Complexity of Law Enforcement Investigations

Complexity of Law Enforcement Investigations


  1. The complexity of law enforcement investigations is very complex with personal stress law enforcement agents may take in to having to make sacrifices in an officers personal life. Law enforcement during the start of an investigation such as what was shown in this video took nearly 60 officers to contain the scene where the homicide took place as what was stated. Officers who specialize in gaining information related to homicide when investigation this crime spent amount 48 of the first hours focusing on pinpointing any information they could about the given crime to understand what happened and to pursue the correct targets to start surveillance which could include wire taping which could take many officers working to gain any information as this person killed in the video was related to organized crime. Which took months of wire taping, undercover work, and a bunch of different agencies to gain information relating to the arrest and the prosecution of the person responsible for the crime. The cost of investigating this crime which the video had stated costed 2 million dollars overall and 200,000 dollars in over time. Canceled time with family, friends, giving up holidays, weekends and sleep this officers investigating this crime made the sacrifice that every crime when pursuing evidence takes. Eagle002

    1. I agree that law enforcement make a lot of sacrifices when it comes to their personal life. They take on a lot of stress, especially when it comes to investigation. Every detail and piece of evidence can change the case. The case relies on their accuracy. They have to listen to thousands of phone calls; missing just one piece of information from those calls can poorly impact the case. The time spent on cases is crazy. Investigators have so much patience. The undercover investigator in the video had to wait 9 months to get a confession from the suspect, which led to another homicide he made that wasn’t be watched. Scuba002

  2. This video shows how much work goes into an investigation and provides a breakdown of how investigations work. The homicide being investigated took 20 investigators 110 hours to interview the 62 witnesses. The time, money, and resources are more extensive than I thought before I saw this video. Investigators were able to narrow it down to nine suspects quicker than I thought they would. From there the investigators profiled the suspects and watched them. They had 24/7 surveillance on the nine suspects; sorting through all of the phone calls for information is even more time, money, and resources added to the investigation. As mentioned in the video, they have up to 48 conversations going at a time. All of the effort here pays off though; investigators were able to use wiretap to narrow it down to three suspects. Many people don’t think about the personal sacrifices investigators have to make. Like the video mentioned, investigators have to sacrifice their personal life whether it be canceling plans or getting up to work on the case in the middle of the night. The undercover investigator shared that he formed a nine month friendship with the main suspect. Nine months is a lot of time to be undercover; that allows for plenty of opportunities for the investigator to slip up or make a mistake, which makes it vital that undercover investigators are aware at all times. Scuba002

    1. i like how you picked apart this video. when you see investigators on tv it's seen through rose colored glasses but in all reality the time and effort people go through to make sure the investigation is done thoroughly and to the best of their abilities goes unnoticed by the public. RM002

    2. I agree with you on the time it takes to figure out ho the suspects is. Like how you said the undercover cop took nine moths to get that close the there suspects. How he had to be there every time when the suspect called so he can gain his trust, but still be safe because he contacts the people he works with to let them know. Also liked how you brought up how they can possibly make a mistake or slip up because no one is perfect and things can happen for the undercover cop if someone else reconises him.adelle002

  3. The video does show the huge amount of time this one homesucide takes during this time period. Also thought that the 20 investigators which took 110 hours to interview the 62 witnesses is extronery consider the amount of energy time and family events put on hold just to gain information about a crime taking place. The nine months it took also for the investigator being undercover like he did contentions in the video involved him getting up at three in the morning if the suspect he befriended wanted too even going as far as changing his identity if the person had too. Eagle002

    1. Being undercover I think would be something really interesting to try but then again it is so dangerous because you can't have back up like most other officers have. Work 110 hours just talking to people about what has happen almost sounds like no one can do it but yet everyone wants to have peace and know what happen at the crime scene. Pie002

    2. I could not even image being undercover and being so close to crime and the offender that commit these heinous acts. Plus the whole working 110 hours and answering all phone call to create a reliability with the people you work with will undercover. Then looking at all the papers that get filed by when you receive it and then go through and organize it tin to a solid case to get the conviction.Banshee002

  4. This video is pretty much showing everything that takes place in an investigation from start to finish. It took 20 investigators and 110 hours to interview 62 witnesses. The time, money and resources that went into this was alot. They put up 24 hour surveillance on 9 of the suspects sorting through all the data collected. If you think about it, having to go through so much evidence collected during an investigation could take months to go through. They talk about the first 72 hours they are doing scene processing of the site of the investigation. Each person has a unique roll in the investigation itself, from gathering the evidence, taking pictures of the crime scene, and the people that assist the investigators as well. Over the next several days they are trying to get informants to tell them anything and everything about the crime to catch the person responsible. I don't think people realize exactly how much time and effort goes into one murder investigation on the investigator side. From not sleeping for the first few nights after the crime happens to gathering the evidence and information that will lead to the arrest of the person that caused it. Ciaccio 002

