Sociological Paradigms in Animation


  1. Sociologists study and analyze a social problem to ultimately help, improve and stabilize society. They develop a theory that states the how and why specific facts are related in order to explain a particular behavior in our world. Our book tells us three different approaches have evolved through the years to study a theory, grouping Feminism with Social Conflict. The blog makes Feminism a fourth approach. I am thinking, as a sociologist, my approach would depend on the particular problem I wanted to study. For example: suicide is a problem that affects our society as a whole. The Structural Functional Approach focuses on the stability of society. Auguste Comte believed in using scientific facts to evaluate a problem. The statistics of suicide show the type of individual most likely to take their lives. Then they looked at the difference in suicide rates in our country's states. The facts show single white Protestant male's in low populated states are most likely. Another prospective may be to get a Global Perspective and compare U.S. rates to other countries. These facts show information at the Macro-level. Another approach called the Micro-level orientation would be a close up view by asking friends and family if there were signs leading to the death and what were his personal qualities. Last question, how do we get this information to the general public in order to help society recognize this problem before it happens or change communication habits. The Social-conflict Approach focuses on inequality and change. Many of today's problems such as inequality of treatment by race, gender, age, education seem to need attention brought to the public by demonstrations in order to enact change. Laws have been changed to protect and eliminate inequality through this method. Symbolic-Interaction Approach focus on small groups and the symbols they use. It's focus is on everyday interactions of individuals. In sports, players are affected by the coach and other players interactions. They play harder when they hear the crowd roar. This is a micro level approach and does not take the broad macro level into consideration. I do not like the fact that humans sometimes have to use violence to change society. Humans have gone to the moon but still do not love or even appreciate a different human being.This troubles me. So the social-conflict approach would not be my approach. I like interacting close up with others but feel the micro approach of Symbolic-Interaction doesn't see the whole picture. In conclusion, I would favor the Structural-Functional Approach since it used facts to come to conclusions and looks at all parts of society with the end purpose of enhancing and preserving society. Grandma005

    1. Violence is never the answer, I agree with you on that one. I do believe that everything can be done peacefully. I feel like demonstrating change for equality is always a good way to approach these changes, but there will always be those one group of people who don't want to change, they simply believe that their beliefs who harm and create pain for people aren't bad intentions. As I typed that sentence up I realized that these types of groups like terrorism groups and even racial groups, all of symbols that represent who they are. So I feel like both Social - Conflict and Symbolic - Interaction goes together, which can be a very scary situation and even world to live if people don't change their beliefs. I feel like Structural - Functional approach is the only approach that could both scientifically and looking through math change how society can be looked at. With your example, the suicide rate and the type of people who are willing to take their own lives. If we look at these groups of people and wonder why they are willing to do this action, maybe society can help these groups of people where they won't do this action. TB005

    2. Their will always be conflict no matter what. I can agree with you upon that violence isn't always the answer. You can find many different ways to settle problems. Although the word we live in today, there will always be conflict. That's because not everyone will agree with the same stuff the next person does. We can't all work as one to form a perfect society. I don't think that would be that great either. Their always needs to be opposite view to certain thing and people that think differently. It what makes up the society and world we live in today. Mustang005

    3. Violence may not be an answer for some, but sometimes when people act in violence people acknowledge it over the traditional peaceful conversation. I agree with people being close-minded when it comes to others, because people get wrapped up in what they believe that they cannot listen to someone else to begin to understand their point a view. However we cannot force change upon others, at the end of the day no two individuals think alike I think people should be more open minded then we can come to a common ground. I believe all four theories should apply to everything we do, because we cannot change the world unless we change ourselves. MelaninQueen005

