Even in Murder....The Community and Police Divide

Even in Murder....The Community and Police Divide


  1. A situation like this definitely can cause a divide between police and the community, but as in many cases I feel there are pieces missing to the situation. In any case, I can certainly see where the victims uncle is coming from. That being said, the article suggests the uncle suspects who did it and would like to take matters into his own hand. I don't feel that is the correct way to do it even if he says it's in an nonviolent manner. Additionally, on the idea of victims families confronting the murders, I don't see how that could help keep the streets any safer. While technically that suspects is innocent until proven, it still wouldn't make much of a difference in terms of safety if he was convicted as he would already be set to serve for his crimes, in which case talking to him would be redundant. I believe a family should have the right to confront their victim's assailant or killer, but I think it should be within the parameters of the law and justice system, or in the court setting. Encouraging someone to confront a suspect on their own when that person is just a suspect is dangerous, and that person will do that at their own risk. Additionally, I am not surprised to find the situation made out to make the police on scene seem at fault for the death, and this issue shouldn't be about whether or not the cops that arrived were able to act how the uncle would have wanted them. JAY002

    1. This definitely causes a disconnect between the police and the community as this will cause the community to believe that the police don't think that the members of the community matter. The wrong message gets out about law enforcement before law enforcement gets the chance to explain the sitition even thou they had no responsibility for the course of action in the transport. Also, the uncle taking courses of action into his own hands could make this whole matter worse if he gets killed due to confronting the killed that's more community effort and law enforcement time when he could have given the name to the police and they could have handle the matter themselves. Eagle002

    2. I agree that situations like this can cause a divide between the police and the community, which is unfortunate. Also, I like that you pointed out that we do not know the entire situation, which I also pointed out in my post. Anything could have happened before or after the shooting occurred. The uncle is portraying the victim as completely innocent, which may not be the case. I am not saying in any way that the victim was at fault because as I said we do not know the complete series of events. Lastly, I think I had a different interpretation of the uncle’s words because I had thought the uncle stated he did know who had murdered Raheem. Purple003

    3. i agree with what you have said. the uncle stated that he wants to take matters into his own hands and that's clearly wrong. no one person can single handedly stop gun violence in an area it's just unrealistic. RM002

  2. What this article mentation’s by Charles Wilson an uncle who had just lost his nephew due to gunfire mentioned a very powerful political point which he had the idea of taking guns that had been in the hands of individuals and switching them with books this is powerful as this teaches people to deal with circumstances with more than just pure emotion but with logical thinking first which is a saving life philosophy. The uncle is building a negative movement against the police as he is mentioning how they wasted time asking who did this instead of rushing him to the hospital after he was shot uncle believes this would have saved his nephew’s life. Police were doing their job during this part of the process by being able to obtain any information on the killer this will help police to quickly catch the person responsible for the said crime before another loss of life may occur. Police weren’t to blame for the incident that had happened this is all determined by medics during the given event that occurs but due to police being the first force to enter onto any given scene this buts them as they main ones responsible for the deaths even if the police couldn’t have effective this matter in any certain measures. So this was important for the Peoria police spokesperson to speak out as not discussing the measures the police took or authority during this given time could have more negative repercussions if the police would do nothing as they public spoke out against the police for their indirect involvement in something that wasn’t their responsibility or that they could even have the authority to prevent. The public will not be satisfied as long as they feel unjustified by losing life’s but as long as police can maintain, justice, respect, positive presentence in the community, and fairness this matter can be setting with a positive interaction. Eagle002

    1. I agree that it was good for the spokeswoman to speak out on behalf of the police, assuring Mr. Wilson along with the community as a whole that that police do everything they can in a situation like this one, trying to save them as well as get information that would help in the investigation of the murder. You are right that the uncle may be giving the police a bad name, but hopefully people in the community will understand what the spokesperson said and take the side of the police and trust that they do everything they can.

