice process inside the courts judges have to make policy choices based on the given facts of a case to maintain order in the courts for the individual to be found of guilt or if the person is proven to be innocent, and free of the crime. Next and final step of the criminal justice system last face an individual will face if found of guilt based on the sentencing of the judge will be corrections with probation, jail or with prison, in each of these features in society a person will face rules and regulations regarding their own life style in probation a person may be bound into their home with probation the person may be bound into a secure felicity.

  2. Criminology is the basics for how crime is studied for law enforcement understanding the history that takes place can overall effect how the whole system will perform as a whole. Understanding the components of the criminal justice system is important to how the inner works of the system as a whole effect our society. People first have to make contact with law enforcement if committing an offense so if a restorative intervention is made this could prevent an individual from making it to the second step in the criminal justice process inside the courts judges have to make policy choices based on the given facts of a case to maintain order in the courts for the individual to be found of guilt or if the person is proven to be innocent, and free of the crime. Next and final step of the criminal justice system last face an individual will face if found of guilt based on the sentencing of the judge will be corrections with probation, jail or with prison, in each of these features in society a person will face rules and regulations regarding their own life style in probation a person may be bound into their home with probation the person may be bound into a secure felicity. Eagle001

    1. Having a full understanding of the criminal justice system and process is a very important thing to know when in the process of preventing or trying to prevent individuals of wrongful behavior and for better ways to help our community, kind of like you mentioned here. If you know nothing about the history and recent events of crime or the right ways to stop it then how do you expect to help and have a smart positive impact with society and what is happening today. Kt001

  3. Part of the aspects for the criminal justice system would include law enforcement from an investigation ideal would involve getting evidence to present in court to find quilt. The Law Enforcement will find evidence that the prosecutor can use against the defendant in court after an investigation. Based on what information was received at the investigation this will decide if the judge will issue probation, sentence to jail or sentence the person to a certain amount of time in prison after the criminal trail. Police in a modern day era most question witnesses and possible suspects if the person should be held accountable for the act who was commibite4d if the person had involvement if the person had ties to the optional crime scene that is at hand. Also for modern day policing one of biggest aspects is using technology after managing a crime to understand all the aspects that took place before the crime had occurred. This to better understand the individuals mind set to help to determine if the decision is left up to discretion what an correct punishment should be for the crime that was committed. Law Enforcement during a troubled scene can collect the correct information to determine the right course of action they need to take. Eagle002

    1. The process in exactly that, quite the process. Lengthy and drawn out. There are a lot of parts to each step after police pick up a suspect while patrolling the streets. Technology has definitely made a lasting impact on every aspect of society, and especially the criminal justice system, providing easier, faster, and more accurate ways of solving cases and determining when everything went down in a situation. Along with that technology, we can be trained to use our knowledge of criminology as well as criminal justice as a whole throughout each day.

  4. Both topics being discussed here are closely related in some ways, but completely different in others. Criminology includes the study of crime, its patterns, and ways to help decrease it or even prevent it. Criminologists do not actually study how the justice system works. On the other hand, Criminal Justice deals with not only police departments but also court systems and corrections too. Without criminologists to reveal the secrets of crime and its happenings, police would be at a loss. We would have no idea how much crime happens, where it happens, etc... Which means no solutions would be offered and nothing would be resolved. You definitely need both criminologists and people who studied criminal justice. Think of criminologists as the brains behind the operation, while the police are the muscle. You simply cannot control your muscles without your brain. Overall, if criminologists did not exist then law enforcement officials would just be blindly enforcing the law in all the wrong ways. With the data collected by criminologists, we know what kind of crime is occurring, where, and why. With that being said, law enforcement officials can correct their policing techniques to adapt to the situation. Bry001

    1. Being to recognize and differentiate between these two closely related topics can help a future criminal justice major in many ways that can help him/her further his/her understanding of criminology and criminal justice. Being able to understand what specifics each subject covers can help a law enforcement officer decide what path to follow in his/her career. It is very true that one is basically nothing without the other which makes having people who understand both topics very important to the criminal justice system. Having criminologists to help with the investigations and other statistics that law enforcement officers conduct and help the officers with statistics and other useful information. Pack001

    2. Criminology obtains such a focus on the origins of the root of the problem that comes with any given crime. While Criminal Justice will deal with the crime as the crime is happening or after the crime took place. Courts and Corrections are also important to the whole Criminal Justice process as this allows for punishment for offenders who commit these given crimes but this also allows for law enforcement anglicizes to not abuse the power they have been given by their government. This allows even for angicies such as the FBI to send out the UCR to give date on locations so local angicies can come with creative ways to prevent from continuing to happen in those areas which will benefit communities greatly in the long run. Eagle001

    3. I agree completely, these to topics could not be more different. Yet, looking at them both together, they are both rather important to each other. Without criminologist looking into the cause of crimes and other aspects of it, law enforcement would be as effective today as they are. Without the criminal justice system, criminology would be completely useless to us because we wouldn't have dedicated men and women to act on the information that is being collected. At the end of the day, both fields are rather different, but without each other they wouldn't have the same effect that they do today.-OKC001

  5. Within the criminal justice system there are two components that are very closely related but are also very unique in their own ways. The two components are criminology and criminal justice. Criminology is the study of all crimes within the criminal justice system and criminal justice is the the system in which crimes and criminals are detected, detained, tried and punished. There are three components to the criminal justice system and they are law enforcement, courts, and corrections. In modern policing, police officers are the first people of the criminal justice system that a criminal is introduced to as police are tasked with patrolling different sections of the city to serve the community as well as protect it from crime. If an individual commits a crime, they will be introduced to the courts component of the criminal justice system where they will be informed of the charges against them and will be deemed guilty or innocent of the crime they committed. If they are deemed guilty of the crime they will then be introduced to the final component of the criminal justice system which is corrections. Corrections comes in many forms of of correcting criminal behavior whether it be through a prison sentence or house arrest or maybe just probation. These three components help to keep the criminal justice system working n an efficient but fair manner. Pack001

    1. Before taking criminal justice classes, I would not have been able to differentiate between these two terms. Although they are similar and related, they are also different and unique, which I had no idea before coming to ICC to study criminal justice. Now having a better understanding of each of these two terms, I am more knowledgeable as I move forward in pursuing a criminal justice career.

    2. That's exactly how I feel. I couldn't have told you the difference between a criminal justice degree and a criminology degree before I read this article. I could guess, but I'd probably just have a vague answer. Now I feel a lot more confident in my criminal justice degree knowing that I'm taking the law enforcement path and that it'll fit my career choice a little bit better being a practical application of criminology. I think having a criminology degree under you belt probably wouldn't hurt though, especially if you're looking to advance into positions of authority where knowing the causes, costs and consequences of crime would come in handy.

  6. criminology is the basic field for all policing fields. criminology looks at crime, the cost of crime and the consequences of crime. since criminology is such a small field of study it can leave you with very limited options. i can see someone who has a specialty in criminology becoming a teacher or maybe even a law maker. Other than that i don"t see many other fields it may be useful in. criminal justice is more of an open subject and is still a growing subject. Criminal justice is more for detection of crimes and the punishment of crimes. Studying this type of field can open the doors to many different field, such as law, policing, correction, and many other. this is the field i am most interested in because i like to under stand laws and the type of punishments laws can have. That's why i am pursuing a criminal justice degree. I don't have to become a police officer with this i can become anything i want.

