Culture Explored via Animation....

Culture Explained on the Animated Side


  1. What is Culture? An interesting question to think about. Humans rely on culture for survival. Human culture is a particular group of people's way of thinking, acting and way of life. Culture is learned from the time we are born and it is unique to humans. It shapes our goals in life, sense of morals and personal feelings: how we act, think and feel. A child learns their families food preferences, if they cuddle a lot, if the family is social and friendly, core values, what is right or wrong. Humans also form groups that have similar interests and values. Students sit with similar students at lunch in school. Athletes sit together or the popular kids sit together in groups. There are many different religions where people of the same beliefs go to church together in groups. Group symbols are established like the cross represents the Christian faith and the 5 pointed star represents the Jewish faith. Different countries flags symbolize individual countries. Each country has a unique culture. Symbols include different languages and gestures like a wink of the eye or a hand shake. The U.S. is multi-cultural with 382 languages spoken here because our culture welcomes immigration. Core values of a group may disagree with another groups core values but agree that the U.S. values individual freedom. Presently new technology has integrated many cultures and it remains to be seen if it improves or weakens cultures. Grandma005

    1. I agree culture is exactly what is stated in this post culture starts at home, which further outlines it's a learned behavior and most certainly can predict what one is more likely to do. For example more girls/women in the United States will pursue an education than a girl/women in Africa and several other countries,being that they life could be in danger. We have several cultures who choose not to eat pork what so ever than you have people who don't mind eating pork. Culture is also a changing part of society I also think culture and traditions are viewed the same but when broken down there are differences. Leathas005

  2. “Culture” is one of those words that everyone misinterprets, or uses in the wrong way. A lot of people believe culture is what you are born into, and that is not really the case. Culture is learned, and then shared. It’s kind of the way parenting goes. Your parents learned the behavior and they share it with you. Kids learn different behaviors and beliefs from their parents, and then that ignites them to share their behaviors and beliefs with others. It’s crazy how that works. I believe culture can be a hard idea to understand. As we really haven't been exposed to the word ever in our lives. The only time I’ve ever heard the word come up in school or class is when I took sociology in high school and now in college. Learning about different cultures gave me a better understanding of what the word actually means and what it actually stands for. Learned behaviors and beliefs are different from country to country. Like the way we get food vs how un-developed countries get their food. To us that seems terrible but to them thats just the way of life. Thats how I'm able to differentiate how cultures are learned and shared. PAWW005

    1. Culture is misinterpreted by many, I believe, because I don’t think that they were properly introduced to their cultures as they were raised. In this culture I am a man of Asian ethnicity, with little knowledge of my ancestry from my Asian side and a partial understanding of my German side. Without sharing some of the great history of your cultures you are more than likely bound to become part of the culture you live in. Schools today neither discuss nor share with students about the many cultures that created this great nation we live in now. I agree that much of who we will become is in the way our parents raised us. Behavior from children these days seems to be what they see or hear on many of the social media devices that are available to them. Belief these days comes from what they can see and hear rather than what they learn about by actually doing and experiencing. Understanding culture today would mean that people would need to be more receptive to learning by greeting your neighbor, saying hello to others you pass on the street. Growing as a person used to be learning about your surroundings and adapting to them. Now, it seems that all we do is look at where we live and wonder how to survive to the next day. Seoulman005

  3. Growing up as a child of two different “cultures” was confusing at best. As a young boy growing up in the “American” culture, at times tended to make me wonder what I was learning from my surroundings and the people I was interacting with. My society of ethnically diverse, yet, mainly white “American” society. Being half white did not seem to be an accepted part of the culture or society I was now a part of. My other “Asian” culture was never shared with me because we were now in America and part of a new culture. I understand now that I was trying to fit in with the world around me at that time and perhaps too young to understand why those around me treated me as someone outside the “norm” of their culture. Growing up when the color of your skin, the shape of your face, or the slant of your eyes seemed to be the determining factors as to what group you were going to be associated with seemed to be the norm of the time. Perhaps as a child, it was difficult to see what was correct behavior or belief, when all you were shown, was that you were too different to be part of that culture at that time. Culture is not only how you are raised, but what you learn as you grow. Culture is inherited, learned, taught, spoken, seen, lived, and shared. Culture is not as prevalent these days because too many people are not as aware of their surroundings as they used to be. Can you remember the last time you had your neighbors over for a cookout? When was the last time you greeted a stranger with a well meant “hello”? Do you still drop a coin or bill into the pot of the bell ringers at Christmas? I am proud of what I have learned of both cultures that I was raised in and try to share this knowledge with others. As we continue to grow as a nation, country, and culture I keep asking what have you shared with others about your “culture”. I love the U.S. and all its many cultures that are shared because we try to understand, more, now than ever how important it is to be aware of the cultures that make us the United States of America. Seoulman005

    1. Also being of two races I can relate to when you say growing up with two different races was confusing,and honestly quite difficult. It almost feels like your stuck in two different worlds. For the longest I wasn't accepted into my Hispanic heritage because of who I was. I was often called out as being different to them and not a true blooded Hispanic because I was mixed. Up until 9 years old I guess they finally got the picture that I needed to see my other side, and my culture. I agree again when you say its important to be wear of the cultures that make us the usa. All our cultures combined make us the use of course but together we tie in all our cultures we are one and we become unified. This is important because we truly need to know about everybody beside their skin color and where they live.

