Peelian Principles

Peelian Principles


  1. Peelian has left a legacy for what law enforcement should stand for he leaves arguments vs. today’s culture that policing shouldn't be seen on a day to day bases but by the community having little crime and safety that shows the effectiveness of policing. I, also like that Peelian had a principle that stated that all police forces should have a relationship with their communities that the community with the extra help of the police could prevent most of the crimes from taking place in our society this in turn will make a higher chance of lives being impacted in a positive meaningful way that steps out of implicated biases. Peelian also saw that by allowing the government to have full control over every life this in turn would make it to where a society would develop a corrupt system in turn causing a distance between the relationship of the public and law enforcement. He wanted officer to have a macro mindset when dealing with the public to make the best and most apporitite decision when deciding how to handle a crime that had taken place. Be fair when dealing with people handle the whole frame work where the victim and the offender can overcome the challenge’s that a said crime could have caused to make a better society as a whole. Eagle002

    1. These principles can be a huge help to modern day policing and could help many officers and police forces have better relationships with the community as well as help deter crime better. Having a positive relationship with the community would help the police forces around the country become better, as they would be able to understand the people and their concerns better if they had a better relationship with people in their community. Being fair and just with the people and the law can help shape the relationship between the public and its officers in a good way that would benefit both sides. Pack002

  2. Although never a part of a police department, Sir Robert Peel is considered the father of modern day policing. The nine Peelian principles, stem from Peel. He is closely associated with police because he influenced the first passed police bill. The first police were guided by Peel’s nine principles. The first principle, states that the basic mission of the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder. This is still today’s main focus of police throughout the country. Without police presence, there would be nothing standing in the way of chaos and crime throughout our communities. Another principle, principle number four, it states that physical force is not always necessary, and in the case of cooperation, it is not needed. The fifth principle, states that the police are to preserve public favor, not by pandering to public opinion, but rather by sacrificing their own safety in the name of preserving and protecting life. The sixth principle emphasizes the use of physical force, and it is clear in stating the minimum use of force is what is to be used throughout police operations. The seventh principle talks about maintaining relationship with the community, because police are part of the community, and they are there to protect it. I also really like the ninth and final Peelian principle, which proposes that the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime in the community, not the evidence of police action.

    1. I agree with you that he did influence policing and not only in that era but this era too. i also agree that the first, fourth, fifth, and ninth principle mean the most and define what clearly makes it a test to law enforcement to stay on their game and keep up the good work. Banshee002

    2. I agree with how you said Robert Peel influenced policing, and still continues to do so even in today's society. I think knowing his principles, we would be able to give the Criminal Justice field a better thing and let people know not everyone is bad in this field. I think it'll also help us be better officers, not like the ones social media focuses on. stlblues002

  3. These Peelian Principles are good values in which law enforcement should live by. It is difficult for law enforcement to keep a good balance of the nine principles, especially since the media tends to shed bad light on law enforcement. The third principle and fifth principle sticks out the most to me because of our struggles today between the public and law enforcement. The third Peelian Principle states, “To recognize always that to secure and maintain the respect and approval of the public means also the securing of the willing co-operation of the public in the task of securing observance of laws.” The third principle gives the idea to seek and preserve public favor by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to the law. This principle says it is vital for law enforcement to be friends with everyone without regard to wealth/ status. The media makes it seem as if law enforcement officers are racist. I do think wealth/ status is a problem in the courts, and that this principle should become relevant there. Too many wealthy people are getting off of heinous crimes with no more than a slap on the wrist. The courts need to disregard wealth, especially since equality of the people is becoming more prevalent today. Scuba002

    1. These are good values for law enforcement as they help to create a better relationship with how officers are dealing with their communities. Building that relationship with the public could also help to fix the view that law enforcement is seeing and show the light, law enforcement is bringing by positively effecting people's life. The public will be the ones to help out law enforcement as they can point out what criminals are doing helping to prevent crime overall that may be effecting certain communities, which will have a better effect overall on society. I agree to for individuals that commit a crime this should be equal treatment all around as people deserve that be treated as for the actions they committed they shouldn't get a slap on the wrist for their wealth but just punishment that is level with the crime that person had committed Eagle002

    2. I do agree with you that law enforcement should live by these principles. I also agree that it is hard for them to keep those principles because of the media. Cops are targeted for being racist and its just not right because majority of them are not racist. When they have this image as the media has given them it's hard for them to get a relationship with the community.CRC002