    1. Criminology careers are more focused academically than criminal justice careers, but both sometimes overlap. The criminal justice field does offer diverse career opportunities, but criminology is also a large field. Criminologists study crime, but a criminology degree does not mean the holder of that degree will be left to studying crime, teaching, or law making. Criminologists are not left up to the task of predicting policing; they can become police officers too (though a criminal justice degree may better help them out.) Criminologists can also study law. Both fields provide numerous diverse careers. Criminology is a very useful field as it helps shape the criminal justice system. Scuba002

  7. "Criminology is the study of crime, its causes, costs and consequences, then criminal justice is the system in which crimes and criminals are detected, detained, tried and punished." This is a great way to show how different these two titles are. When a student say that they are going to school for criminal justice everyone thinks city cops that will just be doing traffic stops. That's not true because going in as a criminal justice major there are so many opportunities to do different jobs. Pie001

    1. I agree with you I think that people do not know the many jobs can be done in criminal justice. People only think we will be cops but there is so much more we can do.It is lot that can help with a lot of people. People should be treated right and not wrong.adelle002

    2. Criminal justice there are a variety of jobs that you can do and I also believe people do not no that. BY reading this article i feel more people would choose a major like criminal justice because they can do many things in the field than just being a cop. coutinho004

  8. The Obama administration has been non-stop attacking the police force since he got in office. To say they are reforming the criminal justice system is absurd. Am I the only one that sees how biased this article is? “I’m joined now by Wesley Lowery. He’s a reporter for The Washington Post who won a Pulitzer Prize for his work on policing, and he’s the author of the book “They Can’t Kill Us All.””- PBS. “They can’t kill us all.” Since Obama has gotten in office we have seen some of the worst race relations in U.S. history. Police officers don’t want to shoot anybody. Shooting somebody is a heavy burden to take, but if someone is shot by an officer most of the time it was justifiable. It doesn’t help that when someone gets shot by the police some news channels don’t wait for the facts and immediately say it was a cop that shot a black guy. Or sometimes the same news channels will cherry pick the facts they want to report instead of the whole truth. Paddle001

    1. It is very hard for officers now to do anything because everyone now is watching and has their phones out just waiting for the right time to start video taping what the officers are doing. This all plays a role in how people are taking the race card to a new extreme. Pie004

  9. Criminology and Criminal Justice are confused quite a bit, but both are rather important to each other in my opinion. Criminology studies can show the men and women of the criminal justice system so many useful things in order to make them more effective. From the policing aspect, criminology can show police officers where crime is more likely to happen, when it is more likely to happen, and to whom it is more likely to happen to. This can make their job in preventing crime easier, and in turn make them much more effective. From the court aspects, it can give the prosecutor and judge insights on why some of the people they see pass through their courtroom are even their. Criminology looks at not only patterns in crime, but their root cause. Showing this to our court system can allow them to hand out appropriate sentences, and make the system more fair and just. Criminology can show us recidivism rates, and why these men and women end up back in jail. If we can try to lower the rates of recidivism through means of criminology studies, that will help the prison system with its rather prevalent problem of overcrowding. From the other side of the aisle, without the criminal justice system criminology would be useless. Without a set system in place with dedicated men and women working day in and day out to stop crimes and bring justice to our communities, criminology would be useless. Without law enforcement information gathered through criminology research would be useless.-OKC001

    1. i agree completely they both are very easy to confuse. also, you cant have one with out the other. each one plays a very important roll. criminology allows people to understand what crime is. while criminal justice helps people know what kind of punishment can happen for a crime.

  10. Criminology and criminal justice can often be confused and used as the same term in many people’s context. However, criminology is the study of crime, its causes, costs and consequences, while criminal justice is the system in which crimes and criminals are detected, detained, tried and punished. This includes very lengthy processes within the court system, the first contact being police officers on the streets, enforcing the laws. Following the obtaining of an individual, the court system takes over. This process can take a very long time when the final decisions are made by the jury as well as the judge. If found innocent, the individual will be released, and the process will be over in that scenario. If found guilty, the individual will remain within the process, and sentencing will follow, or punishment that is found fit for that case. This can include prison or jail time, community service, and probation.

    1. I don't think alot of people know that there is a difference between the two areas. I know I didn't for the longest time until I started studying one of the areas. Even though they are closely related there is a big difference between the two as well. Ciaccio001

    2. It is very important to understand the two meanings. To be completely honest, I really didn't know until I read the article. It is very good to understand both because they go hand in hand. If you know one it will be beneficial to know the other. Mustang003

  11. The criminal justice system’s parts, criminology and criminal justice, are similar but different. Criminology is the study of crime, its consequences, causes, and costs. That side of the criminal justice system is more of ideas and trends. Crime is hard to predict. It’s always going to happen, it’s just the matter of where and when. Criminal justice deals more with the arresting and trials and punishment. Criminologists need the data from the criminal justice side and the criminal justice side need the predictions from the criminologists. Together they can help each other and make the world a better place. Paddle002

    1. You're right crime is sometimes hard to predict so it is very important for criminologist and our criminal justice system to work together to at least try to prevent future acts of crime. With the help of criminologist and the work force of criminal justice like police officers, investigators, etc it'll all tie together and be a lot easier to work together to prevent those unlawful acts. Kt001

  12. What I got out of this article is that to fully understand criminology, you have to understand the study of criminal justice as well. In some ways they are very much alike such as being associated with law enforcement, but are also very different. Yes both obviously have to do with crime and criminals but there is more beyond that. Criminology is actually the study of crime, how and why it is caused, and the costs and consequences. Criminals justice is the system where crimes and criminals are detected, detained, tried and punished. What I find interesting about the criminal justice system the most is the courts system and how they go about with the forms of sentencing and punishments for each specific crime. Regardless of their differences, with both studies and concepts worked together, it helps keep us and our societies throughout the world a more safe and comfortable place. Kt001

    1. It is very important to be able to understand both criminal justice as well as criminology, and being to understand both of these topics is very crucial. One aspect would not be the same without the other; one would simply not be able to understand and explain everything within the system without first being to distinguish between the two. Knowing what makes these two topics similar but yet very unique and different from each other can make doing a job within the criminal justice system a lot easier.There are both very important and should be very highly regarded within the system because one cannot be useful without the other. Pack002

  13. What I got from this is that even though there is a slight difference between the two areas of study they are also closely related in terms of the law. Both areas working together essentially to get the job done. Where Criminology is the study of crime and how and why it happened, Criminal Justice is the law side of it by handing down the punishments for the crimes. I never understood the difference until I started going to school for criminal justice. I think it is very interesting to see both of these crafts working together so closely to get the job done. Without criminologist it would be harder for the courts and law enforcements to do their jobs. Ciaccio001

    1. I agree Ciaccio001, criminology is very important to the criminal justice system. If we did not have people studying crime and why it happens then we could not have an effective criminal justice system. These two systems work together in order to make each other as effective as they can. zmw001

    2. I agree also, without criminologists there would not be reforms and ways to fix problems within the criminal justice system. Criminologists do the behind the scenes work that nobody thinks about when they think of crime or law enforcement.