  3. Charles Wilson, whose nephew was just shot and killed, spoke at the Murder Stand Down. He knows who killed his nephew, he even grew up with their parents. However, he does not want to take violent action towards them. He doesn’t think anyone deserves to die because of foolishness. He believes that as a community, they need to “get some love out there”. Although he knows who killed his nephew, he does not want to speak to police about it, but rather speak directly to the killers. Part of the reason he does not want to speak to police officers is because witnesses told him that police did not do enough to try to save his nephew. They claimed that they were only trying to ask him who shot him, rather than trying to get him to the hospital. I don’t personally understand knowing who killed your nephew and withholding that information from police. I would personally want to see justice served, not have the killers roaming the streets. Peoria police spokeswoman defended the police, saying that in situations like this, life-saving actions are taken while simultaneously trying to obtain information. Furthermore, it is not up to the police to determine when it is time to transport the victim, that is the responsibility of the medics. This shows a little bit of police mistrust that we see all too often in our communities, when I am sure that the officers were doing everything that they could to both care for the victim as well as find out who was behind shooting the victim.

    1. I agree with you that justice should be served. If I were Charles Wilson, I would be afraid the shooters would come after me because I knew they killed my nephew. Even though he said he does not want any violence and he is going to leave it up to the shooters to turn themselves in, the shooters still have to have some sort of doubt he will keep it to himself. The shooters can easily become paranoid they will get turned in and decide to go after Charles. I understand he is afraid for his family if he turns these shooters in, but he should be afraid the shooters will come after him. Scuba002

    2. I agree with you. I think him stating he knows who killed his nephew has put him in a very dangerous situation. He needs to let the police handle it before something bad happens to him. And no matter how much he says that he just wants to talk, that encounter will not end well. hotfox003

  4. It comes as no surprise that the police are being blamed for the death of Raheem Wilson. The way the media and others portray police officers is completely absurd. I am sure the police did attempt to help the victim, and it is just being blown way out of proportion in order to make the police officers look at fault. On the contrary, I was not there, so I do not know exactly what happened. I do know that it is the duty of the police to serve and protect, and to my understanding, many officers goal is to do so. Additionally, I agree with the uncle of Mr. Wilson when he discusses the rate of violence in our area. The rate of violence we have been experiencing is massive, and completely uncalled for. As Charles Wilson said, I think it would be important to stress the importance of education. Education would be beneficial to keep the violence off the streets, which would reduce crime rates. Further, it is very unfortunate that Charles Wilson stated he knew who did it, but was not going to do anything about it because he was concerned for his family's safety. The fact that an individual experienced a murder in his family is too scared to speak up against the suspect is just sad. A man, who did no wrong, is scared to speak up because he has a fear of the safety of his family, which needs to change. Purple003

    1. You are absolutely correct. The community that he wants to change has a MAJOR impact on him. He is withholding valuable information from the police department that could take a killer off of the streets. Instead he is going to hold the information because he feels they treated his nephew wrongly. Well that is unfair to victims to come. This killer may not care about anything the uncle has to say to him and disregard everything and kill again. At some point the cycle has to break. Him speaking up about the murdered could send a message to the entire community that shooting and killing will not be tolerated here. Bread003

  5. I partly agree with Charles Wilson; if the people committing the shootings do not get talked to, then they will not change. Too many lives have been lost because of foolish people committing foolish acts. These people need to be talked to so they can change their own lives around. They often only see one way to live, and that is a life of violence and crime. The people committing crimes need to be talked to and shown a new life. They need to be talked to by someone who cares, because they will not listen to someone who is talking to them because it is their job. Talking to these people will be tricky, because it is important that the shooters also develop the will to live a different lifestyle. Of course the shooters still need to have a swift, certain, and severe punishment. I do not agree with Wilson’s thinking in that it is left to the shooters to turn themselves in. I do not have the details in this case, but if the shooters plans were premeditated, they most likely will not turn themselves in because they thought about the risks of the shooting and saw that the risks outweighed the benefits. They did not think to themselves, “We will serve our time in prison if we kill this man.” I believe justice should be served. Raheem Wilson, if he were alive today, would probably want the shooters to go to prison rather than them being talked to and left up to them to turn themselves in. The shooters can be talked to, but if they have no desire or will to change their lives, then they will keep doing what they do. They are violent offenders who killed an innocent man; they do not deserve any second chances. Scuba002