  4. Defining culture and the aspects of it. I do think culture is a learned as well as shared behavior;certain cultures have different beliefs such as in some parts of the world a girl can be denied the right to an education to better herself, then there's places in the world that allow a grown man to marry little girls, but in the United States both are unacceptable. Which further outlines that cultural differences is on a national geographic scale, and can inform you on either how bad or lucky you are. Cultures go beyond just the way of life our culture in the United States varies among many Americans, being that America have numerous of people who choose to immigrate here for several reasons,and with that occurring a lot of the United States culture spread beyond just the United States borders especially with interracial dating Leathas005

    1. I never thought of culture being a bad thing. It is weird seeing grown men marrying little girls who know that this is their fates for the rest of their lives. You do bring up a great point of people leaving their countries to come here, in the United States to escape their old lives and start a new one. I think it is also important to know that America can have many different cultures, of course if they follow and respect our laws of life. I think interracial dating is a great way to know other peoples ways of life and the cultures they have as individuals. TB005

    2. As stated by someone else who replied, I never thought of culture being a bad thing in life. I never thought that one thing we deem unacceptable here would be totally accepted and a norm somewhere else. I know it is kind of weird and look down upon by us that a man can marry a teenager or a little girl but here in the U.S we allow some men in some places to marry multiple women at a time where in other places it is deemed unacceptable. So again, culture is what shapes us. The differences in culture are what make up the world.

  5. Technically speaking the definition of culture is the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. To me this is saying that everybody’s different backgrounds make up a culture. Growing up I had a Muslim friend and she would come to my house and vise versa, well one day my grandma made us sandwiches well obviously, we didn’t know Muslims didn’t eat this specific kind of meat. My friend politely declined the sandwich and my grandma made her something else. Later, when she went home her mother explained their culture and what they could and couldn’t eat. That opened me up to her culture and experiences. Just like I open my friends up to my Hispanic culture with Quinceañera’s, our Christmas and weddings, and our dances. I feel like it’s good to open up to other people’s cultures because you get a chance to take a seat in their life and see the differences between you and them. It’s also a learning experience because you can incorporate their culture into yours. I didn’t get a chance to experience my Hispanic culture all my life mine started at around age 9, up until that point all I knew was my African American side. Therefore, I think its good everybody gets a chance to experience other cultures because it truly is a good experience. KYW005

  6. To me culture is something that makes us all different from each other. It is the different defining point of who we are. I also think culture is something that can be changeable for whatever circumstance that person is in. I also think we can all learn from culture from each other. That’s why I think culture is very important and also interesting to know. I think its interesting to know who people worship and look up to. The types of places people have been and even lived. The different kinds of food that they can and can’t eat, I think understanding our own culture as well as other people’s cultures; can make us all be closer together as individuals. We might not see eye to eye on religion or even the types of food we eat. But I feel like people can respect each other and we can all live a life of harmony and equality. Final thought, it is always nice to look around and see different kinds of people either driving or walking around who aren’t the same as me. It makes me realize that we live in a country where all of cultures can coexist and how interesting other people’s way of life is. TB005

    1. That is an interesting outlook. It is certainly very positive and I do think it is important to keep a mainly positive attitude when dealing with matters of diversity and the human experience overall. I think it is fundamentally incorrect however, to assume that people can all respect each other and live in harmony. Well, that is partially true -- we may be capable of achieving that kind of life, but it would require immense sacrifice in the form of culling or modifying cultures that are incompatible with the majority. As much as I'd absolutely love it if all cultures were capable of harmonizing, the truth is that some cultures simply do not mix. If it seems like all cultures can harmonize, that is only because majority groups from each of two incompatible cultures have decided to forego certain traditions or beliefs, or modify them to fit each other more to prevent needless bloodshed (because that is what rational human beings should do, and we are mostly rational), but the modification or forbearance of cultural variables is proof that they cannot harmonize without sacrificing their cultural integrity. There is definitely a dark side of culture clash that has to be acknowledged. Poet005

    2. I like mostly what you said. The one thing i do not agree with you on is everyone living in peace and harmony. That is more than likely impossible. Not everyone can agree on the same thing or feel the same way about an topic or issue. Although i do like and agree with you on how we can all learn from each other's culture. They way people think and act can all be different and noticed from one individual's culture to the next. Everyones culture in a whole is what makes up today's society. Everyone culture can be unique in a way and it's cool to learn other peoples. Mustang005

  7. Holy god the computerized voice overs are torture to me. That being said, culture has always fascinated me. I just finished a contemporary humanities class last semester and obviously it was full of course work regarding culture and the ways that culture has been shaped over the years. That class, and this video both get me thinking a lot about how little we all are without communication and culture. If you think about it -- almost everything we consider a given about our existence as humans in 2017 is only the result of tens of thousands of years spent climbing up on the last generations shoulders, and carrying on from that point. One way to remind yourself of just how important this idea is, is to think of it like a video game that has no checkpoints or saving function. If we were to slip up and lose what we've built so far, we'd go all the way back to the beginning, completely incapable of communicating with one another or building tools, etc. This is also humbling -- sometimes it feels as though the progress we've made so far is something that we've unlocked permanently for our species, but the truth is that it only feels that way because we are standing on a mountain of culture. Poet005

