Gender Scripts and Yoga Pants.....Your Real Thoughts?

Gender Scripts and Yoga Pants.....Your Real Thoughts?


  1. This is the funniest video thus far! I believe some guys who will never admit it though was highly upset when those gentlemens turned around... I bet all the girls laughed for the simple fact it's easier for us to admit we've looked at another woman butt so had them been girls turning around it wouldn't bother most girls one bit this video message is great especially for all the "cat calling" men and sometimes women but on a serious note this video message also helps to show how judgemental in inappropriate one can be cause had that been a lady of about 350 pounds most wouldn't said a word or even possibly said something very negative. Regardless of the position the people were in what gives the men in the video to respond inappropriately some people will go as far to say he/she asked for it because of the way their body was position when in all reality that person can position themselves as they see fit and shouldn't have to worry about those who will respond inappropriately no matter what they are wearing. Leathas005

    1. Gender script violation - People are serious to the point of violence. Some groups more so than others concerning sexual identity and accepted behavior. MyCousunFine005

  2. I think this video is one of the funniest pranks I’ve seen yet. It’s so hilarious I don’t understand why the men were getting upset after they found out it was a man in yoga pants. In my opinion what if it really was a woman and she was actually getting something out of her car or even stretching or bending over to get something. Why do some men think it’s ok to sexual harass a women. Just because a women has on tight pants doesn’t make it ok for a man to just come up to her and talk inappropriately to her about her body. That’s so very disrespectfully. So I feel as if those men got exactly what they deserve a man in tights. My thing is if you see something that you like or you don’t if it doesn't belong to you then maybe you should keep your mouth closed and not say anything. How dear those men get upset they had no business saying anything to them at all. I also felt that the men were to close for comfort and all in their space. That’s what wrong with people in society, when something isn’t what they want it to be or what they thought it was going to be they get upset and reject it. So why even get upset when they were in the wrong. Would they want someone to do their mother or sister or even their daughter that way. That’s something for them to think about. It’s ok to look just don’t touch or don’t look to long and hard. Cupcake005..

    1. Patriarchal Society? Our behavior is tightly woven into our collective gender identities. When you step out of the expectations.....The wrath of Society can and will be upon you - hence the reactions of the gawkers....MyCousinsfine345

    2. My point exactly! no matter what the situation is no one has the right to touch anyone based off their judgement and the guys in the video got exactly what they should have just because the girl said that the "girl" like to be touched doesn't mean you have any given right to do so for the simple fact that"she" herself didn't give any permission for anyone to do anything! Now had that been a woman or even yet not a prank this could have gotten out of hand with the police getting involved. Leathas005

    3. I totally agree with your comment! They seriously had the nerve to get upset about touching a man’s butt but when it was a girls butt it was okay to basically sexually harass her? The way people think in society is so messed up and makes me wonder if this were a real situation how many men would actually feel comfortable with groping a complete stranger against their will. It really makes you see how sick the world or should I say people really are. food005

    4. I think the men are upset because they *unknowingly* and publicly displayed sexual attraction to a male when they were actually trying to portray their attraction to a female's butt. Not that they thought they had the right, but they were encouraged to grope. Everything about the girl(guy)'s body language and action seemed to invite them in. They bit the hook, and got caught. jimmys005

  3. This is a hilarious video and it shows us how obnoxious guys can be. Take away the fact that it was a prank, I don't understand why guys think its okay to walk up to women and say stuff like that. Even though it is a gender script, I don't like the fact that guys think they can just talk to women like that. It’s disrespectful and rude and it doesn't fit well with professionalism. In my opinion guys seem to literally speak their mind without giving any though as to what they are saying and who they are saying it to. But in other ways i sometimes believe that girls lead it on as to like they want guys to say stuff like that them. Not all the time, but I see it a lot. So generally speaking I believe if a guy gets pranked like what happened in this video they can’t get mad because they are the ones who are walking up to girls saying these derogatory comments. I would consider it very unprofessional.