  4. these principles are a good basic base line for all law enforcement to live by. It is easier to say and read these principles then to live by these since it is such a thin line you walk every day making choices on a small amount of information and being rational and fair but with the public and the medias eye on you watching every move you make. It tense to make some wary and it makes it hard to keep a good working and friendly relation with the public. Expectantly when the media only depicts you in a bad light always making you seem racist or bigot. Banshee002

    1. Officers don't just make choices off of small amounts of information they get the leads that they can and make sure everything is correct before they make any decisions. When it comes to the media officers are aware of everything that they are showing. The media is going to show what they can sell a story, if that means showing a cop looking bad they don't care because the story is selling. -Pie002

    2. I agree with you. It is easier said than done. Sometimes an officer can be put into a situation where they would much rather not be in. But at the same time, the media is making sure that everyone in the world can see your mistakes, and that makes you as an officer responsible for every action. Following the Peelian principles as much as you can, can prevent the media from painting your name in a bad light. agentp001

  5. These principles offer a good, basic way of life to live by for an officer of the law. Although following these principle word for word, day in and day out would be extremely difficult because the situations of everyday life changes quickly and officers must use their judgement and be prepared to think fast in order to diffuse a situation. There was a principle that stated that all police forces should have a relationship with their communities and that the community with the extra help of the police could prevent most of the crimes from taking place in our society. I believe this to be one of the most important principles because having a good public image will in turn grant more public support for the police in a society where public support is everything. The last principle is also very important as it states that "the ultimate test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and not the visible evidence of police dealing with crime". This principle gives very good insight into how we should be seeing if our local police are actually doing a good job, it helps the community see if their police officers are not only doing their job, but that they are also doing their job correctly. Pack002

    1. I agree that it would be difficult for law enforcement to follow all of these principles all the time in every situation. An important principle to me too is the community policing one. The more respect the community has for law enforcement, the better law enforcement can do their jobs. Law enforcement does their best to improve the community and the community should have respect for law enforcement. I learned in Intro to Criminal Justice the importance of community policing. For law enforcement and the community to come together and solve problems makes it easier for law enforcement and safer for the community. Scuba002

  6. The Peelian Principles are what the law enforcement should go by. Every law officer should go by these principles but, that’s not always the case. Many of these officers should try and build a relationship with the communities so that there can be more respect for them. Honestly if the officers start building those relationships with the people in the communities then the people could be helping out officers by showing them where crime is happening and who might be doing it. It doesn’t help that the media tries making the police officers always look like the bad guys. If it wasn’t for the bad media that goes around the public and police officers I feel would have a stronger connection with each other. Peele stated that he wanted all of the police officers to have a good mindset. He wanted them to do the right thing at all times to bring things to justice in the right way. By doing all of this the communities and police officers would have good relationships and that makes a good society. CRC002

    1. Building a relationship with the community they serve is the best way an officer can serve his community effectively. If they have a positive relationship they are going to able to get more done and see eye-to-eye on any problems. And officer who does not have a great relationship with the community is more likely to face issues where he could violate these principles and therefore be at risk for lawsuits or termination if people complain about an officer. It is about serving the people not themselves. Marras002

  7. Robert Peel was a politician, but was still considered the father of modern day policing. Peel’s principles are a good think for law enforcement agents to live by because it makes it easier on choices to make. Most officers would try to have a relationship with their community to make it easier to patrol, along with the community putting their trust in their officers. if officers always did that, I think it’d be a little easier to reduce crime. Some officers aren’t the best and give the rest of them a bad name. Also, because social media always gets the bad things that happen with officers, never the good things. Whenever I see people bashing on police officers, my heart hurts a little. I know that not all officers are bad, and I respect and look up to them. That’s why I’m choosing to go into this field. I want people to see that officers help and save people, not hurt them and put them down.
    By going off of these principles, community and police would go hand in hand, and help our towns and society be a better place. stlblues002

  8. The Peelian Principles are used in today’s way of Police work. The rules that were listed made sense because if the public is willing to help the police out then everything will go move smoother for the people that are being stopped. Say you have someone pulled over for speeding, they are very helpful and gives the officer everything that they ask for with no problems then the officer might be more relaxed about giving you a ticket. If the same problem happened to someone who is just wanting to yell and get mad at the officer for pulling them over and giving the officer a hard time for the information then the officer won’t be as forgiving to that person. The police don’t want to use physical force because that then puts the officer and then the suspect in harms way of getting hurt.-Pie002