    1. I thought I was the only one who was getting tortured by the way they were talking. Anyhow when you said to think about culture as a video game without any check points or saving functions and that gets me to think that if you can’t save what you have done then you must constantly repeat everything that you have done. That is why culture is so important to us today, you don’t want to have to keep making up things every day and doing them differently. You should want to do it the same way your family has done it for years.Chick005

  8. In our culture, we put holes in our skin and fill them with a cute ring. In our culture, we take a needle and design a drawing on our skin that will be permanent and last forever. It is weird to think about when you are stuck in another culture that does not follow that same tradition. Why would we want to hurt our self and fill our skin with a permanent picture? It just seems odd to others, but that is one thing that came to mind as I was watching this video. I've taken a sociology class in high school and I remember this topic and discussing this in the classroom. Cultures can ever differ in households. Some sit at the table and eat dinner at a certain time every night and you have to be dressed properly and once done, you are to ask to excuse one self from that table. Although, that is different in my home. We do not sit at the table together and eat, sometimes we don't even eat the same things. We all pick out what we want and go from there, whenever we want to. Some places, that seems wrong. Your culture says a lot about YOU. You can take it so far and even pass it down from tradition to tradition. How you define what your culture is may depend on what it used to be, so many things have changed and so much has been invented. We're all living in a world that is changing every day. babybray005

    1. Also traditions for birthdays, weddings, and funerals are different in each cultures. Our culture in this generation has changed from our grandparent’s generation and our grandkids generation will probably change also. Tattoos and piercing were a very good example of culture. When I was watching the video I was thinking about family traditions and religious beliefs. I did not think about anything along those lines as tattoos and piercings. Growing up my family all sat down and ate at the table together as much as possible. As the kids got older we all didn’t get to together as often and now it’s only for holidays. Traditions can change over time. Cardianls005

    2. I think it’s especially interesting to see which parts of our culture we identify with most being passed onto our children. The kids of the 2010s and beyond are bound to be the most diverse generation due to our knowledge and acceptance of other cultures. Yes, other cultures may find our practice of body modification strange, but with the Internet, anyone is able to learn about any culture and respect it. Culture is something that makes everyone unique. It helps people connect with their ancestors and appreciate their own history. Culture helps generations bond with each other and keep the memories and traditions of their families alive. lasagna005

  9. What is culture? This question could be answered in a lot of different ways. I feel as it if cultures is one person's background and a uniqueness of them. Not everyone will have the same culture or even close to it. Some people can disagree with one's culture. They can disagree with by just what one person eats or drinks. The littlest of things can have problems, but that's the culture you're from. I think culture can make who you are today and that's why people can not get along. All these different cultures are living on this planet right now, but were not on it in peace. It is more than like impossible that their will every be world peace. That can't happen. People can't agree with everyone over a topic and or issue. Their will always be someone that just can't agree. I think that's fine. Their needs to be that opposite view on things. It's what makes the world today. If people didn't try new things or go the opposite way, who knows what might have never been discovered. A person's culture makes up who they are and if everyone's was the same, then their would be no diversity and pretty much no fun. Mustang005

  10. This talks about culture and what culture is. Humans rely and depend on culture. As stated in the video, culture is a learned thing. It transmitted from generation to generation. Kids can get their cultural beliefs from grandparents, parents, siblings and even older friends. Children will learn these behaviors and beliefs and later pass it on to another person. Like the example used in the video, the little boy could never catch anything with that drill. Then he was introduced to the fishing rod used by his dad. The boy learned 2 things there. 1, Patience and 2, That that wasn’t a way to get fish. There are many different beliefs depending on the culture. As I learned in school, The American culture does many different things than the Spanish culture. In the Spanish culture, families typically walk in doctor’s offices and wait a turn, as in American cultures they call ahead in advance and set up an appointment to see that said doctor. I grew up in both. It was hard living with these 2 cultures when around each other. Some things I did with one cultural was looked at different or weird to the other culture. Then as they stated it was integrated into each other in my later years. An example would be the cheek to cheek kiss we do on my father’s side of the family. We would greet each other no matter how many people and kiss cheek to cheek. I never did that with my mother’s side and they all looked as if it was weird and then later in my years I could do it with both sides as it was integrated into my mother’s side by being shared from my father’s family.

    1. I think that is it very cool that something from your father’s culture could be passed down to your mother’s side of the family. That just shows that culture can be really taught to anyone if the belief is practiced enough. Are there any other cultural beliefs from your dad’s side that has been passed down to your mother’s side? Or has your mother’s side passed down any cultural beliefs to your dad side? I think you have a great grasp on the aspect of cultural just with the kissing cheek to cheek habit that your dad’s side practice a lot. Food005

  11. Culture is learned from passing down from generation to generation, radio, television, religion, and schooling. Traditions pasted down from generation to generation has the bigger impact I feel like. You can learn to cook a traditional meal from your culture from an elder family member. Also you can learn how to survive in everyday life because of culture learned from passing down from generation to generation. Society’s culture can have an influence on you too. Things you hear on the radio or hear and see on television can shape you as a person. You might learn from way people talk on the radio or hear someone expressing their own beliefs and associate with them on the topic. You learn culture from television at a very young age. From watching the children’s programs on television they are teaching culture. If you have traditions or culture differences from another people usually view you as different or out of the norm. Here in the United States there is a lot of different culture all around to learn from. There’s influences all around from different backgrounds. Cardinals005