  2. I feel like today, society tends to be in a Social – Conflict theory. Not saying it isn’t the other two theories either. But here in America we do have racial and feminist issues. People of different ethics and nationalities aren’t treated the same as other groups. We see this through the media, with all of the shootings and even people treated others poorly. Feminism is also a huge movement right now, granted that movement is mocked and made fun of on the Internet and looked as, as a bad thing. But it is a huge issue, women in the world are mistreated either by significant others and even at work. Not getting paid the same as men with the same experience and education or even harassment. I feel like the ways we can fix both of these issues is one ignoring the racists and others who mistreated people. You don’t feed the trolls, the trolls will go away, with feminism people need to make it more and more clear to people that it is a huge issue. And I feel like companies need to address this issue either privately or publicly. Either giving those women who deserve the same pay, giving them the same pay. Or giving women more benefits over the men that would make it equal for both sides. TB005

    1. To us feminism has become a giant joke and even though the aspect of it should whole heartedly be taken seriously, a lot of the feminists displayed in the media slightly deserve the mocking. They take things too far and don’t try to put what they say into perspective. BuzzFeed made a video about feminist ‘man-spreading’- if you don’t know man-spreading is when a guy sits with his legs open taking up a bit more space than necessary. The way they talked about it in the video was as if dudes are doing it to personally attack them specifically. Not once did they ask a guy why he man-spreads or even think of it as anything other a way for men to assert their sexual dominance. Really they do it because guys can’t cross their legs as comfortably as ladies, the entire position is all about being able to sit comfortably (at least, that’s what I’ve been told). I have a friend who claims herself to be a feminist and says it’s because women shouldn’t have to be scared every time they leave their house and shouldn’t have to worry about the next guy coming up to her being a rapist. Basically, she’s a feminist because to her women are the only ones who are assaulted and harassed. This might sound crazy, but these things happen to guys too. I’m not trying to dismiss feminism or the fact that women aren’t equal to men (because it’s true). I’m just saying that the genuine feminists who help equalize the sexes are overlooked for the ones who don’t really understand what it means to be a feminist. Unless you do a little bit of research it’s so easy to think that modern feminists only want the equal benefits (same pay) and not any equal consequences (the ability to be labeled as a rapist). That’s why it’s so easily mocked in our society. Spoopy005

  3. There are four major theories in sociology. Those are structural-functional theory, social conflict theory, feminism, and symbolic interactionism. You can look at todays society and clearly see that it's not the structural-functional theory. That theory says that it needs everyone to work together as a whole to have a fully functional society. That is exactly what we're not in today's world. Not everyone can get along and be civil with each other. I don't think this can ever happened. Their will always be different veiw and other sides to issues or topics. Our society today is more of the social conflict theory. Our society today is groups that are not equal and therefore constantly generate conflict and change. That's pretty much our society today summed up. You can view that in younger generations or older generations. No matter where you look there will be conflict. That spreads all across the world. Feminism today is no where near what it used to be. Woman were not treated equal to men by any means. Today that has definitely been improved upon. Symbolic interaction makes up the groups or really the society we live in today. It makes groups for people to think differently and have different perspectives. Our society today as a whole though, will always have conflict and more than likely never see peace. Mustang005

    1. I definitely agree that our society will never be at peace, but would we ever want to be at peace? No, I’m not saying that wars are good for us, but I think some friendly disagreement is what keeps us thinking and not accepting social norms or common ideas as fact. Disagreements lead to new discoveries, new ideas, and new ways to think about the world. Our society thrives on conflict. It keeps us on our toes. Even though we’re currently always conflicting with others politically, conflict is bringing us together to fight for equality and justice. Rather than tearing us apart, Trump is uniting his opposers and making them stronger than even the President of the United States. lasagna005

    2. I do agree that our society, today, has conflict and will probably always have some form of conflict. People are also very different in so many ways that it can be a challenge to even try to understand, let alone agree with their views or beliefs. This country is the melting pot for all those who came to make a better life for themselves and their families, with the belief that they would be able to live with a certain degree of dignity and worth. Our society continues to grow, and at times, learn about the cultures that make up our nation. People will always be afraid or unsure of change. They will always question the beliefs or religions of others, because it is “different” from theirs. Unless they were raised in a cave, never tried to converse with another “human being”, or cannot fathom the possibility of learning about the society around them, then I could see this never happening. But if we continue to learn about the problems and share this information, or teach them how to cope with these issues, there can always be a chance. Seoulman005