  14. It's very intresting to see both of these areas side by side. While both have slight differences with criminology being the study of crime and how and why it happens where as the criminal justice side of things is to enforce the laws and hand down punishments when laws are broken. I also think that with out Criminal justice there wouldnt be criminology. Criminology relies on law enforcement helping with gathering information to give to them. It is still amazing how these two areas can work together to where it is almost like it is the same area of study. I have always been interested in how they gather the information at lets say a crime scene and the process they take into gathering all of that data to build a case on a person. Ciaccio002

  15. Criminology and criminal justice are two different things. Criminology is the study of crime and everything that comes with it. Criminal justice is the actual system where criminals are brought to justice. The criminal justice system has three main components, law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Law enforcement is made up of police officers. Police officers will enforce laws and apprehend criminals where they will then be taken to the courts. In the courts, the criminal is tried in front of a judge and a jury and is found either guilty or innocent. If he is found guilty, he is then taken to corrections. Corrections is made up of jails and prisons where criminals are locked up in. There is so much more to the criminal justice system than just police officers and police departments. Without criminology, the criminal justice system would not be anywhere near as effective as it is today and without the criminal justice system, there would be no need for criminology. zmw001

  16. Being able to distinguish the difference between criminology and criminal justice is very crucial to the education of criminal justice major. An investigator could use the help of a criminologist to help them with an investigation by using the data that a criminologist collects to help determine where certain crime happen and where they are most likely to be committed again. Being to determine areas that are more likely to holster a specific type of crime would help investigators stop that type of crime within that area. It would also help investigators in their search for evidence or even the criminal himself with the data they receive from criminologists. Of course investigators also receive lots of help from those within criminal justice such as the police officers who first responded to the crime and give the investigators a run down of the crime and crime scene. They could also receive help from the normal citizens that may have seen the crime or have information about it. Neither aspect of the system can be beneficial without the other to compliment it. The people of both aspects of the system work very with one another to make the system run smoothly and make the jobs of those within the system easier and help them to do their jobs more efficiently. Pack002

  17. Criminology and criminal justice or law enforcement have many things in common but also have many things that are different. Criminology is the study of the criminal justice system through statistics and facts. Criminologists find out the details and facts behind the criminal justice system that nobody would no unless they were studying it. Now criminal justice and law enforcement are usually the first people the criminals or offender come into contact with upon committing a crime. They are the ones who protect our communities and stand up when nobody else will. The three components to the system are law enforcement, court, and corrections. All of these components are part of the system that keeps the streets quiet at night and gives the criminologist something to study.When crime evolves over time so does the criminal justice system, in order to be able to keep[ up with the crimes being committed law enforcement has to come up with new ways and new reforms to fit with today's new criminals.

  18. This article provides important similarities and differences between criminal justice and criminology. Most who are not studying criminal justice or criminology cannot tell the difference between the two and use those words interchangeably. As the article explains, both fields revolve around crime, but criminology is the study of crime rather than looking at all of the components of the system. Criminal justice is applying and criminology is theory. When I tell someone I am studying criminal justice, he/she will usually say, “Oh, you want to be a police officer?” Most fail to recognize the other two components of the criminal justice system. As the article states, “The hardest part about finding a job in criminal justice is figuring out which career path is best for you.” I highly agree; criminal justice majors have so many diverse options to choose from when it comes to finding a career. The three branches of the criminal justice system (law enforcement, courts, and corrections) provide ample careers. The article hints that criminologist majors use their minds and criminal justice majors use their bodies. Criminologists help to change the criminal justice system to better protect citizens and criminals. The article also shares how much policing has changed over time. As mentioned, the prison system is relatively new (about 200 years old.) Prisons/corrections are a huge part of the criminal justice system today and this field has much room for more change. Scuba002

    1. I agree with you when you say that most people studying criminal justice doesn't know the difference between the two. I was one of those people for a long time and after frequently being asked i finally looked into both fields. I think it's very important for these two majors to look into both so that they can give educated answers when need be. I also agree when you say that criminologists use their minds, whereas criminal justice majors use their bodies. We as criminal justice majors are more physically involved, whereas criminologists figure out why the crime is done and the costs that it has on people and society as a whole. behappy001

    2. I fully agree when you say most people dont know the difference between criminal justice and criminology. I was one of those people for the longest of time until I looked in to it. The prisons and or corrections definitely has a lot more room for change and in some areas it really needs it. Mustang004

  19. I am always questioned what criminal justice is when people ask about my major. From an outsiders view criminal justice can mean a number of things. It's important to understand what criminology and criminal justice separately mean, even though they both are used interchangeably. Having a career in criminal justice means having a job in the courts, corrections, or law enforcement systems. Criminology is the study of crime, its causes, costs and consequences, whereas criminal justice is the system in which crimes and criminals are detected, detained, tried and punished. The three main components of the criminal justice system include law enforcement, courts, and corrections. The law enforcement prevents and punishes deviant behavior. The courts system determines the guilt or innocence of the suspect, and the corrections include prisons, jails, and probation and community control officers. The corrections also allows for inmates to be rehabilitated to allow them to better adapt into society. I think that it's important for criminal justice and criminology majors should understand and become educated in both fields. This allows them to have knowledge on both and can have educated answers when asked to decipher them. behappy001

  20. Criminology which by definition is the study of crime and all of the ins and outs of it, can be easily misconstrued from criminal justice which is the system that deals with policing and with the criminals being detected and all the way up to the criminals being sentenced. They are both easily can be mistaken for each other mostly because average people don’t know the difference between the two. But if you look more into it there is quite a lot different. Criminal justice has the law enforcement, and the courts system while criminology deals more with the prisons and the actual offenders themselves. The rise in prisons definitely makes a criminologist’s job a lot more interesting. Policing itself has gotten a lot more complicated because of the trends going on with people video taping every traffic stop and all of these race wars between cops and the citizens. Even though some police officers might have racial biases towards certain people it makes things all that more complex. RM001

    1. I agree that policing has gotten more complex. Media has a huge impact now on how policing is being portrayed and that is a good and bad thing. It is good because then policing is more transparent and corruption is less likely to occur when people are aware they are being watched. It is a bad thing because media can be skewed. Some information can be leaked and other information that pertains to that case may not be, leaving a very biased picture of an event. This leads the media to try and play judge and jury on a case that they may not know all about. Banshee002

  21. I've wondered a few times what the difference between a criminal justice degree and a criminology degree were and if I was majoring in the right field for the career I was interested in. I already knew criminology was the study of crime, because that's literally what the word mean if you break it down. Crim-(Crime), and -Ology (The study of). But I didn't know what was included in the study, which I now know are the causes costs and consequences. I'm currently a criminal justice major going into law enforcement, but I can see how a criminology degree would be beneficial, especially when competing for promotions. Since criminal justice is the practically application of criminology you would also need to know the logistics side to the behaviors you're displaying and putting into motion in your career. I agree with the statement that the hardest part about finding a job is deciding which way to go. When I decided law enforcement was where I wanted to be I assumed it was just being a cop. A little while later I decided I wanted to get into homicide, which I still do. Now I'm thinking maybe I could be a prison warden or get into the bomb squad. There's just so many different things you can do with a criminal justice or criminology degree. You could move into the courts system or the corrections system if being an officer isn't for you. I think that's what I love most about this field, besides being able to actually help my community and being able to see a difference and make an impact up close, there's really no stopping when it comes to the possibilities of advancement.