  5. after watching that video i wasn't really surprised about how much actually goes into an investigation considering it is an important matter. but what did surprise me was that it took 20 investigators 110 hrs to interview 62 people with links to the investigation. that's a mind blowing statistic considering that all of that time is dedicated to one crime scene and who knows if there's others going on at the same time. they always say the first 72 hours is the most important because that's when the scene is processed and the people who could possibly be involved with the investigation need to be tracked down and interviewed. every person on the case has their own individual task at hand that needs handled to ensure the investigation is successful. alluding to a previous comment by me saying that tv and movies has ruined the publics view on investigations. we all see it through rose colored glasses and don't get to see the true reality of it which is a ton of man power and countless hours of making sure the correct people get caught for the crimes that were committed. RM002

    1. It is shocking to realize how many people can be involved in one investigation and how long it can be going on for. Your point of how everyone has their own task and how it ensures a successful investigation I agree very much with. It's evident that if one person slacks or isn't as dedicated to their position on this team and doing everything they can to help the case move along that weak points of the team would cause for a slow moving case and losing out on important case facts or time oriented matters. A person working overtime or through the night could determine showing up to find the suspect before they fled their home or hurt another person(s). It's incredible to think just their information they work from can lead to so many witnesses like in this case or sending someone undercover for what was it like 9 months? Just to prove he was guilty and connected him not only to the crime they were investigating but another crime that he had basically pinned on himself as well. It's inspiring the dedication that some people have to put into their work for even just the tiniest bit of information that could lead to a break in the case or even just another informant. Marras002

  6. This video shows a lot of information on what goes on in a case. What I am more amazed on is of how many hours were worked during the case. There were a ton of overtime hours to the case. Also on how they wired taped the suspects in the case. When they had to have an undercover cop be friends with the suspects, it was shocking how long it took them for him to talk about what he done. He said it took 9 months with him being undercover. I find it amazing how it went from 62 witness to only 9 and it took them 20 investors to interview them all. I like how the forensic scientist says that how in criminal investigation shows only take an hour to solve but it is more than that in the real world. I did not believe that until the stated all the work hours each person did on the case. At then end I was surprised of all the boxes of info about the case. I think it said how there were 13 boxes of just surveillance and every single one of them had to be scanned To be put on a digital scanner. It just takes a lot of time and a lot of people to help solve the case to get the right person.adelle002

  7. This video was really interesting to see how they handled after the crime was committed because most people don’t know what all goes into dealing with a crime scene. It took 20 investigators and 110 hours to interview 62 witnesses for the shooting that happen in the video. That would be the normal amount of time because you have to make sure everyone is telling the truth so you need to double check what everyone is saying. Every officer that is on the scene has a certain role while helping with the scene. They put up 24 hour surveillance on 9 of the suspects sorting through all the data collected. When people say that they are going into the field of criminal justice not many people think of all of other jobs that are needed to help make our community safe and then also help solve crimes such as murder. Pie002

  8. Law enforcement investigations are very intricate. The video describes all the steps that go into coming upon a crime scene, all the officers who are dispatched, who shows up, the steps of blocking off the crime scene and going over it. Just by investigating the scene the officers are going to come up with incredible details as to what happened on scene during that incident, who/ what is involved and what pieces of evidence collected are going to make the case and connect the dots to the offender(s) involved. It's not surprising that investigators spend long days and nights working on one case for several weeks, months, or years. They have to collect so much evidence, go over all the possibilities and people involved and all the connections these people have with the law or crimes to find motive and suspects. I think people forget that investigators may only have one case completed in a months time and it looks very little to say an officer who arrested and detained maybe 300 individuals in a month for DUI or Theft but when you look at the time they spend interviewing witnesses, suspects, and working with the team to determine connections, and where to go next and investigating leads they really do put in just as much or more hours towards their cases. including voluntary time and overtime as described in this one specifically for time they can't even account for off the clock or rather round the clock for once case that they don't even know yet if the outcome will be detaining and finding the criminal involved. And as stated in the video this case lasted for the file coordinator 4 years to finish up that case off her desk they don't get to ever let that go when they go home they are still working for those weeks and months they are always on the clock figuring out the next move. Investigation teams work with so many other members of law enforcement for a common task, surveillance, interviewers, the lab they really are all encompassing using all aspects of the field to prove the case and find the offender. Investigators really don't work like common street officers, there jobs aren't by shifts they don't get to plan around certain work hours to have outside of work plans they are basically always on call to an investigation and while it's open every hour of the day can be working towards that case. Some go undercover at a moments notice and have to leave everything not knowing how long it will last, and truly submerging themselves into that life for the sake of the investigation. Investigators jobs are a lot of the times the behind the scenes that the public does not see, people who figure out these cases and high-profile cases too that have stretched on for years or lead back to big gangs or crime rings or offenders who otherwise wouldn't have been caught. Investigations also in my opinion opens a lot of doors for the field of Criminal Justice and those who work in law enforcement, the investigations in this video described with working with over 20 officers, people who went undercover, individuals who answer crime tip lines, the labs, it leads to trials in the court, lawyers, judges and I think it an ever growing field. They put in a lot of work for little reward or recognition most of the time but they are truly a backbone support to departments. Marras002