  4. This is a hilarious video and it shows us how obnoxious guys can be. Take away the fact that it was a prank, I don't understand why guys think its okay to walk up to women and say stuff like that. Even though it is a gender script, I don't like the fact that guys think they can just talk to women like that. It’s disrespectful and rude and it doesn't fit well with professionalism. In my opinion guys seem to literally speak their mind without giving any though as to what they are saying and who they are saying it to. But in other ways i sometimes believe that girls lead it on as to like they want guys to say stuff like that them. Not all the time, but I see it a lot. So generally speaking I believe if a guy gets pranked like what happened in this video they can’t get mad because they are the ones who are walking up to girls saying these derogatory comments. I would consider it very unprofessional. PAWW005

    1. I totally agree with you however it is gender scripting. Some girls do lead guys on by wearing provactive attire, however does that give men the right to be disrespectful and out of character? No, because if a man do what some of them do to their mom, sisters, etc it would be a problem. Some women dress nice and appropriate and still get treated like a sex object as shown in the video. I believe that is because of the way society has shaped our culture. 12mc-005

    2. I agree with the fact that the behavior of the gentlemen in this video is reprehensible and that they got what they deserved. Today’s society seems to accept that it is okay to act in a particular way without repercussions. Many times I see young people acting like they all the right in the world to act as poorly or irresponsibly as they wish because this is how the older generations perceive them. I am older than most in this class and, yes, I can be judgmental at times, but I am also learning that much of how I was raised to behave needs to be revised. Your observations about how men are more abrupt in the way they approach and speak to a woman is too true in today’s society. I also agree that women also seem to believe that they must behave a certain way in order to present themselves as part of the norm. with everything that is now available on the internet, I agree, why are you upset when you have been caught acting the fool and behaving like a Neanderthal. However, without an open mind on the way society has continually used gender scripts and taught us how to act and react. Is it any wonder that we behave the way we do? Seoulman005

  5. This was hiilarious, it goes go to show you that people are so quick to assume the wrong thing because of apperance. I really didn't get why the guy got so angry to the point of wanting to beat the gentleman up when clearly it was his fault for thinking it was a woman. Our culture is shaped to think only women should be designed a certain way. However its no different then a woman dressed like a man and women taking on the role of the onlooker. It also was a dangerous prank to say the least. 12mc-005

    1. I suppose he felt shocked and embarrassed, and he was also with his friend so he probably felt the need to re-affirm his heterosexuality to his friend who witnessed this all happen. The real question is why was it so important to him that he be seen as heterosexual by everyone that he is willing to resort to violence to defend his sexual status (even though it doesn't really prove anything). Whatever culture he is a part of has probably taught him that to be gay is to be weak, or broken, or somehow less valuable. He has probably made fun of homosexuals himself in the past, and now his credibility and "manliness" is threatened in the eyes of his friend and possibly his community (or so he thought). Poet005

  6. This is obviously not a representative sample of people, but I noticed the only ones that resorted to violence were the young ones dressing like they are influenced by the whole "thug life" culture. I guess this likely hearkens back to the gender role discussions we've had. I'm obviously not an expert, so I could be wrong and maybe it is just the testosterone doing it, but it seems to me those young men felt a little too pressured to be defensive of their sexuality. They were so shocked and embarrassed that they had just shown sexual interest in a man's butt that they felt the need to re-affirm their heterosexuality so strongly as to actually attack that poor guy. I should also mention though that I'm not saying their aggression in general was part of their societal script or performance, just the fact that they chose to resort to aggression because of their heterosexuality being threatened specifically. I think its important to keep in mind that distinction between biology and social influences -- humans are animals too and we don't only exhibit aggression because of social influences. I can't help but wonder about the specifics involved in those boys lives that drove them to feel the need to physically assault someone over a harmless prank. As a side note, I hope that kid throwing the punches learns how to fight eventually, because with that much aggression and willingness to attack -- he's going to get steamrolled one of these days by someone that can actually throw a punch. Poet005