    1. I agree that the hardest part about finding a criminal justice career is deciding which way to go. I like this field because we do not have to decide right away what we want our careers to be. Even when we get a career, there will be opportunities and promotions that will allow for a career change. For example, police officers can become detectives and attorneys can become judges. I like how exciting this field is. I am looking for a career where everyday will not be the same. As this field grows and evolves and new technology develops, there will be new career possibilities. Scuba004

  22. The website gave on overview of both the differences between criminology and criminal justice as well as the basic components of the criminal justice system. The website also gave a brief description of the history of the criminal justice system and a description of modern policing. I read more about the history of criminal justice and policing in the first chapter of the textbook. It was very interesting. It also gave examples of different carriers available to people with criminal justice degrees. Overall, the website was a good overview of a 110 criminal justice class. Everything I read made me excited to learn more and to get a job in this interesting and dynamic field. CoolGuy001

    1. I completely agree. Reading the article, along with CRJ110 last semester, I'm so excited for future classes and my future career. I honestly cannot wait for investigations. That's specifically what I want to do, and I can't wait to learn more. stlblues001

    2. I also agree with you the website did talk about the difference of the two which is very important especially when were all going into this career field. WHich we all need the know the difference so that we know exactly what we want to do for our future jobs. Everything in this also made me really excited to get to my future job.CRC001

  23. Criminal Justice is the system of law enforcement, involving police, lawyers, courts, and corrections, used for all stages of criminal proceedings and punishment. Criminology is the study of crime and criminals: a branch of sociology. In other words criminology is performed by criminologist who are regular civilians that has no law enforcement certification to enforce laws. But don't get me wrong they both are a like because they both are involved with criminal justice and they both deal with criminal offenders but to a certain extent. In the article it states that "The hardest part about finding a job in criminal justice is figuring out which career path is best for you." In other words there are many jobs in criminal justice to choose from and they all pay well. Criminology looks at not only patterns in crime, but their root cause. Because they want to figure out why commit crimes to get what you want?. -NIKE001

    1. I think criminology is interesting because you can figure out why some people do the things they do. With all the careers you can choose from, it's so interesting. From being a police officer, or recognizing blood splatters at a crime scene. This career can go so many different ways and I'm glad I chose it. stlblues002

  24. These two topics presented in this article are very well spoken. Criminology deals with the study and statics of crimes in society, rates in jails & prisons, progress of different projects, etc... Criminal Justice on the other hand deals with crimes, hearings/Court, statics on the correction side, etc... Only thing that they both have in common is the aspect of studying Law Enforcement. Finding a career in Law Enforcement can be easy and it can be hard. Because first one would have to figure out if Law Enforcement is actually the career field that they want to pursue and why. Then would have to figure out what part of law enforcement would best fit you and where one would like to live while pursuing that particular career. So from reading this article I for one know that I am in the correct field that I want to work in for the rest of my life. -NIKE002

  25. As a college student studying criminal justice it is important to know exactly what you are majoring in. Many students have their major listed as criminal justice which is the system that crimes are detained and punished in. Criminology is the study of crime and its consequences. The criminal justice system consist of three main parts which is the law enforcement system, the court system, and the corrections system. Before taking any criminal justice class I have to say that I did not know the difference in these two studies. After reading this article it gave me a more in site to these two terms and exactly what they mean. it was very interesting to see all the possible jobs and careers that you can get in this field with this degree. Personally have always wanted to be a juvenile delinquency probation officer but seeing all the other jobs that are available with this degree is amazing. Its nice to know that you are not limited. Also reading this article it shows that the job outlook for people going into the criminal justice field is very good. This article has taught me a lot of things that I did not know. And being a student that plans on going into the criminal justice field I should know. Hawk001

    1. I definitely agree that it's important to know the different fields and know what you're going into and what that field of study has to offer for your future. I also had the same future career goal in mind but also learned that with a CJS degree I can also go back and apply for graduate school in Social Work and still accomplish much more of what I wanted to see myself doing even further down the line. It's important to realize the ability of this career influencing other fields. Marras002

  26. Criminology is the study of crime, the cause of it, and consequences. Criminal Justice is when you’re punished for crime, and crime is detected.
    Crime has changed dramatically over the years. Once being family feuds, is now involving the society. Criminology and Criminal Justice are so similar, but it’s a good thing because that means they’re so many opportunities for jobs in this career. Criminal Justice is made up of law enforcement, courts, and corrections. From police officers, probation officers, correction officers, forensics psychologists, judges, to detectives, there’s so much to choose from. Personally, I think it’s a great career you can have, and I’ve been planning on this to be mine since I was in elementary school. Even if I don’t want to be a police officer, I can still choose something else with my degree. stlblues001

  27. Beginning college, you don’t always have to know what you want to do right away. It is helpful though to know about your major and the differences between similar ones. Criminology is the study of the crime and how to solve the differences between things that happened in it. Criminal Justice is law enforcement, corrections, and the courts. After the article, I have a knowing of the two and the differences. It taught me that they’re so many different careers you can choose from just in one major. I’m glad they’re so many, you aren’t limited to one or two. You can choose from so many opportunities and I’m really excited to take these classes and eventually start my career. Knowing the difference between the two will really help. stlblues002

    1. I also agree it's a great career with many opportunities. I didn't really know the difference between the two specifically before reading this article, both are equally as important. -dicaprio001

  28. Criminology is the study of crime, causes, costs, and consequences. Criminal Justice is crimes, criminals, detected, detained, tried, and punished. The two are different but go hand and hand with each other. Personally I think it's good for someone to understand both if you are going into this field of work. Criminal justice involves the court systems, which involves judges, attorneys. Then there is also corrections which involves the prison systems which began in the 1800's. I believe criminal justice is a very rewarding field of work to go into. There are so many jobs one can obtain with this degree. Including being a police officer, detective/investigator, and 911 dispatch. I've always wanted to be a homicide detective and I look forward to working my way through the criminal justice system and fulfilling my career goals. Many people look down on police officers, so much hate toward them in this day n age. Times have changed and us as a new generation are going to have to face things police officers 20 years ago wouldn't even dream about. It's a different time we live in. Looking forward to making those changes. -dicaprio001

    1. I agree, the two are necissary for each other. One might exist without the other, but I feel they are entirely necissary to keep eachother going at a good and effective pace. Criminology can help predict the crime and the criminal justice system can be there to deter it. - AJC001

    2. I agree with what you said. The two are different but they do go hand in hand. We need both in order for this world to work. We need all the people we can get into this field to make this world a better place. hotfox003