    3. i actually do believe that society will always have conflict, after one conflict, another one arises, with the other conflict still not resolved. As of today from whatever is going on in the media with all the bans and restrictions, all people of sorts are all banding together for a common purpose regardless of race, religious backgrounds, sexual orientation, we are all coming together as one. what is amazing about this is that history is being made. in the past certain groups of people would do that and then as of today every is involved. Honeytea005

  4. Sociologists and psychologists both perform studies to form theories on problems in society. There are four main ways we explain why and how people interact and make everything go as planned. There is the structural functional way. It can be described by the example from the video where all the soccer plays need to work together and the coach and fans need to all know what to do and when to cheer. The social conflict theory is where groups in a society aren’t equal and therefore generate problems and conflicts regularly. Feminism sees the community of men and women as unequal and strives to get equal rights for both parties. The final theory is symbolic interactionism. It views larger societies as a byproduct of millions of interactions by people in the society. Gym005

    1. You are correct, Sociologists and psychologists do both form theories for the society but they aren't necessarily just on the problems. You don't just have to be a sociologists or psychologist to make a theory either. You can be someone who is uneducated, poor, a child, there aren't really any factors to it. Another example of feminism that I notice all of the time is within the schools. In my school, sports are a big thing. Mostly everyone there is some type of atheletic. But a problem that i noticed is the publicity that each sport recieves. Generally, basketball and football events are plastered all over the walls or annonced twice a day for the week. In contrast, sports like volleyball, girls basketball, or softball, you'll have to find out on your own from a teammate. Theres a program that our school participates in called medical enrichment and generally all that you see there are women. It doesn't matter if the sports with the females are more successful or not, the male sports have and still seem to dominate the schools.PurpleHearts005

  5. The social conflict theory was a theory I haven’t studied too in depth, but it’s especially important to understand in our current political situation. The social conflict theory suggests that conflict, rather than consensus, is how humans mainly interact. Conflict is usually between two opposing groups fighting for either the same goal or conflicting goals. To compare this theory to recent events, let’s discuss Donald Trump and his “Muslim Ban”. President Trump has recently enacted a ban on immigration, focusing on primarily banning people from Middle Eastern countries. So for this example, we have two opposing groups: Trump and his supporters versus Middle Eastern immigrants. Trump’s goal is to end what he believes is potential for terrorist activity and the main goal of people trying to move to the USA is to have access to a better and safer life. Trump’s goal opposes the opposite group and the person with more power—Trump—won. In this instance, the social conflict theory is correct. Conflict is the element driving our human interaction and causing uproar in society. Conflict elicits reactions and actions from communities, therefore driving our interaction and either causing problems or being resolved. You could argue that conflict is good or bad, but there’s no doubt that it makes people interact. lasagna005

  6. There are four major theoretical perspectives of sociology. They are; Sturctural-functional, social conflict, feminism and sybolic interactionalism. Structural functional views society as complex but interconnected ; each part works together as a fuctional whole. For example, nature and how it works together for multiple goals. The sun, water and earth make up flowers. a bee comes along using the necter from a flower. Bees work together to make honey and the process continues. The second, social conflict, views society as a system of groups that arent equal and tend to generate conflict and change. The video uses a great example of racism but another that would work is religious or cultural people. They will have different views on how things should and will be therefore the diagreements will cause conflict. When dealing with change, the video explained how racism being a problem, over time, created change. Another perspective, feminism is the inequality between male and females. The group strives for equal relationships between the two. Feminism has been a problem of the world for many centuries. Males have always been the superior and even today. Women has always been the one known to take care of the children, cook and clean. Feminism is expressed in cultures, religions and just in some societies today. Finally, symbolic interaction, the society viewed as a byproduct of interactions among millions of individuals. The video expresses it as a tiny groups of interactions. These perspectives have been around for a long time. Will they ever change? PurpleHearts005