  7. Amazing. I will admit that if I had not known that they were guys, I would probably have looked myself. Seeing the other men get caught and how they reacted to the situation was hysterical. The emotions were all there. Embarrassment, shock, a little fear, and definitely anger. There is no excuse for this type of behavior, but it is true that this happens and that it is a gender script that many, in society, are either caught up in or have been taught that this is okay. I agree that the manner in which many of the men in this video were, not only, rude but disrespectful and ungentlemanly. This is unacceptable to how I was raised. A man should open the door for a woman, pull her chair out for her, give up your seat, and always treat a woman with respect. In today’s society I watch how women are treated as a lower class. Yes, I said lower class. Society today has given us a different perspective of how a woman should be ogled, displayed, exploited, and often ignored. When I look at a woman, I see pride, strength, compassion, integrity, and a drive that is sometimes lost, again, on the way society has and still does view women. I am not saying that it is completely the fault of society, though. Gender scripting is part of the problem, but there is also the problem of accepting that script without any thought of the consequences from your actions. Even though this was just a prank for YouTube, the young woman did egg the men on when she realized that they had been staring. When the young men turned and showed their true nature, it was as a prank, not to research the results. Even though this did make you laugh, what do you think you would have done if it had been you? Seoulman005

    1. I agree with your views towards this video and when you said that woman are in a lower class. If guys cannot even a view woman as a person and as this video projected the attitudes these guys have towards women. All it showed was the fact that yes women are in a lower class, if they are only going to be seen of as by their gender than you can’t say that they are in the same class as men. In my opinion the society made and keeps the gender scripts, the gender script does not make the society. Gender scripts are created by a society, it will take the society to dissolve gender scripts. BHL005

    2. I agree gender scripts play a big role in how it shapes our youth today. People get so wrapped up in themselves that they forget about others as well. I think that in society today we get so focused on seeing that only one "men" can do this and "women" can only do this that we forget that no matter what we are that we all can accomplish a common goal. Women are treated like low class, because sometimes in society young men are taught that women are less than because we are not strong enough or we do not physically compare to men; i think that women have lost there backbone a little bit. As me being a women i think that with everything that is going on in the world today that we need to stand up for ourselves an fight back and as women we are now realizing that more and more in this day and age.MelaninQueen005

    3. The guys in the video were reluctant to even stand next to the guy after he got up from bending over. They were too focused on what was in front of them to see their surroundings. The men in this video, no matter the age, showed that they don't even respect woman anymore. The girl/guy was in the back seat "looking for something" and all the guy did was stand there and take a picture!!! It was a guy was but what if it was someone underage. There are creepy people out there who don't care what age you are just what you can offer to them. rose005

    4. I have seen women's role in society change drastically in my life time. We had to fight to vote and go out into the work place instead of staying home. A woman learns how to earn respect and carry herself with dignity or she continues to feel she must fit in and plays the part others want her to play. The choice is ours. I encourage young women to live their lives with honor and life will be good to you. This video did not portray being honorable. grandma005

    5. To respond to your question, I wouldn’t know what to do. I would just have to be angry and a little or maybe even a lot embarrassed. And also I do feel where you are coming from with it being unacceptable because as a young black male with both parents, I was never in my life raised to say anything to a woman like this. Yeah I can look, who can really stop you on that. But the fact of actually engaging a woman in that manner would be looked down on by my family to the extreme. That’s a huge red flag in my abuela’s (Spanish for grandmother) house.