  12. Culture is a large part of how we live and interact with one another. We may not like it but everyone around us brings something different to the culture mix. It is learned from everyone in our area. The way we speak and act and everything in between. Religion can be a large contributor of culture. As in the video it showed a native american arguing with a modern day religious man. The native american stated that his religion made him believe that he was equal to all life on earth. The modern man said that they native americans would go to hell if they did not join his religion. I wouldn’t say either person was wrong but it all has to do the with the people that surround these two characters. The native american was more isolated from other cultures in my opinion and the modern guy was probably from a city area so that can play a huge role in what they believe is right. I have seen from personal observation that when a kid from the “city” moves to a country or rural area they, at first, do not like how they talk or act. After some time though you start the notice how they are becoming more like the original rural kids. Gym005

  13. What is culture? Culture is something that is passed down from generation to generation. It is learned behavior but sooner or later it will change. People all around the world have all types of different cultures. Culture is a belief that families pass down to one another. It could be towards religious reasons or non-religious. People inherit their own natural culture. Culture has been a part of this world since the beginning of time. For instance, if someone in your family was to speak another language other than English, more likely you would inherit those characteristics. There are all types of families out there who has al different types of cultures. Culture could also go by as gender or marriage. It’s just a set of traditions that families inherit. Your culture could change in many ways and some may not change. Some people like to keep their culture the same way. In the video when the little boy was trying to catch a fish with the drill, his dad came along and taught him how to catch a fish the right way. So now that the little boy know how to catch a fish the right way he is now going to have to pass that down.Chick005

    1. You said culture is sooner or later going to change? I agree with that to a certain extent. I feel as culture changes if it wants to be changed. Some people stay committed to their culture and don't step outside of their box. While others go explore other options. Culture is learned and taught but it doesn’t mean they have to embrace what they’ve learned or have been taught. I’m African American, Spanish isn’t my primary language. Why? Because I wasn’t taught that. I was taught my culture’s language. However, if I had got put up for adoption and a Mexican family adopted then I would be learning their culture not mine. Aboogie005

    2. I agree. Culture does change based on time. In this day and change culture is almost non-existent, due to young individuals not having a foundation just wanting to experience culture their way. I think now when the topic of culture comes up its based on modern technology, to the it ever changing presence we can’t expect everyone to rely on one person’s teaching when they can access more people online and choose for themselves. There are going to be people who stick to everything that was passed down for generations to come, but you cant confine people to one way of thinking. MelaninQueen005

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I do believe that culture does change over time, it sometimes may blend and fuse in to other cultures, such as the American culture, hence the melting pot. For me I think Somali may be my first language because I was raised my grandmother. Because of spending most of my time around her when I was younger I adapted and learned the language from her. The only language she spoke was Somali, and as I grew older and went to school she learned a bit of English from me, so we learned from each other. Another point to mention is when my grandmother was younger she herself didn’t go to school as a child because at the time it wasn’t custom for girls to go to school. But when she had girls she sent her daughters off to school, because she knew that education was important. And from her daughters she learned from them. In the process of exchange we learned from each other. Honeytea005

  14. Culture is something that is super important in our society today. I agree that culture is definitely something that is learned. There’s so many different cultures around in the world and that’s what really makes each person’s different backgrounds so interesting to me. The American culture is totally different from an African culture and I think that’s so interesting. The United States is combined with many different people, in which have many different cultures that make this country so interesting. So many people integrate here for a new start and bring their traditions with them which I believe is a very important thing. The integrating culture part of the video really stood out to me because religion is a huge part of people’s cultures. That part of the video shows the strong beliefs people hold with religion and the impact of having different beliefs can affect relationships with others unfortunately. Culture should be something that everyone embraces and also should try to learn different cultures to see how other people in the world see things and how they are embraced as well. Learning different cultures could be an interesting thing and I believe it could also bring together a lot of different people. -Pizza005

    1. I really like that you reference the different cultural additions that the United States has experienced and taken some elements from. I think it's equally interesting to look at those cultural additions in the United States, and look at some of the super prevalent areas where other cultures have really adapted and been accepted. Areas like the, "China Town's" in Chicago and San Francisco, or Little Italy in New York are just some of the examples of the hugely diverse culture around in America and a huge part of what makes it such a unique place to live.