  29. Criminology and criminal justice are different but work together Criminology is a theory to help explain and practice criminal justice. criminal justice was created for a reason and that was to keep people safe.People who studied criminal justice have a more open mind for situations they run into. Criminology thanks only one way.I think that criminology takes less studying then criminal justice. When people have criminology it is good but they have less studying and might not be able to think of something else in life treating situation and do what they think first comes to mind. Wen in criminal justice they are more open minded to any situations. Criminal justice has evolved over the time to open up more opportunities for people to explore.- adelle002

  30. In the article they made a lot of good point. About Criminal justice and Criminology that not many people know the difference. criminology is the study of criminals and why people commit crime. while criminal justice is about learning the spectrum of finding the criminals putting them though the court system and if found guilty, punished for their crime that they committed. which puts more stress on the criminal justice then the criminologist. which they only study the phenomenon of people breaking the law and what goes through their head when they are doing it.steel001

    1. I agree. It shows that you know the difference between the two and i agree that the article made some good points. Many do get the two terms confused and it is helpful to know what the difference is. One deals with a lot of work behind the scenes and the other actually goes out into the field, both are interesting though.

  31. The biggest difference between Criminology and Criminal Justice are the kinds of careers and jobs that they entail. Between the two there is something for everyone, depending on what you are looking for and there is close overlap in some careers. If you want to be on the front line and corralling criminals, helping out communities, and guarding communities and defending our right to justice and safety, then criminal justice is for you. If you would rather be behind a desk, analyzing a situation, and/or studying what leads up to the crimes then perhaps are more criminology angled career such as a Forensic Scientist is for you. Either way both of these serve an important role in our society. Banshee 002

    1. I agree with your statement. There are multiple ways that one is able to help out of find a job in criminal justice and criminology. Many people are better at different things but within the two, there is a job that would be able to fit either side. bball002

  32. Criminology and Criminal Justice. Two different terms that are often used interchangably. But in reality, that doesn't work. Criminology is as the word suggests, the scientific study of crime. Basically, they try to see what causes crime and various other facts about it. The Criminal Justice system is a system of officials that are intended to maintain the public order of citizens, done so by giving punishments to those who go against the law set forth by society. Both are just as important as each other. The system of criminal justice is just trying to deter crime through punishment. Criminology is trying to find out why crime occurs. What causes it, where it happens more, who will do it, and other stuff like that. I think both rely on the other, and together they form a stronger anti-crime bond. And thus, help ensure the public safety and survival of our society. - AJC001

  33. Criminology focuses on the more abstract concepts of crime and its causes, while criminal justice focuses on preventing and punishing crime. Many people, myself included, assumed that they were one and the same. The two might be used interchangeably with each other, simply because they both deal with crime. Further, it seems as if the two couldn't exist efficiently without the other. If only criminal justice existed, we would have the means to catch criminals, but no goals for punishment, or ideas of how effective any punishment would be. If only criminology existed, we would have a wonderful idea of why people commit crimes, and statistics related to crime, but no ways to stop or punish them. The basic Criminal Justice System consists of three parts, law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Law enforcement is the part that serves to investigate crimes and detain suspects, courts determine guilt and punishment of crime, and corrections carry out the punishment, including incarceration, probation, and parole. Getting these two fields spelled out more clearly was interesting to read about, along with the history of the criminal justice system. The careers in the field are quite varied as well, from a fairly standard patrol officer, to examining evidence, trying to put together how a crime was committed. - Green002

  34. The Criminal Justice System is when criminals or deviant behavior is detected, people are detained, the trial process and punishment. Criminal Justice is it's own field; The components that make up the system are Law Enforcement those in positions of authority able to help deter crime, detain criminals, investigate crimes, charge, and keep the public safe. The Court system is another aspect that allows the suspect to be heard to prove innocence or lawyers prove guilt. Beyond the Court is when the system incorporates jail, prison, and other corrections for those found guilty. So the basics of Criminal Justice come from our history of punishment not just in the U.S. but around the world. Punishment which created prisons and detaining someone for their crimes. The jobs for those in the system police officers, parole officers, judges, attorneys, and all that goes into crime prevention and all the corners of the system. When you learn the history of punishment and how modern policing was developed from hundreds of years ago; it's definitely eye opening to see what kind of punishment and procedures we have adapted from some of the cruelest crimes and punishments. Marras002

  35. Criminology and criminal justice have a distinctive difference. One focuses on the behind the scenes action and the other goes out into the field and performs. Both are very important to solving cases and bringing suspects in. This article brings up many great points showing the difference between the two. Criminology would be the people behind the scenes trying to figure out who did the crime and why it happened and they begin to put all of the pieces together to solve the crime. Criminal Justice out be the people going out into the field to find the suspect or chase after someone to arrest them and bring them into questioning if needed. bball002

    1. I think that this article gave a good overview of the differences between criminal justice and criminology. Even though they are similar, they are not the same and do not prepare you the same ways for your future career. I think both are interesting programs and have their places, but I think I'll stick to criminal justice! EKT004

  36. Criminology focuses mainly on who did something, why it was done, and what the causes are. Criminal justice focuses on running or chasing after someone to arrest them and going out into the field to find someone who has committed a crime. The two are similar and different in a way. They are similar because they work together to try and solve a crime and get the right person behind bars, but they are different because one is trying to solve the crime behind their desk or in a lab, and the other is out on the streets trying to solve the crime. No matter what kind of personality one has, they are able to do either of these jobs because they are different in a way but they are still solving a crime. bball001

    1. I agree with you bball001. The two although different do have some similarities. Both fields are solving crimes in one way or another. People are just more familiar with criminal justice professionals because they are out in the communities and the criminology professionals do most of the behind the scenes work. mommy004

  37. When I heard the words criminology and criminal justice, I did not think that there was a difference. When I hear them I think anything that pertains to the law. Like courts, law enforcements, judges, and lawyers. Really anybody that enforces the law or is studying the law. Good to know that there is a difference between them. Although they are very similar. hotfox003

    1. I did not think that there was a difference either hotfox003. Rayder004

  38. It is true, I did not think that there was a huge difference in the meaning of both these words. This could have been in part due to the fact that both these fields overlap and deal with each other. Criminology is supposedly the study of crime and where it comes from and why people do it. Criminal Justice is apparently how these crimes are dealt with and prevented. Like it has already been stated, both of these overlap. For example, the men and women of the criminal justice system need to understand the crimes they are punishing and how to punish them. Without this knowledge, they would be punishing offenders wrongly, although some might say that is the case today anyway. If someone were to be a judge and judge someone in the criminal justice system without any knowledge whatsoever about the crime committed and how to handle and dissuade that crime, then that would be no better than having someone who has never even built a birdhouse in their life build a home for you. With that said, it cannot be possible to work in either the criminal justice field or criminology and to have zero knowledge in the other. Rayder004

  39. I think that this is a great article. It gives a great overview of the entire criminal justice system without going into too much detail. I found it interesting how the author chose to include the part about how crime control used to be the responsibility of all male citizens. It is little things like this that the author chose to include that made this article interesting to read, and not dry and boring like some other articles. I think this is a good article for people who are not involved with the criminal justice system to read, as well as for anyone who is thinking about a career in any part of the criminal justice system. EKT004