    6. To respond to your question, I wouldn’t know what to do. I would just have to be angry and a little or maybe even a lot embarrassed. And also I do feel where you are coming from with it being unacceptable because as a young black male with both parents, I was never in my life raised to say anything to a woman like this. Yeah I can look, who can really stop you on that. But the fact of actually engaging a woman in that manner would be looked down on by my family to the extreme. That’s a huge red flag in my abuela’s (Spanish for grandmother) house. Dollar005

  8. This was a pretty hilarious prank but you could also view this as research. Sure you could view the men`s reaction from the woman wearing the yoga pants. However you could see the shock in all their faces as technically this was a shock to their culture. This video also shows that a man wearing yoga pants is not a social norm which explains their reactions. Some of the guys even got angry or violent when they noticed that it was another guy. I believe that they became violent because when other people are around and witnesses such an event that now there is an ego and embarrassment issue that develops. I did enjoy this type of slap in the face as those men treated the 2 actors in a demeaning way and proves at least for those guys that they focus more on as women being sex objects than people. I also like that the woman really didn’t start reeling them in until they made an obscene comment showing that she was giving the guys the benefit of doubt that they would behave appropriately. In my experience I have seen such attempts at the mall down in Georgia. There was 2 girls that all they did was walk out the bathroom and that’s all it took for a guy to try to hook up with them. The worst part about it is the guy was standing outside the bathrooms holding his infant daughter in which I assumed the reason he was waiting there was because his daughters mother was in the restroom. This to me then which was about 10 years ago showed just how some guys can view women, but I was brought up in what I can only describe as a different world. In my family even a divorce is considered taboo, we are expected to and held by our vows and if you get a girl pregnant than its time for you to start shopping for a ring. BHL005

  9. The Gender blog asks for our real thoughts and mine were yuck! Why is the girl dressed in such a sexual way and why would three kids find it fun to trick people. Why aren't these kids using their time better? I was born in the 40's when no one talked openly about anything involving sex. It was a taboo subject. Then the sexual revolution hit in the 60's and 70's and we were told sex was a normal part of social life. When pregnant women in the 60's asked what to expect, they were told "don't worry, it will all be ok." Thank goodness the revolution created birthing classes and women were told exactly what was going to happen and how they could help. Education and advanced technology has been good for new mothers. On the other hand, I feel society or individuals need to set boundaries on what is appropriate sexual behavior and what degrades sex. The sexual counterrevolution in the 80's started addressing these behaviors.
    Gender refers to the personal traits and social positions that member's of a society attach to being female or male. I noticed they targeted men only knowing that a woman would scold them. It also demonstrated that society tells men it is ok to admire girl butts but not male butts. There are far more important traits to admire in any individual. Why aren't these three kids in school, playing sports, volunteering or using their time to advance in their jobs? grandma005

  10. This video was hilarious the fact that these men were so willing to come up and touch someone bottom and not even look that person in the face and know them is mind boggling. The whole idea is of this video is what is gender Scripts? Gender Scripts are activities that correlate with what males should do and wear as well as what women should do and what they should wear separately. In the video there is a women and a man both dressed in leggings bending over trying to catch peoples attention, most of the people that are giving the people wearing legging attention is men. The men have no idea that is is mans bottom they are grabbing till that man turns around to acknowledge them and these men are embarrassed to the point where they try to result to violence against the mans bottom they touched; these men are following scripts, they were not expecting a man, they were expecting a women based off the appearance of what the young man had on, but why is that? Who says women have to be the only ones that wear a certain kind of clothing? Society is what makes us think that just because we a certain kind of outfit is associated with a certain kind of gender which would be women and that is not always the case. What makes clothing only for women and what makes clothing only for men? Express yourself what you deem comfortable.MelaninQueen005

    1. I agree with you that everyone should be able to express their self’s in whatever they deem comfortable but it is breaking social norms in this country that guys are dressed in yoga pants or any other women’s clothing. It goes back to what Dr.White talks about when you raise a boy you raise him to be tough and masculine. You raise him to be a man and wear guy’s clothes. I understand that society is changing and that this isn’t always the case but in most cases this is what happens. Cardinals005.

