Fourth Amendment and You

Fourth Amendment and You


  1. It’s vital for Americans to be able to fully understand the Bill of Rights, especially the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment says, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause…” The video does a good job in explaining Mapp versus Ohio. This case required that illegally obtained evidence has to be excluded in court. This video also explains Terry versus Ohio; it says if law enforcement has reasonable suspicion that a person has, is, or will commit a crime, the officer can stop and frisk that person. The video mentions Katz versus United States; last semester I learned this case concludes that the Fourth Amendment protects people and not places. As a criminal justice major, it is important to fully understand these cases and the Fourth Amendment. Law enforcement, courts, and corrections have to understand the law and be able to apply it. I like the examples the video gives that involves the stories on how the cases mentioned came to be. Before this video, I never heard of the story behind the Mapp versus Ohio case. Scuba002

    1. I, also like the details given to each of these important Supreme Court cases making major defining changes in society for citizens and law enforcement. This viedo explains Terry vs. Ohio well like what was posted if an officer can frisk the person because of the fact they believe they will or have commbit a crime this may prevent that officer from loseing their life if that person would have in their possestion a weapon this in facts helps give officers more security. The Fourth Amendemnt is verhy important as this does limit or even give power to law enforcement in different sititions which can help ensure protection from law enforcement and also ensure law enforcement safty. Eagle002

    2. I agree with you, Scuba002. The Fourth Amendment is very important to society, and does a great job of protecting us from unlawful searches and seizures by law enforcement officers. I think the Mapp v. Ohio case is quite important as well. Even if officers manage to obtain evidence illegally, the court will not accept the evidence for the prosecution to use. This keeps law enforcement officers in check, and hopefully will prevent them from unlawfully obtaining evidence from individuals. I agree that as criminal justice majors, we need to have a grasp of the amendments, especially amendments such as these, that influence the system directly.

    3. I agree with you. I believe that it is so important for U.S. citizens to know their rights and to be informed, especially when it comes to the amendments. The fourth amendment has everything to do with the criminal justice system, and everything to do with how people are treated. In some cases, if an amendment is violated during an investigation or arrest, the charges can be dropped/thrown out the window. Knowing your rights can be very beneficial. agentp002

  2. The Fourth amendment has been a concer stone for the foundation of the U.S in many cases across U.S History has changed the way that law enforcement goes about their daily functions when dealing with crimes going on in the communities we are all part of. I agree with the videos idea that the court in the case of Smith Vs. Mary defined that citizens have two protections within the fourth individual right to privacy, and the view of what society views as private. The plain doctrine has also given law enforcement a lot of pull which is needed to help prevent crime they may see such as the example mentioned in the video of driving by a house and seeing a person stabbing another person this gives officers the authority to act quickly and prevent a harmful event from happening to another person. I also think the court case also mentioned in the video The United States, Vs. Leion was defining as well because allowing officers to bring to court evidence found off a mistake helps prevent crimes from taking place in society. Also by allowing officers to not obtain a warrant in a forging violent act is what society needs as this will help to ensure safety and not limitation of law which could lead to loss of life. Eagle002

    1. The fourth Amendment has become a major right that the people of the U.S. have and has been exercised many times throughout our nation's history such as in the above court cases you mentioned. It is by far one of the most important rights we as American citizens have and therefore I feel that is necessary for every citizen to thoroughly understand not only the 4th Amendment but also the rest of the Bill of Rights. This will help citizens fully understand their rights. As far as law enforcement goes, it keeps our law enforcement officials from using illegal searches and possibly stopping corrupt officials from violating the rights of the people. Pack002

  3. The Fourth Amendment is a very important amendment, not that the others are not, but without this amendment, law enforcement would be completely different. The Fourth Amendment protects the people from unlawful searches and seizures and gives people the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against such unlawful searches and seizures. With no amendment, there would be nothing stopping officers from obtaining any information from anyone, by use of force and without any consent, violating their privacy. Mapp v. Ohio is related to this, as the Supreme Court ruled that the use of illegally obtained evidence, or in violation of the Fourth Amendment, is prohibited in criminal court. In Terry v. Ohio, the Supreme Court ruled that the Fourth Amendment is not violated if an officer stops someone and frisks them without probable cause, if the officer has reasonable suspicion that the person has committed, or is committing a crime, and that they may be dangerous. I think the Fourth Amendment is very important to our country, and does a good job of protecting citizens from unlawful searches and seizures.