    1. I love your comment about how you used nature and then you went on to say how it works together with the sun, water and the earth to make flowers then bees to honey. That was a very good example of structural functional theory. I definitely agree with your comment that religious or cultural people would make a good example of the social conflict theory. Its true man have always been superior and I'm thinking this will continue to be conflict. With symbolic interaction the video did express it as a tiny group of interactions but, they should have said lot's of groups that look at the people around them. Cupcake005

  7. Social conflict will always be an issue and not applied where needed. it is determine how and where you are raised in order to apply it in the correct fashion as in sports and not hate towards a coworker because their a different race. Alot of people strive on conflict they think its the right way to deal with anyone that dont have the same beliefs as them. It could be a matter of what they have been taught throughout their life. Take feminism for an example youy have men that hate the idea that a woman can do the same job as them. Back in the day men was taught that women are beneath them and only should have kids, stay at home cook and clean. its crazy because in some countries they still believe that and live by it. So I know that feminism will always existnow until the end of time. 12mc-005

    1. I totally agree with your comment. Men believing that women are beneath them is a cultural thing and beliefs taught are pretty hard to be changed or forgotten. Which is another thing that may cause conflict with people. Their different beliefs and views on certain things. I myself believe in equality and religious freedom or cultural freedom you can say. I feel like people should be able to believe want they want. Sometimes it might not be right but it’s pretty hard to change someone’s belief especially if their a stickler in their ways. Food005

    2. I'm in agreement with you on social conflict will always be an issue and your up bringing can play a major role. Our society today has experience several social conflict rather it be in the media, school, work environment more importantly it has played a major role in our Presidential election where some people are still voicing their opinion on the president behavior, but what we have in our country that many others don't have we are allowed to voice our opinion without fear of retailiation so with " freedom of speech" we all don't have to agree with the next person ideas, views, or beliefs. That's why agree to disagree is a very strong statement in this present day. Leathas005

    3. I do agree with you on the statement that social conflict will always be an issue, sometimes It makes me wonder are these social issues even worth trying to fix? I honestly feel that there is not much to do to completely change the issues but there are things that we could possibly do to help ease the issues, but from taking a look at ALL the issues and getting a better understanding of them all, I feel the same way about them all. I feel that there is no way that we could completely fix all the issues, because there will always be a problem, or something someone does not like. -Annie2016

  8. The most important theories to me are social conflict and symbolic interactionism theory. These two are the most important to me because they are connected somehow or can cause each other. Social conflict theory is when a group feels superior to another group which results in constant conflict. symbolic interactionism theory is when society creates or distinguishes groups threw symbols. these two theories go together because a symbol that a group chooses to represent themselves can be seen by another group as weak or in different. Or the group that feels superior to another can use the other groups symbol against them. For example, during world war II when Hitler forced all Jews to wear the star of David so they could be identified as a Jew which would cause conflict with local Jews who felt superior to them. an example of that is Kristallnacht. A night in Germany where local Germans who felt superior, mass murdered Jews because they had the star of David hanging in their shop. Another thing stated in the video is that social conflict can also predict change. An example given in the video was the relationship between blacks and whites. Although racism is still alive, people are not as open with it as they use to be back then. The conflict between blacks and whites has cause tremendous changes for black people and have allowed people to fight for their rights. Food005

    1. I think your comment is very interesting. I like the way you tied the two theories: social conflict and symbolic interactionalism into each other together. I also agree how those two theories could go together. Just like with homosexual people, in society today they use the rainbow as a symbolic symbol to identify themselves. But this symbol could also subject them to prejudice behavior and cruel treatment causing a social conflict. Symbols can represent and hurt someone in the same day in our society today. Dollar005