  11. Hahahaha this was funny. They wore yoga pants to show a social experiment how people would react if you wore yoga pants specifically men wearing yoga pants. Most of the men in this video thought it was appropriate to make advances on the woman and sexualize her more than appropriate by smacking her in the butt, ex. As for the man when he turned around and exposed himself the other men flipped out as a matter of fact some tried to hit him for wearing yoga pants because its too “gay” Due to our Patriarchal Society, we don’t believe it is appropriate for men to wear yoga pants and it is appropriate to harass a women wearing so. Society has taught us to have admiration for women and their butts rather than admiring men with butts.
    P.S. Men butts are very important too!

  12. i also think the butt thing came from the ideology that it is important to fatty tissue for fertility, and bearing a child.

  13. I’ve never seen this video and this was funny. I’m trying to put myself in the guy’s point of view that got pranked and think how I would have acted. I probably would have just put my head down and walked away in disgust of myself. Like man how did I fall for that? It would have been a culture shock because it’s not normal to see a guy wearing yoga pants. I think it goes back to how you were raised, sexual orientation, and the social norms. The guys that were wanting to fight obviously were pissed off at their self’s for looking at another guy, wanted to put blame on someone else, and take their anger out on someone. This video also shows how men do not respect women like it was generations ago. Sex is all over the place now a day’s media, advertisement, and even at sporting events. Men are growing up with sex all around them and looking at women sexually all the time. With the evolution of the internet men are getting opened up to the human sexuality younger and younger. I believe this is a product of our social norms changing and that the media has pushed the change also. Cardinals005.

    1. I agree with almost all of this, besides, "This video also shows how men do not respect women like it was generations ago." I feel like that is a very strong statement and your target is all men in the world. When not all men would treat women like this. Also to that point, there was an older man (maybe in his 50 and 60's) And he was acting like a pervert to the pranksters. So I don't think it is a generational thing. Old men can act like how younger men do. TB005

  14. I thought the video showed a good example on how people are today. Some people in the video didn't care about what they look like or their personality. The guys didn't even realize that the butt they were looking at was a guys. If they would have saw the face they wouldn't have been so persistent with them. THose people tried to fight him because of their stupidity. This is the problem with today's society, we focus on looks or other body parts more than what is on the inside. Sure they may have said they couldn't tell the difference but why are people so perverted and feel the need to do the things decrypted in the video. rose005

  15. Honestly, was very surprised how funny this video was. I found it very strange that they only put in men who acted like pigs and would sexual harass the pranksters. (Assuming that they had more footage) But beside the point, I don’t want to say that all men act this way, but by the footage of this video, I don’t blame people for thinking that. I feel like these men were being a little pushy and got what they weren’t expecting. Since majority of them, went straight to violence and started to attack the male pranksters. But when one of them said it was a joke and pointed to a camera saying, “Your on a prank show on YouTube.” Then that’s when one gentleman stopped attacking and showed sign of respect to the one prankster. Which I found interesting cause when some people are embarrassed, it seems like they need to evoke violence to get out of that situation, or to show even some form of dominance towards that prankster. This prank was a great prank and showed how some men would act if they saw a girl in yoga pants, but to turn it around on them it was actually the male in them. TB005

    1. If they put in the parts where the men acted civilly it wouldn't make nearly as funny as a video. While this video does bring a negative view upon men it does bring to light an issue women can face. Men pestering them on the streets. The people always getting violent is because they probably feel the need to defend their masculinity and ego. I found it interesting how the one man was fine with ogling a man only after he learned it was a prank. I wonder why he justified it to himself then. Acer005

  16. This video was pretty funny. The new cool thing around here is to have a big butt. I see it in magazines and on Facebook, all the popular celebrities have all the curves and show them off with the tight clothing. We talked about culture shock in class and how different people from different places have their own definition of beauty. Someone who isn't from the United States might be offended to see a female or male in yoga pants. The level of respect that men have for women here has gone down over the years. Chivalry doesn't hardly exist. Chi005