  40. This article does a good job describing the differences between criminal justice and criminology. Most people who don’t study criminal justice or criminology automatically associate criminal justice and criminology with law enforcement. Law enforcement is just 1/3 of criminal justice; there are also courts and corrections. As a criminal justice major, it is important to understand all of the components of the criminal justice system. Even though I am interested in a career in the courts system, I still have to know all about law enforcement and corrections. All of these components are very large within themselves and each component is vital to criminal justice. What would criminal justice be without the courts system? Law enforcement or corrections would not be able to do what it does without the courts system, and the same goes with the other components. Criminal justice is a very large field that provides numerous career opportunities. For example, the law enforcement component includes forensic science careers like bloodstain pattern analysts and forensics ballistics experts. Before reading this article, I did not know how relatively new prisons were. It’s exciting to see how the criminal justice system is evolving. I hope to see the corrections system offering more rehabilitation programs. Scuba004

    1. I agree that it is important to learn and understand all components of the criminal justice system, because all three work together in unison. I think it is great that this field offers many job opportunities, especially nowadays. Seeing rehabilitation programs more involved in the corrections systems would be great to see because this would help the person not to re offend. CAE004

  41. Before reading this article, I thought that criminal justice and criminology was basically the same thing. However, that is certainly not the case. Yes, they do both involve the study of crime, but the difference here is that criminology studies the causes, the costs, and the consequences of crime. Criminal justice on the other hand is the system where crimes and criminals are detected, apprehended, tried and eventually convicted. Both fields offer a great amount of job opportunities which is so crucial nowadays. I think that it’s great that most of the career opportunities in this field of work do not necessarily require a college degree because if someone is unable to go to college because they simply just do not have the money, they can still pursue a career in either criminal justice or criminology. I do believe that if someone is interested in this career field and can get secondary education, they should do so because you have to learn about all the components of the criminal justice world. The reason is because they all work together. The law enforcement side apprehends the suspect and gathers evidence and develops probable cause. From there, the accused awaits trial in the courts system where he/she will either be found guilty or not guilty. If the person is found guilty, they go off to the corrections side of the system where they serve out their sentence in either a jail or a prison depending on the severity of their crime. CAE004

    1. I think that its great that most of the careers do not require a college degree. After talking with some people who are in the Criminal Justice field, I now realize that you can accomplish anything with hard work. Having a degree does not always guarantee that you will end up with a job. Snacks003

  42. Before reading this article, I never questioned whether there was a difference between criminal justice and criminology. As the article stated, the words are often used interchangeably, but the author definitely distinguished the difference between the two. Criminology, to my understanding, focuses on the effects of crime. Criminologist study the impact crime has on families, communities, and society in general. Individuals involved in the criminal justice system are those who play a role in the capture and punishment of a criminal. There are more job opportunities available to those who are interested in majoring in a crime related field. I think that our current criminal justice system has been evolving in numerous way and I hope that it continues to evolve in a way that will benefit American society. Peanut003

  43. Many people don’t know the difference between criminology and criminal justice because they are so closely related in many ways. Criminal Justice deals with the police departments, corrections, and court systems while criminologists study how crimes are happing and they also figure out the secrets of the crimes. Criminologist and Criminal justice people have to work together but, if it wasn’t for criminologist then they would never figure how crimes happen and all the secret things that go on. When a person commits a crime they are sent to be in front of the two courts to be decided which of the two the crime will be placed under. I believe that officers and officials should make better decisions on whether to place the person convicted of the crime under house arrest, medical treatment, or prison. There are many different forms of crimes and just because a person commits one does not mean every convict should be sent to prison. People are sent to prison to pay for the crime they committed but, also to learn from it. Everyone learns differently meaning not everyone can learn from the same punishment. The criminal justice department needs to take more time in figuring out and deciding which “punishment” that person needs.CRC001

    1. I completely agree with the last statement you made; however, I think this is where criminology comes into play. If you study criminal behavior, then it will be easier to understand why someone committed the crime they did. Once you understand why they committed the crime, it is easier to find a punishment that will work best for that individual. Some people require imprisonment, while others have psychologic issues that can be fixed with mental help. Imprisoning someone who could benefit from professional mental help is a waste of money, time, and effort. Different people do indeed require different punishments. It is not our duty to lock everyone up and throw away the key, it is our duty to help them and create better citizens. Purple003

  44. Before reading this article, I believed that Criminal Justice and Criminology were basically the same thing. While criminal justice and criminology have similar features, they are in fact uniquely different. Criminology focuses on the behavior of the crime/ criminal and the social impact it has where as criminal justice focuses on three main systems. Criminal Justice is made up of the courts, corrections, and law enforcement. It is good that criminology and criminal justice are separate jobs. If criminology is intended to figure out why the crime was committed as where criminal justice is intended to figure out who committed the crime, one would never figure out the other without each other. They go hand in hand. Snacks003

  45. A lot of people don't fully understand the difference between criminal justice and criminology. To be completely honest i was one of those people for a while. Criminology is the study of crime, its causes, costs and consequences. As criminal justice is the system in which crimes and criminals are detected. Detained tried, and punished. I think being a educated in both of these fields would benefit you the most. That way you can see what it's like from both sides and put in input. The good thing about criminal justice as it says in the article is that it can offer a tremendous number of career options. In this field you can find plenty of jobs in the courts, corrections or law enforcement systems. I have not yet decided exactly which field i want to go into yet. I'm glad their are a good amount of options, so i can find what's best for me. Both fields can be very rewarding and can be very fulfilling. They both can help and have an impact on your community for the better. Mustang003

    1. I would agree that most people wouldn't know the difference in the two fields of work. It is also important in my eyes that someone have a fair understanding of both areas before making a decision of where they want to work. It is good that criminal justice can offer so many careers that you and many other people can choose from that are undecided. Both fields definitely help the United States much safer. Gym003

    2. I agree that it is very important to know the difference between the two fields if you are pursuing a career in either of them. Both of the fields of studies are great ways to get into the field of criminal justice. Both fields are huge parts of our countries government and they can help us build stronger police forces and investigative units. Bike001

  46. The criminal justice system is very complex. There are three main components that make up the criminal justice system.The three components work together to prevent and punish behavior. These three components are law enforcement, the courts system, and the corrections system. The law enforcement is probably the most noticeable. This system involves the police officers. They help prevent the crime or stop it. Once a person is arrested, they then head to the courts system. The courts system includes judges, attorney, evidence, and more. Here they will judge to see if the suspect is guilty or not guilty. If they are found guilty and sentenced, they will then head to the corrections system. The corrections include prisons, jails, probation and parole officers. This is the field in criminal justice that i'm leaning towards going into. I'm still not fully decided yet, but luckily their are a good amount of fields that i can choose from. Mustang004