  15. Culture is a thing we often don’t think about in our day to day lives. Being raised in Peoria, different cultures melding together is just an everyday occurrence. It’s not unusual to see a Lebanese bakery on Glen or an Asian market on University due to the high amount of immigrants that have made Peoria their home, but in other places, culture isn’t very diverse nor prevalent. I consider myself lucky to have been raised here because I’ve gotten to befriend kids with families whose culture is entirely different from mine. I’ve been able to eat all sorts of different foods, see many unique traditions, and experience holidays foreign to my family’s Christian practices. Culture is an invaluable asset to our community because it educates others, leading to less discrimination and intolerance. America is often said to be the melting pot of the world, a place where all cultures come together in search of the American dream. Despite the intolerant practices of an intolerant president this year, our communities stand strong, uniting with our brothers and sisters of all races. That’s why I believe that our nation will stay united during the term of Donald Trump. Our diverse communities created tolerant and accepting children, the future of America. lasagna005

    1. I will definitely agree with you that culture is a thing that we often don't think about in our day to day lives. Until being in our sociology class I have never thought about other cultures and how hard they have it. I never thought about how bad it is in some culture like women don't have a say so over their bodies or kids grow up in so much poverty and sickness with no food to eat. I guess I will consider myself lucky to have been raised in America because we have so many rights. When in many other cultures they don't have the rights that we have here I just never thought about because I just didn't know. I go's to show up that if we as people don't go though it or know some one that did then it's in the dark. This has opened my eye's to look at things differently now. Many people say they want to come to America to live the American dream. Now I know it's because we are free to live we want. Cupcake005

  16. Culture is very broaden, I always looked at people differently because of their beliefs and how they were raised in different parts of the world. Never really understanding that do to their culure its learned and imbeded. Alot of indians and arabs that are close to me also say they come to the states because they dont like living how they had in their country. They complain about how they dont have much freedom and everything they do on a day to day is do to their culture. I think culture has shaped the world in a bad way because theirs where alot of hate and violence come in at. Most people are not taught that in different parts of the world things are totally opposite of how they live so that bring on the judging and the mistreatment of a fellow woman or man. I have been around alot of different cultures to understand my beliefs and actions come from how I was raised and are not that of a different culture. So I dont judge someone because our beliefs are not the same. 12mc-005

    1. Our nation was founded on getting away from forced culture. America has always been seen as an escape for people of poorer countries. It’s just sort of funny that our country is seen as a new hope even though we still have a lot of hate and persecution, and like you said, it’s because of the cultures we have. Because we have so many cultures it’s very difficult to put an end to the discrimination, especially in the religious cultures. For example, a lot of religions say that homosexuality is bad and a sin. Which really sucks, but to try to force them to accept it is all kind of bad because it’s their culture and we don’t necessarily have the right to change it to fit our standards. We just have to gradually get them to accept that on their own. Spoopy005

  17. In the video, the little boy was trying to catch a fish with a drill which is interesting because I don’t see how you can catch a fish with a drill. His dad came over and showed him how to correctly catch a fish with a “fishing pole.” The little boy asked his dad how you catch a fish with just a stick and string and his dad showed him. This is the “learning” stage of culture. With me watching the video I feel as if that seen shared a part of their culture with me. Back in that time all they probably had was strings and sticks. It amused me because I knew that wasn’t an actual fishing pole but it is in their culture. Culture is also taught. For example, say a Mexican couple had just had a baby. The newborn doesn’t know anything. It could speak any language at this point that is taught to them. The Mexican family speaks Spanish so they’re going to teach their baby Spanish as well. As the baby gets older is beginning to speak Spanish. This is something that was taught to them. There are various cultures around the world. I would someday want to explore other countries cultures. Aboogie005

    1. America is the perfect place to veiw the different cultures that the world obtains. Every place that you go, you will see someones view on a culture. In chicago, The city is broken up into different sections. When passing, I'd noticed a hispanic end, an Asian end, even a greek end. We also have that in Peoria. If you go by the glen oak region, you may see that the hispanic is culture is located over there. We have an asian market on University, lebenese, Indian,subterranean restraunts and more located in our very own city. If you're really interested in exploring other cultures, it is possible to do it by just walking outside and around the block. :) PurpleHearts005

    2. I have never been out of the United States, so i don't know what other countries are like, but I have seen so many different cultures throughout my life here in the states. Everyone’s culture is different. In the video the boy and his dad were fishing. That was the norm back then when it comes to gathering food. You still see cultures like that in this world and in America. In the more undeveloped countries you see more cultures like what was proposed in the video, with the boy and his dad fishing. Every country is different when it comes to cultures. PAWW005

  18. The word Culture is known to have many different definitions. Some know culture as being defined as the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. In sociology, culture is defined as the ways of thinking, the ways of acting and the shaping of a persons life. It is the value of a society or community such as an ethnic group or nation. I know Culture as being shared habits, beliefs, and traditions of a particular people, place, or time. It is your spot in the world, what helps make you you. Culture is learned. It is passed from an individual to another individual. It is intergrated through out the world. Culture can be symbolic, present in gestures. Culture influences the rules and norms you tend to follow, The morals that you have, the language that you speak and more. You start off learning a culture(s) as little as a toddler . What kind of outfits you wear, what you show and what you dont. What you use for hygienic wear, if you'd use any. What holidays you celebrate, what rituals you practice. Culture shapes ideas as little of what dances you do and what music you listen to. Social, political and religious beliefs organizations vary. Culture is passed down from generation to generation and what makes it amazing is that it creates unity and diversity at the same time. Its what makes a person unique and is a way of life. PurpleHearts005