    1. I've noticed that as well. In todays societies all that you will either see is having curves or being skinny. It's what is being represented in modeling, newspapers, magazines, commercials, you name it. That is how it was kind of even more funny for the people getting pranked. The pranksters knew exactly who their targets would be and how to trap them into their joke. To me, it is sad to watch the discrimination in the video. Yes it is a joke and many people do not pay attention to what is actually going on but that does not mean that it is not. Since when is it okay to approach a woman or anyone in the way each male did? Invading their personal space and taking pictures? Society has it all messed up. PurpleHearts005

    2. I am happy that you addressed a very important point that was explicitly seen via this clip: men men have lost respect for women. From this I then propose the question: who fault is it? Is it that man's fault for progressively lacking respect for women? Or is it the woman's fault for losing respect for themselves? I believe that both genders are to blame. My main concern is that it seems as if younger girls are content with being disrespected in any form from a man. To a certain extent, can we say that some girls find disrespect to be attractive?


  17. This video is hilarious. There has been many like it but out of all that i've seen, this one is the best. I'm actually surprised that there was not more fights or arguments than they were, especially by the location. It looks like it is somewhere in Chicago but in some southern area of the town. Typically down there, there are more heterosexual males that become highly offended when a person of the same sex approaches them. In this case, they were the ones approaching the woman and male. Each male that walked up to the two, did it in a creepy or offensive way. Maybe to the pranksters it was overlooked but in any given day, the cat-calling would not be appreciated. It was funny to see the reactions of the male when the other male would reveal his true gender. I took it as a culture shock or if a thing, a gender shock. The person was being pranked was shocked to see that what it was attracted to was in fact a male or the same sex and that probably angered them or even confused them a little. It's sad to see how many people get so offended by a homosexual hitting on them that they feel like fighting is necessary. If you aren't interested then swallow that pride, dust off that salt and keep it pushing. PurpleHearts005

  18. This video was so beyond funny and it shows how people really think now a day in society. When they assumed it was a chick they were open to gawking and touching their butts but when they revealed that one of them was a dude it was a whole other situation. Some of the people who got pranked even turned violent probably due to embarrassment because of the mental set-up that society has on us. This video also shows me the gender script that society has put upon us. When you’re a girl and you look at a boy in a sexual manner it’s okay or “normal”, but if you’re a girl and you look at another girl in a sexual manner your considered a lesbian. Vice versa with boys if they look at a guy in a sexual manner their considered gay but if they look at a girl in a sexual manner it’s okay or “normal.” This also introduces culture shock and culture lag. People are not use to seeing men walk around in leggings which was a culture shock to some of the people that were pranked but on a serious note there are some men who really wear women clothing in public which is a culture lag because society hasn’t caught up on the idea of men wearing women clothing in a public area.Food005

  19. I find this video to be very interesting for two reasons: the double standards throughout society and the reaction to culture shock. First off, as each encounter began, everything seemed to be going great. The reason everything was okay was because the individuals believed both people were females. Therefore, it was acceptable for women, to a certain extent, to show off their bodies in a sexual manner. Then, after the individuals discovered that one of the two individuals turned out to be a man, it was unacceptable. Therefore, it is okay for women to flaunt in a feminine manner, but it is not okay for men to do the same? If that is the case, why does society allow women to wear sport bras, which displays a great deal of the woman's chest? Because, according to societal standards, it is okay for men to show of their upper body, but when a woman does it she is seen as less than a women. Next, during the prank there was an individual who became aggressive towards the prankster. I find this to be troubling, because it seems as if people are closed of to members of the LGBTQ community. With that being said, people would rather physically and/or verbally attack others due to the way of life he or she pursues. To me, it seems selfish and ignorant for people to isolate themselves from others just because he or she does not live the same lifestyle.