    1. I agree with you about how we need this amendment because then the cops really could just do whatever they would want to do. We as students going into this field will have to make sure that we watch what we do when we go and stop people.-Pie002

    2. I do agree with you and the fact that the fourth amendment is important but you have to realize the fouth amendment only protects you from the federal government when you get to the fact the only reason the rights apply to state and local governments is because of the fourteenth amendment. Banshee002

  4. The Fourth Amendment says, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause…” With this Amendment the officers have to have reasonable suspicion to stop and frisk you. Mapp vs. Ohio helps show that how officers need a search warrant to go into your house but then once they are in the house they can only look in places that the search warrant allows which could be anywhere said item would fit. Say that the search warrant is for a stolen TV, the officers can’t be looking in drawers because the TV couldn’t fit in there. When getting stopped if the officers have probable cause then they will be allowed to search you which then can lead to you getting arrested if you have anything on you that isn’t allowed. -Pie002

    1. I totally agree with this. I love the example that you gave because police who wants to other things will look every where except the places they need to. They would look under the bed knowing that a tv wouldn't fit under the bed. WS002

    2. I agree with what you said, along with the example! Obviously a tv wouldn't fit in a drawer, so they aren't allowed to look there. It's not allowed. I also like how you mentioned Mapp vs. Ohio. stlblues002

  5. When it comes to the fourth Amendment, there's is a lot of red tape to go through. For instance getting a warrant to search what ever the agency is trying to search. In order to get the warrant you would have to have probable cause, which depending on the type of person they are determines if they want to go by the book to have probable cause. Because there are a lot of cops that don't want to go through that process. In result of that would be a law suit against the department. Then it comes to seizure, because when cops search people property they tend to look in a place where the warrant doesn't say they can look. But again when it comes to the type of cop that they may have the connection to get around it. Which back in the past that's all cops use to do, find a way around it. The way society is evolving people is so quick to sue the cops because the reputation cops have in society. Since Trump is in office now a lot of things is about to change and mostly of the criminal justice system. So based off today's the 4th Amendment is being more followed correctly by all law enforcement agency because they want to keep their reputation from going over to the bad side any further.- NIKE002

    1. I agree that there is a lot of red tape for law enforcement to go through when it comes to the fourth amendment. It is very important for law enforcement to thoroughly understand this amendment so they can apply it properly. They definitely have to apply these laws properly to keep good reputations. If procedure is not properly followed, law suits would be filed and the media would be all over that. I hope the media stops putting law enforcement in bad light, especially since it is only very few who give the rest of the officers bad reputations. Scuba002

  6. The four amendment is important but it is as equally important as the fourteenth amendment. I only say this is because the fourth amendment does protect us from the reaches of the federal government from search and seizures. It was not until the fourteenth amendment was passed that the state and local governments had to abide by the fourth amendment. so when you think about it the fourth amendment would not be anything to us without the fourteenth amendment. Banshee002

  7. I think the Fourth Amendment is very important because it ensure you that you still have certain rights as a citizen. It ensure you that just because the police has a higher stands over you they can't search anything of yours without getting a warrant from the courts. This amendment make sure that the police can not just do whatever they want. Although, this amendment is very small its just as major of all the other amendments that we have. The only way that police doesn't need a search warrant is if the crime is right there and it is very serious. For example a murder scene, doesn't need a search warrant because it is no secret that someone was murdered. The Fourth Amendment ensures a citizen that if the police is searching your house they can not look in places that they know they won't find what they're looking for. WS002

  8. The fourth Amendment is a very important Amendment to our constitution. It gives people the right not to be searched without a proper warrant or your consent. It helps keep the government and the criminal justice system from using force or intimidation to get what they want out of people in order to convict them of certain crimes. Being able to understand and interpret not only the 4th Amendment but all of the amendments and rights we have as citizens of the U.S. can help us keep our government in check and make for a more understanding community. The 4th Amendment especially, is very important and vital to the citizens of any community as it ensures that they will not be illegally searched and possibly convicted by evidence that was seized illegally. Understanding and knowing your rights as an American citizen can be beneficial to you in many ways. It can help you in some situations where it might be illegal to seize things in your possession or just from being searched illegally or unlawfully. These rights were put in place not only to help keep the citizens of America safe but also to keep possible corruption away from our law enforcement and our government. Pack002

  9. For criminal justice majors it very important for us to know what the fourth amendment is saying. As well as the rest of the amendments. The fourth amendment states “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause”. The video really breaks down what is going on and what can and can’t be done. I love that this is an amendment because if cops are suspicious about something they can stop and frisk a person. This here really prevents a lot crimes that can happen but with this they have the ability to stop things from happening. It’s also nice for this admendment so people can have privacy and not having people come in looking through everything. With the fourth amendment they have to have a search warrant which just helps out the society.CRC002

    1. The privacy aspect I think is so important. We live in a world today where every media outlet and conspiracy teller wants to tell us that the government and police are watching and hacking all of the things in our lives and every minute. This amendment though simply states law that without cause and a warrant our personal belongings and our private homes are safe from unreasonable searches and seizures unless the police have other reasons to prove to a judge. This allows citizens to still maintain privacy and the notion of protection. The do's and don't's of this are important for everyone to know the basics especially when wrongfully incriminated or in the case of the fake search warrant know in court what is admissible as evidence against them. Marras002

  10. The Fourth Amendment is important because it makes sure you have certain rights. it protects us from unlawful search and seizures. Police can’t always search what they want of yours without a warrant. Although, this amendment makes sure police can’t do whatever they feel like, if they walked into your house with a warrant for drugs and found a murder, they obviously have the right to investigate that murder. Murder is a little more extreme than a drug charge. The Fourth Amendment is very important because it makes sure you can’t be illegally searched and seized. Knowing this amendment will help you a lot, in case something like ever happened, you would know it’s not allowed without a warrant from the courts. stlblues002