    1. What's hard about trying to help the people who are committing these crimes because they don't want the help. Most of them this is what they have been doing all their life and they aren't going to change. They have to want to change for them not just because the cops are making them change. It won't work unless they want to. Pie002

  6. It is very understandable that someone wants to help create a change in the community, but at what cost. How much of a change is really going to happen with the uncle speaking to the shooter? Will it really create the change the community needs? I personally don’t think so. I think it may have some slight impact, but not enough to make major change in the community. To really make that change, he needs to speak to more people than just the killer of his nephew. He needs to speak to the community entirely. He needs to develop close relationships with everyone, including law enforcement. The law enforcement is a part of the community too, so for everyone to come together and be on the same page. Now I also believe that the uncle should t speak to the officers and law enforcement about who really shot his nephew, or I would be speaking to the murderer about turning themselves in. Not about how to handle situations differently. They had their chance, they ruined that chance. They need more than a talk and a slap on the wrist. They should be in jail for life. There is no reason they should not be in jail. Bread003

    1. I agree, if Mr. Wilson is going to reach anybody, it should be the public and the police officers together. Simply reaching out to the killer won't bring any direct results in the overall picture. However, I do not think it is likely for him to convince the killer to turn himself in either. I think we need to dig into why criminals in our area are being put in the position to pick up a gun in the first place. We need to locate, isolate, and analyze the criminal structure in our city and find the initiators. Ghost003

    2. I agree with questioning whether or not it is a good idea for the uncle to talk to the shooter. I would say that it is a very bad idea because that is a very emotional confrontation for someone to have to go through and it would most likely get ugly rather than better like the uncle thinks, even if he goes in with good intentions. Flannel002

  7. If it was me, and I knew who shot my family member I would go to the police. Talking to the person who committed this crime is not interested in listening to what this guy has to say. He needs to let the police do their job. He could put himself in a very bad situation. hotfox003

  8. Charles Wilson said, I think it would be important to stress the importance of education. Education would be beneficial to keep the violence off the streets, which would reduce crime rates. People in the community want the officer to do something about the crimes that are going on but it is very when the crime rate is so large. Charles Wilson, whose nephew was just shot and killed, spoke at the Murder Stand Down. He knows who killed his nephew, he even grew up with their parents. When you know who had killed your family member then it adds to the heartbreak of losing your family. If people don’t like the cops then they might withhold information just because they don’t want the cops to know. Pie002

  9. Knowing first hand losing a loved on is hard, you try to find out as much information you can as to what happened, who was involved, did everyone that could help save the loved one do everything in their power to help them. Then the grieve sets in and you push the blame more on the authorities more then the actual person who had the priority to harm or kill. Unfortunately people lie or mis-intrude on the information they are giving out, they think they are being helpful or are giving comfort when really they aren't, they sometimes cause more harm then good. It's easy to get the community involved to find out information and push the blame on the authorities by saying things like they said in this article that they "didn't let the medics get him to the hospital and just kept questioning him". I understand as a loved one you want to get as much information you can by asking others instead of the police officers but that could conflict on the information you are getting. If the community and the police officers could work together instead of being divided they would be able to get the correct information that they all want to get and the justice they all want and to be able to lower the crime rates and draw more interest to books instead of guns and violence.Bell003

  10. This article struck me right at home. I live in the Peoria are and I am sure many other students in these classes do. We've all heard and seen these shootings and violent crimes in our own city throughout the years. I once saw a man gunned down in his own backyard. These shootings are real and they do take lives. It was sad to see this younger man get killed in just another violent shooting. Peoria has been known for its shootings and I strongly agree that this victim’s uncle should speak out and try to lower violence in our city. However, he directly blames the officers involved, and while you can't be for certain unless you were there, I am pretty sure they weren't "letting him die" as Charles Wilson puts it. The article even explains that police are not the ones who decide when a patient goes to the hospital the EMT's do. So, to blame the police officers isn't quite a fair judgement in my eyes. Nevertheless, violent crimes like this one need to be reduced in our city. These crimes contribute to the declining of Peoria in general and why more and more businesses and people are leaving each year. Now, more than ever police and the people they look after need to come together and work together to produce genuine results combating these violent crimes. Peoria and Chicago are known for their high shooting rates and that has to change. Looking at instances like this shooting can help us locate hot spots or areas of high criminal activity and dedicate more resources to those areas to help prevent and punish criminals before they take more lives. Ghost003