  19. Culture refers to the symbols, language, beliefs, values, and artifacts that are part of any society. Culture can influence people's beliefs and behavior, because culture is learnt. As stated in the video culture is a learned thing. It is passed down from generation to generation. Children will learn these behaviors and beliefs and later pass it on to their family. For example, the little boy used in the video who couldn’t catch any fish will his power tool but then his father came along and taught him a better way to catch fish. Now the little boy will pass down that taught behavior to his children and his children will pass it down to their children hence becoming a cultural thing. Beliefs differ from culture to culture. In other cultures, some family’s sit at the dinner table and eat their dinner together every night because it may be normal and respectful to them. But in my family we are not expected to sit at the dinner table and eat our dinner together. I usually go into my room while my mother goes into hers and my dad eats in his “man cave.” My parents don’t see this as disrespectful or unusual because it is what they taught and what they have teach to me. Food005

    1. Culture can effect people in such different ways. America is one of the truest free countries and because of this there is such a diverse amount of people living in it. In some countries something that can be be seen as respectful can be seen as rude in another country. Culture is such a varying thing in the world and that is what makes it an interesting topic. Its amazing to see how the culture of even your neighbors can show just how unique people can be. We all learn different things growing up that uniquely effect our culture and differ it from others. It is too in my family to eat your food in your own room because that is simply what was normalized. Any household can be drastically different than the other. Acer005

  20. Culture is defined as something learned and what others relate too. Culture is based off of interaction and idea attraction to others. When we go to school we generally crowd share with people who are similar to us, that’s culture because they relate to one another. In the video it had an example about fishing, and the man with the fishing rod was more sufficient than the young man with the power drill; I didn’t understand how these two men related because there idea for fishing were different but I realized they both had a common goal. I think that sometimes culture describes its self because it’s not just one method, its many solutions but different methods. I noticed that the video talked about culture being integrated, I didn’t think it was, reason being that even when they both couldn’t come to common ground about their beliefs, they really didn’t have much to say they just went their separate ways. I think culture should be more integrated, because in this day in age people don’t get along based on belief and even though they might not convert, they would have a better understanding of everyone else instead of being one-sided.MelaninQueen005

  21. Basically culture is how a particular group of people is defined as of means of language, the arts, social habits ect. Somethings that a culture might do may be unique to that specific group. Culture is learned and passed down from generation to generation. In the lecture, Dr. White mentioned about the 2 parents in the bar, and the 2 parents in the library. The child they have is likely to be like the parent(s). It is a learned behavior. This is like the boy and his father teaching him how to fish, it is likely that the boy will pass on his fishing tips to his offspring. There are several things in my culture I have picked up from my father and my grandmother. Some of the things is be mindful, and respectful of your elders, remember your manners etc. Also in my culture there are some hand gestures that I would never use due to my culture’s interpretation of them such as the “come here” gesture, it is intended for a dog, and even though the American standards may not view it that way, I do due to how I was raised. Honeytea005

    1. Culture is learned and passed down from generation to generation. It is like the situation in the video when the parent was trying to teach the boy how to fish properly. The boy tried to use the power drill because he wasn’t taught what the right tool or equipment he was supposed to use was. The father showed him how to use the stick and string to fish but he could not understand why he couldn’t use the power drill. His culture was taught how to use and do things the old-fashioned way. His father will need to teach him that electricity and water don’t work together and the ways of his culture he was taught. -Dance005

  22. From the “What Is Culture?” video I appreciated the following highlighted points: learning, sharing, and integration. I value these points, because I believe that these points have essential meaning to matters then have taken place in modern day festivities. Political activity seems to be the most explicit example I can use. For example, during this week, newly elected President, Donald Trump, has acted on multiple political policies. One policy would be the alteration in foreign affairs. According to various news sources, President Trump has signed multiple executive policies that have and will impact immigrants, such as immediate departure and improved strategic blockage when foreigners attempt to enter the United States of America. I believe this example is related to the video, because America would not be America if it was not for the exposure to the variety of ethnic cultures and racial backgrounds. As of the learning aspect, America has been exposed to a variety of things that have influenced history. In fact, in the video, the producer decided to illustrate one specific scenario that encompasses learning, sharing, and integration; the two men that were exchanging biases. I find this to scenario to be ironic due to America’s history of Britain colonists and Native Americans. When these two cultures put aside their differences they realized the importance of relationships and what they could potentially lead to. These separate, but equal, groups learned to cooperate in order to survive and live in peace. They learned to accept the sharing of ideals that has had a positive impact of civilization. Now although this is a brief example, I believe that if we spent more time realizing how much we have accomplished as a diverse society; we would spend less time worrying about problems that we have created for ourselves as a nation.


  23. Culture can cover a lot of things in our lives. Because of this culture is a very important part of our life. We all have culture in our lives, but we may not think about it much. From the food we eat to the T.V. shows you liked to watch as a child. Your culture is very dependent on what you learn as a child. This can of course change depending on where you live in the world.Culture can be different for everyone in a class room. You much learn your culture as a child as you learn behavior. Culture is a very complicated thing but is a very interesting thing to learn about. Its interesting to learn just how different peoples cultures can be. You come to respect the diversity that exists in the world. Culture can differ from neighbor hood to neighbor hood. There is so much that can change or decide ones culture in life, that it causes people to be unique. It is really an interesting thing to learn about. Acer005