    1. The plain view doctrine allows for an officer to search the area if they do see something like a murder. The fourth amendment only protects from unlawful searches and seizures. So I like that you used that as an example to show the difference. Flannel 002

    2. I think it's important that all citizens know their rights. If the citizens don't know their rights they will not know when officers are abusing the law and when they are being mistreated and having the wool pulled over their eyes. The fourth amendment is just as important today as it was in the 18th century. Granted were not having our homes barged into by soldiers and being forced to sleep on the floors while they reside in our beds, but we are being taken granted because of our status as civilians. Officers that abuse the fourth amendment assume that the citizens do not know their rights and in most cases they would be correct.

  11. I agree with this because cops who get warrants for a TV can't look in drawers or places it wouldn't obviously be in. And with the stop and frisk is nice because cops can stop future crimes from happening.CRC002

  12. This video was very descriptive of how to deal with the rights of search and seizure as both a civilian and an officer. I overall thought video was very helpful with teaching about the cases that helped the fourth amendment really take to its powers. Mapp vs. Ohio was really the defining case to start everything towards having our fourth amendment rights. The woman had the rights to be able to not have the police come in, especially since they had a fake search warrant, and they came in anyways. I also thought it was interesting how cops got so messed up to lie about what they had just to find a suspect that wasn't even there. Flannel002

  13. Each American should be familiar with their own rights. I said should; not that they do. One of the most important Amendments that Americans should consider memorizing is the Fourth Amendment. The fourth amendment originally enforced the notion that "each man's home is his castle." It states, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." This amendment has everything to do with the law, and how officers are allowed to interact with people. Each person should know whether a police officer is following the law and are ensuring that each person is not being violated. Following the fourth amendment can prevent cops from corrupting evidence, or from violating the law. Each person, not just police officers, should learn about their rites. It can be beneficial for everyone. agentp002

  14. The fourth amendment puts a stone in law enforcement, without this amendment I’d be different. This amendment allows people to be safe in their persons, papers, houses, against unlawful searches and seizures. Without this amendment, there wouldn’t be a reason for officers to stop without a warrant to search and seizure a person’s personal place, self and items they own. When talking about Mapp v, Ohio this case required that evidence has to be has to be excluded in court. It also says about Terry v Ohio that if law enforcement has reasonable suspicion that a person is or will commit a crime, an officer can stop and frisk anyone. Anpcougs002

  15. The Fourth Amendment is important for basic rights for humans and their belongings, and search as seizures of their things and homes.People in America need to know their rights in order to know when people in power are violating their positions and violating their rights. The Fourth Amendment is especially important for cases that go to court and what evidence is able to be used legally in prosecution and what is thrown out due to lack of warrants or proper procedures. This is important for the citizens and for the police everyone needs to know their position and power and where the line is on following procedures and conducting searches and seizures. I think this demonstrates how important this Amendment is as well as others and how they may interact for example Hughes in the video mentions how closely the Fourteenth Amendment can also come into play when talking about due process and equal protection. Warrants are important to keep the public safe from having wrongful things seized from their possessions based on lack of or incorrect information. Without this Amendment more people would wrongfully have their homes and belonging ripped apart to find incriminating evidence that police may have never had probable cause for in the first place.Marras002

  16. The fourth amendment was very important for citizens in the late 18th century when soldiers were able to enter your home and stay there during the war while you weren't able to to do anything or say anything about it. It is still very important in today's day and age, just in a different way. Knowing your rights allows citizens to feel more comfortable and secure in their homes. It is vital that citizens know when officers are following the law and being just and when they are not. Search and seizures must follow the principles of the fourth amendment, dealing with probable cause and warrants. An officer has many restrictions on what probable cause or a warrant covers. Dr. White used the example that if the warrant says you are looking for a yacht you are not allowed to search the bathroom because you know that a yacht can not fit into a bathroom. Before taking criminal justice course I wouldn't have know about the restrictions of a warrant or when an officer was working with the law and not creating their own.

  17. The Fourth amendment has been a concer stone for the foundation of the U.S in many cases across U.S History has changed the way that law enforcement goes about their daily functions when dealing with crimes going on in the communities we are all part of. I agree with the videos idea that the court in the case of Smith Vs. Mary defined that citizens have two protections within the fourth individual right to privacy, and the view of what society views as private. The plain doctrine has also given law enforcement a lot of pull which is needed to help prevent crime they may see such as the example mentioned in the video of driving by a house and seeing a person stabbing another person this gives officers the authority to act quickly and prevent a harmful event from happening to another person. I also think the court case also mentioned in the video The United States, Vs. Leion was defining as well because allowing officers to bring to court evidence found off a mistake helps prevent crimes from taking place in society. Also by allowing officers to not obtain a warrant in a forging violent act is what society needs as this will help to ensure safety and not limitation of law which could lead to loss of life. Ciaccio001/Ciaccio002


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