  20. I find this video to be very interesting for two reasons: the double standards throughout society and the reaction to culture shock. First off, as each encounter began, everything seemed to be going great. The reason everything was okay was because the individuals believed both people were females. Therefore, it was acceptable for women, to a certain extent, to show off their bodies in a sexual manner. Then, after the individuals discovered that one of the two individuals turned out to be a man, it was unacceptable. Therefore, it is okay for women to flaunt in a feminine manner, but it is not okay for men to do the same? If that is the case, why does society allow women to wear sport bras, which displays a great deal of the woman's chest? Because, according to societal standards, it is okay for men to show of their upper body, but when a woman does it she is seen as less than a women. Next, during the prank there was an individual who became aggressive towards the prankster. I find this to be troubling, because it seems as if people are closed of to members of the LGBTQ community. With that being said, people would rather physically and/or verbally attack others due to the way of life he or she pursues. To me, it seems selfish and ignorant for people to isolate themselves from others just because e or she does not live the same lifestyle.


    1. I agree! There are many different elements of our culture shown in this video. It’s crazy to think that there are less open cultures than ours, since we allow PDA and more open sexuality than some. The growth of our culture as a whole is stunted by the ignorance the majority of our population inhibits. Also, take note of how the different races of men reacted. The way the black men reacted was much more animated and disgusted. This isn’t because of the race, but because of black culture not being as accepting of the LBGQT community, as there isn’t as much media coverage of these people, so it is not seen as normal. We see more white LBGQT people in our media at this time, which means Caucasian men may not react as disgustedly. It’s simply more normal in our society. Puppies005

  21. I've seen this video before but that didn't make it any less funny watching it again. This video shows that people feel so insecure about themselves that they feel the need to fight the person they were making comments towards. This video also shows the lack of respect men have in our society towards women. It isn't like it was years ago were it was expected of you to open the door for someone or call them ma'am. I wonder why it is like this now and what caused that to change? Is it just not being taught to the children of our society? You'll notice how its rarely ever women making comments like these towards men. In our society that'd be considered much weirder than when a man would do it. That seems like that is gender scripting in action. The men who fell victim to this prank probably felt emasculated being attracted to another man, but yet felt completely justified in making the comments. They essentially took none of the responsibility of making the rude comments and instead blamed the man they fell victim to. Acer005

  22. This video was hilarious! It was like social norms being defined right before my eyes. Where do you ever see a man admiring another man’s behind so openly, the way they would admire a woman’s behind in public. It shocked me to see how many men openly approached them because their butts were in the air while wearing yoga pants. The situation was obviously ridiculously shocking and awkward for the man, because it is still not a societal norm to admire other men. So they don’t. I love watching shows like these that show pranks and how people react without knowing they’re being recorded. Raw instinct is so interesting. I feel as if this also ties in to the theory that we are all acting, and when something messes up our performance/how we present ourselves, we act with embarrassment and shock. Truly, a very stimulating topic. Puppies005

  23. Okay, honestly this is one of the funniest videos I’ve ever watched. I don’t really know why though. I feel like the guys in the video were trying to hard anyway. But the joke itself was very funny. This really shows how eager and anxious a guy can be and this is coming from a guy. In all honesty I don’t understand what was an of the dudes thinking. Who really just walks up to a female and says this. Like that is honestly very weird. But I do see why some of the guys got hostile. Everyone can agree that we don’t normally think a man will be bending over in a pair of yoga pants out in public. Maybe they will in private but that’s another story. I don’t ever think if men started wearing yoga pants in public that it will ever be accepted. It’s just not a norm in our society to see a man in those pants. A woman? Yes, we practically admire it as you can see, but a man? Some may want to fight obviously. Every male in this video minus the actors were extremely embarrassed, I even felt it for some of them. Honestly some were even scared at the fact it was a guy they were just saying all these things about. The most thing you seen in the video was the anger they portrayed. They were HEATED when the guys turned around and I couldn’t blame them for it. I wouldn’t know how to act or react to something like this if ever played on me. Of course I would feel embarrassed but that’s a different ball game I wouldn’t know how to feel like I would mainly be confused and angry not at them but at myself for even staring that hard. It’s not that important to me. Dollar005