    1. I would have to agree with this post. I like that way you showed an example of how two different attitudes can make a world of a difference. Being angry and yelling at the officer for what you did wrong compared to taking what you did and learning from it will always make a difference, whether the officer is having a bad day or not. Flannel002

  9. These principles heavily relate to the criminal justice field and becoming a cop as well as being a cop. I would have to say that number six was the most important. The principle summed up is always use physical force as a last resort and when you do use it to use as little as possible. Working in the criminal justice field means that you have to have one of the highest patience anyone in the world can have. You have to be able to take someone always hating you for what you are doing with your life. Not many people will realize that being cop is just like any other full time job, it comes with rules and duties that you must fulfill to the best of your ability on a day to day basis. With that being said having a strong patience is one of the duties that you must fulfill. Without a strong patience you deemed to fail as an officer. Basically you have to be forceful but only to the point that you have the authority in the situation. Flannel002

    1. I agree that principle six is a big on that we should be pushing onto our departments over and over. When deciding to become an officer you have to realize that people are going to cross lines you never even knew were there. It is your job not to overreact. Even when the public does not respect us we have to respect the public. I like how you mentioned patience, seeing as how being a cop is one of the most patience demanding careers you could choose from. No matter what you do or how well you do your job there will always be people in the community that want to tear you to pieces just for being an officer. And it doesn't matter, it's still our job to pu them first, before ourselves.

  10. Although this video was very insightful, it's nothing we haven't already learned in class. This video is a great way of breaking down the Peelian Principles. First off, to understand the principles, one must understand where the "Peelian" comes from. Sir Robert Peel is known as the father of the modern police force. It is kind of funny that he created the police force; he had never been an officer himself. He was in fact, the Home Secretary of the British Cabinet Officer. He created the police force, and the officers were known as "bobbies" and "peelers," named after him. His 9 principles are the guidelines for what each officer is responsible for doing. In a way, they are the "10 Commandments" of the Law. Each officer should abide by these "commandments" and they will be successful. In a short summary, the principles tell officers that they are to protect the people, while also enforce the rules without brute force unless necessary. This does not mean that each officer HAS to follow these principles. Each situation is different, and officers must not be "black and white" but offer a "grey" area where they approach each situation with open minds. agentp002

  11. There are nine Peelian Principles; the Peelian Principles come from Sir Robert Peel or more modernly known as the father to the modern police. These are so important because they give light to the current day policies in a police departments. The principles that most stood out were how much the police are there to serve the public without discrimination to the individuals they are serving. The police are only in tact to serve the public with their approval. Principle 6 we all know is to not use excessive force unless otherwise needed to detain and individual. These principles aren't written in stone they aren't rules or laws that every officer has to follow or anything like that it's like guidelines that without could lead to failure as a force in the community or lawsuits. The police are only around because of the public for the public and should not overstep boundaries to do their jobs. Marras002

  12. I think that the majority of officers and departments as a whole do a good job in following these principles. There will always be a bad number in a bunch that make the whole look bad. What we have to remember as criminal justice students is that these principles are what keep us respected and trusted by the community that we are putting our lives and safety on the line to protect. What's the point of joining the police force if your main goal isn't to bring safety and well-being to the community? The community will not respect you unless you respect them, because without them what would be the point of our careers? As principle 7 states, we are the public and the public is us. We are part of the community, just focused more than others on the responsibility to watch and protect the area. Another area important to our times is principle 6, stating that physical force is only to be used when no other method is working, and that on top of that the most minimum o force is to be exerted. Like I said, most officers do their job well and respectfully. But it's the incidences we see in the media that should make us want to make this principle a top priority in the departments.

  13. These Peelian Principles are good values in which law enforcement should live by. It is difficult for law enforcement to keep a good balance of the nine principles, especially since the media tends to shed bad light on law enforcement. The third principle and fifth principle sticks out the most to me because of our struggles today between the public and law enforcement. The third Peelian Principle states, “To recognize always that to secure and maintain the respect and approval of the public means also the securing of the willing co-operation of the public in the task of securing observance of laws.” Even when the public does not respect us we have to respect the public. I like how you mentioned patience, seeing as how being a cop is one of the most patience demanding careers you could choose from. No matter what you do or how well you do your job there will always be people in the community that want to tear you to pieces just for being an officer. And it doesn't matter, it's still our job to pu them first, before ourselves. Ciaccio001/Ciaccio002


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