    1. This article as well struck me and it is very sad that at such a young age he had to lose his life. He had his whole life ahead of him and its just sad. I also agree that the people need to work together and reduce crime. With people communicating and helping out officers they can reduce a lot of shooting and getting the bad guys off the streets.CRC002

  11. This article discusses about an uncle who had just lost his nephew because of gunfire. The uncle is starting to get something going by saying that his nephew could have been saved if the police would have just rushed him to the hospital instead of asking who did it. He states saying that he knows if they would have rushed him right away he could have been saved. The police did everything they have been taught and they didn’t do anything wrong. They made sure that the shooter wasn’t still around so that no one else would get hurt. If they would have done it and the shooter was still there the police would have been in huge trouble. The police did everything they could and this uncle is now trying to make them look like the bad guys but, he just wants justice for his nephew. It shouldn’t be done like this at all because the police did what they should have. The police couldn’t even have prevented this even if they wanted but it comes back to the police because there the first ones on the scene. The real people who should have gotten blamed are medics. The uncle tried teaching a political view saying that you should take away the guns and switch them out for books. He tried teaching people to go about their ways differently. He wanted people to take their emotions out on different things such as the books and studying rather than carrying around guns. CRC002

  12. In this article I felt as though the Uncle, Charles Wilson, was sending a mixed message about how to deal with violence. At one point he makes very intelligently is to replace the guns in the hands of those committing the crimes with books to learn and be more powerful. However, he makes the remark of also excluding the police in being a helpful hand. He blames them for aiding in his nephews death because he believes they spent too much time asking for who the suspect was rather than saving his life. That's not an opinion he should have or message he should be sending to a community that already have negative relations between inhabitants and the police. Like the article said it's not up to police when someone gets transported and by asking who did it the police are trying to find the suspect who has a weapon clearly and stop him from getting away with attempted murder, and from harming anyone else. Charles Wilson is not the only family member to step forward and claim they want to advocate for stopping individuals who perpetuate violence and stop them before it gets worse or escalates. Early intervention is not a new concept, but I believe it takes the community and police working side by side and openly to achieve that type of goal. Police have the influence on resources and the community has the best interest in the individuals involved. Marras002

  13. After reading this article there's a few things that I would like to point out. Whenever there's a murder in the community the citizens living in it always need someone to blame. Since the shooter has not been identified, the cops who were at the scene will be getting most of the blame for a few different reasons. One reason stated by witnesses was that the police were more worried about getting a name than rushing him to the hospital. Something like that will really drive a stake between the community and the police. Another thing that grabbed my attention is the lengths that the victims uncle is wanting to go to reduce gun violence in the community. I applaud him for his dedication to stopping gun crimes but the way he is going at it is all wrong. He states he wants to sit down with all the men and women committing these crimes and talk to them, that will never work in any situation. The only way gun violence will stop is that the government or the police make a serious push to stop it which is a small possibility as well. There always needs to be a balance between police and the community and neither of them took a very smart approach to this murder that happened. RM002

    1. Your point about the public looking for someone to blame in that situation is very true especially when there no physical evidence of someone in police custody for the murder they want the next best thing the person who was supposed to be protecting them. I work for dispatch at the mall security office and just recently a group of about 15 individuals were asked to leave because they had been causing problems for hours and one male in the group had shoplifted, two of the parent came back later and asked why their child had been kicked out for not doing anything and blaming security saying they were not being fair etc. The parents refused to blame their own child of misbehaving and taking their word of not doing anything over security using his discretion on private property asking them to leave. The public chooses to point fingers instead of looking upon themselves as to their own role in the situation. And if EMT's on the scene didn't rush him to the hospital right away maybe they thought he was at first doing just fine, or he could have tried to refuse medical treatment you just never know the whole situation to blame anyone but the guy with the gun in his hand who pulled the trigger at his nephew. Marras002