  47. Criminology and Criminal Justice are some of the main aspects of this nations prisons and law enforcement. Criminology as a whole is the study of crimes and why and where they happen. People in this line of work determine how long a sentence should be and the costs of the crime. Criminal Justice deals more with the police and people getting caught commiting these crimes. It also is in part the court and prison system that carries out the sentences of the offenders. There are countless jobs in the criminal justice fields as they range from police officers and detectives to judges and corrections officers. I believe that both fields of work can be very proactive against crime as criminology can determine consequences for crimes and police officers in the criminal justice end can be very strict with how they handle law breakers. As for myself I am more interested in the criminal justice field, more specifically a police officer starting off. I have always enjoyed helping people and I feel like a police officer has more direct contact with offenders. Gym003

  48. I really liked that the article clearly defines the differences between criminology and criminal justice. More often than not the two fields are used interchangeably, but they are both very different from each other. The two fields do indeed go hand in hand, though. If you are a criminal justice major it is good to have a criminology background in order to understand why the offenders act the way they do, so law enforcement, or others, have a better understanding of the best way to approach the situation at hand. I am a paralegal major, but as far as further education I am indecisive as to whether I want to study criminal justice or criminology. Both are very interesting. They are indeed very different, but they also have some similarities. For instance, both majors help to make our world a better place by helping those who do wrong and those around the offenders, as well. For instance, criminology would be best for helping someone with rehabilitation because you can understand their actions and their thought process for committing a crime. Criminal justice majors also help by removing the offenders from the streets, making it safe for those who do abide by the law. Purple003

    1. I agree that these fields can be interchangeable but at the same time they are vastly different. It is very important for any of us going into these fields to be able to decipher between the two. Both of these studies can help the criminal justice field to become more precise and further lower crime rates in this country. Bike004

    2. I agree also with you that criminology and criminal justice are closely tied together. if having both would help the country to low its crime rate then they need to incorporate them together and strive to better ourselves and the community that we are apart of.Steel001

  49. The article really breaks down the difference between Criminal Justice and Criminology. It also breaks down the main components of the criminal justice system. It tells you everything you need to know as a student studying the criminal justice system. The article really gives you a quick overlook of everything you should and need to know if you want to proceed with the career in criminal justice. It tries to help you decide what path you want to take whether it be in law enforcement or even in somewhere in the court system. If you look into every aspect around the criminal justice system, you’ll see what opportunities are really out there. You will understand what you really want to do. DC004

    1. I agree, this article did a good job breaking down the difference between criminal justice and criminology. I also enjoyed the quick over look of each part of the criminal justice system, I thought it gave a nice review over each section. The look at the origins of our criminal justice system also was interesting to me. JAG001/ JAG02

  50. This was a very informative article to ready on what differentiates between criminology from criminal justice. It gets confusing sometimes to distinguish between the two and its nice to have a refresher to explain that criminology is the actual study of crime itself and its causes and consequences while criminal justice focus on the inner workings of the criminal justice system itself. I also enjoyed how the article to described the different parts of the criminal justice system: law enforcement, court system, and corrections. As a criminal justice student this was a good article to read before really getting into the semester. It did a great job of explaining the basics of our criminal justice system. JAG001 / JAG002

  51. Whenever I have had a conversation about the criminal justice system and which career path I wanted to take. I never once thought about Criminology. I haven't ever heard about it until I read this article. You hear more about Criminal Justice so much more than you hear about Criminology. Criminology is the study of crimes, it's causes, costs and consequences, while criminal justice is the system crimes and criminals are detected, detained, tried and punished. With criminology, you have a better understanding of why people are committing certain crimes. On the other hand, criminal justice you are interacting with different people and their situations. You can do one of 2 things. 1 being you can arrest criminals and keep them off the streets. 2 you can be a Probation Officer and hopefully help the criminals stay off the streets. My mind is in between Probation and Corrections as of right now. I have family in Probation. It has always interested me in the work that the officers do. The stories they encounter. It's rewarding. As far as corrections go I feel like that is a stepping stone in the Criminal Justice system until you figure out exactly what your calling is. Maybe your calling is corrections, then you are right at home.

  52. Many people don’t know the difference between criminology and criminal justice because they are so closely related in many ways. Criminal Justice deals with the police departments, corrections, and court systems while criminologists study how crimes are happing and they also figure out the secrets of the crimes. Criminologist and Criminal justice people have to work together but, if it wasn’t for criminologist then they would never figure how crimes happen and all the secret things that go on. When a person commits a crime they are sent to be in front of the two courts to be decided which of the two the crime will be placed under. I believe that officers and officials should make better decisions on whether to place the person convicted of the crime under house arrest, medical treatment, or prison. There are many different forms of crimes and just because a person commits one does not mean every convict should be sent to prison. People are sent to prison to pay for the crime they committed but, also to learn from it. Everyone learns differently meaning not everyone can learn from the same punishment. The criminal justice department needs to take more time in figuring out and deciding which “punishment” that person needs.CRC002

  53. When hearing the terms criminology or criminal justice they sound almost like the same thing but in reality they are two different things. As said in the article criminology is the study of crime and how, where, and why it happens. Criminal justice is the study of how to locate or target crime and detain the individuals committing the crimes and put them on trial. In a way the study of criminology can help people in the criminal justice field target the crimes because criminology focuses on studying why crimes and how crimes happen. If you know how to use these investigative skills you can then execute the targeting of crimes in your career. With criminology you can get careers in criminal investigation units or doing detective work which might be harder to get into if you have a criminal justice degree. Bike001

  54. Like the article said, the field of criminology and criminal justice are related, but have their differences. Criminology is the study of crime, and its cause taking more of a sociology outlook; while criminal justice is the system in which crimes and criminals are detected, detained, and punished. With criminal justice having the three main categories such as law enforcement (police departments), court systems, and the correction systems (prisons). Each one of the three categories serves a different importance in criminal justice as a whole. The rise of prisons is something we should not be proud of as a country. Instead, we should have a rise of rehabilitation centers to help people with addiction because a majority of them should not be spending years in prison. This article showed the basics of criminal justice and is very informing to see what field you think would suit you best. As time goes on, I hope that the people in this country believe in the criminal justice system, and not have all this hatred towards it as it does now.