    2. Yes! I agree entirely! Social conflict and symbolic interaction go hand in hand like no other. It’s almost as if some of the symbols we as humans have created were intended to create social conflict by asserting dominance over another group of people. This could explain patriotism or even some religious people’s beliefs. For some reason, many groups of people are consistently on a power trip, attempting to (and sometimes exceeding to) establish dominance over another group. Is this classified as instinctual? Human nature? Are there subtopics to these theories that further explain these ideas? I’m starved for answers to the questions that I have about sociology. I’m really so excited for this class. Puppies005

  9. If I were a sociologist I would study structural-functional theory. I would study this because I believe that the world works in a system. Social structural-functional theory asserts that our lives are guided by social structures, which are relatively stable patterns of social behavior. Social structures give shape to our lives - for example, in families, the community, and through religious organizations. And certain procedures we do on a daily basis like waving when we see someone we know. This gives structure to our everyday lives. Each social structure has social functions, or consequences for the operation of society as a whole. Education, for example, has several important functions in a society, such as socialization, learning, and social placement. In school you might see the popular fashionable kids interact together, the jocks hanging together or the “geeks” sticking to other “geeks.” But if you see someone trying to interact with another social group that could disrupt the structure causing conflict. For an example someone more popular being mean to someone who isn’t as popular as them. dollar005

  10. Sociology, economics, and psychology I feel are some what the same they all function in the same matter of understanding people and how we understand and do things. Like the way people form groups and why. If I were a sociologist I would study social conflict theory. I would study this theory because this is what makes the world go round. If there were no conflict among groups of people there would be no change in the world. I would also study symbolic interaction because it's the way people look at you as well as the way you look at them and other people. So I definitely see how these are forms of sociology. It's just groups of people socially talking about other people but expressed in better words. I feel it's just the way of life people will always have something to say about the way other are and the way they do things. Feminism is a great one. It would be great if there could be equality between women and men but I not so sure because it has be a long lived tradition and I feel the problem is that it's hard to change something that has been going on for so long. Structural functional theory is another big one let's be honest nothing can work without the function of a whole system where each part will work together to do it's part to become one whole. Cupcake005

  11. Sociologist theory as to why people act in certain ways each theory have valid parts, structural functional theory shows how sports, school, government all function on under a certain structure. Social conflict is how Americans governing themselves it speaks volumes especially with the United States Presidential election, where so many different views, beliefs rocked the core of the election. Feminism is a word that can easily misunderstood an has been taking for granted by men and women but you have a lot whom have stepped forward to having their voice heard rather it's the gay couple looking to adopt a same sex child, or father trying to get custody of his kids, or even women fighting for equal pay. Symbolic intereationism of course is world wide and can be seen in many places such as school, business,and Church. If I had to choose one I will choose Feminism for the simple fact men and women shall be treated equally our society has over come a lot of thing but equal pay for women seem to be at the bottom of the list Leathas005

  12. All of the theories that were briefly discussed in this video intrigued me in their own way. I don’t know if it would be possible for me to narrow my studies to just one theory if I were to continue studying sociology, because these are all too interesting in their entirety. However, the first that would gain my focus would have to be the structural-functional theory. Cause and effect. Our society and other societies in this world are so complex, there is no possible way that there is only one answer to a question one might have. I feel as if symbolic interaction theory and structural functional theory could almost go hand in hand, while symbolic interaction theory is a sub-theory of structural functional. By studying individual groups, we can figure out who makes up these larger groups that function together in their own dynamic that create our society. The complexity of sociology and human interaction just completely blows my mind. It fascinates me. The social conflict theory is also very interesting, in my opinion, as it directly affects me as a double minority. I have always been intrigued by the way others think because of their backgrounds and their upbringings, and how it may differ from my own. Conflict does bring about change, and that is inspiring to me, as I am seen by my peers as a very headstrong and outspoken individual. I believe that I am this way because I am a double minority, a black woman, and the difficulties that I have faced in the past because of this fact have made me into who I am today. I didn’t know that feminism was one of the four main theories of sociology. I actually don’t quite understand why it is a theory of sociology. I see myself as a feminist, I believe in the equality in all genders and races. Why is it a theory that people believe in the equality of all people? Is it because this goal in our society hasn’t been achieved? Puppies005