    1. This is a very detailed comment about the things that investigators have to do to complete a case, but it shows how much investigators do and how much time is spent on trying to build a case then solve the case. I feel like it is very hard for investigators to have a family because of all the time and effort that they are spending on a case. They have to be on call all the time because they dont know when they are going to get a tip about something or when a break will come through. This video overall helps put a perspective in peoples eyes about what actually goes on. bball005

  9. This video was very informational and showed a lot of insight to the process and all the different groups involved with the crime. How long it takes to gather the evidence at the area of the crime and secure the area. The video explains how the hard it is to work with twenty to thirty officers the undercover unit the individuals that answers crime tips lines. The process of elimination to narrow down the suspect to get the right offender. Which most of all this video shows how much time, work and individuals you have to work with to sovle the crime from the investigation side.Banshee002

    1. I agree, Banshee002, this gave a lot of information about each part that goes into an investigation following a crime that has been committed. This process is not as easy as a lot of people may think, and this video does a good job of explaining that.

  10. Investigations are not as simple as people may assume, and especially not as easy as T.V. shows present them to be. It all starts with the first response of a police officer, and goes all the way through the court systems. There are hundreds of thousands of crimes committed, and each one has to be taken care of individually, and each one goes through a complex process. It doesn’t all happen within a day or forty-eight hours like the shows on television make it out to happen. There could potentially be fifty plus witnesses that need to be interviewed, and that is going to take handfuls of investigators, just to get a description of what each person saw in that situation. Along with interviews, investigators give up their time to work the scene outside of that as well, making this job a priority over every aspect of their life in that moment. There is a lot that goes into each of these cases, and this video explains that there are a lot of things that go into each crime that is committed and the investigation following.

  11. Being an investigator requires having a lot of time on your hands. Investigators put in their all to solve a case and don't stop until they have the right suspect in handcuffs. Investigators are key to the criminal justice system. They work with many different units within the criminal justice system just to solve one case. It may take many years for a case to be solved, but they do not stop until it is completed. I feel like it is hard to have a family, or growing family when an investigator because you have to be on call all the time and if they need you to go undercover and act like you have a completely different life then you actually do, then you will do it. There are so many different things that investigators do just to get one case solved and once that one case is solved, there are many other cases that still need to be solved. Investigators will not stop until they get that file folder off their desk. Investigators use labs, undercover officers, street patrol, and many others just to solve one case. They say it is easier to solve a case when you have a few suspects and tips in the case within the first day or two when the crime has been committed but the investigators dont always get that lucky. bball005

    1. I agree with everything that you are saying. Especially when you were talking about how investigators have a lot on their hands. To spend hours. months, and years working on just one specific case would be pretty nerve wrecking. Me personally would not want to do that. I would be very very flustered when trying to crack the case especially if it is taking me such a long time to do that. I would really want my cases to be easy so it would be a piece of cake and I could go home and be with my family at the end of the day. WS002

  12. Solving a case is a lot more intricate than it seems from the outside. It's not a one and done deal. This video highlights all of the steps, resources and officers that it takes just to complete one case. This video used the homicide of Jazzy Rahal as its subject. In the t.v. shows that many of us watch such as Law & Order, CSI, and NCIS the crimes are solved in an easy to view 30 60 minute episode meant to simulate the time span of a week at tops, but usually just a few days. These shows can investigate, solve, and prosecute a crime in less than a week, but unfortunately that's just not how it works in the real world. The Jazzy Rahal case has investigators and other resources working for years. One resource was Trish who was an investigative support on the case. Trish worked this file for three years. It took twenty investigators 110 hours just to interview all of the witnesses. Officers have to be on call throughout the entire investigation. Like on of the officers said in the video, when trying to get information from informants you must always be available. If you miss just one call from an informant they may have second thoughts about talking to you and then you could have just lost a vital piece of information. It's definitely tough on the officers having to give your all 24/7 for these long stretches of time spent on a case.

  13. The video goes into great detail about how an investigation is all set up. It goes to show us that the process is much longer than what the little tv series show us. The investigation process could take up to years to get all the suspects that was involved in the situation. The video tell us how the people go through to be an investigator. It takes a very long time to solve a murder case. The officer was under cover for months and he had other cases he had to work on, all in doing them under cover. The video tell us that if you are the first officer that was called on the scene and you arrive first that is your case basically. You must take action and make sure that by standers do not contaminate the evidence or the crime scene. It also goes into how each officer is throughout the day to day process. How they will go days without sleep because they are too busy working on the case. How the officers basically has to befriend the witness to get what they want out of them. I agree with that because they might as well use the witness so it can make their job much easier. If it is going to make my job easier I am going to use the witness to get what I want. WS002


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