  14. After reading this article I have a little bit of mixed feelings going here. I was raised my entire life in the south end of Peoria where killings basically happening every day that go unsolved because of the lack of community/police cooperation. And there isn't a day that I don't read in the paper that another classmate is gone way to soon. But what is not talking to the police going to solve? Does this man really think that the people responsible for this senseless act are really going to do the right thing and turn themselves in? By saying that the police didn't do all they could to save his nephew is ludicrous. They needed to try and get all the information from this kid as they could because of the shape he was in at that present time. There is a divide that is not needed now. What caught my attention though is that he talking out against gun violence in this city which in my opinion needs to happen more often so that hopefully it can end this divide between the police and the community. Talking to these people will be tricky, because it is important that the shooters also develop the will to live a different lifestyle. Of course, the shooters still need to have a severe punishment. I do not agree with Wilson’s thinking in that it is left to the shooters to turn themselves in. Ciaccio002

  15. I somewhat agree with Charles Wilson, yes when people commit these crimes such as shootings. Too many lives have been wasted because of these people doing these wrong acts. And blaming the police is where I believe to be not true in this story. People always are blaming other people for things that hurt, or something they cannot control. Raheem Wilson died in gunfire but there isn’t a reason where the uncle should be blaming the police. Having lack of police force in an area which does indeed make a difference, but police do serve our country just like any their hero of America. They protect and serve. Police are doing their job during by being able to hear any information on the killer this will help police to quickly catch the person responsible for the said crime before another loss of life may occur. Police arent the blame for the incident that happened.
    As Charles Wilson said, I think it would be important to stress the importance of education. Education would be beneficial to keep the violence off the streets, which would reduce crime rates. Further, it is very unfortunate that Charles Wilson stated he knew who did it, but was not going to do anything about it because he was concerned for his family's safety. Anpcougs002

  16. I can understand why he dose not want to talk to the cops and only suspects.When he found out that the cops asked his dying son who done it, instead o taking him to the hospital. But I do not understand why he wants to talk to the witness when they said to him they did not take him to the hospital since it was close enough. They where basically doing the same thing that the cops were doing instead of helping him. I guesses what he was trying to do is to get information for the police and closer for him self.I understand why he wants to talk to criminals to change them for the better because he could not save his son that way. He feels that it is the only way for him to feel better about him self since he could not save his son this way. But you can not save everyone by talking to them.They need a life changing ecperices into wanting to change. I know because I have tried and they just kept ruining there lives. I had to eventual back off because I could not handle the situation anymore and it was effecting my life in a bad way as well. adelle002

  17. The very end of this article says it all. What Officer Amy Dotson said was just perfect. "In order to get information out on a suspect as soon as possible, life-saving actions and asking for information are normally done simultaneously. Furthermore, medics determine when it is time to transport the victim, not the police." That is so true because our job is to serve and protect. As harsh as that sounds, it is the medics who are trained in that field to know how to handle that situation. Granted the police are there to help as much as they possibly can, but still it is the medics last call about that. For all we know it could have been worse for the guy to be transported, especially in a car compared to an ambulance. Also it is a very important rule to try and get as much information out of the victim as you can, that will make finding the perp that much easier. Asking the victim about what happened is probably the best bet to finding out as much information as you can, besides a close witness to the shooting, if there was even one. Flannel002

  18. Every time that there is a shooting in Peoria there are always witness. Because for one Peoria is very small, so everyone knows each other. Second most shootings happen in the hood and its generally are known gang members that a lot of people know about. I 100 percent agree with Wilson on the fact that someone needs to talk to these offenders and try to get them back in school or back into the legal job field. Because everyone knows that you want last long without a education and there's nothing good about being in the streets. I also agree with Officer Dotson about shootings simultaneously not get solved. The main cause is people not coming forward to help the police solve the case.-NIKE002

  19. This definitely causes a huge space between the police and community. The police are supposed to help the most they can. Instead of rushing him to the hospital and asking questions later.
    I don’t see anything wrong with the uncle saying he wants to solve it in his own hands, because as long as he doesn’t get violent, I don’t see a problem with it. He’s getting peace for his family and his nephew.
    I don’t believe that the police are the reason he passed away, although I do think they should’ve held off on the questions until a later and a better time. Saving lives also require medics and the hospital, so it’s not the police departments fault. stlblues002


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