  13. The first thing that struck me about this video was that feminism was one of the four major theories. Feminism is a problem in our society today, but so is racism and homophobia. Why is feminism put over the other two, because personally none of these is any better/ less prevalent in our society than any other. Couldn’t the theory just be ‘the isms of society’? Another aspect of the video that stuck out was the first two theories initially seem to contradict each other. The structural-functional theory is about how everybody has their place and how their place is important to keeping society running. That theory feels very individualistic to me and the social conflict theory is all about grouping in society and how the groups function in society. After letting the theories set in comparing the two is like comparing lemons to limes. They’re both citrus fruits (both about societal functions) but they aren’t the same citrus fruit. Is it bad to think that symbolic interactionism isn’t all that important? I know that it is important, but I just completely understand how is all. Spoopy005

    1. I really like your reference to eliminating Feminism from a major theory, and replacing it with the, "-ism's of society." Personally I don't think they intended to be exclusive, but rather focus on the overwhelming topic on the new lately, and perhaps just what the creator of the media believes to be the most well known, "movement," in society without major opposition.

  14. In the video it talked about the four main theories in sociology, I feel like the world is an interconnected system in many ways. Lets say you want to go to the store and get food, and the cashier asks if you would like to donate a dollar to the St Jude Foundation. Your choice dictates whether or not they get the care they need. If you want to play soccer and make it to the regionals then you would need to work as a team to get to that desired goal. The video stated that social conflict motivates people to evolve. A Lot of people bash on feminism because they feel like men have rights over women because we should just stay home and clean all day. Wrong! We have equal rights so if I want to become a leader of a higher company I have the right to stand up for what I want and not be bashed on how I am not a male. We shouldn't be payed less just because we are a different gender. In fact men who are rich and alone are more likely to commit suicide than women. rose005

    1. I think feminism has come a long way over the years and its nothing like how it was 30 years ago. I don’t think men have the feeling that women should just stay home and clean all day. In this day in age there has to be two people working in a house hold to keep the family surviving most the time. Also you see the gap decreasing from manual labor jobs and white collar business jobs. There are more women getting into these types of jobs. The opposite side I see more males getting into flight attendants and nursing jobs this day in age. Cardinals005

  15. This assigned reflection covers the four main theories of social understanding to include Structural-functional theory, Social conflict theory, Feminism, and Symbolic interactionism. After watching the video, and reading over our chapter - I find that I personally align most with the social-conflict theorists. I can see how structural functionalists fit in and actively explain the happenings through their understanding of sociological reasoning, but I don't particularly agree with symbolic interactionism and feminism. I suppose it's because of their reliances on social conform and, "typical," roles upheld - and I feel that we as a society progress and change too rapidly to really get into it. Above another student wrote that perhaps we could consolidate those rapidly changing -ism's into an all inclusive, "society's -ism's," rather than glorify one's change and progression over others.

  16. The four main theories of sociology are the structural-functional theory, social conflict theory, feminism, and symbolic interactionism. I find, after reading the chapter and watching the video, I have decided that not a single theory is correct, not alone at least. It’s just like psychology, not many theories are right alone. I.E. all of the theories are more correct when they are paired together. I think that an evolving theory that covers all four of the main theories is the best way to go in sociology. Paddle001, Paddle002, Paddle005