  24. Culture what is it really. What does it mean? Do we really need it? Do we have to involve it in our life to live? Culture is something that's inside us all. The crazy thing about it is we may not try or even know that we using it but, we are. I think culture is just like second nature to use because we were brought up with it. Culture is a part of our lives no matter if we like it or not. I liked the way this video breaks down the systems of cultures. Form the shared beliefs, values, behaviors and how society uses it to cope with the world and everyone in it. And the fact that it is used from generation to generation by teaching one another. This video also showed and stated that culture is the traditions and customs that shapes our behavior and beliefs of the way we think and act. When I looked up what does culture mean in the dictionary their definition wasn't as explanatory as this video. This video explain it to you in a better understanding. Did you notice at the end of the video how the church man was trying the tell the Indian that his way of living life was wrong and his was the right way to believe and live. The Indian told him no and explain to him how his culture works. They are two different types of culture and their believes are very different. Cupcake005

  25. What is culture? I feel like the general definition the video presents in the beginning is wordy compared to what I initially understood culture to be. "Culture is the system of beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts..." is how we're introduced to the video, but I feel it's just as basic as saying - culture is what makes you. Culture as I've always understood it, while not a very academic approach, as the distinct differences I saw in my friends and extended families lives that differed greatly from mine. Living in the United States with very accepting and encouraging parents, I had the rare opportunity to be exposed to many of their more worldly friends who exposed me to different foods, hobbies, and some who even invited our family into their homes which lead to all kinds of interesting differences. I found that regardless of where we went - there were similarities such as an aura of kindness, and mutual respect and appreciation for others. The melting pot we've lived in for the majority of my life has been a real perk exposing me to different cultural norms, and providing opportunities to experience other cultures first hand and realize that the word "normal," is relative, reflective primarily of your own culture.

    1. You have good points of all the different cultures in one little area all coping together in a larger culture. The video was basic watching it I felt like a five year old being taught right from wrong watching it. It could have been more informative and get us thinking versus the sense of it telling us of what we already knew about cultures. I think that it is great that you have various perspectives of various types of cultures in your experiences. I myself have also been exposed to a variety of cultures and it really does give you a larger insight of those cultures compared to your own. I have even been exposed to some cultures where it is normal for them but the morality in me, I could help but feel an anger towards the people of course I didn’t show it but to me it was wrong. BHL005

  26. Culture is something that must be learned. It isn’t something that you can just be born with and have a knowing of what to do. Culture is the traditions and customs that govern a behavior and beliefs, transmitted through the learning of the parents or the person raising them. Culture is shared and it is an attribute of individuals as members of groups. Symbolic gestures that have meaning outside of the normal language, are gestures of embolims. Culture is symbolic. Humans think symbolic thought is unique to them and crucial to cultural learning. The most important type of culture is the type that effects people every day of their lives, particularly the ones that influence children during enculturation. I personally believe that everyone has a right to have a different culture than anybody else if they respect each other’s culture. Nobody should be treated differently because of the culture they were raised upon. Culture is all encompassing and integrated. Everybody believes in the gods and how they are treated by the gods and the ways of spirits very differently. People shouldn’t despise of other people because of their culture. Getting hired for a job could be affected by your culture but some policies are nicer than others. The most important thing is to find a place that accepts your culture and a pace that you are comfortable being in.

    1. I believe that different learned cultures within our local societies are often looked down upon because they are not the “norm” for some people. For example, black people in America that are educated and naturally tend to not use ebonics because ebonics were not encultured in their language are seen as trying to “act white”. Is it stereotypically in our profiling to assume that African Americans are illiterate, uneducated and lower-class? Why is it seen as culturally wrong if we behave differently? What is black culture? What is white culture? Culture in our society is so broad and open because of all of the different people we are mixed with. I crave to know more about how we work. Puppies005

  27. This video’s historical accuracy (fishing scene) is just so spot on. The fact that a sarcastic response was one of my first thoughts is a big hint that in my culture a lot people are sarcastic and growing up I’ve just learned to integrate sarcasm into my daily conversations and thoughts. Which is so cool! You have to look at it than more than just sarcasm. It’s the fact that our cultures shape so much of us from huge traits like our careers to the smallest little traits like our personality quirks. That doesn’t mean that we don’t get to shape ourselves, obviously we do. But our culture lays out our biases and beliefs, our discriminations and acceptances, our fashion sense and our attitude. The cultures that we are raised in and surround ourselves with lays out blue prints of us and who we are, but we get the ultimate decision of what we will be like. Even though we like to think of ourselves as original- and in ways we are- our thoughts and ideas are based on how we’re raised. If you were brought up in a strict culture you may find yourself staying within the parameters of that culture. If you were brought in a culture that supports your creativity and ideas you may find yourself to be more expressive and inventive. Spoopy005

  28. This video didn’t inform me about culture to the extent that I wanted to be informed, but maybe it was because of the medium used to display this topic. I wish it would’ve went more into different types of cultures our world has, and talk about cultural appropriation and why it is wrong. However, this video did give a decent introduction into what exactly culture is. Mainly, it is taught from generation to generation. The fact that culture is learned and shared, is symbolic, integrated and all-encompassing shows that it is just drilled into our brains without us even trying. I feel as if it is important to be knowledgeable about cultures other than our own; it would make us better human beings if we understood how different types of people operated. It may even help us understand what we do in our own culture and why we do some of the things we do, referring back to the four main theories of sociology. Reading language of all types is vital to any culture, but different actions, verbal and nonverbal communication may be interpreted in different ways depending on where you are located in the world. That’s fascinating. We are all the same, but we are all different. Puppies005