  24. If there's one skit in comedy that's most common to get a few laughs, it's crossdressing. A comedian is sure to get a few chuckles if he ditches his jeans for a skirt, but why is that? Why is a man dressing in "women clothing" so funny? Perhaps, this is due to the fact that society has conditioned us to place gender onto items, clothing, toys, personal hygiene tools, even foods! Why on Earth is there a pen "made specially for women"? Last time I checked, we all wrote the exact same way. Marketing uses genderscripts to attract the clients they're hoping will buy their products. Therefore, we are taught that men are supposed to look, behave, and think one way and women do it another. These unwritten gender laws that govern society are ultimately harmful and teach people that a way of expressing themselves that isn't typical to their gender is wrong. lasagna005

  25. Sexuality is mostly socially constructed. Our culture, although progressing, is still lagging with experiencing and or accepting homosexuality. These guys were tricked into publicly displaying an attraction to another male. I say tricked, because everything about the prank was inviting these guys to grope the butt in yoga pants, which typically are worn by women. When you add the verbal permission of the friend, and the body language-permission of the waving rear, chances are the guy is going to take the bait. If both parties are willing...then why not? I personally think the prank was not very plausible and maybe the guys should have reasoned to be skeptical of two girls bent over waving there rears, middle of the day in what seems to be a normal city sidewalk. Gender script or not.
    On a side note: I love yoga pants. jimmys005

  26. Yes this video was funny, but it also showed how people reacted when things went out of the social norm. It is normal for a woman to wear yoga pants but if a guy wore them then they are going against what the social norm is and there is a problem with that. Our society has chosen what is ok and what isn't and when they see something that a certain person does not agree with then there is conflict. Of course the men in the video would think that it was a women bending over in the video because that is socially accepted. But when it was a guy they ended up wanting to fight the person of had a harsh reaction to it because they are not used to guys wearing yoga pants and it is not socially accepted. Everyone has their own gender identity and a man wearing yoga pants is not apart of that. When something is not what you expected then you have a major reaction to the incident. This video shows that people expected women to wear the yoga pants because that is part of their gender identity, not men to be wearing the yoga pants. bball005

    1. The men getting upset is probably because their homophobia kicked in out of shock. That’s why guys don’t like guys wearing yoga pants. They will accidentally mistake another dude for being a woman and be attracted to that. As soon as they know it is not a women they get angry and defensive because they are not gay and they do not want people thinking that they are gay. To them being gay takes away some of their masculinity and that is why they get so angry at the person pulling the prank on them. Spoopy005

  27. This video was a really good video. Yes it was funny, but it also highlighted homophobia and treating women as sexual objects. These guys thought that the dude’s butt was hot until it was a DUDE’S butt. A butt is a butt no matter who it is on, so the fact that they were appalled that it was on a man real emphasizes how men see women’s bodies in sexual ways. I feel like it isn’t completely innate, the media has a big influence on men as well. All over social media you see posts about ‘thick girls’ and girls with big butts. It’s definitely affected the way I see myself. Society puts so much pressure onto genders and gender roles. I have short hair and quite often do I feel like it takes away from my femininity and makes me less appealing. Guys also have the pressures of being fit and attractive, but it isn’t to the extent that women have. And all of that pressure- on every gender- is for sex appeal; that’s become so important to us that it’s hurting our confidence and creating vain generations. Honestly, if you ever want to get into a deep discussion about genders and all of the subcategories just hit me up, because I’m opinionated but I can set aside my biases. Spoopy005


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