  17. To answer the question at the end of the clip of which type of theory I would be more interested in. Of the four structural-functional, social conflict, feminism, or symbolic interactionism theories. I would have to say that the structural-functional theory sounds like I would find it most interesting. In theory you would be able to start research a complex system to the simplest part of the system or vise verse, research from simple to complex depending on what you are looking at. In the example of poverty I’m looking at tax increases from one year to the next. Say that this year the US accumulated a substantial increase since last year. Why do we have more funds this year than we did last year? We separate the US in class’s high, middle, and low income families. We look at their expenses, taxes, purchases and so onto look for changes. We also break those down further to get more precise data. Purchases what did a person buy this year that couldn’t wait or what they bought that could’ve waited but had the funds for the purchase. We can keep breaking this down further and further. What if I wanted to look at taxes in Illinois versus taxes in the US? Well what do are taxes go to and of that how much is going to each versus in other states? Look at the states individuals all of which if you put the pieces together to answer the original question and we are looking at one state compared with fifty to look at the US as a whole or a complex system. Even though this is just an example it just seems that structural-functional offers a more abroad way of looking for an answer.BHL005

  18. I believe that all the theories are important to the continued growth of our society. But if there is one that would stand out, above all others, I would have to favor the Structural-Functional Approach. Being able to interact with the others and to gather all the facts and relevant information will help me, as a sociologist, come up with conclusions that will enhance our society. Social Conflict is important to study, but there is so much anger, intolerance, and unawareness among many of the populace today that your study could become biased or complicated. There is still a distinct separation of the races that you may fall into stereotyping people without realizing that you are doing it. I am not sure about the
    “kitchen” analogy and how it relates to Symbolic interaction. I understand the religious connection with this theory, but there is always so much debate and conflict between whose “God” is better or what text is the “written word”. This is always in or on some form of media and many times is not truly reported or understood to give the populace the full story of whatever the situation is about. Feminism has been misunderstood since it first became a theory, I believe, due to the way families have been “traditionally” raised or taught by their elders. In today’s society, women are still viewed with the “little woman” mentality of the male populace, again, due to much of the media that available to us today. Gathering the facts, listening to the interpretations of others, and finding conclusions that will benefit and enhance our society is the main goal for all sociologists today. Regardless of what theory you believe is the most important, all of these theories will be used in some form to determine how the information gathered will benefit others. Seoulman005

    1. Structural functionalism is also the theory that I would choose because of the data that can be gathered. Feminism has too many variable that could make it biased such as a man conducting the research or age differences between the researcher and those being researched. Social conflict would make you seem biased if you’re not part of that culture, oh its ok I have an Inuit friend. Symbolic also has that biased possibility as you would only understand that symbol if you lived what that symbol stands for. Given no matter what theory you choose you are always going to have to recheck your work, it would only make it harder to recheck the work when I don’t fall in with the subjects being researched. I think the symbolism of the kitchen is that we all know just by looking at it that it is a place for food preparation. It doesn’t matter who you are or how old you are if you see a kitchen you know there is food there. BHL005

  19. Everyone can have there own theories on society, however I really disagree with feminism being its own. I am glad that women have all the rights we do these days, but I think men play just as an equal part in society and no specific gender should be focused on. Just in the same sense that we don't focus on one race. I think the structural idea is the most accurate. Wether you are religious or not we all have an effect on our world and our own actions. I think all of the choices we make are just actions and reactions. Chi005

    1. You condone structural-functional, but your final sentence is basically the definition of symbolic-interactionism! Not sure if you caught that or not. I also disagree with feminism being its own perspective though. By definition, feminism should be included under the social-conflict perspective. The fact that this woman is presenting it as a perspective all on its own makes me feel like she has an agenda to push feminism at the expensive of integrity. On top of that, she even perpetuates the wage gap myth in this video which is very disappointing coming from a PhD holder. Of course I understand that it is very easy for that sort of statistic to be misunderstood or misrepresented on accident, but some ideas such as that one are highly inflammatory and I hate seeing them perpetuated. Poet005

  20. Usually people in the same social group/ clique, are similar to each other as of similar interests. The structural functional theory is basically explained as a group project, everyone contributes to the whole and the end result is the completed project. Social conflict may be when certain groups may have conflict with each other like the example stated that in sports certain opposing teams may have conflict with each other. This points out on where a fan's loyalty may stand. In social conflict this may effect feminism which may be understood, which is actually how society views inequality between the men and women. Personally I didn't know what feminism was and assumed it was a cult in which women hated men, but it is actually effects rights women as well as men. Symbolic interaction is an identity from what I is broken up into many little subgroups within a subgroups, such as the US a census, breaking up the categories and stats Honeytea005