  29. lture was just religion, I never ever knew that it was something that was learned, shared, symbolized, all encompassing and intergrated all in one. I now understand that it helps us to govern our own behaviors and and beliefs through learning these things, and if it is NOT learned then it is not culture. It's something that is shared and passed on to the younger generation. And the most interesting and cultural forces are the ones that affect people everyday of their lives, such as religion, or certain beliefs, and through me learning all these things I have learned that this plays an important roll in today's society and why the world is how it is today, that video that I watched was such a huge eye opener and helped me to look deeper into what culture really is. And not only that but it made me realize that because of culture the world will always continue every day to grow and change and that culture plays a key role in why the world id how it is today, and how the world will be 10-20 years from now. -Annie2016

  30. I totally agree with you when you say that humans rely on culture for survival, religion is a huge example of one, and just knowing that many depend or rely culture shows that it plays a majored role, or is a key in many people's lives, how we as students sit with certain groups because of our culture and what we were taught and also how we were brought up, and the things we were led to do and be because of out cultures. But I agree 100% with the things that you are saying, especially with religion as a Christian. -Annie2016

  31. Culture is always changing as our society constantly changes. This would definitely be a difficult subject to study. In my youth I wasn’t the perfect angel my “behind” made contact with everything from a hand to a stick. Now days even the thought of such a thing you would have DFS and the police at your door claiming for child endangerment or abuse. I have even heard that time outs are a no go because of the psychological toll. Someone always has a better way of doing things in which gets adapted into society, so don’t think that it is just family or a social group that creates a specific culture. If one person adopted an idea they read somewhere than introduced it to the group how well if worked for them, than you would change for the better if you wanted to try it. The more technology changes the more our culture is going to change. I worked in the garden did my chores played sports or simple games mainly outdoors. At the moment my son has bad grades rarely goes outside and will not help anyone unless he wants something. His idea of sports is Xbox, he rather play on his tablet or toys than to keep his room clean or do school work. Yea our culture constantly changes but is it for the better or to make people’s lives easier. Our nation’s obesity rate speaks for itself, and also our education ranked with the world. Getting off track here but culture is a place in time, location, religion, all the influences we have throughout life. It will take just that to define ones culture or a group to define culture in society. When does individualism start to become culture? A person doesn’t live with anyone, does his own thing day in day out has minimal interaction with society and does not fall in with specific groups. Well let me just say that the person I just described was a homeless man, is he part of our culture? Of course because there are so many homeless in our country that that has become part of our culture as a whole. We just can’t just ignore them because they have some differences especially here in America where everyone is different. We all make up our culture here with various subcultures. I lived in Georgia for five years “Southern Hospitality”, is a real thing people stopping what they was doing to help you out. Go north further and the whole mentality changes everyone all out for themselves, sure I’ll help you out but what do I get out of it. BHL005

  32. It amazes me just how much culture there really is in this country let alone this world. Think about it if you send a New Yorker to Southern California or even vice versa they would be culture shocked on how things are so different from one another. Just the dialect, clothing, even symbols are different. This country is a melting pot of so many cultures. There’s so many options for your typical American. You can be a white guy who lives in small town America all his life or an Oriental woman who just passed the citizenship test last month. But even do to such difference the symbols for this country are the same worldwide. Whenever someone thinks of America they think of the opportunity they have to live that “American Dream”. To be free and hopefully make a lot of money. The top three symbols I think any American would say represents us as a country are very simple. The first being the flag, this piece of cloth represents everything from the men and women who gave their lives for it to the states we all live in. the second would be money simply because where the largest capitalist country in the world and many people come here just to live a better life making more money for themselves and their families. And the last symbol being fast food. That being probably the most crude of all our symbols only because America has a system where it is so much faster and most of the time cheaper to eat that big mac and super-sized fries than spend the time and actually cook something. Not saying that no Americans ever cook their own food but I am saying we love our MacDonald’s. And even though we all have these symbols and things that bring us together as a country such as patriotism, religion, or even political preferences. If you go to other countries where you must be a certain religion or be forced to be ruled by a certain leader you will find conflict in those areas more. We are seeing this conflict arise in a much publicized manner in our very country with the BLM movement and with the election of President Donald Trump. However do to our culture you as an American can still go to the store and live your life without dealing with an increased amount of danger. It’s not like many countries in the African/Middle Eastern area where they are in an all-out civil war. Their symbols and cultures are at times very different from ours and at times seem like complete nonsense with their religion or even way of thinking. But the way I see it, the way people think and their cultures they bring make this country so amazing mainly due to the fact that it creates almost a family setting. And what I mean by that is being an American you are a sibling to every American, you may not agree or even like with how someone thinks or does things but when someone messes with that older or younger American sibling of yours we unite and make sure we’re taken care of a great example of this is the 9/11 attacks. It didn’t matter what skin color you were, what religion, or anything it just mattered that we needed to help one another out. Making what I believe our strongest aspect of our country which would be our culture cause when the tough gets going we gather our symbolism and beliefs and we get going making sure our culture remains the image of freedom and opportunity.


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