    1. I agree with you on hoping that hopefully here as time goes on that people will learn to see that cops aren't the bad guys after all. When you tell people that you are going to school for criminal justice they always just think cop. There are so many other jobs out there. Pie002

  55. Being a female in the field I am already being looked at differently by the males who are also going into this field. When I say that I am going to school for Criminal Justice most people ask if I'm going to school to be a lawyer, no guy thinks that females can be cops or anything different. I like to see the faces when I tell them that I want to be a cop or even a prison guard. Pie002

    1. I can agree to the part in which people perceive criminal justice majors as future lawyers, or someone looking to get directly into the field of law or the court system. However, I know a few female officers and they are great police officers too. Sterotypes are a very serious problem in society, but do not be discouraged by them. Anyone who meets the requirements and excels at their job can be great. -Ghost003

    2. It is true that many people view women differently in these career fields that we are pursuing. There is nothing that we can do other than wait and be able to prove people wrong that women are vary capable of doing well. Females most certainly can become cops or prison guards, and speaking to someone who has been incarcerated before, apparently the female guards are much worse than males. agentp002

  56. People often use the terms criminology and criminal justice interchangeably but not always can they be interchanged. Although there are some similarities between the two there are different in their own ways. Criminology is the study of crime but criminal justice is the study of how to apprehend suspects and taking them into custody to put them on trial as well as patrol tactics and how to spot criminal activity. I am going into the criminal justice side of things or as some refer to as law enforcement. Therefore that will be the main focus of my studies. At the same time it is important for me and others alike going into this field of study to have some sort of background studies on criminology because it will make you a more valuable asset to a police department to have some back round knowledge of criminology. Just like working in the FBI you are a more valuable asset if you have a background in some sort of foreign language. Since I want to be a municipal police officer it is a great idea to be aware of what criminology is and to have knowledge on the many causes of crime. Bike004

  57. Criminal justice and criminology, historically, have been seen as interchangeable in society. However, there are differences between the two. Criminology looks to examine crime in all its facets, while criminal justice examines the system in which criminals are detected,detained, tried and punished. The three major components of criminal justice are law enforcement, court systems, and correction system. While it is even more complex today, criminal justice has change over history as well. Mainly in punishments and with the introduction of incarceration and policing. All these areas of study allow there to be a wide array of careers for those studying criminal justice. -Ghost003

  58. Learning about the criminal justice system helps a lot in society, our personal lives, and what former officers go through during the job. While learning about the criminal justice system it will help us decide on the right and wrong choices and we'll have a better understanding of what's going on and what the former officers are going through as they patrol the communities and a lot more. From what I have learned, a huge part of policing is community outreach.

    1. it is beneficial to learn about the criminal justice system. There is a lot that goes in to play, it is not just police officers and judges. some people make mistakes and have to learn the hard way of what all goes into the criminal justice system. agentp001

  59. With all of the bad things that are being said about how cops are a no good and that they are "pigs". Everyone hates the cops until they need the officers. Everyone in this field needs to be appreciated for what they do. With modern policing the officers have to be aware 24/7 on everyone around them. Times have changed with how officers are now being viewed. Pie004

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think police officers in certain communities aren't appreciated enough today. The men and women in blue put their lives on the line everyday. They deserve some respect, however, I feel it gets harder for police officers to have more leniency with society due to the increase in documentation they must have during their shifts. Perhaps if more people knew what being a police officer consisted of they would have more respect. Ghost004

  60. This article points out that those who are pursuing a career in becoming a police officer, they will tell you that they are studying either criminal justice or criminology. It is true. They both come hand in hand and cross paths constantly. Criminology is the study of crime, its patterns, and ways to help decrease it. Criminal justice deals with police departments, court systems, and corrections. Crimes and criminals are detected, detained, tried and punished within the CRJ system. In order for police departments to do their jobs, they must be knowledgeable in their fields. This is where criminology comes into play. Criminology helps us understand reasons for why crimes are committed and helps detect crime. Police officers and detects need the studies that come from criminology in order to make sense of their jobs and hopefully be able to deter crime. In policing today, the first people that criminals encounter within the system are the police officers. These officers can either make or break a person. After dealing with the cops, the person will go through the court system, where their punishment is decided. Then they will have through the corrections part. This is where the person is disciplined for their actions. With all three components, alongside criminology, the criminal justice system works as well as it can in today's society. agentp001

  61. Something that found to be interesting within this article is the fact that incarceration and the prison system was not adopted until recently. It seems to have only been used starting in the 1800s. Before the 1800s, society would say that it was necessary to separate a criminal from the population by exiling him or her and often threatening them with death if they were to return home. People also were punished by mutilation, flogging, and branding. This clearly has been done away with because as time changes society, the system must change as well. What was seen as fair and just punishments back then is viewed as cruel and barbaric. What we do in society today with punishing people may also seem cruel and barbaric in 10, 20, 50 years. Back in the flogging and mutilation days, there were not police forces. Not organized police forces. This has changed and instead of everyone being the one responsible for maintaining safety, only certain people have had to take on that responsibility. Because of criminologists and the law enforcement professionals, the CRJ system continues to evolve and with constantly be catching up to society. agentp001

  62. Criminal Justice and Criminology have often been blurred together. However, there are some key differences between the two. First off, Criminology is the study of criminals and the crimes they commit, more specifically the costs and consequences of these crimes. While Criminal Justice is the study of the system in which criminals are brought into custody, tried, and the punishments they receive. Criminal Justice also looks at the Incarceration of inmates and the prison system in general. I found it interesting to think about how much our legal system has changed through out history as well. We have come from a dark age of torture and torment to one where the accused can confront the accuser and settle their disagreements in a court of law, or where criminals face a fair judge or jury who listen to both sides of the argument and decide. This is a great improvement, but I still believe our current system leaves something to be desired. Ghost004

  63. The website gave on overview of both the differences between criminology and criminal justice as well as the basic components of the criminal justice system. The website also gave a brief description of the history of the criminal justice system and a description of modern policing.Criminology focuses mainly on who did something, why it was done, and what the causes are. Criminal justice focuses on running or chasing after someone to arrest them and going out into the field to find someone who has committed a crime. The two are similar and different in a way. They are similar because they work together to try and solve a crime and get the right person behind bars, but they are different because one is trying to solve the crime behind their desk or in a lab, and the other is out on the streets trying to solve the crime. If you study criminal behavior, then it will be easier to understand why someone committed the crime they did. Once you understand why they committed the crime, it is easier to find a punishment that will work best for that individual. Some people require imprisonment, while others have psychological issues that can be fixed with mental help. Imprisoning someone who could benefit from professional mental help is a waste of money, time, and effort. BMW004

    1. Again I agree I feel as though we are saying the same thing but differently. However when you say it it sounds better and I see that you go more into depth about the given topic than I do. I think your writing skills are superb and if I had to choose someone to proofread my paper as a peer it would definitely be you. All of your responses to each article have been easy to read and they all make sense so thank you for that and continue the great work.EGM003

  64. Honestly I didn't know there was a difference between criminology and criminal justice. Since they are used so interchangeably I thought that both were the study of criminal the criminal justice system. After reading this article, I see now that having a degree with either one as the major would lay the foundation needed for the majority of the jobs offered in law enforcement. I think they are similar but on opposite sides of the system. Criminology, to my understanding, is the study of what makes people commit crime. While criminal justice is the punishment for the offenders. So to make that even simpler criminology is like the of crime and criminal justice is the effect of it. I think that's why I both are accepted for any position in law enforcement. However personally I think judges probation officers and jury counselors should study criminology instead of Criminal Justice. I think understanding why people commit crimes with help them be more efficient with sentencing. Criminal justice should be taken up by future police officers prosecutors and correction officers that help them prosecute offenders.EGM003

  65. I don't see a major difference between criminology and criminal justice. Criminology is more why someone does it, while criminal justice is more the law side of it. Studying both could help more in the long run than just studying one or the other. Criminology is more behind the scenes, while criminal justice is up close. Police officers and forensics and anything else on the field should take criminal justice. While anyone working in an office or wanting to stay out of the field should take the criminology. HS004


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