  21. I want to start by pointing out the invalidity of this video. I cannot speak to the accuracy of the majority of the video, but the bit about feminism contains a disappointing lie. The content creator claims that women are paid 77% as much as men for the same work at the same education level, but this is simply not true. Men and women on average are paid more like 95% identical wages at identical jobs with identical educations. This inaccuracy comes from a misrepresentation of the numbers being unfortunately propagated for years. Women do in fact earn only 77% as much as men in the USA, but that is not accounting for education level or types of jobs. Women tend to seek less financially lucrative degrees such as teaching, lower level nursing, receptionist and data entry certificates, etc. Men occupy far more high paying jobs such as CEO, surgeon, financial adviser, etc. If there is a problem between men and women in the job market, it is because women aren't encouraged to earn higher paying STEM field degrees more often. Also, shouldn't feminism just be a factor of social-conflict? Why is this being presented as an entire theoretical perspective all on its own? That being said; of the three remaining theoretical approaches, I have to say is social conflict because I love the discussions that arise from it. I could discuss these issues all day. Structural-functional and symbolic-interactionism don't do much for me personally. I find structural-functional a little too common sense oriented for me, and symbolic-interactionism is too specific to feel useful. Poet005

  22. I would always cross my mind every now and then of why there are many different social groups and why they are set up how they are set up. Why when I walk into a lunch room, everyone is so sectioned off? Or why are they more groups of people that share the same similarities then their are of groups that have nothing in common. I learned while watching this video that there are four major theories in sociology ,the structural functional theory, which studies how each part of the larger social world works together, social conflict, which helps to show as social conflict motivates people and society to evolve over time, feminism tries to point out inequalities and find solutions , and last but not least symbolic interactionism which views a larger society as a byproduct of the interaction above millions of individuals. I have learned that all of these theories are need in social science to help us all to understand and to organize ideas and findings.and not only that but to also give us all a better understanding of the world and why it is how it is today. but to answer the question from the end I feel that I would study feminism because I like to find solution o problems -Annie2016

  23. In the video it emphasizes 4 categories of structural theory. The first one was structural-functional, it talks about things being put into position to make something function. Just like a family has a mother and a father, a mother is put into position to be the matriarch, to run the household. The father’s position in the household would be to make the money and make sure everything is handled as far as finances. The second theory social conflict theory, groups that are not equal, therefore generating conflict and change. Even though there is a thing as equal opportunity in American, but it does not always go that way; women in still make less than men even though it should be “equal”. Women’s rights are still on the rise, today in 2017 women are bringing about “conflict” but change is coming. Third is Symbolic Interaction large society are viewed as byproducts among individuals. For example when you go into a salon and connect with the stylist about life or community drama. The symbol that we would recognize is the beautician who is like a therapist. Lastly Feminism, the same concept of social conflict is the same. When someone tries to implement change its considered a “conflict” but in actuality people aren’t accepting when it comes to change that is why it is rejected.MelaninQueen005

  24. The most useful theories I believe in today’s society are social conflict theory and feminism. I would study both of these theories because they have a huge effect on our society. You see social conflict theory all over the place. At work, school, and out in public in general. At my work you have a wide diversity of people. You can tell the people that think they are better than other people and will avoid conversation or even eye contact. It’s the same when out in society. This theory applies anywhere there are groups of people. I feel like with everything going on in the United States there is going to be more of this happening. You see feminism all throughout society. They say there are equal rights but it’s still obvious that there’s still a gap between genders. You have jobs that are just associated with gender still. Say a maintenance job or technician you assume that’s a guys doing the job and a nurse or flight attendant you assume that it’s a woman doing the job. The gap is closing between genders but there still is a ways to go especially when you get up in the business ranks. Cardinals005


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